THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,.N . rt Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan underatheauthority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. M ember of the AssociatedPress The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to W it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Enteredat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 197-38 RffPNESNTEO PO NA',MA,. Auv4. NationalAdvertisingService Inc. College Publisai-s keyresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CiCAGO - BOSTON - LO ANGELES - SAN FRANicCo Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.......Ed....JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR.................WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR ....................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR......................EIRVIN LSAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT PERLMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Medicine In The U.S.S.R.. ... HISPERINGS of "socialized medi- dine" were heard on every hand at the recent convention of the American Medical Association in St. Louis, the New York Times reports. And this in an association, the same paper points out, exceeded in conservatism only by the American Bar Association. Such senti- ments in so staid and respectable an organization indicate that the question of socialized medicine is now of national importance and should be considered by the people of America. In only one country today do we see complete socialized medicine under governnental direction -Russia. In a current periodical Dr. Henry E. Sigerist, professor and director of the Institute of the History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, gives an account of the scientific advancement and workings of socialized medicine in Russia in her 20 years of Soviet rule. It is illuminating in view of present American interest in the subject to examine his findings based on his travels in Russia and official government statistics. "Medical service is financed on public funds and, for the wage-earning population, partly on social insurance funds. Every wage earner is in- sured, and the premiums are paid by the enter- prise ... "All physicians are in the service of the state. They are paid salaries so that money considera- tions do not interfere in the relationship between physician and patient. Like engineers they are among the best paid Soviet workers and enjoy all benefits of social insurance such as vaca- tions on full pay and old age pensions. Their working day has been set at six hours and for certain specialties (psychiatry, tuberculosis, X-ray) at even less. Every three years they may attend post-graduate courses of from three to four months without any expenses involved. Not only is medical education free, but the greater majority of all students are paid stipends so that from the day he enters medical school he has full social security which allows him to devote all his efforts to the benefit of the sick." The philosophy guiding Soviet medicine is pre- vention of disease and protection of the health of the entire people. Hence the best possible work- ing and living conditions must be provided with facilities for recreation and medical protection "from the moment of conception to the moment of death." Every school, factory, office building and farm has its medical unit and health center. Every club and trades union has provisions for sending members to resorts for rest and rehabilitation. This, Dr. Sigerist believes, is one of Soviet med- icine's most brilliant achievements. One of the great values of socialized medicine lies in the fact that the health program of the nation, curative and preventive, is centralized and can be planned systematically and scientifi- cally on a nation-wide scale. Ar example of this is seen in the USSR's care of the expectant mother and mother with new-born child. The pregnant mother and mother with new-born child is examined and advised at regular intervals at the Women's Consultation Bureau from which she is referred to a Maternity Home for con- finement. For the two months before and two months after birth of the child the mother is ex- cused from work with full pay and is cared for at the Maternity Home. Milk is supplied for the mother who is unable to nurse her child, and milk for the weaned child is supplied at the Milk tion; "infant mortality was reduced by more than 50 per cent, from 24 per cent in Tsarist Russia to 11.8 per cent in the USSR." Deaths from pulmonary tuberculosis, which has ravaged Russia for centuries, was reduced by 50 per cent. Great steps in combating venereal dis- eases have been made. The incidence of primary syphilis decreased from 25.7 per 10,000 population to 1.8 in cities and form 2.66 to 0.62 in villages. Prostitution has virtually disappeared. Due to the widespread immunization of the population the mortality from diphtheria dropped from 34.5 for every 10,000 in 1913 to 6.3 in 1935, and smallpox is disappearing rapidly. Cholera is entirely overcome. "Industrial accidents were reduced by one-half during the period of the first Five-Year plan and the figures for the second Five-Year