The Weather Snow in north, rain or snow in south today; tomorrow partly cloudy. Y Aklt igan ~5IaitF Editoriab Tammany Is Still Hanging Around Railroad Fares... VOL. XLVIII. No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS FrenchCabinet Unites Defense UnderDaladier Coordination Of Military Thought To Be Solution Of Tactical Difficulties Move On The Eve Of Confidence Vote PARIS. Jan. 20.-(P)-Premier Ca- mille Chautemps' new cabinet tonight voted to coordinate all of France's 'military, naval and air forces under Edouard Daladier, Minister of Na- tional Defense. On the eve of their first test in the Chamber of Deputies the Minis- ters took the action to unify the nation's defense preparations and the solution of tactical problems. A decree, it was said, would be promulgated shortly to put the almost unprecedented program into effect. Gamelin To Head Staff General Marie Gamelin, chief of the army general staff, will be named chief of the general staff of national defense, embracing all three services, under the decree. Navy Minister William Bertrand and Air Minister Guy Lachambre will retain their portfolios, but will be subject to the supervision of Daladier who also is war minister now. A similar' system was institted under the premiership of Andre Tar- dieu in 1932, but was abandoned when his cabinet fell. In that case, however, there was only one min- istry-national defense. Daladier To Coordinate Plan Daladier will be called* upon to coordinate the armaments programs of the government's three armed branches. He will fix the priority in which their armaments orders are to be manufactured and delivered. Though each ministry will continue to draw up its own plans separately, they will be adopted, it was said, only by a committee headed by the na- tional defense and war minister. The Chamber of Deputies, its bit- ter rivalries quieted after a five-day cabinet crisis, offered Chautemps' government assurance of a strong vote of confidence. Book Exchange PlanProjectedj Baltimore Lunch To Be Site Of New Concern Plans for a Student Book Exchange, aimed at creating a medium through ...L.;n~ ~ ~ ~~d tra~ noclt ~l1777f Prof. Handman Denies Econoi r Causes Move Nations To Wars A I)clttmfeltt AjI) I)lliW Says Power And Prestige Are Reasons Countries seek ColonialHoldings By BEN MARINO There is no evidence that a state engages in war from economic mo- tives, Prof. Max Handman of the economics department told the Ameri- can Sociological Society, in its At- lantic City convention, recently. Nor is there much evidence to sup- port the supposition that a nation will be used by its rich men to obtain economic power, he said, at the cost of the country's blood and money. A state that has obtained natural re- sources through the consequences of r a successful war may turn them over to private individuals for exploita- tion, he admitted, but there is no proof that they were acquired for that purpose. Prestige and power are the life pur- pose of the state, Professor Handman observed, and since only the state carries on war, it will wage war with the aim of gaining those things which will bring power. Because in the Western World Tittle Business' Will Be Heard, At White House Numerous Letters Cause Roosevelt To Summon Small Business Owners WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-(M)- Small business men, at their own in- sistence, are soon to participate in President Roosevelt's sei*es of con- ferences on economic problems. White House aides announced their inclusion today, explaining that hun- dreds of letters had been received asking for such action and pointing out that thus far, Mr. Roosevelt has consulted only the ranking officials of big business. Consequently, the President's as- sistants said, Mr. Roosevelt issued in structions that smaller corporation; officials should be selected at ran- dom from the letters received and in- vited to the White House. The announcement came as the President worked on toward the establishment ofa council to guide him in the formulation of policies, a group which Mr. Roosevelt said should C include both big and little business, as well as representatives of labor, ag- riculture, transportation, distribution, investors and consumers. Officials said the organization of such a council was distinct from the President's plans for meetings of the leaders of a single industry. The pur- pose of the latter conferences would be to estimate, with Government as- there has been a change in standards of national power and prestige, he re- marked, and that today nations judge their position in the internationall sun in terms of the possession of ec- onomic symbols,tnationssengage in war merely to attain these symbols of economic power. The modern state, he continued, feels impelled to ac- quire colonies which are symbols of national greatness and not sources of economic gain. It is of no importance that these colonies are pure losses, he asserted, because they were acquired not for economic gain but