FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JAN. 21, FOtYR FRIDAY, JAN, 21, 11 Jill ; TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY . ' , -1 Y., . IC5--, iI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studenp Publications. Puwished every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. En'.red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESBNTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. Collese Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR................. WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR..................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR.................HELEN DOUGLAS 6PORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily . staff and represent the views of the writers only. Tammany Is Still Hanging Around. . . DESPERATELY CLINGING to the few posts it still retains and trying to make the most of a favorable press, Tammany continues to thwart the New York City Council, stalling legislation and precipitating quarrels among the councilmen. The first of its moves, taken during the ab- sence of American Labor Party's Michael J. Quill of the Bronx, succeeded in delaying approval of the city budget and left thousands of employes payless until Mayor La Guardia practically was on his knees before the body. Now, three weeks after its first meeting, the body is stalemated over the vice-presidency and prospects of legislation seem small. Again taking advantage of Quill's absence, they pushed John Cashmore, a Democrat, into the post which Chairman of the Council A. Newbold Morris declared required a full majority vote of 14, in- stead of the 13 Cashmore got. First objections to the P. R. system came from nearly all New York's newspapers, which seized the delayed, corrupt ballot tallying to show how time- and money-wasting the voting could be. Through a technicality, most of those chosen to count the votes were Tammany men who got the $10 a day plum for party loyalty. The outsider, on superficial observation, may think that the old, clumsy Board of Aldermen, without its strife, was more efficient-exactly the opinion the newspapers desire to create. Ac- tually, the Board was made up entirely of Tam- many men and the only dissension could have been occasional outbursts from Joseph Clark Baldwin III, one of the few Republicans on it, Joseph N. Freedman. Railroad Fares.. T HOSE OF US who have had the misfortune to travel on the railroads on any holiday perhaps have been a little puzzled as to the way we were treated. Perhaps we were stuffed into an overheated coach and left to stifle away, or got in the wrong section of the train because there was nobody around to direct us and then were bawled out by a sullen-faced conductor for being in the wrong section. Perhaps we asked ourselves why, after a hun- dred years of railroad organization the railroad companies cannot foresee holiday crowds and make proper provision for them. The reason, more than likely, is that the rail- roads also carry freight, revenues from which constitute about 88 per cent of the railroad's operating income, according to Gilbert H. Burck writing in last week's New Republic. The writer estimates that it costs about a dollar and a half per mile to run the average passenger train, and the eastern railroad companies are only making about that much now. Inasmuch as the average freight train earns around seven dollars a mile, the railroads can't be blamed for looking on the passenger train as an evil, more or less necessary. 'Now the railroads want to increase their rev- enues from passenger fares and are asking for a 25 per cent increase in the rates. Such an in- crease would more than likely cut the number of train travelers by such an amount that total revenues, if increased at all, would be raised only slightly, and very likely might even cut net in- come from passenger fares below the present l n .- ''ir-Ir -l7ST total cost of operation is a dollar and a half. The railroads do not even have to cut that much, Burck says, citing the example of the western railroads which have been making good profits with rates slightly below 2 cents a mile, the pastern rate at present. Specifically he cites the Union Pacific's Chal- lenger, the Milwaukee road's Hiawatha and the Burlington's Zephyr, all of which trains have been turning in two to seven dollars a mile. Whether Burck's figures are substantially cor- rect or not, the mere fact that the eastern rail- roads have never done any too well with the higher rates in the oast would seem to point to the fallacy of raising rates, especially in view of the fact that the western railroads have made the lower rates mean larger net profits. Albert P. Mayio. THE FORUM] The Other Side To the Editor: Wiser than they knew were the members of the Board in Control of Student Publications, when they required printed the defense afforded by the explanatory note which heads the edi- torial columns of the Michigan Daily, along with the enforced signing of editorials; for Wed- nesday's contribution to the questionable edi- torial policy of the Daily was as flagrant an ex- ample of sophomoric social philosophy as these tired old eyes have seen. I refer to "What Does He Think, Etc., Any- how?" Perhaps it is old-fashioned and unsophis- ticated to believe in the