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January 12, 1938 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-12

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Roosevelt's Plea For Big Navy7
Seen Link in Recession. Cure
PIII ncY Labels Chiin ar industries, lie, stated, emphla ti' jug;
Excuise For Resumption that department stores are onlyR
slightly behind last year. Such a
Of Inflation Policies condition, Mr. Palmer said, cannot
last with the nation's purchasing
(Continued from-Page x) power dwindling rapidly under the
effects of unemployment and fear.
agreat similarity between the present __________________

Publication In the BOulletin to congtructtve notice to all epmbe'rs of the
M~veaitw 'f1wp,,. A. ... Cn eeve tteofi fteA a.4 4 & t thoPr.4.A.

s -ti~Lee,*, itres

--A I

rsa sxuaty wpy a i yea -v , n orMq[ ne ^ rTA
utUA3:30;22:00 ~m auSatiircaj. jf
R WE)NESI)AV. JAN. IZ, 1937 1 I '' ciiig: Students expec(ting; to (toi. S itckuI lispaicae
VOL. XLVIII. No. 78 directed teaching the second semes--______
ter are urged to interview Dr. Curt is. Six; Elcturs on Spanish ttiid Sp',an-.
Proceedings of the .1937 CJlebra- ( in Room 2442 University Elementary ish--Anicric an life Nvill be gi veni before
tion. The University Press has iut"A School according to the following La Sociedad Hlispanica by professors
issued an attractive voltime, tit led j.schedule: in. the Romance Language depart-
*'A University Between Two Cen- Wedneosday, Jan. ,26; 1:30 to 4:30,1 ment next semestier, Mr. Erinelndo A.
Curies: Proceedings of whiiclh contains Mathematics and Science, Commer- Mercad ,-),lirector of the organiwa-
athe addresses and discussions on ;(cal Sujcstion, announced yesterday.
alThursday, Jan. 27: 1:30 to 4:30 Prof. Charles P. Wagner will open
the programn of the Celebration last Latin, French, German, Fine Arts., the series <Jan. 19 with a lecture il-1
June. Members of the faculties andI Friday, Jan. 28: 9:00 to 12:00, lustrated by records of the "Cante,
students who desire to purchase English and Speech. Flamnenco," which is a type of Span-
cop~ies , this and other publications Friday, Jan. 28: 1:30 to 4:30, So- ish folky music.





goo cs industries, especially steel and-____________________
Yet the underlying maladjustments 60 Ty;niprtM,
appear less marked, Mr. Palmer de- 6:lS*0-opist-Kts
clared, pointing out that the booms 7:30-1 lm cast
in th autmotie inustr hasno 6 :45--Musical Mome a Is '
in h~eautmotve ndutryhasnot 7:00-Am~os 'n' Andy
been 'So pronounced and that this re- 7;:15--Kottlcr Conducts
cession is not accompanied by such 7:45-Sport R~eview.
8:00--One Man'sZ Famiily
great over-expansion in the construe- 8:30-Lady Bsther Serenade
dion fields as was the case in 1929, 9:00-Town Hall Tonight
10:00- Your Hollywood Parade.
"We can expect, therefore, that the 11:00--Newscast
recession will not be so long-lived as 11:3-Dance Music
the depression,," he said. 1:0-Dne1.ui
What we apparently have, Mr. Pal- P, ,
leer stated, is something much less 6:00 -Sie'enson Sports
severe than the 1929- slump-a lull 6:15-Musical
6:20--Melody rand t?,hl.
magnified by the lack of confidence 7:00--Poetic Melodies
n the government onl the part of the 7 :15--Hobb~y Lobby
7 :45--Boake Carter~
business community. Another con- 8:00--cavalcade of America
tributing factor, he said, has been 8:30-Esddie cantor
9:00-Andre Kosteiaiiei,z.
speculation in inventories resulting 9;30-Ben Bernie orch.
from business men's expectation of a 10 :00-Gang Busters
highr picelevl inthefal. Tis 1:30-DiselOpportunlties,.
Liiger pice eve in he fll. his :00-Headline News.
slump, lie believes, will have to be 11:15-The Beachcomber
compensated for by a corresponding 11 :45-Solay
12 :C-- Fzery Deutsch ()rchi
troulgh. WXvzf
The present optimistic statements PM.
f captains of industry and politi- 6:00 1)ay I I I-?Review
6:15--The F'actfindcr
Jians, Mr. Palmer said, are reminis- 6:30- Girl Friends,
cent of the "prosperity is Just around 6:45--Lowell Thomas
the~crner cryof 1313.7:00-Easy ,Aces
~be orne" cr of 930.7:15-Keen Tracer.
We probably have not seen the bot- 7: i0----LoneRaner
8 :0--' yShieldl
on yet, Mr. Palmer declared. All 8:30-Sidney Skoisky
-vailable business indices show that 9:00- -Murray D. Van Waggoner.
9:30 ---Minstrel Show.
th falling off in production, the lack 10 :00-G en. Hugh S. Johnson
of orders and the unemployment have 10 :15--N(Aa Day.
beenlarely ithn te prducrs' 10:30-waltz Interlude.
~en argly ithn th prducrs' 11:00-John McKay.
goods and' durable consumers' goods 11 :15---Dan~ce orch.
-1 11 :30---Eddy Rogers' Orch.
12 :00-Graystone Dance Music
Pictures Will Be Shown
A EMeeting Toay:00 Turli LR-pre
6:3;0- E'cting Moments.
The University branch of the 6:45-('lZ P ro
American Society of Mechanical En- 7 :15--G: Lvallers de Lit Stll(!
7 :30-United Press News
ineers will meet at 7:30 p.m. tod~ 7::30----Melody Interlude.
nl the Union. 7 :45_--Mrcy Hall,
-Motion pictures of the production 8:10--Luijghing with an rada
1:15 - (ainpell Siser"s.
.1[ cold rolled steel will be shown at 8:,301 - -Hppy l's fl1oIsew arriug
he meeting by the courtesy of Bliss 9i:00 Kay'Kysr rel
9: l-15 -FYing Clouds.
mcin Laughlin, Inc,, of Harvey, Il1. F. l9:;0-Lt's Visit
J. Robbins, metallurgist with this .0:0(1- Horace Heldt's OrceW
10:30-Melodies fromn the Skier
comipany, will speak. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter
Regular ,business of the A.S&M.E. 11 :30--Leo Reismnan Orch.,
gillbe tansated.12:00-Gury Lombardo Orch.
villbe tansated.12:30-Paul Whiteman Orch.


