PAGE EiGHT T HE MICHIGAN DAILY .IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS SUNI AV JAN. 91 1'.MR5 THES Iuthor, Photographer, -TPortray Its Decadence By DISRAELI of sharp reality to those who have isfied with less from his works. It is YOU HAVE SEEN THEIR FACES, by been able only to hear and read in: dangerous to have a dissatisfied white Erskine Caldwell and Margaret half-belief of poverty worse than man on the land and therefore he! Bourke-White, Modern Age Books, x mere hunger poverty. Each photo- must get off. So, slowly he is being New York. 75 cents. graph does what a novelist would re- forced to find another place to settle WOODCUTS Lynd Ward's Newest Novel Is Story Of Crash By FRANCES CARNEY VERTIGO. A novel in wood-cuts. By Lynd Ward. New York: Random House. $3. quire a chapter building up to, the! As we prepared to review this book gaudy patent medicine signs slapped, we read that Senator Borah, the all over the niggers' shacks, the sick eloquent liberal, has joined in the eyes, the lolling empty stoop of chron- fight against the anti-lynching bill ic malaria and the close to the bone announcing as he signs up that the face that has fought and struggled bill "rests on the theory that the with a soil that makes no promises for people in our southern states are un- a better future. There are faces of willing or unfit, to maintain the or- people who own nothing and never dinary principlestof self government." will own anything and who-don't care He also says that it is a "blow at the about owning anything. Many of the heart of local self-governments." Elo- faces are dark with distrust, some quent the senator must have been, mere blanks, and in a few there is a but, we feel sure, no more eloquent peculiar, clean sort of look that may than the fine photography that Miss in some way be pride in the struggle. Bourke-White offers as evidence that Mr. Caldwell speaks a little of this the American South holds in its dry- pride in his part of the book, his part ing, wornout bosom one of the most being the synthesis of the impres- degenerate agricultural civilizations sions gained in the trip. He talks of of modern times. Such a statement the devotion to cotton as the crop of does not give undue importance to the South, and the disgrace atten- the book, for In the past three or four dant upon throwing it over for any- years since Mr. Caldwell's novel "To- thing like diversified farming. The bacco Road" took to the stage, the lot continuous growing of cotton has ex- of the sharecropper and the tenant hausted a none-too-rich soil and farmer has been a feature story in cost puts fertilizer far out of the most of the country's better news- reach of most of these sub-marginal papers. It has been generally recog- farmers. Mr. Caldwell does not do nized as one of the biggest material as well in his part of the bargain as problems of the nation. And "You Miss Bourke-White, however. He Have Seen Their Faces" does a bet- seems to chafe at being bound to ter job of telling why than any Sun- straight prose and seems to miss the day supplement story could possibly freedom of fictional prose. He makes, do. however, a thesis that absentee own- l in an area where there isn't any- I thing to settle on. Already families! have taken to the road in mulehauled, or even handhauled, wagons. And the Short Story By Michigan Student1 Is Included In Latest 'Signatures' By JOSEPH GIES Love," is also of the "incident" type. Its keynote is not tragedy, but poig- SIGNATURES, WORK IN PRO-'nancy, the lovenof two people and the GRESS, Number Three, Winter, cold terror one of them feels when the 1937-38. Edited by John H. Thomp- other does not return promptly from son and John M. Brinnin. Detroit. a trivial errand. The language of the 75 cents. story is admirably fitted in its sim- The third issue of the first volume plicity to the basic nature of the of Signatures contains more of the theme. work of already established authors A chapter from a first novel by than have previous numbers, and Kenneth Fearing, whose two volumes more complete stories, and thereby of poetry have established his repu- loses something of its peculiar value tation in that field, describes in first as a publication. The writing itgelf, person a stick-up of a little uptown however, is of a high calibre; several New York bar It is notable in par- Hanley. a young English novelist, to be called "Soldiers Wind." Somewhat analagous to it in style, though not in content, is a chapter from Fred- eric Prokosch's- Harper prize novel. "The Seven Who Fled." The poem to a novel about Detroit by Leslie Sellers, shows some talent, but, incomplete as it is, can hardly be commented upon. Several poems, all in free verse, of which Martha Millet's "No Dedica- tion" is the strongest expression, and two brilliant literary essays