THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JAN. 13 Wwo THE MICHIGAN DAILY _..i 31 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studer' Publications. Pubns~hed every morning except Mondy during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the tse for republication of all news dispatches credited to Ior not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved En.'red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as 8econd class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL AVERTSING EY National Advertising Service, Inc. Collee Publishers Reresentative 420 MADI$ON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. McaQo - sOTon - Los ANEEs8 - SAN FANCIscoO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ..........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR.................WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR ....................ROBERT P WElKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ...................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH N. FREEDMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Judge Lynch, Jim Crow And Uncle Sam. . HE LAW DEMANDS the full penalty for a Negro slapping a white woman -death. The law demands the full penalty for com- munistic activity in the land where free speech is guaranteed to all. The penalty is death. The law shows its might by the execution of a man who got in its way while searching for an- other. That is the law-lynch law. Since 1885 it has -without trial-sentenced approximately 3,650 persons to death, sometimes for offenses for which the statute law of the land demands an equally stringent punishment, more often for such things as took place in 1936 and are men- tioned above. That is the law which socially- minded Congressmen have attempted to destroy by federal statute again and again only to meet defeat when senators from below the Mason- Dixon line banded together to preserve the "pre- rogatives" of their constituents. The bill which is now being filibustered into oblivion inthe Senate by such public servants as Ed Smith, the gentleman from South Carolina, was born o two liberals-Wagner and Van Nuys. It would fine heavily the county in which a lynch- ing took place, put in the hands of federal agents an investigation of those persons supposedly re- sponsible and make it a felony to take part in such "events." Opposition from reactionary southern elements plus a spattering of western ''liberals" such as Borah is occasioned by the fact that the bill violates "state rights." Tire South, they say, can well handle the problem without federal intervention and to suppot their argument they point to the fact that there were only eight lynchings in 1937. And so it looks as if another lynching bill will die as did the Dyer measure of 1922. The argument that the South can take care 4f what Theodore Roosevelt called "That vile form of collective murder" seems fallacious from the start. Since 1885 Georgia has seen 460 persons lynched within its borders. Alabama is proud of its 303 deaths, Texas damns the lynch- ing bill with a toll of 351. The South points proudly to the fact that only eight were murdered Ln 1937 but it does not point to the 1935 toll of 63. Even such organs of the Southern aristocracy es the Birmingham Age-Herald and Birmingham News along with most of the rest of the liberal press in that section are in favor of the bill. The Southern Senators are not. In his powerful book, You Have Seen Their Faces, Erskine Caldwell stresses the point that ihe white share-cropper in the South, degraded by the system under which he labors, kept eter- nally in extreme poverty, rationalizes his position Oy a feeling of race superiority. No matter how wealthy or hard-working the Negro, he is in- terior to the poorest white-trash. And if he steps out of his place there is that most effec- tive of all weapons-lynch law. Mississippi can spend $44.31 on each of her white students but only $5.45 is available for her Negro ones, a study by the Rosenwald Foundation shows. The Negro is not encouraged to vote-even prevented from going so. The poor Southern black suffers un- believably wide-spread discrimination-theatre, high class cafe, cabaret and state university are closed to him. He must ride in the "Jim Crow" section of street-cars, wait for a bus in a separate room. All this is responsible for the attitude of racial superiority which engenders lynchings, but if there were no more perhaps a Federal sta- tute would not be necessary. Statistics show that selves in the peculiar position of having a Federal government which is not empowered to prevent lynchings and a number of state governments, which, despite their denials, cannot or will not. No matter what the future of the Wagner-Van Nuys Bill, it seems logically necessary that some- time federal anti-lynching measures at least guarantee the Southern Negro that, after a life in which he suffers continuous discrimination, he will not die at the hands of an enraged mob by blow-torch, rope or bullet while John Southern Sheriff, hands in pockets, stands idly by. Stan Mitchell Swinton. The New Deal Vs. Monopolies.. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S speech Saturday night at the Jackson Day dinner was embroidered with some cliche expres- sions which seemed as though they had come out of the scrapbook of his trustbusting cousin, the great Teddy, relative to price rigging and monopolistic practices. The sincerity of that address was manifest, but whether it signifies anything more than a shifting of responsibility to a minority of "bus- iness men, bankers and industrialists," the his- tory of these next few months will alone show. Fundamental responsibility for this so-called recession in which we find ourselves today can- not be laid to the administration, but the fact remains that it neglected for too long a time-. the problem which its leaders have now brought to the front. It did more than neglect, it abetted the very evils which the President says he is going to fight cheerfully but without compro- mise. The NRA and AAA are two of the best known examples of this abetting. The President was warned in 1936 by some of his advisers to tackle the problem of concentrat- ed control of industry, but the turning wheels of increasing business drowned out their counsel. Now the wheels have slowed down, the President and the country have a thing called "recession" in their laps and abuse has not been slow in coming on the New Deal's policies. To meet that abuse, Secretary Ickes and Assistant Attor- ney-General Jackson hurled some choice explo- sives in the general direction of big business, all aimed at blaming everything on those who were be-splotching the fair name of Roosevelt and Company. It was a natural consequence that big bus- iness should have been struck at one of its most vulnerable sides as regards justification of mo- nopolistic policies in these speeches. But the presenting of the problem is of little importance. It is not to be met by a concerted and well-de- fined program. Though so-called big business is vulnerable,'it has been so for a long, long time without anything important being done about it. Albert P. Mayio. B..a HieWOs troUe Heywood Broun Joe Alsop won the prize. It was a sort of con- fessional cocktail hour at the National Press Club, and a little group of newspaper men were swap- ping stories on the general topic of "The most tactless thing I ever said." Joe Alsop told of an argument he had with Sen- ator Vandenberg, of Mich- igan. "We were talking about John L. Lewis," Alsop ex- plained, "and .Vandenberg was questioning the sincerity of Lewis. I said that in my opinion Lewis was utterly sincere and the Senator ob- jected that the CIO leader was ambitious. 'But,' I answered, 'those things don't necessarily war with each other. The personal ambitions of Lewis go along the same road as the cause to which he is committed.' "'I think,' said Vandenberg, 'that we do not de- fine the word "sincerity" in the same way. At some point in his life every man stands at a crossroad and he must choose the path which leads to fame and fortune and to evil or take the road which leads to self-sacrifice and righteous- ness. I, too, have stood at the fork in the road and made my choice.'" "And it was right there that I made my little mistake in tact," added Joe Alsop. "I didn't do it on purpose. It just popped out. I asked, 'Sen- ator, which road did you choose?''" A Great Deliberative Body To me the National Press Club, and particularly the bar, houses the greatest deliberative body in the world. Surely the veterans of the working press know far more about the business of gov- ernment than the average Senator. And the House just isn't in the same league. Congressmen are in Washington today and back in Pascagoula, Miss., tomorrow. Washing- ton correspondents are seldom fired, never re- sign and die infrequently. They constitute a very tough audience for the flag-wavers. The Cotton Eds of the upper house are just lint upon the lapel as far as the newspaper men are concerned., Aisde from the little group of commenting col- umnists, Washington reporters are not particu- larly politically minded. I mean that few of them have any passionate personal convictions about contentious legislation, past or present. They carry salt, since they seek the little bird which whispers to a Senator and very rarely pay much attention to the noble motives which an orator assigns to himself when on the rostrum. All political figures are divided roughly into two groups--real people and phonies. And the chil- dren of darkness vastly outnumber the children of light. In Defense Of A Lady Some of the judgments are snap ones and far from fair. Frances Perkins, for instance, is a woman of great ability and is better informed about her own field of activity than any Secretary of Labor in recent years. And yet her effective- ness has been seriously impaired by a bad press. She earned a bad press by her tendency at con- ferences to lecture newspapermen and wome as if she were a professor talking to a somewhat backward group of freshmen. That has not helped. Of course, a Washington notable may get a very bad press as far as editorials are concerned and still be very highly regarded by the factual reporters in the nation's capital. I would cite John L. Lewis, for instance and also Mr. Justce Hugo Black. A reporter who specializes on the court told me last week that in his judgment the new recruit had already become the leading liberal on the High Bench and had won a great respect from his coll'eagues. Black is certainly popular with newspaper men, because he recently wrote a dissent in Eng- lish as plain and simple and clear as a good run- ning story on the first page. And, naturally, reporters take to those who speak their own Ian-' guage. And it is a finer tongue than that in- vented by M r. Blackstone By NORMAN T. KIELL Rosten