The Weather Snow today and tomorrow, rising tenperawure tody; colder tomorrow. L 5k igucn '6F Editori'ab, (Of 1 rit'7ilities VOL. XLVIII. No. 77 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 1938 PRICE FIVE GENTS War Referendum Bill Is Voted Down By House, 209-188' Proposal Would Provide For Nation-Wide Poll On Declaration OfSWar Administration Scores Victory WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-011)-The proposed Ludlow amendment requir- ing a popular vote before a declara- tion of war met defeat today when the House refused, 209 to 188, to take it out of a committee pigeonhole. Jubilant administration men, who conducted an almost unprecedented fight to keep the measure from the floor, declared the vote killed it, at least for 1938. Before the vote President Roosevelt wrote Speaker Bankhead declaring the amendment "would encourage other nations to believe that they could violate American rights with impunity." Administration Pleased Tonight State Department officials privately expressed gratification at the House's action, taking the posi- tion that it facilitated, the executive branch's conduct of'foreign .affairs. The national council for prevention of war declared the fight for the amendment had just begun, adding: "The exhibition today of presiden- tial control of Congress in peace-time shows clearly that Congress cannot be counted upon to check the Admin- istration in any war crisis. It is a clear argument for the necessity of giving the people themselves the right to ,vote on war issues." The proposed amendment was of- fered by Rep. Ludlow (Dem., Ind.) three years ago. To become effective it would require a two-thirds vote of each branch of Congress and ap- proval by three-fourths of the states. After it had long been bottled up in the House Judiciary Committee, its backers succeeded recently in getting 218 names on a petition asking that the committee be relieved of it. The petition forced today's vote. Roosevelt Letter Read Making one of his rare speeches today, Speaker Bankhead read Mr. Roosevelt's letter, which said the amendment would "cripple any pres- ident in his conduct of our foreign relations." Recalling that sponsors believed it would help keep the United States out of war, the President said he was "convinced it would have the opposite effect.' The tally showed that 21 Repub- licans joined 188 Democrats to defeat the move. One-hundred and eleven Democrats, 64 Republicans, 8 Progres- sives and 5 Farmer-Laborites voted' for the resolution. J-Hop Date Set As February 11 To Announce Orchestra Within A Few Days The date of the traditional junior class J-Hop has been definitely set for Feb. 11, the Friday of the week, end between semesters, according to Robert Reid, '39E, chairman. Bands under consideration include3 those of Tommy Dorsey, Horace HeidtI Fred Waring, Jimmy Dorsey, Wayne King, and Kaye Kayser. The selec-1 Ludlow's Plan .For War Vote Held Unsound By KAY SCHULTZ The Ludlow War Referendum Bill is right in theory but entirely impos- sible in practice, according to Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the history de- partment. "The first objection to the Ludlow Resolution is that it concerns declara- tion of war, a point which is no longer important," Professor Slosson said. "Modern wars are as a rule not de- clared. They begin with an action on the part of some nation rather than with a legislative enactment." The formal declaration of war is merely a legal question having little significance, he stated. Whether or not an executive could legally declare war, he might bring about a state of war and the declaration in such a sit- uation would be an insignificant matter. As an example, Professor Slosson cites the present war in the Far East which has not yet been for- mally acknowledged. A further objection to the Ludlow Resolution is the time element, ac-, cording to Professor Slosson. He said that the threat of war may be con- centrated into a few days or hours, as in the case of the World War. It would be physically impossible, he, said, to carry on a campaign of in- formation, conduct an election, count1 the votes, act on the results and be, sure the situation had not changed during this time. Proponents of the resolution argue; that a referendum could be taken and the results known within 48 hours.