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December 11, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-11

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The Weather
Cloudiness, possibly snow
flurries today; tomorrow fair,
not so cold in south portion.


Ael -


Vs. Athletics? .:.



Heads Become
Campus Honor Societies
Will Distribute Special
Daily Edition Monday
$1,800 Goal Is Set
For 10-Hour Sale
EDITOR'S NOTE: The names of mem-
bers of the Goodfellow Army and the
times and places for their participation
in the street sale of the special edition
of the Daily Monday appear on page six
of this issue.
The third annual Goodfellow drive
was in full official swing yesterday
as President Ruthven, Dean Alice C
Lloyd and Dean Joseph Bursley be-
came Goodfellows Number One, Two
and Three respectively.
Setting as their goal this year the
collection of $1,800, the Goodfellows
drew up their schedule of times and
places for the 10-hour distribution of
the special edition Monday. More
than 125 members of campus hon-
or societies will be in the ranks of
the volunteer Goodfellow Army.
Fraternity and sorority presidents
who wish to pledge their houses to
specified contributions were asked by
the Goodfellow Editor last night to
leave their coupons filled cut at the
Daily offices in the Student Publi-
cations Building on Maynard Street.
Goodfellow Editor Robert Weeks,
'38, also asked that persons who can-
I heartily commend the enter-
prise of the Michigan Daily in in-
itiating its Goodfellow Fund. One
may participate in an activity of
this sort with personal satisfaction
and the assurance that its objec-
tive is genuinely helpful to the
community in which we are living.
-Alexander G. Ruthven.
'tThe Goodfellow Drive has my
wholehearted support. The proj-
ect has worked wonderfully well
in past years. I am highly in favor
of it,"
-Alice C. Lloyd.
I am in hearty accord with the
Goodfellow plan for raising funds
to be used for the benefit of needy
students and of the underpriv-
ileged children of Ann Arbor.
Anything which the student body
through its fraternities, sororities
and unorganized members can do,
will be greatly appreciated by the
A definite plan, such as the
Goodfellow drive, seems to meet
the situation in a most satisfactory
manner and to avoid the disad-
vantages of individual efforts in
this field. I sincerely hope that
the project will meet with the sup-
port and success which it war.
-Joseph A. Bursley.
not take up their assignments report
to him immediately by calling 2-3241.
The Goodfellow Daily made its first
appearance on Monday, Dec. 16, 1935.
More than $1,300 was collected for
the benefit of underprivileged fam-
ilies, students and hospital patients.
Last year the total swelled to more
than $1,600. Contributions were
made for more than a week before
the actual sale of the special edition.
A special feature was an entire page
of reports on sermons given in Ann
ArLor churches the day before.

Good fellows One, Two And Three Help Plan Drive To Raise $1,800

Panorama Editors Seek
Alibi For Fourth Delay
The editors of Panorama are al-
most ready to give up-they can't
find another excuse for its being late.
Three times out of four, they've !
offered fairly legitimate alibis. Brok-
en presses took the blame once, riot
features another, the third time, "it
was just late." They were seen in
joint session late last night trying to
find out why the magazine was late
for the fourth time.
But last night, they collectively
promised this issue of Panorama
featuring an inside cover on Kipke-
is really coming out today.
Varsity Opens
A 0 - r 1..r r

8 Considered
For Coaching
Job By Board
Yost Declares Friedman
And Clark Are Not On
Board In Control Lis
Non-Michigan Men
Included In Eight


Againsty Nate By IRVIN LISAGOR
(Daily Sports Editor)
Five Tonight aWhile campus gossips freely "hired"
a new Michigan football coach to suc-
ceed Harry Kipke, Athletic Director
Wolverines Are Heralded Fielding H. Yost disclosed yesterday
that the "preferred" list .had been
As Most Promising Squad boiled down to eight names, the iden-
Since Davs Of 1929 tities of which he refused to reveal.
.c1 .Yost added that no restrictions had
been placed upon these possibilities.
By BUD BENJAMIN The prevalent opinion that he was op-
Heralded as the most promising posed to any but a Michigan man was
Wolverine team since the champion- blasted when he remarked, "The field
ship days of 1929, Michigan opens is wide open. The eight include sev-
the current basketball season tonight eral non-Michigan men."
tackling a dangerous Michigan State! The choice of a new coach rests twi-

