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January 16, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-16

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SUNDAY, JAN. 16, 1938

i milli a ,


3"" "- - "- - -.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studer +Publications..
' Puished every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
tse for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second lass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937.38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers ReIresentaiv
Board of Editors
NEWS EDITOR ..................ROBERT P WEEKS
SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Are We Goinarg?. --
rT' HERE ARE several just rewards that
redound to you in your senior year:
off hand we'd mention being able to get into
discussions on epistemology and technological
inemployment, and bandy about other high-
falutin terms. On the other hand, one bitter
obligation of the senior year, almost as appalling
as the ogre of graduation, is that of counselling
your sophomore and junior friends on matters
This year more than ever before we have been
confronted with the old question, "Do you know
a good two hour course that doesn't have a
text-book?" Today we havesresolved never to
answer that question again as long as we live,
because that question stands for all that is rotten
in the pursuit of the quasi-liberal education.
That question has as much seriousness of pur:
pose and intellectual integrity as an inquiry about
the arms and legs of a bust. In it is all the lack,
of imagination that fosters and feeds schemes
to turn the liberal arts college into a factory for
future accountants, politicians, bankers and in-
surance salesmen. The searcher for the two
hour course, sans text, is Mr. Average Movie-
goer. He is the man that wants to see cause
and effect and hasn't the perspicacity or the
desire to know the meaning of something without
knowing what it will net him to know it. Muns-
terber says of-this preoccupation with the prac-
tical: "A youth who does not learn early to
appreciate the objects in their own meaning,
but sees them as causes for effects, cannot be
expected to have in later life other than practical
interests and must lack that repose which gives
the only complete satisfaction, that repose which
a mere restless striving for practical ends ever
promises, but can never give. The most system-
atic effort must be made to train the young
man from the first for the true aspect of the
world which takes things as they are in their
highest import and not as they appear in the
system of causes and effects."
This philosopher is an isolationist and wants
us to look on the ocean not as H20, which can
be split up by electrolysis, but as the ocean-
something in itself. We are not isolationists
but we are sympathetic to that approach at a
time such as this when success is measured in
terms of electric refrigerators, coffin-sized radio-
victrolas and being able to send your son to
Princeton. We are sympathetic to this approach
at a time when a part of the University of Mich-

igan student body looks through the school
catalogue as if it were put out by Sears-Roebuck
and as if they could employ the same criteria
in selecting a course in aesthetics or diction and
usage as they could in selecting a pair of over-
alls or a bed pan.
Anyone who has been in an idealistic bull
session" about the horrible state of affairs in
the world today and what we're going to do about
it, knows that the conclusion invariably rests in
one way or another upon education. That's the
only way we can get better journalism, some
form of state medicine for the indigent, world
peace, fewer traffic fatalities, and an improved
legal profession. We presume that is one reason
for the popularity of the "liberal education"
as a topic for preachers, editorial writers, and
writers for the Saturday Evening Post; education
is a grand panacea for the ailments of the world.
Our point is, that to make the world safe for

Ink For The Pens
To the Editor:
Your editorial this morning on Campus Period-
icals expresses the hope of the hundreds of
writing students and the thousands of reading
students who earnestly desire some kind of publi-
cation which will have continued interest to
them. They don't want anything of the snobbish
Contemporary sort, nor do they want a cheap
imitation of a Saturday Evening Post or periodi-
cals of that ilk. I sincerely believe that what
is needed on this campus, undoubtedly one of
the outstanding in the nation, is a suitable me-
dium for the expression of Michigan students.
They read, they think and they write. And some
write exceptionally well. You cited the Hopwood
writers and the playwrights. That group alone
comprises the bulk of Michigan's creative writers.
It is almost imperative to the further high
quality of campus intellectual life that some
periodical exist in which students and faculty
members can feel free to set down in black and,
white, for their own and others' edification,
their views on the drama, the screen, music,
art, on campus life in general. True it is that
the Forum column of the Michigan Daily serves
that purpose, but of late the column has been
shunted off to unfamiliar parts of the editorial
page, losing much of its significance and vitality.
I believe that students do take their world by
the scruff of the neck and shake it to see what
good will fall out of its pockets. Many of them
want to put down on paper for others to see what
they think of the latest books, the student peace
movement, the labor and capital issue, the new
developments in science and engineering, the
most recent events on the world political front.
As a great educational and cultural focal
point of the nation we deserve to have a new
student periodical.
If the present lack of such a publication as
I envisage persists Ann Arbor can withdraw into
its own little hole and have its nuts.
-Old Subscriber.

