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December 09, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-09

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The Weather
Local snows, colder today; to-
morrow partly cloudy, probably


5k ig~tan


Roosevelt. Still At
The Crossroads ...



China Thwarts
Nanking Push;'
Truce Parley
A New Rumor
Nipponese Tell Foreigners
To Leave City, Declaring
Hostilities Are Imminent
Tokyo Hopes Aides
Will Oust Premier
SHANGHAI, Dec. 9.-(Thursday)
- (P) - Chinese defenders today
staved off a major Japanese assault
on Nanking from strongly fortified
Chinese positions on Purple Moun-
tain, key to the besieged capital.
Artillery and anti-aircraft batter-
ies pounded advancing Japanese units
and prevented them from pushing
farther than the mountain's foot
where they occupied the massive
tomb of Sun Yat-Sen, father of the
Chinese Republic.
Nanking Resists
Chinese and Japanese sources
agreed that Japan's vanguard at
present was unable to storm the
stronghold which looks down Nan-
king's stout walls.
(The 18 Americans still in Nan-
king were given long coils of rope
with which to slide down the 40-
foot walls if the need comes,
United States Embassy officials
reported to the State Department
in Washington).-
Rumors spread today of truce
negotiations between China and Ja-
pan to save Nanking as Japanese
gathered strength under the Capital's!
ancient walls.
Non-Combatants Warned
Japanese military authorities in
Shanghai earlier had warned all for-
eigners and Chinese noncombatants
to evacuate Nanking as quickly as
possible, declaring that hostilities
may engulf the city at any moment."
Both Chinese and Japanese reports
indicated the battle to decide the fate
of China's evacuated capital already
had begun.
Notwithstanding the apparent im-
minence of a major struggle at Nan-
king, however, speculation here was
rife over a possible bloodless coup in
China's government that might ef-
fet a sudden peace.1
The Japanese, now surrounding
Nanking, have not launched an un-
reserved attack on the city despite
thorough preliminaries. Some sources
interpreted the delay as an invita-
tion to the Chinese Uo sue for peace.
Settlement Possible
Authoritative quarters, at the same
time, expressed the belief that the de-
parture of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
Shek from Nanking might cause his
subordinates to seek a settlement.
At Tokyo, meanwhile, a Japanese
Foreign Office spokesman hinted that
the United States, Great Britain,
Germany and Italy were attempting'
tomediate the conflict. None of those
nations' embassies, however, would
comment either on possible collec-
tive or individual peace efforts.
Three Are Taken;
By ToastmastersI
Oldest Campus Honorary
Club Fetes Them Today
Tcastmasters, oldest all-campus
honor society, will take three students

into membership at a dinner at 6 p.m.
today in the Union.
Charles Quarles, '39. Tuure Ten-
ander, '38, and Bill Zewadski, '39L,
will be taken at the dinner whose
toastmaster will be Frederick Buesser,
The purpose of this society, accord-
ing to its president, Richard Hinks,
'39L, is to encourage informal after-
dinner speaking. The members are
"chosen on a basis of ability as wits
or speakers," Keith Bondurant, '38L,
secretary, said. T. Hawley Tapping,
general alumni secretary, is faculty
sponsor of the society.
Speech On 'Study'
Takes First Prize
Alford W. Dubs, '40, speaking on
"Study," took first place in the final
intradepartmental contest for Speech
31 yesterday. Milton Fineberg, '40,
won second place with "I Don't Want
To Go to War."
Other speakers were Harold Gar-

S.P.U.P.I.I.I. Buries Hatchet
To Support Good fellows' Drivel

Goodfellows' 60
Report Issued




Communists And Fascists
Also Reach Agreement
To HelpInCampaigns
Seven years of bitter strife between
two secret campus organizations, the
S.P.U.P.I.I.I. and the S.P.U.P.I.I.M.
(unofficially known to insiders as the
Anti-S.P.U.P.I.I.I.) came to an end
last night when the two groupsjoined
hands to support the third annual
Goodfellow drive.
Disraeli, president of the aforemen-
tioned Society to Propagate the Use,
of the Phrase "It Is I," and Wrag,
head of the Society to Propagate the
Use of the Phrase "It Is Me," buried
the hatchet (sometime around 12:34
last night, somewhere on the road to
Toledo, it is alleged) and issued the
following joint statement:
"We have forgotten our partisanI
differences because we feel that the
Goodfellow campaign to help under-
privileged families, students and in-
valids should receive the wholeheart-
ed support of the campus and the
community. We have, therefore,
formed a coalition body, the Society
to Propagate Support for the Good-
fellow Drive, and we intend to co-
operate in this project 100 per cent."
A similar rapprochement took place
when the Young Communist League
and the Debilitated Fascist Bund
early this morning buried another
hatchet (sometime around 6:47, and
somewhere on the Moscow-Berlin
axis, it is alleged).
Members of the Bund agreed to
forego the goose-step and YCL mem-
bers said they would abandon the
Green Warns
CIO To Make
Peace Quickly

