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December 15, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-15

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The Weather
Cloudy, probably rain, sleet,
or snow, not quite so cold today;
tomorrow, cloudy and somewhat


A#r Ap
kHtr4t an
~ Aw,"- w 9


Tom Mooney In The
Land Of The Free ..



Model Senate
To Be Chosen
By P.R.Ballot
Committee Recommends
Limiting Discussion On
National,_World Affairs
Scammon To Head
P.R. Study Group
Election by proportional represen-
tation was unanimously accepted as
the means of choosing members of
the proposed Student Model Senate,
at a meeting of the executive organiz-
ing committee of the Senate yesterday
in the League.
At the same time, the committee
voted to recommend, to the Senate
that it limit its discussion to national
and international affairs as they af-
fect students as residents of the
United States.
Election By States Replaced
The system of proportional repre-
sentation will replace election of
members of the Senate by states, as
previously recommended in first pro-
posals for the organization. A com-
mittee to investigate the most appro-
priate form of "P.R." for the campus
election was organized and asked to
report its recommendations at the
next meeting of the committee.
Richard M. Scammon, will be chair-
man of the committee, with other
members including Virginia Krieghoff,
'38, secretary, Hope Hartwig, '38, Wil-
liam Jewell, '38, Tuure Tenander, '38,
and Phil Westbrook, '40. Professors
James K. Pollock and Arthur W. Bro-
make of the political science depart-
ment will be asked to take part on
the committee.
Non-Citizens Included
By expressly providing for the dis-
cussion of world affairs as they affect
students as "residents" of the United
States, the committee proposes to in-
clude an opportunity for partici-
pation by non-citizen students of the
campus in the activities of the Senate.
With selection of Senate members by
"P.R.," it is hoped that these mem-
bers of the student body will avail
themselves of this opportunity for
Martirt' DWoklki s, :10, chahman
of the executive committee, was voted
power to call or appoint any commit-
tee to take care of necessary business
before the next meeting of the execu-
tive committee. This meeting will be
on January 11, following the vacation.
Medical Group
Holds Election
Dr. LaFever Is Installed
As President For Year
Dr. Sidney L. LaFever was installed
as president succeeding Dr. Reed M.
Nesbit of the University Hospital at
the annual election of officers of the
Washtenaw County Medical Society
held last night in the Union.
Dr. LaFever was elected a year ago,
but did not take office until last night
because of the society's new practice
of electing its president a year in ad-
Other officers who were elected were
Dr. John W, Kemer, who will be-
come president next December; Dr.
William M. Brace, secretary-treas-
urer; Dr. Leo Knoll, member of the
board of censors; and Dr. John Wes-
singer and Dr. Dean Myers, delegates
to the State Medical Society.
Dr. Walter 0. Maddock of the Uni-

versity Hospital gave the principal
address on "Intestinal Obstruction."
Suburb Phone
Rates Reduced
Pressure By State Brings
Company Action
LANSING, Dec. 14.-- (P -The
Michigan-Bell Telephone Company
agreed today to reduce suburban toll
charges in metropolitan areas of the
state, but defended bng distance
telephone rates that the State Pub-{
lic Utilities Commission has attacked
as discriminatory.
Company spokesmen, following a
full day's conference with the utili-
ties commission, agreed to establish
a system of zones in the city of De-
troit that would reduce the tolls on
calls to or from suburban communi-
ties. Among the suburbs benefitting
are Royal Oak, Birmingham, Wyan-j

Electrical Engineering Students
To Study Room Lighting Systems

Fifty To Conduct Survey
Of Illumination Using
Photometers, Cameras
Lighting conditions in student
rooms will again be subjected to thor-
ough-going technical tests during the
next month when approximately 50
'members of Prof. H. H. Higbie's Elec-
trical Engineering 7 and 7A classes
will survey their own rooms as part
of their regular work in this course.
Examination of the rooms will be
made using some type of photometer
and cameras will be employed in
many cases. Light intensities in vari-
ous parts of the room will be meas-
ured, tabulated and compared. Photo-
graphs will be used to indicate both
the general effects of the lighting sys-
tem and to reveal the presence of
Reports from previous years show
that the majority of rooms thus sur-
veyed have harmful lighting arrange-
ments. One report goes as far as
to say that bad conditions exist in 90
per cent of the rooms on this campus.
Reports condemning the lighting
systems, for the most part, stressed
the difficulty in getting the landladies
to cooperate in their efforts to im-
prove the illumination in the rooms.
In some cases, landladies were said to
have refused to allow the installation
of lights of only slightly higher watt-
age even if the student bore the cost
of buying the new fixtures.
In general the opinion was ex-
pressed that the improvements that
were made would not remain there
after the present occupants left.
Lighting conditions were so bad in
nni rnm crvrvd that the nthn

