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January 06, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-06

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studer"* Publications.
tuiPshed every morning except Mondsy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En' .red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
r4.00 , by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-3 8


National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publi.hon Represenlative
Board of Editors
Business .Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
For Rumania. .

11UMANIA, last stronghold of democ-
racy in the Balkans, has fallen prey
to a rapidly tightening fascist dictatorship. With
Italian influence paramount in Jugoslavia and
Hitler's allies in power in Rumania, two im-
portant links have been severed from the French
chain of post-war alliances, dealing a double
blow at collective security in Europe.
The Rumanian dictatorship has come in the
,wake of a national election 'in which, for the
first time in the history of the country's parlia-
ment, no party succeeded in gaining a majority.
Ex-Premier Tatarescu's Liberal Party gained
k' only a plurality of 142 seats in the Chamber of
Deputies. The fascist Iron Guard, long a minor
disturbance in Rumania, gained overnight a
strategic position in national politics by winning
62 Chamber seats, while the other fascist group,
the National Christian Party, gained 38. The
, anti-fascist opposition is limited almost solely
to the National Peasants' Party, which holds 85
seats. Following the election and a vote of no
confidence in the Tatarescu ministry, King Carol
called Octavian Goga, leader of . the National
Christian Party, to form a coalition cabinet
comprising members of his own party and that
of Tatarescu. In establishing the new govern-
ment, Premier Goga has announced his inten-
tion of carrying out in full his party program,
which centers in four major points:
1. Close cooperation in foreign affairs with
fascist nations.
2. Severance of relations with the Soviet

of monopolies has been given by Harold Moulton,
director of the Brookings Institution in the Nov.
1935, issue of Fortune magazine, writing to the
effect that the trouble with capitalism lies with
the capitalists. While we are not necessarily
agreeing with-the main thesis of Mr. Moulton, his
article is timely and highly provocative of some
deep thought.
He said in that article that the capitalists
themselves by monopolies had gone against the
very theory of capitalism. According to the
competitive theory, he said, as industry becomes
nore productive through technological improve-
rhents, the cost of production should decline cor-
respondingly. The benefits of the decreased
costs should be conferred on all consumers by
means of lower prices.
What has happened in our own history, Moul-
ton says, is that industry has made use of the
technological improvement not by cutting prices
but by maintaining them and pocketing the addi-
tional profits which are the differences between
the former costs of producing and the lower
costs achieved.
He cites for proof the story of the twenties
when efficiency of the gainfully employed persons
in all industry increased by about 18 per cent and
in manufacturing alone where technological ad-
vances were most rapid by more than 25 per
cent. The wholesale price index fell from 96.7
to 95.3. Prices in the heavy industries for the
nost part either increased or remained the same.
Retail prices did not drop at all. The dif-
ferences in costs of production through more
efficiency were not all absorbed it is true by a
swelling of the profits of producers, for a part
was taken up by wage increases and distribution
cost increases due toduplication of facilities and
multiplication of services. But the most im-
portant share did go to the producers whose rate
of profit, Moulton says, increased at a 2.3 per
cent rate annually between 1922 and 1929.
To say it in other words, industry chose the
most direct way of getting its profits, though
that way meant less real income for the mass
of consumers. It was enabled to take that path,
maintaining prices when costs declined, because
it was largely controlled by monopoly.
Albert Mayio.
Due to unforeseen exigencies, like a class, there
was no opportunity to carry out that threat we
made a couple of days ago. We mean the con-
test mentioned at the bottom of Tuesday's col-
Without much more than six or seven inches
preamble to this, our day's contribution to truth
and light for all your minds to feed upon,
we plan to launch into such a circulation measure
that will cause you to hold your breath for all of
a minute and a half-pearl divers can do it for
three--and you will gasp with delight, thrill with
horror, smile and cry in the same moment, twist
in your seat-you're a squirmer and BVD's would
help. You will throb with ecstasy and burn with
the great zest of life's immortal flame. You will
join us as we leap beyond the frontiers of imag-
ination into the drama of the unknown. You will
be spellbound, supercolossally, you will be en-
tranced extra-stupendously, you will be pleased.
You might even read this column-though we
don't know why we're not allowed to use names
in it.
Do you want to have the blood pounding
through your veins and your heart go flipper-
flapper? Of course not, there's time enough for
I that. But you must come and leave this hum-
drum world behind you as we attempt to do
something that we don't think anyone in this
whole great nation-fraught though it be with
originality-has attempted!
Here's the dope! Rumor has it-but don't you
spread it around even to your favorite radio
comedian-that out in Hollywood they are mak-
ing a moving picture. Yeah, they make them
sometimes. And the one they're working on