- Professor Slosson considers this to be a physical impossibility; he points out that the ballots from a presiden- tial - election .have never all been counted within that time. Airliner Down; Fear Nine Are Lost In Wreck j Ranchers Report Viewing Northwest Airlines Plane1 Jap Council M.S.C. Vigorously SmallNations De nies Sbsd.ies!S l ain MayFormally LANSING, Jan.10-(A)-A denial Balk At Ital's D ecl re II Mchian tateColegehas ath- D lare Wleti- scholarships was made today byhAnei-yoed Pact college. Hannah made his statement after' Emperor Calls Conference Rep. Albert J. Engel (Rep., Mich.) Austria Aid Hungary Fear ToCaLFtr orehad said in Washington that Michi- yo~B Bid To Chart Future Course gan State had subsidized Ted Lutr- OIne-Berlin-Tokyo Of Invasion In China zykowski, former Muskegon high Directed At Democracy school football star. ahe s ionThe charge was made in a letter to Cabinet sHannah concerning designation of Balance Of Power the youth by the Congressman as nae Lasts 48 Hours candidate for West Point. He sI ngres On Meeting serted that he had a letter from TOKYO, Jan. 10.-(A')-The third Hannah protesting the naming of BUDAPEST, Jan. 10.-(A)-Austria Imperial Conference in Japanese his- Lutrzykowski as a candidate and com- and Hungary today stiffened their tory today was summoned before plaining that he suspected colleges opposition to an Italian suggestion Emperor Hirohito to chart the future i were being raided to obtain football!they join the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo course of Japan's six-months old but material for West Point. anti-Communist pact. still undeclared war against China. I ssad Foreign ministers of three countries S orma eclaration of war was Despite the fact that I served tprivately in a conference that one of the steps reported likely to eight years in the State Senate and was expected to study the recently in- result from the conference before the have been on the Michigan State tensified conflict of fascist and demo- throne. College Committee in the Senate as cratic influences in the Danubian val- Tokyo newspapers said Admiral Cell as on the Finance Committee., ley. Observers believed the meeting Nobumas Suyetsugu, the powerful this was the first time I knew that a might determine the balance of power Home Minister, was insisting on the State institution was giving scholar- southeastern Europe. drawal ofdeclarion ofa andh e ships to get football players at the ex- Smaller Powers Balk o recognition of the Chinese pense of the taxpayers." On the anti-communism pact as government. well as several other points, Italy Ambassador To Be Recalled found the two smaller powers reluc- Domei (Japanese News Agency) re- Anderson i ts; tant to follow Premier Benito Musso- ported Ambassador Shigeru Kawagoe lini's leadership. was expected to be recalled from C Hungarians said unofficially that China. ly ArccieptssPI0 S I part of their objection to joining the The only previous Imperial Con- Italian-German-Japanese accord lay' ferences were held in 1894 at the At Cincinnati in a suspicion it was directed not time of the Chinese-Japanese war merely at communism but also-if in- and in 1904 during the Russo-Japan- directly-at democratic institutions. ese war. What was described as "Japan's Supposed Football Saviour Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, of unshakable policy towards China" By Austria, who accompanied Foreign was believed already determined beOhio School Minister Guido Schmidt to the meet- fore the Imperial Conference was or- In Athletic Expansion ing, said "neither Austria nor Hun- dered into session formally to ratify gary have anything to fear from it. Heartley W. (Hunk) Anderson, The cabinet had been in almost con- Michigan's line coach during the past "Both have eliminated communist tinuous session for 48 hours, meeting football season, settled his doubtful dangers domestically and are not con- frequently with the Imperial head- status yesterday when he announced vinced of .the necessity for a world quarters and the Cabinet Advisory he would serve as assistant coach at association against the 'Red Men- Board on the program "to destroy the University of Cincinnati next fall. ace.' " the Anti-Japanese administration in Anderson's position here had been Won'; Play Follow The Leader China," I subject to considerable conjecture Hungary and Austria were repre- Prepared For Peace Or War since Harry Kipke, the man who ap- sented as loath to affront the great A{ 41- - 4 -f AA H - - .:... " 4' . - 4 -- [4 .. . o m~ n -4:, .1.. 