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December 16, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-16

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THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1937






13 I

~Ji~TI ? 4 F~S fr P.JM F mf ,, o. f-' utlmxunn
Edited, and managed by students of the University of
Michgan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studel"* Publications.
r" Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En' sed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular schol year by carrier,
64.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
GCileg t'#bFls/,rs eresentatve
Board of Editors
Business Department
oREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Dr. Hutchins And
The Higher Learning ...
N SUNDAY'S DAILY we outlined Dr.
Robert Maynard Hutchins' proposals
for reform of higher learning. Briefly, he sug-
gests a college of liberal arts curriculum covering
the last two years of high school and the first
kwo years of college which would consist of
mathematics, logic, grammar, rhetoric and the
classics of the past and tne present. The pur-
pose of such a curriculum, Dr. Hutchins main-
tains, would be to equip the student with the
tools with which he could interpret and judge the
facts and events of the world. The university
following college would limit itself in its three
year course to the study of principles and pure
theory of what Dr. Hutchins calls the three basic
divisions of human knowledge, metaphysics, na-
tural sciences and the social sciences.
The Chicago president includes mathematics
and logic, because he says these subjects develop
precise thinking which can be applied with equal
effectiveness to other disciplines and, what is
more important, to actual problems in life. Even
if psychologists had not disproved this theory of
transferability, the mere fact that these sciences
build precisely spun and consistent conclusions
on static premises would cause us to doubt ser-
iously the advisability of coping with the phe-
nomena arising out of problems of an inconsis-
tent, irrational and illogical world made so be-
cause of the very nature of man.
One other defect of Dr. Hutchins' proposal
which even an amateurish analysis cannot fail
to note is the complete isolation from the world
which his curriculum implies. If there is any-
thing wrong with education at the present time,
it is the way it barricades the student from
what is going on in the world beyond the campus.
He reads few books, few newspapers and period-
icals. The main reason for this lack of com-
munication of the every day happenings of the
world to the students is not primarily lack of
time, we believe, but the pressure on the student
arising from handling too much particularized
information in his courses.
In the suggested plan of reform the same iso-
lation would result, but not because of the same
reasons. Instead, the student would be drawn
away from the present by the exclusive study of
the past. He would be wholly preoccupied with
the theories of the past, many of which have
been rejected by modern science. University study

would concern itself with pure theory and prin-
ciples for three more years after college so that
the student could see how the thought of the
past which he had studied in college had de-
veloped down to and including the present. In
all, seven years of abstract study would be given
the student. It is difficult to see how he could
catch up with world or feel inclined to do so.
But while we may disagree on the methods
of reform which Dr. Hutchins suggests, we do
accept his essential thesis that a change must be
brought about, and even his opinion of the
direction along which educational reform must
The underlying stimulus for his reform is the
steadily flowing trend to more and more minute
specialization in all thought and practice. The
ultimate product of that trend, he believes, will
be a world which individuals will grasp only ac-
cording to their field of concentration, with little
understanding of and tolerance towards others-

