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January 13, 1938 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-13

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Health Service
Notes Increase
In Pneumonia,
December Report Reveals
A Drop In Colds; 308
Treated In Infirmary
An increase of seven pneumonia
cases treated in December, 1937 over
the two treated in December, 1936 at
the Health Service was noted in the
monthly report released yesterday byj
Dr. Maurice R. McGarvey, class medi-

Get Shares Of Iauptmann Reward

cal adviser.j
A previous report stated that pneu-
monia among students at Michigan is
almost always caused by the pneu-
monia organism classified in Group
IV. Four year's study has proved this
particular organism, which attacks
the lungs, a definite entity in the stu-
dent population. Research leading to
specific treatment for this type of
pneumonia was recommended in the
Service was continued during the
Christmas Vacation, the holidays be-
ing used by many students for opera-
tions advised, the most common be-
ing the removal of septic tonsils. Four,
pneumonia cases were treated in the
According to the report there were
8,707 dispensary calls and 138 in-'
firmary patients. Also noted was the
decrease from 707 colds treated in De-
cember 1936 to 610 in December 1937.
The number of sensitization tests giv-
en was increased from 68 to 108. One
death in December by automobile ac-
cident was reported.
Geologist Ends
Series Lecturing
On Rock Forms
Dr. Norman L. Bowen, well-known
chemist and geologist of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, will give the last Uni-
versity lecture of the semester on
"Silicate Equilibria and their Signif-,
icance in Rock and Industrial Prod-
ucts," at 4:15 p.m. today in the
lNatural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Bowen is noted for his work
in determining the chemical reasons
for the diversity of igneous rocks, a
research that lasted more than 20
years and has been widely applied in
metallurgical work, in the glass and
ceramic industries. His theory is that
igneous rocks differ from one -another
because crystals settling out of the
molten volcanic material from which
they come, change the composition of)
the still molten material.
He will explain these "phase rule,
experiments," as they are called, and
will show how they have been used in
the commercial industries cited.
He is a graduate of Harvard Uni-
versity and started work with the
Carnegie Institution of Washington,
D. C.
University Officials
Meet In Lansing

Peterson Lists
Reform Needs
Of Monopolies
(Continued fromPage1)
corporations is not necessary. The
similarity in prices is due to the small
number of concerns, the peculiar
price structure of the industry, and
the experience that a departure from
these prices does not pay. Under-
selling U.S. Steel Co. means the be-
ginning of unprofitable competition'
whereby all the steel companies lose
in the long run."
What is the remedy? An attempt
to enforce competition throughout
industry would be a drastic process,
Professor Peterson said. He believes,
in addition, that in some industries,
such as steel, it would be practically
impossible to do so under any con-
ditions. "Steel may well come to be
3onsidered a public utility. To pre-1
vent abuses, it would have to be
regulated by means similar to those
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion uses to control the railroads."
He went on to say that reforms
toward this end would have to be
yattempted slowly and would be least
disturbing to the national economy
in prosperous times.
The alternative to the enforcement
of competition in industry is a "great-
er degree of cooperation" in industry
with stringent government control,
Professor Peterson believes. "Busi-'
ness is continually crying for self-
government and the relaxation of the'
anti-trust laws. This was attempted
with the NRA. But I don't have the
least bit of faith in self-government
for industry with merely a mild form
of government control."
If this alternative to "cooperation"
is accepted, Professor Peterson feels
that the government must exercise as
careful regulation of prices, output,
financing and "fair profit" as is ex-
ercised over the railroads.
Ke pointed out, however, that a
much more difficult problem was in-
volved in that "not only would each'
industry need to be regulated sep-
arately, but the interrelation would
need careful handling-it would have
I to be determined, for example, how

Must Be Made

The present convention of which Wil- confronting alumni workers. Dele- While in Chicago, Mr. Morgan will
lham S. Gibson of the University of gates from Ohio, Minnesota, Illinois, meet with officers of classes and with
Minnesota is chairman, will be in the Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia officials of Chicago University of
form of round-tables on problems and Wisconsin also will attend. Michigan Clubs.

Cecile Barr, theatre cashier, and William F. Cody, bank teller, were
among the many who shared in distribution of- the $25,000 reward for the
capture of Bruno Hauptmann. Miss Barr identified Hauptmann as the
passer of one of the Lindbergh ransom bills and Cody was one of
the bank tellers who checked ransom bills. Miss Barr got $1,000 and
Cody got $2,000. Both are from New York.
Research Aide Uncovers Letter
Written By Washington In 17681

