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January 12, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-12

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11 -

days within the city after its capture were made
under all the disadvantages entailed by assaults
against a fortified position with none of the.
advantages of surprise, the key to the Loyalist
The stronghold may still be retaken by the
Rebels, but every day makes the possibility more
remote and multiplies the difficulties to be en-
countered. Gen. Franco must consider whether
Teruel is of sufficient importance to expend the
great quantities of men and material necessary
for its capture in the face of a well-prepared and
stubborn resistance, or whether to entirely aban-
don the project of an offensive between Madrid
and the coast, with the prospect of driving a
wedge between the two portions of the Loyalist
The recapture of Teruel would not compensate
the Rebels for its temporary loss, moreover, as
every day added to the duration of the war in-
creases the prospects of a Republican victory.
Time works for democratic Spain, as it has
worked for democracies in all wars, from the
contest between England and Napoleon to the
World War. Teruel may well prove the turning
point in the struggle between freedom and
fascism. Joseph Gies.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studet',« Publications.
Purushed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En' s ad at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second ~Isass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
NEWS EDITOR .. . . . .............ROBERT P.WEES
SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER .....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Ludlow
SIMULTANEOUS with the action of
the House on Monday which relegat-
ed the Ludlow amendment,' requiring a popular
vote before a declaration of war, back to a Rules
Committee pigeonhole from which it is not likely
,to emerge for a long time, came a spirited an-
nouncement from the National Council for Pre-
vention of War that it had "just begun to fight"
for the passage of the bill.
There can be no argument with the moral and
humanitarian ideals which motivate the support-
ers of the proposal. Their contention that war
and democarcy are incompatible is a valid one.
Wars are fought under a military dictatorship
and, in any war of any magnitude, the economic
resources and stability of the nation will become
so shattered that a military dictatorship will
probably have control long after peace is de-
clared. Furthermore, they remind Congress and
the Administration that the people who will be
called upon to sacrifice their own and their sons'
lives in the event of war have "an inalienable
right.to participate in any decision as momentous
as that by which war is determined."
Already on the record in favor of Ludlow's pro-
posalis an imposing list of civic, religious, labor
and private organizations. The national com-
mittee for the war referendum icludes Major
General William C. Rivers, U.S.A., retired, Gen-
eral Smedley D. Butler, U.S.M.C., retired, A. F.
Whitney, president of the Brotherhood of Rail- .
way Trainmen, William Allen White, editor and
author, Homer P. Rainey, director of the Amer-
ican Youth Commission, and Joy Elmer Morgan,
editor of the Journal of the National Education
However strongly we may sympathize with the
objective of the referendum proponents, it would
be foolhardy not to point out the ineffectiveness
and weakness inherent in the measure. It is,
first of all, based upon the fatal misconception
that modern wars are the result of a formal
declaration, as Professor Slosson pointed out in
yesterday's Daily. Also implicit in the proposal
is the suggestion that the masses of the people
will reject a declaration of war, a conception
whose fallacy has been proved again and again
in past history. A highly-geared propoganda
machine would have no trouble at all in convinc-
ing a public which emphasizes the moral issues
that even the most flagrantly imperialistic mili-
tary undertaking is one of democracy versus fas-
cism, kaiserism, or any of a dozen other anti-
democratic tendencies. It is almost trite to cite

the example of 1917, when a people who elected
a president because he kept them out of war
embarked upon a costly military campaign which
was represented to them by the propagandists as
a humanitarian venture, but if history is not to
be repeated, it must be understood.
Elliott Maraniss.


