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January 09, 1938 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-09

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SUNDAY, JAN.,9,1938


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al members of the
Otversty. Copy received at the offim at the Aadsoite t a the Pkedd~ei
+wan 3:30; 11-00 a.. * Saturday.








(Continued from Page 2)
of -the University Press may do so at
the University Press Building 311
Maynard Street. The price of the
present volume of 495 pages is $4.00.
Warning to Pedestrians: The avoid-
ance by narrow margins of several
serious accidex.ts to persons using
driveways as sidewalks prompts this
issue of an urgent warning to students
and others not to walk in the drive-
ways or in parking places. It is at all
times especially dangerous to cross
the parking space on foot and this
should not be done except by those for
whom it is necessary to reach their
own cars. On several occasions pe-
destrians have escaped by the nar-
rowest chance being hit by drivers
backing out from a parking stall. A
moment or two saved by walking
"cross-lots" is comparatively of small
It is repeated that all persons are
urged and warned not to walk unnec-
sarily in parking spaces or driveways.
N.Y.A. IPayroll Checks. Checks for
the period ending December 23 are
now ready for distribution at the
Storehouse Building'
The Bureau has received notice of
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grad-
uate Assistantships at Iowa State
College, Ames, Iowa, for the year
1938-1939. For further information,
please call at the Bureau, 201 Mason
Hall, where detailed announcements
are on file.
The Bureau of Appointments
And Occupational Information
University Council: There will be a
meeting of the University Council on
Monday, Jan. 10, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 1009 Angell Hall.

Office in the School of Music Build-
ing on Maynard Street between the
hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4, Mon-
day, Jan. 10, will receive pass tickets
to the Slenczynski concert. After 4
o'clock no tickets will be given out.
Academic Notices
Playwrlting (English 149): will
meet on Tuesday night instead of
Monday night this week because of
the Choral Union Concert.
K. T. Rowe
Psychology 31, Section 2A makeup
examination for students who missed
either one of the two examinations
this semester will be held in Room
1121 N.S. at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
Jan. 11.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in Political Science. Th'e examin -
tions in French and German will be
given Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 2:00, 2033
A.H. Candidates may bring their own
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in
the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the current
academic year, 1937-1938, are inform-
ed that examinations will be offered
in Room 108, Romance Language
Building, from 2 to 5, on Saturday
afternoons, January 22, May 21, and
August 13. It will be necessary to
register at the office of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages (112
R.L.) at least one week in advance.
Lists of books recommended by the
various departments are obtainable at
this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
requirement at the earliest possible

Where Chinese dead sleep, Japanese soldiers take aim against still-living Chinese, defending their native
land against invasion. This Chinese mound-grave was used as a bulwark during skirmishes around Kei
Jenehan in North China.

Names of unemployed in New York state, filed on cards being sorted
at offices ofjob insurance drive, will° give a picture of the number of
unemployed and the work they desire.