By Friday Night

A hitherto unpublished and un-
known letter by George Washington
was discovered this week in the Wil-+
liam L. Clements Library's Gage pa-
pers by John Alden of the history de-
partment during researches on Brit-
ish Indian policy in North America
before the American Revolution.
The letter, dated May 17, 1768, is,
written throughout in Washington's1
own hand, and is addressed to John
Blair, president of the council in Vir-
ginia, and acting governor of the
Writing to Gen. Thomas Gage, thei
commander-in-chief of the British
army in America, Blair enclosed the1
communication from Washington.
Washington wrote the letter in or-
der to secure through Gage a special1
favor for some Virginia friends who,
were engaged in the business of fur-
nishing provisions to the British gar-
rison at Fort Pitt. They carried their;
goods to Fort Pitt by a route from
Fort Cumberland and feared that
the proposed Indian boundary line, to
be drawn in 1768, would leave what'
is now southwestern Pennsylvania in
the Indian country. Their fears were
probably partly caused by the fact
that the earlier Indian line of 1763
had reserved the territory in ques-
tion to the Indians.

maintenance of three or four supply
stations on the road between Fort
Cumberland and Fort Pitt, and he,
in turn, asked Blair to place the re-
quest of the Virginians before Gen-
eral Gage.
But the fears of Washington and
the Virginia merchants were ground-
less. A report of the Board of Trade
of March 7, 1768, had provided the
boundary should run from Pittsburgh
down the Ohio to the mouth of the
Kanawha River. All doubt was re-
moved when Gage replied to Blair
that the area between Fort Cumber-
land and Fort Pitt would be within




12 Nickels Arcade

Phone 2-4424

Me raostt ouday. much steel is needed for how much
The letter is significant because it wheat."
shows Washington's continuing in-
terest in the Ohio Valley, and in the
efforts of the Virginian to develop T1H
that valley. The letter is also interest-d
ing because it. shows the ignorance A u n
and apprehension of Washington and Go To N ational
his friends regarding the plans of theEgt.To N a tiO d
English government for the West.
Washington's letter remained inay
the possession of General Gage and
the Gage family for more than 150
years.gThe Gage papers were pur- Robert O. Morgan, assistant general
chased from the Gage family by the alumni secretary, Mrs. Seymour
late William L. Clements, and are Beach Conger, alumnae secretary and
now preserved in the Clements Li- Mrs. Marguerite D. Turner, assistant
brary. editor of the Michigan Alumnus, will

_ I



Virginia mercnants were especially
anxious to maintain easy intercoursec
with Fort Pitt because their compe- MUSIC PROFESSOR DIES !
titors from Pennsylvania would not POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y., Jan. 12.-
be affected by the proposed boundary !P)--Dr. George C. Gow, 77, professor
line. emeritus of music at Vassar College
They therefore asked Washington and for 37 years head of its musicc
to use his influence to secure the department, died today.

attend the fifth district convention
of the American Alumni Council,
meeting today, tomorrow and Satur-
day in Chicago.
The American Alumni Council is
an association of men and women in
charge of alumni work in the United
States, Canada and Newfoundland.


Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit-
erary college, Assistant Dean Peter
Okkelberg of the Graduate School,
Registrar Ira M. Smith and Prof.
George E. Carrothers of the School
of Education will attend the annual
closed meeting of the Michigan Asso-
ciation of North Central Colleges in
Lansing today.
Professor Carrothers is president of
the organization. The discussions will
be of problems vital to colleges today
with special reference to entrance re-
quirements and masters degree re-
quirements. Registrar Smith will re-
port on the observance of "college
days" in the various high schools of
the state.
Prof. Price Will Talk
On Gothic Architecture
Prof. Herward T. Price of the
English department will give the sec-
ond in a series of lectures sponsored
by the Deutscher Verein at 4:15 p.m.
today, speaking on Gothic architec-
ture in northern Germany.
The talk, illustrated by slides, will
be presented in Room 2003 Angell
Hall. Admission is by ticket which
may be bought for the whole series
or separately at the door.. The price
for a single ticket is 10c.
Prof. Hanns Pick of the School of
Mtuic will give the third in this series
on "Schweizerische Voldsmusik" Feb.

Save on DRESSE
1/2 Price
In this group we are including the famous ELLEN KAYE
frocks. Dresses for Afternoon, Street, Dinner and For-
mal wear. Silks, Wools and Crepes.
Sizes 11 to 17 12 to 38

The Story of the




T HIS is an actual experience of a small neighborhood store: A
merchant was faced with the problem of drawing attention to
the display counters in the back of the store. He found that custom-
ers would come in, look at merchandise and show cases in the front
half of his store, and rarely walk back to the rear. Consequently, a
considerable part of his floor space was a dead area-wasted as far
as sales were concerned.
He decided to try and pull traffic to this "deserted corner" with
the aid of light. He raised the illumination in this particular section
to a level higher than that in the rest of the store, focusing the light
on his counter displays. Results were immediate. Over 60 per cent
of the customers were drawn to the hitherto neglected area.
To pull traffic to inactive sections of your selling space, use LIGHT.
To attract attention to special displays and step up .the sales of spe-
cific items, use LIGHT. To make potential customers notice your
show windows, use LIGHT. It is more than a coincidence that the
four New York City stores which have the best lighting are the
stores which show the greatest net profit. Good lighting can be
equally effective for tht small store in the neighborhood community.
For competent advice on any phase of your store lighting, consult
a Detroit Edison lighting engineer. He can frequently make helpful





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