WAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATTUEPAT, JAN. ZZ 138 .. ....... ................ ............................... - - --- - --------- I . 1.1 'I m ilill I I 111 11 Police Probe Plot To Bomb Jajnallese Ship .13,onb Deziogued'lo Wrreck Liiier iy-e Narti Found L ene athiSeattle Iier SEATTLE, Jan. 21.-(-/Pk--A power.. Sul bomb, fashioned for an asserted attempt; to blow up the Japanese liner Hiye Maru, was found beneath a Seattle pier today and police began investigating reported ramifications of the unsuccessful plot. The bomb yielded 369 sticks of 60 per cent dynamite, 28 fuses and a time-firing device. An expert said it contained enough explosive to blast a hole five or six feet in diameter in the ship's hull. A preliminary examination indi- cated water leaking into the bomhb's covering-a suitcase-stopped the time device when the contact hand was only one-eighth of an inch from the firing position. Mild-mannered Rolphe Forsyth, 27, former Canadian schxoolmaster who drowned apparently rafter swimming and pushing the bomb into position alongside t he ship, was described by acquaintances as one who "abhorred war, brutality and killin~g." George Partridge, 22, Vancouver, B. C., laborer who admitted taking part in the plot, stuck to his story that Forsyth promised him $1,000 for the job and iuz,,ited "Oriental inter- ests" would supplr~y the money. In Vancouver, Chief Constable W. W. Foster md public a statement by Partridge's fathecr, Williamn, a barber, ascserting tha t George had told hime about the plot three weeks ago. Informally taking cognizance of the statemntdf Chinese Consul Gen- eral C. C. Huang in San Francisco said he had no knowledge of any pro- posals to bomb ships carrying scrap metal to Japan. Senlte Cormmittee Approves Court. Ap1)illtment Of Reed f EENING RAD'1o PROGRAMSI 11 I, ~~1X11 11 :31- 12:00' -- lfolr ce lil 01'011l Billy SwanIson Orch. -Ishain jJones GreWl --bop Fi'elds GroWz ti:1ai Muic al. G 45 -Cormedy ta lRrs 7:00 News, Cones, to I,lle. 7:30}.--Cartnorundlui Iandt. k3:30-Phlip M 1orris. 4:00---Profess:or Q11i/. 9:30--Saf urd-1y Ni.+ht $. 'rttc ed. 10:0--youir HitParade. 10:45--Radio Soap Bfox. 11 :15-Bu~tddy Rogers Oroli. 11 :30_1j(o1)Crosy -lorob. 12:00 Dantce Mustic. 6:30_ 6:45- 7:00- 7'30 7:4-I- 18:00- 3:30- 9 :00.- 9 :30- 10 :00 - 11:30- 12:00- I S J1' . . -Pre-s Radio Newst. -Reigio in t heuNewf;. z attrt.e e.t's Kindergarten. -(col [ (s Miquelle. -Sport Review. -Believe It Or Not. --.ack Haley -Dance Music. -Special Delivery. -NBC Syvmphoniy Orch. -Dance Music. -Dance Music. wvJin P.M. 6i:0( -Stevenon New,. _::._. _ ._. iI w xyz 6:00 WxilkPcie 0:;5-- 1Ma,11,Wchcr Ori't 6:: -31) h~ ml NnLgel Ore] - '7-{ :0Msaeof ISrl.t 73:'0 Towolk 7/:45 -- Sandlot 1 ers. 8 *00- arry Lewis torch. 8:30--Larry Fuink Oreli 8:45--Victor Arden. 9:00..-National Barn Dau cc. 10 :00-NBC Symiphon y Orchi. 11 :3P- Dance AMusic. 12:00- -Graystone. 12:31) --Dance m~usic C (JLI1 A 4, n;te judiciary sub-committee voted unanimous alpproval of the nomination of Solicitor -6'eieral Stanley Reed for Justice on the Supreme Court. Shown at the hearing, left to right: Sen. M. M. Logan, of .Kentucky; Reed, and Sen. Frederick Van Nuys of Indiana. UJAW Meeting Eje'Cts Nyoriiii i4 r 111Aide LANSING, Jan. 21.- (I P) --Seth Whitmore, secretary of the Lansing Public Forum, said he was ejected to- night from a United Automobile Workkers of America hall when he tried to distribute handbills adver- tising a meeting to be addressed by Norman Thomas, socialist leader, and Noel Seidman. Whitrnore said representatives of the Forumn had been denied permis- siont to announce the forthcoming talks by 'Thomas and Seidinan at the UAWA meeting, so hie attempted to pass out the cireulars. He said the handbills were confiscated. Whitmore said he and others would pass out more handbills outside the union ha]l tomorrow. Faculty M-cinhers , ( 1J Go o conve-11tioiis Two mnembers of the 'University faculty will attend the annual meet-, ing of the American Council of Learned Societies next Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27 and 28 in New York City. Prof. Campbell Bonner, hecad of the Greek department, will attend as a delegate of the American Pilologica~l Society and Prof. Roy W. Sellar's as a member of the advisory council of, the American Council of Learned So- cie.ties. Attending the. Amer ican Society of' Chemical Engineers' convention in New York this week mare Prof. H-enry C. Higgs of the civil engineering de- pal"tment, xvho was recently elected pr esident of the society; Prof. Robert 1-1. Sherlock of the ; ivil engineering# department, and Prof. Edward L. Eriksen of t-he engineering mechanics department. 