is based on the book, "Gone With the Wind." You
must have heard something about the book,
anyway. Well, there's a character in there named
Scarlett O'Hara and she's all right too but they're
having trouble, real trouble finding an actress
. . . now wait, not just an actress, you know, but
one who can live and rave like a real Scarlett.
You see what we're going to do now, don't you?
Start thinking about it and soon we will pub-
lish ballots for you to vote for someone on the
campus who you believe could best fill the role
with the maximum of double 'umph. And in
addition that she may have a consort, look about
you for a Rhett Butler-you never can tell, you
know. And also the two gentlemen of the old
South who were Scarlett's first and second hus-
bands. For the time you just look around for
those four and as soon as we can we might add
a couple of others from the book, depending on
how much trouble those poor people in Hollywood
are, having. You know, you've got to lend a
helping hand to some people or they'll never get
anywhere. What those fellows out in Hollywood
need is a little publicity and we'll bet that if
we give it to them they'll find someone in no
time. But we want some one from Michigan
of course. So, start thinking it over and for
a day or two we're going to await further de-
velopments. *
We met a freshman friend the other day, and
it was the first time we had ever seen him in
his little soldier suit since he first got it last
fall. When we last saw him it was pretty big
on him, drooped at the shoulders and he had a
couple of half-hitches in his belt. There used to
be a slumpy sort of walk about him too, but
that's gone. He's broader in the shoulders, and
he's got a healthier look to his chest. The suit's
filling out very well, and it certainly seems to us
that he's a much better target than just a few
months ago. Before the year's over, let us tell


feemdod Me
H-eywood Broun

I liked the speech of Secretary Ickes. It was a
fighting speech. Those who believe in the de-
velopment of industrial democracy will have to
fight. And they will have to protect themselves
at all times, for in this bout the rule about
breaking clean has never been respected. By
this time, I hope, the administration has learned
that whenever it puts out a
glove to shake hands it is go-
ing to geta sock in the jaw.
If I am asked whether the
Secretary of the Interior or
Mr. Jackson was 100 per cent
tair in every phrase I would
have to answer, "Probably
not." But I think the main
drive of each speech was fun-
damentally sound. And I re-
sent the fairy tale which maintains that indus-
trial leaders have been eager to cooperate with
the government, only to be snubbed by the Pres-
ident when they made the timid proffer of a
poisoned olive leaf.
Even when the captains of finance were in the
quicksand up to their eyebrows they manifested
a keen desire to bite the hand which pulled them
out. Over a period of years the spokesmen of
large-scale industry have called Franklin D.
Roosevelt everything from madman to dictator,
and now they plaintively cry out that the country
is suffering from a lack of confidence. Indeed,
during the diplomatic exchanges with Japan one
New York paper went to the length of advising
the Tokyo government that Mr. Roosevelt was an
executive entirely discredited at home, and that
no serious attention should be paid to his com-
C *
Peace At A Price
The Manufacturers' Assn. in its recent conven-
tion sugar-coated some of its phrases, but its
message was plain enough. It offered co-opera-
tion with the purposes of the New Deal, but only
on the basis that the New Deal should surrender
every one of its objectives. Henry Ford has open-
ly announced that laws which may go for other
people do not apply to him. In such a situation
it seems to me farcical for big business to whim-
per that the boys in Washington are using rude
Secretary Ickes took Ferdinand Lundberg's
book, "America's 60 Families," as his text. He
argued that the control of America's economic
resources lies in the hands of a small group.
This has already aroused great resentment. And
yet when James Gerard a few years ago made up
a list of the fifty-nine rulers of America the
gentlemen who made the grade were rather
smugly satisfied and pleased with their nomina-
Incidentally, James Henle, president of the
Vanguard Press which published Lungberg's book,
has just been notified that "The Censorship De-
partment of the Herald Tribune has decided
that they will take no more advertising copy on
the book 'America's 60 Families.'"
* * *. *
Give Competition A hnce
Naturally I am not challenging the right of any
newspaper to reject advertising. Indeed, I think
it is a right which might be exercised even more
freely, particularly in regard tofoods and drugs.
Nevertheless, I think the incident is interesting.
I believe in Socialism, but I am unwilling to
accept the slogan of "We can't do nothing till
Martin comes," under which Norman Thomas
operates. Indeed, I will go further and say
that those who believe in the competitive cap-
italist system ought to have a run for their alley.
Some men of high competence are in key position
but I will not be ready to admit that free and
fair competition for industrial control exists until
Barbara Hutton can pass an elementary exam-
ination on the wages and working conditions in
the Woolworth stores.
On *TLhe Lveld


