s THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DEC .ia, 1937 HE MICHIGAN DAILY T1I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rits of republication of all other matter herein also resrved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4,50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 rwe wem Olt NA'.:.At.A.. National AdvertisingService, Inc. College PblisAc R'lreentatize 420 MADISON AVE NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS NGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR............. JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..........TUURE TENANDER CIYEDITOR................. WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR.................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ..................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ........... .........IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER..............ERNEST A. JONES E ,IT MANAGER.................DON WILSH AiDVERTISING MANAGER ...:.NORMA~ B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........BETTY DAVY WOtMEN'SSERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRES NIGHT EDITOR: EARL R. GILMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Be Goodfellows While You May... HARITY IS NECESSARY so long as somepeople haven't sufficient food, clothing and shelter to lead reasonably healthy, happy and comfortable lives. With this premise in ,mind, we conceived the notion of the Good- fellow Daily. That was in 1915. When the de- pression hit Ann Arbor, some charitably inclined students saw the need for some sympathetic charity than that provided by the Christmas arties given by fraternities and sororities. The only efforts besides these were the drives made by various organizations like the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Because of the overlapping of these drives the students and particularly those organized in fraternities and sororities were subjected to a sort of double taxation in the name of charity. To unify the charitable efforts of the student body came the Goodfellow Fund with its objective not only a merry Christmas but a whole year made bearable for the needy in Ann Arbor. To do this, the Daily agreed to allocate the money it received from the Goodfellow sale of the Daily to the Dean's Discretionary Fund, to aid needy students; to the Family Welfare Bureau to re- habilitate maladjusted families; and to the Uni- versity Hospital, to provide reading material and similar comforts to needy patients. Each of these charitable efforts was characterized by two things, first of all, aid was not given to make Christmas Day brighter, but the whole year. and second, the aid was administered by sociologists or other professionals whose job it was to administ'er aid to the needy in an efficient but at the same time a sympathetic manner. This same spirit will characterize the allocation of the Goodfellow Fund this year. When charity antagonizes the recipient and is indulged in merely to provide the giver with a sense of superiority and rosy benevolence it is not a virtue but a vice. The Goodfellow Fund does not pander to this type of philanthropy. The donor is not confronted by the needy student who cannot afford to have glasses, the child who must stay home from school for a lack of suitable footwear, or the invalid whose life would be brightened by a radio set. But we have tried to make up for the impersonality of this drive by showing to our readers the completely human objectives that we are trying to attain in this manner. Thus with a slight stretch of the imagination you may forsee your contribution creating happiness as real as that which can be created by charity administered intelligently and sympathetically. Robert Weeks. In Re Swans A few years ago the trumpeter swan, one of the great birds of the American sky, was on its way to extinction. Its eight-foot spread of broad white wings, gracefully stroking the air, was be- coming rarer and rarer with each migration. The musically resonant call, with its suggestion of the French horn, seemed destined to pass from the heavens, so difficult had destructive man made it for the giant white bird to nest and breed in the upper reaches of the Mississippi valley. I, is good news, therefore, which the federal bureau of biological survey releases when it re- ports that an increase of thirteen in the trum- peter swan population was noted in a recent census. The figures show that there are now at least 158 birds of this fine species in the United Propaganda (From the New York Herald-Tribune) The Institute for Propaganda Analysis, Inc., a hopeful and public-spirited venture with head- quarters on Morningside Heights, has devoted its second bulletin to an article on "How to De- tect Propaganda." As the seven chief stigmata of this hideous substance it lists: the name-call- ing device; the use of "good" words and names; the device of "transferring" or appropriating the apparent authority of some respected institu- tion or symbol to the support of the propagand- ist's ends; the "testimonial" stratagem; the "plain folks' device whereby propagandists "win our confidence by appearing to be people like our- selves"; stacking the cards against the truth, and the "bandwagon" device, appealing to the common desire to follow the crowd. Armed with this little list, the citizen, adjusting his ears to his radio program or his eyes to his daily newspaper, may spot the damning signs as they turn up and know himself to be the victim of a propa- gandist when he thought he was just broadening his mind. How To Detect It It .is beautifully simple. Is it, possibly, a bit too simple? For example, suppose the citizen finds that what he has in his hands is the second bul- letin of the Institute for Propaganda Analysis, . Inc., consists of ,an article on "How to Detect Propaganda." Applying the first test, he will note that "propaganda" is itself a word only less in- vidious, if possible, than "communist"; and he will check off "name calling." The bulletin as- sumes, he will further note, that the antithesis of being "fooled by propaganda" is to think "calm- ly, dispassionately." These last are patently "good" words, inserted for their subtle emotional effect. Things already look pretty black, and with eyes alert the reader passes on to the third test. He will find something very sus- picious about that Morningside Drive address; is not this a sinuous "transference" of some of the prestige of Columbia University to the pur- poses of the institute? He may have doubts on this test, until he turns the page and finds the bulletin listing an "advisory board" of many emi- nent and respected names-so clear a case of the "testimonial" device as to damn on both counts. In the very sentence explaining the "plain folks" stratagem as a device to "win our confi- dence by appearing to be people like ourselves" the reader, now thoroughly on guard, will at once spot the words "our" and "people like ourselves" as a flagrant example of the actual trick being explained; as well as sufficient to condemn on the last or "bandwagon" count. Only one of the seven tests-that for deliberate stacking of the cards against the truth - fails to yield a posi- tive reaction. But everybody knows that the best propaganda is that which never departs from truth. Does not this alone prove the bulletin to be itself a piece of the most pernicious pos- sible propaganda? Must Analyze Every Concept No. But it does suggest that before starting to analyze propaganda more thought might well go to analyzing the very concept of "propaganda" itself. We suspect the fact would emerge that "propaganda" is nothing whatever but a rather emotional word for the way men have always argued, disputed and played on words concern- ing any subject which rouses strong emotions and at the same time offers too little observational data to permit of control by the techniques of scientific logic. Unhappily, that includes most subjects about which men really like to argue today, which is the reason why there is so much propaganda about. 6. iifeenr 6 e Heywood Broun STAMFORD, Conn., Dec. 8.-"How did you pass your birthday?" asked a representative of the local press. "Noisily," I answered firmly. "Like what?" persisted the young man, who was after facts rather than opinions. "Well," I told him, "it began at breakfast with a Hunting Ridge milk punch. "Naturally you will want the recipe. Take three parts brandy, two parts Scotch, one part Italian red' wine, add gin for taste and then half an egg and a heaping teaspoon of milk. Shake and repeat. If you want to you can put a little nutmeg on top. "Of course, in the old days the whole thing was topped off with a tumbler of ab- sinthe, but I began leaving that out on my forty-fifth birthday when I adopted the slogan "Modera- tion in all things'" The inquiring reporter took out a pencil and some paper and carefully copied the formula. "And you have held to this reform for twenty years?" he wanted to know. "How old do you think I am?" He smiled in an ingratiating way and replied, "Really, you don't look a day over 59. But, of course, I have read your instructive column ever since I was a tiny tot in grammar school." A Child Of The Great Blizzard Eyeing him with a certain severity, I answered, "In those days I was just a kiddie myself. I was born in the year of the great blizzard-1888." "How are all your faculties?" He held up a few fingers, and I made an estimate. "That was very good," he assured me. "You were shy only one finger." To ease the tension I gave the young man a pony of Hunting Ridge milk punch, and after I had served him I held out one hand to indicate that in spite of my advanced years I still had nerves of steel. "Seven!" he shouted in triumph, and then he asked with the utmost belligerence, "To what do you attribute it?' I answered, "To will power and to my wife in equal portions." "How about adding a little nutmeg?" suggested the reporter, who was now getting into the spirit of the festivities, and so I took away his pad and pencil and wrote the rest of the interview myself. "I'm glad you asked me that. How do I influ- ence friends and win people? It must be a gift, because I have never given it a thought. You tell me that your city editor thinks that any auto- biographical material would be of intense inter- est to your readers. You are indeed fortunate in having so intelligent a city editor here in Stamford. He will go far. * * * * Speaking Of Will Power "We were speaking of will power. I don't always have