1.... _a r------', i J I T i Cage Helps Jake Out At the end of Mondays Cabinet ses- sion Prince Konoye laid the program before the Emperor and requested him to call the Government, War and Navy leaders to the Imperial Con- ference. Japan was prepared, for peace or. prolonged war, the Foreign Office spokesman said. He added, pointed- ly, that peace was impossible so long as the head of the Chinese govern-. ment, Generalissimo . Chiang Kai-1 Sh k, persisted in his Anti-Japanese attitude. Germany and Italy-Japan's Anti- Communist allies-were refraining from shipping arms to China by way of British Hongkong, the spokesman said. He expressed hope other na- tions would do likewise. Championship, Bid, Whips O.S.U., 38-28 PRICE FIVE CENTS Team Presses pointed him, was ousted as the Wol- verine head coach early in December. His new duties at Cincinnati will place him under Head Coach Joe Meyer, with whom he roomed and played football as an undergraduate at Notre Dame. Hailed as Michigan's gridiron "Moses" when he came here last Spring, Anderson produced a line which looked alternately good and bad. Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost's only comment last night was, "I wish Hunk all the luck in the world at his new post." Anderson was free to negotiate for any new position as his agreement here expired at the end of the 1937 grid season. He served on a part- time basis, spending six weeks at Spring' practice and approximately! democratic states of Europe. Both were said to be reluctant to follow the German and Italian example in leaving the League of Nations and recognizing the Insurgent Spanish re- gime. Since the last Rome protocol meet- ing in Vienna in the fall of 1936, Yugoslavia has become increasingly friendly toward Italy. Within the last fortnight Rumania, under Pre- mier Octavian Goga, has taken a seemingly long stride toward fascism and friendship with Germany and Italy. Faculty Asks University Aid JIM RAE DenyBusiness Strike Against Administration Leaders Say Industry Can Overcome Slump With Government Assistance WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-()-- Business can pull itself out of its slump if it is given co-operation by Government, industrial leaders told the Senate Unemployment Committee today. Both Lammot DuPont, president of the E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company, and Dr. Claudius T. Mur- chison, president of the Cotton Tex- tile Institute, denied at a Committee hearing that business had gone "on strike" against the Administration. The president of the Delaware i a i High - Riding Wolverines Outlast Tough Buckeyes In Hard-Fought Contest But The Officiating 'Birings Down House' By IRVIN LISAGOR (Daily Sports Editor) Michigan's high-riding, title-con- tending Wolverines achieved their second Conference cage triumph in Yost Field House last night by out- lasting the bruising Ohio State Buck- eyes, 38-28. But it was the officiating that really brought down the house. Apparently negligent in their du- ties, Referee Nick Kearns and Um- pire John Schommer met continually with cascades of verbal disapproval- or booing, as the sporting set de- scribes it- by an excited audience. Schommer slapped a technical foul on the Wolverines early in the fracas for the crowd's concerted criticism of an out-of-bound ruling, and then proceeded to ignore obvious rough- house tactics on the part of the visit- ing Buckeyes. Townsend Is Mauled Capt. Jake Townsend, who was re- strained all evening by the leech-like guarding of Jim McDonald, Buckeye guard and captain, showed visible evi- dence in the locker room after the game, of the mauling and 'clawing he received. His arms were scratched to a raw red. Although Jake was scotched by McDonald's sly technique, and man- aged to tally only nine points, his pivot mate, Jim "Stretch" Rae, was chalking up 11 points, while Herm Fishman, regaining a sharpness he lacked ir. the Illinois game Saturday, plopped through 10 markers to keep Michigan in the game during the first half. Playing hard, almost viciously, Ohio State',; scarlet-jerseyed dribblers dominated Michigan in the first pe- riod and led 20-18 at halftime. They wrested the ball away under both bas- kets, and flung the ball from any and all angles. Especially audacious were Jim Hull and Bob Lynch, both of whom emulated Bill Haarlow, the old Chicago star, in their one-handed, over-headed corner shots. Rae Steps Forward While McDonald stymied Townsend's style with his wily guarding, permit- ting big Jake only one basket in the first half, Rae and Fishman assumed the scoring burden. The lanky soph- omore center got three buckets and two fouls, while the pudgy little guard parted the mesh thrice. Even