PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY jAN. H, 19111 PAGE FQUU WEDNESDAY.. JAN. 19, 19~8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I i' .. ='/ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Iloard in Control of Studer' Publications. Pubiishod every morning except MondAY during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter hereti also reserved~ En'ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,' $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTE6 POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. 'NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGOo -BOSTON - LOS ANGELES- SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR..............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ................. WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN IEOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR...................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER-..................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ... .NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S 'BUSINESS MANAGER........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Who DolaeHe Think, Etc., Anyhow?. 0 0 W ITH THEIR breakfast coffee this morning, thousands of Detroiters will be led through a six-day course "Who Does Henry Ford Think He Is?" undjer the tutelage of Detroit Free Press' Iffy the Dopester. From the wording of the title, we might expect to see Ford roundly cuffed for resisting the union- ization of his employes; for his defiance of the NLRB orders and for purchasing, through his Japanese subsidiary, war indemnity bonds. We know, however, that we shall be disap- pointed. For, instead, Mr. Ford will probably be- come a miniature god transcending man and the law. He will be "philanthropic," "courageous," "paternalistic" and "demanding his own rights." Did he not, in his public benefactions, the ar- ticles will doubtless point out, build for Detroit the beautiful Greenfield Village; is he noten- dowing the American people with the finest of culture in his Sunday evening hour; is he not really fighting for the principlesour forefathers defended when he resists the "CIO communism?" If the articles use this line of reasoning, the Detroit Free Press will continue to be the De- troit Free Press. However, if, by some miracle, we are surprised and see Mr. Ford as the rugged in- dividualist he is-uncompromising toward all who oppose him-then we shall nominate the Free Press for one of this year's Pulitzer Prizes. Joseph N. Freedman. The Rebels' Press Agent? . . CONSIDERABLE journalistic embar- rassment by the New York Times has been suffered because of the conflicting dis- patches of two Times correspondents in Spain (Herbert L. Matthews with the Loyalists and Wil- liam P. Carney with the Insurgents). The recent series of reports concerning the supposed Insur- gent recapture of Teruel are perhaps at greatest variance. Insurgent press releases concerning Teruel have come through Mr. Carney as follows. His dis- patch of Dec. 30 in the Times relates the col- lapse of the government lines outside Teruel: "Hastily fortified lines are reported to have crumpled rapidly before the furious onslaught of four Insurgent columns under General Fidel Davila." In his report of Dec. 31 he becomes more specific, even stating the time at which the be- sieged Rebel garrison inside Teruel made contact with the advancing Insurgent host and reentered the city: "Smashing through the entire fifteen- mile front established by the Government west and north of Teruel only sixteen days ago, Gen. Francisco Franco's relief army this afternoon en- tered the besieged town on the third day of the Insurgent's powerful counter-offensive." Also: " the besieged garrison inside Teruel fought its way out and established conta t with its com- rades on La Muela at about 4 p.m. Together with the rescue forces they reentered Teruel triumph- antly at 5 p.m." Both quotations are necessarily from Insurgent sources, since at no time during the battle was Mr. Carney actually in the city of Teruel. How- ever, only the first has the phrase, "are reported to," that identifies it as one of these releases. The second quotation omits any qualifying phrase that would indicate that the dispatch was other than an eyewitness account. It would seem that short and obscure Government news releases, completely denying that the Insurgents had re- taken Teruel. Mr. Matthews, the Times corre- spondent with the Loyalists, continued to send releases also denying an Insurgent victory. Tiring of the endless conflict between reports from military sources on both sides, Mr. Mat- thews made a hazardous journey through the midwinter snows in the hope of gaining an actual view of the battle at Teruel, and arriving, made an inspection of the city itself. In his dispatch of Jan. 4 to the Times, he reports as follows: "The Insurgent counter-offensive against Teruel has failed. From your correspondent's inquiry on the spot yesterday, it seems certain that the Rebels never reached the city, never made con- tact with the garrison and refugees in the cellars of Teruel, never captured any government general Staff officers and, in short, never really menaced the provincial capital, which remains firmly in government hands." His dispatch has been cor- roborated 'by the Associated Press report of Jan. 5th and other reports since then. It would seem that the Insurgent press bureau and Mr. Carney were the only persons connected with the Rebel army that succeeded in reaching Teruel on Dec. 31. Dennis Flanagan. 