of the University Pr'ess mnay do so at, cial Studies.
tihe 'University Press Building 31:1 Assignmeii
jMaynard Street. The price of the are made in
)Ipreent volume of 495 pages is $4.00.
Readling 1-
'I'htird International Congress of Candidates f,
PhIonletic Sciences: A notice of this the clepartni
Congress which wvill be held in Ghent, ~it ai
Belgium, July 18 and 22, has been re-wihtsai
ceived by the undersigned and may readinw koi
be consulted at 1021 Angell Hall by academic y(,i
any persons interested. ed that exar
F. I. Robbins, liRcx
Asst. to the President. ildigfrc
Students who would be interested iii afternoons,
going to the Near East for advanced August 13.~
study and would care to discuss the register att
matter with President Dodge of the ine mit of RC
'American University of Beirut, may RL)a e
I sake appointments to meet him on R' a e.
Thursday by calling the Office of the Lists of boo,

its for directed teaching
iorder of application.
Examinatious in French:
for the degree of Ph.D. in
vents listed below who
sfy the requirement of a
wledge during* the current
a', 1937-1938, are inform-
, iinat ions will be offered
08, Romance Language
'om 2 to 5, on Saturday
January 22, May 21, and
-1t wvill be necessary to
hl)e office of. the Depart-
Jomkie Langtui ges .(11'2
Est one week in advance.
)ks recommended by thie

Dr. Charles N. Staubach will dis-
cuss "Ciencia e Invencion Espanolas"
Feb. 24. An illustrated lecture will
be presentedc March 2, by Pr'of. Julio
del Torro on "Ensenanza Universi-
taria en Hispano-America." Prof.I
Herbert A. Kenyon will speak on
"Unos Roman-ces- Espanoles" March
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton will lecture
in Englis h March 30 on "The Span-.
islh Conquistador of the 16th Cen-'
tury," and Prof. Joseph N. Licolnj
will conclude the series, April 27, with
a talk on "Algunos Cuentos del Folk-
Lore Espanol."
Th~le FIederal Thboatre Project of the


$18150 on a Hickey-Freernan Overcoat
$12.00 on a Hickey-Freeman Stit
$1 .65 on Ni_-TTLETON SH-OES
75c on two ARROW Shirt~s
20% on Sweaters, Gloves, Scarfs,
Hats, Pajamas, Sox, Ties, Leather
Jackets, Suits, "Topcoats.
ri tliet



