/ FOUR . IJ MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DEC. 14, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I S TUESDAY, DEC. 14, 1937 T:IE MICHIGAN DAILY ., ; 1 = 7/ { ff I Edited and managed by students of the University of Micigan under the a horty of the Board in Control of 3tudent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the university year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republcation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. -Enteredsat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as eiond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FON t . . -, NationaAdvertising Servie.i c College Publiss" Representarive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS AGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENADER I'YEDITOR.................WILLIAM C. SPALLER. NEWS EDITOR ...............ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER..............ERNEST, A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: S. R. KLEIMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by membes of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Boot Slips Off.. THE WITHDRAWAL of Italy from the League of Nations occasioned little surprise among diplomatic circles. For some time Italy has been no more than a dead weight about the neck of the League, and for the past two years has\ steadfastly opposed every action 'attempted by the democratic powers at Geneva. The conquest of Ethiopia and the re- fusal of the democracies to recognize the Italian regime in that country formed the crux of the diplomatic war which has been carried on by the Italian Foreign Office and press against the League, the high point having been reached when Hile Selassie was unable to speak in the denewa assembly because of the booing of Italian news- papermen. The formal declaration of withdrawal voiced in Mussolini's speech Saturday has long been anticipated. The question of the consequences of the action divides itself into two parts. The effect on the League will probably be stimulating, since all hope of saving the Franco-Italian rapproche- ment is now gone with the severing of this last wire from Paris to Rome. The League is now the organ of the democracies, and even handicapped by the absence of the United States, should be- come an important rallying ground for the forces of peace and order. As for the consequences of withdrawal on Italy's own policy and that of her fascist sistr nations, Germany and Japan, it is probable that their op- position to the League will henceforth take an even more decisive and united character. The effect of this will be to drive the League powers closer together in turn, thus drawing the lines more clearly than ever between the two camps. Lest this outlook appear too wholly pessimistic, it might be pointed out that the strength of col- lective security as a means of maintaining world peace has been in no way diminished, and has, in fact, received considerable impetus. The na- tions seeking peace have been placed in a position which makes it mandatory for them to stand firmly together in defense of the status quo; and united they' form a bloc of sufficient military power to provide a strong deterrent to aggressors. J. Spiegel. Art And The Student . . THEART EXHIBIT now being dis- played in Alumni Memorial Hall under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Asso- ciation is meeting with the usual spirit of apathy on the part of the student body. Now, it may be that this collection is not exactly the top in artistic achievement, but we cite this example merely to bring out the general disinterest of the student body for what we have been led to believe are "the finer things in life." In this category come art, music, drama and poetry. And, if college students, supposedly the intelligentsia of the country, are not cultivating, or even attempting to cultivate, taste for these finer things, how can there be any hope for the future elevation of the much deplored American artistic sense? Which brings us to another point.. On every hand, one hears of the stagnancy of art in this country-that America has produced no great artists, no truly great works of literature, and no musical masterpieces. And then the more pa- triotic of us come to the fore with the defense America writers have been well ahead of con- temporary stylists. So, therefore, the fault can- not be laid to tempo, practicality, or youth. It is merely that we Americans do not have the artistic sense to appreciate art when we see it. And, still worse, we are not making any visible effort to gain such an artistic sense. To get back to the apathy of the average college student toward these cultural things: we do not wish to be priggish about the matter. Nor do we say that every college man should rush around in a mad effort to get "cultured." But we do maintain that, if the American stand- ards of art appreciation are to be raised, it should be the college student who should head the procession and not remain in the background. It is up to the college man and woman to cultivate a sense of artistic values here on campus and then develop it after they leave. Morton L. Linder. UNDER TH"E CLOCK with DISRAELI It is almost impossible to make satire out of this football situation. On this front it is disgusting enough when Detroit sports writers are reaching out and washing the University's dirty linen for them. When the Detroit Times attacks Fielding H. Yost on the ousting of Harry Kipke, we na- turally suspect personal friendship for the