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December 08, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-12-08

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The Weather
Snow, colder in west and
north today tomorrow local
snows and colder. ~


Sir iga


In The U.S.S.R... .



'P.R.' System
Favored ForI
Model Senate
New Method Of Election
Is To Be Considered
By Executive Committee
Group To Reflect
Proportional representation of cam-
pus opinion to be achieved by direct
election to the proposed Student
Model Senate gained favor last night
at the meeting of the executive com-
mittee, but a final decision was post-
poned until the representatives of the
various campus organizations could
contact their groups.
The new plan of representation
would supercede the original scheme
of having a credentials committee
choose two students from each state
to represent that state in the Senate.
The Student Model Senate was con-
ceived by several campus leaders and
the original plans were sketched by
interested faculty members to con-
solidate and express campus opinion
on national and international affairs.
'P.R.' Explained
Under the new proposal, similar to
the system of "P.R." in use in several
cities, students would indicate on
their ballots their first choice for
Senator by the figure "1," their sec-
ond choice by the figure "2," and so
on. Assuming a total vote of 2,000
votes and a Senate of 25, every candi-
date who received at least 80 of these
first-choice votes (the quota being
reached by dividing the total votes
cast by the number of people to be
elected), would be declared elected.
To fill the other places in the Sen-
ate, the lowest candidate would be
declared defeated and his votes trans-
ferred to the second choice indicated
on his various ballots, it being as-
sumeed that, if his first choice had no
chance of election, the students would
prefer his indicated second choice to
any other. This process continues,
with those getting over 80 first and
seconds combined declared elected,
until the whole number of Senators
has been elected.
Believed Better System
Such a system, it is believed, would
adequately sound out student opin-
ion on national and international af-
fairs and their local aspects. The
other suggestion, to have two stu-
dents from each state to present the
opinions of the state, is still under
Prof. Jamies K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department told the
group that representation based on
that of the federal Senate would be
inadequate to determine what stu-
dent opinions, even sectional inter-
ests, were prevalent.
The committee decided at its meet-
ing last week to permit discussion of.
campus affairs, only if the could be
introduced through national or in-
ternational issues. At the next meet-
ing, vote will be taken on the repre-
sentation plan and technicalities of
nominations will be discussed.
Final Speech
Six Entrants Will Discuss
Study, War And Co-ops
The best speaker enrolled in Speech
7'1TIh Rfr inr nt f t rne

Wields Baton Tonight

S. Koussevitsky
Conducts Boston
Symphony Here
Prokofieff's New Russian
Score, 'Lieutenant Kije,'
Will Be Played Tonight,
Serge Koussevitzky brings his Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra to the sea-
son's fifth Choral Union Concert at
8:15 p.m. today.
The Boston Symphony first came
to Ann Arbor in May, 1890 and made
annual appearances here until May,
1893. Three of these concerts were
conducted by Arthur Nikisch and the
fourth by Hans Kneisel. In Jan. 1913
the organization made its last appear-
ance in University Hall, appearing
four years later in Hill Auditorium
under Karl Muck. It was not heard
again until Oct. 1931, but since that
time has appeared annually under
the baton of Serge Koussevitzky.
A new score by Prokofieff, the or-
chestral suite "Lieutenant Kije," will
be presented for the first time in Ann
Arbor when Mr. Koussevitzky gives
the signal tonight. Prokofieff wrote
the music for the Soviet film, "Lieu-
tenant Kije," in 1933. The film and
consequently the music is light and
satirical in character-the movements
describing "The Birth of Kije," "Ro-
mance," "Kije's Wedding," "Troika"
and "Burial of Kije."
The program will open with the.
Symphony of Haydn in G major, No.
88. This symphony which the com-
poser wrote for performances in Paris
was formerly known by the earlier
Brietkopf and Hartel number, 13.
The program will end with the Sec-
ond Symphony of Sibelius in D major.
To Hold Debate
On JapBoycott
Progressive Club Sponsors
Discussion Tomorrow
A debate on the question "Re-
solved, that American Consumers
Should Boycott Japanese Goods" will
be sponsored by the Progressive Club
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Room 231 An-
gell Hall.
C. K. Yang, Grad., and Harvey
Swados, '40, will speak for the affir-
mative and William Scott, Grad., and
James Miner, '38L, will uphold the
negative side of the question. The
debate will be held in conjunction
with work being carried on by the
China Conference to aid Chinese
refugees and wounded civilians.
Following the debate, which is open
to the public, members of the Pro-
gressive Club will vote on whether
they will cooperate with the China