clenched-fist salute to adopt the
Goodfellow united front tactic of dig-
ging into one's pocket and giving to1
the fund.
Only one person, a Vermont fresh-
man staggering home from a beer
party, was found in a campus and
town-wide poll, who had any objec-
tion to the Goodfellow drive. He!
said he had heard that the whole
thing was aimed at undermining the
Constitution. Patiently the Goodfel-
lows explained the situation to him.
He left promising to swing Vermont's
three electoral votes in the next elec-
tion behind the Goodfellow drive.
On another front George Quick,,
class of '49, editor of the Gargoyle,;
announced late yesterday that he
(Continued on Page 21
High Tribunal
And Business
Termed Allies
Ickes Hits Supreme Court,
Decisions; Says Press Is;
Also Under Its Control
NEW YORK, Dec. 8.-(AP)-Secre-
tary Ickes made a new belligerent
thrust tonight at the supreme Court,
accusing it of having "gone far to
convert the bill of rights into a char-
ter of corporate privilege."
It was the first such attack by a
major administration official in some
time, and was made by the interior
department head in a speech before
the annual dinner of the American
Civil Liberties Union.
Ickes denounced some sections of
big business, asserting that America's
"giant corporations have assumed an
overlordship over the civil rights and
substantive liberties, of the indivi-
This "overlordship," he asserted,


On '36 Funds GivingOut BillsAt Ford's;
ommittee Makes Plans
For Daily Distribution
To Begin Next Mondav 0


Committee To Hear

... . ...w ".y.yr 7i W%% ,



had been aided by constitutional con-
Declares That His Men Will structions by the courts which "safe-
Arm Forces To Attack I guard the rights of the largest cor-
F poration in its relation to the gov-
'Raiding Organization' ernment as if it were a mere indi-
BUFFALO, N.Y., Dec. 8.- (P) - In an attack upon parts of the!
American Federation of Labor press, he said that "under the stress'
forces will launch a united attack of economic forces our press and news
against the CIO unless a quick set- agencies are coming more and more
tlement of the national labor war under the domination of a handful
is reached, Wililam Green, AFL pres- of corporate publishers who may print
ident, warned here today. such news as they wish to print and
"Unless settlement is reached soon omit such news as they do not wish
the AFL will arm its forces and turn to print. They may -even color the
them loose against this raiding or- news."
ganization (CIO)," Green told the.
National Educational Conference ofa
the Brotherhood of Railway and
Steamship Clerks.
"The house of the American Fed-e
eration of Labor must be maintained
at any cost," he declared. "Patience
is a virtue and we have been patient, y
b t thr nmC. time whe~n eve~n

Mrs. Gordon W. Brevoort, secretary
of the Family Welfare Bureau, the or-
ganization which is enabled to per-
form much of its work with Goodfel-
low funds, issued a financial state-
ment yesterday showing how the 1936
Goodfellow fund was used.
A meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m.#
today in the Union by the Goodfellow
executive committee to discuss plans
for the sale and distribution of Good-
fellow Dailies on Monday, Dec. 13.
Mrs. Brevoort will make an addressl
to the group which is made up of
leaders of honor societies and various
independent, fraternity and sorority
official bodies.
Expenditures Listed
The Family Welfare Bureau re-
ceived $1,129.31 from the 1936 Good-
fellow drive. Of that total the fol-
lowing was used by the Bureau:
(Student Goodfellow Fund)
Jan. 1, 1937-Dec. 1, 1937
Cash grants................ $ 70.00
Loans .................359.98
Fuel ....................... 34.35
Milk 67.22
Clothing and Shoes..........235.70
Household furnishings .. 8.30,
Public utilities.......33.00
Medical relief...............54.46
Care of children .............4.00
Lodgings ................ 12.00
Services (laundry, housekeeper,
mother's helper, etc.) .......134.17
Plumbing .................... 5.20
Balance-Dec. 1, 1937 .........50.08
Mrs. Brevoort stated:M
"Family agencies are often in an
embarrassing position at holiday
time. They are apt to find some dif-
ficulty in providing the volume of
"poor families" an enthusiatic com-
munity might look for when the
spirit of Christmas giving runs high.
A strong professional responsibility to
their families on the part of social
workers has created safe-guards
against indiscriminate giving which I
tend to reduce still further the num-
ber of families who ought to be the
beneficiaries of a Christmas appeal.
Should Be Lasting
"The feeling that Christmas is no
time to make temporary acquain-
tances by means of Christmas gifts is
growing. Of even greater importance
is the growing realization that par-
ents should be allowed the natural
function of planning their own fam-
ily Christmas, however meager. When
parents fail to provide Christmas for
their children, they show an inability
to perform one of the normal func-
tions of family life and, therefore,
reveal an important problem of ad-
"It is quite obvious that Christmas
baskets do not adequately fill the
needs if the needs be those of family
adjustment. A meal may be the least
important and is undoubtedly the
mostrtransitory of Christmas gifts. A
family may be confused and hurt by1
kindly meant gifts at Christmas but
entirely forgotten by the following
April or August at the time of their
greatest need. Assistance is real
when it is given at the time that the
recipient needs it."

