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December 09, 1937 - Image 4

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THURSDI,i)A1. DC. 9, 1937




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
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.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738
National AdvertisingService it.
College Publi4 -s Representativ,
Board of Editors
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Roosevelt: Still At
The Crossroads ...
THE COUNTRY is in the midst of an
industrial and business recession, and
anxious eyes are once again turned to Washing-
ton. When Congress convened in special session
last month high hopes were raised in the Bat-
tery end of Manhattan. Despite the fact that
the legislators were brought back to the Capitol
to pass social legislation which had been blocked
in the closing days of the last session, it was
felt that the sudden decline in the industrial
world and its repercussions in Washington would
demand concentration on business recovery in-
stead. The Administration itself helped in rais-
ing these hopes. Secretary Morgenthau told the
Academy of Political Science and the nation
that retrenchment would be the order of the
budgetary day and that the Administration's
aim now was to "foster the full application of
the driving force of private enterprise." The
President himself promised the gas and electrical
utilities that, if they agreed to a reasonable
revaluation of their nominal capital for the pur-
pose of fixing their charges to consumers, there
would be a more conciliatory attitude on the
part of the government and possibly a halt in
the extension of competitive Federal power enter-
Wall Street had expected too much before the
President's speech. Its expectations outran rea-
son. The industrialists had expected Mr. Roose-
velt's message to be an acquiescence to their
demands; instead they got a temporization. Yet
if they had looked at the situation realistically
they would have realized that it is only a matter
of time before they will get what they want.
In his message opening the special session, the
President found it convenient to minimize the
'extent of actual and probable business reces-
sion." He insisted that underlying conditions
are favorable and that the present industrial de-
cline need not be severe or prolonged. Only
indirectly did he refer to the bugaboo of taxes
on undivided profits and capital gains. Modifi-
cation there might be, he said, in the tax struc-
ture, but removal of unjust provisions must not
lead to the creation of new injustices. Tax priv-
ileges, he emphasized, must not be accorded to
those whose intent was speculative profit rather
than the actual development of productive en-
terprise; above all, the scales must not be
weighted against small business or in favor of
that "growing concentration of economic control

and resultant monopolistic practices which per-
sist today." In any event, he concluded, the im-
mediate business before Congress would be to
consider bills to regulate farm production, to
maintain national purchasing power by enact-
ment of minimum wage standards and to reor-
ganize the Federal machinery in the interests of
greater efficiency.
The wide publicity given these most recent ex-
pressions by governmental and business leaders
which have confused the long-run issue of social
and economic reform and the immediate and
urgent problem of recovery, has produced a cur-
rent of opinion emphasizing the need for decisive
and immediate formulation of future administra-
tive policy by the President. Past achievement
and past policy are thrown into sharp relief and
must necessarily be reviewed in order to clarify
existing issues.
The President salvaged a "shipwrecked finan-
cial and banking system" in 1932-33 and at-
tempted to keep the country rolling on the path
of recovery by prodigious expenditures from the

