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September 21, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-21

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press,
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for rpublication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
-4.00; by mail, $4.0.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Rejresentative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert May o, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy eath and Ben Moorsteini.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Rut Frank. Jane B.
Hoden, Mary Alice Mackenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson. Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
To '41. . .
I N BEHALF of the University, its
faculty and students, we wish to
extend to you who are entering today for the first
time a friendly welcome. You will be surround-
ed by strange faces. and strange buildings but we
believe that they will prove friendly.
Some of you are'looking forward to spending
four years in an atmosphere where time and
responsibilities mean nothing. Others expect
exhilarating discussions of intellectual problens
far into the night. Those who are a little bit
farther along than you have found that the
motion picture descriptions are as far amiss
as those which portray the university as a totally
intellectual institution.
Hard work has made many realize that life
at Michigan is not all play while others have
been keenly disappointed by the fact that the
majority of students find Friday night dates
and the outcome of the daily baseball games far
more vital than the fact that quite a few people
were killed in Chicago on Memorial Day.
But this is not the whole story. One gets a
wonderful spirit of defiance and self-assertion
in marching down State Street in a shouting,
pot-wearing mob. One can find quiet and op-
portunity for thought in those walks around
Ann Arbor hills on warm spring nights or feel
thrilled a.t crossing the campus early some brisk
Winter morning when the sun shines through
the snow covered trees. Some, who aren't very
careful, even get educated to a remarkable de-
You will be forced to make many decisions in
this, your first year. You will have to make up
your mind whether to join a fraternity or not,
and if so, which one. You must decide whether
to go out for sports or other extra-curricular ac-
tivities. If you do participate in activities you
must reach a decision as to the proper balance
of effort to be given your chosen activities and
your studies. These are but few of the problems
that will confront you as the year forges ahead.
You will meet various types of people. There

are those who wish to amount to something
socially. There are those who do nothing but
study and believe that two engagements per
year with a member of the opposite sex are suf-
ficient. There, are those who glory in the fact
that they never go to class and never worry about
It may sound hackneyed, but in the long run
there is nothing more that we can tell you except
that the outcome depends solely upon you.
Reform .. .
DESPITE the announcement last
week that Georgia's chain gang
system may be abolished, an Associated Press
survey of prison systems in various states follow-
ing upon its heels indicates that humanitarians
have little cause yet to rejoice.
Some states still allow whipping with a strap
or bat or beating with fists. Others punish un-
ruly prisoners by restricting their diet to bread

shackles from which it takes its name may go.
It is reported that a proposal by county wardens
to return whipping-abolished in 1923-will be
dropped. (This sounds good until we learn that
the lash would have been returned if it had not
been ruled illegal by the Attorney General).
In some states, however, forward-looking
prison administrations have adopted psycholog-
ical methods in preference to physical punish.-
ment. One Oklahoma prison attires recalcitrant
men of crime in Mother Hubbards 4nd bloomers
to tame them by the jeers of their fellows; in
Louisiana bad actors wear red hats; in Texas
they stand atop a barrel-maximum four hours;
in Indiana they must stand and face a blank
wall. Colorado puts its trouble-makers in
broad-striped uniforms or shaves the hair from
half the head.
Prison reforms have been slow and somewhat
unsuccessful in the past mainly because of the
attitude taken toward the function of the peni-
tentiary. And until this attitude is changed no
amount of pressure from a startled citizenry and
no amount of investigation and reform can pro-
duce a satisfactory solution.
The attitude that must be eliminated is that
which interprets the prison's function in the
light of the Biblical "An eye for an eye." Punish-
ment for the crime committed should be the
least consideration in treating a criminal. This
does not mean that Society should "turn the
other cheek." Far from it. It means merely that
society must face the problem squarely as one of
prevention instead of locking the empty barn
door. .
We have approached this sane outlook in the
treatment of the insane-criminal or otherwis
Yet although we have long stopped burning the
insane as witches we still carry on practices
not far removed from the medieval in the treat-
ment of criminals.
Sociologists and criminologists of renown have
frequently demonstrated that criminal traits are
far from hereditary. Environments of poverty,
vice and sensational tabloids spawn the crooked
mentality. We need no more conclusive evidence
of this than the story of the New York slums
portrayed in "Dead End." Until the pus which
contaminates youth is cleaned out of an infected
economic condition, prison reform will remain a
hollow promise.
Theatre On The Campus
FROM BOTH SIDES of the footlights, Ann Ar-
bor is one of the most active places in the
country for theatre activity. Certainly for a
town of its size-and taken all together, there are
few in the country where it is possible to do and
see better work.
Plays are produced here during the regular
year by Play Production, a unit of the Depart-
ment of Speech. Its director is Valentine B.
Windt. The plays are presented at irregular but
frequent intervals. Current plays from the
Broadway theatre, plays never produced before,
and classics make up the list. At least once
each year a musical is presented with the co-
operation of the School of Music and the de-
partment of physical education. An example of
each of these from last season: Irwin Shaw's
Bury the Dead, Martin Flavin's The Good Old
Summertime (it's New York title was Around
the Corner), Shakespeare's Henry VIIL, and Gil-
bert and Sullivan's Yeomen of the Guard. During
the Summer Session under the name of the
*ichigan Repertory Players, the Department
produces a season of eight or nine plays.
Each spring in the same theatre there is the
Dramatic Season, a group of five or six plays with
professional actors, under the supervision of a
Civic Committee.
Other activities-mostly in the Mendelssohn
-are outstanding foreign movies brought here
under the auspices of the Art Cinema League,
and plays by local organizations such as the
Hampstead Players, the Ann Arbor Civic Play-
ers, and Nell Gwynn's Company. In March or
April the Junior women do a musical, the Junior