Scated left to right: Dean Alice C. Lloyd, President Ruthveft and Dean Joseph A. Bursley. Standing left to right: Philip We
president of the sophomore class; Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the League; Rebert Weeks, '38, Goodfellow Editor; Betty Gatward,'
of Mortarboard; Harriet Pomeroy, '39, president of Wyvern; Hugh Rader, '38, president of the Men's Council; Harriet Shackleton,
of Panhellenic Association; Helen Jesperson, '38, president of Assembly; Frederick Geib, '38F&C, secretary of the Union and Joh
president of the Union.

stbrook, '40,

Good fellow Fund Aids Students
Who Are Financially Dependent'

Ford Workers

Insurgents (

Percentage Of Fund Goes
To Students Throught
Deans Of University t
Students who are forced temporar-
ly to give up board jobs because of
,Il-health or who haven't the moneyY
to take care of all their needs, willt
'e helped out by the Goodfellow{
money which goes to the Student
Goodwill fund of the Dea, of Stu-
About one-fourth of the money
raised by the Goodfellow campaign
next Monday will go to this Goodwill
fund and will be divided between the1
office of the dean of students andk
the office of the dean of women in
proportion to the number of men andc
women students on the campus.r
Grants from this fund are made tot
tneet emergencies that may force stu-
dents to go home or to meet otherf
"No tuition is paid out of the fund,"t
Dean Joseph A. Bursley stated yes-
terday, "but it is used to tide students
over hard times. It may be used to
help students in any college if they
are having tough going or if they are
confronted with some emergency here
on the campus which may force them
to leave school."
These grants are in the form ofE
outright donations which may be re-
paid by the student when and if he
desires, Dean Bursley explained, and
are usually given for board and room
S-oral examples of how the money
may be actually used were given by
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, who pointed'
out that the fund provides for cases
not cared for by other funds.-
Much of the money goes to stu-1
dents who break down because of.
overwork or who are in ill-health be-
cause they do not have the means of1
-getting good medical attention, Dean,
Lloyd said. Often women students
who are doing board work have be- t
come ill, and upon recovery have,

and become adjusted. These women,
she said, have been helped out by'
the fund.
One girl last year was given $50 so!
that she would not have to wait on
table until her leg had healed and she
was able to take on the extra strain.
One man student who had an in-
jured leg was forced to stand severalt
hours washing dishes each day. Near
the end of the year he became worn
out and he was given a grant to
ease his load.
An ter woman was give2. , $ wh n f
it was found that she had no gloves,
scarf, or galoshes during the winter.
Others got money for short temporary
loans, and some received help for
buying books.
Part of the original fund was raised
during the depression by students
campaigning on the campus and
downtown. Since that time the fund
has been kept up mainly by donations
from class dances, from the Goodfel-
lows and other voluntary sources. It
is not provided with an outside en-
dowment, Dean Bursley said.
Dish Washin
ToBe Checked
Bacteriological M e t ocl s
Will Be Utilized By City
In Examining Dishes
Pushing its drive to clean up Ann
Arbor's restaurants, the city health
department announced today that a
bacteriological examination of uten-
sils and glasses will be made in all.
eating places in a move to safeguard
patrons against unsanitary dish-
Charges previously leveled at cityi
restaurants emphasized inadequate4
and improper dishwashing. The new
regulation is an attempt to eliminate
those conditions, Dr. Franklin Fiske.
city sanitarian, said last night.
Final ratings in the classification
of Ann Arbor restaurants will be re-
leased as soon as bacteriological find-
ings reflect the fact that proper dish-
washing methods are being employed.
"Restaurant ratings," Dr. Fiske'
said, "will be subject to constant and'
recurring revision by these monthly
All restaurants will be required to
post these scores in a prominent po-
sition. "In the meantime," Dr. Fiske
stated, the health department will
be glad to answer any questions as!