'Hey, Ma! Let ITSDanc.. . S VERAL LETTERS to the editor re- cently have brought to light the fact that there is a large number of students, both men and women, who would like to attend some of the Terpsichorean social events on campus, such as the Union and League dances, but who are unable to because they, do not know members of the opposite sex well enough to ask them and thus comply with League and Union requirements that only couples will be admitted. They seem to desire an occasional stag dance in the week-end social programs at the League and the Union. And they seem to have rather conclusive arguments as to why they should. Witness the letter written by "Thirty-seven" in the Jan. 16 issue of the Daily, in which he indi- cates the feelings shared by a large portion of Michigan Men. He feels that the local co-eds have been set up on pedestals-that they are con- ceited snobs. The funny part about this is that a good many Michigan women feel the same way about the men. We asked the opinions of several women on campus and discovered this paradox. They pointed out that every Friday and Saturday night there are always several score of Mosher- Jordanites who would gladly go to a dance, but who have no way of indicating that fact to the numerous "Thirty-seven's" on campus who would also derive a great deal of enjoyment from at- tending a dance once in a while, but who do not know any women to take. Back home in Van Buren County, we never had to stay home just because we did not have a date. We all went stag and had a swell time. A good, loud, healthy guffaw would have greeted any suggestion that we had to take a girl, or that girls would have to come with a fellow in order to be admitted. We concede that maybe we were a bit informal, but oh boy, what fun we had. Oh gee, Ma! We want to go to the dance! Earl R. Gilman Helen Douglas Tuure Tenander ART By JEAN PAUL SLUSSER The Chicago Artists The exhibition of prints by the Chicago Artists Group now hung in the North Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall furnishes a foil to Prof. Mastro- Valerio's admirable nudes and landscapes, and the two shows taken together afford an unusual opportunity to the local collector. This newly organized Chicago group, in accordance with a recent nation-wide trend, is attempting by mar- keting good prints at extremely low prices to restore print-making to its traditional place as an art of and for the people. All of the forty-five lithographs, etchings and wood-block prints in' this exhibition, though numbered and signed examples of limited editions, are offered at prices so low as to bring them within the reach of everyone. The prints themselves, like so many being pro- duced in America today, are largely of the so- called proletarian trend, and in subject-matter and treatment represent a break with the con- servative and romantic mood which dominated point-making until recently. The artist frankly faces the realities of the world he lives in, and grappling with facts, however hard, finds new interpretations of beauty appropriate to his own time. To some, unable to look past the drab- ness of the subject-matter to the freshness and strength with which it is handled, many of these prints may seem merely depressing. The best of them have an honesty of approach and a vigor of formal organization which shows that- the breadth of life is in them. Lithography is char- acteristically the medium most employed, and it lends itself admirably here as it has so often done in the past to designs carrying social and satiric implications. There is, as might be expected; considerable ex- perimentation with new molds of expression. Va- vak in his "Harbor" and "Landscape at Niles" and John F. Stenvall in his" "Mexican Landscape" and "Interior" achieve happy and novel simplifi- cations. Bernece Berkman weaves a graphic pat- tern out of her "Newsboys" and "Sunday at the Dunes." Cecil Rosenberg's poignant glimpses of big city life exploit something of the rich tonality of lithography, and Julio de Diego shows wit, Jfeeini o)e H-eywood'B ro un I wasn't around the night Mae West took to the air, nor have I heard her on a platter. Some- times a whole year or so goes by without my hearing or seeing Miss West in anything. I am not a Mae West fan. Checking up among the radio addicts of my own acquaintance, the net result, with one dis- trict still missing, is six votes that "Adam and Eve" was dull, and one vote that "Adam and Eve" was dull and dirty. Nevertheless, I think the Federal Communi- cations Commission has in- dulged in dangerous folly in its public statement on the incident. Mr. McNinch stated that 'he feature was "vulgar, indecent and against all proprieties." I do not think that the "pro- prieties" should be any part of the business of the Radio Commission. Naturally, there must be Federal supervision as long as the lanes of the air are numbered. And I suppose that there should be some protection against the dissemina- tion of words palpably gross and obscene. But at present radio stations are prissy. I think it was a far greater error to shut off General Johnson's talk on venereal disease than to let "Adam and Eve" go