by Gran- ville Hicks and Newton Arvin, an Samuel Butler and Walt Whitman respectively, round out the collec- tion. Negro is steadily settling into a baser Vertigo, although hardly a novelty, slavery than before the Civil War- since it is the fourth in a series of not a possession now, but just a less novels in woodcuts by Mr. Ward, pre- brainy fellowman who is very much afraid of a homemade hangman's ents a neat problem in aesthetics, noose in the hands of deposed and re- uniting two art forms to produce a sentful white farmers. - peculiar hybrid. heu photorars arewellc Through the medium of woodcuts. Thnewpthuota osfromechat-with the only words an occasional tioned with quotations from the chats title is told the story of the years Mr. Caldwell had with the people and from 1929 to 1935, as they are reflect- throughout the short text are longer ed in the lives of three people, a girl, statements from sharecroppers, plan- an elderly gentleman, and a boy. The tation managers and landowners. picture is one of confusion and fus- These more than Mr. Caldwdll tell tration and injustice: a strike brutally the story along with the picture, and suppressed, unemployment; and the are a convincing enough social docu- personal tragedies resulting from! ment in themselves If such extreme poverty and lack of opportunity. The poverty over-runs the South and ed- girl wants to be a violinist, the boy. ucation is curtailed because there are an engineer. But the girl's father not enough clothes to go around for loses his job, and subsequently his children to go to school; if a grow- eyesight in an attempt at suicide; ing majority of the white population the boy has to leave town and is un- are being forced out of productive able to get work. The girl has to work and another and lower Negro pawn her violin, she and her father slave economy being forced in by the are evicted, and they go on relief. minority which owns the land; then The elderly gentleman, a semi-invalid we wonder if somewhere along the closely resembling the late John D. line, a "blow at the heart of local Rockefeller, spends his money on art, self-government" isn't just what is Thanksgiving baskets, and monu- needed. ments to the war dead; but is head of the corporation which discharges the girl's father and responsible for A J ustice Who Gave the violent breaking of the strike.' Victoria Advice One wonders whether the combina- tion of the wood-cut and the novel can be as effective as either of its Judge Pierre Crabites, special lec~ parent arts. On the one hand there turer in law at the Law School of is the danger of degeneration into a the University of Louisiana, offers the mere series of illustrations with the interesting observation in his book, value of the single picture as a pic- "Victoria's lardian Angel," that ture sacrificed to the story. On the Baron Stockman, who hammered into other there is the possibility of lack of continuity and clearness in the England's sturdiest queen "the moral narrative. Whether a novel in wood- dignity" of the Court, was personally cuts, however excellent, could compete neither a prude nor a hypocrite" but on equal ground with either a nove' "fixed the line of conduct for which or a series of wood-cuts per se is he ougt s teacousy bcaue h Sdoubtful; the purposes of the two he fought so tenaciously because he i arts are too different to be reconciled considered it good politics. without some loss either for the novel "He felt," remarks Judge Crabites, or the wood-cut. J trt l of the stories are minor masterpieces. Of especial interest is the short; story of Harry Purdy, Michigan stu- dent. The story is a presentation of the sex problem on campus, and will doubtless evoke varying reactions from readers. It is not a pretty pic- ture, and it may be accused of being an unduly overdrawn one, but it is not a false one. The individual with whose psychology the story is concerned is an extreme, not an exaggerated case. The writing style is for the most part direct and free of superfluity. Of the work by better known writ- ers, an incident of the Bering Sea fishing fleet, told by Grace Lumpkin, and a story by Erskine Caldwell are outstanding. "The Dory," Miss Lump- kin's tale of a fisherman swept out to sea by a sudden wind, past his help- less comrades on the schooner, is a quickly told little tragedy, simple, dry-eyed and stark. Two other men' had committed suicide during the six weeks' voyage of the ship, one from loneliness, the other from physi- cal pain, the captain deeming it im- possible to return to port until the cruise is finished. Three lives-all ^or a few fish. Mr. Caldwell's story, "The Only) ly gentleman is president of the same corporation from which the girl's fa- ther is discharged. Probably there is no danger of ah vogue of novels in wood-cuts; but, aside from