Social Sciences
The man who does work in the ex-
act sciences is fortunate. There every-
one wants the truth. No powerful
interests seek to hush up the fact
that two and two are four or that
water is two parts hydrogen, one part
oxygen. A professor of physics need
never fear that if he attacks the
quantum theory Old Man Jenks, the!
banker, Yarvard, '89, will cut the col-
lege out of his will or make Prexy
choose between an endowment and
keeping that particular professor on
the payroll.
Those who teach the social sciences
are less fortunate. The economist
who says the gold standard isn't any
better than it should be; the sociolo-
gist who makes remarks about the
connection between slums and land
monopolies; the political scientist
who casts reflections on the Supreme
Court, is apt to be called into the
Dean's Office for a little heart-to-
heart talk. He is apt to be told that
while he is a bright young man, this
is a practical world, and if he insists
on muddying future academic waters
with the vulgar problems of the
everyday world, he had better start
looking for another job.
Perhaps this explains why aca-
demic economics, academic sociology,
academic political science, have been
so long held in contempt. We bring
up these facts of life-of academic
life-as a compliment to the Ameri-
can Political Science Associatior4.
For the second time in recent years
one of its presidents has seized upon
the occasion of his annual address to
take our Constitutional law apart
and throw the pieces at the Supreme
The first to do so was Professor Ed-
win S. Corwin, of Princeton; the sec-
ond, Professor Thomas Reed Powell,
of Harvard. Professor Powell, one
might almost say, has made it his life
work to think of nasty remarks about
the Supreme Court and his address
in Philadelphia Monday night was
no surprise to those who have been
able to follow the series of witty and
penetrating attacks he has contribut-
ed to the law reviews during the past
two decades.
There 'was nothing especially new
in what he had to say. What is new
is that one of our outstanding aca-
demic iconoclasts was able to say to
a gathering of political scientists, was
able to tell them, what the man-in-
the-street knows, that the ultimate
power in this country lies in te
hands of- the courts and that courts
have abused their power.
The secret of Professor Powell's
ability to thumb his nose at the Su-
preme Court all these years and get
away with it is that he has done so in
the pages of law reviews few people
read and in language too difficult for
most people to understand. His digs
have been too subtle for the average
trustee to digest on top of a hearty
dinner and Scotch and soda.
Yet the stff seeped down. Many
of the President's chief supporters in
his fight against the Supreme Court
cut their intellectual eye-teeth on
Professor Powell's articles. . They
Professor Powell's articles. They
translated them into plain English.
They brought them home to the com-
mon man. The common man un-
derstands them so clearly now that it
has even been safe for Professor Pow-
ell to say them in a speech to fellow
scientists. Thus progress marches on.
Professor Powell sweetened what
he had to say about the autocracy
and stupidity of Judges and the gains
by the "chastisement" Mr. Roosevelt
administered to the courts, by calling
the President's own plan "ill-con-

