The Weather
Rain for tonight and to-
morrow, holding out slight
hope for early relief.
LI .
5k gar
Dr. Hutchins And
The Higher Learning...
t L
Move On AFL
Substitute For
Bill Is Beaten
Attempt To Alter Proposed
Bill Challenges Power
Of Presidential Forces
Farm Bill Draws
Dean Anderson, The Man Who
Can Tke I t. ets 'Snofinc'
. i
-M %,W WaI- AL W/ XFw4., .... r r~r- '*Wt'sF
Annual Award
Amid Heckles
At 'Roasting'
Presented l
And Jeersj
The W innah !
attemppt to sidetrack the Adminis-
tration's Wage-Hour Bill in favor of
a more drastic measure sponsored by
the American Federation of Labor
failed in the House tonight. The
vote, by tellers, was 162 to 131.
The substitute, which would have
imposed uniform wage-hour stand-
ards instead of the more flexible
ones in the Administration bill, pro-
vided the first major test of the lead-
ership's strength on this legislation.
The federation's proposal was that
minimum wages of 40 cents an hour
and maximum hours of 40 a week be
specified in the law. The Adminis-
tration bill would give an Adminis-
trative agency power to fix wage
standards, within limits.
. AFL Opposes Grant
The A.F.L. bitterly opposed such a
grant of power because it said the
functioning of another agency with
broad powers, the National Labor Re-
lations Board, had been unsatisfac-
Leaders called the Senate into an
overtime session tonight to work on
the Farm Bill, number one item on
President Roosevelt's program for the
month-old special session.
Majority Leader Barkley of Ken-
tucky wanted to hasten action on the
new crop control legislation. A
similar bill has been passed by the
House, and advocates are anxious to
adjust differences and complete Con-
gressional action before Congress ad-
journs for the holidays.
Senate Votes Listlessly
Weary from long wrangling, the
Senate voted listlessly, 48 to 38, in
favor of spending "such sums as are
necessary" to carry out the proposed
farm program.
The ballot on this question was
forced by Sen. Arthur L. Vandenberg1
(Rep., Mich.), who had urged in vain
yesterday that the cost of the legisla-
tion be limited to $500,000,000 a year.
The Senate unanimously approved
tonight an amendment to reduce
Administrative costs of the proposed
new crop control program and thus
increase the payments and loans re-
ceived by the farmer.
Students Win
Protest Sirike I
At Kalamazoo
KALAMAZOO. Dec. 15.-(IP)-The,
student strike at Kalamazoo College
came to an end tonight after hav-
ing been in effect for two days.
At a mass meeting, the student
body accepted terms of a temporary
agreement concerning the future em-
ploy of Dr. Carey K. Ganong, popu-
lar economics professor over whose
dismissal the walkout started.
Dr. Stewart Grant Cole, president
of the college, said he was withdraw-
ing the dismissal notice given Dr.
Ganong and that the Professor's case
would be decided later.
"The notice given to Dr. Ganong
last Saturday is withdrawn," Dr.
Cole said. "The matter of Dr. Ga-
nong's future relationship with the
College shall be decided by the Board1
of Trustees during the coming few
weeks after the consideration of theI
matter with the student senate and
the President of the College."
Dr. Ganong urged acceptance of
the agreement and asked the 350j
undergraduates to return to classes.
"Dr. Cole has done all that he can
to meet your demands," Dr. Ganong
told the assembly. "Mine have been
fully met. I ask those who have so
loyally supported my cause Go return1
to classes and to cooperate with the I
administration and faculty to pro- 1
mote the best interests of Kalamazoo
Friday Is Deadline
For 'Ensian Sittings I
While 140 faculty members and
mechanical engineering s t u d e n t s
looked on, showing only "'a slight
trace of intelligence here and there,"
Dean H. C. Anderson of the engineer-
ing school was picked as "The man
who can take it" and given the tradi-
tional "Spoofuncup" yesterday.
The presentation was made at the
annual dinner given by the local stu-
dent branch of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, largest stu-
dent branch of the society.