for political en- grandisement and the satisfaction of the power urge on the part of the state. A resort to economic explanations as motivations for war, he exposed, gives a plausibility to the warlike im- pulses of the state and justifies it in a manner satisfactory to modern cul- ture. Our moral standards have created the dilemma that the state must not indulge in war and conquest while at the same time, he stated is made great only by war and conquest. Hence, the state welcomes an econ- omic justification for its actions and pursues its urge for power and pres- tige. The truth of the matter is, Profes- sor Handman emphasized, that by making war due to economic causes, one is giving war a more compelling causation and a more reasonable mo- tivation than would otherwise be the case. If wars are due to need for' raw materials, he predicted, then war will never stop. War is made in- evitable by being made economic, un- less we learn to distinguish between' economic motives and economic sym- bols. A belief in the economic causes of war, he concluded, is the greatest ob- stacle to any intelligent and effective control of war and the abdication of human reason in favor of blind and inescapable animal forces. Frigid Weather Hampers Both OrientalArmies Chinese Report Stalemate Of The Japanese Attack Upon Strategic Suchow SHANGHAI, Jan. 21.-(Friday)- (M)-Chinese military circles reported today the Japanese drive on strategic Suchow had been stalemated by the bitter cold of the central China front. Snow and sleet hindered operations on the southern borders of Shantung province as well as in the Yangtze River Valley, 250 miles to the south, where Chinese were counterattacking Wuhu with some success. One Japanese column slowly fought its way northward 55 miles from Nan- king to Mingkwang, while another, moving south to meet it, was forced to halt at Tenghsien. The two armies were 170 miles apart with a reorgan- ized Chinese army estimated at 400,- 000 men between them.' Board To Vote On Daily Plan For A Weekly Proposed Daily Venture To Get Support Of Local English Journal Group I f~'laoIr Seek. STANLEY REED Reed's Position On High Court Is Felt Assured A Senate Sub-Committee Approves Nomination Of U. S. Solicitor General WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-(R')-A Senate Committee quickly approved Stanley Reed's nomination for the Supreme Court today, virtually as- suring him the right to take his seat early next week. The Senate group, a subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, held a brief hearing that was little more' than a formality. Then, without dis- cussion, it voted unanimous approval. The full Judiciary Committee will consider the nomination Monday, and members predicted final Senate confirmation Tuesday. Today's hearing, entirely devoid of excitement, drew praise of Reed, now solicitor general, from Attorney Gen- eral Cummings and Chairman Logan (Dem., Ky.) of the subcommittee. Reed wasdpresent, but committee members said they did not wish to ask him any questionp. Cummings outlined Reed's legal career-its beginning in Kentucky in 1910 and its progress through Reed's positions as counsel for the Federal Farm Board and the F.F.C. Cummings told the Committee he had "the highest respect for Mr. Reed's personal character and integ- rity" and that the Kentuckian's nom- Post As Editor The Board in Control of Student Publications will decide at a special meeting today whether the Daily shall ! print a supplement to the regular Sunday edition as a general campus magazine, it was announced yesterday. In the petition submitted by Ed- wadr Magdol, '39, to the Board, per- mission is sought to revive the Daily's Sunday magazine section of 1922 to 1925 on a "model of the combined New York Times Magazine and 'Books.'" Elaborating on plans announced in yesterday's Daily that the English Journal Club would sponsor a sur- vey to determine whether the cam- pus needs a literary magazine, Gio- vanni Giovannini of the English de- partment and one of the committee appointed for the investigating said that the proposal was a formal one made by Herbert Weisinger, Grad., recognizing the lack of a suitable lit- erary medium and added: Will Not Compete "The English Journal Club has nol intention of competing with any other tgroupon campus. Our only purpose is to see whether there is room for a publication on the order of the old Contemporary." He made it clear that even if the committee finds a place for such a magazine, the club would not publish it but would support the action of any group that did, indicating that the Daily would get this backing if permission were given it to print the supplement. Magdol, who also seeks the editor- ship in the petition, said yesterday that if the plan is adopted, he would welcome the cooperation of the Eng- lish Journal Club and all others on the campus with literary ability. Campus Needs Periodical "From recent contacs with faculty member.," he said, "I have been con- vinced