on. * Scaring The Frightened The result of the recent blast by the Communi- cations Commission is going to be distinctly bad. Radio entrepreneurs, like the "coneys" of the Bible, "are a feeble folk." They have always been frightened by what they call "controversial" sub-. jects. In recent years there has been some little. actual growth in the development of adult pro- grams, but the ukase from Washington is going to send most of the stations back to their infancy again. Presently I expect to hear that the word "rat" must be spelled out "r" "a" "t," lest some tiny toddler be frightened by an ugly word. The censorship which already exists is pretty silly., It says to a prominent actress, who must be nameless from this day forth, "Go West young woman and never darken our microphone again." This, as I understand it, is done to protect the youth of the land. On the other hand, many of the adventure programs specially prepared for children frighten the life out of the little brats and send them to bed with convulsions. They could do better. The Time To Fight NBC should not have apologized all over the map. It should have made a fight. At the very least the chain ought to put a speaker on the air who would challenge the 'ight of Mr. Mc- Ninch to assume the role of Emily Post for an entire nation. Questions of good taste are de- vious and difficult. Pretty soon some political speaker will be stopped because the Commission deplores his choice of words. And speaking of niceties in expression, just run over this fragment from the commission's report: "The high standards required for a broadcast program intended for reception in the homes, schools, automobiles, religious, social and eco- nomic institutions as well as clubs, hotels, trains and other places.. .carrying its message to men, women and children of all ages." That is too many people to hit with one pro- gram. Radio could have a distinct cultural in- fluence, but this will be impossible if every broadcast must be aimed to swat grandma and little Willie squarely between the eyes. I think the hotels and clubs of which McNinch speaks so tenderly ought to be equipped with shock absorbers, just as automobiles are. And I wonder whether the defenders of decency ever stop to think that every radio listener, beyond the grade of first year moron, can easily be his own censor. After all, it is quite possible to learn the trick of turning the darn thing off. It seems to me that men and women who hope that radio will get to be something more than a toy or a toothpaste accessory can serve a good function by writing a post card to the Federal Communications Commission saying, "Mind your own business." Of course, you can use your own name, but I intend to sign mine: "With love and kisses-Mae West." O,.n The Level By WRAG One of the campus time-wasters received five straight "E's' on the first five Anthropology blue- books this semester. When the sixth exam came around last week, the prof. told him that he might take the questions home with him and work the blue-book through there. The student did just this, and got the mark back yesterday. It was another "E. * * * * Research shows that George Olsen, famous band leader and former Michigan drum major, was the first drum major to ever throw a baton over the goal-post at a football game. He did this in 1914, in Ann Arbor. Hmmm, and that was way back in days before Michigan football needed a band to make it interesting. A bridge fiend walked into his house Tues- day and said, "Let's round up a fifth for bridge." Brothers tried to explain that only four could music By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Helsinki Chorus ... Finland, it seems, can sing as well as pay its debts, After greeting its Hill Auditorium audience unexpect- edly with The Star:Spangled Banner, the male chorus from the University of Helsinki, at present on a govern- ment-supported tour of Eastern America, last night sung its way among the lakes and mountains of Finnish folk-lore to a thrill-inspiring peak in the songs of Selim Palmgren. The all-Finnish -program had its limi- tations, in a lack of sufficient variety of style and mood. But as an educa- tional as well as an emotional experi- ence, the performance more than bal- anced any monotony by its unique in- terests. In all, twelve Finnish composers were represented on the program, with Sibelius and Palmgren carrying off top honors in both quantity and quality. The exquisitely lovely Cradle Song of the latter was repeated at the request of the audience, as were the same composer's Surmmer Evening and Armas Maasalo's saucy "Chubby- Cheek." Outstanding also were the haunting, reflective beauty of Toivo Kuula's In The Evening, Tornudd's droll tale of the progressively inebri- ant Prokko, and the Cossack-like March of the Peasant Army of Kuula which, with Sibelius' The Broken Voice, completed the encores of the evening. For a university organization (in which, however, judging by their ap- parent ages, there must have been a great many 'graduate" students), the Helsinki group turned in a remark- ably fine choral performance. Collec- tively, the tone was of excellent qual- ity, full of vitality, and well-placed in all degrees from an exquisite pian- issimo to a resonant but unforced for- tissimo. The intonation, although pro- cured in a rather laborious manner before each number, was unimpeach- able, and in all respects of technique the Chorus showed itself well-drilled and well-controlled. Stage showman- ship was absent almost to the point of over-informality, and musically there were none of the sharp dynamic changes, tonal aberrations, and extra- musical tricks much used by some choral conductors. The three solo- ists, Alfons Almi and ViljoLehtinen,' tenors, and Helge Virkkunen, bari- tone, were capable in every respect. NAVAL PLANES FLY WEST SAN DIEGO, Calif., Jan. 18.