PAGE TWO THE )MICHIG-*AN DAILY 3_kS 0.".[I..L A f .1 SN. Cat 955 PAGE TWO ~ATUJU1AY, JAN. 8, l~38 University 'Tests h otSchoolsIn 15,000: First-Year Pupils Take Psychological .Aia Silent Reading Exams During the past week 150 Michigan high schools, which have been accred- Rted by the Universty, have adminis-' tered the fourth annual testing pro- gram to 15,000 first year students in their schools using the American Council on Education psychological examiation and the Traxer silent reading test. The tests will be scored by te high schools and tabulation of the results will be done by the Bureau of Educa- tional Reference and Research here under the direction of Prof. Clifford 'Woody of the education school Re- s. ults of the central tendencies which _ date fsts show will be sent to the -; schools April 20. The purpose of the test program is to aid in the educational guidance of the pupil, to help diagnose strengths and weaknesses of pupils in various learning situations and to provide data whzich 41,11d be helpful in aiding 'thle pupil tio mak his vocational choice. t A student inquiry blank was givenj to each student to help the Bureau I ' analyze th results which the tests show, In selected schools, about 300 pupils will be given an additional test devised by Dr. Paul P. Brainard who received his doctor's degree in the ...........University's psychology department 'to discover what the students like to a xdo best. It is thus aimed at helping "K them determine their choice of vo- cation TPests will be tabulated in light of ;,the 'subjects they like best, choice of vocationh, whether they are planning to go to 'college, type of high school ' which they attend, the courses they tke and their interests in light of vocational guidance. ' Members of the committee for state testing programs are: ClarenceWht Wi-ney-of Wyandotte, chairman; Claude _ J Dykhouse, Plymouth; Clemens P. Steimle, Ypsilanti; Lawrence E. Vred- evoogd, Ann Arbor; Robert L. Wil- ~liams Ann Arbor; and Prof essor Woody. . 'JEUPHUSM' ORIIN The term Euphuism, denoting a xstyle of writing with excessive figures of speech, was derived from John ' Lyly's "Euphues" published in 1579. IClassified WANTED UPPERCLASSMEN or graduate ' roommate in small, quiet house. Call 4489. 248 " TYPING-Carefully and accurately done, L. M, -Heywood, 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. 106 TYPING, neatly and accurately done Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone 6327, Experienced typist. Reason- ' able rates. 232 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8:,$25. Ladies :fur coats, t ypewrit - ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam 6304. 2x LAUNDRY LAUNDR-Y, 2-1044. Sox darned. ' Careful work at low pricea. SI!LVER LAUNDRY Phone c '194 607 E. Hoover Call For nd Deliver--Free of Charge PRIt1? F A1W[,F:FOR WASH611INGC A ANT) IRONING1 I fl'itI Get J)(ubI ,"IPeckers 1-2 iioesr Atieiid (iea' }Lai1lg, z ge AMee iTwelve members of the Department of IRomnance Laun ia ges attended t he1 anual meing1ofrIlie Modern Langu- agce Associatlion of America, in the DrakIe tel: , Chicago, December 28-1 30. Prof. Cha rles P. Wainer presided at t he me^, ;u of the resear(ch group inI Medic--l SpanishleTiterature and Iuiiw ysof whic'h he has beenI (')i: 1 afor the paast year'. Prof. Rene Tahoron read a paper on "Corneille '01 le Tcmp.Y' before the group on French Liter. ar; of the Sixteenth and SevC.enenthcot uries. Prof. Chiarles: A. ;iniudson was elect- ed chairmnan of the ieer' group in-I tvl.:it,itng French' Linguistics andl Mediaeval Literature for 1938. Otlier rnembers, of the Romance Language dena xri' t nnt; att ending the{ meeting were Prof. E. L~. Adams, Prof. M. S. Prigndent, Prof. W. F. Patterson, Prof. J. N. Lincoln. Prof. N. S. Bement, C. N. Staubacb, V A. Scanio, Hi. J. Skornia, and J.