SDAY, DEC. 9, 1937 '11E1 MIC11GAN I)AILY Open Forum Will Follow Debate By Women Today In I League U. S. Neutrality, To Be Subject Of Discussion Representatives For Affirmati~ve Side Music Sororitye Ar Arbor Is Center For Manyy Candle Service Youth Hostels, Miss Hall Says University Of Minnesota Represehtatives To Meet Women's Debate Team Patrons Announced, Plans Are Told Sigma Alpha Iota To Hold Annual Christmas Rite Sunday, December 12 The entire program for Sigma Al- Organizations Give YoungI People Chance To See' CountryLeisurely Ann Arbor has more youth hostels within reach than any other town in Michigan, said Marian Hall, Grad., field director for this region, while discussing the problems of the move- ment and explaining .it. The youth hostel movement is spreading very rapidly; said Miss Hall, and now many hostels are situated throughout New England, Pennsyl- vania, Michigan and California. Pres- ident and Mrs. Roosevelt recently accepted the positions as honorary presidents of the Association. one to receive the organization mag- azine. the "Knapsack." The camps are farmer's homes or YMCA's and YWCA's, Miss Hall ex- plained. Cooking utensils are fur- nished and the camps are run on"'a non-profit basis. Therefore the esti- mated cost of traveling this way is $1 per day and 80 cents for people in groups. The debate which the League is to pha Iota's third annual Christma sponsor will be held at 4 p.m, today Candlelight at 8 p.m. Sunday, -Dec in the League Ballroom for all stu- 12, has been annonced by Lois Mey- dents, professors and townspeople of er, '38SM, general chairman. Ann Arbor. Immediately following the debate, Maryr Potter, '38SM will open the there will be an open forum discus- program with an organ solo, "Christ- mas" by Foote. Members of the string sion and Helen Jean Dean, '39, ge-mas eral chairman, said that everyone ensemble will play "Quartette," opus attending is welcome to express an 17, No. 2, by Rubenstein. Those par- opinion on the subject or to ask a ticipating in this will be Ruth Holmes, question about it. '38; Elizabeth Baxter, '38; Eileen The subject of this debate is, "Re- BARBARA BRADFIELD MARGARET ANN AYERS Icheldinger, '38SM; Mary Frances solved: that the United States ShouldMDonough, '38SM; Beryl Harrison, Adopt a Policy of Complete Neutrality '39M; Twila Traber, '39SM; Mary in International Disputes."aAddedI e Jean Adams, '39SM, and Mary Mc- Margaret Ann Ayers, '38, and Bar- aj rsCrory, '38SM. They will also play bara H. Bradfield, '38, both members "Gavotte Celebre in F Major" by of the Women's Debating Team of For h ildren' s In International Marti. this University, will uphold the affirm- IContralto12 &ToE Singt4 , ative. Their opponents are to be Mary Hope Endy, contralto, will sing "He Fraser and Margaret Meier of the TheatreD ram a Affairs Shown Shall Feed His Flock" by Handel, and University of Minnesota, who will take the negative stand. Miss McDonough will. render "Lua- To Speak 12 MinutesiEach f 'Secre Garde' Is Second The growing interest of the people by" by Scott, and "Serenade" by Pop- of Grace Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the of the community and of the state Wils, '39M, Helen Barry, and Ei- League will introduce the four de- Production KnavesAndin the large foreign students groups leen Lay '38 will offer "Le Sommeil nste cve sp e h alterna12-inute Maids' To Be Later at the University is evidenced by the de l'Enfant Jesu" by Gevaert. Miss firmative and negative. Following great increase in demands for speak- Porter will then render the organ these four speeches, they will each Ushers for "The Secret Garden," to ers on international topics. selection "Noel" by Mullet, and Miss give a five-minute rebuttal, alternat- be given tomorrow and Saturday inJs Harrison, violinst, will play Handel's Menelson hetr, er Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor ag. ing negative and affirmative. the Lydia Mendelssoen Theatre, wereNtoht'gsydGubtshwir bg A dinner honoring the debaters is announced yesterday. "Stille Nacht' by Gruber wil be to be held at 6:30 p.m. today in the The list includes: Elizabeth Behler,h, sung by Miss Barry, soprano. Isabel Hostess Room of the League. Mem- only 40 programs of speakers on in- Wray, harpist, will play two selections bers of the debate committee will '38; Elizabeth Conn, '40; Vitina Scot- ternational questions. He has, so far from "Short Stories' by Salvedo: "A also attend. Marian