further expansion of banking credit. Having
set the machinery going the President looked for
a natural growth of momentum-only to find
that his "governmental outlays had masked the
absence of private investment in housing, fac-
tories and plant; that business, antagonized by
the social reforms, competitive Federal enter-
prises, progressive taxation and anti-speculation
enactments of the New Deal had gone quietly on
strike," as the Annalist pointed out.
It has been a strong talking point of Roosevelt
supporters that the Administration has brought
the nation out of the low economic state of 1932-
33, and the President has illustrated his desire
for such approval as was accorded Coolidge and
other presidents of prosperity.
But having accepted credit for the business
revival, the President, now, with the appare'
failure of his previous efforts to mechanically
produce a continuous period of prosperity, is
forced to bear the burden of criticism of both
conservative capital, which has always opposed
his rigid governmental regulation, and a despair-
ing liberal opinion which had regarded this new
democratic leadership as a continuation of the
social and economic programs of the early 20th
century progressives.
It was felt that with the advent of the New Deal
in 1932 that the Democratic party would repre-
sent a flowering of the old liberalisms of the pre-
war decade. Those early progressives, Bryan,
La Follette, and Wilson had hoped by "reform"
to return to the methods and possibilities of a
more primitive capitalism. As early as 1933,
however, John Chamberlain, in his book Fare-
well To Reform pointed out that the Roosevelt
reforms would not help to maintain freedom of
contract, freedom from monopoly and freedom
of competition which, he said, are the funda-
mental bases of reform in a capitalistic de-
mocracy. In making this point Mr. Chamberlain
stood with both Ralph West Robey, the conserv-
ative financial adviser and editor, and with
John Strachey, the English Marxist critic. In
other words both conservatives and radicals
know how capitalistic reform works; it is only the
liberal, who has mistaken an "adjective for a
credo," who is deluded.
Mr. Roosevelt's empirical liberalism has proved
itself of unenduring stuff. "What we have creat-
ed," said George Soule, "is not a reformed in-
dustrial capitalist system, but a mixture in which
problems will be precipitated with greater clarity,
an arena in which sides may be chosen and sig-
nificant conflicts waged." And one of these
issues which is manifest today is that Mr. Roose-
velt must move unequivocally and immediately in
one direction or the other. Economists continue
to point out that the slump is continuing, and
that neither Mr. Roosevelt nor the nation can
afford to watch passively the development of
another major economic crisis. Mr. Roosevelt is
beginning to realize, as have the earlier philo-
sophical liberals before him, that if capitalism
is to work the capitalists must be allowed to make
their own rules. Mr. Roosevelt now finds him-
self at the crossroads-either he must move to
give business a free hand and repeal all anti-
speculation taxes and shut down on TVA expan-
sion and the like, or he must move on to a planned
social state.
Elliott Maraniss.
with DISRAELTI- --
That snowman up on Washtenaw the other
day was not really a snow man at all. Chi Phi
conceived and bore the monster on their lawn,
but the night found marauding pixies giving the
coldfooted lad a going-over. At any rate, the
following morning found the snowman - whose
name we will leave out for fear we endanger his
good name on the campus -had changed sex.
Neighbors had applied paint to his surface and,
probably from the trophy room of their own
house, had taken a neat pair of step-ins which
the snowman-woman (cross out one) wore
Banner line on Detroit Times:

* * * *
Did oo faw down, Mr. DuPont? Or, are you
letting TNT go at bargain rates, especially for
* * * *
Dear Mr. Disraeli:
My professor
is an awful
rotter. He
sits all day
and plays
with a blotter.
- Caligula.
* * * *
-Mr. Disraeli.
It's certainly a shock when someone says that
Louis Armstrong is the greatest trumpet playerj
the world has ever known, but it's a direct slap
at your intelligence when somebody else puts
Bunny Berigan in the same category. (We'll
let poor old Clyde McCoy and his equally in-
famous colleague, Henry Busse, rest in regard to
this question.) We always understood, and we
thought everyone else did too, that there never
has been anyone quite the equal of Loring "Red"
Nichols and the late Bix Beiderbecke.

ft kefHto Me
H-eywood B rou n
In a depression or world series it is customary
to pick a goat, such as Snodgrass or Hoover.
Generally, it is a little unfair to put the blame
for losses entirely upon a single pair of shoulders.
Nevertheless, the custom continues.
The Roosevelt recession" has already been
tagged and labeled. But it is my notion that if a
lone whipping boy is to be
selected to take the blame
for the present slump search
should not be made in Wash-
ington but in Ohio.
In my opinion a very con-
siderable share of the re-
sponsibility lies at the door
of a Buckeye Tree Surgeon.
When Governor Davey broke
the strike in Little Steel he
also began the drive which has curtailed mass
purchasing power.
To be sure, friends of the Cedar sawbones may
rush to Davey's defense and insist, with some
logic, that the Maple Munyon is a slight and timid
man who would not so much as raise his hand
against a weeping willow unless he had his gang
with him. But his gang was with him.
Weir and Girdler pulled the strings. Davey
danced. If labor organization had won, as it
might well have done but for the calling of the
troops, wage levels would have been stabilized in
all the mass production industries. The war be-
tween the CIO and the AFL would now be
over, since the balance in favor of industrial
unionism could hardly have failed to force a
*' * * *
White Collar Groups Checked
Most injurious of all to national prosperity was
the check placed against the rapid growth of
organization in white collar groups. If the United
States had ten million men and-women organized
in efficient and co-operative trade unions there
would be a brisk demand for the goods which now
remain in the shop and on the shelves.
People speak of depressions coming when busi-
ness loses confidence. I think an even more
fundamental cause of any slump is the fact that
labor loses confidence. Hard times in recent
years in America have not been caused by a lack
of goods but by a lack of customers.
Much use has been made of the phrase "The
economy of scarcity," by New Deal critics, but it
is well to remember that it is a relative term.
Even under the most rigid crop control there has
been ample to go around.
*, * * *
Toiler Needs Sense Of Security
Many classes of goods in America are sold on
the installment plan, and no man or woman will
make commitments on a car, a radio or a refrig-
erator if the job itself is precarious. The toiler
naturally will buy nothing but bare necessities,
save when he has some sense of security. And
when layoffs come he cannot even buy those,
and the whole stream of consumption is dried up.
When Governor Davey came to New York re-
cently to strut his stuff Tom Girdler sat at a
nearby table and led the applause. The Tree
Man boasted that he and his associates had saved
the temple of American institutions. As a matter
of fact, they pulled it down, and about the only
satisfaction that the rest of the nation can get
is that the sky began to rain beams and bricks.
Some of them hit Davey and Girdler, too. Sam-
son was a strong man, but he also happened to be
stone blind.
On The ;Leohvel
Scene: Fred Blass and Doug Larson sitting in
Library across from a beautiful blonde. Action:

the two spend an hour making out a question-
naire asking when the blonde would like a date,
what she'd like to do, and whether she goes
steady, half steady, or dates at all. Cut: the
blonde glances at the questionnaire, writes down
"Mrs. Paul Smith" and underlines "Steady" three
times. Anti-climax: Fred and Doug pick up
books and leave library.
Typographical error in The Michigan Alumnus.
on Nov. 27: "On Saturday night officers of the
Engineering class of '36 staged an informal fath-
ering for the members of their class and friends
who were in Philadelphia for the game."
Prof. Anning sent in the following A.P. News
story paragraph: "Four thousand years ago,
naked Assyrian slaves toiled under a blazing
tropical sun to build the world's first river tun-
nel - under the muddy bed of the Euphrates,
3,0001feet, from the temple to the royal palace of
Babylon." The Professor rather wonders how
they can be out. in the sun and under the river
at the same time.
* ** *
The above story also carries the headline:
"Babylonians Did The Trick, 2,000 A.D."
Along this same line, a New York paper can
claim the typo prize of the year with the follow-
ing sentence from a strike story: "Miss
found 60 picketers in her bath as she tried to go
to her work in the factory."

The Boston Symphony
The Boston Symphony, that re-
markable creature with the technical
perfection of a machine, the heart of
a romanticist, and the mind of a
Koussevitzky, was in Ann Arbor again
last night. Of all the concerts heard
in Hill Auditorium in the course of a
season, none ever surpass in perfec-
tion of detail or in wealth and logic,
of interpretative idea the now tradi-
tional performances of the Boston
group, when as last night, those vir-1
tues are lavished upon a program of
matchless interest and power the'
total effect is unsurpassable.
The program, of the double-bar-
relled-symphony variety which seems
to be, gratefully enough, the prime
favorite this season, opened with the
G major Symphony of Haydn which
is numbered 13 in the old Breitkoff
edition. By turns lighthearted, lyri-
cal, jocose, and with the merriest
and most impelling of finales, the
Symphony was played with all thel
rhythmical verve of classic tradition,
tall the sheer transparency of tone of
the superb Boston strings, and yet
with a vigor and warmth that belied
the over-daintiness with whichl
Haydn is often associated.
A more modern, perhaps more con-
scious, but nevertheless delightful
good humor was fairly exuded from
the novel "Lieutenant Kije" Suite
which separated the symphonies. So
far in America the Lieutenant has
been treated rather condescendingly
by the critics, with mumblings about
"insubstantiality." But, film music is
naturally descriptive rather than nar-
rative, and the Lieutenant cannot be
denied some pleasing tunes, infectious
rhythms, and-most of all-a clever,
colorful, astounding orchestration.
The piece de resistance of the eve-
ning was the Second Symphony in
D major, of Jean Sibelius, who en-
tered into his seventy-third year yes-'
terday. The performance of the Sym-
phony was a magnificent revelation:
Full-blooded, intensely dramatic, de-I
veloped now in broad upward sweeps,
now in broken snatches of impas-
sioned utterance, the work is still an
enigma to our understanding. But its
effect upon the senses is unmistak-
able, and allrthe powertof the Boston
Orchestra brought it to a climactic
conclusion which left nothing more
to be said-except bravo.
Detroit Season

THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1937 - cial and willful disregard of the
VOL. XLVIII. No. 63 safety of University property."
Attention February Graduates and attThie regulations are caledor their
Graduate Students: Prospective re- information and guidance. Any per-
cipients of any degree or of a certifi-. son having any key or keys to Univer-
cate in any special curriculum at the' sity buildings, doors, or other locks,
close of the present semester should contrary to the provisions recited
above, should promptly surrender the
immediately file an application fort same to the Key Clerk at the office
the degree or certificate desired,- of the Department of Buildings
not later than Jan. 12 in any case. and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith.
Applications must be on a special Student Loans: The Committee on
blank. With the exceptions noted Student Loans will meet in Room 2,
below application blank will be se-: University Hall on Monday after-
cured and the application filed with noon, Dec. 13, to consider new loans
the Recorder or Secretary of the for the second semester, as well as for
I -hnnI r r~,. 11PQ'P in which the the balance of the present semester.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all wen-h rs rf ne
University, Copy received at the office~ of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.