In Kansas City
HENDAYE, Franco-
Go On Si1trike teDc 0-P-p
GOauthrkeoriiat Iru ton
the closing of the Sp
Plant Manager Says Strike causing French officia
.I major offensive was it
Talk Is 'Hoocy,' Declares j No reason was given
'ciRbut French officials re
FacryW _ +pfrontier was closed in
ner at the beginning
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 10.--UP)-The Insurgent drives to1
United Automobile Workers of Amer- from leaking out.
ica called a strike today at Kansas
City's Ford assembly plant, where Flood waters of t:
c'omnpany officials protested recently I swelling into the low
there was inadeqiate police protec- Zaragoza and Fuentes,
tion. and 150 police promptly arrested ported menacing the
all 49 men who attempted picketing. Ifenses at Fuentes i
The UAW local, an affiliate of the Spain.
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, said the strike call was too late i
to affect today the 300 men it claims e ents A
among the 1,100 now at work but that9
they would not report back Monday. Gifts -"T
H. C. Doss, plant manager, saidO
the plant would reopen Monday after
the usual week-end shutdown "and all Over
this talk about a strike is hooey," er
The union charged discrimination T
in calling men back to work after a National Resear
Seasonal layoff. Gives $21,001
Detroit Addiction Inv
DETROIT. Dec. 10 .-)P-Plans for
another attempt to distribute litera- Gifts totaling mor
ture at the gates of the Ford Motor were accepted by the
Co. plant here were announced today gents at their monthl
by Richard T."Frankensteen, assistant terda
president of the United Automobile The largest gift cam
Workers of America. tional Research Coun
Last Wednesday 60 UAWA mem- $21,000 to continue re
bers were arrested for violation of a , addiction. E. t. r
Dearborn traffic ordinance when they donated $700 for the
tried to hand out copies of the T
United Auto Worker, the union's The sum of $5,000 w
newspaper, at gates 4 and 5 of the University Press by
pape adonor in order to pi
plant, the works of the facult
At Lansing today Gov. Frank Mur-- students.
phy referred to the Attorney General's Robert McMath of]
office a request from the UAWA that ed $1,000 that had b
Mayor John L. Carey, of Dearborn, be by Julius Stone of Co
removed from office because of the the Lake Angelus Obs
arrests of the 60 men The union he Lak

38, president contingent in the Field House. Game
38, president time is 7:30.
n Thom, '38, Led by their incomparable captain,
John Townsend, the Wolverines will
meet a formidable opponent in Coach
Ben Van Alystyne's crew. Fresh from
lose their 51 to 27 romp over HopeCol-
lege. the Spartans, sparked by a
Frontier classy pair of sophomore forwards,
are set to blast Michigan optimism
at the outset of the season.
Spanish Fron- Four Veteran Sophomores Start
nish Insurgent Four veterans and a sophomore
Light announced will carry the Varsity's burden to-
panish frontier, night. Lanky Jimmie Rae is the new
ls to believe a man in the ranks, and he will pair up
mnminent. with Townsend in the Wolverine'sl
lfor the action, front line. The experienced back!
called that the line will be made up of senior Herm
the same man- Fishman, the stocky dribbling ex-
of other big pert, and two juniors, Leo Bebe and
prevent details Ed Thomas.
Admission to the Michigan, Michi-
he River Ebro, gan State basketball game tonight is
fields between free to all students bearing identifi-I
today were re- cation cards. Rates for non -students'
Insurgent de- are one dollar for reserved seats andl
n northeastern 75 cents for general admission.
Both teams have ample height
with the Wolverines holding a slight
I edge due mainly to the presence of
ccent I Townsend and Rae, both of whom
stand six feet four inches. With this
duo standing around the baskets to-
taling night, the Spartans are apt to find
their rebound game, a potent fac-
32 000 tor in the Hope victory, stymied.
The visitor's believe their work to
be cut out for them. It's "stop Town-
ch Council send," and they have been rehears-
ing doing just that all week. The
O For Drug man to whom the main burden of
estigation watching big Jake falls, is Ben Dar-
gush, veteran center, but it is more
e than $32,000 likely that Van Alstyne will concoct
Board of Re- some means of putting more than
yBoardog Res- one man on the Michigan ace.
ly meeting yes- To Test Fast, Slow Breaks
me from the Na- Fast break and slow break will also
cil, which gave be tested tonight. Michigan employs
search in drug the delayed system, setting up their
quibb and Cg plays meticulously with Townsend
same purpose' and Rae in the front line and Thom-
Sas, Beebe and Fishman working the
vas given to the !- __ -- .-I

