SEPTEMBER 29, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Assembly Zone Reorganization Concerts, Lectures, Coki 0 ng Shows Many Women - ~Will Cmee Time' Problem p I~ Glf Mth~ \vil play matches with the Ann Arbor club, will have its first meeting at 4 Women and a faculty team. p.m. tomorrow at the League, stated Pitch and Putt, the women's golf Miss Merker. Is Announced Board Of Representatives Must Petition This Year; BanquetWill Be Heldj The zones into which the Leaguer houses formerly were organized have been changed, and eight entirely newE zones have been made to replace them. This reorganization was an- nounced yesterday by Helen Jes-5 person, '38, president of Assembly, organization for non-affiliated wom- en.E Zone I is composed of the follow- ing League houses: McClain, G. Wil- son, Augspurger, Coon, McGregor and the Michigan League; Zone II:. Carney, Kunkel, Curtiss, Stevens andl Austin (N. University). Houses In Zone IIIt The houses in Zone III are: John-t son, Austin (Williams), Feiner, Paul,t Rock, Asman, Gorton, Jeffrey andr Hemingway. In Zone IV they are: Cadwell, Bannasch, Gray, Dunlap,r Wagner, Mrs. H. M. Smith, Sladei (S. Forest) and Gorman. Zone V is made up of King, Pray, Dey, Slade (Hill), Zuck, Higley andE Swanay houses; Zone VI of Stone-e burner, Wood, Miller, Farley, Peer, Keusch, Mitchell and Mrs. Feltal Smith houses. The Radford, Riggs, Shauman,E Snell and Adams houses compose Zone VII. Those in Zone VIII are Kappel, Zimmer ,Schultz, Andrus,t Scheldinger, Simon and Mrs. G. Wil- son.t Change Effected Immediately, The change goes into effect im- mediately, according to Miss Jesper- son. She hopes that by re-zoning and thus improving the system, more independent women will enter intoI campus activities.- "This year the Assembly represen- tatives must petition for the posi- tions and be interviewed," Miss Jes- person said. This is the first year that this system, which the League uses entirely, has been employed by the Assembly. Forty members will be appointed in this manner and the number will be divided equally be- tween the dormitories and league houses. The petitioning will take place early in October. Assembly Will Give Tea During the fall the Assembly will have a tea for all non-affiliated women. A banquet will also be held this fall and at this function the rep- resentatives of the sophomore, junior and senior classes who have the high- est scholarship ratings for last year will be announced. Also honored will be the dormitory and league houses with the highest averages. The cli- max of the year's events, Miss Jes- person said, will be the annual ball which wil be held in the spring. A s s e m b 1 y is an organization, founded in 1934, for the purpose of organizing the independent women of the campus and to encourage them to enter into extracurricular activi- ties. There are three executive of- fices, an administrative board and a board of representatives. New Medical Men Honored By Fraternity Phi Chi, medical fraternity, enter- tained incoming medical students and faculty members at a smoker given Friday night. . The' smoker was held to acquaint the new men with their fellow stu- dents and instructors and professors. Several speeches were given by mem- bers of the faculty during the smoker. Guests included Dr. Cyrus C. Stur- gis, professor and head of the De- partment of Medicine and director of the Simpson Memorial Institute; Dr. Bruce Fralick, professor of oph- thalmology and acting head of the ophthalmology department; Dr. War- ren Forsythe, director of Health Service and professor of public health and Dr. Emory Sink, consult- ant ophthalmologist. Other guests were Dr. Bradley Pat- ton, head of the Department of An- atomy, Dr. M. E. Gump, instructor of ophthalomology, Dr. Robert Davis, instructor of neurology, Dr. Reed E. Nesbit, professor of surgery and di- rector of urology, Dr. Henry K. Ran- som and Dr. Walter G. Maddox, pro- fessors of surgery. Dr. T. D. Wilkinson, Dr. Fred Pal- mer,. Dr. Maurince Klopfenstein, Dr. Robert Wilson, Dr. Rolls E. McCot- ter, Dr. Spencer Wager, Dr. Ray- mond Waggoner, and Dr. William Gordan of Detroit and others com- pleted the list of guests, according to Harry G. McGarran, '38M, pres- ident of Phi Chi fraternity. Announcing the opening of a Cours de Francais French Conversation and Help Solve Leisure 6i i _ By SUZANNE POTTER With a quite convincing brief to Proves Popular back him up, a local wag once said: "There are only two things to do il Ann Arbor, drink beer and go to the cinema, and you can stand the cine- ma only so long." Despite this quip, which is accept- ed as a truth by all healthy beer' drinkers, Ann Arbor offers the col- legiate everything in the way