de- posed to be the major influence. When the Free Press lashes out at the Old Man for being old, we suspect their continual penchant for incon- sistent putty-brained argument. Didn't the Free Press oppose the court reform attempt on the basis that it doesn't necessarily follow that be- cause a man is old, he is senile? But that is the Detroit attitude. The Detroit alumni have un- fortunately caught it up. And over in Chicago the alumni have taken a somewhat similar stand, but there they are making an issue of a Yost-Kipke feud. Last Friday morning the Chicago papers bore the disgraceful tale to the public. There were stories of disloyalty, of intrigue, lese majeste -everything perhaps but murder and grand lar- ceny. Now there is from all appearances a movement in Chicago for the reinstatement of Kipke. And if that is not done, then wipe out Yost and the Board in Control of Athletics. Play is made, that Kipke is one of Michigan's heroes, that he should never have been given the sudden bump out that he did get. And through all the stories runs charge after charge that Kipke never had a free hand in dealing with his team. But the main indictment of the Board and Yost seem to be based on reports of petty differences between Cappon and Kipke. We won't repeat the accusa- tions because we do not consider this matter im- portant enough or relevant enough for the situa- tion. Some of this tripe is no doubt true, but be that as it may--so what? The case is actually this, that Michigan was Slosing games. Winning games is a coach's job. If he has the material and he is an able coach he can win a reasonable number of games. Mich- igan has had fine material for the past two sea- sons. The men have been as fast, as big and as strong as the other teams in the Conference. In addition, if we believe all the hullabaloo about the stringent entrance requirements and the tough curricula, they must be smarter. Yet, Michigan has continued to lose games. On the bare facts, something has had to happen and it finally did. And the Board has made it known that the new coach will have full latitude in the selection of his assistants. That would seem to answer the charges that Yost and Cappon will seek to steamroller the selections.' Yet in Chicago there is hue and cry. The Old Man must be retired because he had one of Michigan's heroes fired at the behest of a minor coach. We refuse to believe it and we don't think that the Chicago Alumni would either were they to come to Ann Arbor. They would in five min- utes discover that the Old Man desires but one ' thing-to see Michigan football teams win foot- ball games. If that means the firing of a Mich- igan hero, then that is what must be done. If that is the best course for the University, then there is no other. Whatever else might have come out with the dismissal of Kipke has grown from the machinations of petty intriguers and gossips who abound everywhere. We ask the Chi- cago alumni to consider that if a report can become distorted on its way from the Field House to the Daily, what must happen to it going two hundred and two thousand miles. A charge has been that Kipke deserved better treatment than he got. We agree. We feel that his dismissal was too abrupt. But Kipke was offered a chance to resign. The Board blundered here, for they asked his resignation too late. Somewhere in the setup there was a leak and a newspaper in Grand Rapids got the break before even Kipke did. The report is he was asked to resign after his dismissal had already been announced in this paper. Naturally1 he refused to resign. The Board was necessarily at fault in this. But there is no one in Ann Arbor who feels this more than Yost himself. Yost de- veloped Kipke, saw him through his collegiate career and was the man who selected him to coach. Kipke was not only a Michigan hero but he has always been one of "his boys." As ser- iously as the Old Man takes his Michigan foot- ball, just as seriously he considers the men who played for him and the men who played, for Kipke. It is just that he sees the university before he sees the man. This isn't a brief against Harry Kipke. We believe that he is unfortunate. The, years are each different, and where he might have fitted in four years ago as a coach here, reverses change the man and the situation. Perhaps in another position he will again turn out great teams. We sincerely hope so. But at present On The Level By WRAG This column once more sticks its neck out with the prediction of the names of the bands who will furnish music for the J-Hop and Interfra- ternity Ball. First, let it be said that rumors stating that Joe Gentile and his "Dawn Patrol" recordings will be hired for the J-Hop are defi- nitely unfounded. Eight productions for the Chicago TUESDAY, DEC. 14, 1937 Yuletide drama season may seem a VOL. XLVIII. No. 67 dramatic drought to the Broadway play-goer, but to the Chicagoan who The second adjourned meeting of is accustomed to darkened canopies this faculty for consideration of and untrod footboards this is a real changes in programs of Civil and plethora. Whatever the relative pro- Aeronautical Engineering will be held !portions of the two seasons may be. nTedy e,1,a :5pmi Instead, it is quite ,definitely established that Hal Kemp and Duke Ellington will two orchestras in February. THEATRE By NORMAN T. KIELL Show Shop In Chicago by now be the i And the biggest surprise of the year should be the Interfraternity Ball which might be held at three bucks per couple on January 14. The date of the dance at least is final, and within the