6:00 6:15-_.1 (3:30-..' 7:10-- 3:00 - 8:30--- 9:00-1 9:30. - 11:00-- Ii '. ai . -ful 1eport' r. -Harold Turner. Vincent York Urei - Dance iVunic. Dance MVusic.- Barnstormuers. --Happy Hal. -Johnny Messner Orchi. -Indiana polls Sytnphion y- --Canadian Club Reporuo'r. s f I t ' i ', t 3ft$, t {' ! , Iyy t F 1441 { 11'i 4i S 1 I I i I , x a f I i f 1 , _ -- . PREPARE FOR FINAL EXAMS at the BLUEBOOK DANCE [ONIGHT Th e League is giv- ing eachi of its guests a FREE Bluebook. Eniclosed in five of these Blue- books will be ONE FREE TICK- ET -- five free admissions in all. MICH IGAN LEAGUE __ Campus CUT-RATE DrugsI 218 S. State -u_-- NEXT TO GOLDMAN'S Phlo e 9,35) TODAY ONLY 100 ASPIRIN liC Ilbw Half &Half Tobacco 59c 250 Pond's Tissue lc Di reior LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices.I --WANTED ROOMMATE wanted for graduate engine1er student. 737 Packard. Ph. 2-2:31. 308 TYPIN'G; neatly and accurately dlone. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x VIOLA, STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone 63;27. Experienced typist. Reason- able rates. 2:12 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical 'instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304. 2xs FOR RENT ROOM for one student. Small. quiet house. Comfortable, well-heated, well furnished. Phone 4489. SINGLE ROOM one block from cam- pus. $3.50 per week. 503 E. Liberty. 309 VACANCY in double room for grad- uate or undergraduate girl. King's League House. 818 Lincoln. Phone 2-2117. 310 ROOM FOR MEN:Large, Wneat, at- tractive. Single or double. Private home. 601 Catherine. Phone 2-3653, 306 SINGLE ROOM. Private bath. 911, Forest. Phone 8169. 303 1 MEN iSTl i)ENTS : Fr out(ldable wit I i i veranldai. Also pleasant single. Con - i~ll~*. hot showers. Board if de- sired. 523 Packard. 2-2320. 304 ROOM for bousiness woman, Close. to cam pu:s, hospital, Nicely furlushed.1 Private home1. 407 E. Kingsley, 7825.1 305 ROOMS;: Large and well furnished, Excellent location. Steam heat. Reasonable. 432 S. Division. Phone 4929. 302 SINGLE or double room. Large, light and warm. 4 minutes from campus. Reasonable. 214 Packard St. 301 GIRLS ROOMS in approved league house, 3 singles and 1 double. 102$1 Church. Phone 6548. 299 FIV E -ROOM apartment, private ybath, hleat and water furnished. 727 Miller Ave. Phone 2-2358. 298 SUITE for 2 students, graduates pre- ferred. Near Law Club. Quiet, run- ning water in room. Call 6690. 300 FOR 3 MEN, suite with private bath and shower. Also large double with adjoining lavatory. Steam heat, bath, shower. Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington. 295 F~OR SALE 11FORMAL : Red cr~epe, black and silverr jacket, size 14 to 16. Reasonable.1 1308 Geddes, Apt. 1. Call Saturday 1 P.M. 311. TUXEDO, size 36. Good condition. Only worn twice. Very reasonable. SPhone 8974. Dick Morton. 277 W " t xcuiotL to $,-'1-5-0Round Trip COACHES ONLY Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Jan. 28, 29, 4 30 Jan, 23, 8:14p).m., 11 :55 l).))). -'an. 29, 1:05 a.m., 6:55 8.111. A-riv iaga ,ra Falls, N.Y. .. ..7 :,5 a.m. East Tt )e Eli lirti ttkets goo0d to leave Niagara Fells, N.Y., not ladter tha1n1 11) :4.) t,Iury 310, 1938, and colnlectiUW train f'rom Btfllo. Chiiilren of proper wage, half fare --- no baggage checked. 13 .ilolden, Tick.et Agent. Phonme Dil 2-3131 or 2 -3132. NEWFYORK CENTRAL SYSTEM NoW ShWIN SLI-MIEUJ UUIRJ v , tI - - r '> /j ' T1'ODAY! 2:00 - 4:00) - 7.-00,- 9:00- SUNDAY 1 -3 - 5 -7 - 9P.Mo. C _ , ..mac _ tp . . :. I