Julius Benito Caesar
In the Oct. 31, 1937 edition of the N.Y. Herald-
Tribune, Mr. Richard Watt, Jr., writes, "It is a
trifle discouraging to realize that the best play
of the year is one that was first produced early
in 1925. The drama, of course, is 'Processional,'"
If it is a trifle discouraging to Mr. Watts to have
to go back to the year of our Lord 1925 to dis-
cover the season's first hit, I wonder how dis-
couraged he felt when he had to go back to 1599
or 1600 to bring out his superlatives and pane-
gyrics for the first true masterpiece of the season,
Julius Caesar.
For the Mercury Theatre's production of Cae-
sar as conceived by Orsen Welles and John
Houseman is the most vital and exciting drama
Broadway has to offer. Played against the bare
brick walls of the stage, with no scenery, but
with superlative lighting effects, with only some
raised platforms to accentuate the action, and
with the players dressed in Fascist costume,
Caesar is a brash and disturbing realization that
what happened a thousand years ago is still pos-
sible today.
The parallel of the social, political and eco-
nomic philosophies inherent in Caesar's day and
in Mussolini's day are only too evident in
Mr. Welles' interpretation of Shakespeare's
drama. The appeal to flaming eloquent oratory
is as equally persuasive coming from Antony's
lips as from Mussolini or Hitler's. The sincere
beliefs of the liberal, Brutus, are as ineffectual
and impotent then as they are today. The
mob psychology as seen in the funeral oration
and in the Cinna scene are still potent wea-
pons in the modern dictators' scheme of attack.
And just because of this fiery oratory, and be-
cause of the eternal fumbling liberal, and be-
cause of the unchanging human nature of the
mob, the rule of the demagogue is victorious and
liberalism must fall.
This exciting production of Caesar runs for a
continuous hour and a half-reminiscent, in this
one respect, of Thomas Wood Stevens' Chicago
World's Fair Globe Theatre Players seen in Ann
Arbor last season. But the point is this: Mr.
Welles has not only cut the lines of Caesar as
did Mr. Stevens. but he has given them new
and vital meaning, as Mr. Stevens did not. I do
not profess to say that Mr. Welles is improving
on Shakespeare, but at least he is making Caesar
a great deal more than the grammar school ex-
ercise it has been for the last few decades.
What does Caesar stand for? What do the
rebels stand for? Referring to Shakespeare's
original, we have no definite knowledge of the
scope of Caesar's ambition; it is not effectively
dramatized. On the other hand, we know the
rebels want to preserve a more liberal form of
government. But again the picture is somewhat
blurred by the fact that we see so much spite and
vindictiveness along sheer personal lines be-
tween the conspirators. The fundamental prin-
ciples concerning government are written ob-
liquely; the conflict does not emerge with full
clarity. But Mr. Welles gives point and reason
to all this: we see what Caesar stands for, what
the rebels stand for. Here there is something
tangible and concrete with which to work, and
it is this stroke of genius on the part of Mr.
Welles that has made his Caesar the most vital
play Broadway has to offer.
There is one major fault that I have to find with
Mr. Welles' interpretation of Caesar. Brutus'
death at the end of the play does not build with
the cumulative deliberateness that should attend
his death. There is not enough preparation for
it: it comes with a suddenness that is neither
a jolt nor a shock but a means of ending the
play. Mr. Welles was absolutely within his rights
when he cut out the short, typical scenes of the
conflict leading up to the battle of Phillippi
where the conspirators are defeated; the rapid
scenes shifting from one side of the stage to an-
other, with its rapid action, bustle and fighting,
are of small use to twentieth century audiences.
But with the omission of these scenes, Brutus'
death comes to us too quickly and unexpectedly
to be the potent and effective dramatic weapon
it should be.
. However carping this criticism may seem, I
shall say that Orson Welles' Julius Caesar is the
most keenly exciting and thrilling show in New
York City or any other city, for that matter. The
good news for Ann Arbor students and Detroiters

is that the Mercury Theatre is sending a com-
pany on the road and we in the hinterland
will be able to see itin Detroit the latter part
of March of early April.

