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December 09, 1937 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-09

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Tilt With Brantford Promises Many Thrills

Two Year nsHave We.. .

Varsity Sextet Colleges Protest Early Raiding
Set For Third Of Ball Teams By Big Leagt
Game Of Year ByTOM PHARES~

Army Athletics
ies Near Colleges'
it kick Eligibility Rule

Baugh.-B alesDuos
To Lead Redskins
In Big Bear Hunt

MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 8.--(iP)--Ber-
nie Bierman, University of Minnesota
head football coach, said today he
"knew nothing" about a Jackson,
Miss., report he would be offered the
coaching post at the Mississippi State

teams, one with Capt. "Jake
Townsend plying his magic at the
pivot post, and one without him. Al
the risk of being obvious, it may be
observed that the former is distinctly
Before Jake put in his belated ap
pearance yesterday afternoon, the
Varsity appeared so-so against a
scrappy, undersized freshman squad
Dan Smick, who was operating in
Townsend's stead, can acquit him-
self creditably in any hardwood
league, and will probably start and
finish many Wolverine tilts this sea-
son. But without Jake, no matter
who's in action, Coach Cappon lacks
the easy assurance and snap that
characterizes it when the "Hoosier
skipper" is on the feeding line.
Townsend possesses indescribable
intuition in his passing, although it's
hard sometimes to believe he doesn't
have a hidden eye in the back of
his head.. A pair of strong wrists
enable him to flip the bs gfr mris-
possible angles.. Lest it be mistaken
that he's a flash-in the Barney Old-
field sense-permit this observation:
lie plays a sound game, without any
wild climactic flings which usually
end in a rout.
Experience has taught him to take
daring chances with his passes, but
they are rare. Usually, he's very
methodical, searching for a sure
opening before firing. He's one of
the few cagers who can stand still
and appear sensational at the same
Jake's Not Alone . . .
vealed that roly-poly Herm Fish-
man, steady, durable and colorful, will
provide an able running mate for
Hoosier Jake. Though not a speed
merchant, Herm reacts with lightning
quickness, which makes him plenty
valuable in Cappon's pat formations.
Some day he may fake himself out
of his shoes, but not until a frantic
guard is driven to distraction. The
little southpaw has a tricky one-hand
push shot which is hard to stop, and
he can pop them through the mesh
from the distance. His clever drib-
bling is effective in bringing the ball
down the floor. ,
Le Beebe, an aggressive guard for-
ever willing to learn and consequently
improving all the time, seems to be
Cappon's choice for one of the back
positions. Ed Thomas and Bill Bar-
clay are flip-up choices for the other
back spot.. Both boys are fast. Tho-
inas is a pretty fair long shot, and
Barclay is a quick starter, effective in
breaking fast for a "dog." Bill's estab-
lished quite a reputation for his com-
petitive spirit.. When the chips are
down, he's there-and prominently,
Jim Rae is the sophomore for whom
everyone has a knowing smile. A
paser of extraordinary ability, he
ihould relieve Jake of those two-
men-on-one arrangements. Moreover,
the lanky center handles himself with
grace under the baskets. Rae's bril-
liance is not likely to eclipse Smick's
chances, however, Big Dan is a good
passer and good shot and knows the
cage angles. He's been called a Sat-
urday athlete because he rarely scin-
tillates in practice.
And Cappie has others, like Man-
nie Slavin, Dick Long, Charlie Pink,
John Nicholson, Russ Dobson and Bob
Palmer. More in particular about
them in another column. Yet, the
tacit Wolverine mentor is a study in
restrained optimism. His chances
in the Big Ten are exceedingly bright,
with Northwestern and Minnesota
providing the dangerous opposition.


t TIn. ..i..,. v.} .-,7 . ., L. L.. . }. . . ..-, }1>. . TT r..s.