N em i eywood Broun
I understand that this is not the most profitable
:)f all possible seasons along Broadway, and yet
it seems to me one of the best years the theater
has ever known.
I have in mind such stal-
wart survivors as "You Can't
Take It with You" and "Yes,
M~y Darling Daughter,"
which is going into its last
two weeks. And, of course,
there is "Tobacco Road."
This I have not seen even yet,
because I have gone along
with the feeling "there will
always be time to see 'To-
bacco Road'"
And anyhow, I am thinking less of the veterans
than of the recruits of the present season. Even
when thirty or forty shows were current in New
York it was exceptional to find more than two or
three which really amounted to much. This
year is better. "Golden Boy," "Of Mice and
Men," "Pins and Needles," "Julius Caesar"
"Shoemaker's Holiday" are all important.
The One Best Bet
But for my money "The Cradle Will Rock" is
the most exciting of all the current entertain-
ments. I thought it was amusing and, more than
that, rousing when I first saw it. A few nights
later I attended Mr. Hague's mass meeting in
Jersey City, and then I realized that "The Cradle
Will Rock," in addition to everything else, is also
true. The community called "Steeltown," of
which Marc Blitzstein has written, could very
well be Jersey City. The editor, the clergyman,
the business man who parade before the audience
in the opera at the Windsor Theatre are not in
any sense gross caricatures of the characters who
strode up on Hague's stage at the armory across
the river.
Several people of varying worth and intensity
have recently volunteered to run the blockade
and smuggle a little truth inside Hague's lines,
but I do not think that anyone of them could
do as good a job as might be accomplished acoss
the river by a special matinee of "The Cradle Will
Rock" within the enemy's country.
Jersey's Frank can take a lot of kidding in his
stride, for he is himself of the professional good
fellow type. My own visit was marred by meet-
ing a man who made the traditional approach
of saying, "Come on, now, Heywood. Whether
you agree with our Mayor or not, you must admit
that he's a good guy, and let's shake hands on
that." I am pleased to report that we did not
shake hands and did get into a minor row
until Edd Johnson, the reporter who said "Nuts!"
to Hague, pulled me away.
Satire With A Sting
But none of the people for whom "The Cradle
Will Rock" has laid out shoes are going to have
any fun in putting them on. The satire is amus-
ing, but it also has a blasting quality. Its victims
cannot laugh off the things said about them.
Not in a good many years have I seen anything
which set the mind to marching in such a man-
ner. And I would like to add a word about two
performances in particular. I refer to Will Geer,
who plays "Mister Mister," and Howard Da Silva,
who plays "Larry Foreman," the organizer. I
never thought I could get back into the adolescent
spirit sufficiently to hiss a stage villain until I
saw Geer's Girdleresque performance, and if Da
Silva isn't giving the most up and coming piece
of acting now to be seen along Broadway, then
I was never, for my sins, a dramatic critic.
On The Le~nvel