ffeednH to)e
Heywood Broun
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11.-As I came into the
press gallery the Senator who had the floor was
saying, "When Lee surrendered his sword at Ap-
pomattox-" That seemed curious to me, be-
cause the episode must have occurred a number
of years ago. The speaker
asserted that if the South
had known the horrors of
reconstruction there would
have been no surrender.
He declared roundly, "The
community I represent is
composed of the purest
American stock extant." He
added that he and his con-
stituents were the guardians
"of aristocracy." The gentleman seemed minded
to add more in the same manner, but at this
point he paused to expectorate. And so I knew
it was Cotton Ed Smith. I am reliably informed
that at the moment he is the only Spittoon Sen-
ator left in the upper chamber of Congress of the
United States.
"And when I say 'iristocracy,' " continued
Cotton Ed. "I mean in the best sense of the
His real name is Ellison Du Rant Smith, and
he was born in Lynchburg, S. C., and he lives in
Lynchburg. Naturally he was speaking in oppo-
sition to the Wagner-Van Nuys bill. Cotton Ed
pointed with pride to the magnificent record of
1937 when only eight lynchings occurred. In ef-
fect, he was saying-
"What could be fairer than that? After all what
are a few lynchings among 'the purest American
stock extant.'
Insult To Aristocracy
To be sure, I am a little surprised to find Cot-
ton Ed and other sectionalists quite so ready to
put on the shoe. After all one of the most pop-
ular lynchings in recent years, one that was ap-
plauded by a number of public officials and sev-
eral columnists, did not occur in the South but
in San Jose, Calif. But Ed Smith takes the present
measure before the Congress as a personal
affront. He feels that "aristocracy" will be in-
sulted if the federal government undertakes to
cooperate in ending mob violence.
As Ed warmed up he covered far more ground
than that included in the proposed bill. Cotton
Ed was talking for the complete and unhampered
supremacy of "the purest American stock extant."
Only a few Senators were on the floor, and no-
body paid much attention, but the tone and mood
of the address was precisely that of a Hitler rous-
ing the Nordics to take over dictatorship. Cotton
Ed may be a two-by-four demagogue, but he still
remains a United States Senator, and even the
cheapest speech in the upper house is menacing.
Indeed, Ed said, "Should this bill pass and become
a law I don't know what may be the result." In
other words, when democratic practices go
against Ellison Du Rant Smith he makes a fist
and looks in the direction of Fort Sumter,
Lynching And Filibusters
It seems to me that the anti-lynching bill has
become a very vital measure for the reaffirmation
of our belief in democracy. Its immediate pur-
poses are important. It isn't good enough to say,
"What a lawful people we are; only eight were
lynched last year." Why should there be one? But
by now the issue has become as broad as freedom
The effort to defeat the Wagner-Van Nuys bill
rests wholly in the hope that a minority can talk
the measure' to death and prevent a roll call.
To me the filibuster has always seemed the nega-
tion of democracy. And now is the time for
all good men to come to the aid of the drive
to smash Ed Smith and all the other exponents
of "aristocracy," even when they use it "in the
best sense of the word."

