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December 17, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-17

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TIRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1937

PAQE F0133 l~IIflAY, DEC. 17, 1937




and subsequent depressions. We realize that tied
up in the Far East are tremendous investments
of American capitalists and the life possessions
of a great number of middle class tradesmen and
business managers. We must weigh these two
decisions. Can there be any doubt as to which
end of the scale is the lower?
If we do not wish to risk involvement in an-
other futile fight for "freedom of the seas," there
is but one course of action. Keep ships and cit-
izens out of the way of nations on the warpath.
The Pittman Peace Act of 1937 (or the Neutrality
Act) was passed with that intention. If we must
have some animate thing upon which to settle
our sorrows, let it be the administration, which
has failed the mandate of the people and kept
that Act from operating.
S. R. Kleiman.


Ā¢uttdNc fcRSME ?c MrOn

4 b '

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the/authority of the Board in Control of
Studer Publications.
Pubushed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
se for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En'.red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail,,$4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisgServicehi c-
College Fublik-s Rejresentatiz'c
Board of Editors
NEWS EDITOR....................ROBERT P. WEEKS
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
None But Fools
Want War, But. .
BENEATH the blasting banner head-
lineG M S

Kalamazoo College.



'Four Days Of Hell' In Captured
City Told By Eyewitnesses;
Bodies Piled Five Feet
High In Streets

the heroic Colonet Knox of Rough Rider fame,
in a front page editorial in Wednesday's Chicago
Daily News, swings T.R's big stick over his shoul-
der and just dares the Japanese to repeat the
Panay incident.
Like abatteurs, who used to stand legs apart
in stockyard blood, Colonel Knox swings his club
to stun the steer before the slaughter. We are
again in 1897, and in 1916; and the steer repre-
sents thepacifism of the American people, who
along with President Roosevelt "hate war."
"None but fools want war. But-" .. .
"Everyone knows what happens to the indi-
vidual peace-at-any-price citizen when he falls
into the hands of a ruthless, aggressive opponent.
"But great nations are not such easy victims-
particularly nations of virile self-respecting men
and women ..."
"There comes a time when such a nation's pa-
tience ends. Some outrage, some insult, some
flagrant, deliberate defiance puts spark to the
tinder and, overnight, the face of that nation
changes! It loses its easy going tolerance; do-
mestic worries and concerns are forgotten; polit-
ical partisanship is adjourned; ranks are closed
up; and the nation faces a possible foe, united
behind its chosen leader-ready for what comes!
"We are an extremely volatile people. Our pa-
tience is not inexhaustible. We will go along
peacefully enough up to a certain point. Then
Not enough to cater to the emotionalism that
has cut the patience of this nation short before.
Not enough to prolong what might have been
a closed incident in order to profit in street sales
from papers heavily topped with black streamer
heads. Not enough to play up dispatches from
Shanghai, containing unprovable statements, im-
pugning the truth of the Japanese avowal that
the bombing was accidental, the News proceeds
editorially to sound the jingoistic clarion call of
"national honor" and "incontestable rights" on
page one.
It is clear that according to international law
and American treaty rights imposed upon China,
that the American gunboat Panay and the three
Standard Oil Company tankers were in the
Yangtze River by "uncontested and incontestable
right." It is clear that they were engaged in "their
legitimate and appropriate business" which at
the moment happened to be conveying refugee
Americans (and Chinese) from a danger zone
created in the heart of China by undoubted Jap-
anese aggression. It is clear that the Japanese
were to blame for the bombing. But it is also
clear that not since Thomas Jefferson ordered
CommodoreDale to the Mediterranean, and the
Barbary pirates were wiped out, has this govern-
ment successfully been able to maintain without
resort to war the right of neutral American

