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December 12, 1937 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-12

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14NDAY, OEC 12, 19,117,

.. .. a. aw..a~nTHE MIa ash ICVAN D". i.AILY

SLY~fAY, DC. 12loom


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Edited and managed by students o the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Stpdnt Publications.
Published every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
Use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it" or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
.Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
4 00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Pbis/os Representative
Board of Editors
Business Department
CTrDT MANAGER ...................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Education. . .
boosted its circulation this week as a
result of carrying. an article by Dr. Robert May-.
nard Hutchins, young and brilliant president of
the University of Chicago.
What he had to say about college education this
week is substantially what he has said for some
time now. He blasted again the disOrganiza-
tion of the college curriculum, the obscuring of
the real aim of education, in short, the "triviality,
mediocrity and chaos" of higher education.
-Dr. Hutchins has three more articles to go in
the Post, but there is no reason to postpone
consideration of some of the points which he
made already and which he will undoubtedly bring
up subsequently, for his views have been made
known before, and there is little evidence to show
that he will change those'views at this time.
He finds the triviality of colleges arising from
trying to do everything for everybody, offering
four-year courses in everything from "beauty to
bond-selling." He sees the mediocrity as a result
of the automatic procedure of piling up so many
credit hours, the chaos resulting from offering a
myriad of courses, letting the innocent student
pick out his five subjects per semester and ram-
ming facts and specialized information down'his
throat on the assumption that the more he takes
the more he will be inspired to thought.
Concisely, he sees the true aim of education
perverted into ways and means of earning money.
The true aim is development of the intellect,
he says. It ought to help us to understand our
fellowmen and our relationships to them. It
should put us in a state of mind so that we can
deal intelligently with the future.
How is this aim to be achieved. By changing
the structure of the system, the methods we
employ and the content of our teaching, Dr.
Hutchins suggests.
In place of the liberal arts college as it is today
he would have a college which would encompass
the last two years of high school and the first
two years of college. Everyone who had dem-
onstrably shown that he could learn from books
would go at least through this college. The ones
who could not learn from books and were hand- -
inclined would go to the technical institutes where
they could learn trades and attempts would be
made there to teach them how to learn from
books. Of course education would be free at all
The curriculum of the college would consist

of mathematics, logic, grammar, rhetoric and
the classics of all ages and the present, their in-
clusion in the curriculum being measured by the
stand1ard of permanent significance. Through
these subjects we should try to understand the
world today by understanding the way it de-
veloped. "We shall profit by the mistakes and
illusions of the past, and also by its everlasting
wisdom." Thus, we shall be protected against
quack economics, quack politics, and of course,
quack education.
Grammar will be studied so that we can get
out of language its full meaning. Rhetoric that
we may express ourselves accurately and well.
Mathematics that we may train ourselves in pre-
cise reasoning.
After the student- has completed the general
course, the pones who wanted to go to the uni-
versities. There they would study three general
curricula, metaphysics, natural sciences and so-
cial sciences. For every profession, the common

