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December 16, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-16

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History Faculty
Men To Attend
National Meets'
Several Planning Trips To
Philological, Historical
Several members of the history de-
partment faculty are planning to at-
tend the meetings of the American
Historical Association and the Amer-
ican Philological Association in Phila-
delphia during the holidays.
Prof. A. E. R. Boak, who is a mem-
ber of the Board of Editors of the
American Historical Review, will give
a paper at the meeting of the phil-
ological association and will also at-
tend the meetings of the historical
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, who is a
member of the Board of Editors of the
Hispanic American Review, will be in
Philadelphia to attend the meetings
of this board, as well as those of the
historical association.
Other members of the departmentf
who are planning to go to the his-
torical meetings are Prof. Dwight L.
Dumond, Prof. Arthur L. Cross, Prof.a
Louis G. VanderVelde, Dr. William M.
Newman and Prof. Howard M. Ehr-
Professor Dunond, who has been on
sabbatical leave this semester, has
recently been worl~ing in the archives
at Washington, and will leave there
this week for Philadelphia to meet
Mrs. Du nond, who is returning from a
trip to Guatemala. Professor Dumond
will return to Ann Arbor for the sec-
ond semester.
Prof. Arthur L. Dunham plans to
do research in the Library at Colum-
bia and in the Library of Congress
at Washington after Christmas.
P~ean Lovell Leaves
For Chicago Parley
Assistant Dean Alfred H. Lovell of
the engineering college left yester-
day to attend. a :meeting of mid-west
universities in Chicago for the pur-
pose of organizing a power confer-
It is proposed that Armour Insti-
tute of Technology, in cooperation'
with the University of Michigan,
Purdue University, Uniyersity of Il-
linois, University of Wisconsin,
University of Iowa and Iowa State
College, take over the annual power
conference held in Chicago each year.

City Streets Coated
With Heavy Sleet
No serious automobile accidents
were reported in Ann Arbor yester-
day despite a heavy sleet which cov- 1
cred city streets slowing traffic to al
minimum speed.
Only one person received injuries;
serious enough to warrant hospital!
treatment. City physicians, however,
reported several minor cases resulting
from falls on the icy sidewalks..
The buildings and grounds depart-
ment had crews working during mostj
of the day removing the ice coveringI
and sanding campus sidewalks. Street
intersections and hills in Ann Arbor
were sanded by city street department:
crews yesterday. Divisions of the
state highway department were em-
ployed all day scraping roads in this
BALTIMORE, Dec. 15.- (RP)-
Doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital
said tonight Robert W. Bingham, am-E
bassador to Great Britain, was "a
little bit better than he. was this
morning," when his condition was re-
ported as "fair." An exploratory op-
eration yesterday, his surgeon said,'
showed an "inflammatory condition'
but no sign of a malignant tumor.

Floods Drown California Farms As Rivers Overflow

Michigan Students Still Subscribe
To Superstitions,_Survey Reveals
By KAY SCHULTZ good prophecy come true-eight peo-
Knocking on wood, sleeping on a; ple expressed belief in this one. As a
piece of wedding cake, carrying good i variation of this superstition, one boy
luck charms, and not walking under I taps his head! Five people refuse


ladders are some of the old supersti-
tions still observed by Michigan stu-
dents in 1937, according to a survey
conducted by Prof. G. E. Densmore in
two of his speech classes this week.
The survey showed that women are
nore superstitious than men. Outj
,f a class of 24, all the women ad-
-nitted belief in some superstition
mt five men maintained that they
ire without superstition.
One girl refuses to sit down to din-
acr with 13 people while another
:ails 13 her lucky number. Four'
people considered the breaking of
mirrors, seeing black cats, and light-
ng three cigarets on a match as
unlucky omens. One girl thinks
Jleeping 'on a piece of wedding cake
vill keep her from being an old maid.
I'hree people carry good luck charms
ind three others pick up pins for
good luck.
The most widely prevalent super-
stition, according to the survey, is
that of knocking on wood to make a

to walk under ladders-but three of
them qualified that it is fear of the
ladders falling rather than super-
stition which keeps them from doing
Two girls walk around a chair
when they see they are getting a bad
hand in a bridge game. One ro-
mantic man makes a wish when he
sees a falling star. One girl refuses
to open an umbrella in the house.
One eccentric young man has only
the superstition of acting contrary to
all known superstitions. Another
said, "The only superstition I know of
is that some people are born lucky!'