This Proud W orkshop
With Play Production's presenta-

(Continued from Page 2)


tion of a student written play at the ---
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre next month: Semi-Senior Accountant,
Thursday evening, the University of $170-215 a month; Junior Accoul$-
Michigan's need for a workshop thea- ant. $135-165 a month; Michigan
tre becomes only too flagrantly ap- Civil Service Department; for Michi-
parent. gan residents.
Although Norman Rosten's This For further information, please call
Proud Pilgrimage is a play of such at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
tremendous proportion, itywas only Bureau of Appointments and
after the most careful deliberation Occupational Information.
that it was decided to be performed as
a major Play Production's schedule. Summer Work: Registration forj
It is my contention that a student camp counseling and other types of
written drama should first be pre- summer work will be held Tuesday,
sented as a laboratory experiment. Jan. 18 through Friday, Jan, 21. Of-
First of all, the essential eye toward fice hours: 9:00-12:00 and 2:00 to
the box-office would not be a major 4:00.
factor in the decision of the play's University Bureau of Appoint
production; and under the present mens and Occupational Infor-
system this is a vital consideration.21 Mason Hall.
Secondly, from the viewpoint of the 2
playwright, his play, in the eiper-
imental form, could be reworked to- 'o Choral Un embeose :Membrs
ward greater dramatic sequence. He
canseehiswek pint i th plyare clear and who call in person,
can see his weak points in the play, will be given pass tickets for the
revamp them toward greater dram- the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4,
atic unity and progression. Does ,h h ,
this piece of business work in with on Tuesday, Jan. 18. After 4 o'clock
the dramatic action? Does this char- no tickets will be given out.
acter motivate? Is that character1
integrated with the plot as a whole? Academic NOtices
In the third place, in the Workshop
Theatre, a student director could Mathematics 120, Life Insurance
direct the play in experimental form; Accounting. This course was an-
a student scenic designer could plan nounced as not to be given in 1937-38
the sets. Once the actual show was It wil be offered the second semester
put on in this experimental form, the by Dr. T. N. E. Greville, and will meet
director in charge of Play Production Wednesday and Friday at 1 o'clock|
would be at a much better vantage in 3010 A.H., and Tuesday from 2 to
point to see its potentialities and its 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H.
box-office appeal. Further the ex- P:
pense of lavish sets and props would Psychology 103: All persons plan-
be drastically cut at 'the outset. ning to elect Psychology 103, Practice
The experience the playwright, the in Individual Testing, next semester
student dir ct thP t d n tnic must have permission from Dr. Mey-,

Hymn Class; Dr. Maddy.
University Broadcast 12:30-1:00
p.m. Practical Sociology for the Lay-
man Series. Topic: Child Welfare.
Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner, Prof.
of Psychiatry.

Men's Glee Club meet at Rentschler
Studio at 3 :30. Full dress required.
The Palestine Club will meet at
3:30 today at the Hillel Foundation.
Coming Events
Research Club Wednesday, Jan. 19.
8 p.m., in Room 2528 East Medical
Building. Professor Campbell Bon-
ner: A Discovery in Christian Liter-
ature. Professor W. E. Buchmann:
Cancer-producing Compounds.
The Council will meet in the same
room at 7 p.m.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m., in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking. German are cordially
La Sociedad Hispanica. La Sociedad
Hispanica meets Monday, January 17,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Women's League,
All members are urged to be present
for a short, but very important meet-
Physics Colloquium: Professor N.
H. Williams will speak on "Short
Waves and Wave Guides" at the
Physics Colloquium Monday, Jan. 17
at 4:15 in Room 1041 of the East
Physics Building.
Geology Journal Club: Meets Mon-
day ,Jan. 17, at 7 p.m. in 3065 N.S.
"The Piggot Deep-Sea Cores" re-
viewed by Mr. David H. Swann, and
"Cycle of Weathering" by B. B. Poly-
nov, reviewed by Dr. M. W. Senstius.
Light refreshments at 8:00.
Graduate Education Club. January
meeting will be held in the University
Elementary School Library Tuesday
(18th) at 4:15 o'clock. Alvin Zan-
der, Research Assistant in Educa-
tional Psychology, will talk on "A
Countrywide Guidance Experinjent
in Branch County Sponsored by the
Kellogg Foundation and the Univer-
sity of Michigan." Refreshments will
be served.
Forestry Club: All members will