plan will show a further considerable reduction," Dr. Sigerist states. He further states, "that these great results were achieved in so short a time is due to the fact that the Soviet Union has created a new type of medical and public health service"- socialized medicine. -John Flowers. SUNDER 'a,, THE CLOCK 1 w with IISRAELI -E B00! DURING SOPH CABARET last weekend, a Delta Gamma minx-if we may be so bold- was looking around for her date who was doing his one-man act that night. Down to the first floor and around she went without success until she wandered into the rehearsal room. It was darkened., and seeing was bad. Arid in the gloom there were several people kneeling before chairs very silently. A bit taken aback; the minx asked, "What the hell's going on in here?" One of the kneelers looked up and politely in- formed her, "This is a student prayer meeting." WE HEARTILY RECOMMEND to all students that in between their regular perusals of the Daily Worker and the New Masses they try to intersperse this week's Saturday Evening Post. Mr. Robert Maynard Hutchins, prexy at Chicago U., prepares to go to town in a series of articles describing our educational system, and there is a possibility that he will offer practical reme- dies for it. His first article begins on the premise that the actual methods of teaching are more than a bit lousay and, to make matters worse, we have no defined program of education. This article definitely organizes, and in simple terms, the topic that usually comes up about sixth in practically all midnight bull sessions-just after religion and just before sex. We noted with great interest his remarks about compulsory attend- ance at classes, and inspired, tore up our latest notice from the Dean's Office. HAVING a Saturday Evening Post in our hand we fell into reading more of it. Strangely it occurred that an occasional look into it might always be interesting. After all, after the rev- olution it would be nice to know why we are shooting all those people. PERSONAL (Found on a Daily office bulletin) Some son has removed my foist class gray tweed scarf. This is definitely nasty business when one considers that the honor of the Daily is involved. The loss of the scarf means nothing to me of course, since my only aim is to vindicate the Daily honor in my own mind. Dionysius Flanagan. P.S.. Gawd, but my neck is cold. Reward. ftfeenzrlo Ate Heywood Broun The news that the Japanese have held a victory parade through the streets of the International Settlement brings back old memories to me, for once I was familiar with the City of Shanghai. Its political and economic problems are not within the scope of my researches. The year was 1911 and I was on a leave of absence from the lobster trick on the copy desk of the New York Tribune. That means I quit work at 4 a.m. But now the nights belong to me and the Bubbling Well Road. War was rumbling in the north, and when I got to Peiping later I found machine guns and sandbag barricades upon the wall of the legation quarter. But it did not seem to me that turmoil had touched Shanghai. I have never been in a city in which it was so easy to find people to sit up all night with you. The Ger- mans still had a concession and a real Culmbacher. A couple of United States marines introduced mo to a poker game which we played with a group of Chinese merchants. Only one of them could speak English, but they all thought they knew the value of the hands. It turned out that I had made a good bargain for myself by agreeing to go to China without salary and simply on an expense account. Although I looked, I never was able to find that place later celebrated in "The Shanghai Gesture." No Lack Of Women In Cafes If you remember the play, young women were put on the auction block. Perhaps it's just as well I didn't run it down. Auctions excite me and I'm always bidding for things I don't par- ticularly want. If I had come away with a blonde I really wouldn't know what to do with her now. However, there was no lack of co-education in the cafes of Shanghai. Young ladies from every corner of the globe seemed to have assembled there under some urge or other. And as a good American I was struck by the fact that each spoke sufficient English. Anglo-Saxon enterprise girdles the globe. I did not see a great deal of the ancient walled city. It smelled to heaven, and I was not a customer for jade or ivory. Still I went occasionally to study the gambling situation, which seemed to be loose and pleasant. There was some sort of dice game which was played on alternate corners. I watched a Chi- nese boy riskiAg coppers, and when he was broke I lent him some more. It did not chance his luck. "Make way for a real shooter," I said, and used pantomime to carry my point. I won the first toss, but then the clever dealer discovered that I had not the slightest conception of the rules of the game. Transit Situation Less Satisfactory It was not craps or Indian dice. That day I won no more. The transit situation was less than satisfactory. None of the rickshaw men wanted me as a customer. Eventually I learned to hold up two fingers to indicate that I would pay double for the tonnage and then I got a few volunteers. "Chop, chop," I'd