FOUR THE MIChIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY = ! -=T , . 3II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studen Publications. PUDniyshed every morning except MondAy during the Un? Vrsity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rgegrve ofrepublication of all other matter herein also En" red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING OBY NationalAdvertisingService,ln . College Publishers Relresentatve 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGO OBOSTON LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDTORIAL DIRECTOR..........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR.......... ... WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ..................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES * QREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WinoEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Opposition To J9ormtlories . . . W ITH AN ANNOUNCEMENT in yester- day's Daily for the Poo on Foo dance, in opposition to the dance for dormitory funds, a group of fraternity men seemingly pushed their evil left hand to the betrayal of their right. They pled with fraternity men, "Don't knit. your own noose." But they left the Michigan fraternity sys- tem to wiggle from a noose that, by their very opposition, they themselves knit. Those who support the anti-dormitory group are aggravating an already extensive ill will to- ward fraternities. They are saying: "You who want dormitories are our enemies. We intend to fight you, do what yo may." I Perhaps this group fails to realize the power of the University and the potential power of the independent student body, both of which forces are invited to fight with organizations which are 3gainst dormitories. With their welfare at stake, each will fight fiercely. And for complete aboli- tion of fraternities. If this anti-dormitory group represents a mi- nority, as we hope, the problem created by it should tentatively be left in the hands of the In- terfraternity Council. May the Council act with good judgment. There was once a duke's mistress who snubbed the king, only to find both herself and the duke beheaded. Joseph S. Mattes. Parliamnegil's Coal Bill. G OVERNOR GEORGE EARLE'S pro- posal for federal ownership of the anthracite coal mines of Pennsylvania as the "only enduring" solution to the ills of the in- dustry brings to the foreground the Coal Bill currently pending in Parliament. The bill arose out of the difficulties of the coal industry in England and its primary purpose, like that pro- posed by Governor Earle (despite his contention that low-priced coal for the homes of the nation is his objective), is to eliminate the uncertainties inextricably linked with the industry. Even in England where the bill is of immediate concern it hs been often misinterpreted and mis- :uoted. Before Americans in search of panaceas start to do the same thing, they would .dp well to acquaint themselves with the conditions which necessitated the formulation and the actual pro-. visions of the English measure. In the first place, it is pertinent to point out, as Lord Baldwin did when his Government pre- sented the bill to Parliament, that the provisions do not call for the "nationalization" of the Eng- lish coal mines, but for the stabilization of royalties accruing to the operators of coal mines. In other words, the English goveinment will own the coal but not the mines from -which the coal is drawn. All private selling of coal is to disap- pear, and the royalty owners are to be compen- sated in cash out of money to be raised by a loan through the new Coal Commission, with a Treasury guarantee. This ownership of mined coal by the state will cost approximately $325,- 000,000, a sum fixed by arbitration for the pur- chase of the present income from coal royalties. This will give to the owners an absolutely assured and stable income in place of one dependent on the future of the coal industry. Despite the apparent significance of govern- will have to lease the area to a private under- taking to be worked for profit. Furthermore the powers of the Commission to bring about colliery amalgamations for greater operating effi- ciency have been carefully circumscribed. It was this same condition that brought the efforts of the Coal Mines Reorganization Commission of 1930 to failure. Although the responsibility for accepting or rejecting amalgamation schemes proposed by the new Coal Commission has been transferred from an arbitrary body to the respon- sible Board of Trade in the House of Commons, this does not mean that compulsory amalgama- tion will be made any easier. Nevertheless, taken as a whole, English con- sumers and economists favor the bill, despite its evident attempt to placatie the mine owners. Many progressive Englishmen agree that even though the bill does not permanently set the coal industry in order, the transference of coal roy- alties to what is in effect public management con-, stitutes a step forward. Elliott Maraniss. - H with DISRAELI L "GOSH, you're wonderful! Gosh, BRAG," said Johnny, "In your Hitler uniform and with that mustache you're the nuts, honestly!" The senior thrust a hand into his shirt so that he looked like Hitler looking like Mussolini look- ing like Napoleon. His hand made his fraternity pin stick out so that it glittered brightly