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January 15, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-15

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' .AJ [.M DAY, JAN. 15, 1936



.W. ;-:
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an I t1nH 8AM .ul TE r t t t , t,6a pajw #5no-. I
Edited and managed by students of the University of
MIchigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studev* Publications.
Pud uahed every morning excpt Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Enr'ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second lass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$400; by mal, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc
College Publishers Reresentaiv
Board of Editors
NEWS EDITOR........ .... ......ROBERT P WEEKS
SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Cabinet Crisis
In France . .
ALTHOUOGi the second Popular Front
cabinet followed its predecessor into
dissolution on the same issues of exchange con-
trol and economic strife, the indications are
that the Popular Front will remain intact, at
least for the immediate present. The French
parliamentary system is based upon a multiplicity
of groups, and functions with a flexibility that
is the antithesis of the clear-cut party system
of the British House of Commons; the collapse
of a French cabinet does not necessarily mean a
change of control of the government.
In order to understand the present crisis in
France and the probable political destiny of the
country, it is necessary to review the history of
the Popular Front and the peculiar problems
which that coalition has been called upon to face.
In May of 1936, the Popular Front swept into
power. It was not a political entity-it was
simply the outcome of an understanding to pool
votes entered into by three parties in order to
control the 1936 elections. Having gained an
overwhelming majority in the Chamber, Premier
Leon Blum was able to rush through a program
of social legislation of a fundamental kind. This
program was supported in its entirety by the
three elements of the Popular Front-Socialists,
Radical Socialists, and Communists. M. Blum
and M. Ailriol, Minister of Finance, proceeded
on the theory that they could straighten the
country's finances by increasing the purchasing
power of the masses. But each raise in wages
that was effected was followed by a higher rise
in prices, and last spring the Government was
forced to ask for a halt in the progress of social
Finances, then, not lack of confidence, led to
the resignation of Blum. With the franc falling
in value, M. Blum was compelled, as numerous
premiers before him had been, to ask parliament
for full power to legislate by decree. The power
was granted him by the Chamber but refused
by the Senate, and rather than precipitate a
crisis which might result in civil strife M. Blum
The Popular Front was unaffected by the down-
fall of the Blum cabinet and the new minister,
M. Chautemps, was chosen from among its mem-
bers. Blum, Auriol and ten other Socialists were
included in the new cabinet, but the Radical So-
ciglist portion of the coalition constituted a ma-

jority. The most significant change was the
appointment of M. Bonnet to the Ministry of
Finance. Represented as being a champion of
"sound finance," M. Bonnet proceeded to over-
throw Blum's financial unorthodoxies, cut public
expenditures and increase taxation. The power
to control the franc by decree, which had prev-
iously been refused to Blum, was now granted to
Bonnet by the Radical Socialist-controlled Sen-
The Radical Socialists, under whose aegis the
Popular Front now functioned, is a national party
upholding private property and private owner-
ship of the means of production, and it soon be-
came manifest that opposition to its temporizing
was smouldering among the extreme Left groups.
The Chautemps-Bonnet government was accused
of fighting exchange control, because, it was
contended, once exchange control was achieved
the Radical Socialists would no longer be able to
blame labor organizations for the economic dif-