Publication in the Bulletin is corstructive notice to all members of fhe
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

OUL(At~..Xa or1.UU . U±±e s ue i SUsellI
designer, and the stage manager
would cull from a laboratory experi-
ment is only too obvious to need fur-
ther recapitulation. Such work would
be of invaluable aid to the student in
his preparation for theatre partici-
pation. It would give him that in-)

er. Appointments may be made with
Miss Weaver, Room 2125 N.S. The1
hours for the course are not as an-'
nounced in the catalog but are to be'
Political Science Department.
C hanrci nizcfrcr" a a$


timate knowledge of the theatre as 1unOanges in courses for second semest-
could only be gained by such activity. er. Political Science 2, section 6
Anduc opyortugiedtyasuthativy.(Professor Pollock) will be given at
nd such oppoirunity at habUniver- eleven Tues. Thurs and Sat. instead
s Ma of at ten. Political Science 52, section
Pla Prn dnin' t 1Pni ng ni -_


Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee cond., Jan
Peerce, soloist. Beethoven's First Symphony, ex-
cerpts from Tschaikowsky's Sixth Symphony, Za-
dor's 'Hungarian Capriccio, "Eleazar's Aria" from
Halevy's La Juive. 12:30-1:30, NBC Blue.
New York Philharmonic, Georges Enesco cond.
and soloist, Mishel Piastro cond. Saint-Saens'
A major Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Mo-
zart's D major ("Haffner") Symphony, excerpts
from the Rustic Suite of Sabin Dragoi (American
premiere), Beethoven's Fourth Symphony. 3-5,
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri-
son cond. Beethoven's Coriolanus Overture, Schu-
bert's B minor ("Unfinished") Symphony, Eight
Russian Folk Songs of Liadov. Suite, Op. 42, of
Macdowell. 3-4, NBC Blue.
School of Music Graduation Recital, Janet
McLoud pianist. Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp
minor of Bach, Mozart D major Sonata, Davids-
bundlertanze of Schumann, Sonatine of Ravel,
two preludes by Debussy. 8:15 p.m., School of
Music Aud.
Choral Union Concert, Helsinki Chorus, Martti
Turunen cond. All-Finnish program of songs by
Sibelius, Palmgren, Jarnefelt, Turunen, Genetz,
Kajanus, Haapalainen, Tornudd, Pesola, Made-
toja, Maasalo, and Kuula. 8:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
Twilight Organ Recital, Palmer Christian or-
ganist. All-American program: Suite, Op. 25 of
Seth Bingham; Finale from Organ Symphony No.
1 of Edwin S. Barnes; First Sonata of James H:
Rogers; Passacaglia from Organ Symphony in G
by Leo Sowerby; Through the Mist by Ernest
Ibbotson; Rhapsody by Michigan graduate Ros-
setter G. Cole; A Gothic Prelude and Suite, "In a
Chinese Garden," by Eric DeLamarter. 4:15 p.m.
Hill Aud.
School of Music Graduation Recital, Andrew
Ponder violinist, Francis Hopper accompanist.
Handel's Viola Concerto in B minor; Sonata, Op.
25 No. 1, for Viola alone by Paul Hindemith;
Poeme by Ruygrok; Sonata in F minor, Op. 120
No. 1, by Brahms. 8:15 p.m., School of Music
Cleveland Symphony, Artur Rodzinski cond.
9:10, NBC Red.
Victor Bay's "Essays in Music," subject "Bach."
Representative compositions by Johann Sebas-
tian, Wilhelm Friedmann, Johann Christian, Jo-
hann Bernhard, Johann Christoph Friedrich, Jo-
hann Christoph, and Karl Phillip Emanuel Bach.
10-10:30 p.m., CBS.
School Qt Music Graduation Recital, Charles
McNeill violinist, Ray Kondratowicz accompan-
ist. Concerto in D major by Brahms, Chausson's
Poeme, Turina's El Poema de Una Sanluquena.
Cincinnati Conservatory Symphony, Alexander
von Kreisler cond. Tschaikowsky's Fourth Sym-
nhnnv an1 In The Novgorod Forests by von

