FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, SAN. 8, 1938 FOUR 8ATURDAY, 34N. 8, 1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . / v . *1 - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studer Publications. Pufmihed every morning except Mondy during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved- En' .red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second .lass mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 64 00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 NEPRESSNTED FOR NATIONAL. AVERTIS4Ck 1Y NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Reresentative 420 MADiSON AE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAO- O SOwN LO ANGELES- SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR............TUURE TENANDER CMT EDITOR................. WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR ...................ROBERT P WEEKS WoMEN'S EDITOR ............ ....HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR.....................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES *01LPIT 'MANAGER ................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH N. FREEDMAN The editorials published inIhe licigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Anchors Awig... AN ASPECT of the President's message to Congress which received less at- tention than it deserved, largely because of the absorbing interest of the sections of the speech devoted to problems of business and government, was the recommendation for an increased navy, which the President deemed necessary in view of the increasingly precarious world situation. l The question of an enlarged military or naval program is always . an involved one. In the present instance, as in the case of most naval bills, proponents offer two main arguments for an increase. A large navy, they say, is in the first place a warning to hostile powers not to attack us, and in the second, a guarantee of vic- tory if we become involved in a war. The first consideration implies a premise that a war involving the United States will be begun by the enemy, at present pretty clearly indicated ps Japan, the only strong aggressor nation with interests likely to conflict with our own. The truth of the premise is not borne out either by history or by the present international situation. The United States has never once, in the six major wars in which it has engaged, been at- tacked by a foreign power, and today, in spite of American business interests in China and in- cidents on the Yangtze, there is not the slightest reason to believe that even the undoubtedly reckless militarists in control of Tokyo policy con- template, or are likely to contemplate, a descent on the United States. At present the naval tonnage of Japan is about three quarters that of America, with a decisive American superiority in capital ships. While it is true that Japan is building faster than we, it will be several years before parity can be reached. And even parity should carry no serious threat to the United States, for under modern conditions of warfare, in which strategic and tactical advantages have been almost wholly superseded by mechanical ones, no nation can lightly risk war with an adversary of equal strength. And particularly would this rule hold true in the case of Japan and the United States, for a Japanese fleet attacking our western coast would be forced to operate at an extremely haz- ardous distance from its base. Naval history, from Salamis to Tsushima has demonstrated repeatedly the handicap under which such a fleet operates, a handicap of which the Japanese admiralty is well aware. As for the "guarantee of victory" which a strong navy is said to assure, this is a most in- sidious and dangerous form of imperialistic propaganda. A strong navy does not guarantee victory, but only inspires a popular belief in its invincibility, a frame of mind which under emo- tional pressure is easily roused to- a war-fever. How many destructive wars. might have been prevented if the population had possessed a sober appreciation of the horrors of war and the un- certainty of victory, instead of an inflammatory slogan of "On to Richmond," "A Berlin" or "Nach Paris," based on a tragically fallacious as- sumption of military superiority! Money for naval building might better be expended for badly-needed housing and relief. Let the government beware of substituting bat- tleships for butter. Joseph Gies. rin R~ate fore the election are carried out, Hill, the present chairman of the House Military Affairs Committee, will be immediately appointed sen- ator, since in Alabama, Democratic nomination is tantamount to election. Of nation-wide interest is the fact that the new Senator is one of the few Southern and one of the two Alabama representatives to vote for the Administration's wage-hour bill. This additional support in the Senate will materially streng.then the chances for final passage of the measure. At the same time, House support will not be weakened as a New Deal sympathizer will probably be elected from the comparatively lib- eral Montgomery district of Alabama. Hill, who was supported by most of Alabama's usually conservative press, is a congressional veteran, having been representative from the Montgomery district for the last 14 years. His leadership of the Military Affairs Committee has brought him