version of the Popular Front, which finally forced
his resignation.
The probable action on the part of the various
parties is, of course, still a matter of conjecture,
but, as Professor Heneman declares in an inter-
view in this morning's Daily, it is not likely that
the Socialists will support a new coalition elim-
inating the Communists and substituting one of
the Right parties, or that the Radical Socialists
will attempt to form a coalition of all Rightist
parties. The Popular Front is apparently still
very much alive in France.
Elliott Maraniss.
THE CESSATION of publication of
Panorama, which appears a strong
possibility, will mark the second collapse of a
student periodical in the last four months. With
all respect due to the editors of Panorama for
an original and enterprising effort, it should be
pointed out that in a number of ways the demise
of Contemporary, campus literary quarterly, was
an event of more significance than that of
Panorama would be.
There is hardly a good-sized college in the
country without a literary magazine of some
sort, and Michigan can scarcely be proud of the
distinction. Throughout its anaemic career Con-
temporary was never given real support by the
student body. The fault cannot very well be
placed with the students, however; if literary
periodicals are maintained on other campuses,
there is little reason for thinking one cannot
exist here, in the proper form and with proper
Surely there is no dearth of material. Since
the inception of the Hopwood contests, five novels
which won awards have been published, the fifth
being Emmanuel Menataganian's The Well of
Ararat, which has just appeared. Besides these,
a great amount of excellent material in poetry,
drama, essay and shorter fiction is written for
these contests every year, well worth publica-
Thursday afternoon Norman Rosten's play,
The Death of a King, was enacted on the radio.
The excellence of this piece of work has been
attested to by nearly everyone who heard it.
There are many other Michigan students who
are capable of outstanding literary work, and
several, in fact, who have had stories or poems
published. There is every reason for believing
that a literary periodical at Michigan would be
one of the best college publications in the country.
Joseph Gies.
Joseph S. Mattes.
Tuure Tenander.
The Michigan Coed
To the Editor:
" This is directed to the typical University of
Michigan Co-ed. It may sound fantastic, pointed,
cruel, or comical but it's the truth written with
due sincerity coupled with substantial evidence.
Four years at the University (graduated June,
1937) have convinced me that the typical Mich-
igan co-ed is the hollowest conceited snob I have
ever met. Untutored in the ways of the world,
narrow, she has boosted herself up on a tottering
pedestal from which only the sight of a ten
dollar bill and a male chest plastered with a
BMOC rating can induce her to descend. Only
for a brief space of time does she leave her
perch. Up she clambers again after the date,
to await another bite. Operating in a field of
limited competition (sex ratio shows a pre-
ponderance of males) she acquires a highly
domineering attitude, ordering passing males to
crawl in respect and obedience.
How readily the male responds, one has but
to review the statement of one Michigan co-ed
who in a "Michigan Daily" poll last spring be-
wailed the fact that Michigan men were so much
like "pages out of Esquire." (She undoubtedly
visioned the comfortable attire worn by West
Coast men.)
The Michigan co-ed has enslaved the Michigan

man to where he dares not assert his masculine
independence. Led by the nose, he has been re-
duced to a helpless moron who debates the most
minor move with "what will she think?"
She has been the underlying cause in the fail-
ure of more than one Michigan football team.
How? Permit a sidelight on what makes the
University of California football team, Rose Bowl
Champions, the best in the country. Two weeks
on the Berkeley campus and personal acquaint-
ance with that team have shown me that All-
American Sam Chapman is just plain Sam Chap-
man; that Bottari, Herwig, Meek and all the
rest are simply themselves. They are fully aware
of the importance of their teammates in football
victories. They know that without the support of
the student body there would be no championship
team. In simple terms, they have successfully
defended themselves against Michigan's most
common malady "swell headedness," a disease
to which Michigan athletes succumb very readily.
There is no "Michigan football swagger" among
the California players. They are worldly wise,
not inexperienced upstarts. Picture the typical
Michigan athlete-a typed creature-lacking in-
dividuality, as is the woman-just a white sheep!
But I cannot entirely blame Michigan athletes
for their social boneheadedness. I indict you
co-eds. Your demands that he be a BMOC, that
he be a "star," that he stand above the common
herd found in the non-pencil pushing profes-
sional schools have reduced to sorry spectacles.
many innocent well-meaning boys whose original
intention in coming to the University was "to

