The Weather
Cloudiness and warmer, show-
ers in north today or tonight.
Tomorrow cooler.
01k tigan
The Bishop's Letter...
The Clawless Tiger...
i I-
Bar To Fight
Of Court Plan
Cummings Sees Hughes
Report Agrees In Part
With Administration
Again To Request
More U.S. Judges
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 29.-(P)-The
American Bar Association created a
seven-man standing army today,
ready to spring into action in the
event of further attempts to revise
the federal judiciary system.
Without opposition or debate, a
record-breaking attendance of the
association's assembly voiced approv-
al of a special committee's report
recommending the setting up of a
commission of seven members to meet
any efforts to "remake the courts."{
The Bar's legislative body, the
House of Delegates, added its prompt
ratification to the assembly's expres-
sion, likewise unanimously approving
the report prepared by a committee
headed by Sylvester C. Smith, Jr., of
Phillipsburg, N. J.
The commission will be appointed
by the association's president. It
will be instructed to report any pro-
posed changes in tpe country's ju-
dicial system to the Bar Association
for a membershipareferendum which
would guide the action of the com-
Another reverberation of the Su-
preme Court controversy was the ef-
fort of Lessing Rosenthal, Chicago,
to record the bar as favoring manda-
tory public hearings in the Senate on
Supreme Court nominations.
Rosenthal's resolution, which he
said was inspired by President Roose-
velt's appointment of Senator Hugo
L. Black to the Supreme Court, was
ruled out of assembly consideration
when it failed to receive the unani-
mous approval necessary because of
its tardy submission.
Cummings With Roosevelt
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29.-(P)-
Attorney-General Cummings, con-
tending a report signed by Chief Jus-
tice Hughes agrees in part with Pres-
ident Roosevelt's defeated court pro-
posal, announced today he would ask
Congress again to authorize addi-
tional federal judges.
The Hughes report, adopted last
week by the annual conference of
senior Circuit Court judges and made
public yesterday, recommended ap-
pointment of 16 new federal judges,
four for the circuit courts and 12
for district courts.
Cummings said at his press confer-
ence that this recommendation was
"exactly what the President's pro-
gram called for."
Mr. Roosevelt originally'asked Con-
gress to authorize the appointment
of an additional federal judge for
each incumbent past 70 who had
served 10 yearsand refused to retire.
Officials said at the time that his
proposal would permit appointment
of a maximum of 50 judges, including
six Supreme Court justices.
The report of the judges' confer-
ence made no mention of additional
Supreme Court justices nor of relat-
ing Appointments in the lower courts
to the age of present judges.
CIO Threatens
Strike At G.M.
Detroit Factory
DETROIT, Sept. 29.- (P) -The
Ternstedt Manufacturing division of
General Motors Corp. faced the threat
of a strike today.
Charging wage cuts, discrimination
against union employes and a speed-
ing up of the production line, the
Ternstedt unit of the United Automo-
bile Workers of America announced
in its newspaper that a strike vote
will be taken Thursday, Friday and
Announcement of the vote was
made in a statement by Stanley No-
vak, organizer whose dismissal was
made public yesterday by Homer
Martin, UAWA president. Officials
of the Ternstedt local said that No-
vak's dismissal would not affect plans
for the submission of the strike pro-
posal to workers.
Ternstedt employs 12,000 workers
and manufactures automobile fit-
The Greeks Have Words
For Fickle Grid Hero
Parker Webster, Syracuse football
tackle, evidently got his plays mixed
up. During his spare moments, Mr.
Webster decided to enter the fra-
ternal realm with a vengeance. Dis-
satisfied with merely joining one fra-
ternity, Webster pledged and was in-:
itiated into two different organiza-
Apparently the dual affiliation met
with complications, for both Alpha
Sigma Phi and Sigma Phi Epsilon,
the victims, found that Brother Web-
ster had brought them probation by
the Interfraternity Council. Today
tackle Webster, minus two pins, is
concentrating his efforts on the grid-
iron again-a poor victim ofa win-
ning personality.
Loyalists Fight
Major Battle
For Supply Line
Report American Aviator'
To Be Sent Back Home
From Insurgent Camp
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, Sept 29.-(P)-Arrangements
apparently were completed tonight
for the release of Harold E. Dahl of
Champaign, Ill., who was shot down
by Spanish Insurgents during a Gov-
ernment air offensive at Brunete last
July and has been their prisoner
The 28-year-old American flier
will face a court martial at Sala-
manca Oct.5uas a preliminary to his
release, Insurgent officers believed.