methods that we see the need for reform which
Dr. Hutchins stresses.
The direction of his reform, too, seems validly
chosen. It is the way to integration of courses
as between academic departments, emphasis
upon principles rather than facts, emphasis on
clear thinking rather than accumulation of de-
The problem of a college curriculum which
will be an ordered whole, formed with the pur-
pose of inciting clear thinking and yet encour-
aging observation of realities is a difficult one.
But because it is difficult, that is no reason for
not trying to meet it.
Albert P. Mayio.
lain Talk From
A ,Politician...
has announced his candidacy for the
position at present occupied by Governor Murphy
when the next elections come around in 1938.
Many will approve Mr. Fitzgerald's projected can-
didacy, and a considerable number will also,
doubtless, take the opposite view.
But adherents and enemies alike should con-
gratulate the Republican leader on his statement
announcing that he chose to run. "I haven't been
drafted," said Mr. Fitzgerald, "I'm volunteering."
The public is not accustomed to such bluntly
forthright statements from its would-be servants.
Joseph Gies.
Will the fine, upstanding young Greek god who
is a gentleman to the manor born and who found
our GBD pipe in or around the Union Saturday
night, please return the smelly old thing to us
at the Daily. Honestly, we love it. Reward.
New Campus Hot Spot
Imagine, just imagine what it was to .us when
we walked into Kresge's for a new tie when in a
booth at that place we saw eight or nine who
ordinarily would have been in the Parrot. And
over at the notions counter two co-eds were
standing, waiting for someone. A little later
we discovered that they were meeting their dates
there. Sidling up to the booth we watched the
bridge game in progress there, it was certainly
a surprise to see those clean cards. One of the
players said, "Yes, we came over to get a new
deck and 'saw someone getting a coke and it
certainly wasn't in our power to resist. It was
such a long walk back to the Parrot." The
dates came in and picked up their co-eds at the
Notions, sauntered with them over to the garter
section, dallied more than three minutes at the
toy department until the girls frowned them
over to the jewelry department. There 'they
played with rings and stuff until a scared glaze
came over the dates' eyes. It was high time for
a coke, so they all collapsed on the soda fountain
or leaned over the card players' shoulders, watch-
ing and waiting. The game was moving with
rapidity. As each hand came to a close, the play-
ers were slapping down their cards as if they
knew what they were doing. But the light falling
from the big store window glared into the eyes
of the watchers and soon it began to tell on the
players. One huddled close into the corner of
the booth. "Let's get out of here," he said. "Let's
go someplace where the light isn't so good. Gosh,
this is the first time I've seen the spots on the
cards since I was a freshman and they had a
sixty watt bulb in the Parrot.' "Gosh, yes," said
another, "This game is getting too fast. The first
thing you know we'll get interested in it or get
it on our minds or something."
So, they all got up and setting their faces hard,
filed past the soda bar. The girl there reached
for a glass when the first one went by. She smiled.
But they all went past without a word. We
watched from the corner outside. They all made
it all right..
S* * *

Mr. Quick's Gargoyle
This month George Quick, even with the sub-
lime distraction of having all those beauties to
look out for, turned out a Gargoyle almost worth
complimenting. Last year's Garg had one page
worth looking at, Preposterous Persons, and even
that was either mean or pulled its punches. This
year George has attempted to draw a few other
features into the magazine that would at least
make it worth a nickel. While Morton Linder's
story sort of smells, it is closer to turnips than
to the stuff most college writers spread so cop-
iously on the laidscape. We recognize the handi-
cap anyone writing for publication at this Univer-
sity immediately bumps into. The idea is that
you may say it as well as you want, provided,
for the love of all that's holy and Republican,
you don't say anything. Then we also recognize
another handicap, the writer himself, who actual-
ly dares to trust his ego to the campus appro-
encouraged not to work too hard at anything
by pipe survey courses professors regurgitate all
over him and influenced by artistic tenets handed
to him by certain incompetent older writers who
failed to see clearly a point in good pointless'
humorous stories and the 'pointless' tales of the
short story masters, he clings to writing things
that would rate as proletarian only because they
have fourteen cuss words to the typewritten page
and to exposes of his own adolescent love life.
Most of it is pretty rotten-but so is most pro-
fessional stuff. Some of it is well written. Maybe
some is well thought out. But most of that never