Ii feems cM
kleywood Broun
In the contest between newspapers and radio
for public attention as disseminators of informa-
tion I am naturally on the side of the newspapers.
I'm on a newspaper.
But beyond that I thinK that important utter-
ances can be more carefully evalued if they are
set down in type for mature
:onsideration. Over the air
inaccurate and silly remarks
sweep by because the list.
tener may say to himself,
"Maybe he didn't really say
what I thought he said. I'll
have to get my ears blown
out." It is difficult to make
a check on the slips which
pass in the night.
On the other hand, I think that newspaper
men and publishers should be mindful of certain*
natural advantages which adhere to the ethereal
waves. It seems to me that perhaps journalistic
tradition has been too kindly to certain public
If I mention Mayor Hague I am selecting him
not so much as an individual but as a specific
and convenient guinea pig. And the fact remains
that those who were interested in the Mayor's
remarks at a recent rally in Jersey City got two
wholly different versions. The report over the air
was not the same as that which appeared in all
the newspapers of the nation next morning.
On And Off The Record
Frank Hague gave to the press a prepared copy
of his speech. When he stood up before the mic-
rophone he departed rather radically from his
official utterance not only in substance but in
grammar. He is inclined to snub the plural ,and
he said, "All the forces arrayed against me is
animated by the Communists."
This quarrel with standard speech he developed
on several occasions. Whether his errors were
purposeful or inadvertent I do not know. There
are communities in which bad grammar is a po-
litical advantage. There was a man in American
life (I'm sorry the name escapes me) whose repu-
tation was based upon a speech in which he said,
"I seen my duty and I done it."
I have always believed that Al Smith, in the
days in which he was politically important, made
a point of overstressing the "oi" sound in words
such as "boid."
Be that as it may, Mayor Hague appealed to his
radio audience, for good or ill, in many sentences
which did not parse and which abounded in er-
rors of enunciation and grammar. But the kindly
gentlemen and ladies at the press table followed
the form of his official printed speech and saved
him from all slips.
A Problem In Newspaper Ethics
The question is a difficult one. It seems to me
that every working newspaperman hates to make
the press too punishing. The orator who stumbles
is not held up to scorn. The press tempers the
wind for the ungrammatical lambs, and certainly
there should be no stress on casual slips or mis-
But I think that increasingly reporters must
remember the radio and give not only a factual,
but a phonetic record of our public speakers. The
late John Hylan had his speeches written for.
him, and the tougher words were spelled out so
that he should not trip upon them. Once in a
patriotic address he followed his printed notes too
zealously and said distinctly-"What this country
needs is more of the spirit of one seven-seven
six." He had mistaken a historical date for a
telephone number.
But though the reporters did not like him
very much, they covered him up. That will have
to stop, for in spite of the fundamental kindliness
of our craft, we cannot forget that the radio tells
all, and we must do the same.

racy prevailed in all phases of college life. Men
and women alike were simply themselves, not
assumed somebodies whose pseudo-personalities
were no personalities at all. In regard to dress,
social life, athletics, drama, journalism, in fact
in all departments of college existence, a pleasing
self-assurance and self-expression manifested
itself. Yet, we cannot brand those people un-
couth vibrant rustics, for they were intelligent
cultured individuals, wide awake to life's realities.
They were mentally matured, living at college
the life that they are certain to find in the
outside world.
A West Coast co-ed does not resort to incessant
consumption of cigarette after cigarette to man-
ufacture that artificial stimulation necessary to
support a thin-legged sophistication (often em-
ployed to conceal inferiority complexes) which
soon grips the most unsuspecting freshman co-ed
at Michigan.
In parting, permit me to remind you: Ladies,
you aren't duping the men. Many Michigan men,
it is true, have fallen victims to your dictatorial
wiles, but a major share, I assure you (I say this
from four years of personal contact with Mich-
igan men) have expressed utter disgust with your
aimless behavior. With wide a'kake eyes, normal
men view you as they would a basket of nuts
covered with cellophane. They see beneath the
Opposition To Goga Grows