An arrangement for an exchange of
Dahl for an Insurgent flier held
prisoner by Government forces rest-
ed with the International Red Cross.
General Francisco Franco, Insur-
gent head, insisted that Dahl's life
at no time has been in danger. He
wrote to that effect in a letter to
Mrs. Dahl, who has been awaiting her
husband's release in Cannes, France.
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, Sept. 29.-()-A large scale
battle throughout northeast Spain
raged tonight as Government and
Insurgent forces struggled for con-
trol -of principal, avenues- to the
French border.
The fight was for possession of
areas which might provide, for the
Government, a broad lane for trans-
port of French munitions and sup-
plies, and, for Insurgents, isolation
of Government Spain from Barcelona
and Upper Catalonia.
Lerida and Barcelona felt the
shock of Insurgent air bombs, but the
main fighting was conducted to the
long northeast Aragon front The
Government declared the air raids
merely were efforts to relieve pres-
sure on Insurgent forces in Aragon
and damage was negligible.
Summer Camp
Students Prove
Healthy Bunch
Michigan s t u d e n t s attending
University summer camps proved a
healthy lot during the last camp per-
iod, according to reports from the
Health Service which provided the
medical service for them.
The Biology Station ("Bug Camp")
which is the largest freshwater bio-
logical station in-the world, was cared
for by Dr. William M. Brace of the
Health Service staff. Located on
Douglas Lake near Cheybogan, Mich.,
this camp had a population of 215.
According to Doctor Brace, the only
serious illness was that of Prof. Blan-
chard of the Zoology department
which later proved fatal. His condi-
tion of "streptococcus septicemia"
while perhaps aggravated by the
strenuous life at the camp was not a
direct result, Doctor Brace stated.
National UAW
Purge Brings
10 Dismissals
International Union Heads
Say Economy Prompted
DroppingOf Men
Reuther Included
Black Quiet;
Hints Future
Klan Speeeh
Former Alabama Senator
Says Statement Will Be
Final And Definite
Will Assume Court
May Answer Klan ChargeI
Among Dismissed Duties Immediately
DETROIT, Sept. 29.-(P)-Homer
Martin, president of the United Au-
tomobile Workers of America, shook
up the high command of the UAW
throughout the nation today with
announcement of dismissal of ten or-
ganizers and assignment of regional
The international union offices said
the dismissals were made for "econ-
omy reasons." Martin has several
times hinted at a "purge" of left-
wing forces, but did not identify to-
day's action as such.
Informed sources said Martin has
contended that the international
union was paying the salaries and
expenses of too many of the organ-
izers. The same informants said
many of those dismissed likely would
find places on the payrolls of local
Those dismissed were Victor Reu-
ther, one of the leaders in the Gen-
eral Motors strike at Flint, last win-
ter; Robert Kanter, Stanley Novak,
Melvin Bishop and William Tonn, of
Detroit; R. D. Richter of Saginaw;
Charles Rigby, Ohio; Frank Bartee,
South Bend, Ind.; Frank McMillan,
Kansas City; Eugene Stauder, An-
derson, Ind., and Frank Schutz, In-
Martin announced he had pro-
moted Loren Houser to be organiza-
tional director for Detroit. Elmer
Dowell was made director of all Gen-
eral Motors locals in the nation. R.
J. Thomas, international vice-presi-
dent, already has been appointed di-
rector of all Chrysler locals, and
Richard T. Frankensteen, director of
the organization program among
Ford Motor Co. employes.
Chinese Club
Raises Money
To Aid In War
Two Restaurants, Laundry
Cooperate To Raise $200
For Donation
The Chinese Students' Club, which
has already sent more than $200 to
their home country, is working with
two Chinese restaurants and a laun-
dry to raise funds for aiding in the
Sino-Japanese war.
The committee in charge of this
work asked each club member to
pledge a certain amount as a regular
monthly contribution. In addition
to the money collected in this way,
funds are obtained at weekly Sunday
night suppers held at Lane Hall.
Girls in the club cook Chinese food
and do the serving. Proceds from
the dinners are sent to China. One
Chinese restaurant serves a 25 cent
'supper once a month and turns the
money over to the club.
The Chinese Students' Club, to
which every Chinese student in the
University belongs, has 100 mem-
bers this year. Utah Tsao, Grad., was
recently elected president. The club
does not operate in the summer, but
because of the emergency this year
began its work in August.