that the Michigan campus needs a new periodical." Publicationnof the supplement' Publiatin i Foo' Conducts High Revelries Here Tonight Foo, the Men's Dorm Committee dance to raise money for the Dormi- tory Fund, will be held from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. today in the main ball- room of the Union, with the bands of Charlie Zwick and Bob Steinle fur- nishing music for continuous danc- ing. Foo committee members recently announced that costumes will not be required for the affair, although those wishing to wear them may. Judging of the best costumes will take place during the evening, and prizes will be awarded. Saffell and Bush Co. and Van Boven Co. are donating the money for the prizes. Receipts from the dance will go to the Dormitory Fund, which is being built up to aid new men's dormitories. Tickets, priced at one dollar a couple, have been on sale for the past week at the Union, the League, and by members of campus honorary so- cieties. Advance sales seem to indi- cate there will be a good crowd at the ball. Two thousand balloons will be re- leased during the dance, and ginger ale will be sold on the floor. Bruce Telfer, '38, is chairman of the committee planning Foo. Other committee members include: tickets, Fred Columbo, '38, Goff Smith, '38, Bob Williams, '38; decorations, John McFate, '38, Fred Martin, '38, Joe Rinaldi, '38, Don Belden, 38E; ar- rangements, Hugh Rader, '38, Fred- erick Geib, '38F&C, Bud Lundahl, '38; and publicity, Doug Farmer, '38, Earle' Luby, '38 and Jack Thom, '38. Franco Bombers Rake Port Cities With Destruction 300 Slain In Barcelona After Two Consecutive Days Of Aerial Attacks PERPIGNAN,;France (At the Span- ish Frontier), Jan. 20.--(P)-Huge In- surgent bombers from nearby Medi.- terranean Island bases today struck again with death and terror at the large Spanish government seaport cities of Barcelona, Valencia and Tar- ragona. Reports reaching the frontier said Barcelona alone suffered 300 killed and 600 wounded in the two consec- utive days of air raids. Wounded lay dying in the streets. Gaping holes were torn in large buildings. The raiders scored a direct hit on the British freighter Thorpeness, ly- ing in port at Tarragona, killing at least two members of the crew. Five of the freighter's crew were reported missing and seven wounded. Damage to Barcelona and Valen- cia-which were still searching among their ruins for victims of yesterday's raids-was much less severe today. The persistent attacks were a grim reminder of Insurgent Generalissimo Francisco Franco's attempt to block- ade government ports which led Tues- day to the capture of the American tanker, Nantucket Chief, en route to Barcelona with a cargo of Russian oil. The bombing today of the three ports and of Figueras, 12 miles south of the French border, were seen as a part of a coordinated plan to spread terror from the air before a large scale land attack on Government strongholds. Uncover Bomb Plot Directed At Japanese Ship In Seattle Frightened Workers Flee Warves As Police Sek Planted High Explosives Liner Put Offshore As Safety Measure SEATTLE, Jan. 20.--(P)-A labor- pr's story of a bomb plot against the Japanese liner Hiye Maru caused hasty removal of the ship from the Seattle waterfront today and police Searched for planted explosives after finding the floating body of an as- 3erted consiprator. Excited, screaming workers fled from the wharf as police spread the warning and the 11,621-ton vessel was moved 300 feet offshore. Police Captain Marshall C. Scraf- Ford said a man giving the name of 3eorge Partridge, 22, related that a friend had offered him $1,000 to help plant a bomb aboard the ship. Oriental Nation Named Partridge was quoted as saying "some oriental government" hired the other man to plant the bomb. Scrafford reported Partridge also related that he helped the friend wire a clock for a time bomb and then aided him in attempting to float it to the ship late last night. The informant assertedly told po- lice he and his companion took the bomb in a suitcase to the water's "dge under the wharf; that the friend disrobed, put the suitcase on a rail- road tie and started out to swim to the ship's side, pushing the tie as he went. Partridge said he never saw his companion alive again. Six hours after partridge was picked up by a railroad detective, a Japanese seaman sighted the body of a man floating near the ship. The body was nude except for a life- jacket. Partridge Identifies Body Officers said later Partridge identi- fled the body as that of his friend, a 35-year old Vancouver, B.C., school teacher. There was no identifying mark on the life-jacket. Partridge, who described himself as a laborer from Vancouver, said the other man had given him $35 last week in Vancouver. Scrafford expressed the belief that the bomb, if any, had toppled off the railroad tie and sunk to the bay bottom. The police found clothing, appar- ently that of the man in the water, under the wharf. Officers said the pockets were full of wire and electri- cian's tape. Farouk Weds; Bride Watches All Male Cast CAIRO, Jan. 20.