marily with Yost and Prof. Ralph W.
Aigler, chairman of the Board in Con-
trol of Physical Education, whose
joint recommendation will weigh
heavily with the Board itself.
Some Men 'Semi-Contacted'
Asked whether anyone has already
been contacted, the athletic director
replied, "Semi-contacted." He set to
rest the rumor which a Chicago news-
paper featured yesterday that Ivan
NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-(P)--A
drive for the selection of Benny
Friedman, as head coach at his
alma mater, the University of
Michigan, got underway tonight
at a meeting of the Metropolitan
Alumni of Michigan.
Friedman, at present coach of
the College of the City of New
York, was toastmaster at the
dinner and received a three-min-
ute ovation from the members of
the club, largest Wolverine al-
umni- group iri the country:
Friedman said he had received no .
word from Ann Arbor except
that no successor to Harry Kipke
has as yet been decided on.
"Naturally I would like to go
back and coach the Michigan
team," said Benny. "That is the
big ambition of - every college
football player-return to his al-
ma mater as head coach. But I
want it understood that I am
satisfied with my position at City
Williamson was "virtually assured" of
the job. "Williamson is not under con-
sideration," he said.
Yost said he didn't care to discuss
Benny Friedman as a possibility, al-
though he did state that the former
Michigan All-Americar} was not
among the original eight.
Other applicants will necessarily be
considered, in view of the fact that
none of the eight men may be avail-
able for the Michigan post, Coaches
of professional teams will not be con-
tacted, according to Yost. This elim-
inates Earl (Dutch) Clark, Detroit
Lions' mentor, who has been promi-
nently mentioned.
Informative sources revealed that
local authorities would willingly prof-
fer the new man a two-year contract.
(Continued on Page 3)

an anonymous
ublish more of t
ty and graduate
Detroit present-
)een given him
lumbus, O., for
servatory Fund.

ball down court. Positions under
(Continued on Page 8)
Japan Reports

Honor societies participating in the been unable to resume the work until
city wide street corner sale are Mich- they could get back their strength
igamua, Senior Society, Druids, Vul- - '
cans, Sphinx, 'Wyvern, Tau Beta Pi,
Theta Sigma Phi, Triangles, Mortar- . oise Passes
board and Sigma Delta Chi.