cry, since somebody told me that meant to run fast, and we would go roaring down the Bubbling Well Road into the night life of Shanghai. And now many of those gilded houses are splintered, and the sing song girls have fled, and bad luck has continued to pursue the boy whom I lent copper coins. Never was there such a noisy town. In narrow streets you could hardly hear the screech of the fiddles. The Chinese are a great lot for laughing. In those days Shanghai rocked itself to sleep. All is gone. The sound of the guns has moved to the north. The gay city is silent. Pray God that the Bubbling Well shall know again the touch of spring. O n T he Le v el It is a happy coincidence that to- (Continued from Page 2) night's playing of the Sibelius Sec-i ond Symphony by the Boston Or- partment of Aeronautical Engineer- chestra should fall upon the 72nd ling are now available in the Depart- anniversary of the birth of the great ment Office, Room B-47 East Engin- Finnish composer. The performancem may be taken as the Boston's and l eering Bldg. These forms should be Ann Arbor's joint contribution to the secured and filled out by all seniors worldwide observances which will who expect to graduate in February, mark the birthdate of one who has June, or August, 1938. In the case come, through long years of insuf- of students who expect to graduate in ficient but ever-growing recognition, February, it is surgently requested to be hailed as the greatest of living that their records be handed in be- composers.fore the beginning of Christmas va- e. 'cation on Dec. 17. A sample form in- When this Second Symphony was dicating the kind of information de- wrtten, just after the turn of the sired is posted on the Aeronautical century, Brahms was but a few years EngineeringsBulletin Board. dead, Stravinksy was as yet unknown, Debussy was in his prime, and Rich- Student Loans: The Committee on 'ard Strauss, genius or charlatan, was Student Loans will meet in Room 2, dazzling the world with his orches- University Hall on Monday after- tral thunderbolts. Now, 35 years noon, Dec. 13, to consider new loans later, Strauss is still the voice of the for the second semester, as well as for over-stuffed 'nineties,' and the young- the balance of the present semester. er Stravinsky, post-impressionist, is' Appointments should be made at as definitely pre-war in his enduring once for interviews at that time. works as Debussy himself. Only Jean Sibelius, he of the massive skull, is yet To the Members of the University fresh and vigorous, and has yet final- Council: There will be a meeting of ly to come into his own. the Council on Monday, Dec. 13, at, The Second Symphony, in the same! 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 Angell Hall. key of D major which enthralled l Haydn (as far as Breitkopf and Har- tel are concerned), Beethoven, Men-C ocerts delssohn and Brahms when these composers were embarking upon their Choral Union Concert: The Bos- second symphonic ventures, was com- ton Symphony Orchestra under the posed during the years 1901-1902, direction of Serge Koussevitzky, will while the composer was enjoying his give the fifth program in the Choral first visit to Italy. This southern Union Concert Series, Wednesday genesis has led some commentators toIevening, Dec. 8, at 8:30, in Hill Au- see the work as an "Italian Sym- ditorium. The public is respectfully phony," full of warm and sunny op- requested to be seated on time, as{ timism in direct contrast to the aus- the doors will be closed during num- terity and melancholy of the com- bersd poser's other symphonic sagas of the bleak and barren North. But while Italy may have had a heartening in- xhibitions fluence upon the composer which is Ann Arbor Art Association presents indirectly reflected in the warm vig- a double exhibition: Prints -- from or of the Second Symphony, it is Durer to Derain; and a Survey of the much easier to see in the work the Michigan Federal Arts Project- patriotic passion and lofty ideals of Drawings, Photographs and Sculp- an ardent young genius whose people ture; in the small galleries of Alumni were subejct to a Slavic master. Memorial Hall, Dec. 3 through 15; ORCHESTRAL SUITE, OP. 60 daily, including Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m. "LIEUTENANT KIJE" - Prokofieff. In addition there will be poems and songs in Spanish. Freshman Girl's Glee Club: There will be a meeting of the Glee Club at the League at 4:15 p.m. This is the last rehearsal before the Christ- vacation, so will all members please be present? The Student Religious Association: There will be tryouts for the Admin- istrative and Activities committees on Wednesday, December 8, from 3:00 to 5:00 at Lane Hall. Freshmen and Sophomores are especially urged to attend. S.A.E. Members: There will be a short get-together meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers at the Union 7:30 Wednesday evening, Dec. 8, in Room 304. SAllinterested non-members are invited to attend this meeting. Scabbard and Blade: There will be a regular meeting of Scabbard and Blade Wednesday evening, Dec. 8, 1937. Major Hardy will speak. Sphinx will meet at noon today in the Union. Harvey Clarke will speak