THE MICTIGAN ..DAILY- SATtT~DXY, JAN. 1~ 1~ S Labor H1s4RighttTo Adhequate Security Payments, Haber Says PrSEntl Ecoomiiie set-Up liaid. From t he general nature of M ak es Unemployment rresent law places too much emphasis IflevitAI)e N.lte Be g ,ve oz- the principle of equity and fails Wo.strtess the ideal of adequacy." k (Continued from Page 1) Fa-iluire of the Act to stipulate per- __ ;- -oruiel qualifications for administrat- tivity of labor heightened by growing ing the act. Professor Haber called technical efficiency. the greatest dlanger to the whole sys- In otliing he resn~ scia L i. "Control by political spoilsmren In utinng heprsen scil em- una ware. or not particularly con-_ curity set-up, Professor Haberem corned about. the objectives of the phasized that we must outgrow the act---protection for the worker-will contemipt which envelops the mani surely destroy it," he said. who receives federal aid. "Such bene- Przofessox Ha ,ber reiterated that ,fis, h declared,. "are his by right; mamny group~ts ale engaged in destroy- iecerta inly sthe nt.ividu it lalrelarrcd by una ingd llfidnc( n(. the act, which die- empoymnt.Yetsocety whch e- pite its .faults, hie believes, repro- p wardsto mn Y cess, (nd ctwhch es - c nts a Ibognning. "T'he choice to-4 qursat least a job) , brands the in- day," he stated, "is nrot hcktwcen the qies ~ Social Security Act and some fond ntcent victim..guilty of a mRoral sin.I Utopia; it is a choice between the The Social security Act wsalone resn , n ahaadrle" IParis Strikers Agree To A rbit rat iont letter toy he p11tiblsld monthIIly, as a II XV~NWI~WA gncr d.i-a le, br1te 1p1n -pose OI' mak- flAT Y -ur iiF L il. ult\..ofi( w~ly il)1 tn nwi oth aut motn _ E1., ~item xS of news wlih explanlationsl; t I tI._ lan nounce the actiLons of thIRl cnIs i l~jand to ser rve as . mans " of direct, t ; ~~commaunication betwnt he ilI 1cPre.;i- SATIA&r , A , J Nt. I i 1 18; dent, and other ad ominlistrative of- . VOL. XIII. H. No. 81 i ficers, and memirbers of the faculty. To Members of the Faculty, Staffj Also, subject to the approval of thej and Student Body: Attention of Regents, the Council elected Professor evroeij'ie oteLs n C. 0. Wisher, Financial Secretary of everoneis alld t th Lat ad the Michigan Union, for an indefinite Found department in the Business of-I period. fTice, Room. 1, University HLall. In--__ quiry concerning lost articles should Late permission for Snow T1ra;ini be made promptly at the above men- Ti a escrdfo os tioned office. Articles found on the Tripdmayebe secu ed fom louse campus and in University buildings hed.DaAieLod should be turned over immediately. Notice to Me Studenits: All men Those articles not called for within su et ,lvl, n a p o e o m 60 days will be surrendered to the st; elslvn i hinde. 'Sirle W. mith !rmovig too diflecrenat quart ers for thel s Econd (semesi'ter sh:11uld0 give n~otice inl; Va rping to' ; acci'dcuxt 5t O persons silig _____1___ drivew ays ,ls sidt-,v-lks prompts t his' issue of an un-gent w arning to studentj GRAM AGAIN HEADS BANK and ofthers not. to walk in the drive-! Prof. L. M. Gram of the civil en- Iways or in parking- places. It is at all gineering department was reelected t iles especially dlangerous to cr-oss president of the Ann Arbor Trust Co., the paxking? space on foot and this yesterday. ?aroaldt tctbe dorne exceptb1,y 'those for - whomn it, is nicecss-ary to( reach their ow n cKars. Orn seve~rlal ccasions pe- destrians have ec,,aped by thle nar- rowest, chance being hit by drivers backiang out, froni a par-king stall. A mioment, or two saved by walkin- "cro5-s-]ots' is comparatively of small 111raicc. It is repealted that, all personis are! urged aind warned not to wvalk unnec- sarily in parking spaces or driveways.I To The Members of the University ISenate: At the meeting of the Univer- s ity Council on Jan. 10, approval was given to the establishment of a news A EVENING RA DIO P110GRAMS wwJ 6.00 Ty Ti.:t- (i :15 1illll' Mt-' 6 :4f- Reliion in mtA N(,w,;. 