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December 12, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-12

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.. r ..

The Weather
More or less cloudy today; to-
nwrrow unsettled and not so
cold, perhaps snow.L7 4r21 l 4tIa


Scrappy State Five Italian Exit
Tv Lacks Force
Bows IolvTerie ToJoltWorld
43-40 Inta Mussolini Joins Germany
And Japan To Renounce
League Group Efficacy

'ow, Floods 150 Goodfellows To Begin
Hold Nation;
77 Succumbheir Ten Hour Campaign
New York Is Hit Hardest
With Ten Known Dead;
Scotland Affected, Too mor w T ied

Hutt The High Score Man, Capta
Townsend Pointing Way
For Unimpressive Win
Michigan Leads,
29-20, At The Half
Michigars basketball team staged .
a first half offensive drive in their
opening game of the season last night
and withstood a second period Michi- ti
gan State rally to whip the surpris-
ing Spartans 43 to 40 before more
than 8,000 fans in the Yost Field .
The Wolverines shot to an early
lead and never were headed, but the
determined visitors, led by their
brilliant sophomore forward, Marty
Hutt, put on a scoring flurry in the
final seven minutes to give the Var-
sity an uneasy last period.
Varsity Leads At Half
Michigan led 29 to 20 at the half -
way mark but in the second frame
their offense bogged down and they
scored only three times from the
floor. The Wolverines' accuracy
from the foul line proved to be the
margin of victory as repeated Spar-
tan violations gave them ample op-
portunity to add needed points.
Michigan's all-conference captain
John Townsend led the Wolverine ( '
attack with four field goals and five , ;":
fouls for 13 points. Only Hutt, JOHN TOW
State's big scoring threat at all times,
bettered this. His contribution to,
the Spartan cause was seven field H ockey
goals and one foul for a very im- ~- " '
pressive 15 points in his second col- S
legiate contest. iSc re
Plays Entire Game
The whole story of the game lies
in the play of Townsend and Hutt, Can d
a d t k.

Plans For Peace

Will Be Continued-
GENEVA, Dec. 12.-(Sunday)-()P)
Italy's withdrawal will jolt the League
of Nations but will not prove a knock-
out blow-such was the general view
expressed at Geneva today after
Premier Mussolini made his dramatic
but expected announcement.
Informed sources said Rome's ac-
tion should expedite the plan for re-
forms through which many countries
hope to make the League universal.
Mussolini has boycotted the league
ever since his invasion of Ethiopia and
Geneva sources regarded his with-
drawal as merely taking formal cog-
nizance of an existing fact.
"Italy is more honest in resign-
ing in view of her recent League boy-
cott," one newspaper said.
Italy's withdrawal cannot be ef-
fective for two -years because the
League covenant requires a prelim-
inar.y notice of resignation. That was
what Italy gave last night.
Germany and Japan both resigned
from the League because of the
League's attitude toward them-Ger-
many because of failure of the dis-
armament conference to grant her
equality of rights and Japan because
she was condemned for her invasion
of Manchoukuo.
ROME, Dec. 11.-(A)-Italy with-
drew tonight from the League of Na-
tions but announced her determina-
tion to continue to collaborate for
The action, decided upon at a
seven-minute meeting of the Fascist
grand council, was proclaimed by Pre-
mier Benito Mussolini from the bal-
cony of the Palazzo Venezia.
One of the greatest crowds ever as-1
sembled in the vast square in frontI
of the palace, despite a heavy rain,

