PAGE SIX TRE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 1937 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1~,, 1937 Program Given For Singig Of German Songs German Department Will Hold Christmas Sing At Union Tomorrow DAILY OFFICIAL BUL Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membe Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the E until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Slene ynski Critics admire her unerring sense of Sleuezynski 12-Year-Old Piano m o"n"k:""* 12-Ye r-o ld Pianorhyt(hm and poegtry on the keys. ILETIN GA the age of twvo she refused to Genms ppr Here Jan. 10 eat without a piano, slept badly and rs of the University. lost weight until the pater saved President ____enough to buy an upright. Seven weeks after the purchase Ruth was By ROBERT I. EITZHENRY jawed, dimpled phenomenon is al- plakn ach pTrohart nv- Ruth Slenczynski, 12-year-old gen- i ready quite a woman of the world. playing Bach's "Two-Part Inven be an important ineeting at 4:30 p.m. ius of the piano, presents the sixth tions." With annahe worseCthanRa motretheChoral Union Concert here at 8:15 Marching across the platform like today in the Glee Club Room of the an. 10, in Hill Auditorium Dame football player's she has blazed a soldier her mien is one of uncom- Union, to discuss plans for Christmas Resident of this universe scarcely a path of victory across two con- mon poise and charm. caroling. All members are requested more than a decade this square- tinents. to attend. Put through her paces at the age German and others interested are in- of three by her violinist father she A"I (Continued from Page 4) Chemical Society. It is open to the!i public.; Announcement of the program ofl the "German Christmas Sing" whichl will be held at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow' in Room 316 at the Union was made yesterday by Prof. J. A. C. Hildner of the German department. Divided into four sections, the pro- gram will include folk songs, modern songs, drinking songs and Christmas carols. Folk songs to be sung are "Der Lindenbaum," "Treue Liebe," "In einem Kuhlen grunde," "Muss' i'denn," "Du, du liegst mir im Her- zen," "Schon ist die jugend," "Ich weiss nicht was soll es bedeuten," "Sah ein Knab," "Der gute Kamerad." Modern songs will be "Du kannst nicht treu sein," "Ein Tag ohne Dich," "Livei Herzen," "Wien, Wien," "Es muss was Wunderbares sein," "Gruss mir die sussen" and "Du schwarzer Zigeuner." The three drinking songs on the program are "Immer noch em Trop- chen," "Heili, heilo," and "Trink, trink." Christmas songs will be "0 'Tannenbaum," "0 du frohliche," "Ihr Kinderlein Kommt," "Herbei 0 ihr glaubigen," "Von Himmel hoch," "Stille Nacht," and "Guten Abend." The public as well as 'German stu- dents is invited, Professor Hildner said. ation" will be presented under the auspices of the University Musicalx Society with Thelma Lewis, soprano;I Arthur Hackett, tenor; Hardin Van Deursen, baritone; Robert Campbell, organist; the University Symphony Orchestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor; Wednesday, December 15, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. This per- formance is given instead of the cus-1 tomary Christmas "Messiah" concert.j Admission is free, except that the public is requested to be seated on time; and for obvious reasons, to rifrain from bringing small children. The doors will be opened at 7:45. Exhibitions. Ann Arbor Art Association presents a double exhibition: Prints - from Durer to Derain; and a Survey of the Michigan Federal Arts Project- Drawings, Photographs and Sculp- ture; in the small galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Dec. 3 through 15; daily, including Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m. Events Today University Broadcast 3-3:30 p.m.' Class in Stage and Radio Diction.' Prof. G. E. Densmore. Srhinx will meet at noon today in vited to meet at 4:15 in Room 316, made her frst public appearance at thega nin Union. Phil Woodward willMihgnUo. h U n. h W d dlfour, amazed Berlin at six and at Research Club meets this evening speak on "Managing a Burmese Junior A.A.U.W. Interior Decora- eight. Gotham opened its blase eyes' at 8 p.m., in Room 2528 East Medical Checkers Team." tion Group, Thursday, Dec. 16, 7:30 to a superlative performance. Building. Program: I. Professor Phi Sigma Society: There will be p.m., Michigan League. Considered a curiosity at first she N.R.F. Maier: The effects of cortical no meeting today. The next meeting Mr. Alden B. Dow, Midland archi- has now won a place in the music injury on the behavior of rats in com- will be held Jan. 5, 1938. tect, will show motion pictures of hall of fame for her ability alone. plex test situations. II. French and '. his own modern homes. Open to in- rs. Provencal treatises on arithmetic be- Hiawatha Club: Short business terested visitors, it's annual caroling party Thursday evening at 8:15 p.m. The group will fore 1500. (a) Professor L. C. Kar- meeting tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Alpha Lambda Fraternity: All meet at Trinity LutheranChurch pinski: Their place in the history