The Weather Mostly cloudy, probably local rain or snow today; tomorrow, cloudy'; little change. . L17 r A6F 4 410 -Adkh mmw-qmWv .4iltr t an KIai Editorials None But i ool want 11'.r, tint . Congraulations, halamazoo College .., VOL. XLVIII. No. 70 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lewis Doubts Peace Between. CIO And AFL Union Head Also Claims Congress Is Ignoring 'Menacing Problems' Says Green Refuses To Absorb His Unit PITTSBURGH, Dec. 16.--(R)-John L. Lewis, in a speech to a tumultous convention of steel workers, asserted today Congress was ignoring problems which menaced America and indicat- ed there was slight hope for peace be- tweer the warring CIO and AFL. "Mills and plants throughout the nation are closing down and turning men out," the militant CIO chieftain told more than 900 delegates repre- senting 1,080 SWOC lodges in the United States and Canada. 'Something Must Be Done' "There are no adequate arrange- ments made for relief and no pros- pects of other employment," he said. "Somethipg must be done, but no suggestion has been put forward ex- cept from the house of Labor, and those suggestions so far have not been heeded or recognized or adopted .. . "Congress mills around and engages in its petty political bickerings and ignores the problems that America is menaced with now to a greater de- gree tha4 ever before. The only way you are ever going to be heard is to organize ." Dimming the prospects for peace at next Tuesday's conference in Washington between leaders of the CIO and AFL, Lewis declared: 'CIO Was Amenable' "The CIO offered to walk in with its entire four million members. The AFL refused that. It says it will take ' one million now and, if these can be digested, it will take the other three later. "We will tell them again 'you'll digest all of us or none of us.'" The CIO and AFL split more than 18 months ago over the question of craft and industrial forms of organi- zation. - "I know personally Mr. Green's (William Green, AFL president) di- gestion very well. And as a matter of fact, four million is a little too NLRB Examiner Explains How Wagner Act Works In Practice ________-/ Curtis Chosen To Give Yearly Russel Lecture U.' S. St iffen s Its' A ttitude Labor's Right To Bargain Collectively For Sale Of Time Defended By Act By ROBERT PERLMAN The theory underlying the National Labor Relations Act is that labor is a commodity, that laborers should have the same right to bargain for the sale and use of their labor that own- ars of other commodities have and that moaern industrial conditions make it impossible for workers to bar- gain as individuals and make it neces- sary for them to act collectively, Harry N. Casselman, '37L, field examiner for the Detroit office of the NLRB, told the Daily in an interview. Mr. Casselman is one of the five field examiners of the lower Mich- igan region under the NLRB. The region, one of 21 in the United States, has one director and three attorneys connected with the- office in Detroit. A Typical Case Asked to describe the history of a typical case, Mr. Casselman said, "A man comes into the NLRB office, pre- sents his credentials as a represen- tative of a union or as a worker and alleges violation of the National Labor Relations Act, also known as the Wagner Act. "In many cases," Mr. Casselman said, "the moving or complaining party misconstrues the purpose of the Act, which is primarily to insure workers the right to bargain collec- tively. This right actually has been a civil right for years, but has not been enforced by the courts." Limited Authority The Wagner Act was held valid by the Supreme Court as a constitutional exercise of congressional power over interstate commerce. Therefore the Board, Mr. Casselman said, can exert its authority only where it can prove that interstate commerce is affected. If the complaining party, Mr. Cas- selman said, brings a "C" or "charge" case, he alleges violation of Section 8 of the Act which declares that it shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer: 1. To interfere with or restrain employes in the exercise of their rights Loyalists Win New Victories Claim To Have Taken Points In Teruel to self-organization and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. "This clause," Mr. 