PAGE FOUR THE MCHIGAN AtYFLY SATURDAY, JAN. 22, 1939 PAI*E YOUR SATURDAY, JAN. 2~ 1~8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dr. Hutchins On Education Excerpts from 'Why Go To College?' in The Saturday Evening Post THEATRE, This Proud Pilgrimag e .. . Dear Norman: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membors of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Edited and managed by students of the University of Mohlgan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stude' Publications. Punished every morning except Mondty during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the rse for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved, E'}red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second :lass mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,0; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Reresntaive 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAO" BOSTON - LOS ANGSLLS -AN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MVIANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDlTORIAL DIRECTOR ............TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR.................WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR................ ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVINLISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER . ...NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. it's An III Wind, And Blows No Good. *** O NCE MORE AMERICA is witnessing an example of that most grotesque abuse of our representative government, the Senate filibuster. A dozen reactionary Southern politicians, owing their jobs to the maintenance of a social and economic caste system supposedly :utlawed by Constitutional amendment 70 years ago, take advantage of the unlimited debate rule of the upper House to block legislation desired by a majority of the people and their representatives by occupying the entire period of each day's ses- sion with otherwise totally pointless oratory. The filibuster has always been a favorite wea- pon of the rotten-borough Senators of the South- ern states. The late unlamented Huey Long was especially adept at it. The present Senator from Louisiana, Ellender, is likewise a master at the art of talking endlessly to rows of empty seats. Nor is he lacking in able support from his colleagues; Senator Byrnes expounds for hours upon the beauties of his native Carolina; Senator Connally affords breathing spells for both by reading into the Congressional Record useless and irrelevant reports; even those two blossoms of the flower of Southern womanhood, Dixie Graves of Alabama and Hattie Caraway of Ar- kansas, have contributed wind to the filibustering sails. Night sessions are expected to begin next week in the Senate in an effort to wear out the iron- lunged Southern Ciceros. It is by no means certain that they will succeed in their purpose, and already there is a considerable amount of talk about "making a deal" with the offenders by shelving the Anti-Lynch Bill in return for votes on the wages and hours bill. What a reflec- tion on the methods of democratic government this is if it is necessary to kill one piece of popular social legislation in order to gain enact- ment of another! Hitler and Mussolini perhaps do well to mock parliamentary institutions if the present tragi- comedy is a fair or frequent example of the demo- cratic process. Joseph Gies. rE FORUM Mr. reedmuan Accused ... To the Editor: We wish this letter to reach the person who wrote the alibi for Mr. Freedman in the issue of the 21st. You state that Mr. Freedman is not a com- munist. We have seen nothing in print that has so designated Mr. Freedman, yet your immediate denial points to the obvious-that Mr. Freedman may not be a communist in the sense of paying dues to Moscow-but that he is either of the same invariable pinkish tendencies of the parlor type that infest your editorial department-or allows his personal antipathy toward Ford to guide his rantings. The editorial wasnot worthy of comment as it was what was to be expected from the official publication of the University of Michigan or the City College of New York. Your denial, however, was interesting. A.-A -f All You will return to college at the end of your first semester or your first year and pursue your studies. They will get harder as you go along. You will have to think harder and work harder. And the college which you a e attending may make it hara to stick at the business of getting an education. For the college you are attending will probably be one that is distinguished for its financial resources, its athletic facilities and its social advantages; most American colleges are. Gentlemen purchased at what, for the teaching profession, are good salaries will exert themselves to keep you amused. Gentlemen purchased at even higher salaries will exert themselves to keep you employed in the gymnasium and on the ath- letic field. Your associates will be gentlemen. If you expend no more effort on your courses than you have to, you will find little difficulty in passing them, for they are adjusted to the ability of the average student. This is the unrippled stream of "college life" down which you may meander if you want to. If you ignore your opportunity as we (Mr. Hut- chins' generation) ignored ours, the world may UNDER THE