iay ro ucui ons present Iocatin ;
has been condemned by the Fire De-
partment as unsafe. Further, the
space in Play Production's building
is of such small proportion that it is
impossible to rehearse more than one
play at the same time. Frequently,
the occasion arises when a Children
Theatre's production, a series of one-
act plays for various campus organ-
izations, and a major presentation by
Play Production itself, fall out nearly
at the same time. Rehearsals must
go on and scenery must be built and
stored. But where? Surely it is a
physical impossibility at the Lab
Thea tre.
These are but a few of the vital
reasons for the why of a Workshop
Theatre at the University. Campus
sentiment is in accord with the feel-
Ing. It is up to us, the student body,
to do something about it. We shall.
'-And For Yale'
(Communication to the editor, re-

4, will be given at ten, TuThs,
by Professor Pollock, instead of at
one, MWF, by Professor Calderwood.
Political Science 68 will be given at
one, MWF (2203 A.HJ by Professor
Calderwood instead of at nine, Tu
ThS, by Professor Hayden. Political
Science 154, Governments and Poli-
tics of the Far East, will not be given.,
Howard B. Calderwood

Chinese Civilization and Japanese please be present at Rentschler's Stu-
Literature. Courses (O.L. 186), Chi- dio, Huron Street, one o'clock, Tues-
nese Civilization, TuTh, 11, 2029 A. day, 'Jan, 18, to have Club picture
SH.., Dr. Chang; and (O.L. 194), Jap- taken. (Pre-foresters note). Be
anese Literature, MWF, 10, 2029 A.H.,1 prompt.f,
Mr. Yamagiwa, will be offered the
second semester, but are not included The Monday Evening Drama See-,
in the catalogue. Courses in Chinese tion of the Faculty Women's Club
and Japanese language are also of- will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the Michi-
fered. Pamphlets, including descrip- gan Union on Jan. 17.
tions of these courses, are available
in Room 4 U.H. and further infor- Michigan Dames: The contract
mation may be received from Profes- study division of the bridge group
sor Waterman, 2021 A.H. or Professor will meet at the League Monday ev-
Hall, 11 A.H. ening at 8.
Botanical Seminar meets Wednes-

Michigan's own "Thank God It's Friday" club
-has met with some competition from the Soph-
omore Engineers who held their first meeting
of the T.G.I.I.M. Club, which met yesterday at
the P-Bell. Translated, the letters stand for
"Thank God It Isn't Monday."
Prize typo of the week: SOUTH PROTESTS
AGAINST LEWISLATION. The "w" in place of
the "g" makes it even more appropriate.
Prof. Anning adds to the list of registra-
tion line wows by pointing out the following
divisions for second semester registration in
the Lit catalogue: "Wil to Woo, Kom to Lap,
Du to Er."
A fraternity social chairman walked into a
Detroit music store and asked, "Have you got
a record of that new French piece-"Bei Mir
Bist Du Schoen'?" The little salesman shriveled
up, "Franch racord! Oy! You should lift so long!"
The latest thing being planned for January 21,
along with FOO and POO ON FOO, is a GOO
NIGHT down at one of the downtown broo par-
The POO ON FOO dance at The Armory
next Friday has been taken as a joke, but fra-
ternity men who feel that the Dorm Com-
mittee has handed fraternities a raw deal,
-' - .. , e _ --.s . . .1 _ .

