TUESDAY, JAN. 4, 1938 T HE MICHIG AN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY I N "' = r r:=( JL3 IT(f71 OI f ~I O At5NJLATyt4( t fjr~m , ~ - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stude* Publications. Puoushed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ese for republication of all news dispatches creited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. En'?ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second Mass mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mal, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONA. ADyL'IwINXG UY NationalAdvertisingServiceInc.. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAo - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRAiCscoO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR................. WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR.................ROBERT P EWEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ..................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDI' MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: EARL R. GILMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Pull Out Your Own Brick. WVE ARE BACK in our clister. During the past two weeks some of us caught a glimpse of the world outside, or at least we had some time to read about it in the papers. In the hours that we were not listening to Benny Goodman or drinking toasts to the New Year some of us actually saw reality. But now we are safe. We can forget crowded tenement houses that we passed on the way to a show. We again have the chance to pick up our economics books and study how wages are determined under a system of free private enterprise, without such complicating factors as the Senate Civil Liberties sub-committeeI dug up when they revealed that 2,500 companies, the very cream of American business, hire pro- fessional union-smashers and labor spies. Half of us can don sheer silk and shudder at the thought of some of the girls at home who insist on wearing those ugly lisle stockings, not made in Japan. We can look forward again to re- ceiving the periodic remittance from home, oblivious to the discharge of 30,000 workers by General Motors. We can, in a word, close the doors and win- dows of our sequestered niche to the problems of a world teeming with war and an economic recession and its accompanying poverty and misery. We have the opportunity to bury our heads in the comfort and ease of academic iso- lation. To take that opportunity and shake from ourselves the few germs of reality that some of us may have picked up in the past two weeks is to run like cowards away from things as they are into a fairy world of things as we'd like them to be. But this doesn't have to be a cloister The radio and newspapers, taken with a grain of salt and a ton of critical approach, shed a few rays of light from the outside. There are, too, some people here, on the faculty and among the student body, who are determined to keep in touch with the world. But even that is not enough. The clash of social and economic forces out there make it necessary for us to take sides and participate here on the campus. The days of the fence- sitter are over. The New Deal charges Big Business with staging a sit-dawn; Japan's mili- tarists push further into China; Henry Ford's Japanese branch buys Japanese war-bonds. In the face of these issues, you must make up your mind whether you want peace or war, democ- racy or fascism, collective bargaining or Ford's methods of handling labor. You must make up your mind and then do something about it right here and now without waiting until you emerge into the world hiding behind a diploma and the Big Apple. The cloister is crumbling. Don't try to save it. Robert Perlman. Jere We Go Ino1938 . . . r 'WO MATTERS of paramount im- portance confront the nation as the new year comes in. First, the business recession, with its usual concomitants-rising unemploy- ment, falling industrial activity, declining stock markets and lagging retail trade. Second, the evolution of an effective and consistent foreign policy. There are of course, other questions and trends factions to effect a mutually agreeable peace may culminate in the cessation of the destructive internecine warfare currently being waged with- in labor's own ranks; the movement for better municipal government may counteract some of the shame of the cities; the Republican party may even be revived into an effective opposi- tion group. Important and desirable as these proposals may be, they could, and probably will, remain inter- esting speculation for an indefinite time. An industrial crisis and the possibility of participa- tion in a foreign war are of immediate concern. however, and require immediate action The official policy of the State Department seems to be one of gradually breaking away from the traditional idea of splendid isolation. After making a half-hearted gesture with the impotent Neutrality Act, President Roosevelt is now pro- claiming that isolation cannot guarantee the safety of the country, and he has renounced en- tirely a policy of peace-at-any-price. American public opinion is divided on the iuestion, but it is easily discernible that there is a pronounced anti-war feeling in the country. Many people have become tired of a program of vacillation and inconsistency. We must either decide to continue to "withdraw from the world economically and politically and rely on the ad- vantages of our geographical