CLOCK With DISRAELI T WAS ONLY THURSDAY EVENING that we finally discovered that the poets have it all over the professors. It is a shame, for during the past four years we must have lugged several thou- sand of the best poets around with us from class to class. And even after much labor on the professor's parts and so much on ours, the mean- ing of poetry has never come home to us so crush- ingly and with such a poignancy as in the first night of Normie Rosten's play at Lydia Mendels- sohn. THURSDAY EVENING we saw a production that was close to epic proportions. The broad scope of Rosten's view and the clean, clear treatment have given his play a lyricism that the ordinary prose drama is naturally incapable of achieving. That the play is a piece about the events leading up to the Haymarket Riot and that social and economic injustice is the theme is not the most important thing. It is the ability of Rosten's mind to envision a great "three thou- sand mile machine" oiled with the sweat of men and powered by human will, that is important. Rosten's imagination stretches from coast to coast, through history into that consciousness of what prose writers have only been able to call the "American dream." THAT IN ITSELF is sublime enough but Rosten has been able to put it on the stage in the language of our time and invest it with the realization that many men have felt and of which a few have written. Walt Whitman wandered over America and wrote America down. But Walt Whitman's poetry is closed within a book and students don't read many books when they are in school. 'Rosten has gone beyond a book and beyond even the stage of Lydia Mendelssohn. He has projected his conception right out into the audience. We think those who were there Thursday 'will pretty well agree that despite certain technical deficiencies and periodic drags, they experienced a constant tension and an ex- citement not merely the terror and the fear of dangerous events, but the exultation of a sublime idea. STRUCTURALLY, the play is perhaps a little better than the usual student play. There are drags and one or two of the important scenes are too long. But this slack is caught up always by the poetry Rosten writes. There is a close kinship to Shakespearean structure-but pretty nearly always the tension depends upon the sud- den appearance out of the welter 'of words of some cleanly written, all-embracing phrase, bril- liantly terse or thoroughly beautiful. The sur- prise and the pleasure are a unique experience for those who have heard only Maurice Evans speaking the words of 400 years ago or some of the very inferior Shakespearean productions we get in Ann Arbor. WHATEVER a student's political convictions or whatever his social position may be, we recommend "This Proud Pilgrimage" as a new emotional experience that will give him a victory over the efforts of any professor and any three hour course. The only thing it needs is prac- tice and more people like Ed Jurist to speak the lines. Charles Maxwell, William Rice, Morlye Baer, Myron Wallace and Art Harwood are not too far behind Ed either. ... Mr. Freedman Accuses To the Editor: I will not now elaborate on the stand taken in my editorial on Henry Ford but shall specifically refer to the label of communist which has been applied to me. I am neither "in the pay of Moscow," as was suggested, nor do I have "pinkish tendencies of the parlor type," except if I may be pardoned for such boldness, that I have full confidence in, President Roosevelt. Senator LaFollette, Mayor LaGuardia and the increasing host of other progressives. The term communist can be legitimately ap- plied only to one who believes in the principles of communism, while the more specific "Com- munist" means a dues-paying member of the Communist Party. not let you off as easily as it did us. If you go to college you will do well to insist on getting an education, as we did not. As I look around me from by vantage point of my advanced years, I am unconvinced, unlike many of my colleagues, that it is any easier to get a real education today than it was in the Gay 20's. The depression no more sobered the col- leges and the universities than it sobered the nation at large. With the return of material prosperity to certain areas of the population, our institutions of higher learning are as much con- cerned with the social and physical welfare 6f their students as they were before the crash. Fraternity houses and stadiums are again filled. College and university presidents are setting the pace for the students by promoting programs of expansion and beautification which have little to do with education. Education and scholar- ship can be carried on in ramshackle buildings. As a university president, I should not expect a university to refuse gifts of beautiful and useful buildings. As a sociable human being, I should not expect a college or university to ignore the social side of life. I should insist, however, that colleges and universities place first things first. The emphasis on the non-intellectual aspects of college life can only stimulate students every- where to emphasize fraternities, good manners and athletics. This emphasis the country does not need. V, I, too, have observed that the students are not so frivolous as I was. But I am not convinced that the new seriousness is meritorious in itself. It is