-(A)- A fleet of 18 bombing planes, a fight- ing wing of the United States Navy, droned high over the Pacific sea lanes tonight, bearing 127 officers and men non-stop to Honolulu. The Navy described the flight as "delivery by air of new aircraft in conformity with naval practice." Some of the ships bounced heavily on the water before gaining flying speed., L.S.&A. Juniors and Seniors wish- Final Examination Schedule, First Semester, 1937-38: College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts, Graduate School. School of Education, School of Forestry. Time of Examination Exam. Time Group of Letter Exercise A Mon. at 8 B Mon. at 9 C Mon. at 10 D Mon. at 11 E Mon. at1 F Mon. at 2 G Mon. at 3 H Tues. at 8 I Tues. at 9 J Tues. at 10 K Tues. at 11 L Tues. at 1 M Tues. at 2 N Tues. at 3 O Special P Special Q Special R Special First Semester Second Semester Mon., Fri., Wed., Mon., Tues., Mon., Tues., Mon., Tues., Wed., Tues., Wed., Fri., Thurs., Sat., Sat., Sat., Thurs., Feb. Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Jan. Feb. 7, 4, 2, 31, 8, 31, 8, 7, 1, 2, 1, 9, 4, 3, 5, 29, 3, 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2- 5 2- 5 9-12 2- 5 2- 5 2- 5 9-12 9-12 2- 5 9,12 9-12 2- 5 2- 5 2- 5 Wed, Mon., Tues., Mon., Mon., Sat., Thurs., 'Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Tues., Fri., Sat., Wed., Sat., Tues., Sat., June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June June 8, 9-12 6, 2- 5 7, 9-12 6, 9-12 13, 9-12 4, 9-12 9, 9-12 13, 2- 5 7, 2- 5 9, 2- 5 10, 2- 5 14, 9-12 10; 9-12 11, 2- 5 8, 2- 5 11, 9-12 14, 2- 5 4, 2- 5 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19, 1938 VOL. XLVIIL No. 84 Automobile Regulation: Permission to drive for social purposes during the week-end of the J-Hop from Fri- day noon, Feb 11, until Monday morn- ing, Feb. 14, at 8 a.m., may be obtain- ed at Room 2. University Hall through the following procedure: 1. Parent signature cards should be secured at this office and sent home for the written approval of the parents. 2. Upon presentation of the signed card together with accurate infor- mation with regard to the make, type and license number of the car to be used, a temporary permit will be granted. It is especially im- portant to designate the year of the license plates which will be on the car during the week-end of Feb. 11. 3. Out of town cars used for the week- end must not be brought into Ann Arbor before 12 o'clock noon on Friday, Feb. 11, and must be taken out 'before 8 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 14. The foregoing wil not apply to those students who possess regular driving permits. The above permission will automatically be granted to this group. Office of the Dean of Students Summer Work: Registration for summer work including camp coun- seling is being held this week, today, Jan. 19, through Friday, Jan. 21 at 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9:00- 12:00 and 2:00-4:00. University Bureau of Appoint- ments 'and Occupational In- formation, 201 Mason Hall. The Bureau has received notice of the following Secondary School Ex- aminations, given by the Board of Examiners, Newark, New Jersey: Art- (Drawing and Design). Music-Vocal. Music-Instrumental. Mechanical Drawing. The Salary schedule for the posi- tions provides for a minimum of $2,- 200 and a maximum of $4,600 per annum. Residence in the city of Newark will be required of candidates taking the written examination for place- ment on the "Preferred Substitute List." For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. German Departmental Library: All books loaned from the library (204- U.H.) must be in not later than Jan. 22. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual agree- ment between students and instructor and with the approval of the Examina- tion Schedule Committee. N.B. Within the past year, the time of exercise for several of the courses listed in the Literary Announcement has been changed, but due to an over- sight no corresponding change was made in the Examination Group Letter. In order to avoid conflicts in such cases, the time of exercise-rather than the Examination Group Letter-must be examination. "The New Supplement" By a Former Editor of CONTEMPORARY To the Editor: I was associated with Contem- porary during the entire three years of its existence. Naturally, I rather resent being called a snob, particular- ly since my fellow editors and I always felt that most of our efforts were be- ing expended in a constant, if per-j haps disorganized and certainly un- successful, effort to get more people connected with the magazine both as contributors and members of the staff. My purpose in writing this letter, beyond that of self-defense, is to add my support to the Daily's suggestion that a new literary magazine be start- ed and to indicate what I consider the primary problems in such a ven- ture. The Daily's contention that there is