On The Radio This afternoon, from 3:00 to 3:30 o'clock The Michigan University of the Air will br oadcast over Station WJR of Detroit a play by a graduate student of the University. The stu- 1 dent is Norman Rosten, winner of the Bureau of New Plays' award last year andsalso an award in the Max- well Anderson poetic drama contest. The play, especially written for radio, is "Death ofa King." The radio is slowly but surely com- ing into use as a stage for verse. It isl of great wonderment that the radio has not been exploited to far greater use in this respect than has been the case up to the present, when we consider that only two major dra- matic poets of America have taken advantage of this medium. Few pre- sentations have excited the radio public more than Archibald Mac- Leish's "The Fall of the City," and Maxwell Anderson's "The Feast of the Ortolans." Why? we may well ask (Continued from Page 2) in the Gymnasium during registration week. Second Semester 1937-38 Courses in the College of Architecture: The fol-i lowing courses given in the College of Architecture are open to students in other colleges and schools of the University without special permission from this college: Arch. 11. Domestic Architecture and Housing. TTh 2, 346 Arch. Pro- fessor Bennett. Two hours credit. No prerequisite except not open to fresh- men or sophomores. Draw. 33. Modeling. TTh 1-4, 3071 Arch. Mr. Edwards. Two hours cred- it. No prerequisite. All courses in Drawing and Paint- ing, with prerequisites as noted in the Announcement of the College of Architecture. D.D.35, History of Interiors, will not be given. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Study Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry C. Eckstein, 1553 Broadway, today, at 2 p.m. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: Lieut. H.,R. Nieman, of the United States Naval Air Corps, will speak on some of his experiences in the Navy at the meeting of the University of Michigan Student Branch of the I.Ae.S. this evening at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042, East Engineering Building. The time and place for the taking of the En- sian picture will also be announced at this meeting. Everybody welcome. Association Fireside: Mr. Al Hamil- ton, former chairman of the National Council of Methodist Youth and now an active member of Youth Congress, will discuss some aspects of the pres- ent world situation, Thursday, 8:00 p.m., at Lane Hall. I' Even as Mr. MacLeish says in the Business Administracion Courses. preface of his poetic drama, "A radio The following courses which are not1 play consists of words and word listed in the Business Administra- equivalents and nothing else. There tion catalog are to be offered the sec- is no visible actor disguised to assume and semester. a part. There is no stage-set con- "Business Administration 172. Life trived to resemble a place. There is Insurance. Consideration will be given only the spoken word-an implement to the economic and social signifi- which poets have always claimed to cance of life insurance, together with use with a special authority. There is a study of the structure, management only the word-excited imagination, and investments of life insurance, Nothing exists save as the word cre- companies. Cases will be used ex- ates it. The word dresses the stage. tensively with special attention to the The word brings on the actors. The optional methods of settlement, single word supplies their look ,their clothes,' premium contracts and various forms their gestures." of annuities, trust agreements, per- If verse is an obstacle on the stage sonal programs, stock purchase agree- because of its artifice and because the ments and other forms of business in- physical reality of the scene does not surance, and taxation in relation to harmonize with it, then this obstacle estate conservation. The course aims is done away with over the radio. For to prepare the student to make intel- over the radio, "Verse has no visual ligent use of life insurance in his per- presence to compete with. Only the sonal and business affairs. Mr. Irwin. ear is engaged and the ear is already Three hours credit. T.TS. at 11. half poet. It believes at once: cre- "Business Administration 192. Real ates and believes. The ear is the Estate Problems. This course deals poet's perfect audience, his only true with urban real estate values and the audience. And it is radio and only problems which arise in connection radio wpich can give him public ac- with fluctuations in values. It con- cess to this perfect friend." siders some of the forces which af- The second argument for the radio fect value and price, such as city as a stage for verse is the technique growth, depreciation and obsoles- of radio itself. Again Mr. MacLeish cence, costs of construction, space re- points out its advantages, chief among quirements, and real incomes. The them being the announcer. He "is the techniques of valuation will be an- most useful dramatic personage since alyzed and a number of appraisal re- the Greek Chorus. For years modern ports prepared. Special attention will poets writing for the stage have felt be given to problems of valuation in the necessity of contriving some sort connection with real estate financing. of chorus, some sort of commentator. Prerequisite: Course 191 or equiva- In radio, the commentator is an in- lent. Assistant Professor Ratcliff. stegral part of radio technique. His Three hours credit. T.T.S. at 