mpossible to study more than an
'our at a time.
A study of the surveys from year
o year reveals that the lighting sys-
tems show little improvement in spite
of the emphasis which has been placed
on good lighting in recent years.
The story of how difficult it is to
get landladies to cooperate in improv-
ing the illumination is told in another
report. The elimination of an espe-
cially bad glare resulting from an
overhead luminare was found to be
advisable. The landlady, however,
refused to do anything about the sit-
uation. The engineering student, be-
ing familiar with her likes and 'dis-
likes, knew that she had a decided
aversion to untidiness.
Covering of the luminare at fault
with a towel served to reduce the
glare somewhat. This was done and
the window shade left open so that
the device would be visible from the
street and consequently visible to the
landlady when she came. The un-
tidy appearance caused the landlady
to help in improving thc iighting ar-
rangements of the room.
Music Society
Gives ,Creation'
Concert Today
Haydn u ( positionT lo Be
Offered As The Annual
Christmas Presentation,

Sextet Hands
Me Master U.
5-0 Defeat.
Gib James Scores Two
Goals And Three Assists
In Season's 3rd Victory
Fabello And Allen
Are Slightly Injured
It was all Gib James last night at
the Coliseum. Two goals and three
assists by the Michigan hockey team's
left winger gave the Wolverines their
easiest victory of the season as they
routed McMaster University by the
shutout score of 5-0.
The five points garnered by Gib
boosts his four game total to 11
points, seven goals and four assists.
At no time during the game was
the Michigan team bothered in the
least by either the McMaster offense'
or defense. Michigan literally skated
circles around the visitors' entire
Show Power
The Maize and Blue showed that'
when it wants to it can turn on its
power play to good advantage, some-
thing it didn't do in its previous
games. The Michigan team as a
whole, however, was short of the level
it set against Brantford Saturday
The tilt was interrupted at one
stage by a quickly broken up fight be-
tween Bucko Smith, hot-headed Var-
sity defenseman and Nairn Boyd, Me-

U.S. Dispatches Sweeping
Note Of Protest To Japan;
Find Fourth TPanay' Body

Faculty Experts Place Blame
For 'Panay' Incident On Japan
Hayden, Reiner, Reeves An alternative wouldhave been the
withdrawal of the ambassador to Ja-
Feels U.S. Vessels Had pan as a manifestation of our disap-
Right To Stay At Conflict probation-a serious step demanding
consideration over a long period of
By S. R. KLEIMAN time.
"The President's 'request' that the
Japan is undoubtedly to blame for 'United States' protest be brought di-
the bombing of the Panay and the rectly to theattention of the Emperor
three Standard Oil Co. tankers, de- will create a profound impression
spite the statements of Congressmen among Japanese as to how important
to the effect that the sinking was we consider the incident. This i
trotheffct that the t sinkg ash mainly due to the peculiar, sacred
proof that the United States should position occupied by the Emperor. It
have withdrawn its men from the i is the first time this tactic has ever
scene 'of conflict, in the opinion of been used, so far as I know."
three faculty specialists in the Far Professor Remer: "Calling the in-
East and American policy therein. cident to the attention of the Em-
The three-Prof. Joseph R. Hay- peror was the most important thing
den, chairman of the poli'eal science done. However, this Panay incident
department, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves ofanthe a iont toee
the political science department, and other foreign natione ought to be
Prof. Charles Remer of the economics of the Brussels conference.
department-feel that all four ves- "No action is adequate which does
sels had every right under interna- not meet the whole problem."
tional law to be where they were, Professor Remer felt that this n-
'since there is no state of war exist- cident is far more serious than those
ing. In addition, they pointed out leading up to America's entrance into
that the gunboat had further treaty the World War. "First, the gun-
rights to be on the Yangtze River. boat cannot be accused of going
"The boats were picking uip refu- somewhere to make money, Second,
gees. Refugees aren't found on some all the ships were carrying refugees."
quiet river bank. They had to be
near the scene of action. And this , e
puts the onus upon the people who Snt
did the shooting," Professor Remer
Did the United States take suf- AtK ala m azoo;
ficient action by demanding an
apology, an indemnity, and a guar- Start
antee against the repetition of such
an attack and in "requesting" that
the incident be brought to the atten- KALAMAZOO, Dec. 14.-(W)-A
ion of the Emperor? strike by Kalamazoo College students
Professor Reeves: "The President's in protest against the dismissal of a
memorandum covers the situation faculty member closed the college all
adequately." day today.
Professor Hayden: "The action Dr. Stewart Grant Cole, president,
taken was prompt and vigorous and of the College, met this afternoon with
apparently accomplished its purpose. Dr. Carey K. Ganong, economics pro-
_______________________fessor whose dismissal yesterday pre-