Dean Anderson, who thought he
"might get an inspiration by looking
at the crowd" buit found the idea
hopeless, told the group that the only
thing funnier than the annual ban-
quet was "presiding over a faculty
Undaunted, the mechanical engi-
neers heckled him throughout his
speech with a loud speaker that cut;
in as he finished: "See you in church,
With Prof. Axel Marin of the me-
chanical engineering department act-
ing as "Roastmaster," the mechanical
engineers conducted their annual
"open season on professors" before
choosing the final winner of the
"Spoofuncup." The cup, which sup-
posedly goes to the most unpopular
Mystery Man,
Wife, Obscurt
Moscow Trail
NEW YORK, Dec. 15.-(/P)-The
cleverness in self-masquerade of "Mr.
and Mrs. Donald L. Robinson," re-
puted Americans who disappeared
from a Moscow hotel 10 days ago
and precipitated a fiction-thriller
mystery of international intrigue,
boomeranged today.
New evidence indicated they may
have covered their tracks so well that
they destroyed the last hope of trac-
ing their identities or solving the
riddle of their disappearance.
The self-styled "New York writer"
and his wife had used forged pass-
ports in entering Soviet Russia, "bor-
rowing" the names of two New York
thildren who died more than 20 years
GOP Chairman
Denies Faction
Split In Party
Delay In Party Declaration
Occasioned By Difficulty
Of Task, Says Hamilton
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 15.-(')-Repub-
lican National Chairman John D. M.
Hamilton asserted tonight that ser-
iousness and difficulty of the task,
rather. than factional differences,
slowed naming of a committee to
draft a new declaration of party prin-
Twenty-one of the 23 members of,
the G.O.P.'s executive committee have
been in session here since Monday af-
ternoon on the tedious and delicate
job of choosing among more than
1,000 nominees.
Sharp Warning To
Indicates Promises
Sufficient Guaranty
inst Future Attacks
A _ _
Proffer Further
professor, is in reality presented to
the most popular oize, according to
Myron Hawley, '38E, publicity chair-
Other speakers besides Professor
Anderson and Professor Marin were
Prof. John E. Emswiler, Prof. Walter
E. Lay, former holder of the "Spoof-
uncup" and Prof. John Grennan. All
are members of the mechanical engi-
neering department staff.
Band Presents
Yule Fantasies
In First Recital
Musicians Present Second
Annual Holiday Program
At Local Theatre Tonight
Inaugurating the winter concert
season, the University of Michigan
Band will feature a modern fantasy
on traditional holiday melodies in its
second annual Christmas program at
8:40 p.m. today at the Michign the-
David Runden, '41A, second place
winner in the Varsity night competi-
tion will play a marimba solo as the
band makes the jump from the foot-
ball field to the concert stage. The
thirty-minute program which will be
presented between shows at the Mich-
igan includes a paraphrase of "In the
Gloaming" by Huffer, a Spanish
march, "Aguero," by Franko, the
"Christmas fantasy," by Lillya and a
special arrangement of the Bells of
Saint Mary," by Donn Chown, '38SM,
business manager of the band.
The band, according to Prof. Wil-
Liam D. Revelli, director, has sched-
uled four other concerts during the
year to be climaxed by a program at
8:15 p.m., April 4 in Hill Auditorium..
Other recitals will be at 4:30 p.m., Jan
23 and March 6 in Hill Auditorium
and at 7:30 p.m., May 24 and May 31.
on the steps of the Clements Library.
In addition the band will broadcast
over WJR at 5:45 p.m. Saturday, Jan.
8. Several out-of-town concerts are
also being scheduled, Professor Revelli
Ice And Snow
:iver And Lakes Traffic
Hit By Heavy Jams
CHICAGO, Dec. 15.-(P)-Middle
America slipped about its business
today on a glaze of ice and snow.
From Western Pennsylvania to
Iowa, hazardous traffic conditions
slowed every form of transportation.
Highways and streets were coated,
reducing automobile traffic to a min-
imum. Hospitals reported heavy emer-
gency demands for pedestrians who
fell on slick sidewalks.
The weather-bound area was closed
to air traffic.
Ohio River traffic was suspended
from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati be-
cause of ice clogs. Great Lakes
freighters and light house tenders
battled through jams in Lake St. Clair
and the Detroit River.
Interstate railroad traffic fell be-
hind schedule.
Chicago ordered its mounted police
to work afoot, and squad cars were
called in. Indiana citizens wore
spiked shoes and skates.j
Church Schools
Hold Conference
At UnionToday
President Ruthven, Three
Professors To Sv>eak To .