TO DR. STEWART G. COLE, president
of Kalamazoo College:
The editors of this publication want to extend
their heartiest congratulations to you for break-
ing into print, on page one at that: That puts
Kalamazoo College on the map, of the United
States at that.
You have done yeoman work in the cause
against academic freedom. Here, meet the Yale
University Corporation, it built up a case (on
particularly rarefied atmosphere) against Jerome
Davis; meet, also, the administrators of the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh, they clamped down on
the student newspaper a few months ago be-
cause it said certain things about Andrew Mel-
lon that may have been true, but were consider-
ably disconcerting to certain occupants of the
Cathedral of Learning. Take a tip from us,
clamping down on college newspapers because
they offend certain political powers that be is
real fun. You will have to learn the tricks of
that trade some day.
But don't feel dejected because you merely re-
fused to renew the contract for Dr. Carey Ganong,
a popular economics professor. That was grand
work, considering that you had on your hands a
strike of all the 350 students in the college. The
more opposition you managed to provoke directly
enhanced your. prestige as a 20th Century Count
Metternich. What an enviable honor!
Your statements as to why Dr. Ganong's con-
tract would not be renewed were of the charac-
teristic vagueness of very many notices of aca-
demic suppression. You said the refusal was
made because of (1) "administration disapproval
of teaching methods followed by Dr. Ganong"
and (2) "His Canadian citizenship which has
caused the administration embarrassment." In
all such cases it is wise not to be specific. That
would let too many people know the real reason
for firing teachers and suppressing opinions. You
can't afford to imitate Hitler and Mussolini, yet.
But you should have been careful. We read
that you had never attended any of Dr. Ganong's
classes, that you had never seen his examination
papers, and- that you received your knowledge
second hand. Pretty poor methods for a scholar
of your stature. That makes you a mere class
C suppressor.
Dr. Ganong said to the newspapers that he
was brought to the college as part of an inter-
national program in 1934 and cannot see why
Canadian citizenship is a cause for dismissal. But
you know why he was to go and you will not tell
a soul.
Joseph S. Mattes.
Tuure Tenander.
____with DISRAELI L
To such an eagle eye as that which found our
nice odoriferous GBD pipe (bulldog style) we ac-
cord the highest honors of the Indian race. We
conside the finder of this pipe at least an Eagle
Scout, a 100 per cent Rover Boy, a first edition
of Tom Swift and the original Dick Tracy. But
we would like to know who he is so that we may
bestow all this gratitude and laudation upon him
personally. We will be grateful in a tangible
A friend of ours who up till now didn't
suspect that we wrote an almost daily column
came in and surprised at seeing us at work,
asked which pillar we were guilty of. We said,
"You know, the funny one."
"Oh," he ohed. "Gosh, are you WRAG?"
IN THE MOST DANGEROUS position of one
who knows nothing of the finer points of
the dance, in general or ballet in particular, we
nevertheless take issue with our neighbor yester-
day, Miss Edith Folkoff. We do not argue with
Miss Folkoff's premise that the ballet is a weak
art form. We only see it as a particular pleasant
eening's entertainment, ,the grace of moving
bodies, peculiarly akin to the sensual pleasure of
a smooth and beautiful writing style or to clean
sentimental music. Beyond that we leave it to
others like Miss Folkoff to criticize.

Our objection to yesterday's article was pri-
marily that Miss Folkoff has chosen at the very
beginning of her column to generalize on the
position of the ballet in the realm of the entire
dancing art. We take it that she was writing
a review of the Monte Carlo ballet. That was
at least what we expected. The generalization
that the ballet was a weak art form was unfair
to us who wanted to know about the Monte Carlo
troupe. We more or less expected that the ballet
be evaluated in terms of the ballet itself, put

It feemi tio Me
""leywood Broun
This seems to me an excellent time for every-
body to keep his shirt on and his mouth shut. I
refer specifically to commentators, columnists,
broadcasters, publicists of all kinds, even Con-
Naturally, I am not suggesting that the Amer-
ican people or their representatives should sur-
render the right to criticize,
suggest and even command a
foreign policy. But a mora-
torium upon advice would do
much more good than harm.
Certainly this is not the pro-
pitious time for private indi-'
>'> ? viduals to sound off and wave
the flag.
First of all, the complete
facts should be in mind, and
even after that there might well be a quiet hour
to insure digestion.
We should not hand a blank chleck to President
Roosevelt, but at a critical time there ought to be
sufficient national faith in his capacity to insure
against any sudden and precipitate movement to1
hobble him in negotiations.
When The Case Is Set
When the issue has been clearly drawn there
will be plenty of time for everyone to declare his
own particular point of view as to what the
position of the United States should be. Within
a very short time it would seem to me expedient
that the clearest and fullest discussion ought to
be in order, with no shade of opinion barred.
But neither now nor later will there be much
utility in seizing upon some slogan and whipping
ourselves into a purely emotional reaction based
upon a few lilting words, rather sound common
sense and sober analysis of the points involved.
Rallying cries which begin with "Remember-"
or "Fifty-four forty-" seldom epitomize the best
possible essence of human wisdom.
Even as a minor figure in the group of
those who have leave to print I would, if I could
think up themes, devote myself wholly to friv-
olous subjects for the next two or three days.
Putting Our House In Order
Failing that, it might not be inappropriate to
call attention to a domestic outrage concerning
which sufficient time has flown to allow the
national will, the national reason and the na-
tional conscience to set. A meeting will be held
in Madison Square Garden tonight to urge the
release of Tom Mooney. Something more than
an apology would seem required.
Mooney has been held in jail for twenty-one
years. The Senate is about to investigate his
case. In all probability the Supreme Court will
take up the question. But twenty-one years have
passed. There is such a thing as being too slow
in coming to decisions as well as too fast.
Few, I believe, respect the evidence or the legal
processes under which Mooney was convicted.
Some of those who wish to keep him confined
are candid enough to admit that they are
motivated by a present fear of the man's influ-
ence rather than any real confidence in the jus-
tice of his sentence.
They feel that he has become a symbol of mili-
tant labor leadership. And he has become such
In twenty-one years organized labor has come of
age. It is now old enough to vote, and it is
learning how to do it.
And so during the brief period in which there
fmight well be an agreement not to confuse the
foreign situation there is every reason and justi-
Tication why an ancient wrong should be righted.
Now is the time for us to put our house in
On The &;Lehvenl1