date. A brief statement of the nature
Notice to all Members of the of the requirement, which will be
University: The following is an ex- found helpful, may be obtained at the
tract of a by-law of the Regents office of the Department, and fur-
(Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) ther inquiries may be addressed to
which has been in effect since Sep- Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R. L., Saturdays
tember, 1926: at 10:00 and by appointment).
"It wil hereafter be regarded a This announcement applies only to
contrary to University policy for candidates in the following depart-
anyone to have in his or her posses- ments: Ancient and Modern Langu-
sion any key to University buildings ages and Literatures, History, Econ-
or parts of buildings if such key is omics, Sociology, Political Science,
not stamped as provided (i.e. by the Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
Buildings and Grounds Department). nalism.
If such unauthorized keys are found
the case shall be referred to the Dean
or other proper head of the Univer-
sity division involved for his action Choral Union Concert: Ruth Slenc-
in accordance with this principle. zynski, phenomenal young American
Any watchman or other proper repre- pianist, will give the sixth program
sentative of the Buildings and in this season's Choral Union Con-
Grounds Department, or any Dean, cert Series, Monday, Jan. 10, at 8:30
department head or other proper o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The pub-
University official shall have the right lic is requested to be seated on time,
to inspect keys believed to open as the doors will be closed during
University buildings, at any reason- numbers.
able time or place.
" . For any individual to order, Graduation Recital. Isabel Wray,.
have made, or permit to be ordered harpist, of Evanston, Illinois, will give
or made, any dupcate of his or hea recital in partial fulfillment Of the
University key, through unauthorized ureiements for the Bachelor of Mu-
channels must be regarded as a spe- Isic degree, Tuesday evening, January_
cial and willful disregard of the 11, at 8:15 o'clock, at the School of
safety of University property t" Music Auditorium on Maynard Street.
The e regulations are c led to the The public is invited to attend with-
information and guidance. Any per- out admission charge.
son having any key or keys to Univer-
sity buildings, doors, or other locks, L ctures
contrary to the provisions recited Public Lecture: "Parthian Art" by
above, should promptly surrender the Prof. Clark Hopkins. Sponsored by
same to the Key Clerk at the office the Research Seminary in Islamic
of the Department of Buildings Art.h r Monday, Jan. 10, 4:15 in Room
_ndrnds ___re .Smt'D, Alumni Memorial Hall Illustrated
Notice to Men Students: All men with slides. No admission charge.
students, living ip approved room- Professor Gerald B. Phelan, S.T.B.,
ing houses, who have any thought of P of e B. of T.B.
moving to different quarters for the will of the Unversity of Toronto
second semester should give notice in Scholastic Philosophy" in the Grand
writing to the Dean of Students be- h Rapids Room of the Michigan
fore 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, Laguds omn fa the Mnd han
Jan. 15, 1938. Permission to move League, on Sunday and Monday, Jan.
will be given only to students com- 9 and 10 at 4:15 p.m. each afternoon
plying with this requirement. The public is cordially invited.
C. T. Olmsted. University Lecture: Dr. Norman L.
L.S.&A. Juniors --nd Seniors wish- Bowen, Charles L. Hutchinson Dis-
ing to change their field of concen- tinguished Service Professor in the
tration for the second semester, I University of Chicago, will give a
please procure slips at Room 4 U.H., public lecture on "Silicate equilibria
have them signed by the adviser in and their significance in rocks and
the new field, and return them to industrial products," in the Natural
Room 4, U.H. before Feb. 1, 1938. Science Auditoriun, Thursday, Jan.
Robert L. Williams. 13, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.Z
All Students: Registration for sec- a
ond semester. Each student should French Lecture: Mr. James O'Neill I
plan to register for himself during will give the third lecture on the
the appointed hours. Registrations Cercle Francais program: "Le The-
by proxy will not be accepted. atre Libre," Wednesday, January 12,
Robert L. Williams, at 4:15 o'clock, room 103 Romance
Assistant Registrar. Language Building. Tickets for the
Registration Material: Colleges of series -of lectures may be procured at
L.S.&A., Education, Music. Students the door.
should call for second semester regis-
tration material at Room 4 University Events Today
Hall as soon as possible. Please see University Broadcast: 9-9:30 a.m.
your adviser and secure all necessary mns You Love To Sing. Dr. Maddy.
signatures.H n
Robert L. Williams, conducting.
Assistant Registrar. Univesity Broadcast 12:30 - 1:00
Registration Material: College of p.m. Practical Sociology for the Lay-
Architecture. Students should call for man Series. Topic: What is a Good
second semester material at Room 4 Home?-E. W. Mallory. Directorof
University Hall at once. The College Social Service in the State Psycho-
of Architecture will post an an- pathic Hospital.
nouncement in the near future giving The Graduate Outing Club will
time of conferences with your classi- meet at Lane Hall Sunday at 2:30
fiter P leewait for this notice be-m t L H S a 2

Chances of death from pneumonia have lessened with development
of prompt use of a serum technique in which the victim's sputum must
be carefully analyzed. After sputum is "typed," correct serum is de-
termined. Injected intravenously, the serum (obtained from horses)
has proved most effective.

Grape colored cotton is this cas-
ual evening gown seen at the Miami
Biltmore Fashion Show in New
York. White pique outlines bodice
and jacket collar.

Must be a good story to be so enjoyed by California Senator William
Gibbs McAdoo (right),* as he and Capt. Jack Brophy fish off the coast
of Palm Beach, Fla.

Garbo sheds gloom on reaching homeland, Sweden, where she laughs,
talks and wears gloves covering hands caught in a ship's door.

On way tG sea, the navy's newest submarine, "Salmon," skins through waters near Provineetown, Mass.,
starting a series of trials over the measured ccurse o 0 Cape Cod. The submarine, first of the S-type, cost
S3.5{I0, 100.

" x.

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