of wholesome entertainment. To start loftily and work down- ward, to more plebian entertainment, each year brings a series of concerts to town. The concerts, which us- ually number 10, are by the most' famous artists in -American and( European music. Music Programs Listed One may force one self to attend1 the first, if one is unacquainted with the pleasure of music, but thereafter they become a habit, possibly the most pleasurable four-year habit one may have. The 1937-38 program of- fers as an opener the celebrated Serge Rachmaninoff, pianist. Rich- ard Crooks, Metropolitan Opera ten- or, the incomparable Fritz Kreisler, and the Boston Symphony Orches- tra under tthe direction of Serge Koussevitzky are only a few of thei attractions in the 59th Choral Union Pastime lines, and in that case, there is that ramos Stte tree resaurnt nted All women are eligible to partici- Lamous State Street restaurant noted pate in the 18 hole medal golf tourna- for its cokes, canned swing music ment which is now being played, an- and B.M. and B.W.O.C.'s. Many a nounced Mrs. Stewart Hanley, in- pleasant hour is whiled away within structor of golf for women's physical its walls. Campus interest also cen- education and advisor for Pitch and t Putt club. ters at the meeting-place west of First semester freshmen are eli- Division Street. Proof of its pop-d 1, gible to enter this tournament. Extra MONT JI H - END SALE W.EDN ESDAY - THURSDAY L11 ularity is the sight of its interior' packed with humanity waiting for a table. Knitting Is Popular But when the urge comes, to really get away from it all, take knitting in hand, and with your directions from the knitting shop, retire to the nether regions and run up a sweater or a pair of Tyrolean mittens. Reading is still in good style, and although "An- thony Adverse" and "Gone With The Wind" have had their day, the com- ing season will no doubt bring forth another tome to occupy the collegiate; mind., curricular activity' in sports is one of the few activities in which they may participate. The women must play 18 consecutive holes at the University Golf course and may turn in scores there at the office or to Mrs. Hanley or Marjorie Merker, '39, pres- ident of Pitch and Putt, at the Wom- en's Athletic Building. Participants may play any day, but their scores must be attested by their partners. This tourney, which will be of two or three weeks duration, will be the qualifying round for placement on the golf team, according to Mrs. Hanley. During the year the team Dresses .. . 00 $100 1 / I series. The Oratorical Association pre- sents a series of lectures throughout the school year which bring to Ann Arbor audiences not only well-known public speakers, but lecturers of the more dramatic type. The charming actress, Cornelia Otis Skinner gave a program of playlets last year. Organ Concerts Given A pleasant place to drop in on toward the end of a free Wednesday afternoon is Hill Auditorium where the weekly organ concerts are given. And for local talent at its best, there are the offerings of Play Production. For the good of the general health and well-being of the student, a' moderate amount of exercise is called for. And the same is not hard t) find with all the varied facilities of the University and town at the stu. dent's command. Horseback riding is especially enjoyable in the fall. There are two good stables in town, both of which offer transportation out and back for their customers. And trans- portation anywhere, any time is wel- come in this auto-less paradise. An- other standby of sports lovers, as long as the warm weather holds out. is tennis. Palmer Field offers a large number of good courts, and Ann Ar- bor is sprinkled with clay and ce- ment courts in the city parks. Union Has 'Ladies' Night' It is a little chilly for swimming out at Loch Alpine or the river, but there is always "Ladies' Night" at the Union. The University Golf Course welcomes untold numbers who go out 'to take a swing or two of a mellow autumn day. Obviously, not all of the student body is inclined along such athletic Students Supply Store 1111 South University Avenue ENGINEERS' and ARCHITECTS' MATERIALS Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Knits, Crepes, Dresses Business, Afternoon and Evening. Typewriting for Street, School, Dresses and Pound Papers College Pennants and Jewelry Leather Goods that can be worn all winter. In black, brown, navy, green, wine, rust. Sazes 12 to 46. Blouses . . 1.00 One Group Dark Colors, Long Sleeves i0 Che 6Elizabeth Pilon SHOP 309 South State Street TYPEWRITERS NEW and USED BOOKS Phone 8688 here fIo&1k I riIto o ofetCis 3 c a p ejtotl ' c~e ~e at alo1 e A t e , eart e3t e a s isstzec be 1i r.ii S