emotion which leads to war-and the A coach's job is to teach athletes
time to start talking peace is now! his particular system and possibly
Leonard D. Verdier, Jr., '39L. iron out the flaws of previous teach-
ing that are contrary to his policies,
but the. successful results depend up-
The Communist Stind on several factors, intelligence and
I physical ability distributed through
To the Editor: a squad and the question of getting
It must be known now by all in- these adjusted in a combination that
telligent, fair-minded people that I will co-ordinate in one season or over
ever since the Soviet Union entered a period of seasons and no institu-
the League of Nations it has clearly tion can hope to be blessed with this
and repeatedly proposed that all the condition continually at the expense
other democratic nations of the world of other competitors, the law of av-
stand solid in maintaining peace. thae titestha-
For a long time the Soviet Union erages will distribute that.
For log tme he Svie UnonSome of the leading institutions in
stood alone in its persistent demand. the country have abandoned grad-
But "wars andkrumors of wars" have uate coaching for the same reason
altered the face of the earth. And that industrial concerns procure new
the peace-loving peoples of the earth blood from their competitors to take
now recognize that, the consistent advantage of new ideas, but several
pao f the Cmui tynof tedjall star athletes of Michigan are on
also of the Communist Party of the the coaching staff and it has been
United States is the only true anti- demonstrated that all the smart foot-
war stand. But the time is past when ball in the country does not originate
we could talk of maintaining peace, at Ann Arbor.
we must regain it. The University of Michigan has a
It is time, too, that we in the United Director of Athletics and an Assistant
States grasp this simple fact: We can Director of Athletics both superiors
keep out of war only by keeping war I of the Head Football Coach and pre-
out of the world. Only by collectivelyI vious to last year the Assistant Ath-
demanding what the vast majority of letic Director, who was the Head
the people want can we gain this se- Coach's superior, was Head Line
curity in the future: Peace. Coach and consequently his subordi-
Hence, today, only the Communist nate. Can anyone think of a suc-
Party has come to grips with the cessful industrial organization where
problem: How shall we regain peace the Manager or Superintendent or
in the Far East? I quote from an their assistants come under the sup-
editorial in the Daily Worker for ervision oftsomeone in a lower rank-
Dec. 14, 1937: ing capacity.
"The immediate question that j A Superintendent of a concern is
looms up, before the American held responsible for its success and it
people is: What must be done to is up to him to select a personnel who
prevent Japan's murderous ad- will make that possible by producing
ventures in China from engulf- iresults.
ing the entire world in the When the Board in Control of
flames of another war? Physical Education called members of'
"Let the American government the football squad in to find out if
follow up its sharp notes of pro- their teacher was instructing them
test with stillmore solid action correctly,sthere appeared no necessity
to maintain the peace of the for an instructor if the class was thati
United States and of the world. far ahead of the teacher, sounds
"(1) President Roosevelt should CIO-ish, only John Lewis could con-
immediately extend a Public In- ---- -
vitation to France. Great Britain, 1
bh Sv it, JUnionn nd the other i.1. .UhUVJSU.U. .