- R. Browne. (wses (>wii f lt.InLgypf! Beaui tiful 'Blue' Dan ubeGreen, Austriain Actress Tells Students By KAY SCHULTZ looking national costumes are worn. The Danube is neither blue nor by American girls visiting in Austria. beautiful as we have been told, but 'Oh we just love rich Americans! " green and dirty instead, Helga von she said as explaining that Austria Amann, an Austrian actress visiting has been a poor country since the wa ir the campus, told a group of speech and now depends for existence upon students yesterday. the tourist trade. Miss von Amann, marveling at the The rapid tempo of American life is freedom of speech and press in this interesting to Miss von Amann. She country, said, In Europe we have says that Austrians "spend half their dictators and so must be cautious, lives in a coffee-house." adding thiat but here people say exactly what they she thinks it queer Americans do not th ink." enjoy more the pleasant relaxation of A native of Vienna, Miss von} unhurried conversation as Europeans Anmaun hi as also lived in Poland and do, lltudied in Germany but speaks Eng- Of course, Miss von Amann has seen lish clearly and fluently with only a that University students are not busy 4,light accenit. She finds even the all the time, for she has visited the voices of Americans quite different Parrot to which she has applied the from those of Europeans and she en- German verision of the name pap- vies the freedom of American women, agei."' particularly their self-assured man- ---_ _ ncr. Swing music captivates her, she cofse.W rdCo-eds' comfortable and informalra e r d ets, e p c a l th lo - e l d s o s T l w h ich , sh e said , seem to be p ecu liar t o college campuses, came in for Miss___ von Amann's admiration. The viv- ac'ious actress appeared here in a' Movies. Of Smpulei America smart blue sport dress, blue suede ox- Will Be Feaiired fords, and a grey Persian lamb coat. I____ Buying ready-made dresses proved a W. B. i1Werlake, travetler and f a- problem to her ; the women of Vienna ther of Clare Timberlake, '28, will tdve buy the material and have their dres- an illustrated lecture -'on "A Mov ie ses made. Of the reporter she asked,' Trip Through South America" at 7:15 "When you buy dress, aren't you p.m. Jan. 12 in Room 103 of the Ro- afraid someone else will have one just mance Language Building., like it?" In answer' to a question about na- This lecture, which is t'o he inl Eng- tive dress, she replied that the pea- lish, will be open to the p ublie For t ~i~ fr',r~~y ~~ ~ a nominal admission chaLrge. S~ ~CCVI I Sevrcldry Prof. G. E. Densmnole of the speech dei )art i ent. wa; reelected executive secretLary of the National Associa- tion of Teachers of Speech at their c nrnuial convenion in New York last jweek. One Ithousand teaichers5 of speech., representLing one-foutrtiIi of the memn- bership of the sci etyv attended thel convention and selected Chicago as the 1938 conveintion city. Two speech magazines, "The Quar- terly ,Journal of Speech" and "Speech 'Monographs" as well as the national directory of the society are published "i'M u,,k pha Nahas (A i gy t slt:ed in I :?i?Cal£wu. 'Thle Chamber of Depu- te- vo(1lc t' cofidence in the sarw cabinet. Ramsdell ack Picturesque attire and that the best Voi-deeked delight for commuters is the new. car introduced, expiw i:,'ntally, by the Long Island Railroad. Capacity is increased j taore taNt 50 per cent over the car in r~egular use, say railroad officials. Passenger's step up from aisle, to upper tier; and down from aisle to lower level, Fromn Parleys l)etroit's Laborers .0On Land Usej Are Half Employed Mr. Timberlake will show movies taken by his son, Clare, who hzas re- cently been appointed American con- sul at Vigo, Spain, in the revolution area. After the younger Timberlake was graduated from the University he Swas appointed Consul to Canada and was then removed to Buenos rAires, during which period he took these pictures. IV-Kp"ZTL w llk d'VAT "III I 6. R UI i l Ciui bl 7 -) i Lt~stl y k7.IWP:V q j L iI iiE I IU'EUfi kCy the University of Micigan VPress. Prof. Willi a m 'F. RatMidell of thej IFor-,... ... .