All sophomores in trying out for
the Michiganensian editorial staff are
requested to attend a meeting at 3
p.m. today in the 'Ensian office in the
Student Publications Building.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29.-(P)~-
Associate Justice Hugo L. Black drew
his thin lips into a tight narrow line
today at mention of his alleged mem-
bership in the Ku Klux Klan, then
hinted that he may discuss the mat-
ter in a radio address to the nation.
Looking rested, the thin, wiry jus-
tice landed in Norfolk early in the:
day after a European vacation spent
largely in avoiding reporters. With
wry humor, he thanked several score
reporters for the "reception" given
him and hastened on to Washington
by automobile.
While his ship, the City of Nor-
folk, was brought into port from
quarantine, he submitted to his first
interview since the Klan charges were
made in a series of newspaper articles
which appeared in the Pittsburgh
"When I have any statement to
make," he said emphatically, "you
can accept it as definite and final
that I will make it in a way that can-
not be misquoted and so the nation
can hear it."
"Does that mean you will make a
radio speech?"
"I might-draw your own conclu-
As for his immediate plans, he was
going to Washington at once. Mrs.'
Black would start house-hunting and
he himself might be reached "-at
my office in the Supreme Court build-
Observers regarded this as an indi-
cation that he intends to take his
place on the high court when it re-
convenes Monday after a summer re-
Pressed for a further statement,
Justice Black said:
"If I make a statement, I will make
it publicly so the people can hear it
and can understand what I say, be-
cause some portion of the press might
decide not to publish what I said."
When a reporter for the Post-Ga-
zette handed him a stack of papers
with the remark, "I wonder if you
would care for this series of stories
published by the Post-Gazette?"
"You take that to Mr. Block."
(Paul Block is the publisher of the
Post Gazette.)
German Prize
Fund Donated
ByIKothe, 'JOL
A new scholarship prize for soph-
omore German students has been do-
nated by Herman W. Kothe, '0L, In-
diana attorney, according to Prof.
Henry W. Nordmeyer, chairman of
the German department.
Two prizes of $30 and $20, to be
paid out of the Kothe-Hildner Prize
Fund, will be awarded to students
taking sophomore German in a trans-
lation competition to be held the sec-
ond semester, Professor Nordmeyer
said. The award will be forthcom-
ing for at least three years.
According to Professor Nordmeyer,
the Kothe-Hildner Prize Fund was
named for Mr. Kothe, the donor of
the award, and for Prof. Jonathan
A. C. Hildner, of the German de-
partment,dunder whom Mr. Kothe
studied, and who is now spending
his last year in active service on cam-
Professor Nordmeyer stated that
students interested in the award
should see him in Room 204 UH.
Lord Robert Peel
Dies In Englan
LONDON, Sept. 29. - (P) - The
"father of Palestine partition," Lord
Robert Peel, died before peace came
to the Holy Land he sought to pacify
by division.
The 70-year-old head of the Royal
British Palestine Commission died at
his Petersfield home yesterday after
several weeks of illness.
When Arab-Jewish d i s o r d e r s
spread bloodshed in Britain's man-
date, Lord Peel was chosen as a vet-
eran of government service to head
the commission and make corrective
- recommendations.
His commission report, advocating
division of Palestine into an Arab
Nation's Traffic
Fatalities Nearh
All-time Recordp
Safety Council Estimatest
Toll At 24,000 During
Year's First 8 Months
CHICAGO, Sept. 29.-(P)-Death is
setting a record-breaking pace along'
the nation's streets and highways.
The National Safety Council esti-
mated today traffic accidents had
cost 24,520 lives in the first eight
months of this year.
The total was eleven per cent
greater than the 22,160 recorded in
the corresponding period of 1936-
the year the all-time high mark of
36,500 was established.
Deaths numbered 3,850 in August
compared with 3,740 in the samet
month last year.
But statisticians pointed out thef
August increaseof three per cent
was more than matched by the14f
per cent rise in automobile travelE
as gauged by gasoline consumptionr
figures, while the 11 per cent in-
crease in the first three quarters ofr
1937 was equalized by an identical1
upswing in motor mileage.F
They expect the deaths-for-miles
ratio to be somewhat lower than 19361
if the current trend holds.
New York led the cities in the eight
months death column with 528. Chi-
cago, with 511, ranked second.
However, New York had the lowest
traffic fatality rate among the mostt
populous centers.I
'37-'38 Student
Directory Sale;
BeginsOct. 18
The Student Directory will go on
sale Monday, Oct. 18, according to
Erle L. Whetsell, '39, editor.