its interest as a curiosity, no one can deny that Vertigo is a powerful book. ticular for a strikingly authentic di- aldoue, the sort of realistic everyday conversation that somehow holds a peculiar fascination from its very commonplaceness, if there is such a word. Leane Zugsmith's short story, "One of the Two," a study of the psy- chology of an unmarried woman liv- ing in what is conventionally called sin, is neither especially fresh-sound- ing, nor absolutely convincing. A longish excerpt from a novel in progress by Waldo Frank, called "Prelude to War (1914)" is rather te- dious. Mr. Frank possesses vocabu- lary and imagination, but lacks the writing instinct so apparent in the work of Miss Lumpkin and Mr. Fear- ing. He also gives the impression of being an already fully-developed writer. aySherwood Anderson is represented by a human interest yarn of a Joe Louis fight audience, a sympathetic and appealing picture of the gallery fans, the Negro and white backers of "The Brown Boomer" as Anderson calls him, although insthensports pages the appellation customarily ap- pears as "Bomber."I An excerpt from "Pink and Blue! Sky," a forthcoming first novel byl Robert O. Erisman, shows consider- able facility in detailed description, and particularly an ability to convey an atmosphere. One of the most intriguing pieces of writing in the group is an excerpt from a novel being written by James Special Dry Skin Mixture 2 oz. jar Rleg. $2.2 'Ony1whs week Gray Special Dry Skin Mixture soothes dryodansi that's subject to lcodeciathey lines." Skin feels decidedly smoother, more pliant!ktOnly $1 during special sale. Then back regular price-$2.25. Stock up the winter Ca lkins= Fletcher 324 SOUTH STATE 818 SOUTH STATE N In the tar paper shacks that are --- spread over this area they set up their cameras and photoflash bulbs, and Mo re On Mu ssolIin i while Mr. Caldwell sat talking with " the people, Miss Bourke-White wait- "The Plough and the Sword, Labor, ed. When the conversation drew the Land and Property in Fascist Italy," struggle-worn features of the men oy Carl T. Schmidt, will be published and women of the South into the ex- next week. act expression best. descriptive of It is said to contain a number of their position, the camera went to important facts about the domain of work. Il Duce which have not previously The result has been the bringing been brought to light. "I "that Englishmen are congenital hypocrites and that by burning in- cense to virtue a Sovereign could win a place in their hearts. And he urged that any trifling with their sense of! propriety would bring' about disaster." Judge Crabites gives the Baron full credit in his book for making "a strong minded, self-centered woman perceive that if the people had any doubts about the rectitude of the private lives of the Sovereign the days f Monarchy were over. The fact' that he based his advice entirely upon grounds of expediency, rather than upon principles of ethics, may dis- please some of my readers," says the Judge. "However, to my mind, it be- speaks the broadness of his states- manship.... He Was bent upon ac- complishing results. He spoke theI language which was most suitable to his purpose." Vertigo, however, strikes as near a perfect balance between the two el.- ements as one could wish. Each pic- ture is interesting in itself, in line and composition, boldly drawn, with a kind of grim beauty. While it is es- sentially an illustration, it is not slav- ishly realistic. The stories of the three are told simply but in such a way as to make them seem tremendously real and moving, and at the same time to make one sense the forces which shape them. The characters are vividly portrayed, even the minor ones: the servant of the elderly gen- tleman, the girl's father, the man whom the boy almost holds up. The book deserves at least one rereading (if one can call it that), which brings out more clearly details not noticed !or not understood on first inspectior -elements of irony: the commence- ment address, the fact that the elder- HATS THAT ARE D I FFERENT Black ... Brown.. ..Navy Straw-. . . Silk McK2NSEY HAT SHOP 227 SOUTH STATE STREET PHONE 2-1416 l Read The Daily Classifieds f For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241 1 / . .'f .. - SPECIAL - SKATING OUTFIT Priced at $495 Two-color brown and black shoe with hard box toe and reinforced uppers." Tublar hockey skate with extra hard blade. WOMEN'S SKATES $4.25 up F R E E five shorpenings with the purchase of each skating outfit. A COMPLETE STOCK OF C.C.M. SKATES Seeks Campus Candid Opinon on a Vital Question Question: Where may one obtain the best quality in photographic supplies? a BILL SCOOP: I buy all my equipment at F. & B. - good equipment means good pictures. r -. . _ . f" -, 4 . 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