in the sun. "The football team is lousy," the senior said. "Ho, ho, ho-ho!" laughed Johnny Greenbe- hindtheears. "Are you a wag, Mr. BRAG! You are funny indeed, Mister BRAG!" And Johnny shortened his steps so that BRAG could keep up as they went up the stone walk of BRAG's fra- ternity house. "Gosh, it's swell of you to invite me to dinner, Mister BRAG. I wish I could have dinner with you every night and I even wish I could live in such a magnificent house with you, Mister BRAG. You and it are the nuts indeed." And little John- ny Greenbehindtheears looked wistfully about him and in a burst of longing, leaned down to rub the bit of fur on BRAG's lip the right way. BRAG smiled absently and held his head up so Johnny could reach without stooping too far. Until dinner Johnny lolled about with BRAG on the divans and sofas of the living room, talk- ing of this and of that. "I've been here for five years and the football team is lousy, said BRAG out of the corner of his mouth. "Yes, I have been here for five years and I hope I never leave. Always I want this comfort, Johnny. And, Johny, your admiration touches me. I like the way your run your hand through my mustache-even if it isn't a real mus- tache, you know, Johnny." "Gosh, Mister BRAG, it sure is magnificent, living this way. Someday I shall live this way too. And .. . BRAG . . . BRAG . . . if . . . I mean when you graduate . . . you'll let me wear your Hitler suit, wont you?" "Well . . . we'll say my Pilsudski uniform any- way." Johnny sighed happily, sinking into the soft cushions in voluptuous delight, the knowledge that all the joys of this fraternity could never be his except through the graciousness of his friend BRAG. Maybe someday ... but he couldn't see how. His various reflections were interrupted by BRAG leaping up. "Gosh! I got to get into my Kemal Pasha suit before dinner." And he ran upstairs. AT DINNER Johnny sat beside BRAG and watched to see which fork to use first and afterwards watched BRAG's lip so's he could fol- low the words of the songs the brother sang at the table, Johnny was happy and wished like the devil that the Greenbehindtheears hardware business over at Dexter-on-the-Huron could be changed overnight into a stockbroker's office or a bookie joint so that he too could live comfortably with BRAG and the brothers. After dinner, the house president rattled his spoon against his water glass for attention. "Fellows! You all know about the Flooper- Dooper dance next Friday, don't you? The dance being run to show all the alumni that we need dormitories on the campus? I've got the tickets here with me and because there are plenty of people who should have better places to live, I think it's up to us to support this drive." "You're not going to that, are you?" BRAG said to Johnny. "You're not going to help put fraternities out of business-no little places for guys like you and me to lay around in and talk about swing records and women and stuff." Johnny was vigorous. "Hell, no! BRAG, you know I wouldn't do that. You don't think I want to spoil all this." And he looked around at the living room in admiration. "That's okay then. But now, you'll have to pardon me but I have a couple of miles to go across town to the Foo Poo Foo house to see my best friend about fighting this Flooper- Dooper. We're going to run a dance called the Flooper-Dooper-on-Flooper-Dooper. Get the anti-dormitory people behind it! Johnny nodded approval, leaving reluctantly, and letting his hands trail over the soft furni- ture. * WHEN JOHNNY GREENBEHINDTHEEARS went home to his room on Thompson Street, the stairs echoed creakily his progress upstairs. But the noise of timbers cracking from rottenness didn't bother Johnny's thinking. He sat at his study table. His mnind was on his dinner with BRAG. Someday.. . someday if something hap- pened. . . why didn't Daddy Greenbehindtheears I/ feemr lo Me Heywood Broun I like the book by Lin Yutang called "The Im- portance of Living," because it has nothing to do with success. I hope it will be taken as a chaser by all the vast number of readers who have perused Dale Carnegie. One of the best chapters in Lin's collection of philosophic essays deals with the art of loafing. This is a practice not well understood in Amer- ica. Indeed, the word "loafer" is libelous. In current usage one who loafs is a parasitic person who sits around all daydoing precisely nothing. But this definition defames an ancient and a necessary art. The technique of true loafing is not as simple as all that. Long before Lin Yu- tang, the Chinese columnist, began to write pieces for American readers the great- est of our native poets cele- brated the art of relaxation as a form of cere- bration. Walt Whitman in loafing used to "in- vite" his soul, and this is the trick which marks the loafer from the idler. Sports writers have been quick to note the distinction. On almost every rainy day during the baseball season one of the boys pulls the ld wheeze about the players in the hotel lobby -"Some of them sit and think and others just sit." Loafing And Hibernation The distinction is of importance. Loafing and hibernation will be confused only by the inatten- tive observer As a matter of fact, the person who works all day long seldom accomplishes much. The good workman in any field of endeavor ought to learn to be expert in tossing aside