plenty of material on campusris undeniably true. The task of ferret- ing out that material is, however, no easy one. In the entire course of Contemporary's existence, I do not be- lieve that more than ten or twenty per cent of the published material was submitted without personal solic- itation on the part of the editors. A dependence upon finding out the name of everyone who writes and contacting him personally makes omission and consequent lack of com- plete representativeness almost inev- itable. The only condition under which such representativeness can be achieved is if those who write feel interested enough to offer their work without invitation and objective enough to realize that rejection of some things in favor of other does not necessarily indicate snobbishness. The problem of getting a reason- ably fluid and competent staff is per- haps most important of all. The same group controlled Contemporary, for three years only because there seemed to be no more than one or two students on the subordinate staff of sufficient responsibility to take com- plete charge. We never had a large enough group of tryouts to choose from. This was because mature stu- dents of literary interests did not care I to give their time or were not humble enough to submit to the humiliation Contemporary's demise was most di- rectly caused by the decision of the members of our small and overworked' business staff to stop being suckers. Again, lack of money made it im- possible to reduce the price of the magazine to fifteen cents or even a dime, where, logically, it should stand in order to get a large circulation without being a hardship to the fi- nances of those who buy it. I have recently heard that the Board in Control of Publications loaned a shockingly large sum of money to Panorama, in the expecta- tion that the magazine would show a profit. Although the Board offered' money to Contemporary for this year, it was insufficient to allow any re- duction in price or any payment to the business staff, both of which I consider of prime importance to thea permanent existence of a literary publication. It seems to 'me im- measurably better from the point of view of an educational institution to lose money in maintaining and cir- culating a literary magazine than to make money on an imitation of Look. The problem of what will interest a student audience is one which, ad- mittedly, the editors of Contemporary failed to solve. Our first assumption that a literary magazine might par- donably print literary articles was soon abandoned. During last year, if I recall, the magazine did not con- tain a single literary article. Instead, considering it our function to publish articles concerned with the student, we had four articles on higher edu- cation, one on the history of the dor- mitory question at Michigan, one on the student peace movement, and various others which we considered of direct interest to college students as a special class. The short stories were, in their virtues and faults, typ- ical of the best undergraduate prod- uct. We reviewed books of substan- tially the same type as those reviewed in the Daily, concentrating somewhat more on significant non-fiction, and we made it a point to comment on Ann Arbor cultural events, except when the magazine was to appear too long after the event. In the poetry, all written on campus, we tried to employed in determining the time of ing to change their field of concen- tration for the second semester, please procure slips at Room 4 U. H., have them signed by the adviser in the new field, and return them to Room 4, U.H before Feb. 1, 1938. Robert L. Williams Students Planning to do Directed Teaching: Students expecting to do directed teaching the second seies- ter are urged to interview Dr. Curtis in Room 2442 University Elementary School according to the following schedule: Wednesday, Jan. 26: 1:30 to 4:30, Mathematics and Science, Commer- cial Subjects. Thursday, Jan. 27: 1:30 to 4:30 Latin, French, German, Fine Arts. Friday, Jan. 28: 9:00 to 12:00, English and Speech. Friday, Jan. 28: 1:30 to 4:30, So- cial Studies. Assignments for directed teaching are made in order of application. Graduate School: All graduate stu- dents who expect to complete the re- quirements for a degree at the close of the present semester should call at the office of the Graduate School, 1006 Angell Hall, to check their re= cords and to secure the proper blank to be used in making application for the diploma. This application should be filed not later than the end of January. Registration forms for the second semester are available in the office, Graduate students are urged to fill out the forms in advance and to se- cure the necessary signatures. Reg- istration must be completed in Water- man Gymnasium, February 10, 11 and 12. The late registration fee will be charged beginning Monday, February 14. New students, or students trans- ferring, should at an early date ask the Secretary ofatheir School or Col- lege to prepare and send to the office of the Graduate School an official transcript of their undergraduate re- cords. New students are advised to apply for admission on advance of registration. C. S. Yoakum. Graduating Seniors: L.S.&A.: Senior dues will be collected Mon- day through Thursday in the lobby of Angell Hall during the week of Jan. 16, or may be paid to any member of the finance committee before Jan.