R 4 3 The Weather Considerable cloudiness and continued cold today; snow ikely. Y Aer A& 4.jit r4t g an ~~iaiti Editoria& Thank You For Your Cooperation... Plaudits For Hollywood... VOL XLVIH. No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DEC. 13, 1937 GIVE ALL YOU CAN 18 AMERICANS MIS SING AS JAP PLANE SINKS IJ. Goodfellow Drive Lunched Today GUNBOAT ABOVE NANK ING To Assist Needy] Ten - Hour Drive ve Gargoyle Presen Busy Places On Campus 'Dice Way To Go And Downtown Area Through Colleg e' Army Of Students Takes To Streets An army of cheer and ktndliness, the Goodfellow Army of more thant 150 men and women invaded the cam- pus and downtown area this morning, beginning the third annual sale of the Goodfellow Edition of the Daily, to provide year round aid to underpriv- ileged families, students and hospital patients A new game "Michigarg"--"a dice way to go through college," will fea- ture the December issue of Gargoyle which goes on sale tomorrow. The invention of Gargoyle Editor George S. Quick, '38, and H. Collins, '29, of Monroe, the game includes as hazards such events of collegiate life as "Flunked Math-go back three," "Drank Beer-up two." A pair of dice will be distributed with each magazine. Besides "Michigarg," the magazine The Good fellow Army Following is the list of Goodfellow salesmen with their posts and time in the sale of Goodfellow editions of the Daily on Monday. General instructions for all the Goodfellows: (1.) Salesmen on at 7:30 a.m. are to report at the Publications Building for their aprons, tags and papers. Those who are not pre- ceded by anyone at their post are likewise asked to report to the Publications Building to obtain materials. (2.) Any question or difficulty should be reported immediately to the Goodfellow Editor 2-3241. (3.) Goodfellows stationed .for downtown posts should report to the Daily. They will be driven to and from their-posts. (4.) Posts should not be left until successor appears; materials may be lurned over to him. Last salesman at each post should turn in l4is materials to the Daily. (S.) Those scheduled for 11:00 posts shall remain at their posts until 12:30. (6.) Anyone listed for a time at which he will not be able to work is asked to call the Goodfellow Editor, 2-3241 in order that some- one else can be obtained to take his place. Your papers will be re-, plenished while you are at your post. ENGINEERING ARCH 7 :30-Betty Gatward. Mary Elliot. 9:00-Irvina Brown, H. W. Grote. Barbara Lovell. 10:00-Don Hughson. George Stuart, Janet Ladd, Betty Strickroot. 11:00-Helen Douglas. Ruth Frank. Bill Pollak. 12:30-Betsy Ba-ter, Barbara Bradfield, Caroline Ross. H. Smith. 2:00-Marjory Slauc. Jean Clauser, J. Young, Fred W. Smith. 3:00-Harry Marshall. M. W. Kitzmiller. Margaret Carlson, Betty Whitney. 4:00-Henry Win. Wallace, Walt Clement. Lacy Thomas, Janet Allington. 5 :00-Weston Palmer. Jim Hallilgan, Ben Jones. ANGELL HALL NORTH ENTRANCE CENTER OF DIAGONAL 7:30-T. urd.7:30-H. Pomeroy: Angel Maliszewski. :0-.Haer: Athay: Doug Farmer. 9:00--Betty Ayres, Mary Alice Mackenzie 1:00--R ADgois 1 0:00-Jenny Petersen: Roberta Chissus. 10:00-M.ADubigr 11:00-Nancy Kover; Elizabeth White. 12:30-Jahn M te. 12:30-Sally Kenny: Dorothy Long. 2:00-M. F. Peck; M. Tillman. 2:00-Barbara Heath, Helen Jean Dean, 3:00-Collins. 3:00-Barbara Lovell; Marcia Connell. 3:00-Collin. 4:00-Marie Sawyer: Mary Redden. 5:00-Worthing. 5:00-Berta Knudson: Miriam Sanders. ANGELL HALL LOBY 7:CORNER EAST AND NORTH U. ANer.HLLi)Ii 7:30--Jack Luxan 7 .~- "Mocker. J sa9:00-G. Swartz; O. C. Eisendrath. 9:00-B. Bursley: J. Nussbaum. 10:00-Len Eastman; Fred Pearce.. 10:00-H. Van Tuyl; Rine. t ;1:00-JimdWills 12:30-M SchoeH. Jesperson. 12: 30-Ted Leibovitz Charlotte Schee. 2:00--C. Vallet: V. Richardson. 300:-Stan Conrad. Jack necht. 3:00--Magdol; Perlman 4:00-Frank Bussard: Larry Gubow. 4:00-Beamin 5:00-Bert Lossing; J. Tanah. 5:00Fox.UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BEHIND LIBRARY 9:00-Irving Brown: Robert Moore. 7:30-Bill Rockwell. 10:00-George Swartz. 9:00-Abe Goodman. 11:00-Robert Cork. 11:00-Jack Hoover; Jay Rockwell. 12:30-Katherine Van Heest. 12:30-Charles Block. 2:00-Ted Spangler; Bob Nelson. 2:00-Phil Westbrook. 3:00-Harry Howell; Harry Marshall. 3:00-Marvin Reider. 4:00-L. Fake. 4:00-Harold Osterweid. ARCADE ENTRANCE 5:00-David Peet. 7 :30--B. Melin. UNION 9:00-J. Allington. 7:30-Manny Slavin; Bob Cooper: Earl 10:00-W. Hook; Kay Burns. 9:00-Burt Smith. Luby 11 :00-Kilman; Sue Potter. 10:00-Ernest Pederson; Norman Stein- 12:30-H. Hartwig; I. Mathews. berg 2:00-Coleman; .Newman. e.nS 3 :00-J. Holden; M. Minor. 