For what Harry Kike has given,
Michigan owes him the opportunity
to vindicate himself under the con-
templated changes, so why is it nec-
essary to canvass the country for
prospects towork under anew sys-
tem, which confirms the failure of the
old policy.
Change the system, delegate the
authority where it rightfully should
be and give Kip a chance to dem-
onstrate his ability under the pro-
posed changes and then with a fair
trial hold him responsible. A regular
guy is entitled to that consideration
under the circumstances.
-Walt~er L. Eberts.
Wants 'Pro' Coach
To the Editor:
With four disa'strous football sea-
sons now history, let's use some judg-
ment in selecting coaches to succeed
Harry Kipke and forget the "grad-
uate coaching system," which has
been a failure whenever and where-
ever tried.
Despite the prejudice in some quar-
ters, the place to seek competent
coaches is in the professional ranks,
The Chicago "Bears" could give us
"Red" Grange, Luke Johnson, George
Corbett and Keith Molesworth; or
from the Detroit "Lions" we might
gather Ray Morse, "Dutch" Clark,
Frank Christensen and "Ox" Emer-
son and the Green Bay "Packers"
eould offer Mike Michalske, Bobbie
Monnett, Clark Hinkle and Arnold
With any one of those three quar-
tets in charge at Ann Arbor, I'll wager
that the football team of old Michi-
gan would make all the country sit
up and take notice and after "four
long years" we would again take our
place in the sun.
John 0. Herbold, '11L

An Appeal To Reason Stadium-Bond Alunus ceive of an idea of having the work-
men appear before the Board of Di-
To the Editor: To the Editor: rectors to pass upon the capabilities
National sentiment is easily aroused of their boss.
by such events as the recent sinking Considering all the charges and In the field of sports either ama-
of U.S. ships. An appeal is made to counter-charges that are being ad- tewr or professional, both dependent
consequently the results are likely to vanced in regards to the athletic upon public support, a manager or
consquenly he rsuls ar liely o ;coach is held responsible for the suc-
be the opposite of what common sense situation at the University of Michi- cess or is blamed for the failure, and
would dictate. If enough people gan, it is quite apparent that the as the case might be is either a hero
clamor for a war with Japan, we will J system has considerable flaws. or a tramp. Why, then, at the
have one. An appeal must be made The University of Michigan is a University of Michigan should Kipke
to reason now, before emotion has State institution and every citizen be held responsible and dismissed
gained such headway that it cannot when the assistants under him were
be stopped.fheState should be interested in not chosen or hired by him, neither
The presence of armed forces of the its welfare and successful administra- did he have authority to dismiss them
United States in China is, primarily, tion. for not producing or for disloyalty.
to protect American property. One .I never attended the institution, The Assistant Athletic Director
might wellvquestiond thheipsopriety, of
might well question the propriety of but its football team has few more should be Head Football Coach or else
maintaining property in a foreign loyal supporters, as I have attended should have nothing to do with the
nation by force, especially when he practically all the home games and a football squad and if the Football
considers that in effect, U.S. taxpay- large percentage of the out of town Coach is to be held responsible for
ers are protecting U.S. business in ex games since 1906. I am a bondholder the success or failure of the team, he
ploiting China. Even if one would and have always had season tickets should choose and hire his entire
go so far as to say it is proper for 'and hesitate to express my views in staff and have entire supervision over
the government to thus aid profit[the present crisis because I am a close them.
making in a foreign nation (and 1tepeen rssbcasIima ls hm
dou that mny wou o s arprsonal friend of Harry G. Kipke. If the various assertions that have
surely no one would say that this is The flaws that are evident have been made are true and the flaws in
proper where the expense of the pro- not happened recently, I have main- the system are going to be corrected
tection exceeds the profits! -That is tained they have existed during both and adjusted, should a son of Michi-
apparently the situation in China to- successful and unsuccessful seasons. gan who gave three years of his life
To begin with football is a type in competition and nine years in
drawal from China would mean loss of entertainment that is highly com- coaching at his school and made that
of face to the United States. It is petitive and would lose its appeal if contribution to its success during his
not better to lose face than to lose one institution was infallible and was undergraduate days and a measure of
countless lives in a war which would successful all the time. All athletic its success during his tenure as coach
gain nothing for us? It is up to the competition would cease to be sport be crucified when it is apparent that
thinking people to talk peace, based and interest would wane if that con- his ability has not had a fair oppor-
on reason, to defeat the appeal to dition existed. tunity to be demonstrated.

Wherein Strong Views Are Aired On Peace,
On Japan And~o, Oh, Yes, Dear Old Football


i I


Hollywood, California.