fundamental principles of our democracy; perhaps it is clever to deride the American system of free private enterprise, upon which we have builded our nation; yet I cannot fathom the type of intellect which at- tempts the condemnation of as sound a policy for the advancement of the American people. I'd rather be considered unsophisticated! Of course Henry Ford (or any other person who has possessions or property) will oppose a faction which desires the distribution of his prop- erty among that faction. Isn't it natural to pro- tect something which one has made-built up from the proverbial shoestring? Just so would you and I guard something which is our own-our possession-gained through our labor, or the ap- plication of our talents. Property rights have long been regarded in America as the incentive which enables any man to lift himself to a position of social and finan- cial importance; the principle is the keystone of our democratic institutions. Ergo, why should we stand passively by to allow anyone to tell us how to run our own business-or what to do with that which is ours? If, instead of his impassioned plea against Ford, or anyone who endeavors to protect his own property, Mr. Freedman had outlined a construc- tive suggestion as to some principle which would supplant the apparently inefficacious one per- taining to individual civil liberty and property rights, I would not have been constrained to at- tempt a rebuttal; but as the question now stands, it is a disgrace to the University of Michigan to allow the challenge to be crammed down our literary throats unanswered. The battle be- tween the "haves" and the "have-nots" is not objectionable if constructive criticism is offered; but if Mr. Freedman, as an embryonic journalist, desires recognition, let me remind him that it would be better next time if he looked into at least two sides of the question. -John P. Hinckley, '38. EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Freedman criti- icized Henry Ford "for resisting the union- ization of his employes; for his defiance of the NLRB orders and for purchasing, through his Japanese subsidiary, war in- demnity bonds." He then predicted that Ford would be pictured as "philanthropic," "cour- ageous," "paternalistic" and/demanding his own rights." The obvious reason Mr. Freed- man feels as he does about Ford's anti-union activities, is that in conducting himself so, Ford is disobeying the Wagner Labor Act, which has been declared constitutinal by the Supreme Court. Mr. Freedman is not a communist, and there was nothing in his editorial to impress the reader that he is.) An Anomaly To the Editor: Why did the Michigan Public Utilities Com- mission issue a summons to a bus company for providing additional service for the students homeward bound at Christmas Vacation? On Friday, Dec. 17th the Greyhound Lines op- erated two special coaches for students destined for Buffalo and New York. These busses (as has been the policy at Spring and Christmas Vacations for some year) were scheduled to leave Ann Arbor at 12:30 p.m., which was apparently the time that the students desired to leave, so that they would arrive home as quickly as pos- sible and be able to spend as much of the vaca- tion at home as time allowed. When the special coaches were loaded and ready to leave Ann Arbor, several Utility In- spectors issued summons to the drivers for operating off schedule. These summons make it necessary for representatives of the Greyhound Lines to appear in the court of Judge Payne at Ann Arbor for a hearing which, I believe is to be held Friday. January 21. In other words, because the Greyhound Bus Lines provided Special Coaches for the conven- ience of the students at a time of day no regular schedules were operated, they must appear be- fore a court to answer charges for providing this service. It has always been my understanding that a ii feeinr lo Me A,-) H-eywood Broun I have been on a good many ships-American, French and English-but I remain an illiterate land-lubber as far as ocean travel is concerned. But at that I doubt that my ignorance is any morerprofound than that of the average pas- senger who goes down to the sea in a steamer chair. Accordingly, I feel that grave injustice is being done to crews by the publicizing of passenger tes- timony in regard to matters concerning which the wit- nesses are by no means ex- pert. I have in mind a'recent widely reported story in which a tripper accused the crew of drunkenness on the ground that "the ship steered an erratic course." I have grave doubts as to whether the average passen- ger reclining on the promenade deck could pos- sibly have any knowledge whatsoever as to the nature of the ship's course. Once Sandy Hook is passed I don't pretend to know whether we are heading for Havana or Cape Horn. And neither do the rest of the crowd in the smoking room. That is how ship's pools are born. * .