one room surveyea , ar te aunr Had' mouetlwrkMC'a vaster wing.toi lyr eesn
of the report said that it was almost t " m enlo ea- to the box for major penalties.-
tion," will supersede Handel's "Mes- Two Michigan men received slight
siah," which for many years has been injuries as the result of the victory
Taxation Value presented by the University Musical but these will not prove bothersome.
Society at Christmas time, as the Smack Allen left the game after 10
annual Christmas musical pre minutes of the third period with ar
Of Iooni , Board annual C:rta m usa l presenta- hurt knee and Johnny Fabello, short-
tion at 8:30 a.m. today in Hill Audi- ly after the start of the last period,
A W agesFixed torium.received a gash across the left eye
The "Creation" will be sung by the from a high stick but returned to the
entire Choral Union, for which spe- game soon after.j
cial staging has been constructed in Allen, Fabello Score
Employers Must Include Hill Auditorium. The important solo Allen and Johnny Fabello also,
Cash Equivalents When parts are to be sung by three mem- came in for their share of the scoring
bers of the faculty of the school of with Fabello getting two goals andt
Computing Their Taxes music: Arthur Hackett, tenor, Thelma. Allen a goal and an assist. Spike
- Lewis, ' sophano, and Hardin A. Van James, the Michigan cage tender had
The cash value of board and room, Deursen, baritone. The symphony or- a comparatively quiet evening, only
given workers in fraternities and sor- chestra of 75 players, conducted by being called on to stop 17 McMaster
orities and other establishments as Earl V. Moore, will provide the ac- g dtries.gt
part or all of their pay, was fixed for companiment. From the first face-off, when Paddy
taxation recently by the Michigan Charles A. Sink, president of the Farrell dropped the puck, ichigan
Unemployment Compensation Com- School of Music, predicted a large had the game all to itself. The Wol-
mission. 'attendance and requested those at- verines took possession of the disc
The value of full board and room tending to come early to be seated and kept it in McMaster territory
for those workers under the Mich- on time. The doors will be openedat throughout the opening period. Af-
igan Unemployment Compensation 7:45 p.m. The general public, with ter continually skating in and tak-
Act, which was passed in December the exception of small children is in- ing shots at the McMaster net Gib1
1936, is seven dollars a week. vited. There is no admission charge. James opened the scoring in 11:09.
Other standar'ds established by the Ja Ge b Tkes PasTies
ruling are: meals, per week, $4.50; At that time Gib skated down the
meals, per day, $.75; meals, per meal, House To Consider left side as Smack Allen pulled the
lo2gnlodinray,$.40rfeek,$2.50;andr defense over toward the right. Allen
lodging, per-ay, $.40. Wa Ref erHII U lightly flicked the rubber to James
The Act provides for benefits to who, taking all the time in the world,
workers who have been laid off, andt
not on relief. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.--(A)- easily slipped it past Goalie Fred
Employers subject to the act, who The House, at the insistence of ad- Martin.
include such services as these in vocates of peace, decided today upon The second score came almost ast
wages paid worsersmust include theearly consideration of a Constitution- handily. With Buck Leal, the Ca-
wags paid wors mut iue the al amendment requiring the govern- (Continued on Page 7)
cash value as set by the rule whent
computing their taxes. ment to obtain approval of the people
The rule, which supersedes Coin- ina referendum before declaring Tenenbaum Unmangles'
The ule whch uperede Co- ?war,
mission Regulation No. 6, primarily The signatures of 10 members Mugs For Gratis Date
concerns employers who furnish either the neessar 18 reqied
all or part of their workers' wages in toetake the proposalaway from the Harry Tenenbaum, '40, was last
room or board.
This would iclude, besides frater- House rules and judiciary committees. night announced winner of theE
nities and sororities, hotels, summer The latter has been considering it "Mangled Mugs" contest, in yester-'
camps, restaurants and logging camps. I intermittently for more than a year. day's Gargoyle, by George S. Quick,I
House rules require that seven leg- .'38, editor of the magazine.
'S oofuncup' To Be I idative days elapse before, under this According to the rules of the con-1
procedure, floor consideration of a test, Tenenbaum is entitled to an ex-l
AT onigh I measure can begin. In this case the pense-paid date with any of the Gar-
.dearliest date of debate would be Dec. goyle's women staff any time agreed
27 when, most Administration lead- upon by both parties before the end
Over 150 engineering students and ers believe, Congress will not be in of the second week after Christmas
faculty members are expected to see session. The next opportunity would vacation. Tenenbaum has not yet se-
the "Spoofuncup" presented to "The be about the second week in January. lected his date.r
man who can take st" at the annual
"Roast Banquet' which will be held
at 6:15 p.m. today at the Union.Life-And-Death Struggleod ycae
Sponsored by the local student l iF na St-lIr g l Seen
branch of the American Society of Tlg ,1 '
Mechanical Engineers, the dinner will F rU W In1 F ord Pla t1 Drivel