On The Level

By IWARREN P. LOMBARD Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membnrs of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Pre ident
A. Mastro Valerio until 3 30; ii:oo a. on Saturday
Ann Arbor is fortunate in having- (Continued from Page' 2)coustics involved. Council will meet
many excellent artists and prominent - -at 7 p.m. same room.
among them is Prof. Alexander Mas- quirements, and real incomes. The
tro Valerio of the architectural techniques of valuation will be an- Varsity Debaters Attention: There
alyzed and a number of appraisal re- will be a meeting of all men interested
school. A successful painter, he be- ports prepared. Special attention will in second semester Varsity debates in
came interested in etching in 1931. be given to problems of valuation in Room 203 Angell Hall today at 4:00
Being a good draftsman, with a fine connection with real estate financing. o'clock.
sense of composition, untiring pa- Prerequisite: Course 191 or equiva-
lent. Assistant Professor Ratcliff Phi Tau Alpha: There will be an
tience and unusual mechanical abil- Three hours credit. T.T.S. at 8. important business meeting of Phi
ity, he had all the qualities essential "If the student has not previously Tau Alpha today, in the Women's
to the etcher. In six years he taught taken work in these fields, he should League. Dr. Sanders will speak about
himself to make dry points, etchings, consult with the instructor of the University of Michigan Papyri.
aquatints, soft ground etchings and course for permission to take it." The University of Michigan Radio
mezzotints. His originality and dex- Club will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m.
terity found expression in all thesc Con .in the Michigan Union. Messrs. John
varied forms of work. Modest and T. Bensley and R. K. Brown will talk
retiring, it was only because of the Organ Recital: Palmer .Christian, about "Commercial Radio Operating
urgent request of friends that he University organist, will give a recital on The High Seas." Everybody is
consented to give an exhibition of his in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. today. welcome.
prints in Ann Arbor, although he has The general public, with the exception
received flattering recognition in of small children, is cordially invited Sphinx:Will meet at noon today in
many national exhibits, and his work to attend. the Union. Bud Benjamin will speak
is being acquired by museums and by on "Paris Fashions Via the Inter-
many private collectors. The present Graduation Recital: Mary Porter, studio Broadcasting Station." Every-
exhibition in Alumni Memorial Hall, pianist, of Minot, North Dakota, will one is urged to attend.
Jan. 12 to Jan. 26, is under the au- give a recital in partial fulfillment
spices of the Ann Arbor Art Asso- of the requirements for the Bachelor A Movie Trip Through South Amer-
ciation, which has done so much to of Music degree, Thursday evening, ica offered by La Sociedad Hispanica
encourage art in this city. There are Jan. 13, at 8:15 o'clock, at the School will be shown tonight at 7:15 instead
shown all types of prints classed as of Music Auditorium on Maynard of 7:54 in the Natural Science Audi-
etchings, and the display is well worth St. The public is invited without torium.
seeing, not only for its educational admission charge.
value, but because of the beauty of University Girl's Glee Club: There
the prints themselves. Probably the E xhibit- will be a meeting tonight at 7:15 at
most remarkable are the mezzotints. ; the League. All members are urged
One is impressed by the delicacy of' Etchings, Aquatints and Mezzotints to be present.
the workmanship, the composition, by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va-
the loveliness. of the nudes and the lerio of the College of Architecture, The Security Committee of the
good taste and refinement always in the South Gallery, Alumni Mem- Progressive Club meets tonight in the
manifested. The making of mezzo- orial Hall; and Etchings, Lithographs Michigan Union at8 p.m. Will all
tints is difficult, and Professor Va- and Woodcuts by the Chicago Artists members of the Committee please
lerio, who is almost the only artist in Group in the North Gallery, Alumni turn out. The Progressive Club gen-
this country who has attempted it, Memorial Hall; daily 2 to 5 p.m. in- eral membership meeting will be held
is to be congratulated on having mas- cluding Sundays. Jan. 12 through 26, in the Michigan Union at 8 p.m. on
tered the process. under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Thursday, Jan. 13. Plans for next
As few know about mezzotints, per- Art Association. semester will be drawn up, and it is
haps a word concerning the method important that all members be pres-
may not be out of place. A copper Lect e ent to participate.
plate is used, and is prepared by the .'dYWUUeTS____
iuse of what is known as a rocker, an University Lecture: Dr. Norman L. English Journal Club will meet at
h instrument carrying sharp points Bowen, Charles L. Hutchinson Dis- the Union Friday afternoon, Jan. 14,
which is rocked overthe plate until tinguished Service Professor in the with business preliminaries beginning
it is completely covered by fine in- University of Chicago, will give a at 4:00.
dentations ad rtheburr which is public lecture on "Silicate equilibria Mr. Calver will discuss "A. N.
raised as they are made. If the plate; and their significance in rocks and Whitehead: A Contemporary Platon-
were inked at this stage a perfectly industrial products," in the Natural ist." The public is invited.
black print would result. To obtain Science Auditorium, Thursday, Jan.
the picture one has to shave down the 13, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor- C"
surface of the plate by very sharp dially invited. Coming E e t
scrapers, and it is easy to imagine A.I.Ch.E.: The January meeting
the difficulty of removing exactly the.. .. nur etn