Jake's play-making game was mussed up. Michigan resorted to a different set-up at the start of the second half, Rae replacing Jake at the pivot post as the able captain moved out. The game became a veritable rough- house at this stage, and probably to save his ace's scalp, Coach Cappon sent in Dan Smick to relieve him. With only a one-point lead, 25-24, (Continued on Page 3) ~ chmicl company urged that Gov- Crash In Montana Hills ten weeks during the fall with the T cilement and business "take counsel BOZEMANrMontoJan10-)-. PhelalA rVarsity eleven.cme to Michigan at the thare together in a spirit of forbearance B M J -Ama and cooperation. "The fog of uncer- C. A. Larson and Glenn White, ranch- behest of Kipke during a period when .nd.tainty" should be dispelled, he said. ers, reported today they saw a North- D eiVers wO the entire Wolverine coaching staff Administration Considers Murchison called for repeal of the1 west Airlines plane crash 14 miles w~as undei citical fire. n east o ean oday but were ininnati athoriies appointed Need For Assistance; Undistributed Surplus Profits Tax Letres cre Anesnato assitMes aprt Ingand said Government regulation unable to rescue passengers because Anderson to assist Meyer as a part nsurance Suggested should be directed "only to those pur-1 of flames enveloping the wreckage. of an expansive football program. The poses which are general, fundamen-.. The rangers told Sheriff Lovitt I. Head Of Toronto Institute Ohio School recently withdrew from In response to a etition sent to tal, clearly necessary and apparent." Westlake and Forest Rangers it ap- ththe President and Regents by a group He predicted an upturn in the tex-1 peared improbable any of the pas- Says Philosopher Must pursuance of its ambitious big time of faculty members, requesting medi- tile business by March, but said re- sengers or crew could have escaped Seek Truth And Peace gid policy cal care for the faculty and other vision of the anti-trust laws is needed the crash and fire. S-- University employes and their fam- to permit cooperation between gov- They said they had no idea howl Prof. Gerald B. Phelan of theilies, the administration is conducting ernment and industry to improve many were aboard, but Northwest University of Toronto gave two lee- n O-m a survey to determine the need for employment and business conditions. Airlines at St. Paul reported nine usn h si hsh n such a plan, according to Prof. John Meanwhile, the White House an- were on the ship-five passengers and Grand Rapids Room of the League R. Shepard of the psychology de- nounced that President Roosevelt four company employes. over the week-end A nother CO-O partment. would resume conferences tomorrow At Helena, the Northwest Airlines The greatest philosophers do not Questionnaires were sent to fac- with business leaders. office verified a report one of its east- rmtulty members and University em- Du Pont, who recently proposed bound planes was overdue at Billings. them but "welcome it, and say yes, Group To Meet In Lane ployes to determine their income, de- that industry spend $25,000,000,000 "This is all the information I can amen," he said Sunday in discussing Hall To Plan House e s and the size of their fam- in capital investment if Government give you right now," the attendant the words of St. Thomas Aquinas and' _._ would cooperate, said his firm is in charge said. the relationships between Faith and I One possibility for the administra- "playing ball." inschasgesatd.y the relationFitnd: f A meeting for all those interested tion to consider, Dr. Forsythe said, Reason set forth by the "prince of inol eacmo fn otiue mo joining the new cooperative house would be a common fund contributed e i Ctshescholasticschoolprhformen being organized for next se- to by the faculty and employes This ow Train Leaves Senior lass D esPressr P a pteie t mester will be held at 8 p.m. today in plan would enable contributors to For Su da Wil ~Medieval Institute of the University Lane Hall. Faootrbilrhl he r el Cadillac S n a Will Be Collected of Toronto.. took his text from the Ln al pay doctor bills while they are well o a e 1 y B( Tornto t. his t nd the A group of eight boys has already and would be a real form of insur- teachings o St. Thomas and the re-,exrsditwsholventenw of the 13th century controversy expressed its wish to live in the new ance, he explained. Everything from snowshoeing to Collection of senior class dues in the ts house, according to Lester Spurberg, fishing through the ice and dancing' lierrycoleein