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January 19, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-19

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P~ itPro* sNotWomen's Club will meet today Everyone is urged to be present for of the following: Messrs. John Alden, Proud Pilgrimage," by Norman Ros-
Plain S hle terbelt Pro1ect Is Not at three o'clock at the home this picture is for the Ensian. Robert Carson, Louis Doll, Wilfred ten. Opening tomorrow evening, 3
of Mrs. Paul A. Leidy, 1509 Granger -TSmith, and Miss Dorothea Morrill. Thursday, Jan. 20.
Yet Dead, Prof. Allen Points o ut Ae Mr. ElzA. Le 1509 Gran Stalker Hall. Student Tea and Box office open now, 10 t6 6, phone At
lAve. Dr. Ezada Clover will give an Open House today from 3-5 p.m. All The Observatory Journal Club will 6300. Tickets: 75, 50 and 35 cents.
illustrated talk on cacti. Methodist Students and their friends meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, Performances also Friday and Sat-
By BEN MARINO ing this need, the article continued. ncordially invited. Jan. 20, in the Observatory lecture i urday evening.
Despite the wave of public senti- Professor Allen emphasized that thisr will meet this evening at 8: p Goup room. -BM a l wl v
ment against the expenditure of same plan, abandoned by the Fed- m00 p.m. (Physical Education for Women. In- D. B. McLaughlin will review Skating Party sponsored by Harris
money for it and the resultant man- eral Government as such, has been at the home of Mrs. Carl V. Weller, dividual skill tests in swimming will the article, "The Interpretation of Hall Saturday, ,ian. 22.
date of the 74th Congress to liqui- adopted by the United States For- 1130 Fair Oakes Parkway. be given at the Union Pool today from Epsilon Aurigae" by Keiper, Struve Leave Hall at 8:00 p.m. Public in- Atte
date the Plains Shelterbelt Project; estry Service as the Prairie States Dames having cars are asked to 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Thursday, Jan. and Stromgren. Tea will be served at vited-light ch
Prof. S. W. Allen pointed to the ar- Forestry Project and is now, despite stop at the south door of the League 20, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. 4:00. -sg arge for refreshments. school
tile in American Forests, organ of an unspectacular advent, high in at 7:45 to transport members. Mrs. ---- matic
the American Forestry Association, public esteem and at least locally a Taulbee will act as chairman and Athena: There will be a meeting Junior A.A.U.W. Interior Decora- B Any woman student wishing to take speech
that the idea has not died. proven success. the play "George and Margaret" will Wednesday night in the Portia Room, tion Group will meet Thursday eve- the badminton test for physical edu- HighE
The article, by E. W Tinker, tells The new project was made legal by be read. 4th floor, Angell Hall. Dues pay- ning, Jan. 20, at 8:30, in Room 346, cation requirement should repor at The
of the development of the shelterbelt the Cooperative Farm and Forestryae Architecture Building. Barbour Gymnasium between 4:15 be
from its early inception to the present Act passed by Congress in 1937 and Omega Upsilon: Meeting tonight, Prof. Bittinger will give an illustrat- and 5:45 pGm. Friday, Jan. 21. 4 disp
stage, when it is operating as a prov- it allows for a plan by which the gov- 7:30, Morris Hall. Will members who Polish Engineering Society: Meet- ed talk on "Color in the Modern dA medical checkfr 197-38 iscus
en and established land protective ernment furnishes skilled investigat- cannot be present please notify an ing Wednesday at 7:15 in the League. Home." The meeting is open to any stiad
measure in the middle-western states ors and supervisors and planting officer. It is urgent that all members who ex- interested persons. meeti
so often laid waste by floods, droughts stock and the farmers in the prairie pect to attend the annual dance in Js yat 1:3
JunorGirs la: Pblcit cm-Mende
and windstorms. region supply the land and the labor Sphinx will meet at noon today in Detroit be present, as transportational Association Fireside: The studentmittee will meet at 4 p.m. Thursday n
The article states that the need for planting the trees. In this man- I the Union. Ham Morris will speak difficulies will then be taken care of. Religious Association will hold their mttee LFac
for land protection in the west was ner a great need of the entire nation on "How." All members are urged Choir members must be present as weekly Fireside Session Thursday eve- at the League.event
recognized at an early date by the is met without the outlay of any cash. to be present. there will be a rehearsal immediately ning at eight o'clock. Prof.
