M 'FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WflJ NL' -, DAV. .IAN. .5, 1#)3A FOUR WEDNESDAY, JAN. 5, iS8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I a ~j . . ,.%= ; f Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stude' Publications Publihed every morning except Monday during the Ulniversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved En.iasedat the PosttOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan as teeond ,~lass mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, #4.00; by mal, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738 RPgkE tINTD O 'lNATIONAL A r'~i. 4 ,' National AdvertisingServiceInc.. College Publishers Representaive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCSCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH S. MATTES WDITORIAL DIRECTOR ........... TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR................WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR...................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR...................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER.................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT PERLMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. As Congress Goes Into Action1..1 . T HE IMMEDIATE PROBLEM con- fronting the present regular session of Congress is the so-named business recession, the growing proportions of which have thrown hunqreds of thousands of workers out of em- ployment in nearly all branches of industry, and which, unless checked, even threatens to assume the magnitude of another major depression. ; Two general lines of attack were suggested in the special session just ended to combat the slump. Conservative Senators Vandenberg, Byrnes, Wheeler, Byrd et al. have urged a free hand for private enterprise, which, they assert, is capable of taking up the unemployment slack if only it is liberated from the burden of govern- ment interference, and, in particular, of exces- sive taxation. The liberal wing of Congress, on the other hand, led by Senator Wagner, Repre- sentative Maverick and other champions of the Administration, has fought for a program of gen- eral economic reform, on the theory that pros- perity can best be insured by a maintenance of mglass buying-power. The latter proposal appears the more rational in view of the record of private industry during the past four years. The abandonment of the program of the "second New Deal" would mean the surrender of the economic helm entirely into the hands of a small group of men who in the past have given evidence of activation solely by greed for profit. The majority of the benefits of the first New Deal were reaped by these men, the owners and managers of the great corpora- tions which control the larger part of the nation's wealth. Neither labor, small' business nor the professions derived increases in income propor- tional to the gains in profit of the automobile, steel, building material, textile and other manu- facturers. Assistant Attorney-General Jackson, among others, has pointed out some of the fantastic fig- ures reached by corporation profits in recent times. Among the examples he singled out were two mail order houses which made a combined profit of over 50 million dollars in 1936 as com- pared with a loss in 1932; two automobile com- panies which made 301 millions in 1936 compared with a loss four years earlier, and three chem- ical companies which multiplied their total profit during the same period from 27 millions to 96 millions. Mr. Jackson also remarked upon the, salaries of two automobile executives, Mr. Alfred P. Sloan and Mr. William Knudsen, chairman and president of General Motors Corp., whose remun- erations were increased from $261,473 and $211,- 128, respectively in 1934 to $561,311 and $507,645 in 1936. Iese tremendous profits are scarcely indica- tions of the need of big business to be freed from taxation and regulations; on the contrary, they may be considered alarming manifestations of the necessity for government regulation to enforce a more equitable distribution of corporate in- come. Reasonable wage and hour standards, work relief and housing, financed by taxation of ex- cessive financial and industrial profits would appear to be more in the interests of the masses of the people than a wholesale capitulation on the part of the government to the demand for a "free hand" on the part of organized greed. Tuure Tenander. Taps For man unification, which gave early training to many of his war-time fellow-officers as well as adversaries, Ludendorff perhaps for this reason partially escaped the rigidly antique outlook fos- tered in their minds, and quickly made himself known as an ardent exponent of the newer modes of conducting international mass murder. Aided by his unquenchable ambition, iron will and bril- liant intellect, he gained an important post in the operations division of the general staff in the years before the war, taking to heart the lessons of the great Graf von Schlieffen, originator of the march-through-Belgium plan of campaign and most notable technician of slaughter since Napoleon. As exponent ofthe Schlieffen "total war" method, Ludendorff succeeded in having a large increase voted in the Reich military estab- :ishment in 1913, although not as large a one as Schlieffen, then dead, had considered necessary to the execution of his plan. When the