Ask More Apologies
For Gunboat Attack
LONDON, Dec. 15.--(JP)--Great Bri-
tain warned Japan today that failure
to stop attacks on British shipping in
the Far East would strain the rela-
tions of the two countries.
The warning was repeated in the
House of Commons by Foreign Secre-
tary Anthony Eden. After the gov-
ernment had dispatched a note to
Tokyo asking more than mere apol-
ogies for Sunday's attacks on the gun-
boat Ladybird and other vessels.
The note indicated that promises
were not a sufficient guarantee against
future incidents.
Pledges Are Recalled
"His Majesty's government can not
but recall previous incidents wherein
the Japanese government expressed
regret for attacks . . . and assurance
that adequate steps had been taken
to prevent any repetition," the Brit-
ish note said: "It is clear that steps
hitherto taken by the Japanese gov-
ernment to prevent such attacks have
so far dfailed."!
After reading a Japanese apology,
Eden pointed out that the British
government had drawn Japan's at-
tention "to aspects of recent grave
incidents not covered by the note of
the Japanese government."
He said that the British note de-
fined the government's attitude "to-
ward the whole series of incidents,
emphasizing the seriousness of the
situation thus created and require-
ments which, in their judgment, flow
from it."
Warns Of A BreakI
"In particular," he continued "they
wish to be assured that action is being
taken of such a character as will
definitely assure no repetition of these
incidents which as the Japanese gov-
ernment themselves realize, must im-
pair relations between the two coun-
Evidence of close cooperation be-
tween Britain and the United States
was seen in the fact that the note
was dispatched to British Ambassador,
Sir Robert Craigie in Tokio with in-
structions that he show it to United
States Ambassador Joseph C. Grew.
Another copy was sent to Washing.
- --- -----Lau
Gunboat Panay
Sank Fighting,
Says Survivor
SHANGHAI, Dec. 15 -(/P)-The
United States Gunboat Panay "kept
her guns blazing until the last min-
ute," Jim Marshall, Far East corres-
pondent of Collier's Magazine, nar-
rated from a hospital cot today.
Marshall was one of four survivors
of Sunday's tragedy on the Yangtze,
all wounded, who were flown back
to Shanghai today.
Marshall and F. Haydn Vines,
Roanoke, Va., employe of the, British
American Tobacco Co., told of their
escapes first from flying shrapnel
"Japanese planes dropped 12
bombs around the Panay and the
Standard Oil ships," Marshall said.
"They came so low it was impos-
sible for them not to know they were
bombing foreign ships.
"The first bomb hit the forecastle.
When the ship began sinking the
Captain ordered her abandoned.
"All the passengers and crew
jumped over the side. I landed on
the deck of the Meian (a Standard
Oil cargo carrier) and helped the
(Continued on,Page 2)
Chinese Relief
Drive Opened
In An Arbor
Fund To Provide Medical
Aid And Other Supplies-
For War-Time Sufferers
A drive for Christmas donatior.s toj
provide "medical and other supplies!
for the sufferers from war in China"
swung into action last night under
the direction of the Ann Arbor Com-
mittee for Chinese Relief.
The Committee, whose officers are
Mrs. James Pollock, Dr. Arno Bader
of the English department, Prof.
Charles Remer of the economics de-
partment and Mrs. Mabel R. Rhead,
emphasized that the fund raised here
will not be used for military pur-
The statciment issued by the corn-
rnittee follows.
Great Need Cited
' "No name has been considered,
Denominational G r o u p passed or rejected," Hamilton de-
clared, "because of that person's
Representatives of Michigan de- known friendliness or unfriendliness
nominational colleges will attend an to any individual or group within the
invitational conference beginning at party.
10 a.m. today in the Union. Hamilton said the steering com-
President Ruthven will extend the mittee would be composed of approx-
official greeting of the University at imately 150 men and women. Orig-
the group luncheon at r12 noon. Sev---inlly .it was ,to have been a "com-
eral other speakers will discuss "Re- j mittee of 100," and last night there
cent Changes in University Educa- were reports it would be enlarged to
tion." Prof. Walter F. Colby of the 200.
physics department, jest returned Although there has been no open
from a world tour, will speak on as- manifestation of differences so far,
pects of university education in outside observers expected a division
India, China and Japan. Prof. Kas- between the friends of Herbert Hoover
imir Fajans of the chemistry depart- and Alf M. Landon over the choice
ment will talk on changes in Ger- of a chairman.
many and Poland, and Prof. Harlow
Heneman of the political science de-
partment will speak on developments ead
in the British Isles.