widespread praise. Two facts stand out in Hill'selection. The first- is in the new Senator, himself. As may be seen from his support of the wage-hour bill, he is a politician who has departed from the policy of looking out only for the immediate good. of his region. Instead, he is thinking in, terms of not only the future welfare of his state but for the welfare of the nation as a whole. The other pertinent fact is, we sincerely hope, indicative of a trend in the South-that is the defeat of Thomas Heflin, exponent of the Ku Klux Klan in politics. It is in effect a trend away from political bigots toward statesmen. Roy Sizemore. UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI . THERE AIN'T NO FLIES ON US BUT SOMEWHERE over in the Natural Science Building -genetics laboratory-there is an innocent microscope with one fly on it and probably hovering over the microscope is an anxious professor. The professor is exultant as well as anxious. For he has before his lens what he believes is an extremely rare example of mutation where the genes and the hormones got crossed up and the fly came out with a couple of hundred biack eyes. Our informer tells us that the eyes of the fly are most important in the story of fly genetics anyway because that is the factor re- maining constant no matter what the sins of the family are. Well, the other day a student slipped his fly under the glass and walked away for a moment. Coming back he was shocked by the sight of this blackeyed beauty. He of course ran to the professor and the learned fellow came back with him and carried the Musca Domestica. for inquisition. Since then they say he has been pretty enthusiastic, but we for one hope not because a senior friend of ours in the class is embarrassed about it.. It just happens that he had thought it would be great fun while the other student was gone, to drop a little ink from his pen on the fly's head. Now he hates to take the wind out of the learned man's sails. ** * * The ice is melting on the river, We are all so glad, Everyone is all aquiver; Spring is here, by gad. Oh well, it rhymes and the early bird gets the worm or vice versa. * * * * Ii feemf 1 o Me H-eywood Broun Of late the War College of Washington corre- spondents has been somewhat critical of Franklin D. Roosevelt as a field general. Even his warm supporters have expressed the opinion that his old touch for political tactics was waning. He has been accused of fumbling inside the five-yard line. And there is no doubt that within the year the President has suffered defeat in numerous skirmishes and even met re- verses in a few major en- gagements. But I think the experts lose sight of the fact that Mr. Roosevelt has always had a tendency to lose all the battles but the last one. Naturally I have the Supreme Court fight pri- marily in mind. Who won the war? It is beyond argument that the Congress killed all but a minor portion of the President's program, and yet when a check up is made it must be evident that the man who sits in the driver's seat is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It will be said that if the President had waited patiently and silently for eleven months and allowed biology and wind and weather to take their natural course, he would have gained every advantage which now lies within his hand. And, of course, there will be talk of Roosevelt luck. And Still A Third Theory In his famous Liberty League address Al Smith wrapped himself in the judicial ermine, the American flag and the glory of God and declared roundly that the Creator was a strict construc- tionist who would never permit the existence of a High Bench committed to broad interpretation. Accordingly, it is barely possible that Roosevelt idolators may now counter with the assertion that Jehovah is a New Dealer. Not one of these three theories seems convincing to me. I won't deny there was a little luck, but the President should receive credit for pressing it while the dice were hot. By turning the heat on the conservative bloc of the court he managed to get favorable decisions on measures which otherwise would have been lost. And now at a time when Mr. Justice Roberts gives every indication of returning to the right. Mr. Justice Sutherland steps down. The weather has not been salubrious for conservatives on the court. But it seems to me that Mr. Roosevelt has done more than win an immediate tactical advantage. He has not succeeded in balancing the budget, out he has accomplished something far more im- portant. He has restored the balance of the three co-ordinate branches of our government. Even the bitterest foes of the judicial program by the very nature of the circumstances were forced to admit that the Supreme Court is in politics. And it always has been. The Death of A Legend Yet over a course of years a legend was created and Americans were led to believe that by putting on a black gown a former Senator or Governor or corporation lawyer forgot all his past preju- dices and associations and became a disembodied spirit making judgments based upon pure ether- eal reasoning. How could there be any balance when the executive and legislative branches of the govern- ment were admittedly mundane and the judicial branch was supposedly made up of demi-gods? The fight brought out the fact that the members of the High Court are neither gods nor devils -but Republicans and