it. As a boy I was far from robust. In school and college I was frail. This went on for years. Although an accomplished linguist, I could not say 'No' in any language. "Finally Connie asked me one day, 'Do you in- tend to be a loafer all your life?' At first I thought it was some kind of trick question. While I was mulling it over and trying to think up the answer she broke in and said, 'If you answer "Yes" I'm going to thump the breath out of you.' "And suddenly I discovered that I'd found will power. In a calm, steady voice I replied 'No,' and since that time I've toiled and trudged like a Tro- jan. "But there are compensations. Today, I'm not afraid to speak my mind to anybody. That is, no man terrifies me. Just to illustrate wvhat I mean, may I ask you calmly and politely to get the hell out of here? Birthday or no birthday, I've got to write this column." Yes, Connie, I'll be there in a second. On The Level By WRAG Dictator Vargas of Brazil has said that democ- racy is too difficult for the people to understand, thus beating Hitler and Mussolini to the draw. President Roosevelt might well have said the same thing about the Constitution after the Supreme Court rerhembered a couple of clauses and put a crimp in F.D.R.'s plans. Speaking of the Supreme Court, one of the campus wags scored a direct hit when'the Druids, dressed for initiation in their customary white cloaks, made their rounds the othbr night. As the lit boys left the Union one of the hangers-on shouted, "Where's Justice Black?" Now that Congress is in session again, the Ec and Poly Sci profs can look forward to new editions of their textbooks in the near future. * * * * The Crop control bill alone turned out to be 97 pages of difficult reading. This ought to be the excuse the Ec profs have been waiting for before they go ahead on revised editions and start thinking up new exam questions. But one consolation is that the Congressmen, for all their big words, can't do anything in this session that can't be guessed correctly in a true THEA TRE By NORMAN T. KIELL Further New York Notes DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bietin !s con ructive notice to 9 1 memb srsc of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3;30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday i' Several plays still remain that FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1937 should be considered by the pros- VOL. XLVII. No 64 pective playgoer in his selection for his Christmas theatrical grab-bag, Student Loans: The Committee on. The New York drama season is grad- Student Loans will mee in Room 2.1 ually coming into its own for the tUdentyLalloMonRyamtr, winter season and a respectable num- University Hall on Monday after- ber of hits can now be viewed on noon, Dec. 13, to consider new loans Broadway. for the second semester, as well as for: In "The Star Wagon," Maxwell the balance of the present semester.; Anderson attempts to do again an !Appointments should be made at old thing that was worth doing; t once for interviews at that time. say once more, dramatically, how few of us there are who would First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- change the current of .our lives. Bur- gess Meredith, Lillian Gish and Rus- sity has a limited amount of funds sel Collins are in the cast. "The Star to loan on modern well-located Ann: Wagon" is at the Empire Theatre, Arbor residential property. Interst Broadway and 40th. Matinees are at current rates. Apply Investment I Wednesday and Saturday, and tickets,! are $1.10 to $3.30. Office, Room 100,1 South Wing, Uni- Rachel Crothers' "Susan and God" I versity Hall. is the story of a woman who falls under the spell of a new religion, and To the Members of the University begins to interfere in'the lives of her Council: There will be a meeting of friends and relations in an attempt IIthe Council on Monday, Dec. 13, at to reform them. Mrs. Issacs in the f4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 Angell Hall. Theatre Arts Monthly writes that 4"beneath the surface, Susan and God Closing hour for girls attending thel is a play about humility, integrity, Sophomore Prom is 2:30 a.m. service whose fundamental idea, he- k longs to every man, rich and poor, idle and worker alike." The part of Susan is played to the hilt by Ger- trude Lawrenco. She is assisted by Paul McGrath and Nancy Glosson. At the Plymouth Theatre, W. 45th St.; matinees Wednesday and Sat- urday; seats $1.10 to $3.30. . French Without Tears, by Terence Ii The Holder of Sophomore Prom' Ticket No. 207 is urged to communi- cate promptly with the undersigned at Room 2 University Hall as this ticket will not be honored on the evening of the dance. W. B. Rea, Auditor of Student Organizations. 