* Old Navigator Copeland Again I think it extremely unfair for Senator Copeland or his committee to give out the highly generalized accusation of a nameless shipmaster. The gentleman in question was reported to have testified that he had seen "discipline vanish en- tirely" in the American merchant marine. Even if the witness had a rowboat he could hardly have covered conditions on all the vessels, and if he spoke only for his own ship there is at least the possibility that the witness himself was a wee bit incompetent. Little of the material given out by Senator Copeland has been specific. The committee seems to be fishing for rumors rather than angling for facts. Indeed, the whole thing seems to be a drive against the unionizing of crews. I think the Algic case is a striking example of a miscarriage of justice. It is utterly unfair to call a strike in port a mutiny. And I am won- dering why Senator Copeland and his associates have been so indifferent as to seeking testimony as to pay, hours, food and crew quarters. With Proper Allowances Of course, passengers have a right to be heard, but sometimes their testimony should be taken only with a barrel of brine. The early stories about the President Hoover have not been borne out by later investigation, but the first story al- ways get more play than even the most authentic denial. Indeed, I think that one of the troubles with passenger ships is the passenger himself. Luxury liners have bred a kind of captiousness. Even the finest floating hotel may run into conditions under which the toast may be burned. When I hear talk about rudeness on the part of members of the crew I wonder whether justifica- tion may not exist in certain instances: There are new tides, and no one should expect maritime workers to be forever the story-book sailors who said nothing but, "Aye, aye, sir!" and enjoyed the privilege, being tearfully called "gallant sea- dogs" as they went down with the ship. Cer- tainly there was a time when the chief duty of a ship's officer seemed to be to invent some piece of work whenever he saw a member of the crew standing idle. And as far as the contact between passenger and crew goes, I think the man who orders the ham and eggs or the scotch and soda should be under the same compulsion to courtesy as the man who serves the food or drink. Most of my experience has been on West Indian cruisers, and on every voyage there have been a small number of passengers who began to raise infernal cain the moment they got a little salt air in their nostrils. I have never seen a steward slug a passenger, but on several occasions it would have been a proper thing. The rule of the sea ought to be that the passenger who gives courtesy gets it in return. What could be fairer than that? On The Level By WRAG Shakespeare students up in Mosher Hall had a session about "Othello" the other night and got into a pretty hot debate as to whether Othello was a negro or a Spanish Moor. Into the middle of this fight about Othello's racial features walked a freshman. "Who is-this guy, Othello?" she asked innocently. "Does he want a date with some girl in the dorm?" All of which brings back the story about the time "Othello" was playing on Broadway, and the "t" and the second "o' went on the blink in the huge electric signboard, thus leaving a phrase which made New Yorkers laugh twice. The POO vs, fOO situation has caused a lot of comment. Many are asking, "What's new in the dormitory plan?" The correct answer is, "Murfin Gate." A t._ - 1 ._ 7: FRIDAY, JAN.21, 1938 men residence in any fraternity ex- Those fortunate enough to be in VOL. XLVIII. No. 86 cept: the audience for this first perform-( a.) to fill room vacancies existing Warning to Pedestrians: The avoid- duringthe firsemeste r ed ance of an unusual Play Production ance by narrow margins of severaldby first semesteccupan sei presentation had an experience which serious- accide:ts to persons using the Uivesiemes eroccupants leaving has hitherto been confined to those driveways as sidewalks prompts this b) where the scholastic average of attending the Maddermarket, Dublin issue of an urgent warning to students the fraternity for the year 1936-37 Gate, Abbey. and Mercury Theatres: and othrs no oing lacein te aivall was at least as high as the all-men they witnessed the premiere of one times especially dangerous to cross average for the same nyear f of the most remarkable additions to the parking space on foot and this It was voted that the Interfrater- the growing body of modern poetic should not be done except by those for future no exceptions would be made drama whom it is necessary to reach their tothe Universi oul ding tat Mr. Norman Rosten's dramatic own cars. On several occasions pe- freshe shallrty li providing that poem, based on the puzzling and destrians have escaped by the nar- live in fraternity tragic history of the Chicago Hay- rowest chance being hit by drivers houses. market riot, is a skilful, sincere, and backing out from a parking stall. A Summer Work: Today, Friday is the illuminating treatment of apparently moment or two saved by walking last day for registration for camp uncompromising materials. Above all "cross-lots" is comparatively of small counseling and other types of sum- else it is successful stage-drama, writ- importance. mer work. Application forms may be ten by an author whose sense of the It is repeated that all, persons are called for at 201 Mason Hall. Office stage is always adequate, and often urged and warned not to walk unnec- Hours: 9:00-12:00 and 2:00-4:00. something more. The individual sarily in parking spaces or driveways. University Bureau of Appoint- scenes, splendidly conceived in their ments and Occupational In- dramatic