next few days the bands should be announced as (don't faint) Jimmie Lunceford and/or Hud- son-DeLange. * * $:e Yesterday headlines all over the U.S. screamed out the fact that the U.S. gunboat Panay had been sunk by the Japs near Nanking. It might be said that Japan was "Panay-wise and pound foolish" about the whole thing.. At about the same time, a British seaman was killed at Wuhu. It is unfortunate that most people will only be reminded of Hugh Herbert by the incident. Headline in a New York paper: DENTAL DEAN PASSES Being a dean, he certainly shouldn't flunk. LTHE'FORUM) Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of'The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial Imnportance and interest to the cmplus. The System's Not The Thing To the Editor: In this morning's paper appeared a letter giving a dissertation on Michigan's "Antiquated Yost System." My letter is a reply that anyone who has any ideas on football could not help but make. First let us make one thing clear, that is that we are discussing systems and not men. If I had my way Yost would go along with Kipke, but that is not the point. His point is whether any other system is better than te one we use. "Col. Quackenbush" claims that our system is antiquated and he prefers the Notre Dame system. He is overlooking one thing, fundamentals. It is this and primarily this that makes asystem function. When things go wrong we jump on the sys- tem and call it old. In 1933 and '34 we were national champions. Every system now used in football was in full use at that time and yet we won. I could point to other systems and show that they also have had their ups and downs. Colgate using the Warner system was tops about '32, but today it is at the bottom with us. it is stupid to criticize a system when it isn't at fault. Today each team sends out its scouts who come back with a full line of information on the' opponents. All week, the team studies these plays and learns ways of stopping them. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes they fail. Rockne never worried about scouts learning his plays because he. knew his men were well drilled in fundamentals. This is why his teams were so outstanding; this is why other teams beat Michigan. If you have eleven men who can block and tackle you can run off touchdowns on straight line plunges. If the 'opponents can out-block and out-tackle our team then they're bound to win. One man galloping f on a 60-yard run doesn't make a team, although he gives the spectators a thrill. Our line this year was stubborn until we played the Gophers and then we met a bunch who could out-block and tackle us everywhere on the field. You can't blame the system because the coacht has spent so little time practising these funda-1 mentals with the team. It is wiser to blame the personnel. The Michigan system isn't bad; there is nothing wrong in kicking on third down except to the spectators. It is smart ball playing to allow the opponent to carry the burden of the of- fense while you kick them back to their goal linet and then crash over with all the reserved power. Illinois came here last year with a supposedly inferior team and did this very stunt-and won. Football is not like professional wrestling where they put on a show. It is a game that is "played for keeps." The players are not supposed to be gallant knights as Ivanhoe who majestically march down the field to victory and put on the most interesting of pageants. They are not sup- posed to stop and bow to their audience, and it makes little difference if they look the part, as long as they play the part. I am sure that if Michigan comes through in the following years and reaches its heights- which I predict it will in 1939-that all thoughts of an antiquated system will disappear. -Informed. Kipke Fan Protests To the Editor: I never thought I'd find myself one of those alumni writing to the Daily about college affairs. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th e University. Copy received at the office of the As ltant to the President until 3:30; ii100 a.m. on Saturday. the last-minute rush for desirable Room 348, West Engineering seats during the holiday season is as T ,vexing a problem in Chicago as inS To Members of theoU New York. Ordering tickets by mailo Staff: Those who have not as early as possible obviates the un- out and returned the cor certainties and disappointments of personnel blanks are urged the last-minute ticket-buyer. Since before the holiday vacatic Chicago has no established clearing contemplated study cannot1 agency for tickets, mail-orders ac- ed until the blanks are all companied by a check or money-order and it is therefore hoped th 'and a self-addressed stamped en- blanks not, yet in our hand, velope should be sent directly to the sent in at once. A. G.I box-offices of the theatres you wish to attend. Below will be found a The Automobile Regulatio ,summary of the plays from which you lifted for the Christmas can choose in Chicago. period from 12 noon on Frid The Theatre Guild's pre-Broadway '17, 1937 until 8 a.m. on Mon presentation of S. N. Behrman's new 3. 