Brian Doherty's Father Malachy's (Continued from Page -) School according td the following
Miracle playing the St. James Theatre~- ---- -- schedule:
is one of the delights of the Broadway Jan. 15, 1938. Permission to move Wednesday, Jan. 26: 1:30 to 4:30,
Christmas season. will be given only to students com Mathematics and Science, Commer-
Father Malachy comes from a plying with. this requirement. . cial Subjects.
Benedictine monastery to a church in C. T. Olmsted. Thursday, Jan. 27: 1:30 to 4:30
Edinburgh, where he is scoffed at by The Bureau has received notice of Latin, French. German. Fine Arts,
a heretical fellow clergyman. Sub- the following Civil Service Examina- Friday, Jan. 28: 9:00 to 12:00,
merged in the medieval philosophy' tions: English and Speech.
and theological beliefs he has studied Friday, Jan. 28:.1:30 to 4:30, So-
Associate Wool Technologist. $3,
during his long years at the mon- 20'ya' cial Studies.
astery, Father Malachy tells his un- Economics, Department of ,Agricul Assignments for directed teaching
believing friends that the superna- tre are made in order of application
tural is just as real as the naturalSenior Industrial Classification
and he climaxes it by promising him Analyst. $4,600 a year; Industrial Concerts
a miracle. That very night, prompt- Classification Analyst, $3,800 a year-
ly at nine o'clock, the night club AC Choral Union Concert: The Hel-
acostesre rmtecuc ilAssociate Industrial Classification
across the street from the church will Analyst, $3,200 a year; Assistant In- sinki Chorus made up of 60 singers
be mvd to pit 20 miesdist.,ant.;AsitntI- u f sigr
e move o a point miles dstant. dustrial Classification Analyst, $2,- from the u-niversity of Helsinki, con-
And so it came to pass. Father Ma- 600 a year; Social Security Board. ducted by Martti Turunen, will give
lathy had performed his miracle. But Junior Graduate Nurse, $1,620 a the seventh concert in the Choral
it provesdofgmorearm than go: year; U. S. Public Health Service, E Union Series, Tuesday night at 8:30,
a papal delegate admonishes Father ,TreasuryDepartment and Veterans' in Hill Auditorium. This organiza-
Malachy sto negate the miracle. The( Administration. tion is under the sponsorship of Jan
church is not ready yet to' perform Senior Accountant, $225-285 a Sibelius; and the honorary p JtrQn-
miracles; this is not an age for mir- month; Semi-Senior Accountant, age f eSrge Koussevitsky; Eugene
acles. And so poor Father Malachy $170-215 a month; Junior Accoury- Ormandy, Artur Rodzinski, Walter
has to bring the night club back to its ant, $135-165 a month; Michigan Damrosch, and other distinguished
original spot, whereupon he retires to Civil Service Department; for Michi- American musicians.
the monastic life again. Igan residents.
Father Malachy's Miracle is so gen- For further information, please call Graduation Recital: Janet McLoud
uinely sweet and comforting that one at the office, 201 Mason Hall. pianist, will appear in graduation re-
hesitates to apply these adjectives Bureau of Appointments and cital, Monday night, Jan. 17, at 8:15
in describing it. Just why this fear Occupational Information. o'clock in the School of Music Audi-
is present is difficult to understand, torium on Maynard Street. The gen-
but a play that deals with the clergy Summer Work: Registration for eral public, with the exception of
and is charming often detracts from camp counseling and other types of small children, is invited to listen to
its appeal. But Father Malachy's summer work will be held Tuesday, an interesting program which Miss
Miracle is never reduced to the sac- Jan. 18 through Friday, Jan. 21. Of- McLo i sd will present.
charine or maudlin; it is human, fice hours: 9:00-12:00 and 2:00 to Mdwpst
warm, understanding. Father Ma- 4:00.
lachy is the kind of person who gives Uiversity Bureau of Appoint-Exhibition
man renewed faith and confidence in ments and Occupational Infor- Etchings, Aquatints and Mezzotints
man; his gentle, sympathetic nature, mation. by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va-
breeds trust and confidence and 201 Mason Hall. lerio of the College of Architecture,
faith. As acted by Al Shean. this in the South Gallery, Alumni Mem-
spirit is portrayed consistently and Graduasing Seniors: L.S.&A.: orial Hall; and Etchings, Lithographs
so perfectly that every one of the Senior dues will be collected Mon- and Wooduts by the Chicago Artists
plays' audiences walks out of the St. day through Thursday in the lobby of Group in the North Gallery, Alumni
James a better individual, with a Angell Hall during the week of Jan. Memorial Hall; daily '2 to 5 p.m. in-