-Scljcol ofi orc_,,..y am Coniserva- .S flier, Cadet Scott P. Hawkins, 29, of! Jefferson City, Mo. He fell to deathI tion represented the University Insti- x-rys f ,45 ne etrats SAN PEDRO, Calif., Jan. 7T----O)- xesterday 100 miles offshore from a lute of Public and Soacial Adminis-j of the 'University of Michigan this T hirty-five fig hting ships scanned thei catapulted plane attached to the tration at a recent four-day confer- fall, a project carried on for the past se (a today while 284 planes huntedj cruiser Chicago searching for the e'nce on Land Use at Cambridge, three Years, revealed nine active and fr;teat nanae f6,0 other seven missing Navy aviators. Mass. twnt-furaresedcaesoftuel- qa ie misnoff ti eot 60,e0c0for Mope waned for the svnmn r-ISponsored by the Har-,vard. Gradu- twenty-f rreported casince tuber-sayeven ingn oni sarmieofthcosheefr3Iculosis, it was announ~ced at the egtnvl .r sa e.oeofte snavy'snewest cruinersof ,ate School of Puiblic Administration,i University Health Service recently.e'ght'caaf:s n hpaftee ighthti£ conferen'15seiatocws Advanced cases are sentliowm Wews ohp o teegt the air, a 25 ton patrol bomber. E"Lanud Use Planning Activities in the Others are observed during their stay ---'-Gi (at Lazkes Stes. Ten~ other rep- at the University and are advised as reseuta ti ves from Michigan. Wiscori- to r-estricted schedules. VNN R ~bPMEOCR AMS sin; and Minnesota attended. -.N t__----. AU3~~~ ani attempt was made to ireview HAS MOST CANADIAN-BORN th'e entire field of rural land use and Detroit has a larger number ofl wj11:t- il)_S H;,orac e heidi Ux1; i 10M rchj ii use adjustment for the Great Canaianbor resdens tan ny 1 :3---~ii~ Swnso ~:akes iregion, of which forest lands oth r cyian-b th e sUi edts tates. ny 'TM 100 slham Jones rch. com prise fully 50 per cent by area," ote iyi h Uie tts :00 Ty 1.,, 12:30 -Wayne King Orch. Il Professor Ramsdell said in explain- ___________________________ 6 t15 -ILiuzncr Mt 1' - 60:30--Press Iai o NcVw :. win ing the meeting. (i 45-- Rellgion in tin' News. P.M __________________ 3 7:00 --Dance IMIusi:. 16:00-- St evenson News D ir b45.0t r 0 e730--Newscast. 61t:a5-Musical. t :5-Sport Review. 13 :30--Syncopation Piece. R EAD THlE AN i'D : 1(0--Believe It Or' Not.(6:45---Coxnedy Star's, - - a an .IJmk T-Hley 7 -00--News Comes to bil!. - (Continued from Page 1) fore thle end of the State's fiscal year, Ihe said. Chrysler Reopens DETROIT, Jan. 7. - 01) - The Chrysler Corp. announced today that its plants would re-open .Jan. 11, eml- ploying 55,000 persons, the same num- ber. it said, employed before the plants closed Dec. 23 for the holiday shutdown. Figures False, BennettS ays F 1 DETROIT. Jan. 7.-(AP)--Harry H. Bennett, personnel director of the Ford Motor Co., differed today with both Gov. Frank Murphy and Homer Martin, president of the United Au- tomobile Workers, over estimates of the number employed at the. Ford Rouge factory. Before Christmnas, 35,000 Ford employes were laid off, Bennett said some of them have al- ready been called back. I.M.A. AUDITORIUM FLINT, MICHIGAN Saturday, Jan. 8th DEL DELBRIDGE HOURS 9 to 1 LADIES 25c GENTLEMEN 55c 0 1 Lb I S atiacio1u4c'nte Individually Done, -No Marking 236 FOR RENT FOR THREE MEN, sulte withmpriv tec bath nd shower. Steam healt,, Phone 8544. 422 Ti. Washlington1. 242 FOR :SALE TUX FOP? SALE: Average size. Ex- cellent condition. $15. John Davis. Phone 2-2490. 250 FOR SL:Used Packa,+rd lct rc razr. lQ.Good conldiion. Phone 5871. 1030 Bald win. 249 FOR SAl 1E:Tyert. Royal up-! right, ins good coiditioii. Gladys Chrisfianmsen. Phone233-1 7 .243 39:001)-Dance TMu- it 9:30--Specill :ix ry. 10fi:00---NBC ; vijh)11wy Orcli 11:301- -DandeM i 12:00 .-Dance < usc P.M 6:00--1)ay1 vicvlw. 6:15--MArkWeber (Jr(:hi (;:"0--Lost Monniit. 7I:00--M es,,-ge of Israel. 7:30-Town Tull1k. 8:00--Hary Lwis(Ji"; 8:5-1ictorArcien. 0:00 ---National fBarn Da cc 10:00-NBIC SmhoyOrh. 11 :30 --Jimmiy Dcmirey: Orch 12 :00---Graystolie. ('KLVW 0:30---Vincenit York Ox ,11 '1:00_ -Sport7wSat,. 7:15--Dick Sail'Orch. i:45- Van Olmxan Oreb. 8:00-- Barnst~omilerls, 8:30 -Ha nov Hal, 7 :30- -CarbortmuduiBand - 8 :00- Columbia WoI'ksioi). 8:30 --plililip Morris. <):0-1 -Professor Quiz. 9-30 -Pres(ident Rbooevelt. 10:00--Your' Hit Parade. 10:45 --Radio Soap Box. 11 .15--Buddy Rogers Orch. 11:30--Benny Goodmtan Orchi. 12:00- -Embery Deutsch Ouchl.I 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P,M. i' ITRIIGTDY I A / _. ; . THE GREATEST MUSICAL YET from Darryl F, Zanuck and his 20th Century- Fox hit-mtrod-rs ! I- short To'ps Sock ,(pr.).. Pajarnas ~4c ~4c 3c I ti Ha t er on Racked . . .25 Brick . . 17c pit _ SPECIAL But'ter Pecc -- - - - -- -- - -- I 9:00-.--Lo LOST AND) FOUND 93-o -- - -- - --7 30:30-6 LOP,: Be ore'c )ltion. i, J'S1'. rund 11:0- -C: gold wist wtch 1ibcvera rw1i-, 397 Jordan hall.f r 1,2-4501. 24i LOST: Blacwk ;,nd gold ftulntin Petl and pen(i l in 0' lor oud W