his tools. I have no intention of endeavoring to do a book in competition with Dale Carnegie, because I have only one theory for success which I would recom- ment to the younger generation, and it can be stated in a sentence-"Always be sure to watch the clock." Possibly a postcript in the same spirit might be added-"Try and be the first one out of the shop when the whistle blows." Such statements may be taken by some as an effort to be antic or whimsical, but I was never more serious in my life. The man who has no likely interest outside his job will never be pa'- ticularly useful to anybody. I have never met a pay roll, but for almost a year I was an executive having a staff of ten per- sons to whom I could give orders, although they never paid much attention. The job was that of sports editor, and I thought I was pretty good, although the man who ran the paper did not igree with this estimate. Indeed, he disagreed so violently that he eased me out of the job on a snowy night just before Christmas. There is no evidence even yet that he regrets his rash action. And yet he should. I got for my employer-and it was wholly my own idea-the best sports writer the paper ever had before or since. I refer to Bill McGeeha.en He Knew The Tricks I knew that Bill was good before the first week was out because he never showed up on time, and if I ever bent over the mass of details which cluttered my executive desk he took occasion to beat it out of the office without bothering to say, "Good night, boss." That was the form I suggested to the members of the staff. I explained that I felt self-conscious if anybody called me "mister." It all ended up with my being called "Uncle Heywood." There wasn't any discipline in that office. Sometimes I still wonder how we ever got the page out. But we always did. I kept a four-column cut of Christy Mathewson in one of the drawers of the desk, and if there was a hole in the page and I could remember which drawer we fished out the picture and went to press. There have been better-looking sport pages, but not so very many which were better written. When you wanted Bill he wasnt there. He would be around the corner, but when he came back he always had a little masterpiece ready to thump out on his typewriter. He knew the trick. The man worth while is the man who always keeps in mind the thought, "I mustn't strain myself." Some day before I get too old to profit by it I'm going to learn not to work so hard. Sy n co pat ion n By TOM McCANN No apologies need be forthcoming from anyone after the recent announcement of the J-Hop bands. Under the difficult circumstances, the Hop's music committee was extremely fortunate in signing Jimmy Dorsey. About the choice of Kay Kyser . . . well, they say it takes two for a game of "Twenty Questions"-it also takes two for a game of J-Hop.' Unless we're whistling in the dark, Jimmy Dor- sey will be the only attraction on the night of Feb. 11. How the great Dorsey Brothers com- bination -was dissolved, how brother Jimmy took his band to Bing Crosby and the Kraft Music Hall, and how Tommy revitalized the old Joe Haymes band are nowadays musically historical facts known to almost all followers of popular dance music. Norman Rosten's play, This Proud THURSDAy, JAN. 20, 1938 Pilgrimage, which Play Production is VOL. XLVIII. No. 85 presenting tonight and Friday and Saturday nights at the Lydia Mendel- Department of Romance Languages ssohn Theatre, is based on the Hay- There will be a meeting of the Staff market bomb affair. this afternoon at 4:10 in Room 108 R.L. Reports of phairmen are ex- On May 4, 1886, in Chicago, a large pected. peaceful meeting in connection withped the eight-hour day movement was Notice: Attention of all concerned. interrupted by a bomb explosion. and particularly of those having of- Many were killed and wounded. fices in Haven Hall, or the Western Amidst an hysterical fear of anar- portion of the Natural Science Build- chists, seven men were .tried and con- . demned to be hanged by what is now ing, to the fact that parking of cars generally considered to have been;in the driveway between these two atrocious railroading. One man, buil dnguseis of the driinconvenent Parsons, who was present among thetomereusersotiveanderome speakers, could have escaped, but times results in positive danger to gave himself up in the belief that by other drivers and to pedestrians on his innocence he could save the men the diagonal and other walks. You whom he knew were equally inno- are respectfully asked not to park cent. He was hanged. there, and if members of your family Rosten has used this episode as the call for you, especially at noon when traffic both on wheels and on foot is dramatic focus for a play conveying heavy, it is especially urged that the an epic sense of the opening of Amer- ica, the building of railroads, the adjacent to the north darking a rise of factories and the change in versity Hall. Waiting in the drive- labor'-capital relations from the pi- '. oneering to the industrial era. The way blocks traffic and involves con- play carries a lyric cry against op- fusion, inconvenience and danger pression and a threnody for heroic just as much when a person is sitting dead, but the unifying theme is a in a car as when the car is parked challenging and cleansing exultation ,empty. in the spirit of America. University