'Oncntinuied on Pave 2) As Official Word Reveals Russel Lecturer Presentation Of Award' To An Instructor Is A a l Made At Time Of Talk Lecturer Is Chosen On Basis Of Work Tokyo Hastens To Ease _nB si_ fok Situation By Humbling Prof. Herbert D. Curtis, of the Self At Funeral Rites astronomy department, will deliver! the annual Henry Russel lecture next Adniral In Charge May, it was announced Wednesday night by the Research Club, whose Recalled To Capital council names the speaker. ____ The Russel lecture is given every T K O e.1 U) T e J year at the time of the presentation TOKYO, Dec. 16. - (P-The Ja- o the Henry Russel Awaresenwiispanese Navy today announced it given to an assistant professor or in- would take action without ,precedent structor whose work in scholarl orac-!in its recent annals to ease the ten- shsion arising from th kioa aoff+h1, Lhn Panay Boats U.S. Sailor Killed New. Evidence Indicates Gunboat Was Riddled By Nipponese Ships Hull Announces Further Demands TOKYO, Dec. 17.--(Friday)- (P)--The Japanese foreign ofice spokesman said today it was "not yet decided" whether Janan tivities seems to merit the prize. The lecturer is chosen on the basis of distinguished scholarly work. The award of $250 is made possible by a bequest of Henry Russel, '73. of! Detroit. who left $10.000 to the University upon his death. His will stipulated that the income from the beauest should be used to. provide additional compensation to members of the instructing staff. Those who have delivered the Rus- sel lectures in past years are: 1925-: 26, Prof.-Emeritus F. G. Novy, of the medical school; 1927-28 Prof Henry PROF. HEBER D. CURTIS much to expect him to digest. stomach in that respect is a deal like his mind. It is a weak." His good little Police Arrest 208 Unionists At Ford Plant Seized In New Attempt To Pass Out Handbills; More Action In Missouri DETROIT, Dec. 16.-(A)-Police of suburban Dearborn loaded 208 union! members into patrol wagons today and hauled them to headquarters, breaking up another attempt of the United Automobile Workers to dis- tribute literature to employes of the Ford Motor Company. Of those arrested, 203 were charged with "obstructing traffic" on Miller Road in violation of a Dear- born ordinance and were released. The CIO-affiliated union has called strikes in Ford assembly plants at Kansas City and St. Louis, but both' plants have continued to operate. Shots were fired and automobile windows were broken in three dis- turbances at Kansas City today, butl no one was injured. Fourteen wom- en picketed the Ford plant un- molested for an hour, but 16 men trying the same thing were arrested. At St. Louis, where a strike was called Nov. 24, a National Labor Re- lations Board hearing on a citation charging the Ford Company with unfair laborpractices opened today before Trial Examiner Tilford E. Dudley. In near-freezing weather at Dear- born, the unionists carrying litera- ture made their way through slushl and ice to the forbidden area of Miller Road. passing prominent signs; which read: "Hawking, selling, dis-1 tributing prohibited." The signs had' been posted since 60 unionists were arrested in the same area for the' same offense last week. Monday, in United States district court here, Judge Arthur J. Tuttle will hear arguments on a UAW pe- tition for an injunction to restrain police from interfering with litera- Iture distribution. A. Sanders, of the Latin department; 1928-29, Dr. Alfred Warthin, late pro- fessor of pathology; 1929-30, C. H. Van Tyne, late professor of history;! 1930-31, Prof. Emeritus W. H. Hobbs, of the geology department; 1931-32, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the political science department; 1932-33, Prof. WalterB. Pillsbury, of the psychology department. In 1933-34 Prof. Ermine Case of' the geology department; 1934-35 G. Carl Huber, late professor of an- atomy; 1935-36, Prof. John G. Win- ter, of the Latin department; and 1936-37, Prof. C. W. Edmunds, of the medical school. The Russel Award was made to Prof. Frank Eggleton of the zoology4 department last year. A dinner was given Professor Cur- tis last night in the Union by the )ast Russel lecturers. G 0 P Ponders Program Heads i 4 , i~vu CL11 11 1101s L n s n g of the : .. " .a a~ zy United States gunboat Panay by Ja would reply to the United States' Iaeewrlns note an the Panay bombing. anse warplanes.I The Navy Ministry announced a WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.