dent concerned is enrolled. In the
cases of the Colleges of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and of Archi-
tecture, and the Schools of Music, of !
Education, and of Forestry and Con-
*servation the blank is to be obtained i
and the application filed at the of-
fice of the Registrar, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall. Application blank for the
Teacher's Certificate is to be ob-
tained and filed at the Office of the
School of Education.
Your early cooperation will be
Ih lll ih iia f+an~~in

Appointments should be made at
once for interviews at that time.
Closing hour for girls attending the
Sophomore Prom is 2:30 a.m.
The Holder of Sophomore Prom
Ticket No. 207 is urged to communi-
cate promptly with the undersigned
at Room 2 University Hall as this
ticket will not be honored on the
evening of the dance.
W. B. Rea,
Auditor of Student
("Or anizations.

heipul. Th-e filing of the appiica..j cgaa ztmi.
tion involves no fee whatever.
Senior Aeronautical Engineers:
Notice to all Members of the Blanks for preparing personnel rec-
University: The following is an ex- ords of all senior students in the De-
tract of a by-law of the Regents' partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
(Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) ing are now available in the Depart-
which has been in effect since Sep- ment Office, Room B-47 East Engin-
tember, 1926: eering Bldg. These forms should be
"It will hereafter be regarded al secured and filled out by all seniors
contrary to University policy for who expect to graduate in February,
anyone to have in his or her posses- June, or August, 1938. In the case
sion any key to University buildings of students who expect to graduate in
or parts of buildings if such key is February, it is surgently requested
not stamped as provided (i.e. by the that their records be handed in be-
Buildings and Grounds Department). fore the beginning of Christmas va-
If such unauthorized keys are found cation on Dec. 17. A sample form in-
the case shall be referred to the Dean dicating the kind of information de-
or other proper head of the Univer- sired is posted on the Aeronautical
sity division involved for his action Engineering Bulletin Board.
in accordance with this principle.
Any watchman or other proper repre- Exhibitions
sentative of the Buildings and
Grounds Department, or any Dean,t Ann Arbor Art Association presents
department head or. other proper l a double exhibition : Prints - from
University official shall have the right Durer to Derain; and a Survey of the
to inspect keys believed to open Michigan Federal Arts Project-
University buildings, at any reason- Drawings, Photographs and Sculp-
able time or place, ture; in the small galleries of Alumni
... For any individual to order, Memorial Hall, Dec. 3 through 15;
have made, or permit to be ordered daily, including Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m.
or made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized Concerts
channels, must be regarded as a spe- ., ,

!. /

} +

With the week of Dec. 13, theatre-
wise Detroiters and suburbanites can
perk up their collective heads and
look ahead with a certain amount of
assurance that they will have some
fairly crowded hours of theatre en-
tertainment in store for them. For
on Dec. 13, Miss Helen Hayes comes
to the Cass Theatre in a week's en-
gagement of Laurence Housman's
"Victoria Regina." When "Victoria
Regina" first opened up in New York
City, the drama critics, as if in one
synchronous movement, all paid their
respects to Miss Hayes. Brooks At-
kinson: "She is magnificent. God save
the Queen!" John Mason Brown: "A
triumph ... an amazing performance
... an exceptional production." Rob-,
ert Coleman: "She is nothing short of
magnificent." And so it was on down
the line.
On Dec. 14 and 15, the Masonic
Auditorium will house Col. W. de-
Basil's Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo.
The Ballet Russe is staged by Michel
Fokine and has for its leading bal-
lerina, Irina Baronova, who first'ap-
peared with the Ballet five years ago
at the age of 13. Paul Petroff, Da-
vid Lichine, and Tamara Touma-
nova add to the aggregation of some
of the finest dancers in the world to-
day. Tickets are from 83 cents to
$2.75; - curtain is called for at 8:15.I
"Yr. Obedient Husband," starring
Frederic March and his wife, Flor-
ence Eldridge, will come to the Cass
for a week's .run beginning Sunday,
Dec. 19. They come to Detroit via
Pittsburgh and from this proving
ground will go to New York for final
affirmation. "Yr. Obedient Hus-
band" has the advantage of having
John Cromwell direct it and Jo
Mielziner design the stage settings
for it. The former is from the movies,
the latter a Broadway fixture, having
done all the designing for Katherine
Cornell and other stars. Supporting
Mr. March and Miss Eldridge are
Dame May Whitty, Martin Wolfson,
land Brenda Forbes.
If plans do not go awry, Detroit will
have another play during the Christ-j
mas season. Its name is "StageI
Door," and its star, Joan Bennett.
The theatre is again the Cass. This
f is the piece that starred Margaret
Sullivan last season on Broadway
and will probably do much to rein-
state Ginger Rogers and Katherine
Hepburn as dramatic artists in the
moving picture version soon to be re-
Then, on Jan. 3, the Cass Theatre
will house what probably will be the
highlight of the Detroit theatrical
season: Maurice Evans is scheduled
to annear in Shakespeare's "Richard