12:30-Don Brewer: Stark Ritchie. 4 :00-D. Belden. 2:00--Dean Glidden; George Quick. 5:00-R. Reid. 3:00-Tom McCann; Bob Bradley. 9:00-DavidLEAGUE LOBB 4:00--Don Wilsher; Bill Gibbs. 90-aisn 5:00-Walker Graham: Frank Coolidge. 10:00-B. Shaffer. 11:00-M. Hodge. ROMANCE LANGUAGE BUILDING 12:30-D. White. 7:30-Marian Baxter. 2:00--C Kettler; J. Fechnay. 9:00-Margaret Myers. Don Nixon. 3:00-A. Maliszewski; R. Friedman. 10:00-Jean Holland: Hope Hartwig. 4:00-Woodworth 11:00--Norma Curtis; Don Treadwell. 5:00-Morris. 12:30-Dorothea Staebler. Charlotte DOWNTOWN DISTRICT Poock. 7:30 9:00-Wendell: M. Killian; B. Teall. 2:00-Mary Johnson; Mary Jane Muel- 12:30 2:00-N. Persons; M. Tichenor; ler. Clark. 3:00-Margaret Ferries: Sally Kenny. 2:00 3:00-B. Arner; M. J> Mueller; 4:00-Sybil Swarto'it: Janet Fullen- Gilmore. wider. 4:00 6:00-M .,orulson; P. Smith: 5:00-Margaret Curry; Martha Tillmnan. orris. 11 Duce's Bolt IMay Lead To, Rival league - 4 High British Circles Not Impressed By Threat; Optimisis Favor ft Favors Agression, Against Deniocracy ROME, Dec. 12.-M(')--The belief that Premier Benito Mussolini was working toward a Fascist world sys- tem to supplant the League of Na- tions was expressed tonight in au- thoritative quarters. Diplomats said the secession from the League dramatically announced by Il Duce last night probably signi- fled a change from a policy of seek- ing agreement with Britain and France to one of aggressive opposi- tion to the democratic powers. The opinion was voiced in diplo- matic quarters that Mussolini had exhausted his patience waiting for these two powers to recognize his con- quest of Ethiopia and claims to dom- inance in the Mediterranean. Il Duce's declaration that the Ital- ian resignation was an event of great historical importance "the conse- quences of which can not yet be fully foreseen," was interpreted to mean further action. The Premier's spokesmen made clear they expected more resigna- tions from the League. High British quarters were not im- pressed by Il Duce's declaration that Japanese Officials Express Regrets At A ttack On Ship One Sailor Dead, Two Of ficers Wounded; 54 Taken From River SHANGHAI, Dec. 13.-(Monday)-(iP)-Japanese bombs today sank the United States Gunboat Panay in the Yangtze River 25 miles above Nanking. Eighteen Americans were unaccounted for. One American sailor was known to have died of wounds There were 54 known survivors, some of them wounded. Lieut.-Commander James K. Hughes, the Panay's commander, was a known survivor. He suffered a broken leg. Executive Lieutenant A. F. Anders also was known to be wounded. The American gunboat Oahu and the British gunboat Bee steamed under forced draft for the scene of the tragedy. The Panay's normal complement was 55 officers and men. In addition the "mercy ship" carried at least nine American refugees, including four Embassy officials. Several Standard Oil Company ships were also sunk at the same time. The Japanese Navy quickly accepted responsibility for the grave incident, A Japanese communique pledged immediate steps to place the blame on military units responsible, and regretted the bombing "most deeply." Earlier, British naval reports said Colonel Hashimoto, senior Japanese officer, declared he had orders to "fire on every ship on the river." His statement was made in reply to a British protest against shelling of the British gunboat Ladybird at Wuhu. A British seaman was killed and two other Britons wounded there. Officials of the United States flagship Augusta said they believed 72 persons were aboard the ill-fated gunboat. Those missing apparently were killed by the Japanese bombs or were drowned when the vessel sank. However, some might have reached land without communication facilities. Most survivors were put ashore by rescue vessels at Hohsien, Anhwei Province. Rear-Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, chief of the United States Asiatic fleet, cancelled his scheduled departure for Manila tomorrow in face of the serious incident. The 450-ton gunboat, especially made for Chinese River service, had stood by to save Americans during Japan's siege of Nanking. Anchored in the Yangtze, the Panay was a haven for Embassy officials and other refugees until Japanese shells crashing dangerously near caused her to seek safety up the river. Advance contributions, coming in will include "Mangled Mugs," a con- to the Goodfellow Editor Saturday test. Photos of prominent campus: and yesterday gave thwr drive a run- characters have been scrambled