Girls Play.
Detroit is near enough so that it is quite easy
to see the many touring shows which come to
the Cass and Wilson Theatres. Detroit also has
now an active WPA Federal Theatre which is
planning an interesting season.
'* * *
JF YOU ARE interested in doing practical work
in the theatre, there are many chances for
actors and technical workers especially with
Play Production, the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers. Their work is organized in courses in the
Speech Department carrying regular University
credit. None of this work is open to freshmen.
In fact, Speech 31 and 41 or 43 are prerequisites
to the work, so usually students do not take
theatre courses before the junior year unless
they had work of university caliber elsewhere.
However, they 'may, as second semester fresh-
men, work with the Children's Theatre, an or-
ganization under the joint supervision of Play
-Production and the Michigan League. Sarah
Pierce is th edirector.
DUE PARTLY to the Hopwood Awards (de-
scribed on page 26 of this issue) there has
been a decided impetus to write plays the last
few years. This work is directed by Prof. Kenneth
Rowe of the English department and courses
are usually open only to seniors or graduate stu-
dents. Many of these student written plays have
been produced and more will be in the near

Memory Course For Freshmen
Remember, Frosh,
There's no time to sorrow,
Freshmen are but sophomores tomorrow.
From what you were last week
The glory you can't borrow.
Remember, Frosh,
And do not fret,
You'll be a man (or woman) yet.
Should a callous soph sneer at you,
You lift your head and just cry "FOO"!
Remember, Frosh-
-On this I'd bet-
That any soph with his polished air,
Svelte, and lush with savoir faire,
Suave and hearty, hail well met,
Beneath it all, is part frosh yet.
MAYBE THE RIGHT IDEA, it being Orienta-
tion Week and all that, is to be very serious
in this our first column of the glorious school
year. But why, O why, must such be so. The
University is too busy itself with trying to keep
its perennial smirk subdued until the freshmen
have been sufficiently impressed. And who of
you hasn't gone through that trying period of
early freshmanhood-that gloom, that high ser-
iousness, that disillusion, that depth reached
only by a youngster who has come to college and
is disappointed in the first few days for either
of two reasons. Because (1) he came here to
study the serious things in life and found they
didn't exist, that all was gayety and laughter.
And because (2) he came here for gayety and
laughter, and found they didn't exist, that every-
body in college worried about the serious things
of life.
We feel it is up to us to strike a happy medium
and if it isn't medium, at least happy. Pshaw!
That's us, all right, little bright-winged butterfly.
What if you did flunk Aptitude test 103! Pshaw!
Don't gloom because you couldn't make head or
tail of the English placement test-even though
you are nursing in your bosom the throbbings
of literary genius like ours! What if after being
valedictorian of your high school for two years in
a row, the university decides you have an IQ of
sixty and a mental age of seven? Pshaw! Pshaw!
You're in good company. Show me a BMOC who
is comfortable at temperatures higher than a
good sturdy Stephen-Binet fifty or sixty! And
bring to me all coeds eager for intellectual acro-
batics! With the laughter of a girl of twenty and
the knowledge of when to laugh of a woman of
forty. (O-a-h, Mr. Mencken, bring them to me).
And don't let anyone kid you. We may be dumb,
but we're not quite as dumb as we are going to
find out we are.
* * * *
Pick it up, lay it down, and swing it!
TODAY we have a short story but we haven't
thought of a name for it. Or rather, we
haven't thought of a real name for it. We did
get as far as an alternate name though. But if
we can't get a real title the alternate title
doesn't make sense because they go right to-
gether. If you hear of something good, let us
It was bright and sunny in Fitchburg that day.
The autumn roses were abloom and the scent
from them was wafted over the green meadow.
The people in the bleachers could just detect
it through the smell of dried tobacco juice and
stale peanuts. The right fielder was leaning
against the sun field fence and the wind was
billowing past him, through his loose and shaggy
uniform. After a while you knew he hadn't
washed since the last time they had played the
Yankees, so you see the roses had two strikes on
them from the beginning. But no one cared in
Fitchburg because the home team was at bat.
A hulking behemoth of a man, a whacking,
smacking, rooting, tooting chappie he was too,
walked up to the umpire with his willow in
his hand. Softly he whispered to the umpire in
tones that soothed the ear. The umpire didn't
hear him. The big man glared, sputtered.
He exploded. "Whyn't you wash yer ears?"
he shouted in cultured tones. Moving closer he
boomed into the umpire's ear. "I'm batting for