printed from The New Yorker.) Notice to Seniors: The next exam- day, January 19, at 4:30, Room 1139,
I am interested in knowing whether ination in foreign languages (French, N.S. Bldg. Paper by C. D. La Rue
perioical Gei'man, Italian, Spanish) for the "The rooting of flowers and stem in-
an youorgan for communist propaganda New York State teacher's license is ternodes in sterile culture."
As an enthusiastic reader of you. scheduled for February 18 at 1:15
magazine I have been surprised to o'clock. All seniors who may be in- Luncheon for Graduate Students
terested in securing a license to teach on Wednesday, January 19, at 12
against every patriotic activity and an in New York State should notify the o'clock, in the Russian Tea Room of
ind t evert of bolsh kvit andoa-!office of the Department of Romance the Michigan League. Cafeteria ser-
ganda and dictatorship. This would Languages (112 R.L., telephone ex- vice. Professor Howard McCluskey
not seem within your sphere and I ( tension 406) by Wednesday noon, of the School of Education will speak
shall take pleasure in endeavoring to January 26, so that papers may be informally on "Education for Social
bring your unamerican policies to as I sent here. Responsibility."
many of your readers as I know. it
would be more honest to sell out youronA Grtd
publication and draw cartoons for the j important business meeting Monday,
Daily Worker the type of humor . Choral Union Concert: The Hel- Jan. 17, at 7:30 in the Michigan
which can excoriate the-Daughters of sinki Chorus ,made up of 60 singers League.
the American Revolution and the ex- from the Cniversity of Helsinki, con-
sducted by Martti Turunen, will give Physical Education for Women. In-
lression of free speech by patriot the seventh concert in the Choral dividual skill tests in swimming will
the butchery of three hundied thou- Union Series, Tuesday night at 8:30, be given at the Union Pool on Mon-
sand Catholics in Spain is not to be in Hill Auditorium. This organiza- day and Wednesday, January 17th
tion is under the sponsorship of Jan and 19th from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and
I regret that you have changed a once Sibelius, and the honorary patron- Thursday, January 20th from 8:30
humorous publication into an instru- age of Serge Koussevitsky; Eugene to 9:30 p.m.
ment for advancement of Bolshevism. Ormandy, Aitur Rodzinski. Walter
Caldwell Patton, Chairman Damrosch, and other distinguished Churches
Republican Committee for American musicians.
Ann Arbor Friends will hold their
Pubc Safety, Graduation Recital: Janet McLoud, meeting for worship Sunday at 5
New York. cod
pianist, will appear in graduation re- p.m. at the Michigan League.
cital, Monday night, Jan. 17, at 8:15
t uo'clock in the School of Music Audi- Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
torium on Maynard Street. The gen- 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
$5 000 T eral public, with the exception of Fred Cowin, minister.
S 0 00 To0Dig small children, is invited to listen to 12:00 noon. Students' Bible Class,
an interesting program which Miss H. L. Pickerill, leader.
In Eastern U.S. McLoud will present. 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
E hbto6:30 p.m., Forum-Mr. Kenneth
Exhibition Morgan will speak on "Techniques
A grant of $5.000 recently given to of Religious Living." This is the
the Museum of Anthropology by the; Etchings, Aquatints and Mezzotintss
-!yPoe Al d Ms second of a series of discussions on
Indiana Historical Society will be by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va- "Exh
used for further research into Amen- lerio of the College of ArchitectureRerimental Methods in Personal
used f rfur her r sea cin the o th G lle r Alum m Religious Living "


can archaeoiogy in the Eastern Unit-----,
ed States which is being diiected in;oiial Hall; and Etchings, Lithographs F--
and Woodcuts by tihe Chicago Artists First Baptist Church, Sunday,
this University by Dr. Cai'l E. Guthe 10'45 a.m. Rev. R. Edward Sayles will
of the Museum. Group in the North Gallery, Alumni :E
his se anytemistingphysicalMemorial Hall; daily 2 to 5 p.m. in- give the second sermon in the series
lish any existing physical relation- eluding Sundays, Jan. 12 through 26. of thiee studies on realist and rei-
ship between ancient gioups having under the auspices of the Ann Arbor gion. His special theme will be
similar cultures. Art Association. "Seeking Reality Through Religion."
The Church School meets at 9:30
The University, which has no ex- T a.m. with Dr. A. J. Logan, superin-

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