Ln e oveL unionauuluull
democracies, for cooperative ac-
tion in this situation to prevent
Japan's provocations from being
aggravated to the point of a new

In Ouster Fiothtl

(Continued fromPage )
consultation with members of the
far,,,,,1+,, f +I-,a Rh _r~n1 mlIO+be filed in

Now is the time when you go home
that the old flame back there has been
up a lot of other places in your absence.

to find

And there are plenty who will get burned up
at their old flames, to whom they have been so
true, and at the first friction this vacation they'll
find that their love isn't so hot, and they'il give
her the air before they get their fingers burnt.
Jack Thompson (Ox's) was being razzed about
his girl in Pittsburgh, and said in an unguarded
moment, "Why say, she runs after my kisses!"
To which a listening wit replied, "Yeah? Well
after I kiss a girl, she limps."
Lacking regular fraternities for the most part,
the University of Ontario students have started
four new societies: Rho Dammit Rho, for the
crew members; Tappa Nu Keg, social: Who Kap-
per Upsolong, indefinite; and I 1''.: .w hi, medical.
Miss Folkoff writhing and sneering in her seat at
the Masonic Temple in Detroit, when the best
we could do was stand in the stagline at the
Armory and enjoy watching a senior lawyer and
a blond barmaid do the Susie Q. Poor Miss
XTOWH WENwe writ 'this it is later and hlter


worild war. 3 lacuiuy Ul jI ULIo u L
"(2) The United States govern- Removal Of Commission the office of the Recorder not later
ment should immediately, on its Heads Still Uncertain than Dec. 18, 1937.
own initiative, while setting in
motion the machinery for con- ANINirected Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
moton he aciney fr cn- LANSING, Dec. 16.-1P-Governor amination in the subject which they
certed peace action with other MmmatysnfinhthoIsubiect whith Shay
democratic nations, institute an Murphy's fight to reorganize the State do directed teaching next semester
embargo on all exports to and Stax Commission and depose Melville are required to pas a qualifying ex-
imports from Japan. M. McPherson, a Republican, as its amination: All students expecting to
"(3) In its protests and repre- chaiiman, reached an impasse today. iexpect to teach. This examination
sentations to the fascist-militar- Each of the principal characters in 1 will be held on Saturday, Jan. 8, at
ist government of Japan, the inovdctresywtdfr1 p.m. Students will meet in the Au-
administation at Washington the involved controversy waited for ditorium of the University High
should make the demand un- someone else to take the next step. School. The examination will con-
equivocal, unmistakable and pos- The Governor declined to set at rest sume about four hours' time; prompt-
itive that the Japanese aggres- ersistent rumors that he planned an ess is therefore essential.
sors must stop all attacks on attempt to oust McPherson as a com-EsToday
American shipping in Chinese mission member.
waters, that the rights of citizens University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
of other countries must not be "Will McPherson's resignation be The World Today. Topic: "The
molested by the Japanese armed the next you will request?" The Gov- Proposed Mackinac Straits Bridge,"
forces. j ernor was asked at a press conference. Propos C MCin SProftrafiStridge,
s(4) In this appeal, a demand "I have not said so," he replied, and JgmeiH.
-( Ithsapaaemht refused to elaborate. Engineering.
should be made to Japan that reudtolart.
she withdraw herttroops,nnaval I Murphy conferred at length today
and air forces from China and with Chester M. Martin, Democratic Coming Events
desist from her barbarous inva- member but political foe of the Ex- University Broadcast: 5:45-6 p.m.
sion of a peaceful country in vi- ecutive who has offered to resign Saturday. School of Dentistry Series.
olation of the Nine Power Treaty from the comumission under certain Spic: 'Impacted Teeth," Dr. John
and the KelloggPecPat conditions. Both Martin and the T
Peace Pact. nd W. Kemper, Prof. of Oral Surgery.
(5) In its public appeal to Governor declined to discuss their
ohrpeace-lovingpoes this meeting.
other powers, Martin previously had asserted he University Broadcast: 9-9:30 a.m.
government should propose that would quit if the Governor would Sunday. Dr. Maddy's Class in Sing-
all ations desir ng to actrpee- write an open letter absolving him of ing: "Hymns You Love to Sing."
in the Far East jointly enforce any misfeasance, with the commis- Graduate Outing Club: Members
economic action against Japan, sion, but that unless he received such raduate ing lu Membe
stop all war supplies, end all a letter he would fight against re- remaining in town will meet at Lane
credits and prevent the import of moval. Murphy twice has demand- Hall at 2:30 Sunday afternoon for a
crdis ndprvetth ipot f i Mnrti,'s resigatin. Ihike. All graduate students are wel-

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