and! ning start towards its $1,800 goal. If to the first person -who correctly re- successful, the Goodfellows will have assembles them and turns the result obtained $150 more than last year's into the Gargoyle office will go an ex- campaign and $475 more than two pense-paid date with any member of years ago. the staff. And, editor Quick stressed. Results To Be In Daily that includes all of the. "beautiful" A complete account of the results women. of the drive will appear in the Daily Fashion pictures, cartoons, campus" as soon as the final figures have been talk and other features complete this compiled. issue of the magazine. Fraternities, sororities -and League houses which made advance cqntribu- tions will receive their Dailies and FraGeVictr Goodfellow tags early today through ra CO 10 Or a specia ldelivery service organized by the Goodfellow committee. More than Held Preferable 5o frtriisadsororities made, their pledges. Hospital Gets Share To Further War The distribution of the funds is as follows : 1. The Social Service Department Aiton Sees Long Drawn' of the University Hospital will re- Battle Greater Threat To ceive $150 to purchase toys, pictures, additional work shop facilities and Peace Of Whole World books for underprivileged patients. These needs are met by state funds Contending the Spanish war is farj available for medical and surgical care more dangerous to the peace of Eu-E for these patients. rope than a Fascist victory, Prof.! 2. Twenty-five per cent of the re- Arthur Aiton of the history depart-- maining -funds will go' to the Deans' ment asserted in the last of a series Discretionary Fund to help needy stu- of Union forums on contemporary dents. political problems at 4:30 p.m. yes- 3. The rest of the money will be terday afternoon in the small ball- sent to the local Family Welfare Bu- room of the Union. reau to be used for the purchase of i Professor Aiton, who was in Spain Christmas baskets and clothes for teaching at the University of Se- Ann Arbor families and for the year- ville at the outbreak of the war, round work of the Bureau. pointed out that the real national! struggle between Loyalists and Rebels' 'To' Fatal has been clouded by the conflict be-: TO 11 er Fat tween the two partisan groups in T FEurope-Italy and Germany on one - ToFamousSpellers 'side and France and Russia on the other. Italy's withdrawal was of "great his- torical importance." They argued that Italy always had been a bad League member and had not cooper- ated at all for the last two years. Optimists thought Italy's depar- ture might even strengthen the i League by lending support to argu- ments in favor of its reformation on a broad basis with the aim of effect- ing the eventual return of the great powers which have left it. Co-op Authority Lectures Today 'Cooperative Medicine' Is DrJ~ WV abi~~ iUJI r t Once In Merrie Olde Englande Puritans Fasted On Christmas By ETHEL NORBERG bration of the birth of Christ, result- Imagine fasting on Christmas day! ing in many curious customs of pagan That is what happened shortly after origin which are part of tur present Shakespeare's time when the Puri- tradition. The Yule log, holly, mis- tans, distasteful of the extreme fes- tletoe and many other relics date tivities carried on during the Shake- back to pre-Christian times. "i. yaruasse s 3u~j Dr. J. P. Warbasse, president of the Cooperative League of the U.S.A., will speak on "Cooperative Medicine" at 8 p.m .today at Lane Hall, the Ann Arbor Cooperative Society announced yesterday, "Dr. Warbasse is the greatest au- thority in the United States on the cooperative movement," according to Steaming away from the battle zone, the naval vessel was sent to the bottom by Japanese bombs. The river village of Hoshien was under Japanese attack as survivors of the Panay were landed there. Japanese ordered the attack to cease for fear of further endangering the men. Hoshien is approximately 10 miles below Wuhu, scene of the shelling which killed a British seaman. There is an American mission hospital under Dr. E. R. Brown at Wuhu capable of caring for the wounded. Two of three Standard Oil ships were sunk along with the Panay. Officials were unable to determine which of those in the danger zone were lost. The three were the Meian, Meihsia and Meiping, the first under Captain Carleson, an American. A Norwegian and an Estonian captained the other two. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12.--(P)-The Navy received word tonight that one sailor was killed and two officers wounded when the American gunboat