The facts and specialized information, would be
obtainable at research and fact-finding insti-
tutes connected with the universities. The pro-
fessional. schools would still train the doctors
and lawyers, but tyhey would not be so closely
connected with the colleges that pre-professional
programs would exclude a general foundation of
What has been given above is a naked outline
of Dr. Hutchins' plans, and does not give the full
justice to details and the philosophy behind his
proposal. However, enough has been given to
warrant discussion.
Albert P. Mayio.
EDITOR'S. NOTE: A discussion of Dr.
Hutchins' proposals will be given shortly in
a subsequent editorial.
AnO pen Letter
To the Editor:
To Mr. Landlord:
We're cold! -
We have given you ample notice of our
condition in this ice-box, and little has been
done in a material way to alleviate our unprece-
dented treatment. The windows have been sealed
with cloth, the register has been fixed, and we
have been assured that we would not have to de-
pend entirely upon body heat to sustain us. But
it's still damn cold!
If there is any logical or illogical reason for
not affording us the necessary amount of heat, we
would be grateful if we should be thus informed.
If not, we want heat!
If we have interrupted you in cozy slumber with
what you may consider unnecessary noise, we
wish to submit that such nocturnal rumblings
resulted from our only possible means of obtain-
ing a small measure of warmth. Again, we reit-
erate, we want heat!
If you find it impossible to send up hot air
through the air tube referred to as a register,
please do not aggravate us further by sending up
Arctic breezes.
Of course we could hire ourselves out as cock-
tail shakers, but this would be beneath our dig-
nity as scholars. We also hate to sleep with our
shoes on. What we at first believed to be symp-
toms of St. Vitus' Dance, we have been assured
by Health Service authorities to be glorified cases
of shivering sickness.
We could go on with this for hours, but we
believe that this conveys our idea, rather gen-
erally and briefly. We also do not wish to sever
our friendly relations, but human incapacities
to continue under the climatic conditions exist-
ing in "Room for Improvement" forces us to
withdraw in order to thaw out.
We wish, however, to leave this one last
thought with you in appealing to your sense
of justice and values. Because of our frigid
condition, our scholastic standings, are in
Hoping that you will take immediate action,
we shiveringly remain,
-The Suffering Three.
Michigan Football
To the Editor:
Before I delve into the pathetic realm of Mich-
igan football let me emphasize one point; I lay
absolutely no claim of belonging to that martyred
group of intellectuals known to John Public as
gridiron experts. I do, however, profess to know
a little more about the game than the average
fan, and it is in this capacity, that of a football
fan, that I state my bold accusations and reach
my weird deductions analyzing Michigan football
and comparing it with the type of football the
more fortunate fans have the undeniable privilege
>f witnessing in other sections of the country.
The expected, but yet startling dismissal of
Coach Kipke appeared to me to be the second
step in a reorganization program for a new
era in Michigan football. The first step taken
in this direction was the signing of Hunk Ander-
son last year to coach our line. The next and
extremely important step will be the signing
of a new coach. Right now he may be one of
any number of men, but the significance attached
to the selection of this man is of overwhelming

import. If he is another Michigan graduate,
schooled in Michigan fundamentals, in the Mich-
igan system, or to put it more exactly, schooled
in the antiquated Yost system which was-when
Michigan had an overabundance of classy ma-
terial, and the game had not yet reached its
present high point of development-a terrific
success. I look for no improvement in Michigan
football. We may win more games next year
than we did during any of the past four seasons,
but Michigan will still be playing the ultra-con-
servative, old-fashioned, or as one newspaper cor-
respondent has tagged it, "cutie football."
From the fans' standpoint I don't think there
are any two ways about this question. The fans
are sick and tired of seeing a Michigan player
-with his team trailing in the last half-drop
back to midfield to kick on third down with
only one yard to go! That's Michigan football.
The reasoning behind this strategy is that it's
better to lose by a score of 20-0 than a score of
26-0 and, therefore, Michigan is protecting her
opponents lead.
When Michigan beat Columbia in '36, I got
more enjoyment from seeing Columbia lose than
I did from watching Michigan play its lifeless, un-
inspired and "methodical" winning football..
In the stadium this year we watched four
teams outplay Michigan, three decisively, and
Chicago holding an edge in everything except
the final score. All four were better coached
teams than was Michigan. Ohnh State and Min-
nesota were exceptionally well drilled outfits;
Michigan State seemed to lack scoring punch at
opportune moments; and Chicago's heroic twelve
truly exhibited a contrast to the sluggishness of

