TWO THlE MICHIGEAN .-DAILY TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 1953 ---------- Prof., Phelani Delivers Two Lectures Here{ AeaS Of Torointo Institute Says Philosopher Must Seeak Truth And Peace (Continued from Page 1) scribed as harmony between the thing and the intellect. Faith and Reson* or Philosophy and Theology, Professor Phelan said, ~take different paths in their quest for truth. Reason and Philosophy, he said, start with the Senses and pro- ceed to knowledge of existence, unity, goodness, intelligence and the will of God while Faith and theology rest on revelation; and not private .revela- tion, he specified, but that which pro- coeds froma the authority of the Chu cJl, In bringing, to light the re- lationship between Faith and Rea- son, the speaker said, St. Thomas vir- tually Christianized the philosophy of Aristotle. In his lecture yesterday, Professor Phelan declared that a philosopher mnust love order and ,seek peace or be false to his profession. Speaking upon "Art, Science and. Wisdom -A Scholastic Synthesis," Professor Phelan devoted his lecture to explaining the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. G~reeki and Roman culture were syn-' Vleied during the Middle Ages into pilosophic, scientific Aind theological interpretations of scholasticism, Pro- fessor .Phelan explained., Oi-der, h e said.., is a direction of like Sand unlike things to a definite end. Order is found in the universe around us, in speculative scipaces, natural sciences, logic and in ;ethics, -he said. Because a philosopher . s a lover of knowledge he becomes a personal lover of order. Beyond order in die universe around us is another greater order, the su- ~pernatural,. Professor, Phelan said. The universe~ has a niche into which, each individual fits upon birth, au-7 ~tomatically possessed of a complete -orga~nization of virtues.. 0-Whnplaced together there .is no ,,,4 cnflict~ between these two orders, -Pofessor 1'helan explained. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESIJAY, ,TAN. 11, 1938 VOL . XLVIIl. No. 77 Phanetic ,Sciences: A notice of this Congress vwhiich will be held in Ghent, Belgium. July 18 and 22, has been re- ceived by the undersigned and may be consulted at 1021 Angell Hall by any persons interested. F. E. Robbins, C LAStiIED ADl VERT"ISING I 'Poommom"Mmo G. MICHIGAN _.____.___, ___... a....__ I Student Teas: President and Mrs. Rhuthven will be at home to students Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. Proceedings of the 1937 Celebra- tion. The University Press has just issued an attractive volume, titled "A University Between Two Cen- turies: 'Proceedings of which contain,, all the addresses and discussions onf the program of the Celebration last1 June. Members of the faculties and students who desire to purchase, copies cf this and other publications of the University Press may do so at the University Press Building 311] Maynard Street. The price of the' present volume of 495 pages is $4.00. First Mortgage Loans. The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Notice to Men Students: All n.u students, living in approvecd room- ing houses. who have any thought of moving to different quarters for the second semester should give notice in writing to the Dean of Students be- fore 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, Jan. 15, 11938. Permission to move will be given only to students com- plying with thiis requirement. C. O (lmnsted. 1.S.&A. Juniors z.nd~ Seniors xvi.,.le,- ig to change their field of. cOtWff n- tration for the, second secmes ter, please procure slips at Room 4 UI., have them signed by the adviser in the new field, and :return them to Room 4, U.H. before Feb. 1, 1,38. Robert L. Williams. Third InternationaJ Congress of SAM,11E SENTENCES TWO Circuit Judge George W. Sample yesterday sentenced Cyrene Smith, '30 years old, of Ypsilanti, to five to ten years for grand larceny and gave B. L. Parker, 28 years old, Detroit,, three to four years for felonious as- sault. Asst. to thle Preslient. LAUNDRY ers, old gold and musical instru- mnent's.UDY.214.Sxdre. Ready cash waiting for ,you.I Academic Notices "~' Careful work at low prices. s-hon-Sm. -304 2 English 259, Semi nar in Tudor and __ THE FORMER Modern Beauty Shop Stuart Drama. will hold next meeting. SILVER LAUNDRYSeca$.0 prm ens Saturday morning, Jan. 15, 9-11, i Phone 5594 607 E. Hoover 2016 Angell Hall. J. L. Davis. Call For and Deciver-Free of Chzarge. $3.00: shampoos and finger waves,S 'PRICES ARE FOR WASHING I 50c. Del Mar Beauty Shop. 119 E. Psychology 31, Section 2A makeup, AND IRONING Liberty. Phone 2-2600. examination for students who missed] .