Senate Committee on The historical episode and charac- Parking, ters are treated freely, a score of! characters are introduced, and the German Departmental Library: All central figure, Sidney Bronson, was books loaned from the library (204- no more than suggested by Parsons. U.H.) must be in not later than Jan. Rosten has introduced his script with 22. the statement: "Most of my material Student Loans: All requests for new is, by dramatic necessity, built around Sdloans for the second semestei'should an imaginative rather than historical be filed in the Office of the Dean of core; though I have drawn richly Suet no eoeJn 5 from dramatic events. However, i Students on or befor Jan. 25. was the spirit of the incident: the for- Division of the Social Sciences: The ward drive of a rising splendid mer- ciless America. that absorbed me attention of the members is again more than the simple case-history, called to the change of date of the and ithis th siimtI hae-tr tdinner scheduled at first for tonight, and it is this spirit I have tried to Jan. 20, and then changed to Tues- capture and make into a dramatic day, Jan. 25, at the Michigan Union. poem." Carl E.G The result is original and powerful. ICrE. Guthe. In the verse, Mr. Rosten has achieved Summer Work, Today, Jan. 20 and an idiom distinctive and individual in tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 21 are the last contempoiary poetic drama, anda days of registration for camp coun- medium vigorous and flexible foi' his seling and other summer employ- varied purposes. ment. Call at the office 201 Mason As a production problem, the play Hall between 9:00-12:00 and 2:00- is an ambitious undertaking for a 4:00: for application blank. university theatre. There are 14 University Bureau of Appoint- scenes and approximately 50 charac-' ments and Occupational In- ters, 15 of them major parts. None of formation, 201 Mason Hall. the minor parts are mass characters, Senior dues will be collected Mon- day through Thursday in the lobby of Angell Hall during the week of Jan. 16, or may be paid to any member of the finance committee before Jan. 20. These dues must be paid before a graduate's name can appear in the graduation announcement that is published by the class. Sophomores: Pay class dues Jan. 19, 20, 21 in the lobby of Angell Hall from 9:00 to 3:00. All Independents who wish to sit in a booth at the J-Hop may do so by applying at the office of the Con- gress, Room 306 of the Union after they have purchased their ticket. A 75-cent booth assessment and the number of the ticket will be necessary for registration. In-as-much as there are only three booths available, regis- tration will be closed after the first 100 tickets. Registration hours will begin on Thursday, Jan. 20, and continue from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. until the 100 tickets are registered. All women purchasirW J-Hop tick- ets may also register at this time. Academic Notices Political Science Department: Changes in courses for second semes- ter: Pol. Sci. 2, sec. 6 (Professor Pol- lock), will be given at 11, TuThS, 1035 A.H. instead of at 10. Pol. Sci. 52, sec. 4, will be given at 10, TuThS, 1035 A.H., by Professor Pollock instead of at 1, MWF, by Professor Calderwood. Pol. Sci. 68 (exam group E~) will be given at 1, MWF, 2203 A.H., by Professor Calderwood instead of at 9, TuThS, by Professor Hayden. Political Science 154, Governments and Politics of the Far East, will not be given. Political Science 142 will not be given. Political Science 164 (exam group D will be given at 9 TuTh instead of at 2. J. R. Hayden. Geology 11 Make-up Exam. The make-up for all three bluebooks this semester will be held Friday, Jan, 21 at 9 a.m. in N.S. Auditorium. These examinations will be given at no other time. THEATRE! By NORMAN T. KIELL Rosten 's Proud Play DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is construcive notice to all members of t;h University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. but sharply etched individuals; the The Bureau has received notice of Students wishing to concentrate in bit parts all need skilled acting. the following Secondary School Ex- English. An alternative qualifying The production is under the direc- aminations, given by the Board of examination will be given Monday tion of Valentine Windt, director of .Examiners, Newark, New Jersey: night, Jan. 24, at 7 o'clock in Room Play Production. The staging and Art-(Drawing and Design). 2225 Angell Hall. Juniors are par- scenic design are by Oren Parker, who Music-Vocal. ticularly urged to take the examina- has achieved a very successful and , Music-Instrumental. tion at this time. interesting solution. In a play that Mechanical Drawing. is realistic in background but with a The Salary schedule for the posi- Concerts lyric exaltation in the treatment, ai tions provides for a minimum of $2,- succession of realisic sets would dis- 200 and a maximum of $4,600 per Graduation Recital Postponed: The tract from the content and mood. Al- annum. recital scheduled for Friday evening so in a play of epic sweep, the stag- Residence in the city of Newark by Charles McNeill, violinist, has been ing must be simplified to the utmost will be required of candidates taking postponed until the second semester. not to break the flow through the nu- the written examination for