-(A')-King Fa- rouk's childhood sweetheart looked on today while the 17-year-old ruler made her his bride and Egypt's sec- ond queen since Cleopatra. Pretty Farida Zulficar, modern, 16- year-old daughter of a commoner, watched her own wedding through a lattice work partition at ancient Koubbeh Palace. She and Egypt's boy king were married in the ortho- dox Moslem fashion-a wedding in which only men took part. Y Tonight Farouk promised to take his dark-eyed bride on an incognito tour through the city where their wedding was being celebrated with glittering oriental pageantry. Bedouin horsemen galloped about, firing rifles into the ; sky; drums throbbed; bullocks were slaughtered for the poor; wine flowed and there was dancing in the streets. Automobiles laden with $200,000 worth of roses flown from the Nether- lands drove around the Palace grounds while Farouk watched from a. balcony. N o Damages For 'Guest Passengers' ST. JOSEPH, Mich., Jan. 20.--(P)- A "guest passenger" in an automo- bile is not entitled to damages from the driver if an accident occurs and he is injured, Circuit Judge Fremont Evans ruled today. ination "gives gratification" me Faller B Anti-L yn 'Bill IsA great personal Vuia Degin wi h the nirstb unday edition of the Daily next semester and would be printed in tabloid size. The junior staff of the Daily and ] eight Hopwood Prize winners have al- ?&ieves ready given their support to the plan. "The Journal Club," Charles A. ching Peake of the English department and another committee member explained, * "is composed of graduate students in- bo rttve terested in the problems of teaching English and has no publication." The G Club's committee will meet today to GARN map plans for its survey. By HAROLD which students can sell ana uu ytext sistance, prospective demand for books at prices lower than those goods, so that production and em- charged by commercial book stores, ployment might be stabilized. are being formulated by Meyer Gold- In the latter category, apparently, berg, Grad. and Allen Braun, '38, it falls a meeting scheduled for tomor- was announced yesterday. row, to which Mr. Roosevelt has in- Space has been rented in the Balti- vited the 'heads of the great automo- more Daily Lunch across the street bile manufacturing companies and from Angell Hall, and books will be officials of their affiliates which fi- received starting Feb. 7, they said, to nance installment purchases of au- give the students wishing to sell the tomobiles. longest possible use of their books. However, it was considered doubt- The book exchange idea was in- ful that on this occasion the discus- spired by a plan, Goldberg reported, sion would reach demand and pro- tlnder which the student desiring to duction. The President has said he place books for sale would bring the is anxious for changes in marketing volume to the exchange setting his practices to diminish what he calls own price on it. This price being less high-pressure salesmanship. than that quoted by the local book- During the day, the Senate Unem- stores would attract a ready market,: ployment Committee, which has been while the buying student would also j investigating the cause and extent of benefit by the reduced rates. the present depression received an en- A fee of not more than 15 per cent couraging word from Colby M. Ches- of the quoted price would be charged ter, chairman of the National Asso- bytetbookexchange, trheydcon- ciation of Manufacturers and chair- tinued, to defray the overhead en- man of General Foods Corp. tailed in maintaining the establish- ment. However, he emphasized. the e success of the venture will depend en- Uncomn1r Xam tirely upon the cooperation evinced by' the University students, as the move- Ao inst E ment will be in the general sense of a cooperative book exchange. Lynching in the South is a problem - that cannot be handled alone by leg- islation, such as the Anti-Lynching Prof. Bill, but one that entails the coopera-I tion of Southern leaders in disciplin- Uni Wisler Gets on Finance Pfst :I Snow and sleet blanketed the Yang- mg the poor Whites in their untoward tze Valley. Blizzards grounded the violence against the Negroes,iProf. Prof. Chester 0. Wisler of the hy- Japanese air force. Richard C. Fuller of the sociolo draulic engineering department has Sixty miles southwest of conquered department said yesterday. been appointed new financial secre- Nanking, the Chinese reported their To "strong arm" the South through tary of the Union, succeeding Prof. attack on Wuhu was continuing al- legislation would merely create racial Paul Leidy of the Law School who re- though slowed up by the frigid wea- animosities that might lead to con- cently resigned, it was announced yes- ther. ditions similar to those following the terday. The Chinese held dominant posi- Civil War when the Carpet Baggers Professor Leidy was appointed to tions, five