oTHE MICHIGAN DAILY MOND AY, DEC. 13, 19M I . - I . , . ." A- .- - i.11. -- I . Peace On Earth- Sermons Take Varied r pTos Christian America Instead; Of AnIerican Christianity: Is Urged By Rev. Lewis\ In preparation for the Chirstmas~ season local churches yesterday pre-, sented a variety of sermons con-f cerned chiefly 'with the spiritual. background and understanding nec- essary for a fuller appreciation of the holiday season. The mirdstry, its rewards andr compensations, was the topic of the5 sermon of the Rev. Henry Lewis at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church yester- day If a young man wants to get out of life a chance for self-development, a chance to get ahead and make a mark or to set the world on fire, then hej had better stay out of the Christian' ministry, Mr Lewis said. If he wants to develop himself, however, by rea-I sonable and necessary projection of his education and personal growth, into- the years, the ministry is an ideal profession. To Beeomne Minister< To beetme.. a minister, Mr. Lewis declared, a young man must leave; his home, draw away fro mhis friends and their occupations and sacrifice most of those satisfactions which all: men want. He has a perfect right to ask then, what the compensations are. Probably they. are these: first Gal. 5:16-"Walk in the Spirit, the variety of the work, for a min- the flesh," inter may conduct af uneral, perform a marriage, write a sermon and visit the sick, all in the space of a few short hours. Little Second, the satisfaction of. a man Give who has heard the triajs of many iW ill Be ve people and feels that he has helpedk them; and finally, the greatest of all, the fun of working with God in i By S. R. KLEIMAN his fight against disease and oppres- Return of Germany's former col- sion and sin and ignorance. Mr. onies will play small part in any gen- Lewis said in conclusion. eral European peace settlement aris- Imperial and religious laws are .r both broken by love, according to the abngadutoofatherdengntonegotiHtwon Rev. Harold P. Marley in his sermon abroad, for, according to Prof. How- given yesterday at the Unitarian ard Calderwood of the political sci- church. ence department, it is improbable thatj "The Jews, giving in to the spirite Hitler could regain more than Togo- of Christmas, break a religious law land and the Cameroons in Africa and celebrate Christmas with gilded in the near future. trees and gifts. Breaking an im- i =There are two generai arguments peal law, a sermon on love which advanced against return of her formerI opposed an imperialistic system has colonies to Germany," Professor Cal- sentd aLutheran minister in Germany derwood said yesterday in an inter- to a concentration camp," stated Mr. view. "First, the Reich does not want Ma et m colonies for economic reasons-Hitler Marley. demonstrated that when he refused Good fellows Of 1915 Wherein Giving To The Needy Shared Daily Space Is Traced To Ancient Romans With Suf fragettes AR fI By ROBERT PERLMAN History Reports Claudius needy in their wills, although this mobbed For Neglecting usually took the form of an en- Publicity for the first Goodfellow ? dowment, it might be a public dole drive appeared in the Dec. 8. 1915 Food DuringDepressron at the funeral, and the Earl's dona- issuie of the Daily--an issue that Lion was made in the latter way. iBy ROBERT lITCHELL carried news of the sinking of a TBI m ERT ditCHE h According to witnesses, there were The men of old did' note-have the800peleathfurlnd"00 United States oil tanker off the coast Goodfellows, but nevertheless, they, mre people at the funeral, and "8 The of Tripoli, news of the formation of too, gave to the needy, and several more who could not get near." The historic instances of it have been re- press was so great that several= per- a Women's Suffrage League at the or sons were killed and injured. University and the .discovery of a cord. The ancient Greeks and Romans high Jump star who "scaled the During the 16th century it was let the government do their charities cross-bar at five feet nine inches the custom of the devout persons ofLor for them, maintly'because the govern- Jc~~~st~~~erday.Lndo to take afternoon strolls every ethdmcmoefetiewy eT erday. h fortnight down to Houndsditch. Along ment had much more effective ways 'The Daily has appointed a Good the road was a row of simple two- of doing t. First of all, the govern- fi low Editor. Through him Christ- story cottages where the poor folk ment used to open up conquered lands mas cheer will be spread through all ylived and the old and infirm mem- for the poor and let them take care Ann Arbor. The help of every Michi- bed an the o aiim mem- of themselves m this way. Later, bers of these poor families were gan man and woman is to be enlisted wheeled to the windows for air and Caius Gracchius started the idea of a mke he oveenta raliy "sunlight. As the London people having a: public granary. Here the said the editors in a front page edi- passed, they gave small alms. hard-up from all classes could pi'e- However in the course of a few nt bronze tickets and receive corn EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS CKLW 5:00-Afternoon Musicale. 