-(P)--The formal salute. called one of the high- United States stiffened its attitude eat honors one nation could render toward the sinking of the gunboat another, would be. given the four per- Panay upon the arrival of official in- sons killed in the attack Sunday on formation today that the vessel was the Panay and three Standard Oil machine-gunned by surface craft as boats, . z'well as attacked by airplanes. A company of bluejackets was or Secretary of State Cordell Hulla dered to fire the salute of honor to nounced that, as a result supl the victims at the spot on the Yang- mentary representations were bein tze River above Nanking where they made to Japan through th A were killed and the Panay sank with can Ambassador, Joseph C rew. flags fimg.H flags flying ~~~He said thatontebssfpail The navy announced Rear-Admiral o sa on the basis of partial Teizo Mitsunami, Chief of Naval air Iofficial dispatches, he was able to forces in China, had been recalled to CalsI nmne be ofr press dispatches that.. the fores n Cina hd ben ecaledto Charles L. Ensmninger (above), Panay was machine-gunned by Ja- Japan as the officer responsible for storekeeper aboard the United panese army motorboats. the attack. States gunboat Panay, was killed Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai, Navy when the boat was bombed and Officials said Hull had additional whenthe oat as bmbedandinformation, as follows: Minister, was received in audience by sunk near Nanking, China. ile srvivrs were ps: Emperor Hirohito. Naval officials While survivors were escaping declined to say whether it was in from the sinking Panay, airplanes connection with the Panay incident ,dived and machine-gunned the small- which President Roosevelt requested icy ighwayboats from an extremely low altitude, be called to the Emperor's personal ; wounding two persons; attention. . Await Drive s Bullet holes later were found in A high government official said *) the Panay's outboard motor sampan; Japan would meet the demands made . Before the Panay sank, some Ja- by the United States for indemnities,' AAA Cautions panese military boarded the Panay apologies and guarantees there would and stayed there five minutes, al- be no recurrence of the attacks. though the American colors were fly- The official said, ho**ver, "the ne- Seven Dead In Buffalo; ing and the nationality of the boat gotiations at present are entirely be- was easily discernible tween the governments and, there- Tardy Trans And Slow Hull said the ciarges would be fore, his majesty has no part in the Traffic Irk New York presented by Ambassador Grew to picture." the Japanese government to "con- (President Roosevelt's "request" The local branch of the AAA firm, elaborate and support" the al- generally was considered the one wayytedad stud legations and demands already made effectively to curb Japanese attacks yeseray warne ents driv in a formal note by making the armed forces realize home for the Christmas Vacation they were embarrassing the emperor, to pr'epare for icy roads in all di- .dStriving to prevent the Panay in- an unforgivable crime in the Japanese rections out of Ann Arbor. gerous waters, State Department of- sy'stem). Throughout all surrounding states, ficials said they were awaiting direct, Japan will reply to the American conditions are generally like those in eyewitness reports from Commander note in a few days, the official said. Ann Arbor, while in Indiana and Hughes of the Panay and Secretary Ohio, with temperatures of 40 de- Atcheson of the American Embassy in Chinese Rout Goes On grees and slight fog, the sleet is China. melting. State Department officials did not SHANGHAI, Dec. 17.-(Friday)- Those going eastward to New York hide their feeling that the official ( P-Japan's army and navy com-! and New England were advised to message mentioned by Hull had giv- manders today prepared for a tri- take the southern route through en the situation a more serious aspect. umphal entry into China's fallen Harrisburg because highways outside Many persons here felt the mes- capital, Nanking, while Generalissimo Buffalo are impassible. Worse can-'sage indicated that the "manifest Chiang Kai-Shek, somewhere in the ditions for tomorrow are possible, it mistake" excuse in the Japanese note interior, broadcast this message to dis fro rwensd. could not be validatedJ the Chinese nation: "We must not wassexplained,.could not bvaite surrender." The AAA suggested that drivers Officials said this did not neces- Arthui Menken, Paramout news- carry sand or gravel and food to an- sarily imply knowledge and delibera- reel cameraman, radioed that the ticipate their being stranded. Above erion on the part of the Tomili tar once