Numerous farm homes in the fertile Sacramento va Icy were inundated by floods as rivers throughout
northern California swelled over their banks. This fa-m, with its horses and cattle knee deep in water, is
between Sacramento and Davis, Calif.

... ®

Local Credit Union Is Explained
And Praised By A. K. tevens
By JUNE HARRIS ecutive of the Credit Union National
Protection from the high interest Association, not one credit union has'

165 Plymouth
Pupils To Take
Institute Tests



rates of small loan finance companies
is one advantage that the Ann Arbor
Credit Union offers its members, A. K.
Stevens of the English department
said yesterday.
The Union, founded by the Ann Ar-
bor Cooperative Society last May, ap-
plies the Rochdale cooperative prin-
ciple to banking. Each of its 50
members buys a minimum of one $5
share, and deposits further capital as
he would in a savings bank. The
Ann Arbor Credit Union 'has a pres-
ent capital of $1,500.
This capital is lent t(, the mem-
bers in amounts not exceeding $100
and at a one per cent-per-month rate.
The interest is computed on the un-
paid balance so that although a bor-
rower might pay 12 per cent a year
the average rate is 6 or 7 per cent.
The average rate paid to small loan
companies is three per cent per
month, Mr. Stevens said, or as high
as 40 per cent per year. I
Profits are distributed 'o share-
holders at a six per cent rate, as com-j
pared to the average two and one-l
half per cent of a bank. The invest-
ment, said Mr. Stevens, is safe, for ac-
cording to the statement of an ex-
Extra Equipment will be added
to Train 52 Friday, Dec. 17th
(Lv. Ann Arbor - 3:02 p.m.)
will be operated Sunday,
Janouary 2, 1938


failed in this country.
The Credit Union is run by its mem- HuIman Adjustment Unit
bers and for its own benefit. When To Seek Development
a member is in debt, the Union speaks Today
to his creditors and arranges a basis Data In Survey
for payment. This organization is:
interested in the welfare of its mem- Sixty-eight pupils from the Ply-
bers, Mr. Stevens explained, not in mouth public school system will be
the collection of the one per cent per Ixamined today at Plymouth by the
month. Institute of Human Adjustment'in an
Cooperative banking had its origin effort to find the occurance and fre-
in Germany about 1900 and spread to, quency of unusual development
other countries. It was introduced ' among school children. Prof. John
here by immigrants from Norway, Muyskens, head of the Institute, an-
Sweden, Finland and Germany, but nounced yesterday.
'did not obtain wide recognition be- Staff investigators from the Insti-
cause of the comparative isolation of tute are conducting hearing tests,'
these groups. ! medical, dental, and speech inven-
It was not until E. A. Filene, a tories in their investigations of frac-
wealthy Boston merchant gave money tional development.
to propagate credit unions, that they This is the fourth community in
made great strides in this country. He ;which an intensive survey has been'
founded the Credit Union National carried on. In Redford 100 children!
Extension Bureau whieh directs the were examined, in Remus 28 and in
c o o p e r a t i v e credit organizations Mt. Clemens 65. By the end of the!
throughout the country. Credit unions school year the Institute expects to I
are now common in groups employed examine at least 1,000 children.
in the same occupation, such as school Among the pupils already examined
teachers or chain store clerks, or as a large portion have been found to
part of cooperative societies. have malnutritional deficiencies, re- I
-Ispiratory infections, running ears,
S(IMELING SUED and dental defects, Professor Muy-'
NEW VCR Y K Dpo 1 , ,.,, . skI Ssaid.