Gommesen, '38, ti, '38; Theresa Danhof, '38; Marjory this semester, already sent out more l'Eglise" and "Madone et l'Enfant." will be in charge of the arrangements. Bolger, '38; Mary Porter, '38SM; Es- than 30 program speakers. In conclusion a chorus of 22 women Members of the debate committee telle Poposki. '38; Charlotte Mitchell, Programs Have Been Arranged will sing a group of familiar Christ- include Miss Dean, Elizabeth Notley, '38; Eleanor Allen, '39; Elizabeth Programs have been arranged for mas carols. '39, patrons; Miss Gonmesen, dinner Henderson, '38; Nancy Hulwick, '39; Rotary Clubs, women's clubs, school Ch Meb Na d and Barbara Paterson, '39, publicity. Arlen Joldersma, '39; Phyllis Elder, international relations clubs and Membersof t choru are Kath- Frances McKinney, '38, and Norma '38 and Jane Carr, '39 study groups of various types. Among leen Link, Marjorie Parsons, 385M Curtis, '39, are in charge of contact- Others are: Madelaine Westendorf, organizations which have requested Martha Bailey, '38SM; Miss Barry ing the men's dormitories; Helen Jes- '40; Armella Fenlon, '38Ed; Sally foreign student speakers is the Ford Miss Byrn, Miss Eddy, Jeanice Byrn person, '38, women's dormitories; Kenny, '38Ed.; Bunty Bain, '39Ed.; Memorial Church in Detroit; which '395M: Miss Adams, Miss Holmes, Pa- Harriet Shackleton, '38, fraternties Thelma Grace Brown, '38; Harriet has had four successive speakers for tricia Haff, '39SM; Miss McCrory, and sororities, and Lillian Tolhurst, Sunday night programs. '38, men's and women's honorary ( Miss Traber, Roberta Monroe,'38M;. speec seies.d 'TICKETS GO ON SALE Students who spoke there are Sarah Miss Icheldinger, Miss Baxter, Miss Mabel Allison, 38; Jean Campbell, The box office of the Lydia Men- Chakko, from India; Mauro Asprin, Lay, Janet McCloud, '38M; Miss '39 Cecile Franking, '39; Betty Gat- delssohn Theatre will be open from from the Philippines, Tsu Yeng Hu, Wilson, Jean Ebersole, '4'SM; Char- ward, 3;Agln aizwk,'8 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day this from China; and Mr. and Mrs. Ryo- lotte Lewis, '405M, Helen Bach. Betty Jane Mansfield, '39; Barbara week for ticket sale for "The Secret taraJatodfrom.Japa-.'40M; and May KatherineHamlin, McIntyre, '38; Harriet Pomeroy, '39, Garden" to be given Friday and In Chelsea, the high school has had '39SM. The program will close with and Julianna Strausbaugh, '40, com- Saturday. Emiliano Gallo from Spain, Walter a postlude played by Miss Potter, or- prise the rest of the committee. Galson, from Germany, and others are ganist: "Hallelujah Chorus" by Han- Name Patrons Monahan, '39; Tony Aalbersberg, '40; expected to speak from India and del. Patrons and patronesses for the de- Louise Samek, '38; Claire Mosher, '39; China after Christmas. Dr. Haxel Lip __-___ bate are Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean Eleanor McCoy, '39; Leonora Racette, spoke at the women's annual thanks and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and '39; Mary Frances Reek, '40; June offering meeting of the Congrega- Dance To Be Held Mrs. Wilber R. Humphreys, Miss Fleming, '39; Frances Osborn, '39; tional Church. Jeannette Perry, Dr. Margaret Bell, Helen McCrae, '39; Janet Clark, '40; Speak Before Groups By Catholic Group Miss Ethel McCormick, Prof. Carl G. Jane Anderson, '40; Laura Spencer, K. Yauk has spoken at the De- Brandt, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur W. '38 and Frances Burgess, '39A. troit Federation of Women's Clubs Bromage and Prof. and Mrs. Philip E. Martha Cook, '40; Vivienne D'Ar- and at the Northville Parent Teach- The students of St. Mary's Chapel Bursley. kos, '39SM; Ruth Pepper, '38A; Vii- iers Association. Tsu Yung Hu spoke are giving an informal reception hon- Prof.yand Mrs. Gail E. Densmore, ginia u 't0 Mab Dogls at the Kalamazoo College, and Miss oring the Catholic members of the Dr. Wilbert P. Hinsdale, Prof. and 40: Mary Huntington, '38; Rosemary Bing Ching Ling was sent to the faculty and a-Christmas dance from Mrs. Charles F. Remer, Dr. and Mrs. :a mond '38JeanHolland'39. League of Catholic Women's meeting. 