the prouiusiuial ballclubs. Tnei

Tie recent cias oetween te New has been that the league scouts do not I By AL BENTLEY _
INew Power Plays iDriled York Yankees and St. Lous Cardinalslwait until the college men have grad- Fi e - Year 'De - Emphasis With what may be justly described1
atteminor league meeting in ,Mil- unithcoegmnhaegd @
l As Lowrey Remedies waukee concerning the signing of uated but rather do their best to en- Program Is Culminated as the football championship ofCET
ekcollege players prematurely was only tice away from the institutions of America at stake, the Chicago Bears
Offens ea se one evidence of this long-standing learning the star players, whether By Revision Of Code champs of the western division of the
Michigan meets Brantford A.C. on controversy they be undergraduates or not. WEST POINTNYDec8-i- atigueand
MihgnCollege coaches have been protest- Coach Fisher objects WSTPONTeN YWaecsi) na gtPofesin wLeaguan
the Coliseum ice Saturday night for ing for quite a few years the riddling Coach Ray Fisher. Michigan's dia- Revision of the United States Military defndteirkestern tie FOR A FINE
its third hockey start of -the season of their teams by the ivory hunters of mond mentor and a former major Academy's athletic eligibility code, to cessfuly defended their eastern title ENT
but the meeting will be no pnk tea------ league pitcher, is but one of many be effective with the start of the New against the New York Giants last
Rather, it will be a battle, a fray, an Bcollege coaches who feels strongly on Year and embracing the so-called week-end, will tangle Sunday after-
embroglio, a fight, and a good game Frosh Boxersth subect "three-year varsity rule" for the first neo at Wrigley Field, home of the
1Ibesides. This practice reduces the caliber time ,climaxes a five-year "De-Em-
1 A~iI. of college baseball and lessens inter- phs"peFeaturing the potent combination-
Brantford holds too many wins S e e k A wards estinh, j F e I hasisprogamaimed especially at of Sammy Baugh, late of Texas
over Michigan in the long rivalry of haven't been bothered lately with Army football. Christian and now rated by many as
the Michian the ongerivary of FCavdn scouts dickering both ately bys Coupled with the adoption of the the greatest passer of all time, and
th teamth e outside, maybe because I haven't had freshman rule" ten years ago and a Cliff Battles, former West VirginiaW e e
to stop the Canadian guests before otiy mandib g pease , het had subsequent ban on athletic prosely- Wesleyan ace and leading ground feature the
r)many outstanding players, but I do tingeth'n ewepolicylfolowsgagcours
the list looks too appalling. This, ting, the new policy follows a course gainer of the league, the Redskins, in
plus the fact that the coming-togeth-SkrignlC And Bell Show know of one boy who was all set to calculated to put West Point's stand- view of their amazing comeback af Priestley NOR-EAST
plsth ac ha hecmngtgeh Icmehreutl ewa rabd yaarils on the same basis as those gen- ter bing almost hopeesyoto NnCuh
er of the two sextets always results in: Cass; Cut is Scheduled league scout.o f erally accepted by leading civilian teraeg wll pobly t tNon-Crush)
one of the hardest fought battles of For Large Squad "It's all right when a fellow doesn't colleges, as well as the Naval Acad- gae as. lih frites
the year ought to give any spectator, want to go to school or isn't able to, emy.
whether.he knows a poke check from With the first of three projected ibad we excellent stue is The new cod will be applied first faiforwtd walsboasfby 2a5 pow- From Coast-to-Coast the style
I ready to come he should be given tolthehasketball'squad, whch opens Turk Edwards. but their chief hopes trend is to NOR-EAST. You've
abank check, a real evening, Iboxing shows only a little more than hscac. well-dressbllsquddhihmenn
List Contains Everything a month away, Coach Vern Larson's Opposition Growing the rsty lit my lose va will rest in the right arm of Slinging seen them on well-dressed men
InptheilstoofGgaesibetwen the p ars t iimyls eea vrwee
In the list of games between the freshman fisticuffers are rapidly The opposition on the part of the players. Sammy. everywhere.
c Leafs and the Wolverines one can rounding into shape The squad, colleges to this policy of the profes- The so-called "transfer rule," under Playing under wraps last week-end,~ ~
find records of fights, near riots, riots, made up largely of novices, ha been sional clubs has been growing every which many colleges now bar trans- the Bears crushed their city rivals, Also a complete line of fine
big scores, little scores, close scores, year as the latter have been concen- fer students from competing at all the Chicago Cardinals, by the com- Silks, Satins, Foulards, Crepes
overtime periods and everything else working out daily in the Waterman ting their scouting activities in the in a sport in which they engaged at Portable margin of 42-28, although