ii fecins lo Me
H-eywood Broun
Jersey City is quite a large town, and its citizens
should blush at the conduct of Mayor Frank
Hague. In addition to playing the part of a
tyrant he is also acting the role of the clown. In
one and the same ring you get Mussolini and
Marceline. Surely even the supporters of this
brazen boss can hardly be
edified by their leader when
he starts reading fairy tales
rand talking baby talk. To e
sure it is news that Frank
Hague has a book. But he
must have been browsing
about a second hand shopI
when he ran across the "Red
Network - A Handbook of
radicalism," by Mrs. Eliza-
beth Dilling. A Jersey City bibliophile describes
the writer of that engaging burlesque as "a noted
author and lecturer.' The lady's fame must be
local, for she was laughed away in lavendar a
good many years ago.
It was Mrs. Dilling who listed both Jane Ad-
dams and Eleanor Roosevelt as dangerous Reds.
No one has a right to object if Frank Hague
occasionally lays aside his civic duties to indulge
in recreation. His taste for belles lettres is newly
acquired. Until the recent revelation of Hague's
weakness I had always assumed that his two f a-
vorite hobbies were lightning calculation and
* * * *
Limited To Home Grounds
No politician in America can do as much with a
column of figures as Frank Hague. Still, it must
be admitted that all his dazzling exhibitions have
been on his home grounds. The most recent at-
tack by the bookworm boss is aimed at Morris
Ernst. Mr. Ernst has been my personal counsel
ever since the truant officer was around inquiring
why I was cutting classes in kindergarten. Hague
says that Morris Ernst is a Communist, but I am
prepared to testify that he is an old-fashioned ro-
mantic liberal.
It is interesting to note that Ernst and Roger
Baldwin, who are tagged by the Jersey Mayor
as Red leaders, were both refused passports to
Russia last summer by Soviet officials. But, of
course, Frank Hague cannot possibly be as simple
minded as his statements to the press would
indicate. He is fighting CIO organization in
Jersey City because he finds it expedient, for one
reason or another, to play ball with certain em-
ployers in his town. Jersey City has been very
candid, advertising its virtues as a haven for
runaway factories. It promises cheap and con-
tented labor. Frank Hague is making the pledge
that it will remain cheap, and at least pretend
to weep a smiling face no matter what the wages
or the hours. He is the law. He has said it.
Danger Of Plague Spreading
The old firm of Me & God has been dissolved.
Jersey City is wholly in the hands of Hague, Inc.
Members of Congress who have insisted on asking
questions as to the manner in which he has
acquired his title to complete dictatorship are
well within their rights. This is not a local issue.
If democracy can be suspended in one locality
the plague may spread. Hague is running a
school for Fascism which is far more dangerous
than any camp of hothouse goosesteppers. But
valuable lessons may be learned from the empire
which he has carved for himself across the Iud-
son. Here is a very specific illustration of the
weakness of the case against the child labor
amendment and the wages and hours bill.
The federal government is one agency which
can cope with such secessionists as Hague. De-
mocracy cannot endure if little imperial islands
are to be set up within the structure of the na-
tion. The antics of the Jersey jingo are not
funny. Somebody should lead Hague to the wood-
shed, take away his copy of "Grimm's Fairy
Tales" and send their Hudson Hitler to bed with-
out his supper.

On Th eLevel
Dick Boye, who had a nefarious hand in'
"What's Doing," recently tried to find an excuse
that would enable him to drop a course without
getting an "E." He trotted over to the Health
Service and told Doc McGarvey that he was
nervous and high-strung and couldn't carry all
his hours. Doc looked him over and gave him
a sanity test among other things. It is to be
assumed that the test didn't come out so well
because Boye has now been put on a special diet,
allowed to drop his class, and has to get to
bed by eleven each night.
It is also to be assumed that Dr. McGarvey
has read "What's Doing."
Last night an urgent phone call came into
the Publications Building and a frantic voice
asked for the editor of the Gargoyle. The
phoner, it seems, had been stuck on one 'of
the "Michigarg" squares for an hour and he
wanted "to know how the hell to get off!"
.4* * *
The latest game to hit campus is called "Splen-

The Creation
Franz Joseph Haydn's mighty ora-
torio, The Creation, last night sup-
panted the traditional Messinah as