of } Union. members of the Alpha Lambda fra- and will leave promptly at 8:15. Re- mathematics; (b) Professor E. L. yternity are hereby reminded to be freshments will be served at the Publicity Committee: A meeting at, present at their last gathering of the church following the caroling, Adams; The development of French j the League at 5 p.m. today in year 1937, at 8:00 p.m., Friday, Dec. __nh__g arithmetical terminology, the undergraduate offices of the 117 at 1346 Geddes. Recent war pic- Scimitar: There will be a Scimitar League. All members must be pres- tures from China will be shown. meeting Thursday evening, Dec. 16, at An Assembly of the students of the ':15 at the Union. Please note thc School of Dentistry will be held at ent. Lutheran Student Club will have hange in time. 4:15 today, in the Dental School ILuthran_ SudentClub_ ill_ hvechnge - time Amphitheatre. The address will be Coming Evens II! given by Dr. James K. Pollock on the IPROFESSIONALPHOTOFINIR T Ili Lhrustmas Holiday Extra Equipment will be added to Triin 52 Friday, Dec. 17th ANN ARBOR to TOLEDO (Lv. Ann Arbor - 3:02 p.m.) and SPECIAL TRAIN will be operated Sunday, Janonary 2, 1938 TOLEDO to ANN ARBOR (Lv. Toledo - 7:00 p.m.) to accommodate University of Michigan students Christmas Vacation THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD CO. 11 I 1 ell"iat'l- - T . I I __" uJe.3i r-olitical Situaton in Eu- . rope," German Christmas Sing: On Thurs- Lectures day, Dec. 16 the singing group of the Chemistry Lecture. Dr. I. M. Kolt- Union Coffee Hour: All men stu- Deutscher Verein is sponsoring a hoff, of the University of Minnesota, dents are cordially invited to attend Christmas Sing under the direction of will lecture on the subject "Aging the regular Union Coffee Hour in the Prof. J.A.C. Hildner. All students of of Crystalline Precipitates" at 4:15 small ballroom of the Union today. p.m. on Thursday, December 16, in Mr. E. O. O'Roke's and Mr. W. F. Room 303 of the Chemistry Building. Striedieck's freshmen orientation The lecture is under the au f groups number 32 and 33 are to be _ ISHING. Film developed, 8 prints, 1- 8x10 enlargenent, 25c. Reprints 2c each. Send coin only. Snapshot Service, Box 270, Ashland, Ohio. DRIV-UR-SELF SYSTEM . .. . .Licensee... Special Rates for L7ng Distances a nPhone 3714 t p 510 Washington Street i l 7 t r -_,.s.-..--_.. .._._._ .- ...__.w. _._.. M the University and the American special guests. L Ne i w York's P.R. By A Politiea (Cont nued from Page 4) t last day of November-just four weeks after the ballots had been cast. In a council of 26-comprising 25 men and one woman--the Democrats com- manded 14 votes, the American La- bor party five, the Fusion group three, and the Republicans three. One In- dependent was elected from Queens, a former Democratic alderman who was denied the endorsement of the Sheridan Democratic organization in Queens borough but ran successfully as an Independent, a good example of the way in which a popular man may be elected despite the opposition of the machine in his own district. Of the three Fusion members, Charles Belous associated himself with the American Labor party a few days af- ter the election, raising the Coun- cil representation of that group to six and assuring its leader, B Charney Vladeck, of the leadership of the anti- Tammany, pro-LaGuardia bloc on the City Council. . The results of the first New York attempt a~t P.R. exceeded, of, course, even the wildest dreams of the anti- Tammany forces under the old single- member district Board of Aldermen, but there was a slight over-represen- tttiozi of the Tammany vote. Thus, though Jeremiah Mahoney, the Tam- many candidate for Mayor, was beat- en by a substantial majority by La- Guardia's bid for re-election, the or- ganization Democrats will be able to organize the City Council at its first meeting in January of next year. Among the LaGuardia forces them- selves there was some disparity of representation, for the Republicans, who contributed half of the votes for LaGuardia's re-election, got only three Council members, the other 11 anti-Tammany councilmen being of the Fusion. and American Labor par- ties. In the workings of P.R., the reformers suffered, for they put up a host of candidates and these, com- bined with the Tammany Democrats, independents, Socialists, Communists, American Laborites, and other mis- cellaneous brands tended to confuse the voters, save the organization co- horts, and there was considerable cross voting, as an examination of the transfer of the votes of defeated can- didates shows. The Democratic voters were trained to concentrate on a few endorsees, without having to wade through the mass of names with which Tammanyites were forced to cope. The superfluity of candidates will undoubtedly take care of itself for the 1939 election, for many per- sons merely ran in the false hope of finding a way to "beat" P.R. These will drop out, and the reform forces will undoubtedly concentrate their voters behind a few men instead of a long list of names, so that the total of 230 will dwindle down to a consid- erably smaller figure two years hence. In Toledo, over 50 