5:30-Rhythm Rhapsody. 6:00_-The Turf Reporter. 6:15--News and .Sports. 6:30-Manny Landers' Orch. 6:45-The Rhythm Men. 7 :00---Blackstone Concert Trio. 7:15-The Rhythm Men. 7:30-United Press News Bulletins. 7:35-Melody Interlude. 7:45---Blackstone Concert Trio. 8:00-"'Black Horse Tavern." 8 :30-Happy Hal's Housewarming. 9:00-Elder Michaux's congregation. 9:30-Victor Erwin's Musicale Carto.ons. 10:00-Musicale Moderne. 10:45-Pageant of Melody. 11:00--Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-Pageant of Melody. 11:30-Paul Sabin's Orchestra. 12:00-Tommy Dorsey's Orch. t ~ ~ u 9 W-ir tAh ' "r and ye shall not fulfill the lust of en That ]Nazis A.-'Y1Vl , 11 A~k \i uX%, vi 1GYY bread. S years, every window on Houndsditch or Public relief came to be regarded fire] Road was opened to "permit full view, as so, much" a public' function that olas and the invalids of every family lay Claudius was mobbed .when he gat wers where all could see and pity. The careless about relief during a depres- leav population of the road grew so fast to that the trips to Houndsditch finally Sion. hadto e dscotined.During the middle ages the church ,Unit had to be discontinued. took overmost of the functions of coun The relatives of the Earl of Shrews- almsgiving and relief. The early the3 bury distributed a dole at his funeral, Roman dioceses established alms di- S and he had one of the biggest funerals visions, and the Pope showed the way riet: a private man has ever had. During for his officers by setting aside a spe- land his times it was often the custom cial part of his dinner to give to the Chri for great or wealthy men to leave poor at his gates before he ate any cami part of their estates to the poor and himself. Hol 8:00-Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. 8:30-Pick andPat. 9:00-Lux Radio Theatre. 10:00-Wayne King's Orch 10:30-WJR Presents. 11:00-Headline News. 11:15-Peaceful Valley. 11:45-Solay. 12:00--Emery Deutsch's Orch. 12:30-Orrin Tucker's Orch. WXYZ_ 5:15-Robinson Crusoe. Jr. 5:30-Singing Lady. Announc 5:45-TolnMix. 6:00-Day in Review 6:15-The Factfinder. 6:30-Girl Friends.TS F F I C I A L 6 :45--Lowell Thomas. 7:00-Music Is My Hobby. 7:15-The Three Cheers. 7:30-The Lone Ranger.an 8:00-Gen. Hugh Johnson. 8:15-Tonic Time. fCH ITMA S 8:30-Grand Hotel. CH R ISTMAS 8:30-The Lone Ranger. 9:00-Philadelphia Symphony Orch. I 10:00-Behind Prison Bars.- 10:30-Radio Forum. +1 A 10:30-The Lone Ranger. Dec. 14 11:00-To be announced. 11:30-To be announced 12:00-Harold Stern's Orch. 12:30-Lang Thompson's Orch. _ :jj ~ A~J1~JJ.I~ 1 :00--The Dawn Patrol. WJR she wishes to remove them from the 5:00-Follow the Moon. supervision of the League, Professor! 5:15-Life of Mary Sothern. 5:30-Musical. Calderwood said. He pointed out 5:45-Hilltop House. that in this way one of the effective 6:00--Stevenson News. 6:15--Eddie Batchelor. safeguai'ds' against administrative 6:30-Melody and Rhythm. abuses will have been removed. 7:00-Poetic Melodies. However, he behevcs that if a po- 7:15-Vocal Varieties Hoevr7:30-Vic Arden's Orch. litical settlement in Europe comes 7:45-Boake Carter. into view demanding the return of - - m -_ . Germany's former colonies these ob-! ambition of the Union of South Af- stacles will not be insuperable. rica since the days of Cecil Rhodes to' Eligible Colonies control the larger part of southern Togoland and the Cameroons are . Africa. And this opposition caniot j both split up, part of each being ad- be overcome froiri Britain-the do- ministered directly from France and minions have shown their indepen- England. Somewhat isolated on the dence." western coast of Africa, these two } What was formerly German East former Germany possessions would Afila and is now mandated partly iIprobably not arouse much onnosition I to the United Kingdom as Tangfanyika ,r Molnumnent. Used C41V1, ulat .t Glinwll n eue VVA1uy1VUaV17 111L iEV1t1L ULL 1 .. 1I M , ',.1 Ui a, ul llt to cooperate with the League of Na- were they to be returned as a measure and the rest to Belgium as Ruanda Using the :monument ofChrist,'- which was molded from the melted, tions committee considering the in- to appease the Reich and smooth the Urandi is of such strategic signifi- inhofcasnno from he andmer, ternational problem of access to raw way to a European agreement, Profes- cance as to make hopes for its trans- iron of cannon from chile and Peru, materials. The resources of the col- sor Calderwood said. ference to Germany very faint, Pro- and which stands high in the Andes onies are insignificant in comparison However, he believes it is unlikely fessor Calderwood believes. withthose of the "metroipolitan" that what was German South West With Tanganyika in German hands and reminder of peace as an exd states. Germany would probably gain Africa will be returned. This territory British Kenya