Counselor to Foreign Student
the University exchange.
J. Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor to Foreig-n

its, 303 on

Fiirst Aid Course fot" University Stxt-
deuts: Course consists of ten two-
hour periods beginning Thursday,
Jan. 20, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Students
wishing to enr'oll for this course
should leave names in Office 15,
IBarbour Gymnasium, or at the office
of the local chapter of the American
Red Cross.
jWatch D.O.B. for further an-
Ilatixniinton:. The badmninton courts
in Barbour Gymnasium are now open
Monday, Tuesday and Friday even-
igs f or any men and women students
wishing to play. Hours 7:30 to 9:30.
Players must furnish own birds but
rackets can be rented at the gymna-
A medical recheck for 1937-38 is
essential for playing.
Academnic ]Votices
English 259, Seminar ini Tudor and
Stuart Dramia, will hold next meeting
Saturday morning, Jan. 15, 9-11, in
2016 Angell Hall. J. IL. Davis.
Bus. Ad. 103: Will meet in Room
215 Angell Hall at 2 p.m.
A. D~. Meaclham.
Caundidates for the Master's D~egree
in history: The language examina-
tion for the Master's Degr'ee in His-
tory will be given at 4 p.m., Friday,
Jan. 21, in Room B, Haven Hall. Can-;i
didates must bring their own diction-j
aries. Copies of old examinations ar'e
on file in the Basement Study Hall in
the General Library. All students
taking the examination must regis-
ter in the History Department Of-
f ice, 119 Haven Hall, before Monday,
Jan. 17.
Students Planning to do Directed l

various depar'tments are obtainable at W11A has oflficially adopted a playI
this oice. l)VbyPr'of. H-aroldl Whitehall of the
-Emig.lish depar'tmlent.
It is desirable that candidates for I The play, an augmented version of
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this. Townly's "Second Play of the Shep-
i requirement, at; the earliest possible herds," was given a performance by
date. A brief statement of the nature the Theatr'e Project during the
of the requirement., which will be Christmas holidays at Des Moines, Ia.
found helpful, mnay be obtained at the ---
office of the Department, and fur-
ther inquiries may be addressed to
Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R. L., Saturdays=
at 10:00 and by appointment) .
'T'his annlounc'ement applies only to,
candidates in the following depart- y
n ients: Ancient and Modern Langui-
ages and Liter'atures, History, Econ-
onics, Sociology, Polititeal Science, 1..
Philosophy, E~duca tion, Speech, Jour-
nalisml. low


~Issified Dir eory
LAUNDRY LOST: Lt,; week, brown, silk "Sti-
-"'-___-- - tani"scrf somewhere on camnpus.
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. Call Gal Keene 2-3371. 258
WANTED LOST: Wallet of Harold Mason Gould
GRADUATE student wants single wihcsmatckidnfc-
room with private family or in tion card. Reward. Call 2-1767.
small house. Has references. Box 257
7, Daily, NOTICES
TYPING, neatly and accurately done. SECOND SEMESTER evening school
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone begins Monday, January 17 at Ann
5244. 3x Arbor High School. Commercial,
VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone Language, Hobby and general
6327. Experienced typist. Reason- courses offered. Registration fee.
able rates. 232 For" further information call 5797.
CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any -_-.--- - -- -
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, LADIES tajloring and dress-making;
$8, $25, Ladies fur coats, typewrit- formals, suits, coat relining, all al-
ers, old gold and musical instru- terations. Expert service, reasonable
merits. Ready cash waiting for you, rates, work guaranteed. 320 E. Lib-
Phone Sam. 6304. 2x erty. Call evenings 2-2020. 7x
T'WO ROOMS for second semester.
One block from Law Club, Phone
5400 a fiter 6 p.m. 261 EIIC 1O]IT
T'WO WAR-M inglc rooms for boys
in a small hous-e. 906 E. Ann. Phone
3183. 259
ROOM for upperclass'men or grad..t_ A
uate roommate in si-nall, quiet
house. Call 4489. 925 Sylvan. 248
H G iVADE 1' sclim- Piano; -BanjoNO
uke: Ttuxedo, 2-piece. Size 38. Call
9783, a.fter 4 p).m. 256
F'ORMAL-.--White chiffon with rhine- PIETE SMIll- NOVELTY
stone trim, Size twelve. Practically PARAMOUNT NEWS
new. Call 2-1467. 254
__________ ___25c until 5 - 35c to (losing

Business Admrinistr'ation Courses.
The following cour'ses which are not
listed in, the Business Administra-
tion catalog are to be offe red the sec-
a nd semester.I
"Business AdministrationIj 72. Life -
Insurance., Consideration will be gi von
to the economic an d social- signifi-
cance of life insurn ce, together with
a study of tihe strpeture, management
and investments -of life insuranlce
companies, Cases will be used ex-
tensively with special attention to the
optional methods of settlement, single
p~remium. contracts and various forms
of annuities, trust agreements, pci'-
sonal programs, stock purchase agree- I
ments and other fojips of business in-
surahee, and taxation in relation, to
estate conservation. ;The cour'se aims
to prepare the studetit to make intel-
ligent use, of Ji.fe insurance in his per-
sonal and business affairs. Mr. Irwin.
Three hours credit. T.TS. at 11.
"Business Administration 192. Real
Estate Problems. This course deals
with urban real estate values and the
pr'oblemns which arise in connection,
with fluctuations ini values. It con-
siders some of the forces which af-
fect value and price, such as city
growth, depreciation and obsoles-
cence, costs of construction, space re-
(Continued on Page 4)








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