and historical posi- ion," as advocated, oddly enough, by Mr. Norman Thomas, or aid whole-heartedly in the creation of a collective system of international security and participate in a program for world-wide eco- nomic appeasement, the suggestions of Edwin James of the New York Times and Raymond Buell, president of the Foreign Policy Associa- tion. The greatest single development in the bus- iness recession the last two weeks was the laying off of 30,000 men by General Motors. The Administration, 'through Robert .H. Jackson, as- sistant attorney general, and Secretary Ickes, loosed a double verbal blast at monopolies, charg- ing that business had gone "quietly on strike" in order to embarrass the New Deal. That this is an adequate explanation of the recession is doubted by many observers. Elliott Maraniss. UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAEL. ..PUIJM MY G-D (you choose a vowel) WE APOLOGIZE to the man who didn't find our pipe and wish him as hearty an Happy New Year as we wish you all. We take back all the nice things we said about him and everything, because we, ourselves found the pipe in a little- used vanity off in a corner of the bridal suite in the rooms on State Street. We're sorry we made so much noise about it all because the rest did the thing some good and we no longer have to bury it in moth balls and Lucien Lelong at night so we can sleep. * * * * It wasn't Mae West but it could have been Charlie McCarthy who causes us to believe that radio is here to stay along with the horseless carriage and the re-depression. We might make a pun or two about the well-seasoned jokes on the knotty program that the bluenoses didn't approve of. But what is best about Charlie McCarthy is that he steps aside for the weekly presentation of a one-act play. Sunday it was a thing called "Smokescreen," a trite little business about a smart detective trapping a woman into admitting a murder, with Don Ameche and Margo- who was a hit in "Winterset." Previously we had heard another play about two steel workers and-that menace-a woman, in which the ever-interest- ing device of a man reviewing his life as he falls from a skyscraper. This time it was Chester Morris and Florence Rice who were being starred. In both cases what interested us mainly was the intense drama of the whole thing and the neg- ligible dependence upon sound effects. Both of these plays, though, suffering a number of faults in the writing, yet still fine in their dialogue, had punch. We have spent many years fighting with the kid brother when Jack Armstrong came on and trying to relegate Little Orphan Annie to the static from whence it came. And now it just dawns that radio has tremendous possibilities as a dramatic device. EVERY SO OFTEN someone pops up with a plan of presenting a play without scenery, or with only heavy drops sensitive to lighting changes. They tell us of the success of Orson Welles' production of "Julius Caesar" in New York, performed in an old, semi-warehouse the- atre. And we recalled that in the beginning of our modern stage history, the Elizabethan period, acting was done on a mereplatform without even drops The scene of the play existed mainly in the imagination of the audience and was supple- mented by splendid costumes. There was not even varied light changes to aid the playwright. It can be remembered that in "Hamlet," there is no knowledge of the time unless someone in the play calls attention to it. Horatio described the dawn as the sun rises over the hill And so it is in the garden scene of "Romeo and Juliet." To such devices, particularly in the presentation of Shakespearean plays, some pro- ducers have tried to return. It just is apparent to us now that weaker writers must sometimes depend upon the craft of their property man with their weaker plays. And it is simple for the entire group to sink to that dependence. In radio however, there can of course be no scenery, there are only sound effects ar.d we have mentioned that even they seem to be diminishing in importance. Ap- parently in radio it will be the strong writer who can weave his scene closely with his charac- Iife eflLC foMe H-eywood Broun Don Marquis is gone with the old year, but he belongs to the new. Much has been written of him in newspapers, and these were not the usual obituaries. This was not material from the "morgue," but the eloquent tribute of other re- porters who knew him and loved him There is little to be added, and I would not like to write a death notice to start the New Year but for the fact that I was among his ardent admirers. And I have a slight suspicion that in the case of such a magnificent person there is always the danger that he may be presented as too sweet for the good of his own eternal reputation. Don Marquis was a kindly man who did not foster enmities, but he was a satirist, among other things, and he could bring down a stuffed shirt on the wing with the best of them. And when he was of a mind he could and did land pun- ishing punches behind the ear. And why not talk of Don at the beginning of the year, for like mehitabel, his famous lower °ase cat, he was "toujours gale." 4 u f F An Old Poker Companion He was, I think, the worst poker player I have :ver had the privilege of participating against. I do not want to press the theories of Dr. Freud too hard, but I am firmly convinced that Don must have had some unconscious urge not to take money from anybody. I hope no one is going to try to draw any