on "The Running Technique of a Grasshopper.'' Ann Arbor Independents: Meeting ,at 5:00 p.m. today in the League. It will be one of the most important meetings of the year and the last one before Christmas. music By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Seventy-Two DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Union Coffee Hour: Orientation groups No. 27 and 28 headed by Mr. D. D. Crary and Mr. L. F. Dow re- spectively are to be special guests at the Union Coffee Hour today. Time: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Place: lballroom of the union. in the small Once upon a time, so a popular Russian story goes, the Czar, Nichol- as I, misread the report of a military aide so that the last syllable of the name ofta certain .Russian officer which ended with "ki" and the Rus- sian intensive expletive "je" (un- translatable by any English word but similar in meaning and position tol the latin 'quidem") formed a non-, existent name 'Kije." The obsequi- ous courtiers fearing to incurr the Czar's wrath by pointing out to him his mistake, decided to invent an of- ficer by the name as misread by the Czar, and so "Lieutenant Kije" sprang, Minerva-like, full-grown from their nodding heads. Having lived for quite a while in the rather shadowy sphere of anec-1 dote, Lieutenant Kije was brought to the less-volatile world of the screen a few years back by the Belgoskino Film Co. of Leningrad, Serge Prok- ofieff furnishing music for the trans- mutation. From the screen the doughty Lieutenant, evidently a heroic Russian Eulenspiegel, comes to the concert stage in the guise of a suite in five parts, demoninated as: I. Birth of Kije; II. Kije's Lovemak- ing; III. Kije's Wedding; IV. Troika; V. Burial, of Kije. ' SYMPHONY IN G MAJOR, B & H 13 - Haydn. Mr. Flanagan, a his neck is cold. gentleman never admits that -Mr. Disraeli. I. Adagio; Allegro; II. Largo; Menuetto; IV. Rondo Finale{ III. (Al- TH EFORUM] Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. German Academic Freedom To the Editor: ' Sometime ago there appeared in The Michigan Daily a report by a German. exchange student that the German government does not interfere with academic freedom in the universities. A few days later I sent a letter to the Daily as follows: The statement by the German student on the subject of academic freedom in the Ger- man universities is in flat contradiction to what has been written on the subject by dozens of reliable authorities. I then showed that there is not a trace of academic freedom in the German universities by quoting from an article in For- eign Affahrs (American Quarterly) of April, 1936, by Prof. Charles A. Beard, the noted historian. Professor Beard's article is entitled 'Education in Nazi Germany.' I added that in Nazi Germany there is no lib- erty of speech, of press and of assembly, or, as someone has recently written, "in Nazi Germany every kind of liberty has been sunk without trace." -M. Levi. Non-Intervention Writing a dry-cleaning spots. By WRAG daily column is like working in a establishment-it's pretty tough in However, sometimes things happen that need no added comment. This is exemplified by the story that appeared in a New York paper last week. It's lead paragraph read: "A Thanksgiving dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs.--- after the wedding of their daughter, Gladys, a Cornell graduate." * * * * At other times, one has to delve around for things that are happening like the agitation for a "kissing ring" by the students at N.Y.U. who want to copy the traditions of West Point and Cornell. Then one has to try to be funny by saying something like-How is a fellow going to com- mand a kiss from his girl in one of these kissing rings? Maybe he can say, "Give me a kiss, and none of your lip!" The theme song craze has again hit the cam- nus with severa1 lavocating that 'Hal Kemn legro con spiritoso).I This symphony is the seventh of the eleven which Haydn wrote during 1784-1789 for the famous Concerts Spirituel in Paris, among which were also the "Oxford," "Hen," "Bear," and "Queen of France." Taken as a whole, it might easily have been this symphony which Berlioz had in mind when he wrote of Haydn's music: "It belongs to the kind of naively good and gay music that recalls the innocent joys of the fireside and the pot de feu. It comes and goes, never brusquely. At 9 o'clock it puts on a enngtasy ryr n sleeps in the peace of the Lord." The second movement, Largo, how- ever, is of a little more serious mien which confounds those to whom "Papa Haydn" is never more than light and breezy, cheerful or frivolous. The simple nobility of its theme, sub- sequently elaborated upon in Beeth- ovenish fashion, is almost Beethoven- ish in depth and is an unmistakable antecedent of those glorious Largos. later to come. Still The SameI And yet, as an anti-Ersatz philo- sophical Frenchman once remarked, the more things change the more they remain the same. Germany works twenty-four hours a day substituting new things for old, but it is still the same Germany. Here, for instance, is her Minister for Church Affairs very angry with the Catholic Church because it thinks that God holds the church responsible for the people. "That is false," cries Herr Kerrl. "ftnAb. Ar1 nnicinn hh am mnAn nT ha French Lecture: Prof. Marc Denk- inger will give the second lecture on the Cercle Francais program: "Les, gens des montagnes et leur influence sur la vie francaise." Wednesday, De- cember 8, at 4:15 o'clock, Room 103, Romance Language Bulding. Tickets for the series of lectures may be pro- cured at the door. Public Lecture: Professor Paul Hanna of Stanford University will give a public lecture on the topic, "The Community Challenges the1 High School Curriculum." The lec- ture will be given in the Auditorium of the University High School, - Thursday afternoon, Dec. 9 at 3 o'clock. The public is cordially in- vited. No charge for admission. Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Lars Thom- assen, of the Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering of this, University, will speak on the topic "X-ray Investigations of Phase Equil- ibria in the Solid State" on Friday, Dec. 10, in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. The lecture is sponsored by the Amer-' ican Chemical Society and is open to the public. At the conclusion of the lecture the local section of the Society will hold its annual business meeting. Events Today University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.1 Prof. Densmore's Class. Seminar for Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineers: Professor D. W.' McCready will address the Seminar for graduate students today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on the subject "Air Conditioning for Oranges." Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a short busi- ness meeting of the University of Michigan Student Branch of the -Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-j ences tonight at 7:30 p.m., in! Room 1042 East Engineering Build- ing. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss final plans for the in- spection trip to Wright Field and the Waco plant. All who intend going on the trip should be present at this meeting. Algebra Seminar: Preliminary meeting to distribute work for this seminar which will begin sometime in 1938, today at 3 p.m., in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. Dr. O. L. I. Brown will speak at 4:15 p.m. Dr. O. L. I. Brown will speak on "The lambda point of liquid helium." Faculty Women's Club: The Garden Section will meet today at 3:00 p.m., at the home of Mrs. George Slocum, 328 East Huron Street. Newcomers Section of the Faculty Wnmen's Clhih will meet in the Ethel l University Girls' Glee Club: There will be an important meeting tonight at 7:15 at the League. All members must be present in order to be able to sing in the broadcast. Coming Events Junior and Senior Engineers: Ybu are urged to attend Prof. A. D. Moore's Job Conference Thursday evening at 7:15 p.m. in Room 348 W. Engineering Bldg. at which many phases of placement, both graduate and summer, will be discussed. These will include: interviews, letters of application, salaries, types of work available, and the present job out- look. The subject is vitally important to all Juniors and Seniors and the meeting will be one you cannot afford to miss. A.I.Ch.E.: The December meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9 in 1042 East Engineering Building. Mr. Roderick of Michigan Alkali will speak upon the manu- facture of soda and unit operations involved therein. Refreshments will be served, and'a large turnout is de- sired. Political Science Club: Members are notified that the next meeting of the Political Science Club will be held Thursday, December 9, in the League. Professor Bromage will speak on the rise and fall of Tam- many Hall. Faculty Women's Club: The Art Study Group will meet Thursday, Dec. 9 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Louis Bredvold, 2034 Norway Road. Michigan Dames: There will be a joint meeting of the book and drama groups Thursday, 'Dec. 9, at the League. The program will consist of a dramatization of the Birds' Christ- mas Carol by the drama group and the reading of Dickens' Christmas Carol by the book group. All members of the Dames are invited. Joint meeting of men's and wom- en's Physical Education Club: Profes- sor Striedieck of the German de- partment will talk on the Youth Hos- tel Movement in Germany, on Thurs- day evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Wom- an's Athletic Building. Members of the department and their friends are invited to attend this meeting. To Student Odd Fellows: Tuesday December 14, the Otsenigo Odd Fel- low Lodge invites all Odd Fellows, whether they be members inMichi- gan or other states, to attend a spe- cial meeting for your benefit at 8 p.m. held in the O. F. Hall at 209 East Washington Street. The Grand Master and Grand Sec- retary will be present. Refreshments will follow. The Christmas Party of the Con- gregational Student Fellowship will be held in the Church Parlors on Friday evening, Dec. 10, at 9 o'clock. To help fill the Christmas Basket for a needy family, each person is asked to bring, as part of the admission, a can of food. Annual Christmas Party of the Ann Arbor District Nurses Association will hp held atf the S asrwnh Mprnr Tnm- l I