war broke out Ludendorff held a sub- ordinate command, but distinguished himself in the first important action on the Western Front. the capture of Liege in the early part of August, 1914, the first step in the advance into France. Following this exploit, he was transferred to East Prussia to help stem the Russian invasion. Working with Col. Hoffman, a kindred spirit, he overthrew the advancing Russians at Tannen- berg, killing, mangling and capturing more than a quarter of a million of the enemy. His su- perior in command, General Von Hindenburg, reaped the major share of the credit, however, as he also did for the subsequent strokes of 1914 and '15 in Poland and Galicia. In 1916 Luden- dorff wished to strike a knockout blow against Russia by an offensive into the fertile Ukraine. but the then chief of the general staff, Von Fal- kenhayn, rejected the plan in favor of his own pet project, the attack on Verdun, a decision which probably cost Germany the war. In August of 1916, with the population restless over the hardships and duration of the struggle, the Kaiser turned to Hindenburg and Ludendorff to save an increasingly precarious situation. The brilliant and easy conquest of Rumania followed and temporarily revived the war-spirit of the army and the people. In 1917 Ludendorff out-. generaled the Allies on the Western Front by a calculated retreat from an untenable salient to the Hindenburg Line, a new system of defenses prepared in advance. In the spring of 1917 the long-postponed blow at the crumbling defenses of Imperial Russia was delivered, followed by the notorious imposed peace of Brest-Litovsk. In the autumn came the reckoning with Italy at Caporetto, a victory stopped short of annihilation by French and Eng- lish troops rushed across the Alps. In the spring of 1918 Ludendorff made the last effort, * in the great offensive of the Chemin des Dames, an attempted break through the British and French armies at their point of juncture, which failed by the narrowest of margins. Ludendorff, hitherto the man of steel, cracked under the strain of the subsequent French counter-attacks and told the Kaiser to get an armistice at any price. Afterwards, when it was too late, he changed his mind, and decided Germany could hold out behind the Rhine till spring. Upon conclusion of the war, Ludendorff fled to Norway. In 1919 he returned with Col. Bauer, a former aide and began to dabble in reactionary politics. In 1920 Ludendorff was back of the Kapp putsch, an attempt to overthrow the re- publican government which was frustrated by a general strike on the part of the trade unions. In 1923 he supported the beer-cellar putsch of Adolph Hitler, but was saved from a prison sen- tence by his illustrious name. The next year he sat in the Reichstag as a National Socialist deputy, but after a brief period withdrew into embittered retirement. Ludendorff's life, one of the most noxious and destructive in history, may be considered the highest possible development under modern ' :onditions, of the military career. Turned in an- other direction, Ludendorff's genius would have served society in an extraordinary manner, but fixed in the confines of the Iron Cross and the steel helmet, its contribution to civilization could only take the form of a pattern in mud, blood and hate. Joseph Gies. Ib-Hium No. 3.. U P'TIL THIS TIME we have merely shrugged our shoulders when people have demanded an editorial about the deplorable condition of the sidewalks in Ann Arbor. But now realization of the seriousness of the situation has come to us with a bang. WE FELL DOWN. No statistics can possibly be garnered to dem- onstrate how many other people have suffered physical pain and mental anguish because of having come into too close a contact with glazed pavements. Students are seen hobbling into classrooms ten minutes late, even then to beat the crippled professors on their crutches by fully fifty feet. It seems to us (with apologies to the other humorous fellow on this page) that the city of Ann Arbor should makesome provision for chip- ping the mirror that blankets the city. Surely this is not too much for the residents to expect. Tuure Tenander. - - -.. Jfecins to)Ale -eywood Broun I got Connie to come in on a pledge not to knock anybody until 1938. Three minutes later she was sounding off, and when I objected she answered, "But he doesn't count. You know what I think of that little runt. If he ever grows up a couple of inches I'm going to punch him right in the nose." "That," I said severely, "is not the holiday spirit. At x your age you ought to know enough to keep your big trap ;.,.._shut." With that the fight start- ed, and in a couple of seconds broken pledges were lying all over the room. And so I've signed up again for the duration of 1937. Somebody has sent me a clipping from Dale Carnegie in which that ambassador of good will writes, "Hunger is one of your greatest inspira- tions." That will have to be passed by until next year. Nor have I any intention of mentioning the speech recently made by Henry Ford's radio man, William J. Cameron, who can drip more butter fat over the air than any broadcaster I have ever heard. Mr. Cameron spoke in condemnation of "brutal military invasion and violation of weaker nations,' 'and the very next day Henry's Tokyo representative bought a big chunk of Japanese war bonds as an evidence of the friendliness of Ford. * * * * Hoping For The