ceived, ill-sustained, and ill-man-
aged from a political point of view it
was. The party managers did not do
their part toward keeping the Demo-
cratic members of Congress in line
But that it was "ill-conceived" may
be merely the easily acquired insight
of the post-mortem. Mr. Roosevelt did
force the court to reverse itself. Mr
Roosevelt did do more to educate the
public on the Supreme Court issue
than two carloads of political scien-
tists afraid to mention the horrid
word. We suspect - that Professor
Powell has been attacking the Su-
preme Court so long and having so
much pleasure doing it, that the
thought of its reform frightened him.
' And perhaps life for Professor Powell
would have seemed empty without an
ornery Supreme Court to poke fun at.
(Reprinted from the Philadelphia

THURSDAY, JAN. 6, 1938
To members of the University staff:
Those who have not yet filled out and
returned the confidential personnel
blanks are urged to do so immediate-
ly. The contemplated study must be
started at once, and it is imperative
that all blanks be returned before the
work is started. It is hoped that
those blanks not yet in our hands will
be sent in at once.
A. G .Ruthven.
To Deans, Directors, Faculty Mem-
bersdDormitory Heads, Dormitory
Residents, The Student Body in Gen
eral, and all Others Concerned:
The cooperation of every one is
urged especiany at this season of the
year in the efforts of the Buildings
and Grounds Department to avoid
waste in the heating, lighting, and
ventilating of all University buildings
wherever located. The burning of
lights when not needed, the opening
of windows in rooms having thermo-
static control, or in lieu of closing
radiators in rooms lacking thermo-
static control, are all wasteful' prac-
tices and cause the expenditure for
coal more than would otherwise be
necessary, thus reducing funds avail-
able for the proper work of the
These statements apply to all
buildings for which the University
furishes heat, light, and power, in-
cluding the Michigan Union and the
Michigan League.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
Student Fingerprint Classifier, $1,-
440 a year; Federal Bureau of Inves-
tigation, Department of Justice,
Washington, D.C.
Senior Mathematical Statistical
* Analyst, $4,600 a year; Mathematical
Statistical Analyst, $3,800 a year; As-
sociate Mathematical Statistical An-
alyst, $3,200 a year; Assistant Mathe-
matical Statistical Analyst, $2,600 a
year; Soil Conservation Service, De-
partment of Agriculture.
Junior Tabulating Machine Op-
erator, $1,440 a year; Alphabetic Ac-
counting Machine Operator, $1,440 a
year; Washington, D.C.
Inspector of Railway Signaling and
Train Control, $3,800 a year; Inter-
state Commerce Commission.
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
The Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Informatio
All Students: Registration for sec-
ond semester. Each student shoulc
plan to register for himself during
the appointed hours. Registrations
by proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Registration Material: Colleges o
L.S.&A., Education, Music. Students
should call for second semester regis-
tration material at Room 4 University
Hall as soon as possible. Please se
your adviser and secure all necessar
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Registration Material: College o
Architecture. Students should call foi
second semester material at Room 4
University Hall at once. The College
of Architecture will post an an-
nouncement in the near future giving
time of conferences with your classi-
fier. Please wait for this notice be-
fore seeing your classifier.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Registration imaterial: School o
Forestry and Conservation. Regis-
tration material should be called foi
beginning today at Room 2048 Natur-
al Science Bldg.
S. T. Dana, Dean.
L.S.&A. Juniors - nd Seniors wish-