candidates sought election in the first P.R. election (that of 1935), a total which was reduced to 19 in 1937. One other difficulty of representa- tion, that of small groups who have Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar. Mr. C. L. Raynor will be the speaker at the Seminar for Jl Graduate students in Chemical and 1 Science Student Metallurgical Engineering today at 4:00'p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subje't will be "Diffusion in Solid 175,000 supporters in the whole city Metals." but are unable to get them all to- B gether in one borougn, is well repre- 3o m nar.mBldg.tPaeab sented in the case of the Communist 4:30, Room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by candidates. Four Communists, one W. R. Taylor "Notes on Scandinavian in each borough except Richmond, Botanical Institutions. polled well over the necessary 75,000, but since there is no machinery for Seminar in Physical Chemistry will transeferring votes from one borough meet in Room 122 Chemistry Building 'to another, they have no Council this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. member, though Peter Cacchione G. H. Kissin will speak on "Light Communist candidate in Brooklyn absorption in dilute solutions of came within a few hundred votes of strong electrolytes." being elected and may be within the elected group in 1939. Luncheon for Graduate Students Of course, even despite these few today at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea defects, the adequacy of representa- Room of the Michigan League. Cafe- tion as compared with the old Board teria service. Bring tray across hall. of Aldermen is such as to make the Dr. William Haber, Professor of Ec- latter seem fantastic. So gerryman- onomics in the Institute of Public dered was the city, and so under- and Social Administration and in the represented were certain districts Department of Economics will speak within it that 62 of the 65 members of informally, the subject to be an- the Board of Aldermen elected in nounced. 1935 were Democrats, only three Re- publicans succeeded in getting elect- Sociedad Hispanica-La Sociedad ed. For many years the Board had Hispanica will meet tonight at 7:00 64 Democrats and a permanent mi- p.m. in the Union. Members will nority of one-Joseph Clark Bald- please note that the meeting begins win, one Republican to represent at 7:00 p.m. one half hour sooner hundreds of thousands of Republi- than previously announced, so that cans in New York, to say nothing of 'those who wish to do so, may attend the thousands of Socialists, Commu- the concert in Hill Auditorium at nists, and other minorities virtually 8:15 p.m. disfranchised and denied a voice in city government because of the anti- Faculty Women's Club Formal quated election machinery in use be- Dance, in the Michigan League Ball- fore the advent of P.R. room, tonight, 9 to 12 o'clock. Bridge Had P.R. been defeated in the 1936 in the Grand Rapids Room. referendum P.R.-Charter election, members of the City Council would Freshmen Glee Club: There will have been elected from the State -- --- ~ Senatorial districts within the city, with three elected at large fromE Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx to UKE UNIVERSITY slightly balance the under-represen-, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE tation of those areas. Had this sys- tem of election been used, it is esti- DURHAM, N. C. mated that the City Council would Pour terms of eleven weeks are given have been composed of thirty Demo- each year. These may be taken con- crats, one Republican, and one Labor- secutively (graduation in 3% years) ite. Mayor LaGuardia, elected in an or three terms may be taken each year. ite.Mayr Lauaria, leced i an (graduation in 4 years). The entrance overwhelming repudiation of Tam- requirements are intelligence, charac- many, swept in by a 450,000 plurality, ter and at least two years of college work, including the subjects specified faced in the city's legislative body I for Grade A Medical Schools. Cata- with a 30 to two vote against his logues and application forms may be measures, obtained from the Dean. --_. 1111 i i I' i i 14 GoldenRule ForCve Chrims Shoppers: Gave Untom fiers As You Wo11 Have'T e 1i~e Uto Yu,- GIFTS . At:. s t } E r t tr ..r. t f E r. , ... .. ,.. .s ..+. .. .. 1f S fM^ , . ++ ' r.g 1, c ;Y }N M- , YY YLT [i '. M w . ! ' _.... wM r v' rr I Unusually Fine Wearables For His Christmas Gift ! Brocaded Silk Robes. .$13.50 to $25.00 Smart Colored Shirts ...$2.00 to $3.50 Wool Pullover Sweaters .. $3.50 to $5.90 Imported Wool Mufflers. $1.50 to $5.00 White Broadcloth Shirts .'. $2.00 to $3.00 Fitted Cases...........$5.00 to $10.00 Wool Hosiery .........55c to $3.00 Suede Zipper Jackets $7.50 to $17.50 ,'""8 c i In'- _ l I TOhe STUDENT COOPERATIVE, INC. 209 South State Street will continue to serve meals .Pure Silk Pajamas. $7.50 to $10 Belt and Buckles $2.00 to $3.00 Jewelry Dress Sets $2.00 to 7.50 Pigskin Gloves. . $2.50 to 5.00 Linen Hankies Cal f Slippers . 35c to $1.00 $3.75 to $5.50 :. ' f } : .tiG ' 1('L A during Christmas, vacation. Open to the Public sa 11 "R ,. FROM NowiW