more humane spirit and kindly and 16, or may be paid to any member of eluding Sundays, Jan. 12 through 26,
tolerant attitude toward his fellow the finance committee before Jan. under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
man. 20. These dues must be paid before Art Association.
There is only one incongruous note I a graduate's name can appear in the
in the show. On a stage that is graduation announcement that isL t
filled over with Scottish burrings, Lectures y heclss
it is just a wee bit jarring to hear Mr. University Lecture: M. Jean Pre-
Shean say so beautifully, " . . . the Freshman Residence in Fraterni- vost, Editor of "Europa" and author,
annivoisary of the boithY of our Lord." ties: At a recent meeting of the Con- the first holder of the recently found-
--___ _- mittee on Student Affairs the follow- ed Jesse Isador Straus Travelling Fel-
ing action was taken: lowship in the United States, will give
Vncopation As an incentive to improved schol- a lecture in French on "La vie et
arship and as an aid to those fra- l'oeuvre de Roger Martin du Gard"
By TOM McCA1VNNternities whose houses have been only on Monday, Jan. 17, at 4:15 p.m. in
Bputourw itCANNpartially filled during the first se- Natural Science Auditorium.
We put our own little bureau of mester, the request be granted sub-
missing persons to work the other day ject to the following conditions:
in an effort to fi,nd the whereabouts 1. That proper notice of intention Events Today
of several people. Among these were 1 htpoe oieo neto
Erskinerawkins. theAm issinto move be given to the Office of the University Broadcast: 9-9:15 a.m,
of last nights IFC affair, and Joe Dean of Students in writing by the Joan and Jack at Mithigan, 9:15-
Venuti, the venerable "hot" fiddle ar- freshman at least one month before 9:30 a.m. Class in Radio Reading
tswho has been absent from ourthe beginning of the second semester; andpDramatics.
aso hsevenamont rm. 2. That the freshman be scholas-
r s * tically eligible for initiation; University Broadcast: 5:45-6 p.m.
The urea reprtedthatthe 3. That the freshman present to the School of Dentistry Series. Topic:
The bureau reported that the Dean of Students written permission Health of the School Child. Dr.
search for Mr. Hawkins ended rather from his parent or guardian to live Warren E. Forsythe, Prof. of Hygiene
abruptly on the fourth page of last, in his fraternity house; and Public Health.
week's New Yorker. He, according I4. That except in extraordinary
to this publication, was then holding circumstances where, in the opinion American Federation of Teacmers:
forth at the Savoy in Harlem, and of the Dean of Students, conditions Professor Howard Ellis, of the Ec-
that, friends, we hope, concludes the warrant exception being made, per- onomics Department, will give an ad-
very intersting chapter on this dusky mission shall not be given for fresh- dress on "The Salaried Man and the
contract-breaker. men residence in any fraternity ex- ! Business Cycle" at a luncheon meet'
cept: ing of the Federation, Saturday, Jan.
Joe Venuti, however, was really a a.) to fill room vacancies existing 15, at 12:15 p.m., in the Union.
tough baby to find. He apparently during the first semester, or caused C. N. Wenger, Pres.
had vanished from the face of the by first semester occupants leaving
earth. But Thursday night Bing the University in February, and MJen's Glee Club: Meet at Rent
Crosby solved the problem for us b.) where the scholastic average of schler Studio at 3;30. Full dress re-
when he presented violinist Guiss- ( the fraternity for the year 1936-37 quired.
eppe Venutze. (Which we believe cor- was at least as high as the all-men
responds roughly to Joe's real name). average for the same year. The Outdoor Club will go skiing
* * *It was voted that the Interfrater- and tobogganing in the Arboretum
For a moment we were quite in- nity Council be notified that in the this Saturday afternoon. Equipment
nocently fooled, but when the guest, future no exceptions would be made will be provided. The club will meet
star "teed off" on the last chorus of to the University rule providing that at Lane Hall at 1:30 and return there
"Stardust" everyone knew that it was freshmen shall not live in fraternity later for refreshments.
the old Whiteman fiddler. His other houses.
offerings on this program, "Goin' _The Graduate Outing Club will
Places," a favorite Venuti novelty. , . meet at Lane Hall at 3:00 o'clock
was executed in a style comparable A cademic Notices Saturday. Hiking, skating and sup-
to none except Joe's. Second Semester 1937-38 Courses n per. All graduate students are wel-
Seod eese*13-8 orssinpm

