THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women Meet Purdue Debate Team Tonight Miss Betty Mansfied And Miss Katherine Schultz To Represent Michigan The negative team from the Uni- versityhWomen's Debating Team will meet the affirmative team of Purdue University at 8 p.m. today in La- fayette, Ind., debating the issue of "Neutrality." Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, and Ka- therine Schultz, '39, will be the rep- resentatives from this University. and they will debate against two women students from Purdue University. Ac- companying Miss Mansfield and Miss Schultz will be Miss olive Lockwood. who is an assistant in the speech department. Debater Has Had Experience Miss Mansfield has had one year of debating experience. She was a mem- ber of the entertainment committee for the 1936 Freshman Project, has been active on League committees and was chairman of the ticket com- mittee for this year's Assembly Ban- quet. Miss Schultz has had two years of debating experience, and during her freshman year was assistant chair- man of the Freshman Project. She is a member of Athena Society and was active in Sophomore Cabaret work last year. Same Debate Held Dec. 9 The question of this debate is the same as that for the debate which was held Dec. 9 in the League Ball- room: "Resolved: That the United States Should Maintain a Policy of Complete Neutrality in International Disputes." Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, and Barbara H. Bradfield, '38, debat- ed at that time against two women students from the University of Min- nesota. All the women's debating teams of the Big Ten schools are arguing this question. Today's debate will com- plete the Purdue-Minnesota-Mich- igan combination, as the Purdue neg- ative team has already met the Min- nesota affirmative. Miss Lockwood, Miss Mansfield and Miss Schultz left yesterday for La- fayette and they plan to return to- morrow. Junior Girls' Play Groups Meet Today Dancing practice for the 1938 Jun- ior Girls Play will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the League, it was announced yesterday by Charlotte Poock, charman of the dance com- mittee. Women who have had no previous; dancing lessons should attend at 4 p.m. and the advanced group will meet at 5 p.m. The room will be an- nounced on the bulletin board. The publicity committee will meet at 3:15 p.m. and the costume com- mittee at 4:15 p.m. The ushers and makeup committees Will hold their meetings at 5 p.m. Roberta Chissus, general chairman, urges that all members attend the meetings in order to obtain health re- check slips. Transfers should get special permission slips from Miss Perry and give them to the commit- tee chairmen at the meeting. This is Another Mid -Winter VALUE! DRESSES Values from $10.95 to $39.75 Writes Children's Play Social Service Council Honors Youth Directors Moping On The Mall By Me"'"der""#" """ni Harold Golds To Preside In spite of "he post-vacation lull in activities that usually is in evidence j at this time, the League and the W.A.A. seem to be getting under way At Showing Of Movies fairly well. epicting Youth Hostels Wyvern started off with their Tuesday luncheon. All the member, were there, among them Janet Fullenwider, Poodie Pomeroy, Charlotte Poock Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Smith, di- Sybil Swartout, Betty Lyon, Stephanie Parfet, Roberta Chihsus, Marian rectors of the youth hostel movement, Baxter and Barbara Heath. will be honored at a tea, given by the J.G.P. committees will begin toaay to get down to the serious business Ann Arbor Social Service Council, at of functioning. No less than five different groups are scheduled to have 3:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Women's t~hL1U-;nLC ,utiug meetings. Union Ballroom Is Scene Diplomacy Speech Of Faculty-Alumni Dance Given By Slosson More than 100 couples attended the Faculty-Alumni dance held last Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the night in the Union ballroom. Music history department spoke on "Great was furnished by Bob Steinle's or- Power Diplomacy" at the Graduate chestra. Luncheon, held yesterday in the Prof. and Mrs. Ivan H. Walton were; Russian Tea Room of the 'League. seen at the door. Mrs. Walton wore Diplomacy is similar to a game of a red satin gown with gold accessor- chess and is distinguished by in- ies. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Guthe were equality, the line iaetween the great and small powers teing very defli- seen talking with Prof. and Mrs. inite, Professor Slosson said. He de- James K. Pollock. Mrs. Guthe wore lined a great power as one having a beige crepe. White crepe with rhine- permanent seat in the Council of stones was the choice of Mrs. Pollock. the League of Nations. Mrs. Frederick Benz was seen on the Diplomacy, according to Professor ballroom floor in grey net with silver I Slosson, has divided the world into sequin jacket. two armed camps, the League powers A subscription dinner party preced- and the Non-League or fascist pow- ing the dance was given for Mr. and ers. Although these powers are of Mrs. John Fyfe in honor of their 14th unequal resources, the fascists gov- wedding anniversary. Six couples in- ernments are more able to be reckless eluding Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stuhrberg, because they have nothing to lose. Mr. and Mrs.. Leo Burns, Mr. and Professor Slosson said that the Mrs. Clarence Yates, Mr. and Mrs. J. only danger of war lies in the Non- W. Mundus and Mr. M. E. Donnelly League powers over-stepping their attended. bonds. Athletic Building. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are now on a tour of the American youth hostels, which are situated in New England. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Cali- fornia. They plan to meet and talk' with people in these areas and tell ELEANOR McCOY about the youth hostel movement. Mr. Harold Golds. president of the SA tSocial Service Council, will preside at a showing of colored movies which Swilldepict hosteling here and abroad. l' ea ore IV w Mrs. Ruthven, Mrs. A. S. Whitney, and Mrs. J. B. Edmonson will pour. Hostesses will be Mrs. Edward Hun- M other Goose ter, Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg, Mrs. Julio del Toro and Mrs. Earl Cress. There are more youth hostels with- Eleanor MCCoy, '39, is the aspiring in reach of Ann Arbor than any oth- young author of the operetta, "Knave er town in Michigan. The move- and Maids" to be presented by Chil- ment was organized to give young drens Theatre tomorrow and Satur- people a chance to travel more cheap- day in the Lydia Mendelssohn ly and offers lodging to those who are Theatre. hiking, bicycling, canoeing, horse- This is the first work of Miss Mc- back ridingand skiing. Hostels are Coy but she stated that she is in- located in many European countriesl terested in writing critical book re- and are much more widly used there views when she leaves the University. than in the United States. She is majoring in English composi- tion. The play which was originally c eddings written for adults has been used by Childrens Theatre with a cast com- posed mainly of children. The gay,a whimsical plot is the story of fa- miliar Mother Goose characters, who have been placed in an entirely newE setting. Miss McCoy stated that the basic The engagements and wedding of plot had been worked out in her mind four University students were an- since last year, but the actual writig nounced recently. was done in the period between sum- Rev. E. S. Hallmartz of Bradford, mer school and the regular session. Pa. announces the engagement of Words for the songs were written by his daughter, Alice, to Evans Fos- Miss McCoy, but she explained that burg, '37, son of Mrs. J. K. Fosburg difficulty arose when work on the of Jamestown, N.Y. lyrics was begun. John Van der The engagement of Laura Colburn, Muelen, '38A, wrote the- music but daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Col- this task required recomposing of burn of Jamestown, N.Y., to Burt many of the original verses. Marie Lindblad, '39, was announced dur- Sawyer, '38. and Marjorie Coe, '38, ing the holidays. Lindblad is the son did the dance choruses for the play. of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Lindblad of Miss McCoy is a member of Gam- Collingswook, N.J. Miss Colburn was! ma Phi Beta sorority and is a mem- l graduated last year from William ber of the theatre-arts committee. and Mary College, Va. Christine Gesell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gesell of Ann Ar- RUTHVENS MEET ALUMNI bor, and Roger Stevens, son of Mr. President and Mrs. Ruthven will at- and Mrs. Stanley Stevens of New tend a joint meeting of the Grand York City were married Saturday, Rapids alumni and alumnae Jan. 14, Jan. 1 in the Collegiate Church of it was announced yesterday. St. Nicholas in New York City. 1 W.A.A. had their Board meeting yesterday-present were Martha Till- man, Mary Johnson, Dorothy White, Norma Curtis, Buffy White, Sally Kenny, Betty Patten, Helen Wolf and Marjorie Merker. Zone VIII To Belonored., The girls of Zone VIII are to be the guests of honor at a W.A.A. tea today. It's the first in a series that the Women's Athletic Association is planning for the various League houses. Virginia Allen is chairman of the affair and helping her are Ruth Hartman, Virginia Mulholland, Mary May Scoville, Harriet Sharkey and Ruth Smith. In the way of entertainment, Sally Kenny will do the calling for some real old-time