that makes hockey an wa ooker's Gym boxing room. hope of acquiring another Frankie another college, regardless of the six regulars were enjoying a vacation. $1.8 to $1.50
game. Saturday's tete-a-tete should According to Larson several of the Frisch, "the Fordham Flash," or an- length of such competition, is unlike- George Halas, coach and owner of Every Tie in an attractive
not be any different, boys show a great deal of promise other "Columbia Lou" Gehr. ly to be included in the new Army the newly-crowned western cham- Gift Box
For three days this week the Michi- and he expects some real action on It seems that the New York code. This rule is not applied by the pions, will probably build his attack
lgan pucksters have been working even, Yankees have been most active in this Navy. around the running of several great
ga uktr aebe okn vnthe program scheduled for the mid-YakehvebnmotcieinhsNvy. backs, including Bronko Nagurski, THE DOWNTOWN STORE
harder than before and that's sayingt campus canvassing of late and at The "one year residence rule," in Jack, ' B k s FOR MICHGN MTE
a lot. They need all the practice and d1e of January. Also, a real incen- the minor league meeting the St. force for varsity athletics at most col- Manders, place-kicking artist, F
conditioning they'll be able to get in ive is provided as medals are award Louis Cardinal representatives tried leges, also is considered unnecessary Pug Rentner, Beattie Feathers and
order to win this game and they're ed to the best ringmen at the end of to have a rule put through forbidding here, since no one can enter West am s.
out to win. the ar. the signing of any collegiate player Point except as a plebe and is, there-]
Team Needs This Weapon f th sf alrdy prior to his graduation. The effort fore, barred from varsity sport for one. FISHOW'SeWATCH "up SH !3 Seu
The biggest weakness apparent in was futile due to the powerful opposi- year.
the tilt w ith L ondon AC . l t w k , sO n .the b s o ysth e s c faughr eyI R ' W~ ,~ re t iw dc
hhLk shown. these boys have caught theion aroused however. Lieut. Col. J. L. Devers, Graduate snd
which Michigan lost 3-2, was the lack eye of Coach Larson: Bruce Beyer, Big Ten Affected Manager of athletics, emphasized the JEWELRY REPAIR
of a suitable power play. This has bantamweight; Ken Chernin, feath- Quite a few examples of "cradle new code will be worked out with the 347 Maynard cor Wlila Read It In The Daily
been an object of concentration erweight: Norm Auerbach and Tom robbing" have occurred within the sole idea of "putting Army Athletics Watch Crystals 35c
throughout the week's practice ses-ontehgstpsilpae._
shosghoahLwe'sprtatil-Finlayson, lightweights; Chan Si- Big Ten in the past several years. A on the highest possible plane.
not be cah havingyhis imoteantl onds, Abe Berkovitz, Gil Stephen- couple of seasons ago the Philadel-
not be caught having this important son, and Danny Skriganuk, welter- phia Athletics signed Vernon "Whit-
phase so weak again. weights; Art Davidson and George ey" Wilshere, star pitcher for Indiana
With this offensive weapon pol- Wallack, middleweights; John Sim- University. Wilshere was a junior at
ished up, Michigan, not a fast skat- mers, George Eves, and John Strouss,,the time.
ing team and therefore playing a light-heavyweights; and Claire Bell, Just this year Iowa had two good
more-or-less defensive game, will be heavyweight. players taken by professional clubs.
able, when the occasion arises, to Skriganuk, who has had some pre- One is now working in Detroit pre-
open up with a greater degree of ef- vious experience, is slated to tangle sumably under the wing of the Tigers.
fectiveness than it has shown here- with Sam Root, one of the classiest of The colleges are becoming louder
et hewsnd sandcenterawillkelast year's freshman squad, in the, and longer in their protests however
bette versed itrnintasack-rJanuary show. The Dearborn socker and it seems only a question of time
checking position. This was another is a willing worker and figures to before organized ball will be forced
fault of the Wolverines against Lon- give Root a real tussle: to adopt a rule regulating the activi-
Claire Bell is the only 200 pounder ties of the overeager baseball clubs
SE . .1


7:30 p.m.
Forestry Club vs. Fletcher
Allen House vs. Wolverines.
Hiawatha Club vs. Rumsey
Whirlwinds vs. Green Bays.
8:30 p.m.
Indiana vs. Has Beens.
Chinese Students vs. Hillel
Swimming And Water Polo
8:00 p.M.
Chi Psi vs. Alpha Tau Omega.
Psi Upsilon vs. Phi Delta
8:45 p.m.
Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Chi Phi.
Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
Psi Upsilon vs. Phi Kappa Psi.
Trigon vs. Sigma Alpha Ep-

on the squad, carrying his weight well
in addition to possessing a great
punch. Larson is so confident of this
boy's ability that he has already an-
nounced that Bell will go into the
ring with Bob Thalner, another star
of last year's fine squad.

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