The directory contains the name,
address, telephone number and year
of every student registered in the1
University. Faculty lists include de-
partment, position and office of each
faculty member and address and tel-
ephone number.
The directory, which is to cost fifty
cents, will go on salesat all book1
stores, the Publications Building and
on campus.
Whetsell urges any student whose
address has been changed since regis-
tration to communicate with the di-
rectory at the Publications Building.
Loeal People Give
To Help Webers
Before any plea for aid had been
made, Ann Arbor responded yester-
day to the plight of the Weber fam-
ily, With only four of their seven
children spared and all but the father
suffering from burns, the Webers
were left practically destitute by the
fire which ravaged their home at
Horseshoe Lake late Monday night
and completely destroyed their per-
sonal possessions. -
Sheriff's officers yesterday report-
ed that Birkett Newkirk, a large
I landowner around Portage Lake, had
offered the family a furnished home
without charge as long as they need
it. Local Kings' Daughters sent a
check for $15 and promised any
clothing or furniture needed, and
many other local residents inquired
what was needed and offered mat-
tresses, furniture and other things.
Prof. Morrison To Head
Columbus Safety Drive
Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the
department of transportation has
been appointed by the city of Co-
lumbus to head the municipality's
drive on ever-increasing traffic'fatal-
b ities.
East Lansing Plans
To Insure Pushover
Saturday Foiled
In the gloom of last Monday a pur-
poseful band of culprits from the
hamlet of East Lansing journeyed to
Ann Arbor carrying a strange instru-
ment of destruction.
Stealthily making their way into
the unoccupied Michigan stadium,
this ingenious crew began their equal-
ly ingenous work. There was a job to
be done, and their efforts were certain
to be repaid after the Big Game.
Their instrument-a pipecutter;
their object-the stadium goalposts;
their purpose-a bit of sawing in
preparation for Saturday's big push.
But, ah, the best of plans must
come to naught. The break was dis-
covered last night.tThe incision will
be welded. And the Spartans will
have to hire the National Guard to
attain their original purpose.
If a similar welding job can be ap-
plied this week by Coach Kipke and
staff to his band of Wolverines, it'll
be a very disgruntled band of Spar-
tans that return to home and hearth
Saturday eve.
New Violence'
Threat Voiced
In Port Huron
18 Workers Are Injured
In AF Of L-CIO Battle
At Brass Company
PORT HRON, Sept. 29.-UP)-A
threat of new violence at the Mueller
Brass Co. was voiced today upon a
decision of the management to con-
fer with its board of directors before
agreeing to the return to work of CIO
men without reprisals.
Eighteen workers were injured in
a battle between CIO and American
Federation of Labor factions at the
plant Tuesday.
Told of the management's decision,
Howard Welch, a CIO organizer, said:
"There is not going to be any stall-
ing. If they want to make it a fight,
this time it won't be just a riot. It
will be a massacre."~
Announcementof the delay in re-
turning the CIO men to work was
made by Fred L. Riggin, Sr., presi-
dent of the Brass Works, after a con-
ference with Joseph Ashmore and
Richard E. Harris, state labor depart-
ment representatives.
"The management has no desire to
make any reprisals. We have agreed
to submit the proposition that em-
ployes be. put back to work without
discrimination to a meeting of our
board of directors, to be called within
a day or two," Riggin said.
Riggin stated that the dispute is
"between two unions over bargaining
Earlier in the day a truce between
the company and the CIO was con-
cluded when Ashmore informed
Welch that he would attempt to ob-
tain assurances fromdRiggin that
there would be no discrimination,
pending a National Labor Relations
Board meeting.
13th University
Year In Radio
The 13th year of University activity
in broadcasting will begin Monday.
Oct. 13, when Prof. Joseph E. Maddy
of the School of Music will lead
the first elementary singing class of
the year over WJR.
Programs scheduled to be broad-
cast from 2:45 to 3:15 p.m. have been
moved to 3 p.m., Prof. Waldo M. Ab-
bot, director of the University Broad-
casting Service, announced yesterday
The change had not been noted in
the text of the bulletin issued by the
Extension Service.
Copies of the 16-page announce-
ment, containing the listing of pro-
grams and speakers for the year, are
available at the office of the broad-
casting service in M6rris Hall, Profes-
sor Abbot said.