To Members of the University
the annual pre-Christmas offering of Staff: Those who have not yet filled
the University Choral Union. Di- out and returned the confidential
rected by Dr. Earl V. Moore, the personnel blanks are urged to do so
choral group was assisted by Prof. before the holiday vacation. The
contemplated study cannot be start-
Thelma Lewis, soprano, as Gabriel; ed until the blanks are all returned
Prof. Arthur Hackett, tenor, as and it is therefore hoped that those
Uriel; Hardin van Duersen, baritone, blanks not yet in our hands will be
as Raphael; Alice Manderbach, sent in at once. A. G. Ruthven.
harpsichordist; Robert Campbell, or-'
ganist; and the University Sym- The Automobile Regulation will be
phony Orchestra, lifted for the Christmas vacation
Judiciously cut of some of its least period from 12 noon on Friday, Dec.
attractive portions, the oratorio re- 17, 1937 until 8 a.m. on Monday, Jan.
tained all of its simple loveliness and' 3,1938.
devotional grandeur without becom- Office of the Dean of Students.
ing tedious. Relying less on over-
whelming choral effects and more on Closing hour for women, including
the dramatic power of the recitative freshmen, is 10:30 p.m. on Thursday,
and the lyric beauty of the aria than Dec. 16. Dean Alice C. Lloyd.
do the Handel oratorios, The Crea- -
tion in addition gives more impor- Women Students: We wish to give
tance to the supporting orchestra, notice that late permission will be ar-
which not only accompaniesybut inranged for all women wishing to at-
its own innocent and naively Hay-I tend the performance of "Richard the
dynesque way furthers the import Second" in Detroit.
of the text with bits of tonal de- Office of the Dean of Women
scription and picturization. The use
of the harpsichord for accompani- The Bureau has received notice of
ment in the recitative passages add- the following Civil Service Examina-
ed to the authenticity and genuine tionsn:
18th century flavor of the production. Ns.S
The soloists, all members of the Naval Architect, $3,800 a year; U.S.
vocal faculty of the School of Music,
gave exceptionally capable and Assistant Marketing Specialist
finished performances. Professor (Meat Grader), $2,600 a year; Bu-
Hacket's full and pleasing voice and reau of Agricultural Economics, De-
facile technique were blended in an partment of Agriculture.
almost operatic brilliance of style. Senior Physiologist (Poultry), $4,-
Mr. Van Duersen contributed some 600 a year; Physiologist (Poultry),
lovely bits of lyrical singing in his $3,800 a year; Associate Physiologist
arias, and Professor Lewis's work, (Poultry), $3,200 a year, Assistant
Physiologist (Poultry), $2,600 a year;
especially in the coloratura pas- Bureau of Animal Industry, Depart-,
sages, exhibited a fine taste and ment of Agriculture.
finished execution.mntfAgcutr.
fnThe Choral Union, as usual, ren- Principal Consultant ih Child Wei-
heChs oralUion, asthe usalwren fare Services, $5,600 a year; Prin-
dered its portions of the music with cipal Consultant in Medical Social
vigor, enthusiasm, and not a little WorklforsldrenM5,00ayea
flexibility. Not having had, as has Children's Bureau, Department of
been the case in past years, the bene-ILr'
fit of previous performances of the LAssistant Fisheries Statistical and
work, the chorus was not always pre- Marketing Agent, $1,800 a year; Jun-
cise in its attacks of vocalizations, ior Fisheries Sta#itical and Market-
but faults in this direction were bal- ing Agent, $1,620 a year; Bureau of
anced by a consistently fine quality Fisheries, Department of Commerce.
of tone, particularly in the alto sec- For further information, please call
tion. The University Symphony did at the Office, 201 Mason Hall.
an excellent job of assisting, and of Bureau of Appointments and
all, was perhaps the truest purveyor Occupational Information.
of the genuine Haydn spirit.
Directed Teachin Oualifying Ex-

THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1937

Publication in the Bulietin is constructive notice to all members at th
tvrmity. Copy received at the u'f ma the nt-m*t te the Pre isN
S3:3 11:0 a.ma. n Saturday.

of the Choral Union are requested to
return their copies of "The Messiah"
and to receive in exchange copies of
Bizet's "Carmen," on Thursday, Dec.
16, at the office of the School of
Music, Maynard Street.
Tickets for Richard I. Those who
reserved tickets for the Maurice Ev-
ans performance of Richard II. may
get them at my office on Monday,
Jan. 3, between 9 and 4:30 p.m. The
chartered buses will leave Ann Arbor
at 5 p.m. from the Union.
Those who prefers to receive their
tickets through the mail are request-
ed to leave a stamped, self-addressed
envelope with the secretary of the
English Department. Tickets will be
mailed on Dec. 27.
Karl Litzenberg.
Junior Engineers: There will be an
Independent Engineering booth at the
J-Hop. Will those interested make
up their minds over the Christmas
holidays. For information contact. -
Fred Osberg, phone 3233.
Don Percival, phone 6670.
Ed. Egle, phone 21556.
H. Spoden, phone 7758.
Ed. Lebeis, phone 6957.
Recital Postponed: The graduation
recital announced for Thursday eve-
ning at the School of Music, has been
postponed on account of the illness
of Miss Mary Porter. It will take
place after the holiday vacation.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower,
Thursday evening, Dec. 16, from 7:30
to 8:30 o'clock.
Chemistry Lecture. Dr. I. M. Kolt-
hoff, of the University of Minnesota,
will lecture on the subject "Aging
of Crystalline Precipitates" at 4:15
p.m. on Thursday, December 16, in
Room 303 of the Chemistry Building.
The lecture is under the auspices of
the University and the American
Chemical Society. It is open to the
Events Today
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
Amateur Theatre Series. Topic:
"Make-up," Prof. William P. Hal-
stead, Assistant Prof. of Speech.
Union Coffee Hour: The last Union
Coffee Hour before vacation will be
held today. All men students are in-
vited to come and join in the group
singing which will take up part of
the hour.
University Girls' Glee Chib: All
those desiring to go caroling with the
men's Glee Club meet in 'the Union
at 9:00. There will be a short re
hearsal before starting. Let's all be
Scimitar: There will be a Scimitar
meeting tonight at 7:15 at the Union.
Please note the change in time.
Bridge Group, Junior Branch
A.A.U.W.: Meeting scheduled .for to-
day at the Michigan League has been
cancelled because of the conflict with
an important meeting of the Interior
Decoration Group. The next regular
meeting of the group will be held at
(Continued on Page 6)