1 i +jF t I I i Rattigan, is now playing simultan- eously in London, Paris, and New I City of Detroit Civil Service Exami- York City. "French Wtihout Tears" nations: Examinations for playleader, has for its locals a cramming estab- swimming instructor, and lifeguard lishment in southern France, where for both men and women in Detroit French is taught in six easy lessons- proper will be held Dec. 21 and 22. and without need for tears. The play Applicants must be at least 20 years can be seen at the Henry Miller and six months of age and be resi- Theatre, E. 43rd St.,hwith Frank Law- dents of the City of Detroit for at ton and Penelope Dudley Ward in the least one year. "This is, positively, cast. Matinees are Thursday and the only opportunity for college stu- Saturday. dents to obtain summer employment Miss Ina Claire, "looking very as Playleaders in Detroit for 1938." handsome and behaving very roguish- Further information may be ob- ly, returns to Broadway as the most tained at the University Bureau of Ap-? dashing lady in all the Victorian ca- pointments and Occupational Infor- thedral towns," in an adaptation of mation, 201 Mason Hall. Anthony Trollope's novel, Barches-I ter Towers. Miss Claire can be seen To Students Having Library Books: at the Martin Beck Theatre, W. 45th 1. Students having in their posses- St. sion books drawn from the University Many Mansions at the 44th St. Library are notified that books are due Theatre features Alexander Kirk- Monday, Dec. 13, before the impend- 'land in its cast. Mr. Kirkland is to be' ing Christmas'vacation, in pursuance remembered for his performances in of the University regulation: Wings Over Europe and Men In 'Students who leave Ann Arbor for White. In Many Mansions he plays more than a week must first return all a young clergyman battling for an borrowed books." ideal against a skeptical world and Books needed between Dec. 13 and a church bound down by tradition, the beginning of vacation may be and the influence of its members who retained upon application at the hold the money bags. Tickets are 55c ( charging desk. to $3.30, with Wednesday and Sat- 2. Failure to return books before the urday matinees, vacation will render the student liable There remain a half dozen hits left to an extra fine. over from last season that are still 3. Students remaining in town may playing to capacity houses. Theycharge and renew books for seven-day are George Abbot's fast-moving pro- I periods beginning Dec. 13.S duction of "Brother Rat," playing at 4. Students. leaving town who have the National Theatre on W. 41st St., urgent need for books during the with prices ranging from 50 cents to vacation period will be given permis- $2.20; Arthur Kober's hit comedy I sion to take such boors with them, Having a Wonderful Time at the Ly- provided they are not in general de- ceum, E. 45th St.; a second Abbot mand, on application at the office of production, Room Service, at the.Cort the Superintendent of Circulation. Theatre, W. 48th St.: Max Gordon's Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. Myers, Betty A. Nevin, Frances B. Nutting. Helen M. Outhwaite, Joan Pad, Myrtle M. Parker, Lonna E. Perry, Louann Petersen, Jenny Powers, Elizabeth Pyle, Frances L. Rhea, Ellen F. Richardson, Mary Rosenburg, Myra Schmitt, Edith Schneirla, Mary R. Schultz, Katherine B. Sdunek, Mary T. Sharff, Charlotte Sharfman, Marcia L. Smith, Dorothy E. Spencer, Louise Staebler, Dorothea Stegenga, Ruth Swift, Betty Jane Thompson, Wanda Turner, Barbara D. Tweed, Marjorie Valkman, Grace Q. Van Ess, Margaret Vielmetti, Marie Visscher, Jane Anne Ward, Alice R. Weiss, Marion Wellington, Miriam Winningham, Jane L. Yoxall, Mildred Dr. Margaret Bell Social Committee members should sign in and receive their official tags in the Undergraduate Office of the League at 4:00 p.m. today. Senior Aeronautical Engineers: Blanks for preparing personnel rec- ords of all senior students in the De- partment of Aeronautical Engineer- ing are now available in the Depart- ment Office, Room B-47 East Engin- eering Bldg. These forms should be secured and filled out by all seniors who expect to graduate in February, June, or August, 1938. In the case of students who expect to graduate in February, it is urgently requested that their records be handed in be- fore the beginning of Christmas va- cation on Dec. 17. A sample form in- dicating the kind of information de- sired is posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. Exhibitions Ann Arbor Art Association presents a double exhibition: Prints - from Durer to Derain; and a Survey of the Michigan Federal. Arts Project- Drawings, Photographs and Sculp- ture; in the small galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, Dec. 3 through 15; daily, including Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m. Lectures Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Lars Thom- assen, of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering of this University, will speak on the topic "X-ray Investigations of Phase Equil- ibria in the Solid State" on Friday, Dec. 10, in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. The lecture is sponsored by the Amer- ican Chemical Society and is open to the public. At the conclusion of the lecture the local section of the Society } will hold its annual business meeting. Events Today University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m. "Social Security in Michigan," Wil- liam Haber, Prof. of Economics. Union Coffee Hour: All men stu- THE FORUM y7i,. On Signed Editorials To the Editor: I wish to voice my most vociferous objections to the recently adopted method of having edi- torials signed by the contributor. It is more than enough to simply state that the editorial is rep- resented as the sole opinion of the writer, but at least his