In the morning and afternoon, dis- Backs Ouster
cussions will be held on topics of in-
terest to church-affiliated colleges.
Representatives are expected from Action Of Board Approved
Adrian, Albion, Alma, Battle Creek,
Calvin, Hillsdale, Hope, Kalamazoo By Forier Grit Captain
and Olivet colleges.
---.FLINT, Mich., Dec. l4._ (-JA) .. Faith
in the ability of the University of
Two Fat a tMichigan Board in Control of Physical
Education to handle football problems
a, Ann Arbor was expressed today by
heurs J'1 eorge C. Paterson, president of
Michigan's "M" Club. He is also head
of the alumni board here.
Add (hinese (atrrictilunt Paterson, who once captained a
For Next Seieste, Michigan grid team, issued a state-
Iment which said in part:
on"Those of us who have not been in
Decision to offer two courses on the deliberations at Ann Arbor,
Far Eastern subjects next semester I and are therefore lacking in knowl-
in the Department of Oriental Lan-I edge of all the circumstances involved,
guages and Literatures, has been 1 should be slow in passing judgment.
made recently, Prof. Leroy Water- is significant that a thoroughly rep-
madechrecentlPof.tedroWter-,resentative board, aware of difference
man, chairman of the department, sympathies and viewpoints, has
annunced yesterday taken unainmons action. These stu-
Dr. Y. Z. Chang of the Far Eastern dent, alumni and faculty representa-
Institute will again give a course on tives, have at heart as dearly as I,
Chinese civilization, and Joseph Ya- the best interests of our University."
magiwa, also of the Institute, will -
offer a new course on Japanese liter-I R is W
ature in English. The basic ideas and PA i.sIWee s
forces and the national temperament
of the two countries which underlie To Gladden Yuletide
their civilizations and literatures,
will be carefully studied, Professor LANSING, Dec. 15.- (1P) -The
Waterman said. W o r k s Progress AdministrationI
This semester is the first in the moved today to bring Christmas
history of the University, Professor cheer to its employes.
Waterman said. that courses on Louis M. Nims, State WPA Ad-'
Chinese and Japanese languages ministrator, said he would exert every
carrying regular University credits effort to see that the Administration's
are given during the academic year. $2,550,000 payroll for the month of
Next semester, four courses, two in December would be in the hands of
the Chinese language and two in the WPA workers before Christmas.
Japanese, will be given. Nims said the department's finance
division was working overtime to
German Christniaclear the payrolls and that postmas-
ters in the larger industrial centersj
Si n To Draw 2 had promised to give special handling
? to checks arriving on Chirstmas eve,
More than 250 persons are expected Elliott Eketed SOP1
to attend the first "German Christ-
mas Sinn" which will he held at 4:15 A jn ihhgant D=. *- -r
Japs Propose Flag Salute
And Military Honors For
Dead As Added Gesture
Tokyo Faces U.S.,
Britain Concord
SHANGHAI, Dec. 16.- (/) -
Japanese authorities today an-
nounced Rear Admiral Teizo Mit-
sunanui, chief of Japanese aeria
operations, had been relieved of
his post as a result of the bombing
of the United States gunboat
TOKYO, Dec. 15.-(A-)-Japan al-
ready having apologized and offered
indemnity for war-like attacks on
the United States gunboat Panay and
three American-owned steamers was
prepared today to go "even further
if necessary" to meet the diplomatic
emergency, government officials said.
As an additional gesture of regret,
it was said a national salute to the
American flag and military honors for
the Americans killed Sunday in the
Yangtze River incident were under
The general public was deeply co'-
cerned, although the Japanese lan-
guage press published little concern-
ing sentiment in Washington o the
the United States and refrained from
editorial comment.
Report Japs Fired On
The newspapers, however, did print
a long statement of the Imperial
Headquarters, the highest Japanese
military and naval organ, in which it
was charged that three gunboats
among the several vessels attacked by
naval fliers fired on the Japanese
warplanes when the Panay was sunk.