miles from the city. The held sway, he believes. Southerners the position in the school year 1932- Japanese capture of Wuhu was the on the whole, are sincere and well 33, and served continuously until he lever that forced Chinese evacuation meaning in trying to prevent lynch- 33,ignd s onti.l ings, but relying on law alone would r esigned last month. of Nanking. not, hst e ing to the coed Professor Wisler will assume his Paul V. McNutt, United States High not, he stated, be going to the core of Commissioner for the Philippines, vis- the problem.. .ui . ited Shanghai for an "exchange of The lynching problem is mainly oneI views" with Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, between the low-caste White and the Sta eA dsI(r commander of the Asiatic Fleet. He Negro, Professor Fuller explaine State Aids In Tra was shown over the devastated areas adding that they are constantlynvie-, For of the city.areas ing against each other for work and for a better place in society. As a re- -r _ -_ sult of these close relationships nu--______ ining Students ce, Benson Claims } S Bring Warning ; ve Strain Of Eyes, ./ merous lynchings occur. By WILLIAM J. ELVIN Southern political and business The recently announced plan to se- leaders oppose the Anti-Lynching Bill l on the alleged basis that it is un- 3lect outstanding senior students at warranted interference of a local I the University of Wisconsin and give problem, he said. They argue that them opportunity to train themselves they have been solving the problem for "career" jobs in the state public gradually and point out that . only service is already in effect in the eight lynchings occurred last year. Michigan Civil Service department, Van Wagoner Hits Federal Road Thriftj CLEVELAND, Jan. 20.-UAP)-State' Highway Commissioner Murray D. Van Wagoner of Michigan, newly elected president of the American Road Builders Association, told the organization's annual convention to- day that President Roosevelt's pro- posed economies in Federal road aid would bring about "a shameful diver- sion of highway taxes." "In this crisis," he declared, 'it is By CARL PETERSEN should be rested at least each half Protection of the eyes from general hour by closing them for a momenti fatigue and strain resulting from in- or by looking away from the page. tensive studyingfor examinations wasI urged by Dr. Emory W. Sink, opthal- If the strain becomes too noticeable, mologist at the Health Service, who Dr. Sink said, and it is necessary to stressed incorrect placement of lights continue studying, bathing the eyes as the primary cause of eye strain, in a boric acid solution will bring Dr. Sink emphasized that more at- I tention should be paid to how the "Even normal eyes suffer from lights are arranged than to the in- strain under unsuitable conditions," tensity of the light. Gooseneck desk he said, pointing out that although, lamps and drop lights are principally the student can see well, he may, responsible for strain resulting from when studying, have to compensate reflection of light from the printed for some latent error, such as far- page to the eyes, he said. sightedness, by tightening up the fo- The prevalence of this cause of eye cusing muscles of the eye. This tight- _. .,,n,,+ .. nino, will result in ffaio-,,P andl strain They resist the bill on the states! rights argument; consequently, if gov- ernment comes in and regulates their private affairs, it will reduce the ef- fectiveness of solving their own prob- lems, they believe. The Southerners also argue that the Northerner doesn't understand their problems and theyS feel, Professor Fuller explained, that they know and understand the Negro (Continued on Page 6) Currency Head May Seek Prof. George C. S. Benson of the po- litical science department said yester- day. Similar arrangements have been made, he said, between the Californiai state governments and the Los An-I geles county government and various universities in that state. 'All these joint enterprises," he said, "are indications that our state governments are at last beginning to realize the unwisdom of support- ing high grade institutions of higher 1 Pnrn ,.,, I to n r~ rl nni.avPa ,.r ~nnf, fnr for passing subsequent Civil Service examinations. Frequently, he said, high grade stu- dents who might be interested in gov- ernment service are lost because Civil Service qualifications demand a year or so experience. By the time that experience is obtained, he continued, the student often has secured prom- ising opportunities in business, and prefers one of these to starting at the bottom in government. Seniors at the University will prob- ably have an opportunity this summer to take an examination for Student Personnel Assistant for the Civil Serv- ice Commission, Professor Benson said, which will give them, he pre- dicted, opportunities paralleling or exceeding those under the Wisconsin plan. "It is to be hoped," he said, "that similar opportunities will be de- veloped in the future." i