amount of copper in different parts French Lecture: The third lecture
aout of coper inedrent dpats on the Cercle Francais program will
of the plate to secure the delicate be given today, at 4:15, Room 103, Ro-
gradations obtained in Valerio'smae ngda, a ui4: inRbm1,ro-.
n d h ' at t mance Language Building, by Prof.
nudes, the more as later corrections Anthony Jobin. His subject will be:
are impossible. Because the burr as "Romain Rolland: quelques aspects
well as the pits hold the ink, and the de son oeuvre." This lecture will
burr is easily lost, but few prints can take the place of the lecture by Mr.
be taken from c plate before it wearsO'elprvosyanucd
out. For this reason some of the O'Neill previously announced.
prints shown are unique. Tickets for the series of lectures
Amay be procured.at the door.
Although emphasis has been placed
on the mezzotints, all of the 50 prints German Lecture: Prof. Hereward T.
displayed are beautiful and technical- Price will give the second lecture on
ly well worth studying. An example the program of the Deutscher
of the artists originality is a soft Verein: "Die Bachsteingothik in
ground etching of the back of a wom- Norddeutschland" on Thursday, Jan
&n, which, because of the unusual 13 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2003 Angel.
method employed could easily be mis- Hall.
staken for a lithograph. -
His dexterity is apparent in his Events Today
printing, and in this the painter re- T
veals himself. Without making color University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
prints, he changes the ordinary com- Class in Speech and Diction, Prof. G.
mercial etching inks, giving them a E. Densmore.
cooler or warmer quality as his sub-
ject demands. Moreover, he wipes An Assembly of the students of the
the plates so as to give the contrasts School of Dentistry will be held at
so important in an etching, and yet, 4:15 today in the Dental School Am-
by beautiful graduations, avoids phitheatre. The address will be given
hardness and gives luminosity to the by Dr. John H. Muyskens, Associate
prints. Valerio is certainly an ex- Professor of Phonetics and Director
pert printer, and printing of etching of the Laboratory of Speech and Gen-
plates is an art in itself. It is not ,ei'al Linguistics, on the subject,
often that one has the opportunity "Speech as a Factor in the Practice
to see such a variety of prints, and' of a Profession."
so many examples of the work of a R. W. Bunting, Dean.
true artist.


will be held on Thursday, Jan. 13, at
7:30 p.m. in 1042 E. Eng. The speak-
er will be Mr. John Hassler, of the
West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co.,
who will give an illustrated lecture on
"Applications of Activated Carbon to
Problems in Industrial Chemistry."
Refreshments will be served.
Political Science Club Members are
notified that the third meeting will be
held on Thursday, Jan. 13, at 7:30
p.m. in the Michigan League. The
subject for discussion will be "New
Horizons of American Foreign Policy."
Faculty Women's Club: The Art
Study Group will meet at the home
of Mrs. Henry C. Eckstein, 1553
Broadway, Thursday, Jan. 13, at 2
The Garden Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet Wednesday.
January 19 instead of Wednesday,
January 12.
Students from the Near East: At-
tention is called to the fact that Pres-
ident Bayard Dodge of the American
University at Beirut is to be in Ann
Arbor Wednesday and Thursday of
this week.
Prof. and Mrs. A9 E. White are ii.-
viting all students from the Near
East to a very informal gathering at
their home at 2110 Dorset Road at 8


Seminar in Physical Chemistry will o'clock Wednesday evening to meet
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Bldg. President Dodge.
today at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Charles A. They will show the moving picture
Murray will speak on "Attractive and films which they took when they

The Methodist Church on the corner of Wash-
ington and State is undergoing alterations so the
flock met at the Michigan Theatre Sunday morn-
ing for the sermon. It was an unfortunate cir-
cumstance that the theatre had signs all through
its interior which advertised "Nothing Sacred."
It is also unfortunate that Stepin Fetchit
had to pull a Hitler with his contract for
the I.F.C. Ball, Friday night, because the
Ball committee was doing its best to give
"out-of-the-way" Ann Arbor something bet-
ter in bands. When Fetchit walked out he
kept about 350 couples from walking in for
a swell dance.
But Bernie Cummins has a Class A band-the
only drawback is the fact that his theme song
is "Dark Eyes," which will remind those in at-
tendance that they originally paid three Indians
to hear Stepin too.
However, the Interfraternity Council was
pretty square about it all. They offered to
refund the money of those who thought they
were being gypped--and you can hardly ex-
pect them also to offer to take your date for
the night.
A Michigan State student recently bet 25 cents
that he could drink a full bottle of catsup. He did
_fmrluahic fa t rA iI