not so important to be serious as it is to be serious about important things. The monkey wears an expression of seriousness which would do credit to any college student, but the monkey is serious because he itches. The depression, which is credited with having brought on the new seriousness in the colleges, merely intensified the conviction of students and their parents that it is important to make money. ftfe em. r o Ale Heywood BrounA It is very many years since I have climbed up into the thumb of the Statue of Liberty. Months go by in which I fail to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Poe's cottage is known to me only through fleeting glimpses as the taxi takes me to a fight or a ball game at the Yankee Stadium. But when I get to Washington everything is different. Then I am infected with the tour- ist spirit and follow guides who identif'y the statues in the Capitol and give out the price of all the portraits, which are pretty bad. In fact, it seems to me that the federal government is getting much better bar- gains for itself today in art projects than a century ago. when Congress was a sucker in vot- ing appropriations for any foreign visitor who wanted to do Washington, or Jefferson or Mad- ison. Last week, in the company of other visiting firemen, I made the grand tour of the public rooms in the White House. I had been in the press room over in the office end of the building, but this was the first time I ever had a chance to go upstairs. Lincoln Spirit Dominates House It is curious how the spirit of Lincoln dominates the mansion. Of all the Presidents it is his per- sonality which has set a remaining imprint upon the walls. There are portraits of Washington galore, but he seems a long way off, and if I remember my history the White House was burned and rebuilt since his time. You do not feel today that he walks the corridors. Of course, many alterations have been made since the Civil War, and yet the first gasp of awe comes from the tourists when the guide says, "This is the room in which Lincoln slept." Cer- tainly paint and plaster have been applied since, and the tiled bathroom could not have been the one which Lincoln knew. Pictures and hangings have been added. The whole look of the room undoubtedly has been changed. I am not even certain whether the bed itself is authentically that which stood against the wall when Lincoln walked the earth. . e * * Still His Room But this remains his room in spite of Presidents who came before him and who have followed after. Nor will there be any in the future, I be- lieve, to alter the fact that here is one corner of the White House which is forever Lincoln. I have heard a vague rumor which relates that Where are some who say the great Emancipator still glides at night out of a huge clothes press and paces the room as he must have walked sleep- less in the 1860s, worrying over bad news from Grant, and even worse from Meade. Here. I suppose, the germ came to him for the Gettys-. burg address. I believe some inner prompting of his presence comes to all who tiptoe into the room. The All-Am-erican Bo - To the Editor: By bed I pray at eventide the Lord to give T hursdiay evening. Ann Arbor got SATURDAY, JAN. 2, 1938 under the auspices of the Depart- its first glimpse of the first of theY VOL. XLVIII No. 87 ment of Political Science. The public Rosten epics at the Lydia Mendel- is cordially invited. ssohn Theatre. It was gratifying to Student Loans: All requests for new see Play Production active in the in- loans for the second semester should A lecture on Religion as a World terests of the student-playwright be filed in the Office of the Dean of Order, not as Utopian Idealism, will again and noteworthy that they had Students on or before Jan. 25. be given at eight o'clock Friday eve- chosen such an ambitious work as L.S.&A. Juniors and Seniors wish- ning, Jan. 21, in the Michigan League 3 or by Harlan Ober of Boston. Mr. Ober- ours to resume what we all hope will: ing to change their field of concen- is an experienced lecturer and radio be a continued policy. tration for the second semester, commentator on woi'ld events and A good audience was out to see how please procure slips at Room 4 U.H., problems. His lecture is offered by you presented the lusty conflicts of have them signed by the adviser in the Baha'i class and is free to the the new field, and return them to bl the eighteen-eighties between men of Room 4, U.H. before Feb. 1, 1938. pubic. No collection, labor and finance, those men of one' Robert L. Williams. University Lecture: Sir Herbert vision, one American ideal, who soon Uslters and re r Herbert Ames, lecturer and former Canadian were aligned against one another by School of Music Freshmen: Fresh- statesman, will lecture on "Does Gcr- the contradictions of the economic men Group 69A and B, will meet with man Rearmament Necessarily Mean system in which they worked; to hear their adviser Thursday, Jan. 27. at 4 War?" on Thursday, Jan. 27, in Nat- the hard-scrapping lingo of the rail- p.m. in Room 205, School of Music ural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., road builders, the silver dollar Building. under the auspices of the Depart- speeches of the frock-coated men in ment of Political Science. The public possession; the proud pilgrimage to Students Planning to do Directed is cordially