8. presence is as natural as it is familiar. "If the student has not previously And his presence, without more, re- taken work in these fields, he should stores to the poet that obliquity, that consult with the instructor of the perspective, that three-dimensional course for permission to take it." THE FORUM A Progressive Speaks To the Editor: This is a day and age of conflict. All fair observers admit that civilization and progress are at stake in the struggle going on in the world today. And it is also apparent that there are two sides in this struggle: on the one hand those who will stop at no means to entrench reaction and its consequent demoralizing, anti-rational results; on the other, those who stand for a world of progress, peace, security, intellectual and ar- tistic achievement and greater accessibility of material and cultural enjoyments to the masses of people. In short, the contest forces one to choose sides. One favors extension of democracy or he favors the enslavement of the masses of people. One supports means to bring peace, security, and happiness to the lives of the mil- lions or he supports measures designed to deny the people and oppress them. One side we know is losing no time in consoli- dating its small but powerful forces and allies. What about the other side? Progress can be seen. Popular Fronts have arisen to throw the sup- port of the many behind a platform of progress. But neither on the international, the national nor the local front (where essentially the same forces exist) has the great popular strength of those who reject violence and reaction been tapped. We who are living in Ann Arbor are isolated, but in a more important sense we are close to the core of matters. We comprehend what is going on in the world and we want to do what we can to support our convictions. What can be done? We can join an organization which consolidates progressive forces and focuses at- tention on the immediate problems. Such an or- ganization exists on the Michigan campus in the form of the Progressive Club. Who can join? Anyone who chooses progress and peace. Na- turally there is no complete agreement on the means. But that need have no deterring effect upon our uniting. There are many of us who can come together on the basis of common ideals or purposes. We have not yet recognized our full strength. Let's not waste precious time! -A Progressive. Lights For The Libraries To the Editor: Apparently the University is extending its efforts towards the obscuring of knowledge. Per- haps that is a symptom of its reticent nature. "Seek and ye shall find" was never to be said of the Angell Hall libraries.. The lighting in these rooms is absolutely atrocious. The sentiments of my friends concur with me in this matter, and I am beginning to perceive a mounting crescendo of grumbles from other circles. No doubt a climax will be reached with final examinations, and there is hope that some action will crystallize. Is it not possible to solicit the i depth without which great poetic drama cannot exist." Here we have the whole brief and case for the need, both by poet and listeners, for the more frequent pre- sentation of verse play through the mechanics of radio. In "Death of a King," Rosten has written a radio play in verse that carries on this tra- ditionp however new-born that tradi- tion may be. In the presentation this afternoon at 3 p.m. over WJR we shall hear therpoet in his rightful setting, in his perfect medium.. Coward At The Cass In the day of the three-act presen- tation on the stage, Noel Coward's offering of a cycle of short plays is a refreshing change. The Coward series of nine plays under the blanket title+ of "Tonight at 8:30" will be presented at the Cass Theatre, Detroit, for two weeks, with matinees on Wednesday and Saturday, beginning this Sunday evening, Jan. 16th. The three plays listed for the open- ing week at the Cass include "Family Album," "Still Life," and "Hands Across the Sea." "Ways and Means," "We Were Dancing,' and "Fumed Oak" will be given Jan. 23 to 26 in-, clusive; "Shadow Play," "Red Pep- pers" and "The Astonished Heart" will be presented Jan. 27, 28 and 29. Sprinkled over the plays are several musical tunes by Coward, and some vaudeville hoofing. To enact these plays, the same cast who appeared at the Spring Dramatic Festival here in Ann Arbor last year, are still participating. They are Es- telle Winwood, Helen Chandler, Bramwell Fletcher and Jessie Royce Landis. Syncopation By TOM McCANN Through the mail the other day we were told of four flagrant errors we had committed in the bits on Wed- nesday and Friday of last week. These crimes were, (1) that Bernie Cum- mins did not play at the Drake last summer but at the Edgewater Beach; (2) that his vocalist, Connie Barlowe, spells her name that way and not B-e-r-l-e-a-u; (3) that Bernie has not had three different bands-there have been merely several changes in the personnel; and (4) that, hor- ror of horrors, (this one is terrible) .Concerts Graduation Recital: Mary Porter, pianist, of Minot, North Dakota, will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, Thursday evening, Jan. 13, at 8:15 o'clock, at the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard St. The public is invited without admission charge. Exhibition Etchings, Aquatints and Mezzotints by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va- lerio of the College of Architecture, in the South Gallery, Alumni Mem- orial