6 :00-Day in Review.
6 :15--Factfinder.
6:30-Linger Awhile.
6:45-Lowell Thomas.
7:00-Easy Aces.
7:15-Victor Arden.
7:30-Green Hornet.
8:00-Hugh Johnson.
8:30-March of Time.
10:00-Larry Funk Orch.
11:00-Tomorrow's Headlines.
11:30--Bob Crosby Orch.
12 :00-Lowry Clark.
12:30-Garwood Van Orch.
6:00-Turf Reporter.
6:15-News and Sports.
6 :30-Waltz Time.
6.45-Pleasant Valley Frolic,
:00- -Sportscast.
7:30-United Press Bulletins.
7:45-Saminy Kaye Orch
8 :00-Cherniavsky Orch.
8:30-Happy Hal's Housewarming.
9:00-Kay Kyser Orch.
10 :00-Dance Rhythms.
10:30-Henry Weber Music.
11':00-Canadian Club Reporter.
11 :15-"Tiheatre Digest."
11:45-Art Kassel Orch.
12:00--Benny Goodman Orch.
12:30-Shep Fields Orch.
6:00-Stevenson Sports.
6:15--Comedy Stars.
6:30-Chesterfield Sports.
6:45--- Modern Miracles.
.7:00--Poetic Melodies.
7:30-Gabriel Heatter.
8 :00-Kate Smith.
9:00-Major Bowes.
10:00-Herbert Hoover.
10:30-The Mummers.
11 :00-Headline News.
11:15--Cab Calloway Orch.
11:30-Leighton Noble Orch.
12:00-Emery Deutsch Orch
6:00-Tyson Sports.
6:15-Roger and Frank.
6 :30-Bradcast.
6 :4--Musical Moments,
7:00--Amos 'n' Andy.
7:15-"House Party."
7:45-Sport Review.
8:00-Rudy Vallee.
9:00--"GoodNews of 1938"
10:00-Kraft Music Hall.
11 :00-Newscast."
11 :10-Webster Hall Orcli.
11:30-Northern Lights.
12:00--virthwood Inn Orch.

(Continued from Page 4)
the Michigan League, Jan. 12 at 8
Comning Events
German Christmas Sing:
Today the singing group of the
Deutscher Verein 'is sponsoring a
Christmas Sing under the direction of
Prof. J.A.C. Hildner. All students of
German and others interested are in-
vited to meet at 4:15 in Room 316,
Michigan Union.
Lutheran Student Club will have
its annual caroling party tonight
at 8:15 p.m. The group will
meet at Trinity Lutheran Church
and will leave promptly at 8:15. Re-
freshments will be served at the

Your Guide,
To Good
G 00
Check This List, E
Tear Out and Take
Northwest Passage -
Roberts .............$2.75
The Citadel- Cronin - $2.50
The Turning Wheels -
Cloete .... .... . $2.50
And So - Victoria -
Wilkins ..... . $2.50
To Have and Have Not -
Hemingway .........$2.50
The 'Arts- Van Loon - $3.95
How To Win Friends and
Influence People -
Carnegie $... 1.95
Woollcott's Second Reader -
Woollcott $3.00
Life 'With Mother -
Day ....... . :$...... y2.00
The Good Society -
Lippmann .$3.00
Orchids on Your Budget -
Hillis .. $1.50

church following the caroling.
Infrared Seminar: Professor
Dennison will speak on "Some
lems in Molecular Structure"
a+ 4.15 -nm in the P',hvsics

D. M.

Eu - *.Lt ,j.iiC. 111 ULJ.'

10 ff

,. t

of dar
A.M. t

& individual in-
on in all types BOOK STORE
ncing. Teachers'
Open daily 10e 322 South State at North Univ
o 10 P.M.
9695 2nd Floor Phone 6363
e TheateBSts* Open Evenings Until Christmas
.i Theatre-Bldg


I LL --


United States Government today filed
a lien in United States District Court
against Max Schmeling, German
heavyweight contender, for back in-
come taxes totaling $23,711.55.



Songs Feature
Recital Today


20% Off


Wilmot F. Pratt, University caril-
lonneur, will play the following pro-
gram on the Charles Baird Carillon!
i the Burton Tower,. at 7:30 p.m.
"Adeste Fideles," two Russian!
carols, "Christmas Bells" by Rubikof ;!
"The Star" by Pantchenko; "O Little!
Town of Bethlehem"; two French
carols: "Shepherds and Shepher-
clcsses"; "Chantons, je vous en prie";
"Joy to the World" by Handel; "We
Three Kings," by Hopkins; "Hark,
the Herald Angels Sing," by Mendel-
ssohn; "It Came Upon a Midnight
Clear," by Willis, "The First Noel,"
"Good King Wenceslas," and "Silent
Night," by Bruber.




This poor old grad, in his freshman daze,
Adopted studious thoughts and ways,
He crammed his Turret Top with fact,
But never learned how one should act.



c t tr n 1 cz n t- t f h t ry o t t .- 4. lk - I.


_&r s spiC lar imet ti mat tne more cars
General Motors sells the greater this organiza-
tion grows. And the solid fact back of that

growth is this: General Motors cars must con-
tinually offer more in terms of extra value
to win those sales. It is only because General
Motors is great that it can maintain the re-
search and improvement program responsible
for such modern betterments as the Turret






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