Democrats, liberals and, conservatives like all the rest of us. There is only one more river to be crossed. Now that the President has won, I hope he will keep it won. If he appoints a namby-pamby liberal in a gesture of conciliation, he will sacrifice some of the fruits of victory. Now is the time to ram a good man down the throats of the reactionaries. How about Felix Frankfurter, of Harvard; Lloyd Garrison of Wisconsin; J. Warren Madden, of the National Labor Relations Board, or Jerome N. Frank, of the SEC? On The Lervel TI By NORMAN T. KIELL Publication in the Bulletin is con University. Copy received at the of Lo, .An Actor!until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Hiding behind a putty nose, a gruff SATURDAY, JAN. 8, 1938 voice, and apparently half a ton of VOL. XLVIII. No. 75 flesh, Maurice Evans' metamorphosis from the piteous weakling Richard University Women: All women stu- II to the robust swaggerer Falstaff dents who intend to change houses at of Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part I. is at the end of this semester must ad- little short of the incredible. When vise the househead of this intention Mr. Evans announced that he was before Saturday, Jan. 15. Accord- going to do a Shakespeare repertory, and that the next play would be Hen- ing to contrac s, no changes of resi- ry VI. it was commonly thought thatf dence can be, approved after that he would cast himself as Hotspur. date. Juniors and seniors in the But Mr. Evans is not merely a per- University dormitories may be re- former1 he is an actor. The physical leased from their contracts to live in obstacles presented by a part for sorority houses. which he seemed miscast were easily Any student now in residence who overcome, and these may be readily will not be in college the second dismissed. But here is an actor whose semester, whether because of gradua- gestures are different, whose voice is tion or other reason, is requested to of an entirely different register, whoset notify the director of her residence as blood is full and runnizg. soon as possible. It was- not until the inn scene in Jeannette Perry, Boar's Head Tavern after Falstaff Assistant Dean of Women returns from his misadventure at the h Gadshill robbery that the production The Bureau has received notice of came into its own. Here, for the first Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grad-' int it ow. Hreforthe uarte Assistantships at Iowa State time was the spirit of Falstaff, and of uateACollege A ss, a t for t ar course, the play, caught. We see his CIlege, Ames, Iowa, for the year wonderful command for evasive an- 1938-1939. For further information, swers; we hear him present the affair please call at the Bureau, 201 Mason so as to put himself in a favorable Hall, where detailed announcements light; we wonder, is Falstaff one who I are on file. can lie with such amazing alacrity The Bureau of Appointments that he can convince himself by the And Occupational Information time his tale is done? His audacity and spontaneity extricate him from Students Planning to do Directed the embarrassing places he gets into. Teaching: Students expecting to do And Mr. Evans catches the agile mind directed teaching the second semes- encased in this ton of flesh. ter are urged to interview Dr. Curtis. But for the most part, Mr. Evans' in Room 2442 University Elementary associates do not complement his per- School according to the following formance. Carrying over from Bol- schedule: ingbroke in Richard II, Frederic Wor-! Wednesday, Jan. 26: 1:30 to 4:30,. lock's King Henry was entirely lack- Mathematics and Science, Commer- ing in characterization. Winston T: cial SubjectsJ O'Keefe as Prince Hal was more like Thursday, Jan. 27: 1:30 to 4:30, the opijay essngerHotpurLatin, French, German, Fine Arts. seaks pinjy messegboudleHotsp Friday, Jan. 28: 9:00 to 12:00, tempt, than a Prince of Wales. Elean- English and Speech. or Phelps' Dame Quickley was a dis- Friday, Jan. 28: 1:30 to 4:30, So- tinct disappointment, as were the cial Studies. other women in the cast. As for the Assignments for directed teaching rest o'f the company. a label of Thes- i are made in order of application. [AL BULLETIN istructive notice to all menmber o the Mice of the Assistant to the President additional assignment material J. G. Cassidy. Psychology 31, Section 2A makeup examination for students who missed either one of the two examinations this semester will be held in Room 1121 N.S. at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 11. Comprehensive Examination in Education: Will be given today at 9 a.m. and at 2 p.m. in the University High School auditorium. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: Will be given today at 1 p.m. in the University High School auditorium. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Ruth Slenc- zynski, phenomenal young American pianist, will give the sixth program in this season's Choral Union Con- cert Series, Monday, Jan. 10, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium.. The pub- lic is requested to be seated on time, as the doors will be closed during numbers. Lectures Public Lecture: "Parthian Art" by Prof. Clark Hopkins. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, Jan. 10, 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Illustrated with slides. No admission charge. Professor Gerald B. Phelan, S.T.B., Ph.D. of the "University of Toronto will lecture upon "Some Aspects of Scholastic Philosophy" in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League, on Sunday and Monday, Jan. 9 and 10 at 4:15 p.m. each afternoon. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Norman L. Bowen, Charles L. Hutchinson Dis- tinguished Service Professor in the University of Chicago, will give a public lecture on "Silicate equilibria and their significance in rocks and industrial products," in the Natural Science Auditorium, Thursday, Jan. 13, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor dially invited. Events Today University Broadcast: 9-9:15 a.m. Jack and Joan at Michigan. University Broadcast: 5:45-6:00 p.m. Musical program. University of Michigan Band. William D. Revelli, conductor. The Outdoor Club: The Outdoor Club will go to Barton Pond by bus Saturday for a skating party. The group will meet at State and Wil- liams Streets at 1:30 p.m. Every- body interested 1is invited to come along. Ann Arbor Friends will meet at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. Follow- ing a meeting for worship, Emily Morgan and Bernard Weissman will report on their summer at the Friends Work Camp in Fayette Co., Penn. f j i 7 t 1 1 c 1 c a pians with a. capital T will suffice.! However, we must remember that I this is now a repertory group and the' resultant difficulty in casting is only too apparent here; and we must take cognizance of the fact that the play was rehearsed under the stress of travelling and giving another show at the same time.f But I have not mentioned Hotspur.t Wesley Addy gives a vigorious, dyn- amic performance of the young lord whose impetuosity knows no re- straint; we get his fiery restless na- ture, his rage at the King's action in not ransoming Mortimer, his con- tempt for Prince Hal. He is Shake- speare's great man of action, standing out as the symbol of all the staminat and courage associated with chival- rous ideas. And Mr. Addy does play him well, that is, up to the point where he falls dead with such a re- sounding thud and "ugh" that it was re-echoed with titters by my neigh- bors. Further there was one scene in which he participated that was es-t pecially bad, although it was not his fault but that of the director, Mar- garet Webster. In the scene where1 the revolutionists are arguing over the division of the land, we do not get the, Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union in good standing who call in person at the Recorder's Office in the School of Music Build- ing on Maynard Street between the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4, Mon- day, Jan. 10, will receive pass tickets to the Slenczynski concert. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be given out. Academic Notices Criminology field trip: Bus leaves from Michigan Union at 8:15 Satur- day morning. There are a few extra seats for students who have not signed up, but still wish to visit De- troit police station, clinics, courts. Prof. A. E. Wood. English 31 class at 10:00, Saturday, Jan. 8, will not be held. Earl L. Griggs. English 107, Mr. Cassidy's section. Will members please call at English Office Saturday morning, Jan. 8, for Syncopation I SCARLETT FEVER We've got to, that's all there is to it. be resisted any longer so who are we Simon Legree. And especially with It can't to play Scarlett O'Hara. The scene of the novel, "Gone with the Wind" is in the reconstruction South when landowners were fighting an all engulfing poverty spreading through the wrecked cotton country. Scarlett is a strong-willed woman, who has a powerful love for her home, Tara. She is driven by circum- stances to every measure in her power to keep possession of it when the times grow lean after the Civil War. Three times she marries the man for his money mainly so that she can keep her feet rooted. Once or twice she believes she is in love but usually the necessity of keeping the land overcomes that. The first t'wo husbands con- veniently die, but the third lives on. That's Rhett Butler, who all along is the man who loves her- faithful fellow that he is. Finally after about a thousand pages of mar- ried life and other vicissitudes, Scarlett finally decides that she loves Rhett even though married to him. But by this time Rhett has given up and Scarlett has only the land left to fool around with, but she is young and she is handsome, and even though Rhett leaves her she faces the world with all the courage of a little Orphan Annie after Daddy Warbucks disappears up an alley in Angkor Vat. SO, YOU SEE, Scarlett is a wilful woman, strong and capable, proud and grasping, who al- lows devotion to an idea to overcome the normal instincts. The years probably don't harden her any more than she was in the beginning, but she becomes indifferent perhaps to her own position and accepts the struggle without running to mother. Now you go on from there. -Mr. Disraeli. Today's Symposium To the Editor: In answer to a recognized need, a symposium on "The Problems of Racial Minority Groups" has been arranged. It t t f i crescendo-peak of the fine clash of By TOM McCANN character between Hotspur and Glen- Lionel Hampton provided us with dower; rather, Glendower is a dod- a brief bit of drumming on Wed- COming E- en"s dering fool, deep in senility. Also, we nesday night that was positively German Table