tfeWto Me
Heywood Broun
The notion that all American business leaders
are very dumb is grossly exaggerated. But the
idea has gained some currency, and in part it
is based upon the fact that the kings and cap-
tains of finance, with very few exceptions, are
singularly bad showmen.
One, two or three business men may sit around
a table and talk realistic common sense. Yet
when they meet in conven-
tions or congresses they al-
most invariably revert to un-
dergraduate days and go into
a kind of football rally. In-
stead of facing their prob-
lems they listen to pep talks
and pass swinging resolutions
molded out of sheer wish ful-
fillment rather than any rea-
sonable expectation.
At the moment large scale industry is naturally
vitally concerned with labor problems. It would
seem sensible for the assembled members of
the National Association of Manufacturers to
invite a speaker or speakers capable of talking
with authority on this theme. A well-rounded
program ought to include somebody who would
present the case of labor from the point of view
of the trades unionists. Possibly a balanced ra-
tion might bring a spokesman for the CIO and
another from the AFL before the assembled
business men.
Would Clarif y The Issues
It is not my idea that everything the trades
unionists said would be greeted with wild ap-
plause. But at least talks of that kind would
serve to clarify some of the issues.
Indeed, in any serious-minded gathering a
speech which rouses the listeners to tumultuous
enthusiasm is probably a waste of time. Such a
discourse is merely an exercise in stroking cat's
fur. There is no point in having all your con-
victions, beliefs, passions and prejudices reaf-
firmed by the orator of the evening. The listener
goes out by the same door through which he
entered, and even though all his opinions hap-
pened to be 100 per cent correct, he would merely
have been gilded rather than enlightened. Bus-
iness congresses need more red meat and less
bran mash. In spite of industry's distrust of
the professor in politics, I notice with surprise
that one or two academicians are invariably bid-
den when corporation heads sit down in con-
clave. But the professors are invariably of the
same type. They toss about such catchwords as
"Communistic' 'and return to their plush clois-
ters, having left behind them no new facts or
When a business man is planning a new factory
he summons experts in regard to the construc-
tion. His forces for production and for sale are
in most cases magnificently organized. But in
both private and public discussion of labor rela-
tions the most convenient yes-man is almost in-
variably chosen regardless of his competence.
Put On Show For The Press
As a preliminary warmup for the present con-
gress the National Industrial Council met at the
Waldorf-Astoria. The emphasis was put on the
address by Hartley W. Barclay. Mr. Barclay is
the editor of a trade publication. He may be a
highly estimable young man, and I see by the
papers that he is a martyr to the freedom of the
press. Still I have never heard Mr. Barclay
mentioned as a national authority on labor prob-
lems, and the whole handling of his appearance
seems to me to support the theory that business
.men are singularly inept in both labor relations
and public ,relations. -
The man assigned to the meeting by the New
York Times wrote, "Reporters, who are not ad-
mitted to these meetings and get only extracts
of some of the speeches, were led in to hear
Mr. Barclay and then sent back to the press

"It was explained that 'the remarks of the
previous speakers will not lend themselves to
general distribution.' And so freedom of the press
was preserved and the kitty purred in complete
content. Sometimes I wonder whether the
trouble with American business may not be the
American business man.,
A Cabot Talks
The Boston saying that the Lowells talk only,
to Cabots and the Cabots talk only to God has to.
be revised. One Cabot-Senator Henry Cabot
Lodge, Jr.,-talks to the Brotherhood of Locomo-
tive Engineers. And he has just told them that
labor must depend on collective bargaining to
gain security for itself and a fair share of
the national income.
"There is no reason," says this grandson of the
old conservative Senator Lodge, "why in this
country, with our resources, there should not be
a good life for everyone, with security againstf
old age, sickness and unemployment. To me these
questions are more important than those of party
We offer our readers this strange. liberal blos-
som out of the old Back Bay conservatories with
a trembling hand. The brownstones on Common-
wealth avenue must be quivering from roof to
attic. Something remarkable is happening in the
republic when the challenge to certain reactionary
industrialists of the parvenu middle west comes
out of the parlors of way down east.
-From the New York Post.

Radio City Music Hall Symphony,
Erno Rapee conductor. Henrietta!
Schumann piano soloist. Sibelius'
Sixth Symphony. last two movementsR
of Tschaikowsky's B flat minor Piano!
Concerto, Ondricek's "Peasant's Fes--


(Continued *r"m Page )
annual Christmas program Sunday
in Zion Parish Hall. There will be:
special music and speakers talking'
on Christmas in various foreign coun-
tries. Students attending will please
bringa a 10 cent gift for an eXrhnmx

ment of Astronomy. at 8 p.m. on
Tuesday, December 14th, in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium. Films will
be shown of the moon, of a total
solar eclipse, and of the motions and
changes in the solar prominences.