Rate Increase

Crop Control,
Marketing Bill

By Railroads
B oAmendment To Return
Denied B ICC Measure To Agriculture:s
Committee Rejected s
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-v '-
Hardly had President Roosevelt ex- WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-(A3)- t
pressed hope today that the Inter- The House made good today its lead-t
state Commerce Commission would ership's pledge to President Roose-
quickly pull the railroads out of their velt and passed, 267 to 130, a bill toi
plight than the independent agency control the production of crops andt
flatly turned down the carriers' re- the marketing of surpluses.{
quest for an immediate increase in The bill got through by a narrowerE
rates, soueak than the final vote indicated,
However, persons close to the com- however. Only a few minutes earlier,N
mission hastily spread the word that the House rejected, by the close tallyr
+ha rnf,, , - nn+ n. a huff to the of , MA tor 1g7 a a m nr nt h n r


AA---------" One thousandldollars was receivedsAiton Ends Foruns
charged that he instigated passage from the Acheson Colloid Co. of Port Gain Foothold In Capital I
of the measure prohibiting distribu- Huron for research in colloid chem- A With Talk On Spain
tion of literature at the Ford plant I istry And Batter Key Gates
end that this was a violation of the The budget of the Board in Control Sr
state constitution. o hsclEuainwsapoe SHANGHAI, Dec. 11.-(Saturday) Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history
of Physical Education was approved. y--P)_ Japanese announced their department will discuss the Spanish
St. IA)Uis Eight hundred dollars was given by "grand offensive" against Nanking situation at the third and last winter
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 10.--(A)-The Ford Kappa for the promotion of studies of was launched at 10 a.m. today (9 p.m. Union Forum at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow.
Motor ,Company announced tonightKaduate prode t s o f Friday E.S.T.) after their troops had Professor Aiton will speak for half
Moto .Cmpay anoucedtonghtgraduate students in education, and gained a, foothold within the aban- an hour and will then lead a half-
construction will begin at once on a $650 was received from Dr. S. Ru- doned Chineseocapit hour n on the topi o he
new St. Louis assembly plant that dolph Light, '04, of Detroit for a fel- doned Chinese capital. hour discussion on the topic of the
will employ more than 4,000 men. lowsiip in botany.y. During the discussion period
M. N. Johnson. manager of the St. A gift of $500 from the 1907 class tering at key gates in the formidable coffee will be served.
Louis plant, said the new plant "will of themedi$alschoolfortheF.Gs walls of Nanking after a detachment Last week, Prof. Charles Remer
equal in size the largest Ford branch o medical sch fi bther F of infantrymen fought through Ku- of the economics department spoke
eamly nt i the rntgye"st Fordh Novy Fund for research in bacteriol- anghuamen, the southeastern gate, on American policy in the Far East,
assembly plant in the country." It will ogy was received, and $350 was given late yesterday into the city's street and the week before that Prof. Law-
replace the present one here and by an anonymous donor for a bronze (In Tokyo, the foreign office noti- I rence Preuss of the political science
.Tulihpan stated the company is hope- casting of a bust of former Gov. Chase fied Japanese embassies and consu- department discussed Germany and
l the new buildings will be com-Csboi'ne. s lates that "the Imperial army has National Socialism.
leted within a year. Two hundred dollars was given by made a victorious entry into Nan- The new series will be started in
4.000 to 4.500 men" _________________-

tthprvsoaraT.vv ,v"v ,ll son116Z ca e
to the provisional ratings of the in- Band will have a capacity Qf 800 cars
dividual restaurants." a day." The capacity of the present
"The use of bacteriological exam-anday. The capaily h
inations is a new weapon in fighting plant is 185 cars daily.
unsanitary restaurant conditions.
Only a few cities in the country are I Landon Withdraws From
employing this method as a routine
practice. As a result. there are nto 1940 Presidential Race.
well defined standards, and the ex-.
aminations at first will have to be ex- WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-Pj-Alf
1 ,ri-+~a aiM. Landon emphatienllv remvn-vd.

Liberals Decide To I -
To The Good f
Push Jap BoycottrI.


- - - ---------------
~llow Editor:

1 J i

Handbills urging a boycott to stop
Japanese aggression and offering sub-
stitutes for Japanese-made goods,
were distributed today by membersj

I wish to lend a helping hand to students,
children and fAmilies for whom there would be no
Christmas otherwise: Enclosed find my contribu-

Iticnn oft


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