dancing, and as a contrast Peg Calkins is slated for a swingy truckin' exhibition. Helen Dunn is the athletic manager of Zone VIII, by the way. Louise Patterson, Roberta Moore and Marion Wiess were the only bowlers reported so far this week, Mary Richardson, Florence Dyer and Joan Bev- ington have been getting back into practice in riflery. Swimming Club only drew two members yesterday-Marie Brams and Twila Traber. Jean Peterson, Julia Comienski, Charlotte Robinson, Sue Gordon, Marjorie Cheadle, Jeanne McCutcheon, Vera Foote, Jean Jessop, Edith Howell and Helen Jamerson were in the regular class, though. Ruthven Tea Attracts Many. . Many students took advantage of the opportunity to chat with faculty members at the Ruthven Tea, held yesterday at the President's home. Dean Wilbur Humphreys, Prof. Karl Litzenberg, Prof. Bennett Weaver 'and Prof. Robert C. Angell were the professors specially invited. Mrs. Weaver, who poured from 4 to 4:30 p.m., wore a dubonnet dress and brown accessories. Mrs. Litzenberg, who poured from 4:30 to 5 p.m. chose black accented with green. Mrs. James Orbison, housemother of Delta Delta Delta, wore black and white. Many members of Sigma Phi fraternity attended the ,tea, among them Lorne Meisel, Edward Mack and Joseph and Leslie Spitzley. A foreign visitor -was also a guest at the tea, Miss Helga von Amann, of Vienna, Austria. Others who attended were Marjorie Zimmerman, Barbara More, Mary Fran Brown, Jane Grove and Betty Mandel. -~ - - - - - - -~ - i- '= "You'rea Sweetheart -after special attention from our shop. We give expert service to suit your personality. BLUEBIRD HAIR SHOP 5 Nickels Arcade Phone 9616 PASSARELLI presents the crisp man-tailored short coat suit . .. the smartly fitted English reefer coat suit . the three-piece cape suit.. . and the two-color checked- coat-plain-skirt-suit. THE FABRICS are men's wear favorites . . . Gabardine Flannel . . Herringbone Tweeds. . . Shepherd Checks. AnCoEesione-blue ro Ck-g lien Ck u Laity LAURA BELLE SHOP MUST NOT STAND STILL ""Oxf"ron"lis-nv IR PROGRESS is the word of the age. Nothing under the sun - within nature or business - can long stand still. PROGRESS is necessaryOfrBx ro growth - Progress necessitates constant molding and remolding, constant changing to meet advanced ideas and new conditions. Busi. 95 75 ness, like water, if permitted to stand still, too long, will become stale and stagnant. It has always been the aim of the Laura Belle Shop11to to continually move forward. This Sale, this Store-wide Price Reduction - these unusual "Bargains for Cash" are evidence of their determination to go forward with the times. Come, take part in this JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE - a store filled with brand new merchandise for women and misses - and you will learn why so many people in this section have been buying quality merchandise at the Laura Belle Shop for years. This is not merely a sale - it's an event where you can shop without fear - the entire store will be 11O O D Y E A R one big bargain counter.Gu Oy n 7 HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIAL PRICED ITEMS. DOWNTOWN and on the CAMPUS GESPECIALLY EMPHASIZE A STORE-WIDE EVENT UARANTEE TO THE PUBLIC__ The fact that all merchandise offered Intgry and fair dealing is that some- in this sale is of our regular standard EVERY ITEM REDUCEDyou will buy that cannot be stock. No irregulars or so-called sale10{ goods have been bought by us. 1 0 t 5i0%n yourpackage. SALE STARTS THURSDAY at 9 A.M I THURASENIORS: Values to $7.95 Values to $3.95 Values to $6.95 BATH ROBES WOOL SKIRTS CARRACULA. Fancy all-wool challies - wool flannels These fine all-wool skirts are fashioned J A CKi ETS in plain colors - heavy silks - '"Bette from plain or fancy materials. Out Davis" Pottermoss. Your choice. they go at only - Brown - Grey - Black or Navy. This week will be your last oppor- Buy and save about half. pp $3.98 $1.48 $3.88 ?% tunity to have your Ensian picture taken - Values to $3.95 Values to $1.00 Values to $1.35 SILK SLIPS SPORT HOSE KNIT GLOVES SILK GOWNS SILK PAJAMAS These extra fine quality skat hsor M ITTENS The Senior Picture Section o are knit from soft and warm all-wool $ . 8yarns. Price, the pair, only- Knit from fine all-wool yarns, plain or the 1938 Edition will be greatly 02 fancy colors. .Your choice the pair only imp rovedove r that of last yea r. Lace trimmed or plain tailored7C 63c 79 aI For "Little" Evenings For Daytime Smartness For Afternoon Chic The most exciting fashions of the 1938 season! Bolero, "back- ground," pencilslim and swirly. frocks . . . every FASHION- RIGHT style is here. Crepes, wools, satins, metalics, taffetas, sequin, fringe, bead and jew- elled trims. Black and colors- sizes 12 to 46; 16%/ to 2612. ALL SALES FINAL