Miracle O Broadway

PubIlcation In the Butn Iseti I c nntr n le w ivn cte IF alluem nI>,-n 1r h.
University, Copy received at the onfice of the Assistant to the Pre,-ldent
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


We'll have another chance to hear1
"Guisseppe Joe" on tonight's Swing1
Club when he has a reunion with his
former maestro, Paul Whiteman from.
6:30 'til 7:30. Besides being an hour
1 in length, this session of the Swing
Club will also feature the talents of
Connie Boswell, the Raymond Scott
Quintet, Louis Armstrong, "Fats"
Waller. Jerry Collona and Jack and
Charley Teagarden.
Song Of China'
A near-capacity audience came,
saw and was conquered last night by
ISong of China." a motion picture
powerful in its simplicity and in-
triguing in its novelty. Offered along
with a most entertaining ChineseI
student stage show to raise money
for the war-stricken land of its origin,
the picture is well-worthy of attend-
ance even without consideration of
the cause which motivated its presen-
ith parental fidelity its theme,
WSn of China:' shows the disinte-

the College of Architecture: The fol-
lowing courses given in the College of
Architecture are open to students in
other colleges and schools of the
University without special permission,
from this college:
Arch. 11. Domestic Architecture
and Housing. TTh 2, 346 Arch. Pro-
fessor Bennett. Two hours credit. No
prerequisite except not open to fresh- I
men or sophomores.
Draw. 33. Modeling. TTh 1-4, 307
Arch. Mr. Edwards. Two hours cred-
it. No prerequisite.
All courses in Drawing and Paint-
ing, with prerequisites as noted in the
Announcement of the College of
D.D.35, History of Interiors, will
not be given.
Psychology 103: All persons plan-
ning to elect Psychology 103, Practice
in Individual Testing, next semester
must have permission from Dr. Mey-
er. Appointments may be made with
Miss Weaver. Room 2125 N.S. The
hours for the course are not as an-
nounced in the catalog but are to be
arranged. -
Students Planning to do Directedl
Teaching: Students expecting to do
directed teaching the second semes-

The Congregational Student Fellow-
ship will hold a Carnival in Church
Parlors, Saturday evening, Ja'. 15,
from 9 till 12. Come and frolic with
the clowns, listen to the fortune-
tellers, and join the games and danc-
ing. Everyone is welcome.
Disciples Guild: If sufficient snow
remains on the ground the Disciples
Guild will have a toboggan and skat-
ing party Saturday afternoon. The
groupa will meet at the Guild House,
438 Maynard Street at 2:00 p.m.
Transportation will be provided. If
in doubt as to whether party will be
held call 5838.
Comig Events
Research Club Wednesday, Jan. 19,
8 p.m.. in Room 2528 East Medical
Building. Professor Campbell Bon-
ner: A Discovery in Christian Liter-
ature. Professor W. E. Buchmann:
Cancer-producing Compounds.
The Council will meet in the same
room at 7 p.m.
'German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m., in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan

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