anonymity should be preserved. The whole force of an editorial is due to the fact that it represents the opinion of people closer to world events who are free to speak as they { choose and are protected and given a certain amount of prestige by their newspaper. As it is, the editorials in the Michigan Daily have no more force than a letter to the editor. I can see absolutely no reason why a writer should be required to sign his editorial unless someone has the desire to restrict his freedom of expression. We are taught to respect the freedom of the press, why not practice it? Curious. The Lindbergh Photo To the Editor: m This morning's Daily contained a candid camera photograph of Col. Lindbergh and Mrs. Lindbergh aboard the S.S. President Harding. Was this not a flagrant violation of the pact that it has been supposed that newspapers had made among themselves to leave Col. and Mrs. Lindbergh alone? -Citizen. The Aggression Nemesis The people of this country (Britain) have shown that they are ready to play their part in the collective defense of peace. But all their instincts and experience tell them that the basis of ordered life is constructive rather than puni- tive. Honest indignation in these matters will, by itself, only succeed in setting the wise to their proverbial task of repairing the mischief done by the good. To turn again to the doctrine of appeasement when you have the reast inclination to it or presentation of Claire Booth's The' Women - all 40 of them - at the Barrymore Theatre, W. 47th St.; Tobacco Road with James Barton at! the Forrest Theatre, in its fifth year and beginning to provide a little competition for Abie's Irish Rose; Yes, My Darling Daughter with a cast including Lucille Watson and Violet Heming still playing at the Vanderbilt Theatre on W. 48th St.; and, of course, George Kaufman and Moss Hart's Pulitzer Prize play, You Can't Take It With You, selling tick- ets 18 weeks in advance at the Booth Theatre, W. 45th St. t y~ RADIO '}', . - a9 B THOMAS McCANN One of those currently miserable things, which no one seems to be do- ing anything about, is this idea of the "guest star" racket.1 It's getting so now that almost every commercial program on the air today is considered a dismal fail- ure if it doesn't have one or more of these products of the Hollywood mills on its bill. Just how far this thing is going can be seen in the example-not too re- mote from the realm of human im- agination-in which you will sit down to enjoy a nice radio offering, and then the following things happen: (1) A certain Mr. X, a movie actor is the guest star. (2) You're bored with this nonsense so you turn off the radio with disgusted gestures, pick yourself up, and go to the. movies. You, not knowing that this X person -is also the star in the movie, get mad and bored with it. You leave. (3) You go next to a stage show, but this man X is a regular speed merchant; he has scurried from the radio station to the theatre, and has taken his place on the boards long before you even arrive. (4) You're getting pret- ty fed up with the whole thing when The Following are Exempt from Hy- giene Lectures: Allington, Elizabeth Atwell, Ardis Babinski, Lottie Baker, H. Elizabeth Birk, Wilhelmina Brown, Elizabeth C. Brown, Jeanne L. Caldwell, Beulah Calkins, Belle Carvalko, Anita B. Chapman, Martha L. Chaufty, Betty Ann Chibnik, Betty Ann Clark, Elizabeth Cobb, Margaret Connine, Mary G. Connery, Sally Cranmore, Doris Curtis, Allison Davis, Janet Dilley, Neva L. Dittman, Barbara Dynes, Martha E. Emswiler, Elizabeth Farnan, Dorothy Farrell, Margaret J. Fellman, Roslyn Fisher, Barbara Foote, Vera R. Forberg, Catherine French, Elizabeth G. Genschmer, Florence Goll, Jean Gradis, Jean Gruhzit, Maya Hegge, Elizabeth Heltene, Ruth Herrick, Jane Higbee, Jane Hughes, Mary Huntington, Frances Jessop, Jean Joan Jimerson, Helen Jones, Helen " Kahn, Carolyn K. Kahn, Lyra J. Kalb, Evelyn A. Kalder, Celia E. Kaphan, Norma Kaufman, Frieda Hift, Josephine HoTneloffi' 'Gertrud dents are invited to the regular Union Coffee Hour from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. daily. Mr. J. A. Nyswander's and 'Mr. T. E. Raiford's orientation groups No. 61 and 62 are to be spe- cial guests today. English Journal Club will meet to- day at 4:15in the League. Mr. Sam- uel Kliger will discuss "The Idea of Christian Tragedy," with the pur- pose of showing the relationship be- tween literature and the history of ideas. Baptist Guild country Christmas party at 8:00 p.m. tonight. Bring a five or ten cent gift for Santa's grab- bag and a "kitchen gift" for under the tree. Prices for the two best costumes and refreshments for all. All guild members and their friends are invited. Christmas Party of the Congrega- tional Student Fellowship will be held in the Church Parlors tonight at 9 o'clock. Everyone, as a part of the admission, is asked to bring a can of food to be putin the Christmas Bas- ket for a needy family. Everyone is cordially invited. Disciple Guild. A skating party at the Coliseum tonight from- 8 to 11 o'clock. At the close of the Coliseum at 10:00 p.m. Guild members and their friends will go to the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street, for games, music and refreshments. Hillel Foundation Friday evening services