ing to change their field of concen-
tration for the second semester,
please procure slips at Room 4 U.H.
have them signed by the adviser in
the new field, and return them tc
Room 4, U.H. before Feb. 1, 1938.
Robert L. Williams.
Candidates for the Master's Degre(
in Political Science. The examina-
tions in French and German will be
given Tuesday, Jan. 11, at 2:00, 2033
A.H. Candidates may bring their own
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Committee on Stu-
dent Loans held in Room 2,. Univer-
sity Hall on Jan. 11 in the afternoon.
All men students who have filed loar
applications which have not yet beer
acted upon should make appoint-
ments to meet the Committee.
Sophomores, College of L.S.&A.
Elections of courses for the second
semester must be approved during the
period from Nov. 22 to Jan. 28 in
Room 9, University Hall. To prevent
congestion in the office of the coun-
selors, individual post cards will be
mailed daily to a small group of stu-
dents. Each card will be dated seven
days after the day of mailing. To be
admitted to a conference with a
counselor, a student must present his

card not later than the date it bears.
If he comes after this date an in-
terview will be granted only if there
are no others waiting at the office.
In order to make an intelligent se-
lection of courses each sophomore
should give careful attention to his
next semester elections before meet-
ing with his counselor.
J.H. Hodges, E. A. Walter,
A. Van Duren.
University Women: All women stu-
dents who intend to change houses at
at the end of this semester must ad-
vise the househead of this intention
before Saturday, Jan. 15. Accord-
ing to contracts, no changes of resi-
dence can be approved after that
date. Juniors and seniors in the
University dormitories may be re-
leased from their contracts to live in
sorority houses.
Any student now in residence who
will not be in college the second
semester, whether because of gradua-
tion or other reason, is requested to
notify the director of her residence as
soon as possible.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women
Seniors: Your senior pictures can
still be taken up to Saturday, Jan.
8 at Dey's, Spedding's and Rent-
schler's Studios.
Academic Notices
English 259 will not meet this
Thursday or next Thursday. Meet-
ings will be made up, if possible, on
Tuesday, Jan. 11, and Saturday, Jan.
15. Students are requested to leave
note at English Office indicating
what hours are convenient for meet-
ing Jan. 11.
J. L. Davis.


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memb-rs of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

. Union.
3. Adherence to the German-Italian-Japanese
anti-Communist pact.
k 4. Anti-Jewish measures, including acquisi-
tion of all Jewish-owned land.
x Since the Liberal Party, which forms - the
greater portion of the parliamentary support of
the new regime, does not formally endorse these
f proposals, it appears highly probable that their
execution will require the dissolution of parlia-
ment in the near future. The Iron Guard, which
does not participate in the government, none-
theless strongly supports it, and can probably be
counted upon to take care of the opposition
outside the government in the accepted fascist
manner should any develop. This organization
has already earned a not inconsiderable reputa-
tion as a terroristic group even for the Balkans,
and its leader, the youthful Cornelius Codreanu,
is known to be in close sympathy with, if not
actually motivated from, Berlin.
The reason for the elevation of Goga, rather
than Codreanu, in spite of his smaller following,
is said to lie in the desire of King Carol to keep
the reins of government, in some measure, at
least, in his own hands, as well as in the avowed
hostility of the Iron Guard to the Rumanian.
Theodora, the notorious Mme. Lupescu. But
whether the dictatorship eventually becomes per-.
sonified in Carol, Goga, Codreanu, or one of the
influential army chiefs, is of relatively slight
import. The effect, in any case, cannot fail to be
unfortunate for Rumania and the world.
Joseph Gies.
Mud Pies
On Monopoly.
THE RECENT public speeches of Sec-
Seretary of the Interior Harold Ickes
and Robert H. Jackson, the assistant attorney
general, may be supposed to be the prelude to a
concentrated attack on monopolies on the part
>f the government. In a way these speeches have