1938. comedy, Wine Of Choice promises to Office of the Dean of Stu be the most exciting event of theI season. Miriam Hopkins of Broad- First Mortgage Loans: The way and Hollywood fame shares hon- sity has a limited amountc ors with Leslie Banks, English actor, to loan on modern well-loca in this dramatic analysis of the effects Arbor residential property. of the current social and political at current rates. Apply Inv changes on the attitudes of a group Office, Room 100, South Wir of men towards the contemporary versity Hall, world and their love of an attractive - young woman. Wine of Choice plays The Senate Committee on at the Erlanger Theatre through De- sity Affairs will hold its cember 26. Matinees are Wednesday meeting on Tuesday afterno and Saturday. Seats are from $1.10 14, at 4:30. to $2.75. Members of the University Helen Hayes in Victoria Regina will subjects which they would take over the stage at the Erlanger have the Committee consi on Monday evening, December 27, for asked to transmit them to an engagement of nine weeks. So dersigned. many notices have been given Miss C. W. Edmunds, Chai Hayes' superb characterization of Queen Victoria in these columns that N.Y.A. Students: Checks little moresneed be said. The produc- payroll period ending Nov. tion comes to Chicago from its stay now ready for distribution ,n Detroit. There will be matinee Storehouse Building. performances on Wednesdays and U .11., 11 g Bldg. Jniversity yet filled nfidential to do so Qn. The be start-' returned hat those s will be Ruthven. :n will be vacation day, Dec. day, Jan, udents. Univer- of funds: ted Ann InterEst vestment ng, Uni- Univer- monthly on, Dec. y having like to der are the un- irman. for 23 at the are the f Saturdays. Seats are from $1.10 to $3.30. Tovarich by Jacques Deval will open at the Selwin Theatre on Monday, December 30. One of the most bril- liant comedies in recent years, To- varich is sure-fire entertainment. The Chicago production features Eugenie Leontovich. There will be Wednesday, and Saturday matinees. Prices ofI seats are from 55c to $2.75. You Can't Take It With You is hold- ing sway for the forty-fifth week at, the Harris Theatre. For some reason, this doubtful comedy received the Pul- itzer Prize last year. It is the product of the collaboration of Moss Hart and, George S. Kaufman. Matinees are Wednesday andFriday. Seats are 55c to $2.75. The Federal Theatre will have three plays on the Chicago boards during the Christmas season. Harry Min- turn, director of the Federal Theatre in Illinois, has announced that the Presidents of Fraternities and Sor- orities are reminded that member- ship lists for the month of November are due on Dec. 15 in the Office of the Dean of Students. Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ueaticn: All candidates for the Teacher's Certificate are required to pass a Comprehensive Examination in Education, covering the fields of work definitely prescribed therefor. Such an examination will be held Saturday, Jan. 8, 1938, from 9 to 12 o'clock (and again from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the Auditorium of the University High School. Students SCREEN By ROBERT PERLMAN having Saturday morning classes will come to the afternoon meeting. The examination will consist of three parts, Part 1 will be a ques- tionnaire inquiry which will give the School of Education important in- formation for guidance purposes but which in no way will affect scholastic marks. Part II will consist of an objective test covering matters treat- ed in courses A10, C and D100. Part III will consist of two essay type questions dealing with applications. The first of these questions will be "State the philosophy of Education which you hold, i.e., your convictions or fundamental beliefs regarding ed- ucation." The second of these ques- tions will ask that you apply this philosophy to some one or two speci- fically stated problems of the schools. (These problems will be given out in particularized form at the time of the examination), Student Cooperative House: All men interested in living at the Rochdale Student Cooperative House, 640 Ox- ford Road, this coming semester, are requested to fill out applications for admission not later than Dec. 17. Applications for admission may be had by calling for them at the House. Academic Notices Speech 131, meeting at 10 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, will meet as usual in Room 4208 ,An- gell Hall on Wednesday and Friday mornings instead of meeting at the Radio Station as announced, Concerts Christmas Concert. Handel's "Cre- ation" will be presented under the auspices of the University Musical Society with Thelma Lewis, soprano; Arthur Hackett, tenor; Hardin Van Deursen, baritone; Robert Campbell, organist; the University Symphony Orchestra; Earl V. Moore, Conductor; Wednesday, December 15, at 8:30 o'clocl in Hill Auditorium. This per- formance is given instead of the cus- tomary Christmas "Messiah" concert. Admission is free, except that the public is requested to be seated on time; and for obvious reasons, to refrain from bringing small children. The doors will be opened at 7:45. Exhibitions Ann Arbor Art Association presents a double exhibition: Prints -from Durer to Derain; and a Survey of the Michigan Federal Arts Project- Drawings, Photographs and Sculp- ture; in the small galleries of Alumni Memorial' Hall, Dec. 3 through 15; daily, including Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m. Lectures Chemistry Lecture. Dr. I. M. Kolt- hoff, of the University of Minnesota, will lecture on the subject "Aging of Crystalline Precipitates" at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, December 16, in Room 303 of the Chemistry Building. The lecture is under the auspices of the University and the American Chemical Society. It is open to the public, Events Today To The Faculty and Graduate Stu- dents of Education: The December get-together of the Graduate Educa- tion Club -is to be held on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 4:30, in the University Elementary School Library. Refresh- ments will be served. All Education Students are urged to attend. University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m. The Forester Serves the Operating Lumber Land Owner-Donald M. Matthews, Prof. of Forest Manage- ment. Mathmatics Club will meet Tues- day, December 14, at 8 p~m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor V. C. Poor will speak "On the Cauchy Singular Integral." Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Building.. Chatters, Roy: Effects of X-ray upon green plants. Jotters, M. Lois; Cytological in- vestigation of Raphanus sativus, Brassica oleracea and their Fl and F2 hybrids, by R. H. Richaria. Richaria. Savile, D.B.O.: Fertilization in Ascodesmis nigricans. Deane B. Swingle. Yaw, Katherine: Chromosome studies in the pollen grains of Hyacinthus orientalis. Chairman: Professor B. M. Daivis. Deutscher Verein: The Verein will hold its Christmas celebration Tues- day. Dec. 14 at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Refreshments will be served. Members are requested to bring a small 10 cent gift. Faculty Women's Club: The Play Reading Section will meet on Tues- day afternoon, December 14, at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary Henderson Room presentation of George Bernard "Time changes many things," said Shaw's The Devil's Disciple at the Milady to her servant in "Cavalcade," Great Northern, is one in a series of shown Sunday at the Lydia Mendel- Shavian presentations. Mr. Minturn ssohn Theatre as -the third presenta- has achieved the impossible in se- tion in the Film Library Series. That curing the right to produce all of platitude is all too true. Four years Shaw's plays. The last Shavian pro- ago your reviewer thought "Calval- duction in Chicago was in 1927 when cade" was a four star movie; Sunday the Theatre Guild brought Lunt and evening he couldn't rate it even a Fontanne to the Studebaker in The faint twinkle. Doctor's Dilemma. The play now be- Noel Coward's original play, so the ing presented, The Devil's Disciple is program notes inform us, was written a comedy with its setting in the with the screen in mind and "this American Revolutionary days. It's explains why 'Calvalcade,' except for typically Shavian dialogue is sharply the battlefield sequence, sticks so barbed. Seats are available at pop- faithfully to theatrical form." That ular prices. may suffice for an explanation, but At the Blackstone Theatre, the Fed- not for an excuse. There is no ex- eral Theatre ipresenting.Holy Night cuse for shifting scenes from the for five performances beginning De- London mansion to the battlefields to cember 1. This Christmas fantasy the seashore with a nerve-jarring has a company of fifty and a singingsuh essong, dhagneesin chorus of thirty voices. Tickets are uddenness. Long, dragging scenes in available at popular prices. that the directors didn't even take a Elmer Rice's See Naples And Die stab at changing the play into a will open at the Blackstone Theatre}movie. on December 29 under the banner of mve. the Federal Theatre. This comedy jThe acting of Diana Wynyard and ths Federalp Thetr e.s T iscm ms dy I Clive B rook w as stiff and stilted part [is in sharp contrast with most of o h ieadschrnl vr Rice's better known plays. Don Koeh- of the time and saccharinely over- ler and Beverly Younger will play the dramatic the rest of the time. (Per- two leading roles taken by Claudette haps the English "upper" class ac- Colbert and Roger Pryor in the New tually live and talk and think that York productgeon.Ticketsarenow way, but we believe that people are sale atproduan Tices a o pretty much the same in London and saea puar prices. New York). The only decent acting For lovers of the ballet the appear-NeYok.Tenldcntaig ance of the Ballet Russe at the Audi- was done in the servants' quarters, torium Theatre from Dec. 20 to Jan- where the characters bore more than uary 2 (incl.) will be a great treat. blsuperficial resemblance to flesh and The Ballet Russe has added four new blood peoplen ballets to, its large repertoire. So The excellent montage effects, rep- lasting a place has this company won resenting the chaos and confusion of in American choreography that refer- the post-war era with dying soldiers ence to it without praise seems almost superimposed on torch-singers, save incongruous. This appearance will be the picture from slipping completely its longest single engagement in Chi- into the realm of the unbearable. cago. There will be matinees on Wed- The .story traces an English family nesday and Sunday. Tickets are from iof the "better" class through the Boer 55c to $3.30. and World Wars. As far as we can discover the theme is supposed to be Ia protest against war, particularly TatT P e e from the woman's point of view. But rwe suspect that the author and actors * p * and directors weren't quite sure Graduation Recital whether they were supposed to glorify British imperialism or lodge a pro- Isabel Wray, senior harp student in' test against war. By the end of the the school of music, will appear inImovie the latter theme has a slight graduation recital at 8:15 p.m. today' at the school of music auditorium on Maynard Street. Miss Wray's program ,will include: CSarabande," from the "Quatriene Concert Royal," by Couperin; "Cha- advantage. Certair. the post-war period was one of chaos and the crumbling of values. We know that; we want some suggestions on causes and cures. The best "~Cavalcade" could do was to