terms, and etched with most First Mortgage Loans. The Univer- formation, 201 Mason Hall. disarming simplicity on an unusually sity has a limited amount of funds wide canvas, have both audience-im- to loan on modern well-located Ann Tnotice pact and a rewarding acting effec- Arbor residential property. Interest The Bureau has Civil Serviceived notice of tiveness fully realized in this evening's at current rates. Apply Investment tions: performance by actors and director Office, Room 100, South Wing, Principal Plant Physiologist, $5,600 alike. Mr Rosten's dramatic touch University Hall. a year; Bureau of Plant Industry, Do- is never, in fact, so sure as in situa -partment of Agriculture. tions which dramaturgically seem All students whose parents are Fire Cooperation Specialist, $3,800 most difficult of solution. The first members of a Rotary Club are urgedta year; U.S. Forest Service, Depart- meeting of Bronson and Madrian to leave their names at 107 Mason ment of Agriculture. (Act D, the passing scene preceding Hall immediately. Actuarial Assistant, $2,580 per year; the riot (Act II), and the moving fin- I Detroit Civil Service Commission. ale in the jail (Act III), all display a - controlled delicacy of execution and Final Examination Schedule, First Semester, 1937-38: College of Litera- an evocative suggestiveness that are ture, Science, and the Arts, Graduate School, School of Education, School of rare things in the contemporary Forestry. American theatre. ~- ~- Since tonight's performance was to Exam. Time Time of Examination some extent a literary as well as a Group of First Semester Second Semester dramatic event, it is natural that the Letter Exercise inevitable comparison with the recent -- - -- verse-drama of Auden, Isherwood A Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 7, 9-12 Wed., June 8, 9-12 Christopher Hassall, and Archibald B Mon. at 9 Fri., Feb. 4, 9-12 Mon., June 6, 2- 5 Macleish should present itself to the C Mon. at 10 Wed., Feb. 2, 9-12 Tues., June 7, 9-12 audience. In sheer dramatic power, D Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 31, 9-12 Mon., June 6, 9-12 Mr. Rosten will certainly not suffer, E Mon. at 1 Tues., Feb. 8, 2- 5 Mon., June 13, 9-12 and if his poetical line is not always F Mon. at 2 Mon., Jan. 31, 2- 5 Sat., June 4, 9-12 so sustained, it is at least obvious that G Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 8, 9-12 Thurs., June 9, 9-12 it gains in power as the play proceeds, H Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 7, 2- 5 Mon., June 13, 2- 5 deepening in overtone as the emo- I Tues. at 9 Tues., Feb. 1, 2- 5 Tues., June 7, 2- 5 tional tensity rises until in the last J Tues. at 10 Wed., Feb. 2, 2- 5 Thurs., June 9, 2- 5 scene it achieves a contrapuntal sym- K Tues. at 11 Tues., Feb. 1, 9-12 Fri., June 10, 2- 5 bolism which has moments of sheer L Tues. at 1 Wed., Feb. 9, 9-12 Tues., June 14, 9-12 beauty. A reading of the play leaves M Tues. at 2 Fri., Feb. 4, 2- 5 Fri., June 10, 9-12 one in doubt whether the theme of N Tues. at 3 Thurs., Feb. 3, 9,12 Sat., June 11, 2- 5 national self-consciousness, stated at O Special Sat., Feb. 5, 9-12 Wed., June 8, 2- 5 the beginning of the play, and re- P Special Sat., Feb. 5, 2- 5 Sat., June 11, 9-12 turned to in a series of significant Q Special Sat., Jan. 29, 2- 5 Tues., June 14, 2- 5 variations throughout, will adequate- R Special Thurs., Feb. 3, 2- 5 Sat., June 4, 2- 5 ly support its motivating function. In Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual agree- prforemaedandwtealysuchieoubtsment between students and instructor and with the approval of the Examina- are removed, and the play achieves a unity of both tone and effect. tion Schedule Committee. K Technically, the performance is of N.B. Within the past year, the time of exercise for several of the courses noteworthy smoothne s and accuracy. listed in the Literary Announcement has been changed, but due to an over- Professor Windt's direction has all its sight no corresponding change was made in the Examination Group Letter. usual virtues of crispness and flowing In order to avoid conflicts in such cases, the time of exercise-rather than the continuity with an essential rightness Examination Group Letter-must be employed in determining the time of of tone in detail and large concep- examination. tion which reveals howthe script. The un- All Students: Registration for sec- Messenger (Male), $900 a year; De- usual stage-setting of Mr. Oren Par- ond semester. Each student should troit Civil Service Commission. ker deserves an appreciation of its plan to register for himself during Forestry Helper, Prevailing Rate' own. We have become so accustomed the appointed nours. Registrations to be salary; Seasonal Employment; to the success of this stage-artist's by proxy will not be accepted. Dtroit Civil Service Commission. designs in so many different types Robert L. Williams, J u n i o r Electrical Engineering of play that we have been apt to Assistant Registrar. Draftsman, $2,040 a ye; Detroit take their perfect fitness for granted. Civil Service Commission. In this play Mr. Parker reveals an Registration Material: Colleges of I For furtherinformation please call originality and freshness of outlook L.S.