moral lesson from the fact that Don Marquis, after considerable success, died in straitened cir- cumstances. The poker games were small, and he was not a man who blew himself to wild extrava- gances He was too good to be syndicated with. The complete truth is that he sunk his savings in the production of "The Dark Hours," a serious play about the Crucifixion As far as I know, Don was not a churchgoer or orthodox in any exact sense, but he was a mystic and deeply religious. Once around a table he told us, "I've been trying to catch up with God all my life, but I've never quite made it. Often I've come into a room and had the strong feeling that God was tere until just one sec- ond before I arrived. But I'm going to keep try- ing. I'll catch up with Him yet." Both Grave And Gay All my memories of Don are mixed up, as he was, in things grave and gay. I remember the time he swore off drinking for two weeks. It was to have been for a year We were in a Park Row saloon which managed to persist through Prohibition. Don had ordered a brandy, and the waiter brought him a full bottle. He was talking earnestly about religion I think, when the drink came and with one sweep of his arm hea hit the bottle and knocked it to the floor, where1 it smashed into a hundred bootleg pieces. The proprietor ran up and began to abuse the waiter. "Don't blame him," said Don. "I did it. I hit it with my arm. I'll pay for the bottle.", C "Not at all," said the proprietor. "I'll send you over another with my compliments." Don smiled, but then he frowned. "That bottle costs about $14," he said. "If he can afford to give me another I'm too good a customer. I'm go- ing to swear off until New Year's." Naturally he was not as stern as that. Don was a realist. He was a great newspaperman, a great artist, and what he wrote from day to day mustr not go down the sluiceways with the scrap paper. Some publisher ought to bring out a Marquis omnibus. Here was a fellow who could really write, and he ought to live. I'm sure he will. In-tro-du-cing in this corner, ladeez TUESDAY, JAN. 4, 1938 and gentlemen, Clifford Odets, chain- VOL, XLVIII. No. 71 peen of the young playwrights of the Student Teas: President and Mrs U.S.A. and the world. He pulls no Ruthven will be at home to students punches, he shoots a hard right, ai Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. harder left, he aims for the solar Tor plexus and if he can't catch you that To members of the Uversity staf:n way, he'll go for a straight to th Those who have not yet filled out and chin. Clifford Odet's Golden Boy, returned the confidential personnel playing at the Belasco Theatre ry blanks are urged to do so immediate- New York City is just that way. It ly. The contemplated study must be aims and hits hard and leaves its started at once, and it is imperative audience gasping and trying to catch hat all blanks be returned before the its breath.swork is started. It is hoped that those blanks not yet in our hands will Golden Boy tells the story of the besent in at once. introspective Joe Bonapartewhn will come to the afternoon meeting- bluebooks will be necessary. The examination will consist of three parts. Part 1 will be a ques- tionnaire inquiry which will give the School of Education important in- formation for guidance purposes but which in no way will affect scholastic marks. Part II will consist of an objective test covering matters treat- ed in courses A10, Cl and D100. Part III will consist of two essay type questions dealing with applications. The first of these questions will be "State the philosophy of Education which you hold. i~e. your convictionsq TiLH EAT RE' By NORMAN T. KIELL Iolden Boy DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is const itdive notice to sia Ininber. uf t he University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. A. G .Ruthven., torn between love for his violin and A.G._____ or fundamental beliefs regarding ed- the boxing game. If his fiddle could To Deans, Directors, Faculty Mem- ucation." The second of these ques- shoot bullets he'd stick to it and so bers, Dormitory Heads, Dormitory tions will ask that you apply this the fighting racket wins out. Residents, The Student Body in Gen- philosophy to some one or two speci- Joe Bonaparte is a delicate me- eral, and all Others Concerned: fically stated problems of the schools. chanism, sensitive to life and people The cooperation of every one is'(hsprbeswlbegvnoti suspicious of life and people. Joe urged especially at this season ofnthe particularized form at the time of the was trained by his loving and lovable year in the efforts of the Buildings examination). father for 21 years to be a violinist and Grounds Department to avoid Tickets for Richard II. Those who but Joe can't stand the thought of waste in the heating, lighting, and have not yet received their tickets being buried in his room and prac- ventilating of all University buildings for Mr. Evans' performance of "Rich- ticing, even though he was the best wherever located. The burning of and II." may obtain them at my of- student in the city. Joe is a queer lights when not needed, the opening fice today. Karl Litzenberg. genius: a virtuouso at the strings, a of windows in rooms having thermo- carnivorous reader (he read the Brit- static control, or in lieu of closing Girls: Other than freshmen, de- tanica from A to Z before he was 21), radiators in rooms lacking thermo- siring to live in the Girls' Cooperative he is so