a quad,

U.S. Weathermen
Foresee No Relief
(By The Associated Press)
Community-paralyzing blizzards in
the East and rising storm floods in
California, linked with disastrous
gales at sea, caused at least 77 deathk
last night (Saturday) as winter
struck most of the Northern Hemi-
Hundreds were left homeless in
northern California, and in the fer-
tile Sacramento Valley crops, live-
stock and houses were swept away in
the three-to-seven inch deluge that
sent river stages to dangerous levels.
The worst storm disaster occured
in Europe, near Castlecary, Scotland,
where rescue workers dug for the
bodies of still more victims in
Britain's biggest railway wreck in 22
years. Thirty bodies were taken
irom the debris of the crack Scot-
tish express which smashed into the
rear of another passenger train dur-
ing a blinding snowstorm.I
Ten Die In New York
Upstate New York felt the full
brunt of the American storm, with
10 known dead. The Federal Gov-
ernment authorized the use of Na-
tional Guard troops to help storm-
isolated Erie County communities
"dig out."
A new blizzard hampered rescue
work amid already huge snowdrifts
north of Buffalo.
"Some of the families are even
burning furniture to keep warm, one
relief party reported, after a visit to
suburban Buffalo.
Pennsylvania counted 14 dead.
Aside from Buffalo, other parts of
New York State reported four storm
At sea, the $8,000,000 liner Presi-
dent Hoover was aground on a reef
near Formosa. Capt. E. Stepbach,
said the_ big ship was. "bumping
heavily" and "leaking badly." Sev-
eral hundred passengers were takenj
Boat Capsizes In Channel
In the English Channel, a 70-mile
gale capsized the motorship Gothic
with the loss of two lives. Two oth-
ers were rescued by the steamship
American Banker.
Violent winds crashed a British
air force bomber on the beach at
Portland, England, killing two fliers.
Snow that had blocked motor traf-
fice for three days in portions of
western Michigan was finally cleared
Sfromthe highways today but no im
mediate relief was in prospect for the~
state from the cold wave.
The United States Weather Bu-
reau predicted that the chilling
weather of the last few days, cold-
est of the current winter, would con-
tinue for at least several days.
State College Contracts
For A Dorm This Fall

The Goodfellow A rmy
Following is the list of Goodfellow salesmen with their posts and
time in the sale of Goodfellow editions of the Daily on Monday.
General instructions for all the Goodfellows:
(1.) Salesmen on at 7:30 a.m. are to report at the Publications
Building for their aprons, tags and papers. Those who are not pre-
ceded by anyone at their post are likewise asked to report to the
Publications Building to obtain materials.
(2.) Any question or difficulty should be reported immediately to
the Goodfellow Editor 2-3241.
(3.) Goodfellows stationed for downtown posts should report to
the Daily. They will be driven to and from their posts.
(4.) Posts should not be left until successor appears; materials
may be rurned over to him. Last salesman at each post should
turn in his materials to the Daily.
(5.) Those scheduled for 11:00 posts shall remain at their posts
until 12:30.
(6.) Anyone listed for a time at which he will not be able to
work is asked to call the Goodfellow Editor, 2-3241 in order that some-
one else can be obtained to take his place. Your papers will be re-
plenished while you are at your post.
7:30-Betty Gatward. Mary Elliot, Jack Luxan.
9 :(00-Irvingx Brown, H. W. Grote, Barbara Lovell.
10:00-Don Hughson, George Stuart. Janet Ladd,:.Betty Strickroot.
1 :00-Helen Douglas, Ruth Frank, Bill Pollak.
l2 Y0--Retsy Ba ter. Ba rbaraBradfield. Caroline Ross H. Smith.
2 :00-Marjiory Slaal-. Jean Clauser, J. Yoing, Fred W. Smith.
3:00-Harry Marshall, M. W. iCtzmiller. Margaret Carlson. Betty Whitney
4:00-Henry Wm. Wallace. Walt Clement. Lacy Thomas, Janet Allington.
'00-WPstnon Palmer. Jim Halligan, Ben Jones.
7:30---T. Hurd 7:30-H. Pomeroy; Angel Maliszewski.
9:00-J. Parker; Athay: Doug Farmer 9:00-Betty Ayres, Mary Alice Mackenzie
10:00-R. Dubois 10:00-T-elen Douglas; Roberta Chissus.
11:00--M.A. Krieger. 11:00-Nancy Kover; Elizabeth White.
12:30--Clark. 12:30-Sally Kenny; Dorothy Long.
2:00-M. F. Peck; M. Tillman. ?:(0-Barbara xTeath. Helen Jean Dean
3:00-Collins. 3 :00-Pa~rbara. Lovell: Marcia Connell.
4:00-Huey. 4:00-Marie Sawyer; Mary Redden.
5:00-Worthing. 5:00--Re'i- Knudson: Miriam Sanders.
7:30-MAN MocHkeB 730-Marv Elliott.
7:30- Mocer. :00-G. Swartz: 0. C. Eisendrath.
9:00--B. Bursley; J. Nussbaum. 10:00-Len Eastman: Fred Pearce.
10:00-T. Van Tuyl; Rinel. 11:00-Jim Wills,
11:00-M Schoetz. 12:30-Ted Leibqvitz, Charlotte Schee.
12 :30-D. Novy; H. Jesperson. ? :0f-Jane Daus, Iz Binder.
~:00-Madl: P.Richardson.00-Stan Conrad, Jack Knecht.
:00-- adol:i a4:00-Frank Bussard: Larry Gubow.
4:00--Benjamin. 5:00-Bert Lossing: J. Tanah.
BREHIND LIBRARY 9:00-Irving Brown:. Robert Moore
7:30-Bill Rockwell. 10:00-George Swartz,
9:00-Abe Goodman. 11:00-Robert Cork.
11:00-Jack Hoover: Jay Rockwell. 12:30-Katherine Van Heest.
I2 :30--Charles 'Block. 2:00-Ted Spangler; Bob Nelson.
2:00-Phil Westbrook. 3:00--Harry Howell; Harry Marshall.
3:00-Marvin Reider. 4 :00-L. Fake.
4:00-Harold Osterweid. ARCADE ENTRANCE
5:00-David Peet. 7:30-B. Melin.
UNION :00-- . Allington.
7:30--Mannv Slavin; Bob Cooper. 10:00-W. Hook
9:00-Burt Smith 11:00-Kilman.
10:00-Ernest Pederson; Norman Stein- 12:30-H. Hartwig; I. Mathews.
berg. 2:00-Coleman: Newman.
11 00-John Speicher. 3:00-J. Holden; M. Minor,
12:30-Don Brewer; Stark Ritchie. 4 :00-D. Belden.
2:00--Dean Glidden: George Quick. 5:00-R. Reid.
3:00--Tom McCann; Bob Bradley. LEAGUE LOBBY
4:00--Don Wilsher; Bill Gibbs. 9:00-Davidson.
5:00-Walker Graham; Frank Coolidge. 10:00-B. Shaffer.
11:00-M. Hodge.
7:30-Marian Baxter. 2 :00--C~ Kettler; J. Fechnay.
9:00-Margaret Myers, Don Nixon. 3:00-A. Maliszewski; R Friedman.
10:00-Jean Holland; Hope Hartwig. 4:00-Woodworth
11:00-Norma Curtis: Don Treadwell 5:00-Morris.
12:30-Dorothea Staebler, Charlotte DOWNTOWN DISTRICT
Poock. 7:30 9:00-Wendell; M. Killian; B. Teall.
2:00-Mary Johnson; Mary Jane Muel- 12:30 2:00-N. Persons; M. Tichenor;
ler. Clark.
3:00-Margaret Ferries; Sally Kenny. 2:00 3:00-B. Arner; M. J. Mueller;
4:00--Sybil Swarto'lt; Janet Fullen- Gilmore.
wider. 4:00 6:00-M Johnson; P. Smith;
5:00--Margaret Cuiry; Martha Tillman. Morris.
Local Churches Enter Into Spirit
Of ColorfulHoliday Pageantry
The Yuletide spirit prevails as mas numbers including the fol-