proud capita was a shambles, all, it was urged, they should exer- ergnnt in th nsemiitary dotted with corpses of soldier dead cise caution, maintain moderate organization in China seemed to op- and civilian victims of the terrific speeds and drive little during the erate on its own responsibility, sub- Japanese air and land attacks. night. ckyo, which in turn c smubject All Chinese males founo with any Weathhe asociaed Press)ath and to the Emperor and not to the civil signs of having served in the army government. were herded together and executed, delay in the eastern states yesterday. The State Department acknowledge Menken said. Traffic moved slowly through snow, That e Deartmen Jacnoe dge that the recall of Japanese Rear But he confirmed Japanese reports sleet and rain. Buffalo, N.Y., digging Admiral Teizo Mitsunami, in charge that the magnificent tomb of Sun out of a week old snow storm, count- of naval air operations on the Yang- Yat-Sen, father of the Chinese Re- ed seven dead. Five deaths were of nas a getion n the Yang- public, east of Nanking's walls, had attributed to slick roads and walks in tze. was a gesture in the right direc I I tion. What the department is chiefly, come through unscathed. - Pennsylvania. interested in, however, is securing j_ _ _Metropolitan New York, enduring ideresteduinehowevr hs securn a heavy sleet storm, was irked by adequate guarantees for the future. o o lv or t h Heiress tardy trains and crawling btaftc, but S!got early relief from an afer"oon " hi rar Sho-ws Gives Up..S. Rights thaw. Heavy snow covered the up- For anis Husandstate regions. For Danish Husband Rain and rising temperatures less- Tapestry Colors Iened the ice peril through the Middle NEW YORK, Dec. 16.-(1)-Count-#West. w Convicts.MADRID, Dec. 16.--(P)-A Span- ish Government communique to- night reported Government troops Flee Alcatraz jhad captured important Insurgent positions on the strategic Teruel front, 135 miles east of Madrid and Fate Of First Successful 70 miles northwest of Valencia. Jail-Breakers Unknown Bitter winter weather failed to halt the Government's offensive SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26.-(1)-- against the city of Teruel, on the tip Two desperate criminals were missing of a dagger-like salient the Insur- tonight at the Alcatraz Island federal gents drove deep into eastern gov- ernment territory many months ago prison. and have held against repeated as- Whether the convicts were hiding saults on the rocky island covetheir lives Government dispatches left no dense fogor tohawi through rough doubt that a major battle was rag- waters to the mainland was not ing there as Government infantry known. tand aviation sought to consolidate krden James A. Johnston and and expand the gains of their two- guards began a hurried search of the daThdrive.m i sd 20In 12-acre island when it was discqvered Te commuque said 00 nur- that Ralph Roe, 29, Duncan, Okla., gent soldiers, including five officers, and Theodore Cole, 23, Stroud, Okla., had been taken prisoners and that were missing. many guns abandoned by the enemy Six coast guard boats put out to had been seized. search the bay waters and police were The Government air forces sprayed asked to watch the mainland should an Insurgent military train rushing the convicts accomplish the seemingly reinforcements . to the front with impossible task of reaching shore machine-gun bullets. more than a mile away. An unusually strong ebb tide swept Woman May Seek To Be the rocky slopes of the island and y the ien would have drowned unless State's Next Governor they obtained a boat or logs in some manner. The tide rushed past Alcatraz at LANSING, Dec. 16. -()-Mrs. seven miles an hour. Ferry line pilots Woodbridge N. Ferris, widow of a said they had not observed any ihrmer Democratic Governor of- strange boats near the prison nor Michigan and U. S. Senator, quali- had they sighted anyone swimming in' fied an announcement today that the choppy waves. friends were urging her to seek the The acting agent in charge of the Democratic gubernatorial nomina- Federal Bureau of Investigation here tion in 1938 with the statement that said he was informed that Roe and she herself is "not yet convinced of Cole had escaped over a stockade the wisdom of such an endeavor." while heavy fog hid them from the "I am not personally ambitious," constant watch of guards on high r Mrs. Ferris said tonight in a pre- towers. pared statement. She said her only Executive Committee Reported Chosen Is' ST. LOUIS, Dec. 16.