Police Arrest
UAW Pickets
90 Seized At Ford Plant
In Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 14.-(I)-Po-
lice reported the arrest of 90 pickets
throughout today at the Ford Motor
Co. assembly plant where United Au-
tomobile Workers of America have
called a strike. Union leaders said
"a lot more than that" were arrested,
"we don't know how many."
The pickets, including nine women,
were -charged with disturbing the
peace. Police director Otto P. Hig-
gins issued orders to arrest all pick-
ets. He said he agreed with the con-k
tention of Ford officials that there is
no strike.
Forty-nine pickets were arrested
last week and released on personal
bond. Workers left the plant's police
guarded gates tonight without inci-
dent. Company officials said work
progressed as usual.
The union charges the company
discriminated against its members in
rehiring after a seasonal shutdown.
Famous Chemist
To Lecture Here
Dr. Isaac Maurits Kolthoff, head
of the chemistry department at the
University of Minnesota, will deliverl
a lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 303 of the Chemistry Building
under the sponsorship of the Amer-
ican Chemical Society. Dr. Kolthoff's
subject will be "Aging of Crystalline
Dr. Kolthoff, who has been at Min-
nesota since 1927, is recognized as
one of the foremost analytical chem--
ists in the country and has written
numerous works on the subject. He
is a member of many scientific so-
cieties and has been president of the
American Association of Cosmopolitan
The lecture is open to the public.

cipitated the strike, but the meeting
broke up without a settlement.
Observers outside the meeting place
said it was apparently "stormy," judg-
ing by sounds coming through the
doors. Half an hour after the meet-
ing started, Dr. Ganong bolted out,
saying "Dr. Cole won't budge an
The student "strike committee"I
soon after announced the strike would
be continued indefinitely and that
the campus buildings would be pick-
eted tomorrow. Picketing today kept
students and faculty alike from the
buildings and no classes were held.
Dr. Cole said Dr. Ganong was dis-
rmissed because he was not a United
States citizen and because the college
needed a "more versatile" instructor
in economics. Dr. Ganong is a native
of Nova Scotia.
I Retaliatory Boycott
On Beer, New Law'
LANSING, Dec. 14.-(/P)-The State
Liquor Control commission voted to-
day to forbid the sale in Michigan
of beer manufactured in ten states
imposing legislation which Michigan
brewers contend is discriminatory
against them.
The states are Indiana, Maine,
Maryland, Nevada, Pennsylvania,
Washington, New Hampshire, North
Carolina, Tennessee and Vermont.
John Shea, head of the commis-
-ion's bh ewery and alcohol division.
said the ten states ship $3,000.000
worth of beer into Michigan annually.
Indiana ac.counts for two-thirds of
the tota! volume and other states
ar ,negilgbP aiounts, Shea said.
One Pennsylvania brewery, however
does a $7,000 annual business in
iNliChi tn.
Christmas Songs Feature
Carillon Recital Today
Wilmot F. Pratt, University caril-
lonneur, will play the following pro-
gram on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Tower, at 7:30 p.m.
"Adeste Fideles," two Russian