Timber Culture Act of 1873 which Professor Allen said that the amaz- following the meeting. Prbfessor Howard Y. McClusky will Parkers M ust Pay eric O
resulted in the planting of millions ing results achieved by certain spe- Alpha Kappa Delta will meet to- lead the discussion. This will be the depart
of trees, many of which are growing cie of tree and shrub in given sections night at 7:45 at the home of Prof. R.. Junior Girls Play: Danceng class last meeting this semester. If Council Has Way inet
today. Fifty-one years later the of the country, and the tangible bene- C. Angell, 1007 Berkshire Road. will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today at _Oren
Clarke-McNary Act, provid ing for the fit already evident in the crop and Speakers: Dr. Philips, Mr. Green- the Women's Athletic Building. Scimitar: There will be an import-Produc
distribution of tree-planting stock to condition of the land are the chief street, Mr. Moskowitz, psychiatric de- ant meeting of Scimitar Thursday The probability that the city coun- directo
farmers, made another step forward. insurance of the continuance of the partment of Jackson State Prison. Comin Eevening, Jan. 20 at the Union at 7:30. cil would deal with Ann Arbor's press- Pierce,
Thus for more than half a century, plan. All members are expected to be ing parking problem by installing Childr
decent forestry measures have been Making the mid-western farmer in- University Girls' Glee Club: There Graduate History Club: All gradu- present for initiations and elections. parking meters was seen yesterday part, a
recognized as a crying need in the dependent of the scourging elements will be a meeting tonight at the ate students in History are cordially This will be your last chance to get when it was announced that coun- Unive
greatest agricultural section of our will take one big group of the people League at 7:15. All members please invited to attend the annual Faculty jacket emblems at a regular meeting, cilmen appear to favor a motion pro- Cecil F
country. off relief rolls and make them rnde- be present. Tea held at the Michigan Union on so please bring your money if you viding for such action. at Mic
The failure of the Shelterbelt Proj- pendent and valuable contributors Sunday, Jan. 23, from 4:00 to 6:00 have not yet received your emblem. The cost of parking would be one
ect as a government measure did not to the nation's supply of real income, Sphinx will have their picture taken p.m. cent for 10 minutes. five cents for an
reiove the importance for satisfy- he pointed out. at 5:30 p.m. today at Rentschler's. Tickets may be obtained from any Play Production presents "This hour and 10 cents for two hours. Read
PfUa aon In the Bu iet1n ta constructive notice to all members of the
Wve"ty Copy reihved at the aMee eR the A.w1*t to th Pvsd..
wtI7 3:0: 11. ea, - Saturday
(Continued from Page 4) 1 scheduled for February 18 at 1:15
2. All tickets will be sold from the o'clock. All seniors Fho may be in-
tiAket desk at the Union terested in securing a license to teach:
Iin New York State should notify the
3. Ticket sale opens Thursday, office of the Department of Romance :
Jan. 19, at 1:00 p.m. and will continue Languages (112 R.L., telephone ex-
each day between the hours of 1:00 tension 406) by Wednesday noon,
and 5:30 except Saturday when the January 26, so that papers may be
hours will be from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. sent here.
No tickets -will be sold on Sunday.
4. No blocks of tickets will be sold Concer
to any organization.
5. The sale will be restricted to Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer
juniors until Monday, Jan. 24. Christian, University organist, will
6. General sale opens Monday, Jan. play an.interesting program of organ
24 and will be restricted to members numbers on the Frieze Memorial or-1
of the student body and faculty of gan, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 19,
the University. Only 1300 tickets will at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
be sold. The general public is invited without'-
admission charge.
7. Bring identificatien cards to pur-
chase tickets. Graduation Recital. Andrew Pon--
8. Tickets resold for more than the der. Violist, will give a graduation re-'
original purchase price will be void cital on the viola in the School of
and will not be accepted at the door. Music Auditorium on Maynard Street,
9. The numbers of lost tickets should Wednesday, Jan. 19. at 8:15 o'clock.
be reported at once to the Ticket The public is invited. . ,
Chairman ,Jack Wilcox. These num--'.
Official Bulletin and the tickets will Exhibition
not be accepted at the door. j Etchings, Aquatix;ts and Mezzehi ts.
by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va-
All Independents who wish to sit lerio of the College of Architecture,
in a booth at the J-Hop may do so in the South Gallery, Alumni Menm-
by applying at the office of the Con- orial Hall; and Etchings, Lithographs
gress, Room 306 of the Union after and Woodcuts by the Chicago Artists
they have purchased their ticket. Group in the North Gallery, Alumni
A 75-cent booth assessment and the Memorial Hall; daily 2 to 5 p.m. in~-
number of the ticket will be necessary cluding Sundays, Jan. 12 through 26, -I
for registration. In-as-much as there under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
are only three booths available, regis- Art Association.
tration will be closed after the first
100 tickets. .Events Today a
Registration hours will begin on -
Thursday, Jan. 20, and continue from IUniversity Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.nm.