__.._ _ .

More than 150 students will sell
Goodfellow Dailies for 10 hours to-
morrow, on campus and downtown, in
the third annual Goodfellow drive
to provide Christmas cheer and year
'round assistance to needy students,
families and hospital patients.
Campus honorary societies and
publications have again supplied the
recruits for the selling force to reach
the goal they have set at $1,800,
$150 more than was obtained last year
and $475 more than two years ago.
The fund was conceived as a single
drive in which all students might
combine their efforts to aid both needy
students and families, as well as hos-
vital patients. The distribution of
the funds is as follows:
1. The Social Service Department
of the University Hospital will receive
$150 to purchase toys, pictures, addi-
tional work shop facilities and bools
for underprivileged patients. These
needs are not met by state funds
available for medical and surgical
care for these patients.
2. Twenty-five per cent of the re-
maining funds will go to the Deans'
Discretionary Fund to help needy stu-
3. The rest of the money will be
sent to the local Family Welfare Bu-
reau to be used for the purchase of
Christmas baskets and clothes for Ann
Arbor families and for the year-round
work of the Bureau.
Progress has already been made
in the collection and pledging of con-
tributions by more than 75 fraterni-
ties, sororities, dormitories and league
houses. Those who have not already
made a pledge may do so by calling
the Goodfellow Editor any time today
after 2 p.m. Fraternities and soror-
ities calling today will have Goodfel-
low Dailies and tags delivered to them
before 8 a.m. tomorrow. The names
of houses pledging today will be found
in Tuesday's Daily.
The following fraternities, soror-
ities, dormitories and league houses
have already contributed to the Good-
fellow Fund or have pledged their con-
tribution and will receive their papers
and tags early tomorrow morning.
Fraternities And Sororities
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Omega, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau Omie-
ga, Alpha Theta Pi.
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Psi, Delta Del-
ta Delta, Delta Gamna, Delta Kappa
Epsilon, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa
Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Nu,
Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu
Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi
Beta Delta.
Phi Beta Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Delta
Epsilon, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau.
PiRho Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Upsilon, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sig-
ma Nu, Sigma Phi, Sorosis, Theta
Delta Chi, Trigon, Zeta Psi.