tival." 12:30-1:30, NBC Bue. The student choir will
New York Philharmonic-Sym-h p.m. as usual.
phony, John Barbirolli conductor. ,_.__s_.
All-Wagner program of war-horsesC Program for Sunday
from Lohengrin, Tannhauser, Gotter- dation is as follows:
dammerung, Tristan and Die Meit- 10:30 a.m.-Council 1
tersinger. 3-5, CBS. 3:30 p.m.-Palestine
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Evening - Open Hou
Fraser Harrison conductor. Overture Recordings.
to Rossini's Semiramis, Grieg's "Aus;
Holberg's Zeit,. Rhapsody No. 1 of,
Dvorak, two preludes of Debussy, Coming E
Tschaikowsky's Capricclo Italien. 3-4
NBC Blue. German Table for F
Rachel Lease, organist, in School bers: The regular lun,
of Music Graduation Recital. An- will be held Monday at
dante by Stamitz, Largo from the the Founders' Room of
Vivaldi-Bach Concerto in D minor' ed in speakinacut ea
Bach Prelude and Fugue in Bm ,inpe
or, Franck's A minor Chorale, iinvtd
Scherzetto of Vierne, Andante Can-C
tabile from the First Organ Sonata Mathatics Club wil
of James, Prelude by Samazeuilh, day, December 14, at 8
Chorale in D minor by Andriessen 3201 Angell Hall. Profes
4:15, Hill Auditorium. - will speak "On the Can
Philadelphia Symphony, FritzEIntegral."
Reiner conducting. Overture to T
agner's The Flying Dutchman, and G
Strauss' oe FJuan, Mepisto Waltz dents of Education: T
of Liszt. Overture to Belioz's Ben-1 get-together of the Gra'
venuto Cellini. 9-10, NBC Blue. tion Club is to be held
Chicago Civic Opera Company, lat- Dec. 14, at 4:30, in tl
ter portions of Tristan and Isolde, Elementary School Libr
with Flagstad and Melchior. 11:30,. ents will be served.
NBC.' Students are urged to

meet at 4:00
Hillel Foun-

Association Book Group: The As-
sociation Book Group will meet Tues-
day afternoon at t4:15at the Michi-
gan League. Miss Emily Morgan will
review Lin Yutan's "The Importance
of Living."

Publication in the Bulletin i constructive notice to ;:l1 meib ut o the
University. Copy received at the office of the A istant to the Pre-enL
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday+

Club Meet- Iota Alpha: The Beta Chapter will
hold its regular monthly meeting for
use - Games: December on Monday, Dec. 13 at
7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room (Rm.
3205) East Engineering Bldg.
The speaker will be Mr. H. R.

aculty Mem-
heon meeting
12:10 p.m. in
the Michigan
bers interest-

Crane, Department of Physics, whose
topic will be "Recent Developments
in the Study of Atomic Nucleus."
Every member is urged to be present.

Disciple Guild (Church of Christ):
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
I meet Tues- Fred Cowin, Mini.ter.
P.m., in Roomt 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class,
sor V. C. Poor H. L. Pickerill, Leader.
achy Singular 5:30 p.m., Social Hour anal Tea.
6:30 p.m., Mrs. Grace Sloan Over-
ton will speak on "Marriage in the
;raduate Stu- Modern World." Mrs. Overton is a i
he December author of several important books
duate Educa- and is a nationally known lecturer
on Tuesday, on marriage and the family. She
he University has spoken in more than 40 colleges
ary. Refresh-.( and universities during the last few
All Education months. A discussion period" will
attend. I efollow the lecture in which Mrs.
IOverton will answer questions. All
he Verein will, students are welcome.
bration Tues- --
the Michigan! First Congregational Church: Cor-
will be served. ner of State and William.
to bring atI10:45 a.m. Service of worship.
-Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach

University Choral Union andt
Symphony Orchestra in Haydn's
"The Creation." Assisting will be
Prof. Thelma Lewis, soprano; Prof.
Arthur Hackett, tenor; Hardin van!
Duersin, baritone; Alice Manderbach,
harpsichordist; Robert G. Campbell,
organist. 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Mary Porter, pianist, in School of
Music Graduation Recital. Bach's
"French" Suite No. III in G minor,
Sonata in E flat, Op. 10 No. 3, Cho-
pin and Brahms Ballades, two Pre-
ludes of Debussy. Preludes of Gliere,
and Rachmaninoff. 8:15 p.m.,
School of Music Auditorium.
Bamberger Symphony Orchestra,
Leon Barzin conductor. All-Graing-,
er program with the inimitable Percy
himself as piano soloist. 10:30-11:30;
p.m.. MBS.
Young People's Concert by New
York Philharmonic, John Barbirolli t
conducting. 11-12:15, CBS.
Metropolitan Opera in Wagner's
Die Walkuere. Kirsten Flagstad,
Marjorie Lawrence, Kerstin Thor-
borg, Lauritz Melchior, Ludwig Hof-
man, Artur Bodanzky conducting.
1:45, NBC.

hold its C
day. Dec.7
League. F
small 10
at 8 p.m.,
N.R.F. Ma
injury on1
plex test
fore 1500.
pinski: TI
Adams: ;T

er Verein: T
'hristmas celet
14 at 8 p.m. in
are requested
cent gift.

Ih Club Wednesday, Dec. 15,
in Room 2528 East Medical
Program: I. Professor
tier: The effects of cortical
the behavior of rats in com-
situations. II. French and
treatises on arithmetic be-
(a) Professor L. C. Kar-
'eir place in the history of
tics; (b) Professor E. L.
'he development of French
cal terminology.

on "Preparing for the King." There
will be special Christmas music fur-
nished by the choir under the direc-
tion of Mr. Henry Bruinsma. Choir
selections include "Praise to the
Lord the Almighty," by Strakund-
Bach, "Sanctus et Benedictus" from
Gounod's "St.bCecilia Mass," "Beau-
tiful Saviour' by Christiansen, "Glor-
ia" from Mozart's "Twelfth Mass";
Miss Lois Greig will sing the so-
prano solo "O Holy Night" by Adam;
and Miss Mary Porter, organist, will
play "Christmas" by Foote and "The

Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, Hallelujah Chorus" by Handel.
7:30 p.m., 1139 Natural Science 6:00 p.m., Professor L. M. Eich will
Building. present Dickens' "Christmas Carol"
Chatters, Roy: Effects of X-ray to the Congregational Student Fe-
upon green plants. lowship at its supper Sunday eve-
Jotters, M. Lois; Cytological in- ning. There will be carol singing
vestigation of Raphanus sativus, and special Christmas music. The
Brassica oleracea and their F1 and meeting will let out in time to allow
F2 hybrids, by R. H. Richaria. attendance at the Candlelight Serv-
Richaria. ice in the Church at 8:00.
Savile, D.B.O.: Fertilization in First Methodist Church: Morning
Ascodesmis nigricans. Deane B.' Worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Swingle. Brashares will preach on "To Be
Yaw, Katherine: Chromosome Taxed.