Graduation Recital: Robert Camp-
bell, organist, will give a graduation
recital Thursday, Jan. 6, at 4:15
o'clock in M-ill Auditorium. The
general public is invited.
* Lectures
Public Lecture: "Parthian Art" by
Prof. Clark Hopkins. Sponsored by
the Research Seminary in Islamic
Art. Monday, Jan. 10, 4:15 in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Illustrated
with slides. No admission charge.
Professor Gerald B. Phelan, S.T.B.,
Ph.D. of the University of Toronto
will lecture upon "Some Aspects of
Scholastic Philosophy" in the Grand
Rapids Room of the Michigan
League, on Sunday and Monday, Jan.
9 and 10 at 4:15 p.m. each afternoon.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
University Broadcast: 3-3:00 p.m.
Amateur Theatre Series. Topic:
"Affairs in the Theatre of the
World," Preston W. Slosson, Prof. of
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 today in the Observa-
tory lecture room. Dr. Robley C.
Williams will speak on "Energy Dis-
tribution in the Spectra of the Stars."
Tea will be served at 4:00 p.m.
Scimitar: There will be a Scimitar
meeting tonight at 7:15 at the Union.
A full attendance is desired.
Michigan Dames: The Charm
Group, will meet tonight at 8:15 at
the Michigan League, the room will
be announced on the bulletin board.
Mrs. Albert Reeves and Miss Ethel
McCormick will speak on etiquette.
All Michigan Dames are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Michigan Transportation Club:
There will be a meeting Thursday
evening, Jan. 6, 1938, at the Union.
Prof. W. C. Sadler will talk. All in-
Freshman Girl's Glee Club: There
will be a meeting tonight in the
League at 7:15 p.m. All members
who have not yet brought their
money please do so tonight.
Women's= Fencing Club: Regular
meeting today at 4:15 in Barbour
Gymnasium. Place of meeting will
be posted at matron's desk.
Modern Dance Club: Important
meeting on Thursday, Jan. 6, 7:30
p.m. Practice for "Judith" on Fri-
day, Jan. 7 at 3:30 p.m.
Congress: There will be a meeting
of the Publicity- Committee tonight
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 306 of the
Union. Time reports should be ready
at this meeting.
Coming Events
Junior Mathematics Club will meet
Friday, Jan. 7, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
3201 A.H. Mr. Murray H. Protter will
give a talk on Continuous Geometry.
Refreshments will follow.
Art Cinema League Members:
"Mystery and Violence"-the fourth
program of the D4emorable Film Se-
ries will be shown Sunday, Jan. 9 at




On page 684 of Slichter's Modern Economic
Society, the dry reading required in Ec. 51 and
52, there is a sentence which recently made the
class smile like a tiger eating gum-drops.
The sentence might well be reprinted in
The New Yorker: "At an exceedingly low
wage level, a large number of persons would
probably become criminals or independent
business men." New Yorker would probably
add: "Aha! We always thought there was a
tie-up between the two."
Prof. C. A. Ruckmick of the University of Iowa
has devised an "emotion meter" which, he main-
tains, measures the capacity of one's mood for
love by the perspiration in the palm of the hand.
This machine certainly isn't fool-proof. 100%
of the "M" students would rate as Casanovas
if their palm perspiration were mheasured after
a three-hour final.
Glancing at "Dizzy's" column today, it
would seem that the old boy finally succeeded
in finishing "Gone With The Wind" during
Christmas Vacation.
* * *
It is also to be assumed that the few who


There was a rumor being circulat-
ed around the campus for the past
few days that Stepin Fetchit, the
lethargic star of the Harlem Uproar
House Revue, would "slow down" the
Interfraternity Ball when he brought
his troupe of sepia entertainers to
Ann Arbor the night of Jan. 14. (The
wag who started this thing, by the
way, is still in the back room, re-
penting for being such a silly ass).'
Needless to say, the rumor has been'
quashed, and that, we hope, is that.j

when we got the biggest kick from

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