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January 05, 1938 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-05

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President Roosevelt W ar ns A gainst 'Misuse' O f Capital

Progress Of New Civil Service
In Michigan Lauded By Pollock

Praises Organizing
oOe By Gov. M
And Merit Comi
Civil service, which became
igan institution on Jan. 1.,
ready made outstanding prc
the state because of the exce
ganizing work of Governor
and the state merit commissi
James K. Pollock of the polil
ence department, chairman

IurI) y
ss ioni
a Mich_-
has al-
gress in
lient or-
on, Prof.
tical sci-
of the

former Michigan Civil Service Study
1Commission, said yesterday.
At the same time, in an interview
Iwith the Daily, he warned against
hasty disappointments resulting from
the establishment of the system, and
urged the public to keep up its en-
thusiasm for and to defend the prin-
ciples of merit employment.
"The prompt action of the gover-
nor," Professor Pollock said. "in se-
lecting the most capable personnel
- 4 director in the country, William
Brownrigg, and also in the immediate
~appointment of a highly competent
civil service commission has brou ght
substantial and satisfactory progress
in Michigan's civil service. The start
that has already been made has been
most satisfactory. An unbelievable
amount of preparatory work has been
President Roosevelt convened Congress in its regular session with a personally delivered message in completed and the installation of the
which he said "the misuse of the powers of capital" must be ended "or the capitalistic system will destroy new system is well on the ivay Ki
itself through its own abuses." Shown on the rostrum, rear, Vice-President Garner and Speaker Bankhead completion."
and front, the President and his son, James. This period is the honeymoon of
the system, Professor Pollock said',
600 Enrolled Here cluding the Michigan Union and the e nples fail to pass theirhqualifyn
Michigan League, exams and when some are classified
F or Lail Courses DA LY OFFIIAL Alexander G. Ruthiven. lower and receive less compensation
__U L L ET___Un__ers___yC__n___:_Th__r__wi______aIthan at present, we may expect the
More than 600 persons are nowmength University Counciwil be a avl chorus to begin. nHowever, this
taigcussudr the pn onday. Jan. 10. at 4:15 p.m. inthpulcndradshtciisev
dence curriculum offered by heWEDNE SDAY, JAN. 5, 198Room 1009 Angell Hall. ice needscall these personnelQ mesues
Works Progress Administration. Of VO.XVI o 2Suet on hr ilb to give the state a group of competent
the 2 suet 18suyi VO.su-. o 2Suen on:Ter ilb employes, and that in the process a
thes 62 stdens, 18 tud insu- Student Teas: President and Mrs Imeeting of the Committee on Stu- number of hard blows must be healt.
pevsed groups inva c ipties5 inC RuW e nsd wilbe at home to students dent Loans held in Room 2, Univer- no harm will come to the system."
in hospitals and 49 study alone. ____sity Hall on Jan. 11 in the afternoon. ThpepefMihgnnwhva
Lessons are planned for the stu- To members of the University stafi: All men students who have filed loan sem ofso civllrvcel egal in e-
den byan nstuctrwho corrects Those who have not yet filled out and applications which have not yet been fcP rofessor Pohoc"t eared enin-
the assignments he receives and adds returned the confidential personnel acted upon should make appoint- to receive the benefits of a good
additional instruction for the student. blanks are urged to do so immediate- ments to meet the Committee. personnel system as long as they
__________--ly. The contemplated study must be insist upon the continuation of the
SLOSSON DISCUSSES DIPLOMACY started at once, and it is imperative Notice to Men Students: All nien present high standards of its admin-
"Gret Poer iploacy wil bethat alU blanks be returned before the students, living in approved room- istration."
theabet Powe Dilomcy"will esn work is started. It is hoped that* ing houses, who have any thought of William Brownrigg, former per-
thet sut of a talk byn Prf.so n thsen blnk oteyet in our thands will movg to difeen s uarter for te sonnel director of California's system"
uate students to be held at noon in A.G.uhe. wiigt h eno tdnsb-personnel director of the system. The
the Russian Tea Room of the League Ta foreatae atu 12 ocock noon of Saturday, commission of three includes George