7 :;0- Kaltei('nnlycts inderga rten. 7 :30--Newscast. 7:415-Sport Revi( xv. 8:00-Believe it Or Not. 8 :30-Jack Flaley 9:00--Dance Muszic - 9 :30-Stpecial Delivery. 10:00--N13C Symphony Orclh., 11:30-Dance Music!. 12 :00-Dance Music. wXvz ; qtt I I;;P i 1?t'.1Irw. (;ii _1 l Mai-k W lt~' (r r 6:30 Lo.4t NMoneijf 7:00 - Message of I~,a1 7 :30- fown Talk. 7 :45-Satndiotters. 8 :00--Harry Lewis QCr( h. 8 :30-Larry Funk 0O-elc h 8:45-Victor Arden. 9:00-National Barn Dancm. 10:00--NBC Symiphony Oreli. 11 :30-Jimmy Dorsey Orch. 12 :00-Graystone. 12 :30--Paul Whiteman Orchi. Mvots ?,, fm is strikes-,eiided -with Plremaier Chauteinp 'determined ediots. to a eiute French labor troubles andt find a "code for tiogial peaace." Strvikers at tlhe Go(odrich ru-bber ulant in Paris, where a wcman i seen mreeitg Iher husband. arc reported willing to accept voluntary arbtrain.Ulan. iiilc? aute tuu Unems~wrinen winlt sae cr. . -'.',, , we~e x. LAUNDRY FOR RENT [llvryHg cols,~c LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Soyx darned. JIQ1. 10t share with a fine student. U may be ;seen !ate eakch afternoon Careful work at low prices. Smxall (lonet hon ,'e. Shower. Phone l)g dowel the hills of the Arboret 1 't\ 1'4) jENEW" /d N l"OREIG N GROUP i Tlhe foreign students will be the guesI tt:sts of the Wesleyan Guild at Stal- e~r Hall at G p.m. Sunday. This Will, Jcnts take the place of the usual Sunday ski- eveninlg supper of the International Council trim) - _ _. This recently or-ganized class in ski- ing represents something new f or high school athletic programs in this part of the c'ountry. There is no for-mal eni-olhnent in the class, which is opena to students in all grades. -The skiers ariec under the super- vision of Charles Van Houten, in- structor- in athletics. lie cuts the tr-ails for- the (,,lass and instrucits them in the fundamentals of t he sport. This new exti-a-curric ul ,r activity is inl accor-danice with the high;' school'si olicy of having the pihyrwi1c dtica- tion. programn develop ec-ational in- ter-ests. Winter sports are a full- damental par-t of the athletic pr-- grams of many eastern schools, ac- cording to Mr. Vani Houton. STRO'S CARLING'S FRIARS ALE ________At All D)ealers~ J. J. 0'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500 3i I 1 _ , -. HILLEL FOUNDATION D-. Berna1'rd IHeller-, Direc tor. 3:30 R.M. Meeting of Palestine 1 :; t ( eiI liflel Foundation. FIRST CH-URCH OF CHRIST, SCI ENTIST 409 6 ou 1 h l.i riio!-) f3treet, a tui t s Tit o 'ning Iervices at 10:39 ai. u-A day'-shool at 11:15 a. Fivce i{_hlic readily rooms at 206 East Lib- UNITARIAN CHURCH ('ornet ' ate tt1ld UH11ro1- tyet. l7~-v. ilaroldil". Marley, Minister. 6 1)1 .M . ( 'at digli1. Servi'e--- Pi-oud i 3rif'l11 1 , to liymuarket,'" by /tv. Mr let'rad; u ;by Edward .itrjs;t a'id Nortuumn Rotsten ; Cello solo by Gratiaa ':0PM.l i P[et Suppet. 13:)00 P.V . Runtd Table discussion led by Prof. Lowell Car-r on "The Public Mind and the Counrts.'' 9.00 P.M. Social hou-r Radio prog-ani. FIRST PRESYTERlIAN CHURCH filr~ i t i'-. iI I j;d ir t'' ivtiE, 321'I uutll I ".- V Ii 't I ,r, v t - 1 . } M ti Et' ': r _ y : _' '. .3 bl s s , Sr s ' . ' i''.. a mm: . -_f" " + ,ll . ..A' G 1[.,!' % !'e '. I II