six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Griffin, Niehuss Picked On Body! To Study Sales, Committee To Start Work When Governor Murphy' CompletesSet-Up Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School of Business Administration, and Mar- vin L. Niehuss of the Law School, will: start work as members of Governor Murphy's recently-appointed Install- ment Sales Study Commission as soon as the commission has been organ- ized and receives instructions fromI the governor. The two members of the University faculty have been appointed to serve with five other men of the state for1 the purpose of riporting certain mal- practices connected with installment sales that the Governor has recom- mended be abolished by state law. The Governor has made it clear, how- ever, that;he does not advocate entire abolishment of the installment meth- od of sale, only purification. . Specific complaints which the com- mittee will investigate are that prop- erty is seized and wages garnished to get defaulted payments, and that new debts are often added to pay- ments due on old installments, mak- ing a new mixed debt. Murphy has asked that sellers on installment be limited to'the right either to repossess property on which payments have been defaulted or to sue for the debt in court. Fire Fighters Check Blaze In Oil Well Famed Painting Driving Of Last Spike' Shown In League At 11:25 p.m. yesterday the famous painting, "The Driving of the Last Spike," arrived in Ann Arbor. The painting will be placed on ex- hibition in the lobby of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre during Play Production's presentation of "This Proud Pilgrimage," which will open tomorrow. The painting was recently used in Sidney Howard's "The Ghost of Yan- kee Doodle," which played in New York during the holidays. It was loaned to Play Production by Theresa Helburn. director of the Theatre Guild. The subject is the occasion of the meeting of the two locomotives in mid-orairie at the completion of the Union-Pacific railroad. The painting is awork of the same period, 1886, in which the historical action of the play occurred. Tests Disclose Youth's Fears McClusky Finds Economic Insecurity Is Worst Fear of economic insecurity is the greatest bugaboo to modern youth, particularly rural youth, according to the results of a youth guidance ex- periment being carried on in Branch County by Prof. Howard Y. Mc-! Clusky of the School of Education and his research assistant, Alvin Zander. Speaking before the Graduate Ed- ucation Club meeting yesterday, Zander listed the results of the ex- periment. He told of the founding of a county library with fourl branches, the purchase of a building) to be used by the Y.M.C.A. as a youth center, the beginning of a Big Bro- ther and a Big Sister movement and installation of life problem courses in all of the high schools in the county. - Ad&- lww ,.-- "'V . '}i M s-a- n~ a ..~a~ - a - S.- -{:,p v tt - w .. - r The 1492 Foo's Foo and what about. it! S~ Boney claims, "Waterloo? ... hecc no! WaterFOO(t" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLIN (Continued rom Page 4) ant meeting of Scimitar tonight at the Union at 7:30. All members are expected to be present for initiations and elections. This will be your last chance to get jacket emblems at a regular meeting, so please bring your money if you have not yet received your emblem. Druid's luncheon at 12:00 o'clock in the Union. Junior Girls Play: The music com- mittee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today at the League. Congress: There will be a meeting of the Publicity Committee tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. Junior Girls Play: The publicity committee will meet at 4 p.m. todayj at the League. Congress: There will be a meeting of the Activities Committee tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. Comring Events The Junior Mathematics Club will hold its regular meeting Friday, Jan. 21, in Room 3201 A.H., at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Elder will give a short talk on "Recent Developments in Elementary Number Theory." Refreshments will follow. F W ottaman Henry VIII quotes, "Aikalize? . . no! Three daring fire fighters crawled into the pit of a blazing oil well at Kilgore, Tex., and cut off the flow of oil to stop the spectacular $150,000 conflagration. Three roustabouts are shown here fighting the fire at close quarters while the blaze was at its height. Professor Allen Evaluates Forestry FOOgalize '" Silver platter days for jobs in the field of forestry are over, Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School of Forestry and Conservation told the pre-for- estry students attending the Union Coffee Hour yesterday. Professor Allen delivered the fourth Rosten's New Play Opens Here Tonight (Continued from rage 1) in the Union's series of pre-profes- sional coffee hours., His talk present- ed first a definition of the foresters'j work and proceded to develop this along the lines of forestry as a sci- ence, an art. a business and public! ,g f Swank Chris Columbus says, "One boo plus one goo equals FOO !" "Mona Lisa" da Vinci shouts, "My paintings polcy The experiment is financed by the William K. Kellogg Foundation of Forestry offers five great appeals, Battle Creek which is cooperating Professor Allen said, to the beginner with the Extension