Strongly Worded Message
Virtually Demands 'Open
Door' Be Kept In China
Jap Apology Pledges
Attack Indemnity
The United States, in a strong,
formal note that covered far more
than the Panay incident, virtually
demanded Japanese pledges yester-
day that China's door would stay
open and 'that all Americans and
American interests in China would be
free from "unlawful interference."
The message, presented by Secre-
tary of State Cordell Hull, was under-
stood to refer to the numerous cases
which have led to U.S. protests,
among them the Japanese taking
over the Chinese customs at Shang-
hai, in addition to the Panay inci-
Meanwhile the fourth known for-
eign death in the sinking of the U.S.
gunboat Panay and destruction of
three Standard Oil Co. vessels by
Japanese air bombs was discovered.
American, British and Japanese res-
cuers were struggling against ob-
stacles yesterday to return the 75
survivors to Shanghai,
In accoraance with the Hull state-
ment, Admiral Harry E. Yarnell,
commander of the United States fleet
in Chinese waters, rejected ani i-
direct Japanese suggestion that
American gunboats be withdrawn
from the area of hostilities on the
Hull's note asked Japan for "a for-
mally recorded expression of regret"
for the sinking of the gunboat Pa-
nay; "complete and comprehensive
indemnifications"; and "an assurance
that definite and specific steps have
been taken which will insure that
hereafter American nationals' inter-
ests and property in China will not be
subjected to attack by Japanese
armed forces or unlawful interference
by any Japanese authorities or forces
This last phrase-"or unlawful in-
terference by any Japanese authori-
ties or forces whatsoever"-was re-
garded at the state department as
highly significant. It was termed a
reaffirmation of the principle of the
open door.
The message was received by For-
eign Minister Hirota after Japan
had dispatched a note giving apolo-
gies arid assurances. The latter docu-
ment mentioned that Hirota. already
had~ asked United States Ambassador
Joseph C. Grew to "transmit to the
United States Government apologies
from the Japanese Government," so
that Japan has already apologized
Since Hull's note was handed in
later, however, it may require. a third
Additional Japanese apologes were
being made to Britain because of the
bombing of British boats on the
Yangtze and to Japan's new anti-
Communist ally, Italy, because of the
killing of the Italian Journalist San-
dro Sandri aboard the Panay.
Tokyo Offers Apology
TOKYO, Dec. 15.-(')-Japan to-
day offered apologies and compen-
sation for her attack on the United
States Gunboat Panay and three
steamers and safeguards for foreign-
ers even before she formally received
President Roosevelt's demands.
Japanese citizens at the same time
halted Americans in the streets of
Tokyo or called at American business
offices to express their personal sor-
row over Sunday's warplane bombing
of the vessels near Nanking.
Foreign Minister Koki Hirota sent
a note to United States Ambassador
Joseph C. Grew in which Japan:
1. Presented her "sincere apolo-
gies" for the attack;
2. Promised to make "indemnifica-
tions for all losses and deal ap-
propriately with those responsible

for the incident";
3. Announced "strict orders" had
been issued "to the authorities on
the spot with a view to preventing re-
currence of a similar incident."
Foreign Minister Hirota presented
a similar note to Sir Robert Craigie,
British ambassador to Japan, con-
cerning the Sunday bombing of the
British gunboats Bee and Ladybird.
British Prenare Prntest

be a three-hour "open season on pro-
fessors," according to Myron Hawley,'
'38E, publicity chairman.
The mechanical engineering profes-
sors nominated for the "Spoofuncup"
are Prof. Maurice. B. Eichelberger,
Prof. Frank A. Mickle, Prof. Allen F.
Sherzer, Prof. Hugh E. Keeler, Prof.
John M. Nickelsen and Dean Henry
C. Anderson of the engineering col-
lege. The final winner will be de-
cided by a vote at the banquet.
Frankensteen Gets
Welfare Board Post
LANSING, Dec. 14.-PM-Governor


Y-- 4. 1- - -.- - I-- - C 4 1- - - .- : --- 4 1- - -.- -t . -- 1;

By JACK l)AVIS In the ranks of the union the prestige
13eh iiid the con lic opera arrests, its attaching to the Dearborn manufac-
charges and cointer charges masking turer is tremendous. To hold their
the opening skirmishes of the UAW's membership, to maintain interest in
drive to organize Ford Motor Co. the union the leaders had to pledge
looms a death struggle which the to get Ford. "Any other course of ac-
union must win to expand, Anthony tion would have been interpreted as'
Luchek, former member of the eco- an indication that the union was
nomics department, asserted yester- slowing up," he said.
day. 'It is impossible at present to eval-
Fuate the struggle for we are watch-
Ford sticks out like a sore thumb ing only the first acts of this drama."
he can't be ignored, he won't com- I Mr. Luchek said. "It may be noted
promise and the automobile workers union membership in outlying fac-
can't afford to lose to him, Mr. Luchek,a tories appear considerable while at the
who is engaged in research on labor huge River Rouge plant organizers
unions, said. The giant River Rouge ve made lite headway. It se
plant is a bottle neck which must be to me that Ford must inevitably yield
p'ea,rr nut if ithe z'TTAW Tiq to Pnrci-,r1-

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