The Ballet Russe


The fact that the audience witness-
ing the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo s
at the Masonic Auditorium in De- r
troit last night found numerous op-
portunities to applaud the acrobatici
feats of the members of the Ballet4
does not lessen our conviction that2
the ballet is a weak art form. It re-k
quires the services of an impressiveE
number of skilled specialists-choreo-
grapher, composer, librettist, design-
ers of costumes and scenery; it hast
resulted in the production of music
as fine as Stravinsky's "Petrouschka";t
it has a tradition, a literature, and at
host of devotees. But one feels that
Stravinsky's music is more important
than the ballet for which it was writ-
ten, and that the current revival of7
interest in this "classical" art is ana-,
chronistic and trivial. Just as pro-
gram music is inferior because it ist
not complete as music, but makes i
literary references, so the ballet hasi
little unity. It is not music, norh
dance, nor even an integrated union
of both.
Yesterday's program comprised:
"The Hundred Kisses," 'Le Coq
d'Or," and "The Beautiful Danube."
The first is based on a fairy tale of
Hans Andersen with, in the words of
the program notes, the moral that
'some things that do not glitter are
gold." It is a melancholy story; a
princess who lacks sensibility, rejects
scornfully a prince's gift of a rose
and a bird. The program notes in-
form us that the rose is really hap-
piness in disguise and the bird some-
thing not specified, but equally val-
uable. All the spectator can see,
however, are a rose and a bird cage.
We are not affecting sophistication;
we merely protest against the use of
symbols which require explanation
outside the dance itself.t
The opening of the ballet looks like
a better-than-average number by the
Radio City Rockettes. The choreo-
graphy includes too many tricks of
pointless virtuosity. David Lichine
is a fine dancer, but his poetic pos-
turings, though graceful, look a little
silly. Frederic d'Erlinger's music has
its moments, but is in general un-
-Le Coq d'Or" is wholly successful.1
The essentials of Pushkin's fairy tale;
are clear without the notes. It is
more pantomime than dance. Cos-
tumes, scenery, and makeup create a
single effect of a brightness and a
humor such as one finds in Russian
dolls and colored prints. There is a
great deal of movement in patterns

amination: All students expecting toj
do directed teaching next semesterl
are required to pass a qualifying ex-I
amination in the subject which they
expect to teach. This examination
will be held on Saturday, Jan. 8, at
1"p.m. Students will meet in the Au-
ditorium of the University High
School. The examination will con-
sume about four hours' time; prompt-
ness is therefore essential.
Pre-Forestry and Forestry Stu-
dents: Announcement is made of the
annual contest for the Charles Lath-
rop Pack Foundation Prize in For-
estry, the conditions for which may
be secured from the Recorder of the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
2048 Natural Science Building. Top-
ics, whiclh may be decided upon in
consultation with members of the
faculty of the School, must be filed in
the office of the Recorder not later,
than Dec. 18, 1937.
Choral Union Members: Members
But it hardly exemplifies a serious
There is nothing particularly beau-
tiful in "The Beautiful Danube." Nor
is it about the Danube-which is as
it should be. The music is by Johann

Available Free in Booklet Form
of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Editorial Page Staff
In observance of the 150th anniversary of the
Constitutional Convention, the Post-Dispatch
published on its editorial page during the
summer of 1937 a series of semi-weekly news
letters such as the gazette readers of 1787 might
have read if the information subsequently ob-
tained from Madison's journal, the letters of
various delegates to friends at home and other
sources had been reported in modern news style
by the "intelligence" writers of a century and'
a half ago.
Because it is believed that many pers ns would
like to know more about the origin o the Con-
stitution, the Post-Dispatch has reprinted this
series in booklet sform Copies will be sent
without cost to individual students and quantities
for classroom use are available to instructors.
Requests may be addressed to the Circulation Dept.,
C+ r 1 .T . . + t C. T AS

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