-(P)-The Re- publican Executive Committee, called together by National Chairman John; D. M. Hamilton to choose a program committee for the party, ended a 4-1 day session late today without an- nouncing its selections. None of the 21 members had any comment. Seventeen of them planned to leave tonight for their homes. Hamilton, his staff and three mem- hers of the executive committee will{ remain until tomorrrow and there were indications announcement of the personnel of the policy group would be made before Hamilton's de- parture. Thechairman and the 150 mem- bers, who will draft a new declara- tion of party prirkiples, have been chosen. By telephone and telegramsI I +I- n mmi fn mprhnr #H michrmt l , a i ;te committee members throug ou today sought their acceptances. Bishop Mooney Sets Date Tactical reasons dictated with- For Woznicki Ceremony holding announcement of their names until they had agreed to -serve.- DETROIT, Dec. 16.-(T)--Arch- BUILDING CLASS TO MEET I I 1 I bishop Edward Mooney announced 7 1 7 I today that the consecration of the Rt. A special meeting of extension: Rev. Msgr. Stephen S. Woznicki as course Building Two, will be held at auxiliary bishop of Detroit will take 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20 in Room, place Jan 25 in the Church of the 1231 Angell Hall. The topic for dis- a.I----- Blessed Sacrament here. cussion will be roofing in all its var- Msgr. Woznicki chose the most Rev. ious forms with samples exhibited Joseph C. Plagens, bishop of Mar- and costs quoted. As this is a special ess Barbara Haugwitz-Reventlow, The Weather Bureau repor quette, and the most Rev. Joseph H. meeting, in addition to the regular who as plain "Babs" Hutton inherited warmer air moving toward the a ' Albers, bishop of Lansing, as co-con- number, all interested are invited to some twenty million dollars of the from the Gulf and the Pacific, secrators with Archbishop Mooney. attend. great fortune founded by F. W. Wool- said it should "make quick work worth, the 5-and-10-cent stores man, the glazing" that hampered tra has renounced her American citizen- portation for days in some states. Campus Groups Seek To Revive ship to become a subject of Denmark. An______________ Announcement of hei' action was maelate today by the law firm ofAB I Litd Old Fashioned Christmas Carols White and Case. Auto Ban Is Lifted The Countess, who is 27, was mar- e ried in May, 1935, in Reno to Danish By HARRY TENENBAUM freshman glee clubs led by Professor Count Court Haugwitz-Reventlow. Reviving the merry custom of car- Mattern marched along, singing as They have one child, a son, Lance, The University automobile regL I oling, several campus organizations they went. The women's glee club did born in February, 1936. . tion will be lifted at noon today last night marched about Ann Arbor their caroling as a separate group. Through her marriage, a statement the Christmas vacation, it was singing, and in other ways, manifest- The hope that caroling may be- of the law firm said, the Countess be- nounced by the office of the D+ ing Christmas cheer. come the custom each year on the, came a Danish citizen under Danish of Students yesterday. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor evening prior to departure on Christ- law, although under American law she T in religious education, and Prof. David mas vacation was expressed by Dr. retained her American citizenship. The ban will go ito effect ag ted rea and of Work Of French, Flemish Artisans Represented Students May Apply For Vacation Books Although all books charged out from the University Library before motive in making the race would be "my conviction that I might be able to apply, for the benefit of the people of Michigan, some of the fine idealism ,and the sound common sense derived from my association with my late husband." tns- An exhibition of color plates of rare Gothic tapestries is now being displayed in the show cases of the General Library. Woven by French and Flemish artisans of the 13th and 14th century, the tapestries rep- resented include some of the earliest S , in existence with historical, biblical, legendary, hunting and ecclesiastical ula- scenes predominating. for Although tapestry weaving has an- been known to exist in prehistoric ean times, it was not until the 13th and 14th centuries A.D. in France and ain Flanders that tapestry began to figure ,,n prominently as a medium of artistic