Service of the in the field. These are a wealth of University. adventure, an opportunity to gain a good living, but not excessive wealthe an opportunity for public service, an howeversas a private business in or- element of satisfaction in life's work ganizing or hiring out to consulting have FOOmph " DPlta Epsilon Pi: The of the semester will be 7:30 p.m., at the Union. ing is very important. last meeting held Friday, This meet- Phi Kappa Phi: The winter initia- tion, dinner and address will be held at 6:30 on the evening ' of Friday, Jan. 21, at the Michigan League. Dr. Sinai will speak on "The Panorama of Public Health." Reservations should be made by calling University Extension 649 prior to 2:00 p.m. Fri-) day.1 The Outdoor Club is sponsoring a skiing and tobogganing party in the Arboretum next Saturday. The: group will meet at 1:30 at the Wom- en's Athletic Building. All those in- terested are invited to atend. Hillel: Professor William Haber will; not speak this Friday as originally) announced. Dr. Bernard Heller will! speak on "The Present Situation in1 Roumania." PhiSigma Sigma Soror-; ity will have charge of the social fol- lowing the services. Services will be- gin at 8:00 p.m. ; Badminton test, Women Students:! Any woman student wishing to takeI the badminton test for physical edu-, cation requirement should report at Barbour Gymnasium between 4:15 and 5:45 p.m. Friday, Jan. 21. j A medical check for 1937-38 is es-j sential. Prof. Brumin Will Address Dental Students Jan. 26 Students in the School of Dentistry: will convene at 4:15 p.m. Jan. 26 for the next Dental Student Assembly to be held in the Upper Amphithe- atre of the Dentistry Building, Dean R. W. Bunting announced yesterday. Prof. John L. Brumm of the de- partment of Journalism will be the guest speaker. His topic will be "The Menace of Efficiency." DEAN KRAUS CHICAGO BOUND Dean Edwin C. Kraus of the liter- arn ollege le ift vesterav for Chi-.1 nocence he could save the men whom ana an unusual chance for self-ex- firms is a growing thing. Approxi- he believed equally innocent. He was pression. mately 70 per cent of the men en- executed. The competition in the field of for- gaged in forestry, he said, are em- From this focal point, Rosten has estry will rapidly increase, Professor ploycd in management, administra- built his play o But he has carrsied Allen said, but better trained men ion and utilization of forests. The his drama above and beyond the nar-. need not worry about retaining their remainder are busy at present in re- row limitations of one man's life.I places. Governments both local and search, educational, industrial work1 "This Proud Pilgrimage" has been federal, he pointed out, ark the chief and in doing graduate study. written in broad and sweeping terms; it is an epic of the golden first-born days of America, of the building of railroads and the rise of factories. Although much of the material has! been culled from actual events, most of the drama is built around an im- aginative rather than an historical basis. E Professor Rowe who assisted Ros- ten in redrafting the play said of it: "The play is, I suppose, what would be called an experimental drama, that is. one of those exciting plays with : which the not quite comercial groups every now and then run away with the major Broadway audience. Oren Parker has designed and ex- ecuted the sets for the play. Free Book Library Follows Yale Plan' (Continued from Page I) Moore, or any of the academic coun- selors. The eligible student is issued an order on the Angell Hall Study: " Hall which entitles him to draw the required books. If the books are re- turned in good condition at the end t.:..: of the semester he will be eligible again to receive books. The Text Book Lending Library is X a campus-wide institution and not limied to students in the literary college.;.::; :::::>:: A poll conducted last year in the School of Engineering showed that one out of every three students was willing to contribute a book of which he no longer had need. Although the response to the call for books was not quite up to that figure,. Professor Walter said, the donations received I were gratifying and in excess of 3001 books' are now available. The committee is continuing its drive to increase this stock this se- mester. ONE BUCK MICHIGAN UNI ..d t .. J IL... _ .__ . . a. co 0 .& -& so POO 0 - op"vw - - - - - r MCC TOTN1 ALL Friday, January 21st ONE BUG K But Branch Bobbitt, like so many other independent exetprefers Luckies .. . T AUCTIONS in my warehouse in Farmville, North Carolina," says Mr. Branch Bobbitt, "the higher the tobacco sells for, the better my profits. So I'm always glad to see Lucky Strike buyers in there bidding. They know what they want and they'll keep bidding right up until they get it. "Well-in a cigarette-it's the tobacco that counts. I know to- bacco and I know what tobacco is in what cigarettes. So that's one reason I've smoked Luckies for 5 or 6 years." Mr. Bobbitt represents the "aris- tocracy" of tobacco experts. He judges the tobacco that the growers grow. He's impartial, not connected with any cigarette manufacturer. Many other experts agree with Mr. Bobbitt. Sworn records show that, among independent tobacco experts, Luckies have twice as many exclusive smokers as have all then other cigarettes combined. I FOO or POO It still means FLOWERS From Hoo. K ai : I