Hall; and Etchings, Lithographs and Woodcuts by the Chicago Artists Group in the North Gallery, Alumni 'Memorial Hall; daily 2 to 5 p.m. in- cluding Sundays, Jan. 12 through 26, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Norman L. Bowen, Charles L. Hutchinson Dis- tinguished Service Professor in the University of Chicago, will give a public lecture on "Silicate equilibria and their significance in rocks and industrial products," in the Natural Science Auditorium, Thursday, Jan. 13, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor- dially invited. German Lecture: Prof. Hereward T. Price will give the second lecture on the program of the Deutscher Verein: "Die Bachsteingothik in Norddeutschland" on Thursday, Jan. 13 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2003 Angell Hall. Events Today University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m. Amateur Theatre Series. Demonstra- tion of a Play by Play Production Class, "Death of a King," by Norman Rosten. Political Science Club Members are notified that the third meeting will be held today at 7:30 p.m. in the Michi- gan League. The subject for discus- sion will be "New Horizons of Ameri- can Foreign Policy." Attention all Ann Arbor Indepen- dent Girls: There will be an import- ant meeting Thursday at 5:00 at the League. Attendance is compulsory. Phi Epsilon Kappa Meeting: There will be a meeting of the National Physical EducationHonorary Fra- ternity, at the Intramural Sports Building tonight (Thursday), at 9:30. All members are expected to attend. Mr. J. Cole will speak on "Our Mid- Western Convention." Hillel Foundation: Professor Sam- uel Goudsmit of the physics depart- ment will lead an informal fireside discussion at 8:30 p.m. tonight. Women's Fencing Club: Regular meeting Thursday at 4:15 sharp in Barbour Gymnasium. Place of meet- ing will be posted at matron's desk. Please bring 25 cent equipment fee. Congress: There will be a meeting of the Administration Committee to- night at 7:45 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. Congress: There will be a meeting of the Activities Committee tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. Congress: There will be a meeting of the Publicity Committee today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. The Progressive Club will hold its General Membership meeting in the Michigan Union at 8 p.m. tonight. This will be the last meeting of this semester; it is necessary that all members turn out for it since im- portant plans will be drawn up. Junior Girls Play: Dancing class will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the W.A.A. building. Congress: Publicity Committee of- fice hours every Tuesday from 3:30- 4:30 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union. Congress: Activities Committee of- fice hours every Thursday from 3:30 p.m:-4:30 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union., Coming Events Geology Journal Club: Meets Mon- day ,Jan. 17, at 7 p.m. in 3065 N.S. "The Piggot Deep-Sea Cores" re- viewed by Mr. David H. Swann, and "Cycle of Weathering" by B. B. Poly- nov, reviewed by Dr. M. W. Senstius. Light refreshments at 8:00. Michigan Dames: The next meet- ing of the Book Group which was to be held Thursday will be held instead on Jan. 27. Phi Eta Sigma and Alpha Lambda Delta will hold a joint meeting at the Union on Saturday, Jan. 15 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. There will be danc- ing and refreshments. Miss Eleanor Hutzel, Chief of the Woman's Division, Detroit Police De- partment, will speak at the Women's League Building on Thursday eve- ning, Jan. 13 at 8:00 p.m. English Journal Club will meet at the Union Friday afternoon, Jan. 14, with business preliminaries beginning at 4:00. Mr. Calver will discuss "A. N. Whitehead: A Contemporary Platon- ist." The public is invited. Slide Rule: Slide rule session on the log-log scales, conducted by A. D. Moore, Room 348, W. Eng. Bldg., Fri- day 5 to 6. Open to anyone interest- ed. All who attend should bring log- log rules. Stalker Hall. A sleighride is being planned for Friday evening if the weather permits. For reservations call 6881 before Friday noon. If we cannot go for the ride, there will be skating at the Coliseum. Meet at Stalker Hall at 8:30 p.m. Women's Badminton: The singles tournament will start Wednesday, Jan. 12, and the first round must be played by Saturday, Jan. 22. Baptist Guild: Don't forget the Roger Williams Guild sleighride to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow. The group will meet atf the guild-house. Members and their friends are in- vited. By WRAG Excerpt from an editorial: "It is to be hoped that President Roosevelt does not appoint an- other puppet to the Supreme Court." This is the first time that he has been mentioned, but there could be worse choices than Charlie McCarthy. Prof. Sellars told his Philosophy class yes- terday about posters all over Germany show- ing a huge crowd of children with the cap- tion, "We are Hitler's children." It begins to clear up now-he is their father, and they are his fodder. Best definition of the week comes from a U.C.- L.A. prof. who says, "Education is like limburger cheese. At first it has offensive characteristics, but when digested, it serves its purposes." Best gag of the week: lovesick S.A.E., "Ah! What would this country be without wom- en?" Carl Viehe thought a moment and came back with, "It wouldn't be a country-it would be a stag-nation."