and Uganda would lie ample,M. rymore economically by a lowering of was given to the Union of South between two potentially hostile na- that love is a force which, given a the United States' tariff barriers than Africa as a class C mandate, permit- tions-Italian Somaliland and Ethi- chance, makes war obsolete', . by a restoration of all her pre-war ting her to discriminate against the opia to the north and Tanganyika We should strive for a Christianized possessions. trade of the other members of the to the south. In addition mineable America rather than an Americanized "Prestice, strategy and psychology League. "We must keep in mind the' (Continued on Page 6) Christianity, the Rev. Dr. Leonard A.Iare the important considerations'mo- Parr, pastor of the First Congrega- tivating the German demands. Ger- tional Church, said in his sermon yes- many's plea is the plea of the 19th terday. century imperialist nations for a place All the nations are making the same in the sun." mistake, Dr. Parr said, in attempting To Aid Natives to mold Christianit yto suit them, in- ScnlPoesrClewo stead of altering themselves to suitl Secondly, Professor Calder'woodi TI E SIN OA IN Se ahrel ty he said, there has been a growing senti- TI CK ETS I N FORMATION Christianity. We are all guilty, he ment for administration of mandated said, of editing the gospel. territories in the interests of native The. "Nazled gsperely Ge lant populations and with a view to their: M IC H IGA N U N ION TRAVEL BU R EA U DrPan concurestoteytendencyntultimate independence. Annual re-MO and conscious result of the tendency ports to the League permanent Man- - snoticeable in all nations, including dates Commission by the powers hold-a* t*.* * Russia, to say, "Christianity shall ing mandates and 'interrogation of make room for us," instead of say- delegates of those powers by the Com- ipg,"Weshal mae rom fr Chis-mission have led to the elimination of.....-- .-. . . . . _______ tianity "The who shme i C - a great many administrative abuses. in failure," he said, "for they are working at the wrong end.,, The Nazi theory of Nordic supre- Moral Perfection macy is incompatible with this rising "Christianity, with its quality of sentiment, it is argued, Professor Cal- moral perfection," Dr. Parr con- derwood said. He called attention tinued, "is a set of teachings which toasec b ilrtCteNtoa men then and ever since then have Socialist Students Association on Jan. said are impossible-too costly, too 2 1936 wich seems o substantiate fantastic, too idealistic." This prob- this charge. Hitler said: lem,- he said, is man's greatest diffi- "The white race is destined to rule. culty-"to fit Christianity into the It has the unconscious urge to rule. human scene." This urge arises from its heioic con- Childhood should be the vehicle ception of wealth, which is entirely through which toreach the divine, non-pacifist. After all, what a grea the Rev. Dr. William P. Lemon as- statesman said is true, that the Brit- serted in his sermon, "The Childhood ish empire was built by adventurers. of God" yesterday at the Presbyterian Today American professors dispute Church. the justification of this conception, Basing his sermon on the 18th but when the white race abandons * chapter of Matthew and the 10th the foundations of its rule over the chapter of Luke, Dr. Lemon brought world it will lose that rule. It is a, out the fact that man has always rule which is the basis of the Eu- ha, a tendency to consider the child ropean economic structue." as a potential adult, as a means to an The fact that Germany asks for : end. But, he continued, the life of the territories in Africa as coloniesv- the child is a glorious one. To him, and not as mandates indicates that - heaven is much closer than to the - adult because the latter has become skeptical with age. The child en- intr hichoipfc ainl fn therpmCin r~r/ JI/t~f .) /rt i . .:.. ACTIO irr,: ::ir:^ii : :ri:ziiiii ii::i:^i:.;.. ,rii: iiE r ir.::" a. ' '""iii:: iii3u% 'i:i3 i':r i iii'iPi:. , . F H rr r: 7n _ 1 I- "7aF "r":rrr r ;. f . i : : . ;; If you set a fire-cracker off be a stubborn mule yon may well. e results. No matter what your lem, a Daily Classified Ad can a. depended, upon to bring. result, Whether you wish to rent a ro sell. a pair of roller skates, you find. The Michigan Daily the pN medium. Simply telephone 23-24 drop in at the business office i Publications Buildi, on Mai neath Xpeet prob- Iso be )m or i Will Perfect 4-1, or n the nerd ALt*e ME, Joan, never so gorgeous, as the girl who wins her one chance, for romance ... and finds it stamped: "Good for two weeks only!" Her gayest hit! GR E Y HOUND YOUR traveling over the holiday- ROUND TRIP FARES ii TIO. street. by Greyhound. As Santa Claus says "Greyhound goes everywhere in Amneric, -and the right crowd goes along." And why wouldn't they! It would cost three times as much to drive your own car Take NEW YORK ...... $19.20 c :. 's. . CHICAGO.............6.75 CLEVELAND------5.25 P'ITTSBURGH.........8.85 A' I I