&A., Education, Music. Students at the office, 201 Mason Hal. which leads us to look on his work should call for second semester regis- Bureau of Appointments and with new eyes. Mr. Rosten may count tration material at Room 4 University Occupational Information. himself fortunate in his collaboration Hall as soon as possible. Please see hmP c d J with his designer. your adviser and secure all necessary 19, 20, 21 in the lobby ofsAngell Hall The large cast of 50 characters signatures. from 9:00 to 3:00. worked so well together as an en- Robert L. Williams, _ semble that to single out individuals Assistant Registrar. Attention: The Junior Engieers seems something of a crime against will have two booths at the J-Hop nature. Mr. Edward Jurist as Bron- Registration Material: College of I awmors atnthenJ-oE son and Mr. Maxwell as Pete were Architecture. Students should call for and more placfs are now open to En- particularly notable, not only for the second semester material at Room 4 terested purchase your J-Hop ticket richness of character they brought to University Hall at once. The Colleget today and call immediately any man their parts, but also for their handling of Architecture will post an an- listed below. Eyeryone signed up get of the verse-lines themselves. Mr. nouncement in the near future giving Harwood gave a real validity to the time of conferences with your Hclassi-Yo'rdop ticket between 8 and 10 you cass- o'clock and report tick44 number. rather unpleasant role of Chambers, fier. Please wait for this notice be- Fred Osberg, Phone 32 3. ably seconded by the Beakely of fore seeing your classifier. Edward Egle, Phone 21556. George Combs. Special mention Robert L. Williams, I( Don Percival, Phone 6670. should be made of the comic relief Assistant Registrar. furnished by Mr. Finkelstein as TonyGeography 117: Geography of Af- and Mr. Johnson as Fat, while Mr. Registration Material: School of rica. This course will be given the Benoway's Scotty, although etched in Forestry and Conservation. Regis- second senester on Tuesdays ani a few lines, lingered in the mind tration material should be called for Thursdays at 9 in Room 225 A.H. in- throughout the play. Mr. Rice as beginning today at Room 2048 Natur- stead' of at the hour and place pre- Antork, and Mr. Wallace as Spirella al Science Bldg. viously announced. were responsible for some of the out- S. T. Dana, Dean. standing verse-speaking of the play. Academic Notices German Departmental Library : All r ' a m c ITOC' THEATRE By PROF. HAROLD WHITEHALL (Of the English Department) 'This Proud Pilgrimage' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members or the University. Copy received atthe office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30;,1i1:00 a.m. on Saturday. l l 3 t l Svflcooatiof books loaned from the library (204- Geography 117: Geography of Af- U.H.) must be in not later than Jan. rica. This course will be given the i _ _ _ _ ' n ! cnrnnr cc mcactnr" nn Tt7ACY AVC +aY'1!'3 -1-0yaw - %0-*-- 22.seconuu semeste u ir o aueuays anu Thursday at 9 in Room 225 A.H. in- By TOM McCANN Freshman Residence in Fraterni- stead, of at the hour and place pre- One of those things England has, ties: At a recent meeting of the Com- viously announced. and America hasn't, is Bert Ambrose. mittee on Student Affairs the follow- The Ambrose band is really unique ing action was taken: Candidates for the Master's Degree in its "full" style, teaturing a pianist As an incentive to improved schol- in History: The language examina- in ts ful" tye, eatrig apinis arship and as an aid to those fra- tion for the Master's Degree in His- of an entirely different technique, a ternities whose houses have been onlyr tory will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, trombone man who compares every1 partially filled during the first so- Jan. 21, in Room B, Haven Hall. Can- bit with Tommy Dorsey, and a trum- mester. the request be granted sub- didates must bring their own diction- pet artist of the muted variety who, ject to the following conditions: aries. Copies of old examinations are on file in the Basement Study Hall in for a change, is not like Henry Busse, 1. That proper notice of intention i the General Library. All students Clyde McCoy or Liebert Lombardo. to move be given to the Office of the g teeainaty. mustudegis . Dean of Students in writing by the ter in the History DepartmentrOf- As far as we know, Ambrose has freshman at least one month before fice. 119 Haven Hall, before Monday, never been in America, but if he ever the beginning of the second semester; Jan. 17. does come, American dance music 2. That the freshman be scholas- will have to step up its standards if it tically eligible for initiation;sr is to keep pace with this remarkable 3. That the freshman present to the Students wishing to concentrate in British orchestra. The band plays Dean of Students written permission English. An alternative qualifying with an ease that has not been from his parent or guardian to live examination will be given Monday equaled, featuring very little individ- in his fraternity house; night, Jan. 24. at 7 o'clock in Room ual work but much excellent ensemble 4: That except in extraordinary 22ticularly urgeda to. take the examina- figurations. m c rcumstances ; where, in the opinion of the Ten nf Students conditions ion at this time.