for Faculty Mem- should get some foreboding that this amazing. The colored vibraphone bers: The regular luncheon meet- dissension among the leaders will end star of the Goodman quartet was ing will be held Monday at 12:10 in catastrophe for them. None of taking the place of Gene Krupa, who in the Founders' Room of the Michi- this feeling gets across the stage. has been ill, and the crowd at the gan Union. All faculty members in- Another point in poor direction was Pennsylvania went completely wild terested in speaking German are cor- the final battle scene. If it were not after he gave his exhibition during dially invited. for the stirring martial music that one of the trio numbers. accompanies the action, the pcene Faculty Women's Club: On Jan. 12 would have fallen with as much a It has always been our contention i at 3:15 p.m. i -Lydia Mendelssohn thud as did Hotspur. that Krupa is not the best drummer Theatre, the Faculty Women's Club As a matter of fact, the organ and man. Of course, the gum-chewing I will present Play Production in two drum accompaniment during the in- Gene is the best showman in the big one-act plays. termissions and its use in several of time, but in regard to matters of the scenes was a major factor in technique, it seems to us that Ray Luncheon for Graduate Students on carrying the action along. I Bauduc, of the Bob Crosby band, Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 12 o'clock in The sets of Henry VI, except forI Tommy Dorsey's Dave Tough and the Russian Tea Room of the Michi- the Tavern scene, were frankly bor- Hampton are the more efficient musi- gan League. Cafeteria service. Prof. rowed from "Richard II" but not cians. Preston E. James of the Geography much was lost thereby. As more per- Certainly it seems silly to argue this Department will speak informally on formances of the production are giv- , way in the light of Gene's winning "Dictatorship in Brazil." en, the changes will undoubtedly be first place in Down-Beat's contest and glossed and smoothed over. What other evidences of his popularity, but Professor Gerald B. Phelan, St. B., should be corrected immediately how- if his work on "Sing, Sing, Sing" can Ph.D. of the University of Toronto ever is the faulty amateurish lighting even be considered as competition for will speak at a luncheon at the Union, d e at imes was focused at the au- Hampton's contribution in "After Monday, Jan.d10 at 12:15. All faculty diene an on he bxes.You've Gone," we'll eat the record- members are cordially invited. Reser- The criticism here is not meant to ings.'ations may be made by calling be carping but helpful, for we should* * University 343. be eternally grateful to Mr. Evans There is, of course, that other for permitting us to see the best Fal- school of drumming, as typified by Men's Physical Education Club: staff America has had in fifty years. Shep Field's temple block artist, who Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 11, 9 o'clock in ----- - has tickety-tock, tickety-tock, tick- Room 302 of the Union. Dr. T. Luther Knave And Maids' ety-tocked his way through the swirl-I Purdom will speak on employment ng, rushing waters of Field's Falls for f possibilities and Dean Edmonson will By EDWARD JURIST several moons now. Two other prom- also give a brief talk. All members The stage of the Mendelssohn inent members of this school are Abe inculding coaches and instructors are Theatre both yesterday afternoon and Lyman and "Skinny" Ennis, who, of urged to attend. today, finds Mother Goose trucking course, are still considered the world's on down on behalf of the Children's worst on drums. Attention Sophomore Engineers: Theatre. With this streamlined mu- There will be a shogt but very im- sical comedy version of the nursery personality. Those other actors who portant meeting of all sophomore en- rhymes, "Knaves and Maids," the caught the fantastic spirit of the per- gineers at 4 p.m. in Room 34& West Children's Theatre has discovered formance were, Eleanor McCoy, the Engineering Building pn Thursday, that its wealth lies in an execution play's adaptor, James Moll, Ronald Jan. 13. It is important that all make exaggereated far beyond what is Butler and Ruth Menefee. a special effort to be present. Please necessary for the adult theatre. And As for the music, although it kept be on time. because this delightfully simple and its place, it had nothing of the color- colorful play has been so conceived by ful flavor of the rest of the produc- Women's Badminton: A singles its director. Sarah Pierce it i scr-, tion. "The little blond girl who sat tournament for women students will By WRAG What's all this about "The Junior Girls Play?" As far as can be ascertained, so do the fresh- man, sophomore, and senior girls. The best crack of the week goes to a guy who was asked by some friends to eat at one of Michigan's cooperative dining halls. "No thanks," Ae said, "it's too much like eating someplace on the day after the Revolution!" Another dope ran him a close second by saying. "It's rather strange to think that when you have too many headaches, you order glasses, and you usually get your headaches from order- ing too many glasses." * * * * Republican gag-men will be missing a swell chance if they don't post a ticket-taker at the door when The President's Ball is held in Wash- ington on Jan. 30. When' Roosevelt tries to walk t