Ann Arbor Drivers Rank
High In Safety Contest
Showing a sharp reduction in autc
killings after last year's record 11 fa-
talities, Ann Arbor is tied with 12
other cities thus far in 1937 for th
National Traffic Safety award among
the 67 cities in the 25,000 to 50,00(
population group, the directors of the
contest have announced. Two peopl
in this city have been killed thi,
Extremely abnormal, Prof. Roge
Shanghai Held
By Defenders
As Nipponese
Japan's Warships Silent
After Fiercest Battle
Since War's Start
Chapei, Pootuing
Areas Suffer Most
SHANGHAI, Sept. 30.-(Thurs-
day) --(P),- Chinese defenders of
Shanghai held their lines intact to-
day after weathering a terrific of-
fensive into which Japan hurled
every weapon she could muster.
Early today, after some of the
fiercest close-range fighting on the
Shanghai front since the outbreak
of the undeclared war, the front was
silent. Japanese warships, lining the
Whangpoo River from Shanghai to
Woosung, where it merges with the
Yangtze, lay with extinguished lights
in complete darkness. 1
Fire In Chapei
The only sign of swar left from the
Japanese attack on land, afloat and
from the air was a fire in the Chapei
district which, with the industrial
Pootung area across the Whangpoo
from the International Settlement,
suffered heaviest in the heavy firing.
Fighting still raged in the Liu-
hong-Lotien sector, about25 miles to
the northwest. Both sides claimed
victories there but neither report was
Chinese commanders declared their
whole line was holding all the way
from Chapei to Liuho against com-
bined land and air attacks and were
prepared for a new Japanese attack
in force.
The Japanese admittedly were at-
tempting to break through the Cha-
Ipei sector, but this correspondent,
touring that area, found the Chinese
dug in deeper than ever and showing
no sign of weakening.
"The Japanese can blast us forever
but they ,will never dislodge .us this~
time,"hdeclaredGeneral Sun Yun-
Liang, commanding the Chapei de-
Japan Answers America
TOKYO, Sept. 30.-(Thursday--
(P)-The Japanese government today
defended as strategically necessary
the aerial bombing of Nanking which
drew a formal protest from the Unit-
ed States government.
The Japanese point of view was
contained in a reply, made public
today, to the American protest of
Sept. 22, transmitted after oral rep-
resentations against Japan's an-
nounced intentions of subjecting the
Chinese capital to a mass aerial
The Japanese government added in
its note :
"We hope for the cooperation of
your government."
The note was delivered to the'
United States Embassy written in
Following is an unofficial transla-
"As your government knows full
well, Nanking, unlike any other city
in China, is a strongly fortified city.
It is the base of China's military op-
erations and it is necessary for Ja-
pan's purposes to bomb military or-
gans and establishments in and out
of the city.
'Bombing At Military Only'
I "Japanese bombing is only directed
at those military organs and has not
the intention to cause damage to
- noncombatants. Before bombing, Ja-
pan warned Chinese noncombatants.
"Japan's policy of respecting as far
as possible the lives, property and
interests of people of third powers
is unchanged as already has been re-
peatedly declared. Japan warned
American officials, people and war-
ships to take refuge and take gen-
eral precautions in order to prevent
accidents. Japan's military officials
gave preliminary warning, despite the
fact this caused no small delay in
carrying out military operations.
"We hope for the cooperation of
your government, believing your gov-
ernment fully understands the situa-
"The intentions of the Japanese
government concerning damages suf-
fered by people of third powers re-
I sulting from the fighting in China
e are as stated in a letter dated Aug.
League To Study Conflict
s GENEVA, Sept. 29.-(P)-A gen-
eral demand for immediate action on
r the Sino-Jananese crisis snnrrer the
Prof. Preuss Decries Protest
Picketing Of Foreign Embassies
Picketing of foreign embassies as a official premises can only exacerbate
protest against the policies of the an already tense situation and may
governments concerned was decried conceivably lead to measures of re-
as "futile" yesterday by Prof. Law- taliation against American citizens
rence Preuss of the political science and officials abroad," he believes.
department. "It creates needless in- Nationalistic feeling has in the past
ternational friction," he said. "frequently given rise to outburst of
An article on the problem by Pro- violence against foreign nationals
fessor Preuss will appear in the next and representatives. The law govern-
issue of the American Journal of In- ing the subject has, however, been
ternational Law. clear and state responsibility, at least
"The heightened popular feeling for offenses against members of the
growing out of events in the Far East: latter class, has generally been ad-
and Mediterranean areas," Profes- mitted.
sor Preuss indicated, increases the "In recent means of ex-