place- merous scenes. The solution was ment on the "Preferred Substitute Exhibition found in a design of abstract forms List." in a unit set of ramps and acting For further information, please call Etchings, Aquatints and Mezzotints levels without walls. Locale is sug- at the office, 201 Mason Hall. by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va- gested with avoidance of realism by Bureau of Appointments and lerio of the College of Architecture, disotion. Evryascene isna cos Occupational Information. in the South Gallery, Alumni Mem- position in dynamic line and mass o'a al n thns ihgah tibat provides an appropriate back- The Bureau has received notice of Woodcuts by the Chicago Artists ground to the vitality of the play. The the following Civil Service Examina- Group in the North Gallery, Alumni author's delighted exclamation at the tions: Memorial Hall; daily 2 to 5 p.m. in first rehearsal on the set is the best! Principal Plant Physiologist, $5,600Meluding Sundays, Jan.2 th mough 2 comment-"It works!" It is just that a year; Bur'eau of Plant Industry, De- eudingtheSuasJan.1 through 26,o kind of a set. partment of Agriculture. under the auspices o Fire Cooperation Specialist, $3,800 Art Association. a year; U.S. Forest Service, Depart- Lectures ment of Agriculture. On T he Level Actuarial Assistant, $2,580 per year; University Lecture: Dr. Hu Shih, Detroit Civil Service Commission. Dean of the Chinese National Univer- Messenger (Male), $900 a year; De- sity, Peiping, will lecture on "De- troit Civil Service Commission. mocracy versus Fascism in China," By WRAG Forestry Helper, 'Prevailing Rate' on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 4:15 p.m. Disliking to personalize a column . to be salary; Seasonal Employment; ,in the Natural Science Auditorium such as this, I feel that the time has Detroit Civil Service Commission. under the auspices of the Depart- come to lay my cards on the table and J u n i o r Electrical Engineering ment of Political Science. The public explain my bids of the past few days. Draftsman, $2,040 a year; Detroit is cordially invited. , Civil Service Commission. First, allow me to explain that t For further information please call Events Today the POO ON FOO group has no at the office, 201 Mason Hall. 2 support from the president of the Bureau of Appointments and University Broadcast 3-3:00 p.m. Interfraternity Council. He is an Occupational Information. Amateur Theatre Series. Topic: idealistic fraternity man who Writing the Radio Play, Waldo Abbot, feels that not even deferred rush- . Freshman Residence in Fraterni- Assistant Prof. of Speech, Director of ing or a town full of dorms could ties: At a recent meeting of the Com- Broadcasting Service. ever oust fraternities. mittee on Student Affairs the follow- aation ws ten Secondly, let me say that all fra- As an incentive to improved schol- The Observatory Journal Club will ternity men join the rest in believing I arship and as an aid to those fra-. meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon. that dormitories are beneficial and ternities whose houses have been only! meet at 4:15 today in the Observatory necessary to this University. They partially filled during the first se- lecture room. nave voted to that effect in the past mester, the request be granted sub- Dr. D. B. McLaughlin will review with assurances that their support ject to the following conditions: the article, "The Interpretation of would not be forgotten when arrange- 1. That proper notice of intention Epsilon Aurigae" by Keiper, Struve mnents between fraternity freshmen to move be given to the Office of the and Stromgren. Tea will be served at and the Dormitory were reached. Dean of Students in writing by the 4:00. * ':' freshman at least one month before However, these too-good-to-be- the beginning of the second semester; Journal Club: Meets today, Michi- true promises have been tossed out 2. That the freshman be scholas- gan Union Room 304 at 4:00. through Murfin Gate now that fra- tically eligible for initiation; ternities have started the dormitory 3. That the freshman present to the Association Fireside: The student ball rolling. And the controlling men Dean of Students written permission Religious Association will hold their now smile and say, "Come now, fra- from his parent or guardian to live i weekly Fireside Session Thursday eve- toinities. Your end is inevitable. Bow 1in his fraternity house; 1 ning at eight o'clock. out graciously and help us get rid of 4. That except in extraordinary Professor Howard Y. McClusky will *presH-a Y.----i ci'cumstances wnere, in tne opinion lead the discussion. This will be the Fraternities and dormitories I of the Dean of Students, conditions last meeting this semester. can exist together if fraternities warrant exception being made, per- can justify their being (I know i mission shall not be given for fresh-~ is i ore h e rs they can) and dorm controllers men residence in any fraternity ex- First Aid Course: The Red Cross will return their original fair cept first aid course for Uversity students promises concerning fraternity a.) to fill room vacancies existing 2330 UniversitygHospital. men in the dormitories, during the first semester, or caused by first semester occupants leaving Grand Opening Tonight: Play Pro- This is what the POO ON FOO +i pnivpr in on - -