invited. Haymarket and the lightning tragedy Teaching: Students expecting to do Hayaretandth lghnin tagdydirected teaching the second semes- E eTo a that struck there; to learn the quiet ter are urged to interview Dr. Curtisy weoist tofthealle innocetdreams of in Room 2442 University Elementary University Broadcast: 9-9:15 a.m. wet t t he gallows ith dreams o School according to the following Jack and Joan at M ichian thouandMav avsin teirheas- I schedule: Of all the 15 scenes that passed so Wednesday, Jan. 26: 1:30 to 4:30, fluidly over the magnificent setting Mathematics and Science, Commer- that Oren Parker conceived, the last cial Subjects. was by far your best. Here your Thursday, Jan. 27: 1:30 to 4:30 bright-bodied poetry got hold, and Latin, French, German, Fine Arts. even though the scene was physically Friday, Jan. 28: 9:00 to 12:00, the most static of any in the play, you English and Speech. ad us sitting on the edg s of our Friday, Jan. 28: 1:30 to 4:30, So- seats by the pure strength of thecilSues "word." Here was poetic drama that cial Studies. was both intense drama and rich Assignments for directed teaching poetry. Why, we wondered, did you are made in order of application. wait until this very last scene to show us the force of a controlled and shin- Freshman Residence in Fraterni- ing verse? Surely the lyric tone of ties: At a recent meeting of the Com- the play justified more. It was in mittee on Student Affairs the follow- this lack that we found our severest ing action was taken: criticism. You simply didn't give the As an incentive to improved schol- poetry in you a proper chance. Of arship and as an aid to those fra- course, there was that bit in the first ternities whose houses have been only' scene where you, yourself, as a vision- partially filled during the first se- ary spike-driving kid, stood up to mester, the request be granted sub- speak those poignant lines that ject to the following conditions: brought the whole conception of what 1. That proper notice of intention this continent-busting gang meant to move be given to the Office of the straight home to us. Too, we were Dean of Students in writing by the held by the lost illusions of Anton freshman at least one month before Slovak, on his death-bed, played by the beginning of the second semester; William Rice, and the furious words 2. That the freshman be scholas- of his son, Pete (Charles Maxwell) tically eligible for initiation; who tried to escape the steel-dust 3. That the freshman present to the plague with his blind and violent Dean of Students written permission, little plans of sabotage. There were from his parent or guardian to live numerous moments like these, but in his fraternity house;I they were too far apart and we forget 4. That except in extraordinary 9:15-9:30 a.m. Class in Radio Read- ing and Dramatics. University Broadcast: 5 :45-6 :00 p.m. School of Music Program. The University Glee Club. David E. Mattern, Conductor. A few tickets are still available at Lydia Mendelssohn Box office for the last performance of "This Proud Pil- grimage" presented by Play Produc- tion. Phone 6300. 8:30 curtain. Michigan Dames: The Child Study Group invites the children of Mich- igan Dames to a party to be held Saturday, Jan. 22, 3 to 5 p.m. at the University Elementary School. Chil- dren of all ages are invited. Phi Delta Kappa Lunclieon at the Michigan Union 1:00 p.m. Form discussion and business meeting. Tle Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall on Saturday at 3:00 o'clock and will go outside of town for skating, hiking and skiing. Sup- per will be served at Lane Hall. The Outdoor Club will meet at the Women's Athletic Building at 1:30 this afternoon to go skating or hik- ing as the weather permits. The group will return later to Lane Hall them as we followed the comparative- circumstances where, in the opinion's of for refreshments. All students area in- ly thin prose that your people spokelof the Dean of Students, conditions vited to join us. most of the time. We thought that warrant exception being made, per- -___tooinus e'd like to see a play of yours whose mission shall not bebgivenmforfresh- every scene was as full and sharp men residence in any fraternity ex- Coming Events and poetically striking as that last cp: fl aace hsc olqim r .W y one. Physics Colloquium: Mr. A. W. Ty- n a.) to fill room vacancies existing ler and Mr. W. W. Sleator, Jr., Will We all agreed that the actors did during the first semester, or caused show motion pictures taken with well by you and that the direction by first semester occupants leaving High Speed Camera; and Professor was fine. Edward Jurist and Charles I the University in February, and Meyer will conduct an inspection of Maxwell were tops, we thought, with b.) where the scholastic average of the Light Laboratory, with demon- Myron Wallace in the short role of the fraternity for the year 1936-37 sthe Lighat the Physics Colloquium the anarchist, Spirella, just as good. was at least as high as the all-men Monday, Jan. 24 at 4:15. The pictures From the first glimpse of him, we average for the same year. will precede the inspection of the knew Jurist would be the "good guy" It was voted that the Interfrater- Light Laboratory and will be shown of the piece. And though we have nity Council be notified that in the in Room 141 E. Physics