Best However, I'm not going to say a word until 1938. Until the wild bells ring out, Hague is just the Mayor of Jersey City, nothing more and noth- ing less, and Tom Mercer Girdler is a tired buiness man taking a West Indian cruise on the Rotterdam. Sometimes you get a heavy ground swell going into Nassau harbor, but naturally I am hoping for the best. I try to persuade myself that in 1938 everything will be different and the lamb will lie down with the lion and live to get up again. In our family we have a New Year's Eve custom brought over, I suppose, by my grandfather, who was one of those sentimental Prussians. Just before the stroke of midnight we climb up on chairs or stools or stepladders, and as the chimes begin we jump into the New Year. The idea is that you are shaking from your shoes the dust of the past. It is not only a New Year but a new world into which you leap. As in the case of Lucifer falling from heaven, each rebel against the status quo is suspended for a split second in that limbo which lies between time and space. Footstool Will Be Mich Safer If one has the inclination, one may even make a set of resolutions during the brief period in which he is a resident of the purifying ether. As a younger man I outlined for myself one year quite an imposing list of things I was not going to do from that time forth. And so I chose a step- ladder as the springboard for my leap. It didn't work out very well, because my first resolve was to give up profanity in all forms, and as I lit I fell and sprained my ankle. I also broke a resolution. This year I've picked a footstool. The custom is not as crazy as it seems. It has value as a gesture. The New Year is the legiti- mate offspring of the old. The nose and the eyes most certainly will remind us of the sire. But still it's just a baby. It may be possible to lick some sense into it. We might even be able to take it down to the foundling home and change it. Art Young once said, "Every child is a genius." Let's proceed on that assumption. OnThe Level? THEATRE By JAMES GREEN Maurice Evans Rarely have the expectations of theatre-goers been so brilliantly met as were those of the large contin- gent from Ann Arbor that journeyed to Detroit's Cass Theatre Monday night to see Maurice Evans open in Shakespeare's Richard II. Enthu- siastically hailed in its long New York run, it and Mr. Evans should receive from its wider audience addi- tional plaudits. It has been some time since a Shakespearian company on the road has assumed the aspect of a triumphal procession, but this production deserves all of that. The play is well staged, well direct- ed and intelligently edited. The sets as well as the costumes were well conceived with a good mixture of bright coloring and restraint. A few of the sets were outstanding, notable among which was the cell at Pom- fret castle in which Richard's clos- ing scene is played. The lighting was intelligently handled and the use of the orchestra pit as an entrance was effective. Almost every part was well acted. Frederick Worlock's Bolingbroke was more than competent. He brought all of Henry's strength and develop- ing shrewdness into strong and com- plete contrast with Richard's char- acter. Perhaps Lee Barker as John of Gaunt seemed unnaturally vigor- ous for a weakened and dying man but he was able, nevertheless, to bring out most of the wisdom and strength of character in the man. The delineation of York by Lionel Hogarth was perhaps the only flaw in the production. We see York act- ed as a senile old man, almost a Po- lonius-like fool rather than a man made indecisive by the grip of strong but divided loyalties. It is hard to imagine York as a comic character but the characterization almost made him that. It is only by the omission of York's best scene, that in which he disowns his son before the king, that such a characterization is at all permissible. Of the others, Emmett Rogers as Northumberland and Rhys Williams as the Bishop of Carlisle are deserving of special mention. It would be impossible to write this review without devoting a large part of it to Maurice Evans' magnificent Richard. It is hard, in fact, to keep this from being completely an essay on Evans. From the opening scene to Exton's not-too-apt epitaph, Ev- ans was completely, in every line and gesture, the sensitive but shallow weakling that is Shakespeare's Rich- ard. There is not a single instant in the whole course of Richard's down- fall at the hands of Bolingbroke that his every dramatized emotion and motivation is not bare before our eyes. It is not belittling Mr. Evans to say that the role is one that any actor might desire. Richard himself is the consummate actor. Cast down by the consequences of his actions" that he is never able to foresee or to comprehend, he sinks into dramatic self-pity. In all situations, on the heights or in the depths, he sees him- self as an actor in a play, the play of kings that must inevitably have a happy ending. Maurice Evans ac- complishes these swift transitions7 with all of the great skill that is nec- essary to make us understand them" and the man. That I was delighted with the per- formance you have perhaps gathered by now. It sets a high standard for other Shaksepearian companies. And it certanly engenders the hope that we may see Maurice Evans in others of Shakespeare's plays. The first chance will come this Thursday af- ternoon when he plays the role of Falstaff in the First Part of Henry IV. (Continued from Page 2) the appointed hours. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted, Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material: Colleges of L.S.&A., Education, Music. Students should call for second semester regis- tration material at Room 4 University Hall as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures. III will consist of two ' essay type questions dealing with applications. The first of these questions will be "State the philosophy of Education which you hold, i.e., your convictions or fundamental beliefs regarding ed- ucation." The second of these ques- tions will as that you apply this philosophy to some one or two speci- fically stated problems of the schools. (These problems will be given out in particularized form at the time of the examination). Academic Notices DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to 11l members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. L.S.&A. Juniors and Seniors wish- Registration Material: College of ing to change their field of concen- Architecture. Students should call for tration for the second semester. second semester material at Room 4 please procure slips at Room 4 U.H., University Hall at once. The College have them signed by the adviser in of Architecture will post an an- the new field, and return them to nouncement in the near future giving Room 4, U.H. before Feb. 1, 1938. time of conferences with your classi- Robert L. Williams. fier. Please wait for this notice be- fore seeing your classifier. Anthropology 31, 101 and 153 will Robert L. Williams, not meet today. M. Titiev. Assistant Registrar. Registration Material: School of oncers Forestry and Conservation. Regis- Graduation Recital: Robert Camp- tration material should be called for bell, organist, will give a graduation beginning today at Room 2048 Natur- recital Thursday, Jan. 6, at 4:15 al Science Bldg. o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The S. T. Dana, Dean. general public is invited. The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examina- tions- Student Fingerprint Classifier, $1,- 440 a year; Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. Senior Mathematical Statistical Analyst, $4,600 a year; Mathematical Statistical Analyst,$3,800 a year; As- sociate Mathematical Statistical An- alyst, $3,200 a year; Assistant Mathe- matical Statistical Analyst, $2,600 a year; Soil Conservation Service, De- partment of Agriculture. Junior Tabulating Machine Op- erator, $1,440 a year; Alphabetic Ac- counting Machine Operator, $1,440 a year; Washington, D.C. Inspector of Railway Signaling and Train Control, $3,800 a year; Inter- state Commerce Commission. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Students Planning to do Directed Teaching: Students expecting to do directed teaching the second semes- ter are urged to interview Dr. Curtis in Room 2442 University Elementary School according to the following schedule: Wednesday, Jan. 26: 1:30 to 4:30, Mathematics and Science, Commer- cial Subjects. Thursday, Jan. 27: 1:30 to 4:30, Latin, French, German, Fine Arts. Friday, Jan. 28: 9:00 to 12:00, English and Speech. Friday, Jan. 28: 1:30 to 4:30, So- cial Studies. Assignments for directed teaching are made in order of application. Students Concentrating in Econ- omics: Cards have been mailed to all students concentrating in Ec- onomics arranging for an appoint- ment during the week of January 10 to plan a program for the balance of your academic career. If you have not received your appointment card, please see Miss Mabbs, Room 107 Ec. Bldg., at once. Students who will become eligible for concentration at the beginning of the second semester and who plan to elect Economics as a field of concentration should also see Miss Mabbs at once and arrange for an appointment. Registration material should be obtained from the Registrar's office by all students before coming to an appointment.. Lectures Mr. Charles Weber of Union Theo- logical Seminary will speak on "Eth- ics in American Industry" at the Michigan League, Wednesday, at 4:15 p.m. All students are welcome. Public Lecture: "Parthian Art" by Prof. Clark Hopkins. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, Jan. 10. 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Illustrated with slides. No admission charge. Events Today The Women's Research Club will meet today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 110 of the General Library. Speaker, Mrs. E. B. Mains, on the subject, "A Garden Study" which will be il- lustrated with slides in natural colors. Luncheon for graduate students to- day at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the League. Cafeteria service. Bring tray across hall. Professor Preston Slosson of the History Department will speak informally on "Great Power Diplo- macy." Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing today at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Charles A. Murray will speak on "Attractive and Repulsive Forces in Colloidal Phenomena." Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar: Mr. Ward L. Paine will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engin- eering today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will be "The Carbon-Oxygen Complex." Phi Sigma Meeting: Tonight at 8 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S. Dr. R. L. Belknap of the Geology Department will give an illustrated talk on "Greenland: Its History and Its People." Athena: Compulsory meeting to- night at 7:30 p.m. in the Portia Room, Angell Hall. Dues payable. Anyone interested in trying out may do so at that time. Sphinx will meet at noon today in the Union. Robert Perlman will speak on "Me and the Managing Editor of 1 By WRAG Out in the suburban district of Detroit there is a large store which sells foodstuffs by the car- load lots. Above it is a huge sign which says, PACKER'S OUTLET. Next to this store is a small beer tavern. Above it is a neon sign reading, SAMMY'S INLET. Song title: "There's A Gold Mine In the Sky." It is rumored that Roosevelt is inves- tigating. Perhaps he is hoping to confiscate it as a monopoly. An inquiring reporter recently asked a North- western student, "What do you think of the Far- Eastern situation?" The student very calmly replied, "I'm surprised Fordham didn't go to the Rose Bowl*" The house-mother at one of the local sorority houses has been nicknamed "Roose- velt" because she is definitely an anti-liberty leaguer. he does. What results when he caresses the soft furry mice and puppies happens here too; he snaps her neck. Five minutes later he doesn't re- member what he's done, but some inner force impels him to hide. A posse is hot after him; George sidetracks their hunt and finds Lennie and in a heartbreaking last scene shoots him as the only way out. Of Mice and Men has the good fortune to be physically conceived by some of the best men in the theatre. Acted by Wallace Ford as George E_____the New York Times" with gestures. SCandidates for the Master's Degree All connected with the organization in History: The language examina- are urged to attend this meeting for l i tion for the Master's Degree in His- important business will be discussed. li10 tory will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, _ Jan. 21, in Room B, Haven Hall. Can- University Giaris' Glee Club: There didates must bring their own diction- will be a regular meeting tonight at By TOM McCANN aries. Copies of old examinations are 7:15 at the League. All members are on file in the Basement Study Hall in urged to be present. Of course, we could have been ut- the General Library. All students terly brazen about the whole thing, taking the examination must regis- Congress: Meeting of the Social saying that we knew all along that ter in the History Department Of- Committee tonight at 7 p.m. in Room Bernie Cummins and Esrkine Hawk- fice, 119 Haven Hall, before Monday, 306 of the Union. ins were going to play for the IFC Jan. 17. party, that we were just kidding about Jimmy Lunceford and Hud- DirPublicity Committee of the League Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- will meet at 5 p.m. today in the Un- son-DeLang and that we were just amination: All students expecting to dergraduate Offices. All members saving the information as surprise do directed teaching next semester must be present. material, but we didn't. We feel armrquredtopase quliyigsee-nt._ resoaby ur ody ha w hv are required to pass a qualifying ex-_ reasonaby nsre todthat weve amination in the subject which they, C iE' our feet on the ground when we say expect to each. This examination 1 C m "Ze t that Bernie Cummins and Erskine will be -held on Saturday, Jan. 8, at C Hawkins will be in Ann Arbor the 1 P.M. Students will meet in the Au- Junior Mathematics Club will meet night of Jan. 14. tu meti the Au- Friday, Jan. 7, at 4:15 p.m. in Room Sditorium of the University High 3201 A.H. Mr. Murray H. Protter'will School. The examination will con- give a talk on Continuous Geometry. To midwesterners, Bernie Cummins, sume about four hours' time; prompt- Refreshments will follow. of course, is the better known of the ness is therefore essential. two organizations. For many years The Observatory Journal Club will Bernie played at the Trianon in Chi- Comprehensive Examination in Ed- meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, cago, and three of his bands ago, the ucatior" All candidates for the Jan. 6, in the Observatory lecture Cummins ensemble ran along he Teacher's Certificate are required to room. Dr. Robley C. Williams will lines of the Ted Weems pattern. Since pass a Comprehensive Examination speak on "Energy Disibution in the his appearance at the Trianon, Ber-; in Education, covering the fields of Spectra of the eg Stars." iteau ill bte nie has had three different bands: work definitely prescribed therefor sera 40 Tea will be one at the Trianon, one at the New Such an examination will be held e da :p.m. York Biltmore and another at the! Saturday, Jan. 8, 1938, from 9 to 12 4 l lTA THEA ITRE :J Of .11:(-e A i(id Men John Steinbeck has molded a superlatively fine drama from his own novel of the same name, Of Mice and Men. The touching story of the friendship between George and the weak-minded Lennie as it is unfolded by Mr. Steinbeck builds and mounts and pounds its way into a hot Drake in Chicago. o'clock (and again from 2 to 5 Bernie himself is a pleasing young o'clock) in the Auditorium of the maestro with a voice patterned after University High School. Students that of Ted Weems' Parker Gibbs. having Saturday morning classesl zoog Clna:mr. A. J. NiCh- olson will report on "The nesting habits of the wood-mouse as de- termined by nest boxes," on Thurs- day, Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 i