- - - -- - Motorists' Pennies Go For Roads That Aren't Built, Survey Shows cost of improvements, if there were 20 vehicles per mile per day on the roads. Operating and maintenance costs, including gas, oil, tires and repairs,' averaged 3.07 cents per mile on earth roads, 2.17 cents on gravel and 1.44 on pavement. These figures, released after an article written for Michigan Alum- nus by Professor Morrison was pub- lished, prove even more conclusively his statements in that discussion. Concerning this subject, he said: "Every plain gravel road in Mich- igan collects a tax of about one-half cent a mile, or more, from the owner of every automobile which passes over it. That is the added cost of gaso- line, tires, and maintenance, as com- pared with the operating costs on a smooth pavement. Aiumni B urea ii Expands; Takes Anotlier Roor Increased work on the University encyclopedia which is now in the pro- cess of preparation and the innova- tion of a special news service were given by Wilfred B. Show, Director of Alumni Relations, as the chief reasons for enlarging the offices of the Alumni Relations Bureau in Uni- versity Hall. The encyclopedia now has 400 ar- ticles and a list of 200 contributors, said Mr. Shaw, who is editing it. He added that more work on the regular news service which is handled by Don- ald Anderson, '37, and the special news service under the direction of Ruth Dorsey which sends items about stu- dents from their localities to Mich- igan newspapers, had necessitated the cutting off of the north end of the "Every mile of earth road collects second floor of University Hall for about twice as large a tax as the another room. gravel roads do. One large task still remaining to be done, therefore, is to improve all gravel and earth roads Hatchet Is Buried which carry a sufficient volume of . traffic so that the annual savings due:To Aid Gooodfellows to the better surfacing would be greater than the cost of the improve- (Continued from Page 1) ment." "1 expenses w: "" e"g _____per wile on earth roads, five cents on ravel and three and one-half cents Halstead Conducts n. pavement. -- a, Compiled figures for each indivi- W JR 'Theatre Class ual month show that expenses were I wo. and one-fourth cents less on Dr. William Halstead of the speech ravel and one cent less on pavement. department and his class in theatre The average speed including stops arts come to the microphone in Mor- >r the carriers was 14 miles per hour ris Hall at 3 p.m. today to present n pavement and gravel and eight a half hour of selected -dramatic riles an hour on earth roads. Esti- scenes from popular stage produc- iating the carriers time at 50 cents tion. n hour, the report says that the time This program is another in the ained by the carriers on improved Amateur Theatre series. Hiram Cl- oads will amount to a saving of two lins, '38, will do the announcing for nd two-thirds cents per mile. the program, and Dr. Halstead will With the cost of improving the road introduce each skit and give the cast irfaces placed at $1,000 a mile, it of characters. as found that the annual savings y operators would equal the annual Wisconsin U. Votes angineers And Architects T( Build New Dorm To Hear Talk On Steel Use MADISON, Wis., Dec. 8.-(P)-The Alexander Miller, district manager University of Wisconsin embarked f the American Institute of Steel today on two experiments-one to onstruction will give a lecture on the improve the student housing situa- Backbone of Progress" to civil en- tion and another to reduce tuition ineering and architecture students fees for out of state students with , 4 p.m. Monday, Dec. 13 in the high scholastic standing. ydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The Board of Regents authorized The talk, which is to be accom- construction of two prefabricated anied by sound movies, will deal steel housing units, costing $20,000 ith new tendencies in the use of and accommodating between 30 and eel. 40 students each. WANTED CHRISTMAS TREES that will sat- isfy. Fresh hut-assorted sizes. Log ,ELIABLE lady wishes care of chil- Cabin statirn. Detroit and Division dren afternoons and evenings. Call St. 197 4736. References. 207 ' 197 - _ __ - LOST AND FOUND )RESSMAKING: Alteration and ---- - --- repairing. Expert alteration of knit LOST: Black suede purse between wear. Mrs. C. Walling, 118 E. Cath- Lincoln Ave. and I-M Building erine. Call 4726. 133 Tuesday night. Reward. Wilma . Steffan. 3669. 212 YPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone LOST: Gold link bracelet with Mich- 5244. 3x igan seal. Call 4593. 208 - -- - - - - - -- -- - -FO R R EN T LOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, APARTMENT: Southeast section. $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- Modern, 5 rooms, bath, porch, ga- ers, old gold and musical instru- rage, heat, janitor service. Phone ments. Ready cash waiting for you. 8507, evenings 5107. 211 Phone Sam. 6304. 2x NOTICES LAUNDRY -DR Sh-ppe- Week MODERN Beauty Shoppe - Week AUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Special Fitch or Drene shampoo and Careful work at low prices. finger wave with lemon ring. 50c FOR SALE _End permanent $1.00 up. 37 BUICK 40 coach. Call Dave, 8565 TYPING--Carefully and accurately from 8:30 to 10 at night. 213 done. L. M.Heywood. 803 E. King- _._._ sley St. Phone 8344. 106 would suspend all publicity stunts (including the theft of pictures of Marcia Connell to be used in the next issue) in order to devote all his time and energy to the Goodfellow cam- paign. George was quick to adopt the idea. Goodfellow developments came so thick and so fast yesterday that eight Daily reporters were quite unable to keep up with the pace, but they did ascertain from certain persons "in the know" that Wally Hook, fur- coated president of Sphinx, after emitting a blood-curdling "E-gyp- gyp-gyp Cairo," promised the support of his organization "even if we have to take the Pyramids apart stone by stone and sell them to reach the $1,800 goal set by the Goodfellow drive." iFiremen Batle In Cold To Put Out $10,000 Fire Although city firemen battled in 20 degree cold to extinguish it, a $10,- 000 fire swept a home at 223 Crest Ave. yesterday. Discovery of the fire was male by students of the Slauson school who saw smoke from a classroom window. The fire department was notified but its efforts proved unavailing and the building was almost completely de- stroyed. Several thousand dollars damage was done to furniture with the building itself suffering to the ex- tent of approximately $8,000. ART CINEMA LEAGUE presents "Ordinary superlatives are ridiculous" says New York Times " ETE -AL German Dialogue- Titles) Eng lish WALT DISNEY CARTOON and Olympic Champion Skiing Short All Seats Reserved - Tickets ,5c Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Friday and Saturday at 8:15 p m. _. _ _. NOW G. MIHIGA Natines 25, Nights .3 5c iwr I~c~iance~~ a~cduty w1e07, $ell in Ite Lth a Punc-a- Pan cc t zepn II f I11