Jury Investigates Finance
Practices Of 'Big Three'
And Will Report Dec. 13,
Complaints Charge
Excessive Profits
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-(4)-A ti-'
tanic struggle with three big motor
manufacturers-Ford, Chrysler and
General Motors-may be one result
of the administration's current cam-
paign of anti-trust law proceedings.
Attorney General Cummings an-
nounced today that the auto financ-
ing practices of the three companies'
and their affiliates were under inves-
tigation by a federal grand jury at
Milwaukee, Wis.
Jury To Report Monday
Representatives of the motor mak-
ers had approached the Justice De-'
partment, he said, with a request that
an attempt be made to "obviate"
criminal proceedings by consent de-
crees which would enjoin the com-
panies from continuing certain prac-
"No agreement was reached," Cum-
mings added in a formal statement. ,
"The grand jury is said to be ready p
to report its findings on Monday.
Dec. 13."I
The material already laid before
the jury by department attorneys, the
Attorney-General asserted, was gath-
ered in an investigation of complaints
that certain automobile manufac-
turers had coerced dealers into re-
quiring that car purchases be fi-
nanced through manufacturer-con-
trolled companies.
The investigation also went into
complaints that financing charges in-
cluded excessive profits, officials said.
Affiliates Involved
Cummings reported that the com-
panies involved in the grand jury in-;
vestigation, in addition to the man-
ufacturers, were the Commercial In-
vestment Trust and its subsidiary, the
Universal Credit Co., both affiliated;
with the Ford Motor Company; the
General Motors Acceptance Company,
a subsidiary of General Motors Corp.
and the Commercial Credit Co., a sub-,
sidiary of the Chrysler Corp.
The Justice Department's refusal toI
make peace with the auto companiesI
followed the filing of anti-trust cases
against a number of other corpora-
Last spring, Cummings asked the
Federal Court in, the southern dis-
trict of New York to dissolve the
Aluminum Co. of America on the.
ground it was exercising a virtual
Student Offers Plea
Of Nolo Contendere
Joseph Bernstein, '39, pleaded

Coughlin Allowed
To Edit His Paper
Under Conditions
DETROIT, Dec. 8.-UP)-The Rev.
Fr. Charles E. Coughlin has his Arch-
bishop's permission to return as edi-
torial counsellor of "Social Justice"
on condition he makes "Social Justice
in content and in policy a journal
such as the name of a priest may be
in propriety associated with."
Father Coughlin announced today
he had the approval of Archbishop
Edward Mooney for him to resume his
editorial connection with the paper
he started as part of his National
Union for Social Justice movement
and recently sold.
Walter Baertschi of Toledo, O.,
who bought the paper, will continue
as owner.
Haber Attends
Welfare Meet
In Washington
Group Discusses Problem
Of Paying First Benefits
In Present Recession
Prof. William Haber of the econom-
ics department will attend the meet-
ing of the American Association of
Public Welfare tomorrow and Satur-
day in Washington, it was announced
A member of the advisory council,
Professor Haber will participate in
the discussions on the relationship
between the new forms of social in-
surance and the existing services for
public assistance.
The main problem in the rela-1
tion of social insurance to public as-
sistance arises from the fact that 23
states will begin to pay "contractual
benefits" to unemployed persons Jan.
1, during a period of large scale un-
employment. The states may get in-
to serious difficulty with the sol-
vency of their funds in view of the
present business recession, Professor
Haber explained.
Only 52 per cent of the workers in
the United States are covered by un-
employment insurance. Those not
covered can become a powerful pres-
sure group demanding benefits and
endangering the solvency of the in-
surance schemes, Professor Haber
#The leaders assembled by the as-
sociation will attempt to obtain ac-
curate information on the size of the
excluded groups and to assemble facts
to ascertainthe extent to which the
insurance system will provide for the
needs for the unemployed.