Japs Repulsed
As Defenders
Hold Nanking
Chinese Within City Kill
1,000 As Jap Columns
Are Driven To Retreat
Americans Reported
In Residential Area
SHANGHAI. Dec. 8.- (Wednesday)
-(AP)-Chinese sources today reported
Japanese columns storming two gate-
ways of Nanking's ancient walls, were
repulsed by Chinese defenders whoI
inflicted 1,000 Japanese casualties.
Three Japanese columns were said
to be attacking the almst-surround-
ed capital in a semi-circle. -
Chinese reports said the van-guard
of one column advanced to the Chil-
in-(Unicorn)-gate of the outer
walls but was driven back with heavy
' A main motorized column next at-
tacked the "Morning Sunshine" gate-
'way in the southern main walls lead-
ing to the beautiful Ming palaces.
Chinese defense forces were said to
have staved off the attack and pushed
the column back to the village of
The third column which had not
reached Nanking yet, was held up
by fighting at Mulinkwan.
Chinese troops inside the barricad-
ed city of Nanking, apparently con-
vinced the capital would fall before
the oncoming Japanese legions, to-
day began destryoing military sup-
plies and equipment to keep them
from being taken by the enemy.
Approximately 200,000 Chinese sol-
diers were massed in the vicinity of
Nanking, objective of a force of 75,-
000 Japanese, whose advance guard
was reported at the city gates at-
tempting to scale the ancient walls.
Thousands of civilians, including at
last report 17 Americans and many
other foreigners, massed in the resi-
dential area, which the Japanese said
would not be attacked. All exits were
Heiser Praises
Chinese Health
Describes Great Progress
Made Despite Wars 1
China has made great progress in
public health work despite war andf
internal difficulties, Dr. Victor G. Hei-
ser, noted doctor and author, said lastf
night in the third Oratorical Associa-
tion lecture of the current series in
Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Heiser described the generally
high medical standards that now existt
in China and compared it with thet
lack of such facilities in Egypt. Thet
latter country, he said, is particularly
weak in the treatment of a parasitic1
disease that is carried by more than
half of the population.
Difficulties in establishing a pure;
water supply among the natives of
the Philippine Islands were described
by Dr. Heiser from his experiences as
Director of Health of the Philippines.-
The natives refused to use pure ar-
tesian wells which were drilled, untilI
one day a traveler, drinking some of£
of the water by mistake, felt greatly1
invigorated, as though by a miracle.
From then on, he said, the natives
took frequent pilgrimages to the well.

But The Good fellow Fund Takes Them All Through The Year
-S ~
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Chicago Daily News Cartoon-Reprinted by Permission.

Andrew Mellon Is
Of Tax Fraud
By Washington


Democratic Leaders
Stop NLRB Hearing
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-(P)-The
Maritime Commission, it was learned
authoritatively today, is ready to
start within the next two weeks a
multi-million dollar program for re-
habilitating the American merchant
An official said that "in a week or
ten days" bids would be asked on
about $20,000,000 worth of construc-
tion. This will include at least 10 and
probably a dozen 9,000-ton cargo ves-
sels, costing about $1,750,000 each.
The Commission also has projected
a tanker construction program in con-
junction with 10 oil companies, head-
ed by Standard Oil of New Jersey:
The companies are to bear the basic
cost of the vessels, the Government
paying only for building into them
such features as will make them suit-
able for naval auxiliaries in war-time.
Mellon Cleared
Andrew W. Mellon won today, three
months after his death, formal ex-
oneration of income tax fraud.'
The' United States Board of Tax
Appeals threw out the Government's
fraud charge unanimously and in a
divided opinion on other issues slashed
the Government's claim for additional
taxes on Mellon's 1931 income from
$3,075,103 to about $700,000. The 125-
page decision was so complicated,
however, that it may be several days
before the exact amount is deter-
mined. It took the Board a year to
make the decision..
NLRB Hearing Blocked
An Administration leader blocked
action today upon a proposal for a
Congressional investigation to deter-
mine whether the National Labor
Relations Board had violated the
freedom of the press.
The proposal was advanced by
Representative Thomas (Rep., N.J.),
'after the Board had subpoenaed
Hartley W. Barclay, editor of "Mill
and Factory" for questioning con-
cerning an article he published.
Thomas asked that the House im-
mediately authorize Speaker Bank-
head to appoint a special investigat-
ing committee. But Representative
Rayburn of Texas, the Democratic
leader, objected that the proposal
was not privileged and could not in-
terrupt the scheduled order of busi-
ness. It was laid aside when Speak-
er Bankhead upheld Rayburn's view.