Honorary And Publication
Groups Give Salesmen;
Fund Distribution Listed
$1,800 Set As Goal
Of 3rd Annual Sale


Yveeran an~ yungserU::. Ja piayed -
every m snute of, the game whilthehe . By BEN MOORSTEIN roared its approval..
State star was relieved only briefly. Michigan's hockey team came back "We withdraw without regret," he
Both fought with determination, and last night and it came backm stonly shouted, "from the tottering temple
both won the plaudits of the crowd taking the measure of the Brantford where not peace is sought but where
by their efforts. war is prepared."
bfA.C. sextet by a 2-1 score. In the Italy thus followed in the footsteps
There was little delay in scoring as last minute of play not even a six- ot a ndanth hom
the game opened. Fittingly enough, man Brantford line plus one Wol- sf Germany and Japan, with whom
Townsend opened the first game of verine in the penalty box could give pact, among the leading nations to
his final year by scoring the first the visitors the necessary point they departafromthe League.
Michigan basket, loping in a corner needed in order to tie-up the game.
shot from about quarter floor. The win is the second out of three
State Ties Score starts this season for the Maize and :
But Hutt came back wim' an even Blue and was again played before a Thea teGr u
longer side shot and the score was packed house at the Coliseum. Mich- eer
tied.. It was the only time State igan meets McMasters University here W T i-I
ever matched the Wolverines during Tuesday evening in its last game be- Will Introdiuce
the evening, fore vacation.*I
The Michigan attack sporadically res nSp ke J mes, lr eadsconide th
inganbasetafndnBeebewsnd atlonga star in his own right, proved even
in a b he an B t sank a nmore so last night when he guarded Rosten's Work Describin
shot from the corner. But Hutt was the Michigan nets with the class of aRWc
still in there with another long shot pro. Time after time he made saves The Hay Market Riotsj
from the side. and the score was 6 to onshots which looked as thoughhedFa
4 in favor of Michigan. a stone wall could stop, but he acted Scheduled For January
Jimmie. Rae batted one in from the part of the wall.
underneath but BentDargush, veteran Suffering from a slight attack of "This Proud Pilgrimage" by Nor-
State center cane right back with a tonsilitis before game time, he per- man Rosten, Grad., has been selected
set-up basket off a perfect screen. formed as though he had never heard for the second presentation of Play
Thomas and Falkowski continued (Continued on Page 5) Production, to be given Jan. 20, 21
the alternation with baskets, both of I and 22 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
the short variety. As o- Theatre, it was announced yesterday.
Begin To Move AiTton o Lecture Rosten was graduated from New
Now the Wolverines began to move. I York University where he received his
Fishman sank a foul, Rae and Town- OnT'U master's degree. He recently won.
send collaborated perfectly with Jake Sn~ pain Today, a prize in the Maxwell Anderson con-
sarty htest for verse drama and was also
feeding to Jimmie for a set-up, and - given a first prize in the contest spon-
stocky Fishman came back with a E I n Forum given ay the one s sn
(Continued on Page 4) E. N t1 N.I til sored by the Bureau of New Plays last
____________n__ge year. This society was founded by
Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history Theresa Helburn of the Theatre Guild
-I department will lead the third and to encourage young playwrights.
Po ica Fat departmentAt present Mr. Rosten is studying
last of the winter Union Forums se- in the University under Prof. Ken-
'Will Attend Meet Ties at 4:15 p.m. today in the small neth T. Rowe of the English depart-
ballroom of the Union on the present ment and Prof. Valentine D. Windt, of
Spanish situation. Play Production. Professor Windt
HS anih siuatpion Fu will direct the play which will have
HaydenPollockrBenson s The topic of the current Forum a cast of more than 60.
Take Active Part . series is "Political Problems of the The play, written in blank verse, is
Take ctiv Par Day." Last Sunday, Prof. Charles: concerned with the labor situation
Remer of the economics department' which prevailed at the time of the
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, chairman, spoke on "American Policy in the Far Hay Market riots in 1886. The play
Prof. James K. Pollock and Prof. East," and the Sunday before, Prof. is based on historical facts of the
George C. S. Benson, all of the po- Lawrence Preuss of the political sci- labor riots which occurred in the
litical science department, will play ence department talked on "Germany period of Jacksonian democracy and
active parts in the 33rd annual meet-. and National Socialism." presents the friction occurring then
ing of the American Political Science James Hollinshead, '39, of the Oren Parker, Grad., will design the
Association when it meets Dec. 27 to Union Executive Council, who plan- sets for the play. They will be de-
29 in Philadelphia. : Pled the present series, said another signed along expressionistic lines and
Professor Hayden who teaches series of Forums will be held in the will give only the base background.
courses at the University on imperial spring. This is being done to give more free-
problems and was Vice-Governor of Idom for the action.
the Philippine Islands will act as "This Proud Pilgrimage" is given
chairman of a discussion session on IV enker C( nta tedi in accordance with Play Production's