Released From Dearborn
Jail After Being Charged
With Blocking Traffic
Union Will Petition
Mayor's Removal
DETROIT, Dec. 8.-(P) -Sixty
members of the United Automobile
Workers of America were arrested for
"obstructing traffic" this afternoon
when they distributed union litera-
ture at Miller Road gates of the Ford
Motor Co. in defiance of an order by
Dearborn city officials.
There was no violence. The men
were held at Dearborn police head-
quarters for three hours, then were
released on their own recognizance.
Adolph Germer, district organizer
for the Committee for Industrial Or-
ganization, declared that "we are go-
ing to make a test case of this."
Taken To Headquarters
In groups of 10, they were hauled
to Dearborn police headquarters and
incarcerated. Police commandeered
automobiles of some of the union
men to expedite the transfer.
Mayor John L. Carey of Dearborn,
who issued the order designating the
Miller Road section as an area of
"congested traffic" and forbidding
distribution of literature there, wit-
nessed some of the arrests. He was
at gate four, scene of a bloody battle
during a previous visit by union
members on May 26.
In an unsuccessful attempt to avert
the arrests, the UAW petitioned Unit-
ed States District Judge Edward J.
Moinet today for an order restrain-
ing Dearborn city officials and Henry
Ford and Harry H. Bennett of the
Ford Motor Co. from interfering with
the distribution of literature. The
complaint charged Mayor Carey's
order violated the 14th Amendment
to the Constitution, guaranteeing
equal protection of the laws.
Action Deferred
Judge Moinet deferred action.
Dearborn police were waiting when
the union contingent reached the
Ford plant. Police Inspector Charles
W. Slamer walked to Maurice Silver-
man, UAW organizer, and said: "I
ask you in a peaceful way not to pass
out these bills." To that Silverman
replied, "I am sorry, but we are go-
ing to pass them out."
Then the union men began handing~
copies of a special edition of the
"United Automobile Worker" to pass-
ing Ford employes and the arrests
Larry S. Davidow, union attorney,
(Continued on Page 8)
2 Faculty Men
To Be Advisers
F or Congress
Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department and Dean of Stu-
dents Joseph A. Bursley will become
judiciary counselors for Congress, in-
dependent men's organization, it was
announced after a meeting of the
group's executive council Tuesday.
The council will act in the selection
of officers for Congress.
Congress also pledged active sup-
port to the annual Goodfellow Drive.
Its representative on the Student
Model Senate Committee was in-
structed at the meeting to back
strongly a system of proportional
representation for that body.
The name of the cooperative com-
mittee was changed to the Student
Welfare Committee to include more
of student functions.
The Congress voted to adopt a merit
system of honor points for members
as a partial basis for appointive po-
sitions. It was decided that service
pins and keys would be used in the

u L briere canAes uAu when even
patience must end."
"The question blocking a settle-1
ment is not the one of craft unions
versus industrial unions as claimed,"1
the AFL leader asserted. "This
problem could be settled easily." j
The CIO proposed that the AFL 11
tak in the CIO unionstastdual units.
leaving two rivals in many fields of
work under one banner, Green said.
"We will ieve' agree to such a
proposal," the AFL leader declared.
Green reviewed the recent confer-'
ence in Washington between himselfI
and John L. Lewis, CIO leader, in
which they sought to settle the labor
"Lots of people think the reason a
settlement can't oe reached is be-I
cause someone has designs on dictat-,

WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-(P)-Thel
Brookings Institute recommended to-
night the repeal of the tax on undis-1
tributed corporate profits because "it1
limits the possibility of prompt and i
flexible capital developments and I
handicaps with particular severity a
multitude of small and medium-
sized business enterprises."
"'It bears with particular severity
upon new companies or those which
are endeavoring to recuperate from
a period of misfortune," the Institu-
tion added.
Its recommendations were based onj
a study of effects of the tax on 1,560
corporations which answered a ques-
tionnaire sent out by Senator Steiwer
(Rep., Ore).
yThe Institution said amendments

ing the policy of.the American labor could eliminate some of the most
movement," he added. "And I some- "flagrant weaknesses" of the law butf
times think this, too." even then retention of the tax would
not be warranted. Junior Group
"The practical difficulties in ap-
plying such a levy to the complex
Cold Threatens and varied organization and opera- ides Named
tion of American industry," the re-"
roport concluded, "are such that equit- By Enoineers
In South able and effective administration is
A House tax subcommittee already Announcement of complete com-
Sixteen Deaths Attributed has agreed tentatively on modifica- mittees for the junior engineering
To Freezing Weather tions that might meet some of the school class was made yesterday by
objections raised by the Institution. Ken Evenson, '39, president.
Those on the executive committee,
ATLANTA, Dec. 8.-(R)-A new cold all juniors, are J. M. Stevens, chair-
wave coming from the northwesde d
brought threats of hard frest:Reform Considered man, A. A. Peterson, R. Karbell, M
brhtotrtordwfreezing Markel, and W. Warren. On the
weather tonght or tomorrw f par Byts Stock Ex hIepublicity committee are W. R. Blake-
of the South and fears of additional y SockX Exchange tecarmn .R ReeJ
ley, chairman, R. R. Roemer,J.
damage to fruit and vegetable crops. } Rinek, S. G. Christian, G. McCain
Much of the nation was hit today by NEW YORK, Dec. 8.-(P) -Re- and A. C. Rissberger.
the worst storm of the winter. sponding to "reform" pressure from Members of the finance committee
Sixteen deaths were ascribed to the Washington, and the economic pres- are L. Worthing, A. Faste, F. Wolcott,
cold, the snow, or perilously glassy sure of members' dwindling revenues, R. Hartwell and W. Buchanan. R.
roads. the governing committee of the New Morgan is chairman. The social com-
The worst December storm in ten 'York Stock Exchange moved today mittee is composed of S. Crossman,
years brought nearly a foot of snow to consider sweeping changes in ad- chairman, A. Warner, J. Fechnay, J.
to Buffalo, N. Y. A 47-mile-per-hour ministration and in increase in com- Elsner, J. Easterly and F. Space.
gale piled up high drifts and crippled missions. The junior independent engineer
traffic. Charles R. Gay, president, was au- J-Hop booth committee includes Fred
Heavy storms swirled from North i thorized to appoint a committee of Osberg as chairman. H. Snoden .D

"nolo contendere" yesterday in Judge
George W. Sample's Circuit Court to N.And .
the charge that his conduct in front New nd 'tahZEd
of the City Hall on April 8, 1937 was Panorama Features
"disorderly." F tr
The same disposition of the case, 'Student Opinion'
requiring Bernstein to pay $29.50 in
fine and costs or spend 10 days in A new and "vitalized" Panorama
jail, that was made in Justice Court goes on sale today printed by a new
May 20, was made yesterday, releas- process on larger pages and "chock-
ing him from the charge and from full" of features, according to Joan
$200 bond. IV. Hanson, '40, editor.
A "nolo contendere" plea neither In an attempt to make the pictures
admits nor denies the defendant's clearer the magazine is now using the
guilt, but means that he does not same process as national photo-
contest the case. graphic magazines, Miss Hanson said,
Bernstein was arrested with Rafael while pages are 9 inches by 12 inches
" Haskell, '38E, at the City Hall after instead of 811 inches by 11 inches.
five others were arrested on disord- The price will not be increased.
erly conduct charges for participat- "Student Opinion," containing stu-
ing in a strike demonstration in dent views along with the pictures of
front of the Ann Arbor Recreation the speakers, is the new feature this
center on April 8. month, Miss Hanson said. The maga-
zine also contains the "Psychography
of a Married Student" and special
Investigation Starts features on the 'Law School and
Architectural College.

Into G.M. Dismissal
DETROIT, Dec. 8-i)-The auto-
mobile industry's first arbitration of
employer-employe relations got under,
,way in reality today.
Delayed for a week by procedural
squabbles between counsel for the
United Automobile Workers and the

'To The Goodfellow Editor:

I wish to lend a helping hand to students,
children and families for whom there would be no
Christmas otherwise: Enclosed find my contribu-
tion of $ ..... .


General Motors Corp., the arbitra- II

. I

tion hearing was started in earnest I

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