8 to 10 p.m. today. Carl V. Weller, Prof. Valentine G. Margaiet Bryant, '39; Margery Leh- At the Lincoln Park Women's Club, This dance, which will be held in Windt, Mr. and Mrs. Dean G. Nichols, net. '39; Dorothy Goebel. '39; Mildred William Q. Wu addressed the group. the recreation room of the Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Secord, Mr. Tru MacArthur, '39; Frances Hubbs, '40; Professor Nelson has been asked to will be the last one before vacation, man P. Smith, Miss Edith Thomas Grace Roelle, '39, and Margaret BTe- send a deputation of four foreign stu-I Father Clair J. Beery, chaplain, an- and Miss Eunice Wead are also among mer, '40, are others on the list. dents to Harbor Beach during the nounced. A Christmas tree and col- the patrons and patronesses.(D thN '38, who is in charge Christmas vacation. He has chosen orful decorations will carry out the "This is the first time that the y Emiliano Gallo, Alexander Galaff, Christmas theme. The music will be League has sponsored such an activ- of ushers, announced that any other Tsu Yung Hu and Mauro Asprin to furnished by Bill Sawyer and his or- ity," Miss Dean said, "and its purpose women wishingutushertshour get represent the foreign students. chestra. in doing so is to interest the student in touch with her. All ushes are- body in becoming acquainted with required to meet in the lobby one world events and world problems." half hour before the performance. Performances -of the play will be P r d Cegiven at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow and at 1:30 and 3:30 pm. Saturday. / , FOR GIVERS 7 ., The :Secret Garden" is the second Of Children's Play;" Present Difficulty and will be followed by an operetta L- ---AND r"Knaves And Maids," to be given in January. K The costume committee for "The_- Secret Garden," under the supervision , of Faith Watkins, '39, has resorted to the study of period costumes and na-l- tive garb to provide the quaint dresses for the play. An authentic Georgian period dress Claus of heavy black silk with long train has been secured for the governess, to Mrs. Meadlock. Certain changes in; Your O C K I N G .1S the modern feminine figure have re-) ON quired many stitches to be taken in Date the fitting room. An Indian dress of in white and blue silk heavily decorat- ed with gold paints has been made A L L LEG SIZES into a gay costume for the leading Buy her a Corsqge character. The dress has definiteat favorite for Christmas fond memories for this character and at she will w~ear it on her first party, giving and getting..our in "The Secret Garden." r i"TeereGrdn"PA UL NOLT ING I go geous fBelie-Sharmeer Colorful and picturesque costumes r will be used throughout the play and F LOR IST Stockings are individuallvsized will fit in with the gay scenery sets d which have been especially designed 316 South Main Street ee id an in Chisto for the play. ever leg on ACistm- lir o nrecton. A customi- CHRISTMAS Enable Youth To Travel 1 The hostels are organized tc enable B young people "on their own steam," ti as Miss Hall expressed it, to see the y country leisurely and cheaply. This includes all those who are hiking, bi- C cycling, horseback riding, boating, or P skiing. IThe only requirement is a pass and a sleeping sack. Passes may be pur- chased for $1 by those under 21, $2 B for those over, and $10 for 10 young people and a leader. However a slight 1 charge of 25 cents is made for each 1 night's stay. The pass also entitles 3uy a certificate that en- dtles her to a permanent of our selection. ome in, we will help you. ?rices from $3.00 to $10.00 GROOM-WELL 3EAUTY SHOPPES 45 East Liberty Phone 3773 205 S. University Phone 4818 11 .y :t } l r .( , I I .1 i 3 3 .! I f . 7 ?? .i . 1ili t i . I f This perfect "little lamb" will go to class all winter, will be seen worn with all sorts of snow play togs, will even be worn on dates with gay colored frocks. Pale honey-beige lambskin, with full sleeves, and leather frog fasteners, lined with brown and white checked flannel. They're really one of the cutest fashions we've seen in years, and so reasonably priced! t I75 c k 6 44 4 %r Precious gifts of sheer beauty, these'Artcraft Magic Fit Silk Stockings ... For gay debs or subdebs who dash madly from spectator togs into shimmering dance frocks; for that stun- ping sophisticate who dresses like tomorrow's fashion cable from Paris; for the many others, too numerous to mention ...there are distinct styles and exclusive fashion-right colors, EIc to 195 1 ' , } .: Cf 1 BEAUTY At a Fair Price style gift yet so easy to buy. ;ust ask for the leg size by name! Brevfor smalls,Modite for niediurns, Duchess for tails, Classic for plumps. Here exclusively. A I [ &M I C &% n r &7 Aec I I 11 %1 IS Sll 3 S M bli n nn i t II If