EAST LANSING, Mich., Dec. 11.- Christmas approaches arid the ac-
?P)-Michigan State College expects ( tivities of Ann Arbor churches reflect'
to have a new dormitory formen the colorful pageantry of this holi-
students ready by the start of school
.next. September. Iday.
The building is to house 446 stu- The theme of the Rev. Dr. Wil-
dents and is the first unit of a pro- liam P. Lemon of the First Presby-
posed quadrangle to house 2,000 men. terian Church for the Christmas wor-
It will be built at the east end of the ship service at 10:45 a.m. today is
campus. A $500,000 bond issue will "The Childhood of God." The stu-
finance the project. . dent choir will offer special Christ-
To The 'Man Who Can Take It'
Goes The A.S.M.E. Spoofuncup'
".To the man who can take it"-
that's the inscription boldly engraved
across the front of the engineering z
,allege's famed "Spoofuncup" and
that's the kind of man who gets it1
each year after the three-hour "open'
Season on professors" is finished, ac-
cording to Myron Hawley. '38E, pub-
licity chairman.
An annual event for the past three
years, the "Spoofuncup's" presenta-
tion is made at a dinner given by the'
local student branch of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers. And
it's quite a banquet, Hawley said.
"Everything goes in the way of
heckling and harassing" he declared. -
"The year's funniest and most em-
barrasing stories dealing with our,
venerable professors are brought to


selections' .

Or gan

P re-'j

lude, "From Heaven on High" by
Bach; AntiphonalvAnthem, "While
By My Sheep"; solo, "Nazareth" by
Gounod ; and Prayer Response,
"Lead Me Lord," by Wesley. The
children's choir will render the An-
them, "The Three Kings" by Willan.
The Rev. Leonard A. Parr of the
First Congregational Church, ' will
preach on the subject, "Preparing for
the King" at the 10:45 a.m. service of
worship. Christmas music furnished
by the student choir under the direc-
tion of Mr. Henry Bruinsma will in-
clude: "Praise to the Lord the Al-
mighty" by Strakund-Bach; "Sanctus
et Benedictus" from Gounod's "St.
Cecilia Mass'; "Beautiful Saviour' by
Christiansen; and "Gloria" from Mo-
zart's "Twelfth Mass." Miss Lois
Gregg will sing the soprano solo, "0
Holy Night' by Adam, and Miss Mary
Porter, organist, will play "Christ-
mas" by Foote and "The Hallelujah
Chorus" by Handel.
Prof. Louis M. Eich of the speech
(Continued on Page 2)

Law Professor Gets
Government Post
Appointment of Prof. Hessel E.
Yntema of the Law School as admin-
istrative Secretary and director of the
federal codification board was an-
nounced yesterday. Congress author-
ized the board last June.
Attorney-General Homer S. Cum-
mings released news of the appoint-
ment in Washington, explaining that
the board will codify federal adminis-
trative rulings.
Professor Yntema will probably de-
vote part time to his government
position and also continue teaching
here, it was said. He is now in Wash-
ington but is expected back tomorrow.


ington but is expected back tomorrow.

To The Goodfellow Editor

r -

- - - -" " ."-" I

the Far East.
Professor Pollock, a member of the
Council of the political science as-
sociation, announced that he will
make an address on "British Party
Conferences." Professor Benson will

policy of testing plays written by
For Coaching Post student authors.-
DES MOINES, Ia., Dec. 11.-(A)- Phi Kappa Phi Honors
The Des Moines Register in a copy- U4*.._. WT1 re . i rm m r


I wish to lend a helping hand to students,
children and families for whom there would be no
Christmas otherwise: Enclosed find my contribu-
tion of $


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