To Push Plans
To Build Up
Merchant Fleet

Goodfellows Begin Campaign;
Five Needy Cases Are Described

Two To Attend
Peace Parley
T' Y"71 't

For the third successive year a As children will, her schoolmates in r 1New I Orli
Goodfellow Edition of the Daily will make her unhappy with their deri-
appear on the streets Monday, Dec. sion. Her blind foster-father can-,
13, as the culminating event in an not give her the necessary care. He Student And Instructor
energetic campaign to raise funds for has been a laborer all his life and was Sent By Departments;
long-term constructive aid to the unable to put enough by to care for
needy in Ann Arbor-$1,800 is needed his wife and four foster children. He Will Discuss Neutrality
this year. can get only occasional work.
These unfortunate famiies and in- Charles is an intelligent young man Joseph A. Kitchin, teaching fellow
dividuals, not reduced to dire need oC ha pesentehentsyopngmafin the political science department,
of the kind of aid that will only keep om 17.At peent hemhsi hes ofn and Harry L. Schnmderman, '38, a
them sheltered and well fed, do re- sContinued on Page 2 student of political science, will at-
Quire some reconstruction of their __tend a conference for university men
lives. Their distress calls for min- sponsored by the Council on Foreign
istrations to their emotional and 647 Relations, tomorrow and Friday in
immediate environmental sufferings. 8 Oa New York City.
The Family Welfare Bureau, in or- The subject of the conference will
der to carry on its work of readjust- Of Goodfellows be ways of staying out of war, which
ment and rehabilitation must have will involve a discussion of the Amer-
the means to work for at least a full ".ican neutrality policy. Only three
year. After reading the following 37 am paign similar conferences have previously
Al~d O.^«r, n+1been held by the Council which Pub-


ji will oe determnneda hue second Conference itis boycott of Japanese~
interdepartmental speech contest at goods. Members of the club must Rinaldi To Discuss
4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Sci- bring their membership cards in
ence Auditorium. Subjects ranging order to vote. Football In Spani sh
from study to cooperatives have been; Buttons reading "Boycott to Stop
chosen by the six finalists, with Japanese Aggression" will be sold
various aspects of war the most pop- Thursday and Friday at points near Joe Rinaldi, '38, captain of the 1937a
ular. the campus by members of the Con- Varsity football team. will speak in
Harold Garner, '40, will speak on fernce, which consists of the Peace Spanish on "Changes in Football" at
"The Futility and Wrongs of War." Committee of the Progressive Club, a meeting of the Sociedad Hispanica,E
Milton Fineberg, '40, entitles his the Chinese Students Club and the Spanish language society, at 7:30I
speech, "I Don't Want to Go to War," Ann Arbor Committee to Aid China, p.m. today in the League.
and Virginia M. Finkbeiner, '39, will IProf. Ermelindo Mercado of the
speak on "Peace on Earth." Jack D. Spanish department, faculty sponsor'
Peters, '39, will speak on "A Student's SPEAKS IN GRAND RAPIDS of the club, and George Karpus, '38,;
Complaint." Donald . Treadwell, '40, Dr. Russell W. Bunting, dean of president, yesterday urged all stu-
will discuss "Cooperatives in Mich- I the School of Dentistry, will give dents of Spanish to attend.
igan," and Alford W. Dubs, '40, will an address today in Grand Rapids Programs, conducted in Spanish,
speak on "Study." These six students , before a meeting of the Women's include visiting speakers, discussions
were chosen by their instructors fromI Dental Auxiliary. Dentists and their on Spanish music, plays, art and lit-
the 15 sections in Speech 31. wives will attend. erature and debates on the Spanish
Civil War.
- -- - - - ------------------The society is this years function-!
ing with renewed activity, having in!
To The Goodfellow Editor: recent years become apathetic
through lack of interest and low
1 wish to lend a helping hand to students, hdmembership, according to officers.
children and families for whom there would be noI
Christmas otherwise: Enclosed find my contribu- Deal Tells Advantages I
tioneof $ ...I..c Of Business Education
Increased opportunities and more
Please scud f1y copy of The Goodfellow Daily to: I rapid adaptation to a specific busi-