deeply buried within him- static control, are all wasteful prac- House next semester may obtain ap- self he does not know what he wants: tices and cause the expenditure for plication blanks from the Officeof the smack of glove on flesh, the thun- I coal more than would 'otherwise be the Dean of Women on the Girls' Co- der of fight fans, the passion for necessary, thus reducing funds avail- operative ouse, 517 East Ann Street. Lorna Moon, the speed of his Duesen- able for the proper work of the All applications should be turned in berg. Little circles run in the pit of University. not later than Wednesday, Jan. 5. his stomach. They drive him frantic| These statements apply to all n__h W n yJ. with his self-persecution complex and buildings for which the University Lectures ego mania. Anyone his superior, ;furishes heat, light, and power, in- O mentally or physically, is welcomed eluding the Michigan Union and the University Lecture: Dr. Norman L. to him. It is his overbearing andIMichigan League. Bowen, Charles L. Hutchinson Dis- overweening presumptiousness, how- Alexander G. Ruthven. tinguished Service Professor in the ever much submerged in him, that is .. Department of Geology of the destructive for Joe Bonaparte. It is Notice to Men Students: All men University of Chicago, will give a this self-pitying, self-analytical, in- students, living in approved rooming public lecture on "Silicate equilibria trospective characteristic that leads houses, who intend to move to differ- and their significance in rocks and Joe Bonaparte not only to his im- ent quarters for the second semester industrial products," in the Natural mediate aim in life, the world's cham- must give notice in writing to the Science Auditorium, Thursday, Jan. pionship boxing crown, but also to Dean of Students before 12 o'clock 13, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor- his death. noon of Saturday, Jan. 15, 1938. dially invited. Clifford Odets nas taken the juice, the raw, the lean, the meat, and the Attention University Employes: Eve gravy and given them to his people Whenever possible charge all person- E e ts l in the play, with the exception of al long-distance telephone calls and Junior Research Club: The January some of the prize fighting men whom telegrams placed through the Univer- meeting will be held on Tuesday, he doesn't know so well. The rich,, sity telephone system, to your resi- Jan. 4, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 2083 full heart he has given to Joe Bona- dent phone. Natural Science Building. parte's father, and as acted by Mpr- Herbert T. Watkins. Dr. R. F. Sommer of the Dental ris Carnovsky, is a superb conception. School will give a talk, illustrated He has caught the fullest measure of First Mortgage Loans. The Univer- with colored moving pictures, on the good natured, hulking Italian sity has a limited amount of funds "Conservation of Pulp in Involved fruit peddler, who is so frustrated by to loan on modern well-located Ann Teeth." the complexities of life when every- Arbor residential property. Interest Dr. E. F. Greenman of the Univer- thing could be so wondrously easy by at current rates. Apply Investment sity Museum will talk on "Recent merely living it fully and simply. Office, Room 100, South Wing, Archaeological Work in Michigan." Frances Farmer playing Lorna University Hall. Moon, is the symbol of physical pas- ---- Cooperative Rooming Committee: sion that Joe can never reach and Choral Union Members: Members There will be a meeting of all cam- who is one further stumbling stone of the Choral Union are requested to pus men and women interested in that adds to his frustration, is real, return their copies of "The Creation," Cooperative rooming tonight at 8:00 warm, and sincere in her part. Ro- and to receive in lieu thereof, copies p.m. in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. man Boehnen, Joe's manager, who is of "Carmen," which will be used at A general discussion of the possi- living in sin with Lorna Moon, does the rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock. In bilities of establishing more student not like Joe because he does not un- so far as possible, members will please cooperative houses on campus will derstand him, because he does not make the exchange before 5 o'clock follow the report on available real try to. And hyper-sensitive Joe Bona- today to avoid confusion and loss of estate. parte who feels he is being treated like rehearsal time tonight. a machine and not a human being, is Bookshelf And Stage: The Book- given a superb portrayal by Luther Advanced R.O.T.C. Commutation shelf and Stage section of the Fac- Adler. Mr. Adler catches all the checks will be available at Headquar- ulty Women's Club will meet at 2:45 nuances and idiosyncracies of the te-s Thursday, Jan. 6, from 1:30 to today at the home of Mrs. L. W. fumbling lost creature he portrays. 