and a compensation. They have begun
to ui'epaire an extensive examining
program, he said, and have worked
out with the buctgei director and au-
di tor-general of the state a new set
of payroll procedures.
Announcement of certain competi-
live examinations for positions nowv
unfilled was made Monday. In the
near future other employes of the
state will begin to take qualifying
examinations. This is the first time,
Professor Pollock declared, that any
state civil service hias started wvith
this type of test for its old employcs.
In all older systems, he pointed out
old einployes have automatically car-
ried over without examinations.
Engieers To Vote On
Laarger Diploiuas Today
A meeting of the senior engineering
class was called by Goff Smith, pres-
ident, for 7:15 p.m. today in Room
348 of the West Engineering Build-
ing to vote on a request made by
several students for larger diplomas.
For the past several years all col-
leges have been receiving small di-
plomas, 14 by 8 inches. The proposed
diploma is approximately 24 by 18
inches. Smith will have both di-
plomas at the meeting.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
11 vs. 1933" ati te Jackson Par-
ent-Teachers Association tonight. He
will trace the 'changes in the Jack-
son school system since he was called
there as principal in 1911.
AtAll Dealer
J.J 'KANE, Dist. Dial 3500

A ruiamenit Program
Str'engthens Market
Spurred by growing expectations of
heavy armaments spending, buying
forces pushed up selected stocks 1 to
4 points generally in today's New York
market with isolated advances of 9 or
so, according to the Associated Press.
Steels and a ire rafts, which would
be among the principal beneficiaries
if Congress enacts a "big navy" pro-
gram, were in the forefront of the
forward tilt.
Exhibiting strengtn were motors,
coppers, electrical equipments, rub-
bers, oils, tobaccos and a wide assort-
ment of specialties.
The principal fly in the day's op-
timitic ointment, however, was the
relative lightness of volume in com-
parison with the broad recovery. The
ticker tape frequently was at a stand -




Ann Dvorak

John Trent

--Coning Saturday -



2SOUTH MAIN (Downtown SINCE 1895

Classified Drcoy
WANTED Individually Done-No Marking
[JAW STUDENT wants quiet room in -236 _____ _-
private home, no other students. MALE HELP WANTED
Wr____B____,____h__D___y. _ __SENIOR or graduate student. Organic
VIOLA STERN, 706 Oakland. Phone or analytical chemistry to do re-
6327. Experienced typist. Reason- search, part time. 602 Monroe.
able rates. 232 239
I'YPING, neatly and accurately done. LOST AND FOUND -
Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone LOST: Gol sgerigwtto
_____44. __________ __ small diamonds and LeRoy written
~LOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any inside. L. B. inscribed on outside.
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, Call 5152. 235
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- LOST: Black key folder with seven
ers, old gold and musical instru- keys between Geddes Heights and
nments. Ready cash waiting for you. South State St. Phone 3403. 238
Phone Sam. 6304. 2x-

bers, Dormitory Heads, Dormitory will be given only to students com-
Residents, The Student Body in Gen- plying with this requirement.
I ral, and all Others Concerned: C. 1. lmsted.
The cooperation of every one is IAll Students: Registration for sec-
urged especially at this season of the ond semester. Each student should
year in the efforts of the Buildings plan to register for himself during
and Grounds Department to avoid (Continued on Page 4)
ventilating of al University buildings
wherever located. The burning of Michigan Alumnae Club
lights when not needed, the opening PlnM sceJn.1
of window s in rooms having thermo-*
satic cntrl o1r inlie of. clsn Mrs. Richard Earhart will enter-
static control, are all wasteful prac- tam members of the MichiganAum
tices and cause, the expenditure for nae Club at a musicale and tea Jan.!
coal more than would otherwise be! 14 at her home in The Meadows.
necessary, thus reducing funds avail- Opportunity will be given for those
able for the proper work of the interested in the group to join at that
University. -Itime, Mrs. Irene Johnson, president,
These statements apply to all Iannounced. The' list of musicians
buildings for which the University and other details will be announced
furishes heat, light, and power, in- later, she said.

Burke of Ann Arbor, chairman, Stuart
Perry of Adrian, director of the Asso-
I ciated Press, and Mrs. Paul Jones,
former state head of the League of
Thoencomm ission and its director,
Professor Pollock said, have made
great strides toward completing a
plan for classification of employcs






Union.. .

THE UTNiON is better equipped
147 serve you during the year 1938.
An excellent swimming pool,
seven new howling alleys, 22 pool
and billiard tables, ping pong
Lahies, a completely eqllippedl
steam roomi, two cafeterias, are
all (cOmbirned for your enjoy-
m ent and entertainment.


i I i


i i


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