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. until the 100 tickets Class in Stage and Radio Diction.---
are registered. Prof. G. E. Densmore. -
All women purchasing J-Hop tick -1
ets may also register at this time. Botanical Seminar meets today at -
_______4:30, Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper~ by
. . - C. D. La Rue "The rooting of flow--e
A cademic lNotces ers and stem internodes in sterile cub.e
Mathematics 120, Life Insurancecue.
Accounting. Thiz: course was an-I La Sociedad Hisnanica will hold the
:, ::::k : ;; .:.?:::.z ..::..::.:.; .:. ..:. .: 3: .;: .:? . -i:..?::-: :.:";; .

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19, 1938
OAre Expected
Drana Forum
i SchoolT iHhersHold
Meeting Saturday
ndance of more than 300 high
teachers and students of dra-
is expected here Saturday for
natics forum sponsored by the
department and Michigan
School Forensic Association.
meeting, the first of its kind to
nsored by the two groups, will
s all phases of the theatre, in-
g acting and production. Two
igs, one at 10 a.m. and another
0 p.m., will be held at the Lydia
lssohn theatre.
ulty members taking part in the
include Prof. Louis M. Eich,
Wililam P. Halstead and Fred-
. Crandall, all of the speech
ment; Prof. Valentine B.
director of Play Production;
Parker, art director of Play
tion, and Prof. Waldo Abbot,
r of broadcasting. Sarah
'35, director of the Ann Arbor
en's Theatre, will also take
s will Richard Dunham, Wayne
sity's director of dramatics and
i. Nickle, director of dramatics
higan State College.
I The Daily Classifieds

nounceth as not to be given in 1937-38 first lecture of its series today at 4:15,
It wil be offered the second semester in Room 103, Romance Languages
by Dr. T. N. E. Greville, and will meet Building. The lecturer is Professor
Wednesday and Friday at 1 o'clock C. P. Wagner and his subject: "Cante
in 3010'A.H., and Tuesday from 2 to Flamenco." All members are urged
4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. to be present as this is the last ac-
tivity of the present semester.
Geology 11 Make-up Exam. The
make-up for all three bluebooks this Research Club: This evening at
semester will be held Friday, Jan. 8 p.m.. in Room 2528 East Medical
21 at 9 a.m. in NS. Auditorium. These Building. Professor Campbell Bon-
examinations will be given at no ncr: A Discovery in Christian Liter- xa[
other time. ature. Professor W. E. Bachmann:
Cancer-producing Compounds.
Students wishing to concentrate in- The Council wii meet in the same
English. An alternative qualifying room at 7 p.m.
examination will be given Monday
night, Jan. 24, at 7 o'clock in Room Luncheon for Graduate Students
2225 Angell Hall. Juniors are par- on Wednesday. January 19, at 12
ticularly urged to take the examina- o'clock, in the Russian Tea Room of
tion at this time. the Michigan League. Cafeteria ser-'*
vice. Professor Howard McCluskey
Political Science Department: of the School of Education will speak
Changes in courses for second semes- informally on "Education for Social
ter: Responsibility":-C hesterfield features the
Pol. Sci. 2, sec. 6 (Professor Pol-
lock), will be given at 11, TuThS, Chemical and Metallurgical En-
1035 A.H. instead df at 10. gineering Seminar: Mr. Geo. W.- thing that really counts ...
Pl. Sci. 52, sec. 4, will be given at Stroebe will be the speaker at the
10, TuThS, 1035 A.H., by Professor Seminar for graduate students in sur. It all comes down to
Pollock instead of at 1, MWF, by Chemical and Metallurgical En- - s
Professor Calderwood. gineering today at 4 o'clock in Room
Pol. Sci. 68 (exam group E) will 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will Chesterfields are m ade of
be given at 1, MWF, 2203 A.H., by be "Boiling-film Heat Transfer Coef-
Professor Calderwood instead of at 9, ficients in a Long Tube Vertical Evap-
TuThS, by Professor Hayden. orator." darp o a c s . old i
Political Science 154, Governments
and Politics of the Far East, will not Seminar in Physical Chemistry will cigarette paper... the best
be given. meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
Political Science 142 will not be ing today at 4:15 p.m.
given I Mr. J. T. Carriel will speak on money can buy.
Political Science 164 (exam group "The Bernal-Fowler theory of the4 i.:C
TI will be given at 9 TuTh instead of! I wtire of water and related phe-r. .. r71 , 1 i' ut


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