______._ Shorts ........................ 4 FOR RENT either one of the two examinations ;4 this semester will be h eld in Room Tops.............4 ROOM for upperclassmen or grad - 1121 N.S. at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,i Sock y (pr.)...........30 uate roommate in small, quiet Jan.11. ajaas................l~r house. Call 4489. 925 Sylvan. 248 -~Shirts.. ....................14ci Ma~ztliexnati E 30. Seminar on vec- Satisfactionz Guaranteed FOR THREE MEN, suite with private tors and spinors. For thle remaining Individually Done----No Marking bath and shower. Steam heat. 236 Phone 83544. 422 E. Washinzgton. three weeks of the semester, the sem-24 inar willimeet on Tuesdays from 3 to WANTED__- 5 in Room 31201 Anigell Hall. Tuesday, I (-RATTITF s~'tudenjt wats ige FOR SALE ---- night. Finder please call 2-2565. 255 i i LOST: Man's diamond ring. Near Fourth Avenue and East Liberty. Reward. Call 4473. 253 LOS'T: Green corduroy housecoat be- tween Church St. and Campus. Phone 2-3916. 252 PARDON'S HOME DAMAGED Several hundred dollars damage was done by fire yesterday to the home of Edward C. Pardon, super- intendent of the University buildings and grounds department. Firemen be- lieved the blaze was caused by defec- tive wiring. Jan. 11, Mr. Arnold will speak on Hy- i percomplex Numbers; Jan. 18 Mr. Darling, on the Theory of Represen- tation: and on Jan. 26, Mr. Rainich. on Conditional Invariants. On Thursday, Jan. 19, there will be i. spcal mneeting at 4:20 in which Mr. Riaiville will speak on The Heat Equation. The Algebra Semiinar will not start until later. G. X. IRailichl. Leain~i~g lxaminlit-iwns in Fr'euc : Candidates for the degreeI of PhI.D. in the departments listed below who Iwish to satisfy the* requirement* of a (Cotnudo Page 4) room with private family or in small house. Has references. Box 7, Daily. TYPING-Carefully and accurately done, L. M. Heywood: 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. 106 TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phkone j 244. 3x VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone 6327. Experienced typist. Reason- able rates. 232 CLOTHING mWANTED TO BUY:Aniy old and new suits, overcoats, at $3. $8, $25, Ladies fur coats, type-writ - FORMAL-White chiffon with rhine- stone trim. Size twelve. Practically new. Call 2-1467. 254 TUX FOR SALE: Average size. Ex- cellent condition. $15. John Davis. Phone 2-2490. 250 LOST AND FOUND LOST : Benrus witist watch. Saturday Read It In The Daily I M e r ue ErT c CLODAN7 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Lost Times Today! _.. MARSHLL Cut-Rate Drug 23 1 SM fJI STATE - Phone 9242 -- 8 Doors North of Kresge's "TED'S DAILY DOUBLE"- Effective Tuesday, Jan. 11 5 lbs. 15c. PERFUMED Hershey or Nestle WATER SOFTENER CHOCOLATE B3AR 75c Value 7ox. WATCH FOR TOMORROW'S "DOUBLE SAVING" JOAN DAVIS .TICK BALDWIN RAYP4ND SCOTT' QUINT ET RUTU TERRY DPUQLA8 FOWLEY CHICK CHANDLER ROSALIE NELS..ON EDDY ELEANOR POAWE'LL ------------ rx -- E - t ."t I -- I- JIMMY FIDLERS PERSONALITY PARADE News of the Day I r I -- -~--STARTING 1TQMO13 ROW -____ "C ITY GIRL" and "GANGWAY"" I IFETE SMITH NOVELTY PARAMOUNT NEWS 25c until 5 -- 35c to Closing 'I PA anowl ,I «I Point Wtth Pride .i .'. . The Student Cried" ' .'y . Y Y{. '1 :^ : I To a service my roommate sug- gested. It's quick and it's neat and 11 0 it just can'-t be beat 0 .and the 11) valu~e just can't be best ed9 I ,:, v m&Price per b 0 0 0 lOc SAMPLE BUNDLE 3Pairs of Socks 2Bath Towels i Pair Pajamas COST 99c VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 23-1~3 50 I Shirts, Extra a a I 2c White Swan Laundry and Dvry Cleaning Company Phone 4117 TROJAN LAUNDRY Phone 9495 (Full Dress Shirts are not iui IInt' his SpI)Ccil PrIcc) ."O.A A&,AML w ar,& % ir ON'n Ir Iti N I I I I I