the University of Paris between fol- '8, chairman of the cooperative' will begin today, Wil- lowers of the Augustinian and Aris- will be available for those going on atelian schools respectively Faith rooming committee, and more than tsnen s rop the snow train Sunday to Cadillac nounced yesterdayr tean) 15 application blanks have been Fred S. Randall, who is running th' The dues are $1 and will be used to sn handed in for the Rochdale Coopera- Meets H r Todaytrip, said yesterday. Tedear$1adwlbeueto Since Faith and Reason both op-tveHussnehchthrsaeonyHereT a !thsi e swteranwly laeAn.r defray the expense of the senior class erate to the same end-the glory of v ssnow train will leave Ann Ar- page in the Ensian, Center said. A God-they cannot be incompatible, oaies Delegates to the Michian Mem-bor Sunday morning at 7 a.m. with table will be placed in Angell Hall Professor Phelan argued, referring to Cooperatives were started on the Degtsoth MiganMm bu 0 tdnsadtwsepe tabe wll e pace inAngll allPrfesor heln ague, rferingtoMichigan campus with the founding orial Craftsmen's association's 1938 about 300 students and townspeople. lobby next week to continue colec- the contention that the two are hs 1 aboard. First class cars will be used Lion of the dues. t ie c thetconenton tht hs. are of the Socialist House in August, 1932 convention will meet here today and not the usual excursion type-and inoftede.Iantithetical conceptions. Each ire- oorw nbyh sa xurintp-n Members of the finance commit- quires to take into account the knowl- by a group of graduate students.h jdtomorrow. . a baggage car will be available for tee who will have charge of the col-Ie accumulaed by the othe, he1 I195te ocdeHusha!Pf.WlrF.unhimnof dancing. hgs its beginnings the department of minerlogy, will dh Cadillac Chamber of Com- lection are Bob Harrison, Norman said, adding that they cannot be con- The frtgls copaiv wsadesthgouonMnrogysmrCawillhave transportaton tothe Soodik, Joan Wentz, Marian Rey- fused, but should not be isolated. Con- started this fall and has a member Applied to Monumental Granites" at mere will have transportation to the nolds, Edward Bruna, Roger Brad- tending that faith and reason are not ship of 20. Jobs are divided so that an afternoon meeting which will be winter park ready_ ley, John Livingston and Walter contradictory Professor Phelan said'each girl does one hour's daily work. held at 1:30 p.m. today at the Union. Harkins. both stem from the same source- pm oa tteUin God or the Supreme Truth-and truth Chauncey G. Austin, of Chicago, Eight More Russians Ganotrethe remruth.Truth-hende-will deliver the chief address of the RT cannot reverse truth. Truth, he de- sconvention at a meeting which will Cardozo Passes Criticalcoin_"onae2M scS d n i begin at 9 a.m. today at the Union. MOSCOW, Jan. 10.-()-Soviet Stage After Heart Attacks Har Recital Today newspapers indicated today eight high tion will be definitely during the next few days. announced) Committee appointments and as- signments are: Marie McElroy, pro- grams; Jean Bleecker and Lawrence Lackey, decorations; Charles Zwick and Charles Kettler, music; Joe Os- born, floor; John Collins, secretary to the cha rman; Marietta Killian,, patrons; John Burwell and Ralph Dubois, booths; Don Belden and Mar-, tin Alexander, building; and Marvin Reider, publicity. Loyalist Soldiers Reported Repulsed HENDAYE, France (At the Span- ish Frontier), Jan. 10.-W)-Five suc- cessive assaults by Spanish Govern- ment troops on a key position north of Teruel were reported to have been turned back today by a withering cross-fire of machine-guns. Leads Named In Student Play Graduate Student Is Writer And Also Takes Role Character roles 'for "This Proud Pilgrimage," the third Play Produc- tion presentation of the current sea- son, were announced yesterday. Lead male roles will be played by Edward Jurist, '38; Charles Maxwell, Grad.; Arthur Harwood, '38; Ben Wampler, '39; Myron Wallace, '39; Morlye Baer, Grad.; Robert Reinhart, Grad.; Howard Johnson, '39; and Peter Markham, '39. Other leads will be taken by Nancy Schaefer, .'39; Evelyn Smith, '38; and Helen Barr, '38. ,The cost, composed of more than 50 people, is being directed by Prof. Valentine B. Windt. Sets for the pro- duction will be designed and executed by Oren Parker, Grad. Norman Rosten, Grad., who came* to the University from New York University to study playwriting under Prof. Kenneth Rowe of the English department, is the author of the play, and will play one of the leads. i i E I f