studies in the pollen grains of
j Hyacinthus rientalis.
TH EA TR EChairman: Professor B. M. Dajvis.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
By NORMAN T. KIELL on Wednesday, December 15, at
T. twelve o'clock in the Russian Tea
Thteatre PAnd University Room of the Michigan League. Cafe-
It is always interesting to observe teria service. Bring tray across hall.
what is going on in our sister in- Dr. William Haber, Professor of Ec-
stitutions by way of theatrical en- onomics in the Institute of Public;
terprises. The period just before the and Social Administration andin the
Christmas vacation is always jam- Department of Economics will speak
med with events of the theatre in the informally, the subject to be an-
colleges and this year proves no dif-! nounced.
ferent. The plays vary from repre-'
sentations of Greek tragedy to mod- Botanical Seminar meets Wednes- t
ern light comedy. Below wl be day, December 15, at 4:30 Room 1139,
found a listing of the colleges and N.S. Building. Paper by W. R. Tay-
their offerings. for "Notes on Scandinavian Botanical
Indiana. Philip Barry's Hotel Uni- Institutions."
verse. Given with two complete casts.
Patrons holding season tickets are Physics Colloquium: Professor R.
invited to attend the performances A. Sawyer will speak on "Recent
of both casts and compare their in- I Work on Doublet Spectra" at the
terpretations without additional Physics Colloquium Monday, Dec. 13
cost. In the new Experimental Stu- I at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics
dio Theatre, A Comedy of Errors has Bldg.
just been given. The Studio Theatre}
was begun this year to give more Faculty Women's Club: The Play
training to beginning students in Reading Section will meet on Tues-
acting. Programs are presented day afternoon, December 14, at 2:151
monthly and are open to all who have p.m. in the Mary Henderson Room I
season tickets for the major plays. of the Michigan League.
Stanford. Euripides' Greek tragedy
The Trojan Women was enacted here Michigan Dames: Contract study
last week. Gilbert Murray's trans- division of the bridge group will meet
lation was used and Thomas Woods Monday, 8 p.m. at the League.
Stevens directed the production.
Purdue. Purdue's Playshop opened Michigan Dames: General Meet-
last week with Hatcher Hughes' Pul- ing, 8:15 Tuesday, Dec. 14, at the
itzer Prize play, Hell Bent for Heaven. Women's Athletic Building. Hus-
The University Theatre at Purdue is bands are invited, but all members
so organized as to comprise three are urged to come even if their hus-
main branches, namely, Playshop, bands are unable to attend. Games,
Radio Stage, and Tower Theatre. The dancing, and bowling.
latter is devoted solely to producing
student written, directed, acted and The Music Section of the Faculty
staged, plays. Women's Club will meet Tuesday,
California. John Milton's masgce, Dec. 14, at 8 p.m. at the home of
Comus, is being given this week in Mrs. E. B. Stason, 1719 Hermitage
Royce Auditorium. The music school' Rd. The program will be given by
and the dancing school have com- Mrs. Ava Comin Case of the School
bined with the theatre group to pre- of Music faculty and Mrs. Marian
sent Comus. Struble Freeman, violinist.
Columbia. The Return of the Sol-
dier by John Van Druten was offered JuniorA.A.U.W. Dinner Meeting
last week in the Earl Hall Theatre. The modern Dance Club, directed
It is an adaptation of Rebecca West's by Miss Ruth Bloomer of the Physical
novel of the same name. Education Department will present a,
Temple. In a very interesting ex- program of dances at the monthly

Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Class under the leadership of Mrs.
5:45 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meet-
ing. A Christmas program of music
and readings has been planned. All
Methodist students and their friends
are cordially invited. This will be the
last meeting before the Christmas
First Presbyterian Church meeting
at the Masonic Temple:
10:45 a.m., Christmas Worship
Service. Dr. W. P. Lemon will speak
on the topic "The Childhood of God."
Special Christmas music will be fur-
nished by the Children's Choir and
the Student Choir. The musical
numbers will be as follows: ,Organ
Prelude, "From Heaven on High" by
Bach; Antiphonal Anthem, "While
By My Sheep" (17th Century) arr.
by Jungst; Solo, "Nazareth" by Guo-
nod; Prayer Response, "Lead Me
Lord" by Wesley, The Children's
Choir; Anthem, "The Three Kings"
by Willan, The Senior Choir.
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild
will have a special Christmas sup-
per and program of carols, readings,
and pictures. It is hoped that all
members and friends of the West-
minister Guild will be present for this
last meeting before Christmas vaca-
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
The services of worship Sunday are:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30
a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kin-
dergarten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Pray-
er and Sermon by The Reverend
Henry Lewis.
Harris Hall: "One Man's Answer to
the Problem of War" is the subject
of the address to be given Sunday
evening by Mr. Harold Gray to the
Episcopal Student Fellowship. The
meeting will be at seven o'clock and
refreshments will be served. All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited. The next meet-
ing will be on Jan. 9, 1938.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Liberty
at Third. C. A. Brauer, Pastor.
"A Sermon in the Wilderness" will
be the pastor's sermon topic in the

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