ive needy cases, you Ywis come to -,
their aid enthusiastically. lishes the Foreign Affairs Quarterly. Dodd May Leave Germany
William B. is a skilled structural Sororities And Fraternities Among those who will be at the Hugh R. Wilson, Assistant Secre-
steel worker whose work sent him! Are Sent Aconference are Joseph C. Green of the tary of State, will succeed William
and his family traveling from job to Sre entpecial Appeals Department of State; Admiral Wil- E. Dodd in the post of Ambassador
job. Naturally his four children, To Give Aid In Drive am H. Standley, formerly chief of to ,Germany, informed persons pre-
aged from three to thirteen years, naval operations; Russell C.,Leffing- dicted tonight.
suffer the effects of many changes. ,The Goodfellows last night set the, well, of J. P. Morgan & Co.; R. G. (It was learned in Berlin that
No one place that they could call collection of $1,800 as their goal in Swing, Berlin correspondent during Dodd has resigned, effective next
home, no one place where they could hththe World War; Frank L. Polk, acting month).
hoe, no onepl dre the d-the third yearly drive to help under- secretary of state in 1918 and 1919; President Roosevelt and State De-
tn ac months ago William B. privileged familes and students. This I Oswald Garrison Villard, contributing partment officials refused to confirm
and his family came to Ann Arbor will exceed last year's aim by $200. editor of the Nation; and Col. Theo- reports of the impending change.
to live with his parents who needed ( Half of approximately 150 letters dore Roosevelt, Jr Other informants said, however, that
his support. In addition to the bur- were mailed out to presidents of Mr. Kitchin and Schniderman will 'such a move would provide oppor-
den of supporting his elders he must League houses, fraternities and soror- be the first University representatives (Continued on Page 2)
set up a home and find the means to ities, making a special appeal for aid to such a conference, Michigan never
send his children to school. His in the campaign. About 75 letters having been invited to attend before.
plight is made worse by the fact that will be mailed out today. Both were selected by the political Dellbos Polish
he does not have full time employ- The letter states: science faculty.
ment here. "Just before Christmas vacation Other universities which will be 'U
Helen is a sensitive girl of 13 whose two years ago the leading student represented are Columbia, Harvard,!
extremely obvious physical defect organizations, the honor societies, the Johns Hopkins, North Carolina,
needs immediate surgical attention. student body, the faculty and The Princeton, Wisconsin and Yale. KRAKOW, Dec. 7.-(/P)-The four-
gan D y joine in w was day visit of French Foreign Minster
then a new idea to the campus-the Yvon Delbos placed Poland and
Eig tneetrs To Hol ale of a secia Goofellow Edition o l tEx l r r France on better terms than at any
-0 of The Daily. It replaced fraternity time in recent years, informed Polish
A Job Coniference parties for unfortunate children, but l scircles said tonight.
it did much more. allFo r escue (There had been a coolness be-
"With the fund of almost $1,400, tween the two countries since 1934
A ob e nfoerf will ball huel aand needy students were given aid From Ice Floe when the late Louis Birthou, then
.engineersthrough the offices of the Dean of French Foreign Minister, made
p.m. tomorrow in Room 348, W. Engi- Students and the Dean of Women, tour of Europe seeking signatures for
neering Bulding. children lacking shoes, clothes-not MOSCOW, Dec. 7.--(IP')--Four So- an Eastern pact among Germany and
Prof. A. D. Moore, head mentor of to mention the elements of a Christ- viet explorers drifting from the North neighbors. Poland's refusal to sign
the nn inoo in rrlp p tll il cil i __ - - , L. __._ __ - - .-. .. - - . - ... .


oe engneernw ag co nege, win presdae
at the meeting, which will include
discussions on: summer work possi-
bilities, letters to prospective employ-
ers, starting salaries, rates of ad-
vancement for engineering graduates,
changing jobs, interviews with pros-
pective employers, differences amongs
companies employing engineers, types
of work available and employment
outlook for February and June.
The conference is being sponsoredC
by the student branch of the Amer-
ican Institute of Electrical Engineers.

mas celebration-were given these
and kind attention through the Fam-
ily Welfare Bureau, and through the
same agency, families with special
needs were helped, constructively and
without damage to their self-respect.
Last year, the Goodfellow Edition's
second, a fund of more than $1,600
was raised."
I You Need Mayor's OK
To Explode Bombs Here

Pole toward the Atlantic indicated to- the pact was credited with causing
day they were ready to be rescued as France to form an alliance with So-
their ice floe approached possible viet Russia).
In the 200 days since they landed BUCHAREST, Dec. 7.-(A)-
at the top of the world, the campers French Foreign Minister Yvon Del-
have floated 745 miles and today bos was scheduled tonight to have an
reached the position 82.23 degrees audience and lunch tomorrow with
north and 6.52 degrees West-off 'King Carol upon his arrival here
northeast Greenland. from Poland.
Otto Schmidt, bearded chief of the A round of official entertainments
Soviet Arctic ventures, has indicated and conferences has been mapped out
the men may be taken off the ice in by Rumanian authorities which will
Januarv when it is etimated theu yI S . -41 l a.. a&

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