4:30 p.m . Keeler, 1135 Granger Ave. As a matter of fact, the combination _ - of Clifford Odets' Golden Boy and Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- Tau Beta Pi: Important dinner the whole acting of the Group amination: All students expecting to meeting tonight ht 6:15 p.m. at the Theatre company in it, makes it the do directed teaching next semester Union. Col. B. D. Edwards will speak. most worthwhile modern drama to are required to pass a qualifying ex- see on Broadway today. amination in the subject which they Christian Science Organization: I I On The Level By WRAG Well, the holiday season is over and all the billpayers are joyful that it didn't last as long as the baseball season. It has been the time of "Peace on earth and big bills to men." And Christmas was still the same. On the 25th everybody exchanged greetings, and on the first shopping day thereafter everybody rushed downtown to exchange presents. However, U.S. children should be thankful that this is" still one of the few countries left where they could hang up their stockings on Christmas night and not find them all shot full of holes the next morning. But on the other hand, those workingmen affected by the labor union battles and strikes had to tell their children that CIO meant, "Christmas Is Out." Then startled new born 1938 crept into the mire that his old man left behind and found out that first he has to settle the employment question. Stat istics show him that over ten mil- lions are unemployed in the U.S. alone, and that all the Chinese. Japanese, and Spanish are em- ployed-but at the wrong things. It took a lot of spunk for Landon to climb in with Roosevelt on the Japanese question. The pair not only made strange bedfellows, but Landon knew in advance that F.D.R. I E i I 3 I i 3 i I i t { i III (ki 4 expect to each. This examination will be held on Saturday, Jan. 8, at 1 p.m. Students will meet in the Au- ditorium of the University High School. The examination will con- sume about four hours 'time; prompt- By TOM McCANN ness is therefore essential. WELL, if it isn't one thing it's that Comprehensive Examination in Ed- other one. Now they're telling us ucation: All candidates for the that Paul Wh4teman has made ar-! Teacher's Certificate are required to rangements to use 35-saxophones-35 pass a Comprehensive Examination in his 45-piece orchestra that chris- in Education, covering the fields of tened the new Chesterfield series on work definitely prescribed thereforI New Year's Eve= Such an examination will be heldl Saturday, Jan. 8, 1938, from 9 to 12 The new Whiteman show, which l o'clock (and again from 2 to 5 has replaced Hal Kemp on FridayI o'clock) in the Auditorium of the nights, was a suspiciously whimsical University High School. Students little thing in its premiere. Bing having Saturday morning classes Crosby was the first guest on the new E ----- - --- - series, and there was much back' slapping, "I'm glad to see you, Bing,": "same to you, Paul" and all in all, the M paternalistic high-jinks administered by "daddy" Whiteman to the return- Calendar ing prodigal son.rCrosby, were just a . little too heart rending. THURSDlAY * *School of Music Graduation Re- As has been the custom for some cital, Robert G. Campbell, organist. time now, there were several people Fantasie and Fugue in G minor, two who reached the silly drunk stage on' choral "preludes'. by Bach; Prelude, that glorious night, and some of these Op. 11, by Schmitt; Scherzo fromj did a little impromptu broadcasting. Vierne's Second Symphony; Sonataj About 3:15 Saturday morning, (3:15.on the Ninety-Fourth Psalm by a.m. to be exact) one of San Fran-I Reubke. 4:15, Hill Auditorium. cisco's younger feminine inebriants Victor Bay's "Essays in Music," five had the CBS 'Red" Nichols, the examples of musical treatment of Paramount Hotel and the Nichol's "Love." Columbia Symphony and pennies completely at her mercy. As soloists; 10:30-11, CBS. far as we could gather, she was at- FRIDAY tempting to eat the microphone or University of Michigan Little 8:15 p.m., League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty invited to attend the services. Omega Upsilon: Meeting at 7:30 to- night, Morris Hall. All members and pledges must be present. The Racial and Social Equality Committee of the Progressive Club will have a pre-symposium meeting at the Michigan Union Tuesday at 8:00. Final arrangements for Sat- urday's symposium will be made. Members are urgently requested to be present, and anyone else interest- ed is cordially invited. University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m. Forestry and Land Utilization Series. Topic: "What Michigan Got Out of Forest Devastation"-Shirley W. Al- len, Prof. of Forestry. Coming Events The Women's Research Club will meeton Wednesday, Jan. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 110 of the General Li- brary. Speaker, Mrs. E. B. Mains: on the subject, "A Garden Study" which will be illustrated with slides in natural colors. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- inrg on Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 4:15 p m. Mr. Charles A. Murray will speak on "Attractive and Repulsive Forces in Colloidal Phenomena." s Michigan Dam& Music Group will - to get into it somehow. all the time that she Nichols. In order to avert crisis she was permitted age. But then New Year's so very few times each nothing much happened demanding! meet Mr. the present this privil- Eves comes year, and anyhow so Symphony. Thor Johnson conductor. meet at Michigan League at 8:00 Symphony in E fiat, Op. 9 No. 2, of p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 5. Johann Christian Bach; Five Russian Folk Songs arranged by Liadov; Al- Luncheon for graduate students on legretto Scherzando from Dixtuor in Wednesday, Jan. 5, at 12 o'clock in D minor by Dubois; Overture to Gre- the Russian Tea Room of the League. try's "Cephale et Procris." 3-3:30, Cafeteria Service. Bring tray across WJR. hal Professor Preston Slosson of there really isn't much point to this