Bldg. always suspected such patent one- future no exceptions would be madeinRo 101EPhscBlg sidedness, he had us ready to trust to the University rule providing that La Sociedad ispanica: All members him with the front door key by the freshmen shall not live in fraternity et tl t the Rentschler Stu end of the first act. More than that, houses. _ _dio, 319 E. Huron, 2:30 p.m., u, he recited what poetry was given him Jan.ay 23, f. M an p itur, with a respect that paid him good re- Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-Jan.2,foriganensian picture. turns in the appreciation of the au- ences: Any members desiring mem- dience. bership emblems who have not pre-'- Michigan Dames: Art group meet- ere. gviously signed or paid for these will ing, Monday, 8 p.m. at the League. We're getting so that the moment Charles Maxwell comes on the stage, please sign the list on the Aeronau- we simply sit back and wait for the tical Department Bulletin Board im- A forum on prints, print-making Hs amediatelf. Payment for the pins is and print-collecting will be held un- shooting. He's made for the parts, nader the auspices of the Ann Arbor as you can see .by the way he fitted not necessary at this time. Art Association in the small galleries into this one, and perhaps someday . - of Alumni Memorial Hall Sunday, you may write him a condensed Academic Notices Jan. 23 at 3:30 p.m. Professor Mas- chronicle that will take him from G tro-Valerio and others will answer Greek hatches to the gat. After the Geography 117: Geography of Af -tr-aeoan ohrswlasxr rica. This course will be given the questions. excellence of her work as the tight-sd fisted, taut-kneed youngster in "Ex-u second semester on Tuesdays and Acolytes: There will be a meeting cursion," we had expected more ofTusa tM nRo 25AH n1 odyte:eevewill be. 24a meeting1" Nancy Schaefer as Madrian. You, of stead of at the hour and place pre- Monday evening, Jan. 24 at 7:30. Mr. vioushly announceu.fFred Brandeis will introduce a dis- course, were less kind to her than viously announced. cussion on "Truth and the Lack of anybody from the writing end. It Music 41: There will be an extra Consequences." All former members would tax anyone to have to wear a Laboratory period this afternoon from are urged to attend and others in- table-cloth shawl, make faces into 1 to 4 o'clock. terested in philosophical discussion handfuls of flowers, then suddenly are invited. Room 202 S.W. blossom from a downriver urchin into a Ladie's Home Journal cover and Concerts The Christian Student Prayer keep believable. Arthur Harwood and Band Concert. The University of Group will hold its regular meeting at Robert Corrigan played decidedly un- Michigan Concert Band, William D. 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 23, in the sympathetic parts with subtle venom. Revelli, conductor, will play a pro- Michigan League. The room will be There's promise in all of it as shin- gram of concert music in the School announced on the bulletin board ing as that 19th century American of Music series, Sunday afternoon, there. All Christian students are vision you talked about. Norman, but Jan. 23, at 4:15 o'clock, in Hill Au- welcome. most of all we say: write poetry, be ditorium. The general public, with consistent in it and you'll find your- the exception of small children, is University Men and Women: Reser- self a dramatic poet to match any we invited, but is respectfully requested vations for the buffet supper to be have yet produced. to be seated on time as the doors will held Sunday night at the League Best always, be closed during numbers. must be made by Saturday noon at John either the League or the Union desks. __Graduation Recital. Thomas W. The charge will be 35 cents. The 1 Williams, tenor, of Gomer, Ohio, a affair will be stag and all men and '* istudent of Arthur Hackett, will ap- women are invited to attend. Svnj CO :pt n pear in recital, offering a program inI I E opartial fulfillment for the degree of Suomi Club: Meeting at Lane Hall By TOM McCAINNMaster of Music. Monday evening,-'Jan. 23, at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24, at 8:15 o'clock, in the Audi- Moving into the MADhattan room torium of the School of Music. The Tryouts for the Hillel Player's ma- of the Pennsylvania last week after general public is invited. jor production, "Roots," by Edith G. Benny Goodman had left on a trek Whitesell, will be held at the Foun- around the swing trail. came Bob Exhibition .dation on Sunday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 Crosby and his brilliant band, the Etchings, Aquatints and Mezzotints, p.m. All students interested in work- most accurate purveyors of "dixie- by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va- ing on production should report to land" we can think of. lerio of the College of Architecture, Louise Samek or attend the tryouts. Although the band itself is colored in the South Gallery, Alumni Mem- with this resurrected style, it is the orial Hall; and Etchings, Lithographs Churches Bob Crosby "Bobcats,'" eight mem- and Woodcuts by the Chicago Artists bers withinthe band, who give really Group in the North Gallery, Alumni Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) the best example of the thing made' Memorial Hall- daily 2> tn n rmin. 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.