IRepulsive Forces in Colioia tPhe-i

By TOM McCANN nomena."
There's been a lot of talk about you,
Bob, (Reid) and they say you're off Luncheon for Graduate Students
the cob in choosing J-Hop music, but today at 12 o'clock in the Russian
they're all over-looking the fact that; Tea Room of the Michigan League.
you've got a near-impossible job on Cafeteria service. Prof. Preston E.
your hands.-J James of the Geography Department
Certainly it's true that J-Hops of will speak informally on "Dictatorship
the past two or three years have not in Brazil."
presented music in keeping with the
traditional Michigan J-Hop, but The Psychological Journal Club will
times have changed. It might bej meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room
described as a sort of musical de- 3126, Natural Science Building. Pro-
pression in the Midwest. fessor Henry F. Adams will discuss
Especially in Ann Arbor have we "The Appeal in Advertising." His
.felt the effects of this condition. talk will include summaries and an-
Three of many reasons why it is dif- alyses of recent experimental work in
ficult to get good music in Ann Ar- this field.
bor are because. we're off the beaten All those interested are cordially
track of the better orchestras, there! invited to attend.
are no eligible bands in Detroit and
practically none in Chicago that could A.S.M.E. Meeting tonight at 7:30
leave their present locations to play p.m.. the Michigan Union. The pro-
one night engagements in Ann Arbor. g'ram will consist of a motion picture
In choosing an orchestra for the J- on the production of cold rolled steel,:
Hop or any other big dance, it is al- accompanied by a talk by F. J. Rob-
most a matter of economic necessity bins, metallurgist for Bliss and
that the chosen band is on tour. In Laughlin, Inc., of Harvey, Ill. Im-
order to have Benny Goodman leave portant business will also be dis-
his location at the Hotel Pennsylvania cussed.
in New York to come to Ann Arbor,
for instance, the J-Hop committee Cercle Francais Meeting tonight at
would have to pay for a substitute 8:00 o'clock in the Michigan League.
band at the MadHattan Room, the Free refreshments will be served.
traveling expenses of almost 20 men
to and from New York, and, last but Michigan Dames: Bridge group!

themselves were visiting Beirut a year
ago. An effort has been made to get
1 woi'd regarding this meeting to all
students fiom the Near East. If any
have been omitted call the Office
of the Counselor to Foreign Students
at once-303, University Exchange.
J. Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor to Foreign Students.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Lieut. H. R. Nieman, of the
United States Naval Air Corps, will
speak on some of his experiences in
the Navy at the meeting of the
University of Michigan Student
Branch of the I.Ae.S. on Thursday,
Jan. 13, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042
East Engineering Building. The time
and place for the taking of the En-
sian picture will also be announced
at this meeting. Everybody welcome.
Attention Sophomore Engineers:
There will be a short but very im-
portant meeting of all sophomore en-
gineers at 4 p.m. in Room 348 West
Engineering Building on Thursday,
Jan. 13. It is important that all make
a special effort to be present, Please
be on time.
Association Fireside: Mr. Al Hamil-
ton, former chairman of the National
Council of Methodist Youth and now
an active member of Youth Congress,
will discuss some asnects of the nres-

'Of Trti.


THE CAPTURE of Teruel and the suc-
cessful defense of the city against
Rebel counter-attacks has reestablished the pres-
tige of the Spanish Republican Government by
effectively demonstrating the Republican military
strength. In particular, it might be noted that
Teruel was a clear case of superior generalship
on the part of the Loyalist commanders, in fact
the most notable piece of offensive strategy of

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