The headquarters statement dem
clared that the Japanese airmen had
reported the vessels "carried no flags"
and that "many soldiers, apparently
Chinese were sighted aboard them,"
The press also carried the note of
the foreign minister, Koki Hirota, to
Ambassador Joseph C. Grew in which
Japan tendered "sincere apologies,"
promised "indemnification for all
losses" and to "deal appropriately
with those responsible for the inci-
dent" and announced "strict orders"
had been issued to prevent a recur-
rence of the incident,
A Foreign office representative vis-
ited the Italian embassy tonight and
apologized for the death of Sandro
Sandri, Italian newspaperman killed
in the Panay bombing.
Japs Gathering Facts
Regarding Japan's next moves in
the tense diplomatic exchange, the
foreign office spokesman replied to all
questions: "We are still gathering in-
formation, Hence it is too early to
discuss procedure."
Competent observers said the Panay
incident was a serious reversal for
Japanese diplomacy which had been
assiduously trying to cultivate the
United States to prevent too solid a
British-American front with regard to
the Far East.
The turn of events on the troubled
Yangtze brought Tokyo's diplomats
sharply face-to-face with a situation
in which the United States and Great
Britain were closely linked-for the
British gunboats Ladybird and Bee
were also attacked on Sunday.
Police Arrest Ford
Pickets In Kansas
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 15.-()-~
Scores of singing, shouting men and
women, some carrying or leading chil-
dren, attempted mass picketing to-
day at the Ford assembly plant and
were arrested by police as fast as they
A few pickets scuffled briefly with
police on ice-coated streets, and were
carried, kicking and scratching, to
patrol cars. The children, ranging
from five to 12, were taken home by
officers. The women and men were
booked on charges of disturbing the
peace and released.
Carl Stevens, an international rep-
resentative of the CIO, said picketing
attempts would be continued until
"we have every jail in Kansas City
- --thne Ann Arbor Commnittee ior
T"II* Chinese Relief calls attention to the
Lewis Poicies great need for medical and other sup-
plies for the sufferers from war in
China. Many appeals are coming to
550,000 Steel Men Are I the Committee and the facts which.
Represenited At Parley are revealed speak for themselves.
Rel"The American Red Cross is send-
ig tetanus antitoxins and other bio-
PITTSBURGH, Dec. .-T 'logical products by Pan American
CIO Steel Workers Convention threw Airways.' The Red Cross has already
its solid support today behind John 'set up 500 hospital beds. The Inter-
L. Lewis and his policies, national Red Cross Committee for
Three separate resolutions terming Central China, in which Americans
Lewis "our peerless leader" praisedI are serving, has just received an ap-
him and his chief lieutenant, Philip peal for funds and supplies to care
Murray, for their unionization work for the wounded and suffering.
and pledged "our fealty to the cause For Civilians Only
of the CIO." "The Chinese Women's Relief As-
No organized discord was discern- sociation of New York, honorary pres-
able among the 925 delegates claiming ident, Madame Chiang Kai-Shek,
to represent 550,000 of the 800,000 states that 'every cent of your dona-
workers in steel and allied industries. tion will be sent direct to Madame
Murray's recommendation that he Chiang Kai-Shek who will use your
and his sta ffbe given bl nket au- contribution for the relief of civilians
thority to make new agreements to alone.'
negotiate new contracts with 425 steel "You are now asked to send your
firms which expire next Feb. 28 was contributions, however large or small,
referred to a committee. to Mrs. Rhead, 833 East University
Other resolutions endorsed the six- Ave."
hour day, 30-hour work week; a five-
billion dollar housing program with . -
the immediate appropriation of one Sailors Are Scored
billion dollars by Congress to continue
WPA and PWA work; labor's non- For Strike At Sea
partisan league; a firm policy of ad-
hering to labor contracts; a federal'
anti-lynch law and a more liberalized BALTIMORE, Dec. 15.-(')-Fed-
social security act. eral Judge W. Calvin Chesnut, presid-
ing at the trial of 14 seamen charged
with mutiny aboard the Government-
., 1)..~ ... _ I owned freighter Algic, charged the
rry Predicts strenuous
'38 State Political Battle
DETROIT, Dec. 15.-(UP)-Edward
J. Fry, Democratic State Chairman,
jury today that legally "there is no
right to strike against the laws of
the United States at any time, any
place or under any conditions."
Final argument will be made to-