Muzzikoff!" The rush of air was as after a vast
upheaval of the earth by generous deposits of
natural gas. A-a-h, terrible sound.
The referee came up fighting, bobbing, weav-
ing. But the Fitchburg batter strode to the
plate and heroically struck out. It happenes
again and again, the pinch hitter each time he
came to bat, blasting the umpire to the ground.
The umpire was helpless. The fans thought it
was funny. Maybe it was.
Finally, in the ninth inning with Fitchburg
behind one run and a man on third, the pinch
hitter came to bat and hit a double, having first
blown the umpire off his feet again and hit him
with a spurt of tobacco juice while he was in the
air. Another pinch batter strode to the plate.
He was a little man with a squeak in his voice.
"What's your name?" thundered the irate um-
The little man looked up at him, up and down,
across, measuring him off. His lips rounded.
"Boo . . ." he said. The umpire leaped upon
him. It was the end.
Later, when the umpire regained his senses
at the hospital he asked to be wheeled into the
little man's room, for he felt sad that he should
have struck the fellow, especially since the little
fellow was a friend of the guy who batted for
Muzzikoff. At his bedside he apologized and told
him that he just couldn't help it.

h k. ,


W f fl etreel
The Times of last Wednesday re- DAILY OFFICIAl
corded the sale at the postoffice auc- Publication in the Bulletin is constructi
tion of a horse collar and three University. Copy received at the office of1
A. H. until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
iwhiffletrees for $3. This little item
elated us, leading us to think we had
settled forever the great whiffletree TUESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1937 cour
controversy and definitely put Mr. VOL. XLVIII. No. 1 the
Webster, who spells the word 'whip- To Users of the Daily Official Bul- the
pletree," in his place. But we reck- letin: tion
oned without Uncle Sam. With the The attention of users of The Daily Prin
government horning in on all sorts Official Bulletin is respectfully called 171
of private enterprise nowadays, we to the following: the
should not have been surprised to: (1) Notice submitted for publica- (Bu
find it poking its nose into this par- tion must be Typewritten and must Har
ticular controversy, and in a particu- be signed. ture
larly nasty way. It is now revealed (2) Ordinarily notices are pub- whi
that the current year-book of the lished but once. Repetition is at the Sch
Department of Agriculture brazenly Editor's discretion. and
supports "whippletree," despite the (3) Notices must be handed to the atl
Oxford Dictionary, but weakl,7 evades Assistant to the President, as Editor per
its legal . responsibility by mnerely of the Daily Official Bullefin, Room
quoting a passage from Agnes Chase's 1021 A.H., before 3:30 p.m., (11:00, R
"First Book of Grasses" pleading for Saturdays). ing
the use of technical terms in farm- in t
ing. "Spikelet, glume and lemma," Attention' University Employes: in t
says Miss Chase, "are words no more Whenever possible charge all person- tion
difficult to learn than are hames,, al long-distance telephone calls and Rea
crupper or whippletree, carburetor, telegrams placed through the Univer- 191
clutch or magneto." sity telephone system, to your resi- the
All right, Miss Chase-but drop in dent phone. Herbert T. Watkins Pro
on any farmer and ask him how his cre
whippletrees are doing. Insurance Courses: The following

Ave notice to all members of the
the Summer Session, Room. 1213
rses, which are not included in
announcement, will be offered in
School of Business Administra-
this year: in the first semester,
nciples of Insurance (Bus. Ad.
). 3 hours credit, T Th S at 10; in
second semester, Life Insurance
as. Ad. 172), 3 hours credit. Mr.
mpton H. Irwin, Non-resident Iec-
er, will be in charge fo the courses,
ch are open to students in the
ool of Business Administration
to those in other units who have
least fourth year standing and
mission of the instructor.
eal Estate Courses: The follow-
courses, which are not included
the announcement, will be offered
he School of Business Administra-
this year: in the first semester,
al Estate Fundamentals (Bus. Ad.
) 3 hours credit, T Th S at 8; in
second semester, Real Estate
blems (Bus. Ad. 192), 3 hours
dit. Asst. Prof. Thatcliff will be in
(Continued on Page 5)





Arbor Press has wit-

nessed the opening of the University to hundreds of first year
students whom we were to serve and work with during their

college years.

But experience has taught us that these college

years are not the most important of the business connections
we have with these new men. Every day -- every week of
the year we meet the heads of business firms - both in Michi-
gan and adjoining states, who once were freshmen at Ann
Arbor, and who because of this memory are interested in us
and friendly to us.
Therefore we are eager to greet the new freshmen, to

serve them with our industry and our art.

They are the

potential busincss leaders of tomorrow, with whom and for
whom the Ann Arbor Press will be working.
A. J.'WILTSE, Manager

It is the vogue to get the news Stop, look and listen
By pictures Sharp and Clear Before you cross the hall.
So for the campus happenings Buy PANORAMA for the news
Buy PANORAMA here. When it comes out this fall.
$2.00 Per Year
Publshed Every Two WeeIks

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