., ...,

Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower,
Thursday evening, from 7:30 to 8:30

' -

"One of the most unusual, absorb-
ing and provocative pictures to come
our way in years," are the words
Frank S. Nugent, screen critic for
the New York Times, used to de-
scribe "The Eternal Mask," the story
of the split personality of Dr. Dumar-
tin, who became a man in search of
himself before he was cured by mod-
ern psychiatric methods.
An epidemic of meningitis is
sweeping the city where Mr. Dumar-
tin is a member of a large hospital
staff. He believes he has found al
serum that will check the disease
and injects it into a patient despite
the prohibition of the head of the
hospital. The patient, after a tem-
porary recovery, dies and the hospital
head and the patient's widow attack
Dumatrin for insubordination and for
injecting a "murder drug" into a pa-
Shaken by the terrible ending to
his experiment, Dumartin goes mad.
He imagines he is someone else whose
task it is to find a certain "Dr. Du-
martin" to accuse him of using a
Members of the hospital staff dis-
cover that the deceased patient was
killed by a heart attack, but was
greatly helped by the serum. Recog-!
nizing Dumartin's genius, the head1
of the staff tries to restore the young
doctor's mental balance by "old
school" physical methods so that he'
can produce the serum for which the
formula is lost. His efforts fail.
At this point a young colleague of
Dumartin's receives permission to
use modern psychoanalytical means
to restore his friend's mind. Dumar-
tin is taken to the room where the
patient died. He sees his patient who
tells him that he must face the con-
sequences that come in the wake of
his desire to benefit humanity. Du-
martin's feverish brain grasps the
thought; he realizes that the figure
was only a figment of his imagination
and that with its disappearance all
I his madness is gone. He leaves the
room a new man and takes up the
work of preparing his serum that will
eradicate te meningitis plague in
the city.
IV, Part 1." Since "Henry" is a se-
quel to "Richard," Frederic Worlock
will carry over into the play as the
King, with Charles Dalton continuing
as the Earl of Northumberland. Wes-
ley Addy will play Hotspur; Winston
O'Keefe, Prince . Hal, and Eleanor
Phelps, Mistress Quickley. Margaret
Wehter, who directed "Richard," is

Public Lecture: Professor Paul
' Hanna of Stanford University will
give a public lecture on the topic,
"The Community Challenges the
High School Curriculum." The lec-
ture will be, given in the Auditorium
of the University High School,
Thursday afternoon, Dec. 9 at 3
o'clock. The public is cordially in-
vited. No charge for admission.
Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Lars Thom-
J assen, of the Department of Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering of this
University; will speak on the topic
"X-ray Investigations of Phase Equil-
ibria in the Solid State" on Friday,
Dec. 10, in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg.
The lecture is sponsored by the Amer-
ican Chemical Society and is open to
the public. At the conclusion of the
lecture the local section of the Society
will hold its annual business meeting.
Events Today
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
"Play Reading," Prof. William P. Hal-
stead's Class.
Union Coffee Hour: All men students
are cordially invited to attend the
regular Union Coffee Hour from 4:30
to 5:30 in the small ballroom of the
'Union. Orientation groups No. 17 and
18 headed by Mr. D. E. Hobart and
Mr. M. J. Thompson are special guests
Faculty Women's Club: The Art
Study Group will meet today at 2
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Louis Bred-
vold, 2034 Norway Road.
Michigan Dames: There will be a
joint meeting of the book and drama
groups Thursday, Dec. 9, at the
League. The program will consist of
a dramatization of the Birds' Christ-
mas Carol by the drama group and
the reading of Dickens' Christmas
SCarolby the book group. All members
of the Dames are invited.
Students and faculty members of
Physical Education: One of the rugby
''players from the city of Winnepeg
will discuss rugby football as played
in Canada and how it differs from
the American game, for the History
of Physical Education class, today at
11 o'clock in Room 4009 University
High School. All physical education
students, faculty members, and
friends are cordially invited to at-

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